List of Norwegian flags

Last updated

The Flag of Norway hoisted in Mandal. Mandal Viewpoint Uranienborg correct Torjusheia fjellet 62 m NHN Vest-Agder Norwegen Foto Wolfgang Pehlemann IMG 9357.jpg
The Flag of Norway hoisted in Mandal.

The following is a list of flags of entities named or related to Norway.


Kingdom of Norway

National flags

Flag of Norway.svg 13 July 1821 – present Flag of Norway A red field with a blue Nordic cross and white fimbriation. Fredrik Meltzer, a member of parliament (Storting) designed the national flag in 1821.

Civil pennant

Norwegian-Vimpel-Pennant-Flag.png – present Household pennant of Norway.

Royal standards

Kongeflagg.svg 15 November 1905 – present Royal Standard of Norway The coat of arms of Norway in banner form featuring a golden lion on a red field.
Kronprinsflagg.svg 26 September 1924 – presentStandard of the Crown Prince of Norway, may also be used by the Crown Princess.Royal standard with a swallowtail.
Kongevimpel.svg – presentRoyal PennantRoyal standard in pennant form.

Flags of the Government

Flag of Norway, state.svg 1899 – present State flag of Norway Flag of Norway with swallowtail and tongue. Used on government buildings like the Storting Building.
Flag of the Norwegian Minister of Defence.svg 1937 – presentFlag of the Minister of Defence State flag with a white lion from coat of arms in canton.
Standard of the Minister of Defence of Norway (1905-1937).svg 1905 – 1937Flag of the Minister of Defence

Other flags

Postal Flag of Norway.svg 1905 – presentThe postal flag of Norway
Norwegian Harbor Police Flag.png 1905 – 2000The Harbor Police flag of Norway
Flag of the Royal Norwegian Yacht Club.svg – presentFlag of the Royal Norwegian Yacht Club
Flag of NRK.svg – presentFlag of the NRK (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation)Light blue field with the NRK logo in white.
Den norske kirkes flagg.svg 1990 – presentFlag of the Church of Norway
Flag of the Norwegian Society for Sea Rescue.svg Flag of the Norwegian Society for Sea Rescue

Flags of the Military

Flag of Norway, state.svg 15 November 1905 – present Navy ensign/War flag Same as the state flag.
Flag of the Norwegian Chief of Defence.svg – presentFlag of the Chief of Defence State flag with a golden lion from coat of arms in canton.

Flags of the Navy

Naval Jack of Norway.svg – present Naval Jack Norwegian flag in 1:1 proportions.
Flag of the Chief of the Royal Norwegian Navy.svg 2010 – presentFlag of the Chief of the NavyKnown as Inspector General until 2017.
Rank Flag of an Admiral of the Royal Norwegian Navy.svg – presentRank Flag of Admirals Naval ensign with 4 white stars in canton.
Rank Flag of a Vice Admiral of the Royal Norwegian Navy.svg – presentRank Flag of Vice Admirals Naval ensign with 3 white stars in canton.
Rank Flag of a Rear Admiral of the Royal Norwegian Navy.svg – presentRank Flag of Rear Admirals Naval ensign with 2 white star in canton.
Rank Flag of a Commodor of the Royal Norwegian Navy.svg – presentRank Flag of Commodores Naval ensign with 1 white star in canton.
Rank Flag of a Norwegian Captain.svg – presentRank Flag of Captains Swallowtail with Norwegian stripe.
Rank Flag of a Norwegian Squadron Commander or Senior Officer.svg – presentRank flag of a Norwegian Squadron Commander or Senior OfficerPennant with Norwegian stripe.
Royal Norwegian Navy NCO rank flag.svg – presentRank Flag of Petty officers Red pennant.
Royal Norwegian Navy pennant.svg – presentRoyal Norwegian Navy pennant Is a commissioning pennant and is used as a rank flag by those officers not possessing a separate rank flag.Norwegian swallowtailed pennant.
Flag of the Inspector General of the Norwegian Navy.svg 1905 – 2010Former flag of the Inspector General of the Navy
Royal Norwegian Navy Flag.png – presentFlag used on land (Feltflagg)Flown at Naval bases but not at sea.

Flags of the Army

The rank flags are also used by the Air Force and Home Guard.

Flag of the Norwegian Army.svg – presentFlag of the Norwegian ArmyRed field with the emblem of the Army in the center.
Flag of the Inspector General of the Norwegian Army.svg 1905 – presentFlag of the Chief of the ArmyKnown as Inspector General until 2017.
Norwegian General rank flag.svg 1982 – presentRank Flag of Generals War flag with 4 golden stars in canton.
Norwegian Lieutenant General rank flag.svg General Officers flag had 3 stars from 1905 to 1982.
Norwegian Lieutenant General rank flag.svg 1982 – presentRank Flag of Lieutenant Generals War flag with 3 golden stars in canton.
Norwegian Major General rank flag.svg Lieutenant General flag had 2 stars from 1905 to 1982.
Norwegian Major General rank flag.svg 1982 – presentRank Flag of Major Generals War flag with 2 golden stars in canton.
Norwegian Brigadier rank flag.svg Major Generals flag had 1 star from 1905 to 1982.
Norwegian Brigadier rank flag.svg 1982 – presentRank Flag of Brigadiers War flag with 1 golden star in canton.
Kommanderende general 1901-1905.png 1901 – 1905Former flag of the Inspector General

Flags of the Air Force

The Air Force uses the same rank flags as the Army.

Royal Norwegian Air Force Flag.svg – presentFlag of the Royal Norwegian Air Force Light blue field with the logo of the Air Force in the canton and the roundel of Norway.
Flag of the Inspector General of the Royal Norwegian Air Force.svg 2010 – presentFlag of the Chief of the Air ForceWar flag with golden winged coat of arms in canton. Known as Inspector General until 2017.
Flag of the Inspector General of the Royal Norwegian Air Force (Former).svg – 2010Former flag of the Inspector General of the Air Force

Flags of the Home Guard

Flag of the Inspector General of the Norwegian Home Guard.svg – presentFlag of the Chief of the Home GuardKnown as Inspector General until 2017.

Flags of the Coastal Artillery

The now obsolete Coastal artillery of Norway used to have separate rank flags. [1]

Norway-Norge-Festningsartilleri-InspectorGeneral-Flag.png 1919 – 2002Flag of the Inspector General
Norway-Norge-Festningsartilleri-Brigadier-Flag.png 1919 – 2002Flag of the Brigadier
Norway-Norge-Festningsartilleri-Commodore-Pennant.png 1919 – 2002Flag of the Commodore
Norway-Norge-Festningsartilleri-CommanderSeniorGrade-Pennant.png 1919 – 2002Flag of the Commander Senior Grade
Norway-Norge-Festningsartilleri-Commander-Pennant.png 1919 – 2002Flag of the Commander
Norway-Norge-Festningsartilleri-Captain-Pennant.png 1919 – 2002Flag of the Captain
Norway-Norge-Festningsartilleri-Subordinate-Chiefs-Flag.png 1919 – 2002Pennant of Subordinate officers

Other flags

Flag of the Telemark Battalion.svg – presentFlag of the Telemark Battalion
Flag of Vardohus Festning.png – presentFlag of the Vardøhus Fortress
Norwegian Cyber Defence Force Flag.svg – presentFlag of the Norwegian Cyber Defence Force
Artilleribataljonen Standard Banner Brigade Nord.png – presentFlag of the Norwegian Artillery Battalion

Military Standards

Army Standards

Historical Army Standards

Air Force Standards

Home Guard Standards

Historical flags

These flags are no longer in use, except the merchant flag of 1821–1844, which was also used from 1899 until the present. Note: The Royal Standard of Norway is seen as the official flag of the Old Kingdom of Norway.

Raven Banner (9th - 11th century)

Raven Banner.svg 9th - 11th century Raven banner War flag flown by several Viking chieftains and warlords in Scandinavia.

Kingdom of Norway (872 - 1397)

Royal Banner of Norway (14th Century).svg Kongeflagget.svg 13th centuryLikely royal banner of Norway Nordisk konge til hest i Ernst von Kirchbergs Mecklenburgske Rimkronike.png The flags of Norway, Denmark and Sweden, as depicted in Ernst von Kirchbergs; Mecklenburgske Rimkrønike from the 1370s.
Banner of arms with golden lion on red canvas. Regarded as the predecessor to the current Royal Standard of Norway.

Kalmar Union (1397 - 1537)

Flag of the Kalmar Union.svg 1397 - 1523The "Banner of the realms", flag of the Kalmar Union.The flag of the Kalmar Union was used in the triple union led by Denmark, which included Norway and Sweden. In a letter written by Eric of Pomerania dated from 1430, the "Banner of the realms" is described as "a red cross in a yellow field".
Skibsflaget fra Mariakirken i Lubeck.png 1427Maritime flagA flag captured from a Danish ship by Lübeck forces in 1427 showed the arms of Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Pomerania. The original flag was destroyed in World War II during an Allied bombing raid on Lübeck, but a 19th-century copy remains in Frederiksborg Palace, Denmark.

Denmark-Norway (1537 - 1814)

Flag of Denmark.svg 1537 - 1814 Dannebrogen, flag of Denmark-Norway.From 1748 the only approved merchant flag.
Royal Standard of Denmark (1731-1819).svg 1731 - 1814Royal Standard of Denmark-Norway.
Danish-Naval-Ensign.svg 1696 - 1814State flag and naval ensign of Denmark-Norway.
Handelsflagg fjerne farvann.gif 1757 - 1814Denmark-Norway merchant flag used on distant waters.Used south of Cape Finisterre. Flag was made to distinguish Danish-Norwegian ships from those of the Maltese Order.
Danish blue ensign.svg 1796 - 1848The canton flag of Denmark-Norway.Used by Danish and Norwegian ships sailing to the Danish West Indies.
Royal Banner of Norway (1600s).png 1600sNorwegian Royal Standard used by some ships Dansk-norsk skip med norsk loveflagg.gif Danish-Norwegian ship with royal flag in 1644 painting.

Kingdom of Norway (1814)

Flag of the Kingdom of Norway (1814).svg 1814 - 1821Flag of Norway Alternativt uoffisielt flagg 1814.gif Unofficial alternative merchant flag used by some shippers to distinguish it from the flag of Denmark.
Based on the Dannebrog but with the lion from the Norwegian coat of arms in the canton. Merchant flag of Norway (1814–1821) during Sweden-Norway. On ships only north of Cape Finisterre, Spain. On longer distances the Swedish flag was used.
Norway War Ensign 1814.png 1814State and naval ensign of Norway
Royal Norwegian Navy Pennant 1814.png 1814Naval pennent of Norway

Sweden-Norway (1814 - 1905)

Svensk flagg 1815.svg 1815 – 1821 Flag of Sweden, the alternative merchant flag of NorwayUsed on ships south of Cape Finisterre, Spain.
Swedish and Norwegian merchant flag 1818-1844.svg 1818 – 1838 / 1838 - 1844 (optional)Flag used by Norwegian ships south of Cape Finisterre, Spain.From 1821 it was also used by Swedish ships there.
Swedish and Norwegian naval ensign 1815-1844.svg 1815 – 1844State flag, war flag and naval ensign of Norway and Sweden
Royal Standard of Sweden and Norway (1815-1844).svg 1815 – 1844Royal standard of Norway and Sweden
Norge-Sverige-Sildesalaten.svg 1844 – 1905 Union mark of Norway Commonly informally referred to as the "herring salad". Removed from Norwegian merchant and state flags in 1899.
Union Jack of Sweden and Norway (1844-1905).svg 1844 – 1905Naval Jack and diplomatic flag of Norway and SwedenAlso used as union mark in Swedish flags until 1 November 1905.
Norge-Unionsflagg-1844.svg 1844 – 1898Merchant flag of NorwayThe union mark was removed from the state flag after 1898.
Naval Ensign of Norway (1844-1905).svg 1844 – 1905War flag and naval ensign of Norway
Royal Standard of Norway (1844-1905).svg 1844 – 1905Royal Standard of Norway

Other flags of Sweden-Norway (1815-1844)

Tollflagg 1815-1824.gif 1815 - 1824Customs flag of Norway and Sweden
Customs flag of Sweden-Norway (1824-1842).svg 1824 – 1842Customs flag of Norway and Sweden
Swedish-Norwegian command flag (1815-1844) - Rear Admiral.svg 1836 – 1844Rear Admiral rank flag of Norway and Sweden
Swedish-Norwegian command flag (1815-1844) - Vice Admiral.svg 1836 – 1844Vice Admiral rank flag of Norway and Sweden
Swedish-Norwegian command flag (1815-1844) - Admiral.svg 1836 – 1844Admiral rank flag of Norway and Sweden
Swedish-Norwegian command flag (1815-1844) - Commander of a Squadron.svg 1815 – 1844Commander of a Squadron rank flag of Norway and Sweden
Swedish-Norwegian command flag (1815-1844) - Commodore.svg 1815 – 1844Commodore rank flag of Norway and Sweden
Swedish-Norwegian command flag (1815-1844) - Commissioning Pennant.svg 1815 – 1844Commissioning Pennant of Norway and Sweden

Other flags of Sweden-Norway (1844-1905)

Image Missing1844 - 1899Customs flag of NorwayNorwegian state flag with union jack in canton and customs emblem on cross.
Norwegian command flag (1844-1858) - Commanding Admiral.svg 1844 – 1854Commanding Admiral rank flag of Royal Norwegian Navy (separate from Royal Swedish Navy).
Norwegian command flag (1875-1905) - Commanding Admiral.svg 1875 – 1905Vice Admiral rank flag of Royal Norwegian Navy (separate from Royal Swedish Navy). Naval Ensign of Norway (1844-1905).svg The State flag/Naval ensign was used as rank flag between 1858 and 1875.
Norwegian command flag (1844-1858) - Admiral.svg 1844 – 1854Command (all admirals) rank flag of Royal Norwegian Navy (separate from Royal Swedish Navy).
Norwegian command flag (1875-1905) - Admiral.svg 1875 – 1905Admiral rank flag of Royal Norwegian Navy (separate from Royal Swedish Navy). Naval Ensign of Norway (1844-1905).svg The State flag/Naval ensign was used as rank flag between 1858 and 1875.
Norwegian command flag (1875-1905) - Vice Admiral.svg 1875 – 1905Vice Admiral rank flag of Royal Norwegian Navy (separate from Royal Swedish Navy). Naval Ensign of Norway (1844-1905).svg The State flag/Naval ensign was used as rank flag between 1858 and 1875.
Norwegian command flag (1875-1905) - Rear Admiral.svg 1875 – 1905Rear Admiral rank flag ofof Royal Norwegian Navy (separate from Royal Swedish Navy). Naval Ensign of Norway (1844-1905).svg The State flag/Naval ensign was used as rank flag between 1858 and 1875.
Norwegian command flag (1844-1858) - Commodore.svg 1844 – 1858Commodore rank flag of Royal Norwegian Navy (separate from Royal Swedish Navy).
Norwegian command flag (1858-1875) - Commodore.svg 1858 – 1875Commodore rank flag of Royal Norwegian Navy (separate from Royal Swedish Navy).
Norwegian command flag (1844-1858) - Detachment Commander.svg 1844 – 1858Detachment Commander rank flag ofof Royal Norwegian Navy (separate from Royal Swedish Navy).
Norwegian command flag (1858-1875) - Detachment Commander.svg 1858 – 1875Detachment Commander rank flag of Royal Norwegian Navy (separate from Royal Swedish Navy).
Norwegian command flag (1875-1905) - Detachment Commander.svg 1875 – 1905Detachment Commander rank flag of Royal Norwegian Navy (separate from Royal Swedish Navy).
Norwegian command flag (1844-1858) - Commissioning Pennant.svg 1844 – 1858Commissioning Pennant of Royal Norwegian Navy (separate from Royal Swedish Navy).
Standard of the Minister of Defence of Norway (1901-1905).svg 1901 – 1905Flag of the Minister of Defence of Norway (separate from the Swedish Naval Ministry)
Norwegian Sweden-Norway Harbor Police Flag.png 1875 – 1905Flag of Harbor Police of Norway

German occupation of Norway

Flag of Germany (1935-1945).svg 24 April 1940 – 8 May 1945Flag of the Reichskommissariat Norwegen Same as the flag of Germany (1935–1945).
Norway-Quisling-Regime-State-Flag.png 5 February 1942 – 8 May 1945Possible alternative state flag or minister flag of the Quisling regime State flag without the NS eagle insignia was more commonly flown. It was used as a car flag during the first parliament meeting in 1942.

Nasjonal Samling and collaborationists

Party Flags

Flag of Nasjonal Samling.svg 1933 – 8 May 1945Party flag of Nasjonal Samling.Golden Nordic cross on red field. The flag of Nasjonal Samling was used by the party Nasjonal Samling between 1933 and 1945 and by the collaborationist Quisling regime from 1942 to 1945. Flags of NS were called Solkorsbanneret ("The sun cross banner"), the colors were based on the color scheme of the Coat of Arms of Norway. The party describes the sun cross as the symbol of the sun, which was carved into stone for several millenniums as a sign of the victory of light over darkness and the Nordic people's struggle for survival. The red field on the cross represents Nordic blood.

The flag is almost identical to the Flag of Scania and the Flag of the Swedish-speaking Finns.

NasjonalSamling-Pennant.svg 1930s – 8 May 1945Nasjonal Samling party flag pennantUsed as a small car flag.
NasjonalSamling-Solkors-Flag.svg 1930s – 8 May 1945Ordinary NS Pennant, design 1Sun cross in gold on red canvas. Was used as car flag. It is also described as having the same conditions as Hirden's Sveit flags.
NasjonalSamling-Solkors-Pennant.svg 1930s – 8 May 1945Ordinary NS Pennant, design 2Was used as car flag. Could also be used by any NS organisation.

Rikshirden (Hird of the realm)

Hirden flag.svg 1930s – 8 May 1945Rikshirden's fylking flag (Raven Banner)Black raven on yellow canvas. Raven banners were used by Rikshirden and Unghirden as "Fylkingsflagg". "Fylking" means a group of people with a shared goal, either politically or militarily. The word is derived from a Shield wall.

The NS party was heavily nationalistic and were inspired by symbols from the Viking Age, this included the raven banner which had been used by several Viking chieftains in Scandinavia.

Hirden flag.svg 1930s – 8 May 1945 Rikshirden's Sveit flag (Sveitflagget) Sun Cross with swords in gold and red on black canvas which represents the black soil of Norway. The swords in the sun cross represent that the Hird is a militaristic organisation. The word "Sveit" is from Old Norse, meaning a team, gathering or herd of troops or Hirdmen.

NasjonalSamling-Rikshirden-Flag-With-Text.png The flags of NS organisations sometimes contained text showing their division and location. The flags of Rikshirden used letters written in gold.

NasjonalSamling-Rikshirden-SwallowTailed-Flag.png 1930s – 8 May 1945Rikshirden's Troop flag (Troppsflagget)
NasjonalSamling-Rikshirden-Pennent.png 1930s – 8 May 1945Rikshirden's Team flag (Lagsflagget)
NasjonalSamling-Rikshirden-Stabsbanner.png 1930s – 8 May 1945Rikshirden's Staff banner (Stabsbanner)

Unghirden (Youth Hird)

Unghirden was a branch of the youth organisation specialized for boys between 14 and 18. The flags of Unghirden was also used by the Guttehirden (Boys hird).

NasjonalSamling-Unghirden-Ravnebanneret.png 1930s – 8 May 1945Unghirden's fylking flag (Raven Banner)Black raven on green canvas.
NasjonalSamling-Unghirden-Flag.png 1930s – 8 May 1945Unghirden's Sveit flag (Sveitflagget)Sun cross with swords in gold and red on green canvas. The flags of Unghirden officially used letters written in silver, yet some flags used gold lettering.
NasjonalSamling-Unghirden-SwallowTailed-Flag.png 1930s – 8 May 1945Unghirden's Troop flag (Troppsflagget)
NasjonalSamling-Unghirden-Pennent.png 1930s – 8 May 1945Unghirden's Team flag (Lagsflagget)

NS Ungdomsfylking (Youth organisation)

NS Ungdomsfylking was Nasjonal Samling's youth organisation for children and youth from 10 and 18. The flags of Ungdomsfylking was also used by the Gjentehirden (Girls hird) and the Småhirden (Small hird).

NasjonalSamling-Ungdomsfylking-Flag.svg 1930s – 8 May 1945Ungdomsfylking's Sveit flag (Sveitflagget)Sun cross in gold and red on green canvas. The flags of Ungdomsfylking used letters written in silver.
NasjonalSamling-Ungdomsfylking-SwallowTailed-Flag.png 1930s – 8 May 1945Ungdomsfylking's Troop flag (Troppsflagget)
NasjonalSamling-Ungdomsfylking-Pennent.png 1930s – 8 May 1945Ungdomsfylking's Team flag (Lagsflagget)

Kvinnehirden (Women's hird)

Kvinnehirden was a branch of the NS Kvinneorganisajonen. Despite being named a Hird, they were not officially part of the hird did not serve any military function, therefore their flags lacked the swords in the sun cross.

NasjonalSamling-Kvinnehirden-Flag.svg 1934 – 8 May 1945Kvinnehirden's Sveit flag (Sveitflagget)Sun cross in gold and red on yellowish-white canvas.
NasjonalSamling-Kvinnehirden-SwallowTailed-Flag.png 1934 – 8 May 1945Kvinnehirden's Troop flag (Troppsflagget)
NasjonalSamling-Kvinnehirden-Pennent.png 1934 – 8 May 1945Kvinnehirden's Team flag (Lagsflagget)

Kvinneorganisasjon (Women's organisation)

NS Kvinneorganisasjonen was an organisation for women connected to the party.

NasjonalSamling-KvinneOrganisasjon-Flag.svg 1934 – 8 May 1945Kvinneorganisasjon's Fylkes flag (Fylkesflagget)Sun cross in gold and red on sky blue canvas.
NasjonalSamling-KvinneOrganisasjon-Swallowtailed-Flagg.png 1934 – 8 May 1945Kvinneorganisasjon's Krets flag (Kretsflagget)"Krets" is a Norwegian word for a circle of people.
NasjonalSamling-Kvinneorganisajonen-Pennent.png 1934 – 8 May 1945Kvinneorganisasjon's Team flag (Lagsflagget)

Hirdmarinen (Hird Navy)

Hirdmarinen was the Hirden's naval branch meant to form the basis for the future Norwegian navy under Quisling's rule. [2]

Hirdmarinen-Norwegian-Ensign-Flag.png 1942 – 8 May 1945Hirdmarinen's EnsignNorwegian Ensign with Hirdmarinen's insginia inside blue on the cross.
NasjonalSamling-Hirdmarinen-Flag.png 1942 – 8 May 1945Hirdmarinen's Naval JackHirdmarinen Insignia on a blue square field.
Flag of Hirdmarinen Command Leader.png 1942 – 8 May 1945Hirdmarinen's Command Leader rank flagHirdmarinen Insignia on a blue field.
Flag of Hirdmarinen District Leader.png 1942 – 8 May 1945Hirdmarinen's District Leader rank flagHirdmarinen Insignia and 4 pointed star in canton on a blue field.
Flag of Hirdmarinen Regional Leader.png 1942 – 8 May 1945Hirdmarinen's Regional Leader rank flagHirdmarinen Insignia on a blue Triangular swallowtail.
Flag of Hirdmarinen Sveit Leader.png 1942 – 8 May 1945Hirdmarinen's Sveit Leader rank flagHirdmarinen Insignia on a blue pennant.
Hirdmarinen Masthead Pennant.png 1942 – 8 May 1945Hirdmarinen's Masthead pennantHirdmarinen Insignia on a blue swallowtailed pennant.
Flag of Hirdmarinen Senior officer.png 1942 – 8 May 1945Hirdmarinen's Senior Officer rank flagAncor on a blue pennant.
Flag of Hirdmarinen Troop and Team Standard.png 1942 – 8 May 1945Hirdmarinen's Troop and Team flagHirdmarinen Insignia on a blue triangular pennant.

Nasjonal Samling Labour Service

The NS Labour Service (NS Arbeidstjeneste) was one of the Nasjonal Samling party's special organisations. The Labour Service was meant to combat unemployment in Norway, similar to the German Reich Labour Service.

Arministrasjonsradets Arbeidstjeneste Flagg.png Summer 1940 – September 1940 Administrative Councils Labour Service flagThe Labour Service in Norway during the occupation was started as a voluntary service by the Administrative Council in the summer of 1940.
NasjonalSamling-Arbeidstjeneste-Flag.png September 1940 – 8 May 1945NS Arbeidstjeneste flagThe Labour Service was renamed and taken over by Nasjonal Samling in September 1940 and later made compulsory for young men in 1941.
NasjonalSamling-Arbeidstjeneste-Pennent2.png NasjonalSamling-Arbeidstjeneste-Pennent.png September 1940 – 8 May 1945NS Arbeidstjeneste pennants
NasjonalSamling-Kvinnelig-Arbeidstjeneste-Flag.png 1940 – 8 May 1945NS Kvinnelig Arbeidstjeneste flagThe women's Labour Service was branch of NS-AT for females.

Flags of other Norwegian collaborationists

Flag of the Schutzstaffel (variant).svg 1942 – 8 May 1945Flag of Germanic SS Norway Same flag as the Schutzstaffel.
Flag of the Norske Legion 1941.svg 29 June 1941 - March 1943Standard of the Norwegian Legion Norwegian flag with "The Norwegian Legion" written in Norwegian.
Colour of the Viken Bataillon 1941.svg 1942 – 8 May 1945Standard of the Viken Battalion of the Norwegian Legion.
Colour for the 1st Police Company, Waffen-SS.svg 29 June 1941 - March 1943Standard of the Police Company of the Norwegian Legion.

Political flags

Storting parties
Flag of Arbeiderpartiet.png  ? – currentFlag of the Labour Party
Flag of Hoyre.png  ? – currentFlag of the Conservative Party
Flag of the Norwegian Red Party.png  ? – currentFlag of the Red Party
Flag of Venstre.png  ? – currentFlag of the Liberal Party
Nordic Resistance Movement Flag.svg 1997 – currentFlag of the Nordic Resistance Movement
Tjen Folket Flag.svg 1998 – currentFlag of Serve the People
Flag of Communist Party of Norway.png  ? – currentFlag of Communist Party of Norway
Flag of AUF.png – currentFlag of the Workers' Youth League
Arbeiderpartiet-Norwegian-Labour-Movement-Old-Flag.png 1934 – late 1940sFlag of the Norwegian Labour MovementUsed by the Norwegian Labour Party, AUF and the Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions.
Flag Fedrelandslaget.svg 1925 – 1940Flag of the Fatherland League

Subnational flags

Most of the Norwegian counties and municipalities have their own flag. They are based on the respective coat of arms of the subdivision. However they are seldom used. Most public buildings and private homes use the National flag.

Flags of Norwegian counties

Flags of former Norwegian counties

Flags of Norwegian municipalities

This is just a number of municipalities with their own flags, there are however many more municipalities that do use a flag.


Flags of municipalities in Agder county.


Flags of municipalities in Akershus county.


Flags of municipalities in Buskerud county.


Flags of municipalities in Finnmark county.


Flags of municipalities in Innlandet county.

Møre og Romsdal

Flags of municipalities in Møre og Romsdal county.


Flags of municipalities in Nordland county.



Flags of municipalities in Rogaland county.


Flags of municipalities in Telemark county.


Flags of municipalities in Troms county.


Flags of municipalities in Trøndelag county.


Flags of municipalities in Vestfold county.


Flags of municipalities in Vestland county.


Flags of municipalities in Østfold county.

Ethnic group flags

Sami flag.svg 15 August 1986 - Current Flag of the Sámi Sami-Peoples-Vimpel-Pennant-Flag.png The Sami flag is also commonly flown in pennant form.
The colors of the Sámi flag are based on traditional Sámi costume, these colors are considered the Sámis (national) colors. The circular motif is derived from a sun/moon symbol which appears on many shaman's drums.
Flag of the Sami people (old unofficial).svg 1962 - 15 August 1986unofficial
Today associated with the Alta controversy.
Flag of the Kven people.svg 2007 – current Flag of the Kven people The flag was designed by the Swedish artist Bengt Johansson-Kÿrö. The flag shows a sun-rose, which is a common motif found on objects in Kvenland.
Forest Finns flag.svg 29 December 2022 – currentFlag of the Forest Finns Designed by the Norwegian couple Frédéric M. Lindboe and Bettina Gullhage. The flag depicts a traditional fertility symbol on a Nordic cross design.
Flag of Republikken Finnskogen.png 1978 – currentFlag of the Republic of Finnskogen (Republikken Finnskogen)Republikken Finnskogen is a pseudo state which comprises the area known as Finnskogen in Solør, Norway and Värmland, Sweden. The Republic is established annually for 3 days in Svullrya, Norway in commemoration of the Skogfinndagene (Forest Finn days) cultural event.

Proposed flags of Norway

1814 proposals

[3] [4] [5]

FlagDateProposed byDescriptionInfluence
Alternativt flaggforslag av Cristian Frederik 1814.gif 1814 Christian Frederick [6] [7] [8] Alternative flag proposal meant to visually contrast against the Danish and Swedish flags. The colors are said to have represented the green spruce forests and grey mountains of Norway.
Proposed merhant flag of Norway by Sweden 1814.png Proposed state flag of Norway by Sweden 1814.png 1814 Carl Johan Svensk flagg 1815.svg
Flag of the Kingdom of Norway (1814).svg
1814 Anonymous flag of Norway proposal nordic cross 2.png October 1814AnonymousSketch 1 Flag of Denmark.svg
1814 Anonymous flag of Norway proposal sketch 2.svg October 1814AnonymousSketch 2 Flag of Denmark.svg
1814 Anonymous flag of Norway proposal sketch 3.svg October 1814AnonymousSketch 3 Flag of Denmark.svg
1814 Anonymous flag of Norway proposal sketch 4.png October 1814AnonymousSketch 4 Flag of Denmark.svg
1814 Anonymous flag of Norway proposal sketch 5.png October 1814AnonymousSketch 5 Flag of Denmark.svg
1814 Anonymous flag of Norway proposal sketch 6.svg October 1814AnonymousSketch 6 Flag of Denmark.svg
1814 Anonymous flag of Norway proposal sketch 7.png October 1814AnonymousSketch 7 Flag of Denmark.svg
1814 Anonymous flag of Norway proposal sketch 8.png October 1814AnonymousSketch 8 Kongeflagget.svg
1814 Anonymous flag of Norway proposal sketch 9.png October 1814AnonymousSketch 9 Flag of Denmark.svg
1814 Anonymous flag of Norway proposal sketch 10.png October 1814AnonymousSketch 10 Flag of Denmark.svg
1814 Anonymous flag of Norway proposal sketch 11.svg October 1814AnonymousSketch 11 Flag of Denmark.svg
1814 Anonymous flag of Norway proposal sketch 12.png October 1814AnonymousSketch 12 Kongeflagget.svg
1814 Anonymous flag of Norway proposal sketch 13.png October 1814AnonymousSketch 13 Kongeflagget.svg
1814 Anonymous flag of Norway proposal sketch 14.png October 1814AnonymousSketch 14 Kongeflagget.svg
Flag of Denmark.svg
1814 Anonymous flag of Norway proposal sketch 15.svg October 1814AnonymousSketch 15 Flag of Denmark.svg
Svensk flagg 1815.svg
1814 Anonymous flag of Norway proposal sketch 16.svg October 1814AnonymousSketch 16 Flag of Denmark.svg
Svensk flagg 1815.svg
1814 Anonymous flag of Norway proposal sketch 17.png October 1814AnonymousSketch 17 Flag of Denmark.svg
Svensk flagg 1815.svg
1814 Anonymous flag of Norway proposal sketch 18.png October 1814AnonymousSketch 18 Flag of Denmark.svg
Svensk flagg 1815.svg
1814 Anonymous flag of Norway proposal sketch 19.png October 1814AnonymousSketch 19 Flag of Denmark.svg
Svensk flagg 1815.svg
1814 Anonymous flag of Norway proposal sketch 20.png October 1814AnonymousSketch 20 Flag of Denmark.svg
Svensk flagg 1815.svg
1814 Anonymous flag of Norway proposal sketch 21.png October 1814AnonymousSketch 21 Flag of Denmark.svg
Svensk flagg 1815.svg
1814 Anonymous flag of Norway proposal sketch 22.svg October 1814AnonymousSketch 22 Flag of Denmark.svg
Svensk flagg 1815.svg
1814 Anonymous flag of Norway proposal sketch 23.png October 1814AnonymousSketch 23 Kongeflagget.svg
Flag of Denmark.svg
1814 Anonymous flag of Norway proposal sketch 24.png October 1814AnonymousSketch 24 Kongeflagget.svg
Flag of Denmark.svg
1814 Anonymous flag of Norway proposal nordic cross 2.png 1814 Anonymous flag of Norway proposal nordic cross ensign 2.svg October 1814Anonymous Flag of Denmark.svg
Flag of the Kalmar Union.svg 1814 Anonymous flag of Norway proposal nordic cross ensign 1.png October 1814Anonymous Kongeflagget.svg
Flag of Denmark.svg
1814 flag of Norway proposal by Lundh.png 20 October 1814 Gregers Lundh Proposal 1 by captain Lundh. Flag of Denmark.svg
Svensk flagg 1815.svg
1814 flag of Norway proposal 2 by Lundh.png 20 October 1814 Gregers Lundh Proposal 2 by captain Lundh. Svensk flagg 1815.svg
1814 flag of Norway proposal by Brun.png November 1814 Svend Busch Brun Kongeflagget.svg
Flag of Denmark.svg
Svensk flagg 1815.svg

1815 proposals

FlagDateProposed byDescriptionInfluence
1815 Unnumbered flag of Norway proposal.png 17 August 1815 Peder Jacobsen Bøgvald Flag of Denmark.svg
1815 flag of Norway proposal 1.png 16 October 1815 Niels Aall Svensk flagg 1815.svg
1815 flag of Norway proposal 2.png 16 October 1815Flag committee of the Storting Likely inspired the merchant flag used between 1818 and 1844. Swedish and Norwegian merchant flag 1818-1844.svg Svensk flagg 1815.svg
1814 Anonymous flag of Norway proposal sketch 3.svg

1820 proposals

FlagDateProposed byDescriptionInfluence
1820 Norway flag proposal Gabriel Schanche Kielland.png 1820 Norway flag proposal Gabriel Schanche Kielland (Pennant).png 1820 Gabriel Schanche Kielland In 1820, Storting representative Gabriel Schanche Kielland started a signature campaign in order to adopt a new Norwegian merchant flag, in accordance with his interests as a merchant and ship owner in Stavanger. He also put forth his own design proposal alongside the signature campaign.

1821 proposals

In 1821, a flag committee was deducted in the Storting to find a new merchant flag of Norway. 18 Proposals were put forward to be judged by the committee. On May 4, The Storting discussed and held the vote on what would become the Norwegian flag.

The original documents of 14 of the 18 flag proposals are stored in the Storting Archive. Proposal 4, 5, 9, and 17 are missing.

FlagDateProposed byDescriptionInfluence
1821 Proposed flag of Norway by Jan Rasmussen Sande.png March 1821 Jan Rasmussen Sande Proposed by ship captain and Storting representative Jan Rasmussen Sande from Jarlsberg. The flag was based on Christian Frederick's alternative flag proposal from 1814, although Sande's proposal had a white cross instead of the grey cross. This flag was not put forth by the flag committee before the Storting in May. [9] Alternativt flaggforslag av Cristian Frederik 1814.gif
Proposals chosen by the Storting flag committee
Norway flag 1821 proposal 1.svg May 1821Flag committee of the Storting Proposal 1
Based on Proposal 12 from Grimstad, the additions of the lion and stars or crosses were added by the flag committee. The 5 stars or crosses represented the 5 dioceses of Akershus, Bergenhus, Christiansand, Trondhjem and Tromsø. Proposal 1 was the flag originally preferred by the flag committee, although it received no votes by the Storting.
Norway flag 1821 proposal 12.svg
Norway flag 1821 proposal 2.svg May 1821 Fredrik Meltzer Proposal 2 Flag of Denmark.svg
Svensk flagg 1815.svg
Flag of Norway.svg May 1821 Fredrik Meltzer Proposal 3 (Chosen)
Proposal 3 by Fredrik Meltzer won on the Storting with 40 votes out of 59 and was thus chosen.
Flag of Denmark.svg
Svensk flagg 1815.svg
Norway flag 1821 proposal 6.svg May 1821UnknownProposal 6 Flag of Denmark.svg
Svensk flagg 1815.svg
Norway flag 1821 proposal 7.svg May 1821UnknownProposal 7 Kongeflagget.svg
Norway flag 1821 proposal 8.svg May 1821 Christian Magnus Falsen Proposal 8 Flag of Denmark.svg
Svensk flagg 1815.svg
Norway flag 1821 proposal 10.svg May 1821UnknownProposal 10 Kongeflagget.svg
Norway flag 1821 proposal 11-A.svg May 1821Commission of BergenProposal 11 (A) Flag of Denmark.svg
Svensk flagg 1815.svg
Flag of the Kingdom of Norway (1814).svg
Norway flag 1821 proposal 11-B.svg May 1821Commission of BergenProposal 11 (B) Flag of Denmark.svg
Svensk flagg 1815.svg
Flag of the Kingdom of Norway (1814).svg
Norway flag 1821 proposal 11-C.svg May 1821Commission of BergenProposal 11 (C) Flag of Denmark.svg
Svensk flagg 1815.svg
Flag of the Kingdom of Norway (1814).svg
Norway flag 1821 proposal 12.svg 1821 Norway Proposal 12 Pennant.png May 1821Citizens in Grimstad Proposal 12
Based on Kielland's 1820 proposal, using red instead of blue.
1820 Norway flag proposal Gabriel Schanche Kielland.png
Flag of Denmark.svg
Flag of the Kingdom of Norway (1814).svg
Norway flag 1821 proposal 13.svg May 1821 Poul Holst Proposal 13 1814 Anonymous flag of Norway proposal sketch 3.svg
Norway flag 1821 proposal 14.svg May 1821 Andreas Martin Seip Proposal 14 Flag of Denmark.svg
Norway flag 1821 proposal 15.svg May 1821 Christian Magnus Falsen Proposal 15 Flag of Denmark.svg
Svensk flagg 1815.svg
Norway flag 1821 proposal 16.svg May 1821Citizens in Tønsberg Proposal 16 Flag of Denmark.svg
Norway flag 1821 proposal 18.svg May 1821UnknownProposal 18 Flag of Denmark.svg
Flag of the Kingdom of Norway (1814).svg

1836 union flag proposals

FlagDateProposed byDescription
Sweden-Norway union mark flag proposal 1836.png 7 April 1836 Jonas Anton Hielm Proposed union mark of Sweden-Norway.
Norwegian union merchant flag with Sweden proposal 1836.png Norwegian union state flag with Sweden proposal 1836.png 7 April 1836 Jonas Anton Hielm Proposed merchant and state flags of Norway with union mark.
Swedish union merchant flag with Norway proposal 1836.png Swedish union state flag with Norway proposal 1836.png 7 April 1836 Jonas Anton Hielm Proposed merchant and state flags of Sweden with union mark.
Sweden-Norway union flag proposal 1836 1.png Sweden-Norway union flag proposal 1836 2.png Sweden-Norway union flag proposal 1836 3.png Sweden-Norway union flag proposal 1836 4.png 2 May 1836Peter PetersenProposed union naval ensigns for Sweden-Norway by minister of mining (Bergråd) Peter Petersen, who was Storting representative of Jarlsberg and Larvik.
Norway state flag proposal 1836.png Norway customs flag proposal 1836.png 2 May 1836Peter PetersenProposed state flag and customs flag of Norway.
Norwegian union state flag with Sweden proposal 1836 2.png Sweden-Norway union flag proposal 1836.svg 2 May 1836Peter Petersen

Contemporary proposals

FlagDateProposed byDescription
Norway Flag Proposal 1 by Adne Lovstad 2014.png Norway Flag Proposal 2 by Adne Lovstad 2014.png Norway Flag Proposal 3 by Adne Lovstad 2014.png 2014Ådne LøvstadSecular proposal for a Norwegian national flag designed by artist Ådne Løvstad from Biri, Norway, they were displayed for a limited time in downtown Lillehammer for the occasion of an art display. The flags contain a diagonal cross which represents crossroads, as a place where people gather and meet.

Dependent territory proposals

FlagDateProposed forProposed byDescription
Proposed flag of Svalbard, Norway (1930).svg 1930Flag for Svalbard Norwegian Agrarian Association Norwegian lion on heraldic Vair fur pattern.

House flags of Norwegian freight companies

House Flag of Royal Caribbean International.svg 1969-–presentHouse flag of Royal Caribbean International.
House flag of Det Stavangerske Dampskibsselskap.svg c. 1855–presentHouse flag for Det Stavangerske Dampskibsselskap
Flag of the Norwegian Shipping and Trade Mission.svg 1941 - 1958House flag of Nortraship.This flag was flown ashore from Nortraship offices, ships flew the regular Norwegian merchant flag.
- 2006House flag for Ofotens og Vesteraalens Dampskibsselskab
1866? - 2006House flag for Troms Fylkes Dampskibsselskap

Name pennants of Norwegian ships

Flag of the Faemund II.svg Name pennant of the Fæmund II A blue pennant defaced with the name "FÆMUND AS" in white letters.
Flag of the Fram.svg 1892 onName pennant of the Fram A red pennant defaced with the name "FRAM" in white letters. It was used when the ship was first launched in 1892, and also notably during Fridtjof Nansen's Arctic expedition from 1893–1896. [10] [11]
Flag of the Fram (South Pole expedition).svg c.1910–1912A white pennant surrounded by a blue border along the top and bottom and defaced with the name "FRAM." in blue letters. It was used during Roald Amundsen's expedition to the South Pole from 1910–1912. [12]
Flag of the Maud.svg 1917 onName pennant of the Maud A red pennant surrounded by a white border on all sides and defaced with the name "MAUD" in white letters. [13]
Flag of the Skibladner.svg Name pennant of the Skibladner A red pennant surrounded by a white border on all sides and defaced with the name "SKIBLADNER" in white letters.
Flag of the Sorlandet.svg Name pennant of the Sørlandet A blue swallowtail pennant outlined with red and white stripes along the top and bottom and defaced with the name "SØRLANDET" in white letters.
Flag of the Statsraad Lehmkuhl.svg Name pennant of the Statsraad Lehmkuhl A red swallowtail pennant outlined with blue and white stripes along the top and bottom and defaced with the name "STATSRAAD LEHMKUHL" in white letters.

See also


  1. Flags of the World. "Norway - Coastal Artillery, 1914-2002".
  2. National Library of Norway. "Organisasjonsinstruks for hirdmarinen 1944". (in Norwegian).
  3. Stortinget (28 April 2021). "Forslag til norsk flagg". (in Norwegian). Retrieved 2022-09-10.
  4. Store Norske Leksikon (9 March 2022). "Norges flagg". (in Norwegian). Retrieved 2022-09-10.
  5. Flags of the World. "Norway - flag proposals".
  6. Eidsvoll 1814. "Flagghistorien". (in Norwegian). Retrieved 2022-09-10.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  7. Fedrelandsvennen (2013-01-21). "Dette kunne blitt Norges flagg". (in Norwegian). Retrieved 2022-09-10.
  8. NRK (2014-05-03). "Det norske flagg kunne vært grønt". (in Norwegian). Retrieved 2022-09-10.
  9. Vest-Agder-museet. "Flagget - Et nasjonalt symbol blir til" (PDF). (in Norwegian).
  10. "Fram - Ships of the Polar Explorers". Cool Antarctica. Retrieved 13 February 2025.
  11. Fridtjof Nansen. "Farthest North (p. 484)". Retrieved 13 February 2025.
  12. "The official replica of Fram's South Pole expedition onboard flag". Fram - The Polar Exploration Museum. Retrieved 15 February 2025.
  13. Bruce Kemp. "Maud Returns Home - Roald Amundsen's last ship joins her peers". WoodenBoat. Retrieved 13 February 2025.