Brodmann area 23

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Brodmann area 23
Brodmann Cytoarchitectonics 23.png
Medial parietal lobe close up.png
Medial surface of human brain. BA23 is shown in green.
Latin area cingularis posterior ventralis
NeuroNames 1018
NeuroLex ID birnlex_1754
FMA 68620
Anatomical terms of neuroanatomy

Brodmann area 23 (BA23) is a region in the brain that lies inside the posterior cingulate cortex. It lies between Brodmann area 30 and Brodmann area 31 and is located on the medial wall of the cingulate gyrus between the callosal sulcus and the cingulate sulcus.



This area is also known as ventral posterior cingulate area 23. It is a subdivision of the cytoarchitecturally defined cingulate region of cerebral cortex. In the human it occupies most of the posterior cingulate gyrus adjacent to the corpus callosum. At the caudal extreme it is bounded approximately by the parieto-occipital sulcus. Cytoarchitecturally it is bounded dorsally by the dorsal posterior cingulate area 31, rostrally by the ventral anterior cingulate area 24, and ventrorostrally in its caudal half by the retrosplenial region (Brodmann-1909).


Brodmann area 23 is a subdivision of the cerebral cortex of the guenon defined on the basis of cytoarchitecture. Brodmann regarded it as topographically and cytoarchitecturally homologous to the combined ventral posterior cingulate area 23 and dorsal posterior cingulate Brodmann area 31 of the human (Brodmann-1909). Distinctive Features (Brodmann-1905): the cortex is relatively thin; smaller cells predominate; the cell density of the multiform layer (VI) is great, producing a distinct boundary with the subcortical white matter; the internal granular layer (IV) is rather well developed; the internal pyramidal layer (V) contains a dense population of round, medium-sized ganglion cells concentrated at the border with layer IV; layers V and VI are narrow with a distinct mutual boundary.


In the macaque the researchers Bonin and Bailey describe an area they term LC which is in agreement with Brodmann area 23. The LC area

covers the posterior part of the cingulate gyrus and extends into the cingulate sulcus where, on the inferior wall, it is continuous with the frontal cortex FDL. [1]


The area has been subdivided further: In the macaque (Macaca fascicularis) the following subdivisions have been suggested: [2]

Another suggestion is for macaque (Macaca mulatta) [3]

Further division of 23b is. [4]

See also

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  1. Gerhardt von Bonin, Percival Bailey, The Neocortex of Macaca Mulatta, 1947.
  2. Kobayashi, Y.; Amaral, D. G. (2000-10-23). "Macaque monkey retrosplenial cortex: I. three-dimensional and cytoarchitectonic organization". The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 426 (3): 339–365. doi:10.1002/1096-9861(20001023)426:3<339::aid-cne1>;2-8. ISSN   0021-9967. PMID   10992242.
  3. Vogt, B. A.; Pandya, D. N.; Rosene, D. L. (1987-08-08). "Cingulate cortex of the rhesus monkey: I. Cytoarchitecture and thalamic afferents". The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 262 (2): 256–270. doi:10.1002/cne.902620207. ISSN   0021-9967. PMID   3624554.
  4. Shibata, Hideshi; Yukie, Masao (September 2003). "Differential thalamic connections of the posteroventral and dorsal posterior cingulate gyrus in the monkey". The European Journal of Neuroscience. 18 (6): 1615–1626. doi:10.1046/j.1460-9568.2003.02868.x. ISSN   0953-816X. PMID   14511340.