List of Soviet navy flags

Last updated

This is a list of naval flags of the Soviet Union.



USSR, Jack and fortress flag of naval fortresses 1924.svg 29.08.1924 — 07.07.1932Jack and fortress flag of naval fortresses
Naval Jack of the Soviet Union.svg 07.07.1932 — 16.11.1950 or 21.04.1964?
USSR, Jack and fortress flag of naval fortresses 1964.svg 16.11.1950 or 21.04.1964? — 21.07.1992Jack or fortress flag

Ensign and flag

Naval Ensign of RSFSR (1920-1923).svg 1920-1923Naval Ensign of the Russian Soviet Socialist Republic
Naval Ensign of the Soviet Union (1924-1935).svg 29.08.1924 — 27.05.1935Naval ensign of the Soviet Union
Naval Ensign of the Soviet Union 1935.svg 27.05.1935 — 16.11.1950
Naval Ensign of the Soviet Union (1950-1991).svg 16.11.1950 — 21.07.1992
USSR, Naval 1926 redban.svg 23.11.1926 — 27.05.1935Honorary revolutionary naval flag
USSR, Naval 1935 redban.svg 27.05.1935 — 16.11.1950Honorary revolutionary naval flag flown by the workers' and Peasants' Red Army's ships and task forces
USSR, Naval 1950 redban.svg 16.11.1950 — 21.07.1992Red Banner naval ensign
USSR, Naval 1942 guards.svg 20.06.1942 — 16.11.1950Guards naval ensign
USSR, Naval 1950 guards.svg 16.11.1950 — 21.07.1992
USSR, Naval 1942 redban guards.svg 20.06.1942 — 16.11.1950Guards Red Banner naval ensign
USSR, Naval 1950 redban guards.svg 16.11.1950 — 21.07.1992

Ensigns of auxiliary vessels of the Navy

USSR, Flag auxiliary fleet 1924 military.svg 29.08.1924 — 27.05.1935Ensign flown by auxiliary and port craft of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Navy in case their captains were naval officers
USSR, Flag auxiliary fleet 1924 civil.svg 29.08.1924 — 27.05.1935Ensign flown by auxiliary and port craft of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Navy in case their captains were not naval officers
USSR, Flag auxiliary fleet 1925 training.svg 04.12.1925 — 18.07.1940Flag of predraft naval training offices
USSR, Flag auxiliary fleet 1935.svg 27.05.1935 — 16.11.1950Ensign of auxiliary and harbour vessels of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army's naval forces
USSR, Flag auxiliary fleet 1950.svg 16.11.1950 — 21.04.1964Flag of auxiliary vessels of the fleet (flotilla) support command
21.04.1964 — 21.07.1992Ensign of auxiliary vessels of the Soviet Navy
USSR, Flag auxiliary fleet 1924 fort military.svg 29.08.1924 — 27.05.1935Ensign flown by waterborne vehicles of naval fortresses commanded by military officers
USSR, Flag auxiliary fleet 1924 fort civil.svg 29.08.1924 — 27.05.1935Ensign flown by waterborne vehicles of naval fortresses commanded by civilians
USSR, Flag auxiliary fleet 1924 survey military.svg 29.08.1924 — 27.05.1935Ensign of hydrographic and pilot vessels and lightships commanded by naval officersTogether — Flag of chief of the Hydrographic Department of the People's Commissariat for the Navy.
USSR, Flag auxiliary fleet 1924 survey civil.svg 29.08.1924 — 27.05.1935Ensign of hydrographic and pilot vessels and lightships commanded not by naval officers
USSR, Flag auxiliary ships EPRON.svg 03.04.1929 — 27.05.1935Ensign of vessels of EPRON
USSR, Flag auxiliary fleet 1943 rescue.svg 3.09.1943 — 16.11.1950Ensign of the navy's rescue vessels
USSR, Flag auxiliary fleet 1950 rescue.svg 16.11.1950 — 1979
1979 — 21.07.1992Ensign of the navy's rescue service
USSR, Flag auxiliary fleet 1935 beacon.svg 27.05.1935 — 16.11.1950Ensign of hydrographic and pilot vessels and lighthouses
USSR, Flag auxiliary fleet 1950 beacon.svg 16.11.1950 — 21.04.1964Ensign of hydrographic vessels and lightships
21.04.1964 — 21.07.1992Ensign of hydrographic vessels of the Soviet Navy

Flags of ships of Border Guard Force

USSR, Flag KGB 1924.svg 29.08.1924 — 27.05.1935Ensign of vessels operated by OGPU's border guard flotillasTogether — Flag of Chairman OGPU and his deputy.
USSR, Flag KGB 1935.svg 27.05.1935 — 16.11.1950Ensign of border guard ships of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs (NKVD) of the USSR
USSR, Flag KGB 1950.svg 16.11.1950 — 21.04.1964Naval flag of ships and boats of the Border Guard Force of the State Security Ministry of the USSR
21.04.1964 — 21.07.1992Naval flag flown by ships and vessels of the Border Guard Force
USSR, Flag KGB 1950 redban.svg 16.11.1950 — 21.04.1964Red Banner naval flag flown by ships and boats of the Border Guard Force of the State Security Ministry of the USSR
21.04.1964 — 21.07.1992Red Banner naval flag flown by ships and boats of the Border Guard Force of KGB under the aegis of the Council of Ministers of the USSR
USSR, Flag KGB 1950 guards.svg 16.11.1950 — 21.04.1964Guards naval flag flown by ships and boats of the Border Guard Force of the State Security Ministry of the USSRIt is cancelled because of absence in boundary armies of the Guards ships.
USSR, Flag KGB 1950 redban guards.svg 16.11.1950 — 21.04.1964Guards Red Banner naval flag flown by ships and boats of the Border Guard Force of the State Security Ministry of the USSRIt is cancelled because of absence in boundary armies of the Guards ships.
USSR, Naval flag of ships by the Interior Force 1983.svg 18.03.1983 — 21.07.1992Naval flag of ships (boats) and vessels operated by the Interior Force of the USSR's Ministry of Interior

Flags of officials

Flags of commanders-in-chief Armed Forces

USSR, Flag commander 1924 chairman.png 29.08.1924 — 27.05.1935Flag of the chairman and deputy chairman of USSR's Revolutionary Military Council
USSR, Flag commander 1924 inspector.svg 29.08.1924 — 01.03.1927Flag of the Red Army and Red Navy inspector and the commander-in-chief of all armed services of the Soviet Union in time of war
01.03.1927 — 07.07.1932Flag of members of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR
USSR, Flag commander 1932 inspector.svg 07.07.1932 — 27.05.1935Flag of inspector of the naval forces of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army
USSR, Flag commander 1935 inspector.svg 27.05.1935 — 07.12.1938Flag of inspector of the naval forces of Workers' and Peasants' Red Army
USSR, Flag commander 1935 narkom.svg 27.05.1935 — 16.11.1950Flag of peoples's commissar of defence of the USSR and his deputies
USSR, Flag commander 1964 minister.svg 21.04.1964 — 21.07.1992Flag of defence minister of the USSR
USSR, Flag commander 1964.svg 21.04.1964 — 21.07.1992Flag of supreme commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of the USSR
USSR, Flag commander 1964, chief of staff.png 27.05.1935 — 16.11.1950Flag of chief of staff of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army
USSR, Flag commander 1964 staff.svg 21.04.1964 — 21.07.1992Flag of chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the USSR

Flags of commanders-in-chief of the Navy

USSR, Flag commander 1924 chief.svg 29.08.1924 — 27.05.1935Flag of the commander of the Soviet Union's naval forces
USSR, Flag commander 1935 chief.svg 27.05.1935 — 07.12.1938Flag of inspector of the naval forces of Workers' and Peasants' Red Army
USSR, Flag commander 1938 narkom.svg 07.12.1938 — 16.11.1950Flag of people's commissar of the Soviet Navy
USSR, Flag commander 1938 zamkom.svg 07.12.1938 — 16.11.1950Flag of deputy people's commissar of the Soviet Navy
USSR, Flag commander 1950 minister.svg 16.11.1950 — 21.04.1964Flag of the naval minister
21.04.1964 — 21.07.1992Flag of commander-in-chief of the Soviet Navy
USSR, Flag commander 1924 staff.svg 29.08.1924 — 01.03.1927Flag of the chief of staff of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Navy01.03.1927—07.07.1932 — Flag of chief of the Training and Combat Directorate of the Naval Forces of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army.
USSR, Flag commander 1938 staff.svg 07.12.1938 — 16.11.1950Flag of chief of the Main Naval Staff of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army's Navy
USSR, Flag commander 1950 staff.svg 16.11.1950 — 21.04.1964Flag of chief of the Naval General Staff
21.04.1964 — 21.07.1992Flag of chief of the Main Staff of the Soviet Navy

Flags of officials of the Navy

USSR, Flag commander 1924 3 stars.svg 29.08.1924 — 27.05.1935Flag of commander of the naval forces on a specific sea
USSR, Flag commander 1935 3 stars.svg 27.05.1935 — 16.11.1950Flag of fleet commander
USSR, Flag commander 1950 3 stars.svg 16.11.1950 — 21.07.1992
USSR, Flag commander 1924 2 stars.svg 29.08.1924 — 27.05.1935Flag of the senior admiral commanding a warship task force
USSR, Flag commander 1935 2 stars.svg 27.05.1935 — 16.11.1950
USSR, Flag commander 1950 2 stars.svg 16.11.1950 — 21.04.1964
21.04.1964 — 21.07.1992Flag of flotilla or squadron commander
USSR, Flag commander 1924 1 star.svg 29.08.1924 — 27.05.1935Flag of a junior admiral commanding a warship task force
USSR, Flag commander 1935 1 star.svg 27.05.1935 — 16.11.1950
USSR, Flag commander 1950 1 star.svg 16.11.1950 — 21.04.1964
21.04.1964 — 21.07.1992Flag of task force commander

Flags of officials of auxiliary services of the Navy

USSR, Flag commander 1924 maintenance.svg 29.08.1924 — 01.03.1927Flag of the chief of the Soviet naval forces for logistics
USSR, Flag auxiliary fleet 1924 survey military.svg 29.08.1924 — 27.05.1935Flag of chief of the Hydrographic Department of the People's Commissariat for the NavyTogether — Ensign of hydrographic and pilot vessels and lightships commanded by naval officers.
USSR, Flag commander 1924 educational.svg 29.08.1924 — 01.03.1927Flag of chief of the naval training establishments of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Navy
USSR, Flag commander 1924 staff.svg 01.03.1927 — 07.07.1932Flag of chief of the Training and Combat Directorate of the Naval Forces of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army29.08.1924—01.03.1927 — Flag of the chief of staff of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Navy.
USSR, Flag commander 1926 port.svg 05.03.1926 — 27.05.1935Flag of commanders of naval sea ports
USSR, Flag commander 1924 port.svg 29.08.1924 — 27.05.1935Flag of military port commanders
USSR, Flag commander 1935 port.svg 27.05.1935 — 16.11.1950
USSR, Flag commander 1943 rescue.svg 03.09.1943 — 16.11.1950Flag of rescue service chiefs of fleets and flotillas
USSR, Flag pilot 1943.svg 03.09.1943 — 16.11.1950Flag of military pilots

Flags of officials of the Border Guard Force

USSR, Flag KGB 1924.svg 29.08.1924 — 27.05.1935Flag of Chairman OGPU and his deputyTogether — Ensign of vessels operated by OGPU's border guard flotillas.
USSR, Flag KGB commander 1935 narkom.svg 27.05.1935 — 16.11.1950Flag of the People's Commissar of internal affairs of the USSR
USSR, Flag KGB commander 1950 minister.svg 16.11.1950 — 21.04.1964Flag of minister of state security of the USSR
USSR, Flag KGB commander 1964.svg 21.04.1964 — 21.07.1992Flag of chairman of KGB under the aegis of the Council of Ministers of the USSR
USSR, Flag KGB commander 1950.svg 16.11.1950 — 21.04.1964Flag of commander of the Border Guard Force of the State Security Ministry of the USSR
21.04.1964 — 21.07.1992Flag of commander of the Border Guard Force of KGB of the USSR
USSR, Flag KGB commander 1924.svg 29.08.1924 — 12.07.1930Flag of chief of the Border Guards Department of OGPU
USSR, Flag KGB commander 1924 okrug.svg 29.08.1924 — 12.07.1930Flag of OGPU District commanders who had OGPU border guard flotillas
USSR, Flag KGB commander 1930 3 stars chief.svg 12.07.1930 — 27.05.1935Flag of chief of the Main Border Guard Department of OGPU
USSR, Flag KGB commander 1930 2 stars chief.svg 12.07.1930 — 27.05.1935Flag of chief and assistant chief of the Naval Inspectorate of the Main Border Guard Department and OGPU forces
USSR, Flag KGB commander 1930 3 stars.svg 12.07.1930 — 27.05.1935Flag of OGPU district commanders and deputy commanders and GPU commanders and deputy commanders in the USSR's republics
USSR, Flag KGB commander 1930 2 stars.svg 12.07.1930 — 27.05.1935Flag of chief and assistant chiefs of OGPU districts' Border Guard departments
USSR, Flag KGB commander 1950 2 stars.svg 16.11.1950 — 21.04.1964Flag of district commanders of the Border Guard Force of the State Security Ministry of the USSR
21.04.1964 — 21.07.1992Flag of border guard district commanders
USSR, Flag KGB commander 1930 1 star.svg 12.07.1930 — 27.05.1935Flag of commanders of OGPU's district vessel bases
USSR, Flag KGB commander 1950 1 star.svg 16.11.1950 — 21.04.1964Flag of commander of border guard ship (boat) datachments
21.04.1964 — 21.07.1992Flag of commanders of the border guard task forces

Broad pennants

Broad pennant DateName
USSR, Broad Pendant 1924 red.svg 29.08.1924 — 27.08.1935Broad pennant of commander of ship detachments
Broad pennant of commander of ship divisions
USSR, Broad Pendant 1935 red.svg 27.05.1935 — 16.11.1950Broad pennant of division commander of the naval forces of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army1:5
USSR, Broad Pendant 1950 red.svg 16.11.1950 — 21.04.1964Broad pennant of ship division commanders1:5
21.04.1964 — 21.07.1992Broad pennant of task forces commanders
USSR, Broad Pendant 1935 blue.svg 27.05.1935 — 16.11.1950Broad pennant of commander of boat detachment of the naval forces of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army1:5
USSR, Broad Pendant 1950 blue.svg 16.11.1950 — 21.04.1964Broad pennant of 4-th rank ship detachment commanders1:5
21.04.1964 — 21.07.1992Broad pennant of ship division commanders
USSR, Broad Pendant 1924 white.svg 29.08.1924 — 27.08.1935Broad pennant of the senior naval chief at the roadstead2:11
USSR, Broad Pendant 1935 white.svg 27.05.1935 — 16.11.19501:5
USSR, Broad Pendant 1950 white.svg 16.11.1950 — 21.07.1992Broad pennant of senior commander at the roadstead1:5
USSR, Broad Pendant 1924 OGPU white.svg 29.08.1924 — 12.07.1930Broad pennant of chiefs of regional OGPU departments and chiefs of the Border Guard units, having under their command OGPU's border guard ships2:11
12.07.1930 — 27.05.1935Broad pennant of commanders of naval detachment bases of OGPU
USSR, Broad Pendant 1924 OGPU green.svg 29.08.1924 — 12.07.1930Broad pennant of chiefs of border guard units of OGPU's regional departments, who were in charge of OGPU border guard flotillas' ships2:11
USSR, Broad Pendant 1924 OGPU red.svg 29.08.1924 — 12.07.1930Broad pennant of chiefs of OGPU's border guard flotillas2:11
12.07.1930 — 27.05.1935Broad pennant of commanders of OGPU's vessel detachments
USSR, Broad Pendant KGB 1950.svg 16.11.1950 — 21.04.1964Broad pennant of commanders of patrol boat divisions of the Border Guard Force1:5
21.04.1964 — 21.07.1992Broad pennant of commanders of border guard task forces
USSR, Broad Pendant 1924 survey.svg 29.08.1924 — 27.05.1935Broad pennant of chief of the Navigation Safety Department2:11
USSR, Broad Pendant 1929 EPRON blue.svg 03.04.1929 — ?Broad pennant of EPRON's rescue diver detachment2:11
USSR, Broad Pendant 1929 EPRON white.svg 03.04.1929 — ?Broad pennant of EPRON's chief2:11
USSR, Broad Pendant 1935 beacon.svg 27.05.1935 — 16.11.1950Broad pennant of chiefs of hydrographic detachments1:5
USSR, Broad Pendant 1943 rescue.svg 03.09.1943 — 16.11.1950Broad pennant of commanders of emergency rescue detachments and riverine emergency rescue detachments1:5

See also

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