List of Western Australian railway-related acts

Last updated

Railways in Western Australia were developed in the 19th century both by the Government of Western Australia and a number of private companies. Legislation concerning railways was passed by: [1]


The oldest recorded act of Parliament in Western Australia is the Civil Court of Western Australia (1832) act, an act for establishing a Court of Civil Judicature, assented to on 10 February 1832, under the first Governor of Western Australia, James Stirling. The first act to carry the word railway in its title was the Railways and Electric Telegraph Protection Act 1871, assented to on 12 January 1871, while the Geraldton and Northampton Railway Act 1873 was the first act to authorise the construction of a railway in Western Australia in 1873. [1]

The Railway (Coogee–Kwinana Railway) Discontinuance Act 1973, assented to on 6 June 1973, was the last railway-related act to use imperial units, the Railway (Kalgoorlie–Parkeston) Discontinuance and Land Revestment Act 1973, assented to on 6 November 1973, the first to use the metric system, as part of the overall change to the metric system in Australia. [2] [3]

List of acts

Acts 1871 to 1890

The acts by the Governor of Western Australia and the Western Australian Legislative Council:

TitleDate of assent NotesRailway line [4] [5] [6] Reference
Railways and Electric Telegraph Protection Act 187112 January 1871Protection of railways [7]
Railway Survey Act 187311 July 1873Permits the surveying of land for the purpose of constructing a railway [8]
Railways Act 187322 November 1873Authorised construction of railways and tramways [9]
Geraldton and Northampton Railway Act 187322 November 1873Authorised construction of the railway line from Geraldton and Northampton Northampton railway line [10]
Railway Supplementary Loan Act 18753 January 1876Authorised raising the sum of £26,000 through a loan for the completion of the railway line between Geraldton and Northampton Northampton railway line [11]
Railways Act amendment (1877)17 August 1877Amendment to the Railways Act 1873 [12]
The Eastern Railway Act 187824 July 1878Authorised construction of the railway line from Fremantle to Guildford Eastern Railway [13]
Railways Act 187824 July 1878Supersedes the Railways and Electric Telegraph Protection Act 1871, Railway Survey Act 1873 and Railways Act 1873 [14]
Railways Amendment Act 187926 August 1879Amendment to the Railways Act 1878 [15]
Railways Amendment Act 18817 April 1881Amendment to the Railways Act 1878 [16]
Eastern Railway Extension Act 18817 April 1881Authorised construction of the railway line from Guildford to Chidlow's Well Eastern Railway [17]
Railway Refreshment Room Licensing Act 18817 April 1881Authorised the issuing of a certificate for a license to the keeper of a railway refreshment room [18]
Eastern Railway (Further) Amendment Act 188221 September 1882Authorised construction of the railway line from Chidlow's Well to York Eastern Railway [19]
Railways Amendment Act 188221 September 1882Amendment to the Railways Act 1878 [20]
Eastern Railway Terminus Act 18838 September 1883Alterations to the terminus of the railway line at York Eastern Railway [21]
Beverley–Albany Railway Act 188413 September 1884Authorised construction of the railway line from Beverley to Albany Great Southern Railway [22]
Eastern Railway Further Extension Act 188518 September 1885Authorised construction of the railway line from York to Beverley Eastern Railway [23]
Geraldton–Greenough Railway Act 188612 July 1886Authorised construction of the railway line from Geraldton to Greenough Midland railway line [24]
Eastern Railway, Spencer's Brook–Northam Branch Act 188612 July 1886Authorised construction of the branch line from Spencer's Brook to Northam Eastern Railway [25]
The Guildford–Greenough Flats Railway Act 18862 September 1886 [1] Authorised construction of the railway line from Guildford to Greenough Midland railway line [26]
Railway Servants Act 188722 July 1887Empowers the Commissioner of Railways to appoint and dismiss certain classes of railway servants [27]
Bunbury Railway Act 188722 July 1887Authorised construction of a railway line from Bunbury to Boyanup Bunbury Railway [28]
Clackline–Newcastle Railway Act 188720 August 1887Authorised construction of a railway line from Clackline to Newcastle (now Toodyay) Clackline to Miling railway line [29]
Geraldton and Northampton Railway Amendment Act 18886 January 1888Authorised the alteration of the route of the railway line from Geraldton and Northampton Northampton railway line [30]
Beverley–Albany Railway contract (1888)19 April 1888Confirmed the contract and defined the route of the railway line from Beverley to Albany Great Southern Railway [31]
Railways Amendment Act 18887 December 1888Provided for the construction of accommodation works on railway lines [32]
Railway Act 188913 August 1889Provided for the management and working of railways [33]

Acts 1890 to present

Acts by the Parliament of Western Australia:

TitleDate of assent NotesRailway line [4] [5] [6] Reference
South-Western Railway Act 189126 February 1891Authorised construction of a railway line from Bayswater to Bunbury South Western Railway [34]
Boyanup–Busselton Railway Act 18921 February 1892Authorised construction of a railway line from Boyanup to Busselton Flinders Bay branch railway [35]
Boyanup–Minninup Railway Act 18921 February 1892Authorised construction of a railway line from Boyanup to Minninup Bridge (Donnybrook) Northcliffe branch railway [36]
Yilgarn Railway Act 189218 March 1892Authorised construction of a railway line from Northam to Southern Cross Eastern Goldfields Railway [37]
Geraldton–Mullewa Railway Act 189218 March 1892Authorised construction of a railway line from Geraldton to Mullewa Geraldton to Mullewa railway line [38]
South-Western Railway Act 1891 Amendment Act 189218 March 1892Authorised the alteration of the route of a railway line from Bayswater to Bunbury South Western Railway [39]
Railways Act 1878 amendment (1892)18 March 1892Amendment to the Railways Act 1878 [40]
Perth Railway Crossing Improvement Act 189213 January 1893Authorised construction of the Barrack Street Bridge [41]
Midland Railway Loan Act 189313 January 1893Authorised a loan to the Midland Railway Company to construct the railway line from Guildford to Walkaway Midland railway line [42]
Railways Amendment Act 189313 October 1893Amendment to the Railways Act 1878 [43]
Eastern Railway Improvement Act 189313 October 1893Authorised alterations of the railway line Eastern Railway [44]
Railways Acts Amendment Act 189423 November 1894Amendment to the Railways Act 1878 [45]
Mullewa–Cue Railway Act 189423 November 1894Authorised construction of the railway line from Mullewa to Cue Mullewa to Meekatharra railway line [46]
Southern Cross–Coolgardie Railway Act 189423 November 1894Authorised construction of a railway line from Southern Cross to Coolgardie Eastern Goldfields Railway [47]
Railway and Theatre Refreshment Rooms Licensing Act 189511 September 1895Regulates licensing for railway and theatre refreshment rooms [48]
Coolgardie–Kalgoorlie Railway Act 18952 October 1895Authorised construction of a railway line from Coolgardie to Kalgoorlie Eastern Goldfields Railway [49]
Donnybrook–Bridgetown Railway Act 189512 October 1895Authorised construction of a railway line from Donnybrook to Bridgetown Northcliffe branch railway [50]
Collie Coalfields Railway Act 189512 October 1895Authorised construction of the railway line from Brunswick Junction to Collie Brunswick Junction to Narrogin railway line [51]
Streets and Roads Closure (Eastern Railway) Act 189623 September 1896Authorised the closure of parts of streets along the railway line Eastern Goldfields Railway [52]
Cue–Nannine Railway Act 189627 October 1896Authorised construction of the railway line from Cue to Nannine Mullewa–Meekatharra railway [53]
Railways Amendment Act 189627 October 1896Amendment to the Railways Amendment Act 1879 [54]
Kalgoorlie–Kanowna Railway Act 189627 October 1896Authorised construction of a railway line from Kalgoorlie to Kanowna Kalgoorlie to Kanowna railway line [55]
York–Greenhills Railway Act 189627 October 1896Authorised construction of the railway line from York to Greenhills York–Bruce Rock railway line [56]
Perth Racecourse Railway Act 189627 October 1896Authorised construction of the railway line from Bayswater to Perth Racecourse (Ascot) Belmont railway line [57]
Great Southern Railway Purchase Act (1896)27 October 1896Purchase of the interest of the West Australian Land Company, including the railway line from Beverley to Albany Great Southern Railway [58]
Kalgoorlie–Menzies Railway Act 189627 October 1896Authorised construction of a railway line from Kalgoorlie to Menzies Kalgoorlie to Leonora railway line [59]
Bunbury Racecourse Railway Act 189723 December 1897Authorised construction of a railway line from Bunbury to Bunbury Racecourse [60]
Collie Quarry Railway Act 189723 December 1897Authorised construction of a short connection of railway line from the South Western to the Brunswick Junction to Collie railway line Brunswick Junction to Narrogin railway line [61]
Kalgoorlie–Gnumballa Lake and Boulder Townsite Loop Railways Act 189723 December 1897Authorised construction of a railway line from Kalgoorlie to Gnumballa Lake (Hannan's Lake or Lakeside) and a loop railway to Boulder Kalgoorlie to Gnumballa Lake railway line [62]
Fremantle–Owen's Anchorage Railway Act 189723 December 1897Authorised construction of a railway line from Fremantle to Owen's Anchorage, south of Fremantle (towards Robbs Jetty) Fremantle line [63]
Railways Amendment Act 189723 December 1897Amendment to the Railways Act 1878 [64]
Northam–Goomalling Railway Act 189916 December 1899Authorised construction of a railway line from Northam to Goomalling Northam to Goomalling railway line [65]
Menzies–Leonora Railway Act 189916 December 1899Authorised construction of a railway line from Menzies to Leonora Kalgoorlie to Leonora railway line [66]
Fremantle Harbour Works Rocky Bay–Rous Head Additional Line of Railway Act 189916 December 1899Authorised construction of a railway line from Rocky Bay to Rous Head, Fremantle Harbour Fremantle line [67]
Railways Amendment Act 19005 December 1900Amendment to the Railways Amendment Act 1881 [68]
Brown Hill Loop Kalgoorlie–Gnumballa Lake Railway Act 19005 December 1900Authorised construction of a loop railway line from Hannan's Street Station to Kamballie Station (Kalgoorlie) Kalgoorlie to Gnumballa Lake railway line [69]
Railway and Theatre Refreshment Rooms Licensing Act Amendment Act 19027 October 1902Amendment to the Railway and Theatre Refreshment Rooms Licensing Act 1895 [70]
Railways Acts Amendment Act 190220 December 1902Amendment to the Railways Acts [71]
Robb's Jetty–Woodman's Point Railway Act 190220 December 1902Authorised construction of a railway line from Robbs Jetty to Woodman Point Fremantle line [72]
Malcolm–Laverton Railway Act 190220 December 1902Authorised construction of a railway line from Malcolm to Laverton Malcolm to Laverton railway line [73]
Collie–Collie-Boulder Railway Act 190220 December 1902Authorised construction of a railway line from Collie to Collie-Boulder Brunswick Junction to Narrogin railway line (spur) [74]
Trans-Australian Railway Enabling Act (1903)29 September 1903Enables the Parliament of the Commonwealth to pass laws authorising construction of a railway line from Kalgoorlie to the state border and a spur line to Eucla Trans-Australian Railway [75]
Collie–Narrogin Railway Act 190416 January 1904Authorised construction of the railway line from Collie to Narrogin Brunswick Junction to Narrogin railway line [76]
Jandakot Railway Act 190416 January 1904Authorised construction of a railway line from Woodman Point to Jandakot Spearwood–Armadale railway line [77]
Government Railways Act 190416 January 1904Consolidation and amendment of the law relating to the maintenance and management of government railways [78]
Wagin–Dumbleyung Railway Act 190523 December 1905Authorised construction of the railway line from Wagin to Dumbleyung Wagin to Newdegate railway line [79]
Goomalling–Dowerin Railway Act 190523 December 1905Authorised construction of the railway line from Goomalling to Dowerin Goomalling to West Merredin railway line [80]
Katanning–Kojonup Railway Act 190523 December 1905Authorised construction of the railway line from Katanning to Kojonup Donnybrook to Katanning railway line [81]
Coolgardie–Norseman Railway Act 190614 December 1906Authorised construction of the railway line from Coolgardie to Norseman Esperance branch railway [82]
Hopetoun–Ravensthorpe Railway Act 190614 December 1906Authorised construction of the railway line from Hopetoun to Ravensthorpe Hopetoun to Ravensthorpe railway line [83]
Donnybrook–Preston Valley Railway Act 190614 December 1906Authorised construction of the railway line from Donnybrook to Boyup Brook Donnybrook to Katanning railway line [84]
Greenhills–Quairading Railway Act 190614 December 1906Authorised construction of the railway line from Greenhills to Quairading York to Bruce Rock railway line [85]
Jandakot–Armadale Railway Act 190614 December 1906Authorised construction of a railway line from Jandakot to Armadale Spearwood–Armadale railway line [86]
Perth Railway Crossing Amendment Act 190614 December 1906Amendment to the Perth Railway Crossing Improvement Act 1892, authorised demolishing and rebuilding of the Barrack Street Bridge [87]
Port Hedland–Marble Bar Railway Act 190719 September 1907Authorised construction of a railway line from Port Hedland to Marble Bar Marble Bar Railway [88]
Collie–Narrogin Railway amendment (1907)19 September 1907Amendment to the Collie–Narrogin Railway Act 1904 Brunswick Junction to Narrogin railway line [89]
Mt. Magnet–Black Range Railway Act 190720 December 1907Authorised construction of the railway line from Mount Magnet to Sandstone Sandstone branch railway [90]
Pinjarra–Marrinup Railway Act 190720 December 1907Authorised construction of the railway line from Pinjarra to Marrinup Pinjarra to Narrogin railway [91]
Wonnerup–Nannup Railway Act 190720 December 1907Authorised construction of the railway line from Jarrahwood to Nannup Nannup branch railway [92]
Narrogin–Wickepin Railway Act 190720 December 1907Authorised construction of the railway line from Narrogin to Wickepin Merredin to Narrogin railway line [93]
Government Railways Amendment Act 190720 December 1907Amendment to the Government Railways Act 1904 [94]
Newcastle–Bolgart Railway Act 190720 December 1907Authorised construction of the railway line from Newcastle (now Toodyay) to Bolgart Newcastle to Bolgart railway section of the Clackline to Miling railway line [95]
Bridgetown–Wilgarrup Railway Act 190919 January 1909Authorised construction of the railway line from Bridgetown to Wilgarrup Northcliffe branch railway [96]
Upper Chapman Railway Act 190919 January 1909Authorised construction of the railway line from Glenfield to Naraling Upper Chapman Valley railway line [97]
Nannine–Meekatharra Railway Act 19096 February 1909Authorised construction of the railway line from Nannine to Meekatharra Mullewa to Meekatharra railway line [98]
Mount Lyell Mining and Railway Company Limited Lease Act 19094 December 1909Grants a special lease of land to the Mount Lyell Mining and Railway Company in North Fremantle [99]
Boyup–Kojonup Railway Act 190921 December 1909Authorised construction of the railway line from Boyup Brook to Kojonup Donnybrook to Katanning railway line [100]
Goomalling–Wongan Hills Railway Act 190921 December 1909Authorised construction of the railway line from Goomalling to Wongan Hills Avon Yard to Mullewa railway line [101]
Dowerin–Merredin Railway Act 190921 December 1909Authorised construction of the railway line from Dowerin to Merredin Goomalling to West Merredin railway line [102]
Southern Cross–Bullfinch Railway Act 191022 December 1910Authorised construction of the railway line from Southern Cross to Bullfinch Wyalkatchem to Southern Cross railway line [103]
Bridgetown–Wilgarrup Railway Extension Act 191116 February 1911Authorised construction of a 5 kilometres (3.1 mi) extension of the railway line south of Wilgarrup Northcliffe branch railway [104]
Katanning–Nampup Railway Act 191116 February 1911Authorised construction of the railway line from Katanning to Nampup (now Nyabing) Katanning to Pingrup railway line [105]
Quairading–Nunajin Railway Act 191116 February 1911Authorised construction of a railway line from Quairading to Nunajin, later renamed Bruce Rock York–Bruce Rock railway line [106]
Wagin–Dumbleyung Railway Extension Act 191116 February 1911Authorising construction of an extension from Dumbleyung to Kukerin Wagin to Newdegate railway line [107]
Wickepin–Merredin Railway Act 191116 February 1911Authorised construction of the railway line from Wickepin to Merredin Merredin to Narrogin railway line [108]
Tambellup–Ongerup Railway Act 191116 February 1911Authorised construction of the railway line from Tambellup to Ongerup Ongerup branch railway [109]
Northampton–Ajana Railway Act 191116 February 1911Authorised construction of the railway line from Northampton to Ajana Northampton railway line [110]
Naraling–Yuna Railway Act 191116 February 1911Authorised construction of the railway line from Naraling to Yuna Upper Chapman Valley railway line [111]
Brookton–Kunjinn Railway Act 191116 February 1911Authorised construction of the railway line from Brookton to Kunjinn Brookton to Corrigin railway [112]
Wongan Hills–Mullewa Railway Act 191116 February 1911Authorised construction of the railway line from Wongan Hills to Mullewa Avon Yard to Mullewa railway line [113]
Dwellingup–Hotham Railway Act 191116 February 1911Authorised construction of the railway line from Dwellingup to Hotham Pinjarra to Narrogin railway [114]
Marrinup Branch Railway Act 19118 January 1912Declared a section of the railway line from Pinjarra to Marrinup as open Pinjarra to Narrogin railway [115]
Trans-Continental Railway Act 19119 January 1912Consent to the construction of the Western Australian section of the railway line from Kalgoorlie to Port Augusta Trans-Australian Railway [116]
Upper Darling Range Railway Extension Act 19119 January 1912Authorised construction of an extension of the railway line from Canning Mills Upper Darling Range railway [117]
Hotham–Crossman Railway Act 19119 January 1912Authorised construction of the railway line from Hotham to Crossman Pinjarra to Narrogin railway [118]
Yillimining–Kodinin Railway Act 19119 January 1912Authorised construction of the railway line from Yilliminning to Kondinin Merredin to Yilliminning railway line [119]
Fremantle–Kalgoorlie (Merredin–Coolgardie Section) Railway Act 191210 October 1912Authorised construction of a second track of the railway line from Merredin to Coolgardie Eastern Goldfields Railway [120]
Wagin–Bowelling Railway Act 191224 December 1912Authorised construction of the railway line from Wagin to Bowelling Wagin to Bowelling railway line [121]
Newcastle–Bolgart Railway Extension Act 191224 December 1912Authorised construction of a 50 kilometres (31 mi) extension of the railway line from Bolgart Clackline to Miling railway line [122]
Hotham–Crossman Railway Extension Act 191224 December 1912Authorised construction of a 8.8 kilometres (5.5 mi) extension of the railway line from Crossman Pinjarra to Narrogin railway [123]
Wyalcatchem–Mount Marshall Railway Act 191224 December 1912Authorised construction of the railway line from Wyalcatchem to Bencubbin Wyalkatchem to Southern Cross railway line [124]
Flinders Bay–Margaret River Railway Act 191330 December 1913 [2] Authorised the purchase by the Government of the Flinders Bay–Margaret River Railway Flinders Bay branch railway [125]
Railway Survey Act 191330 December 1913Authorised the survey of certain railways [126]
Eastern Railway siding (1914)22 September 1914Authorised construction, maintenance and working of a siding at East Perth Eastern Railway [127]
Wagin–Kukerin Railway Extension Act 191412 January 1915Authorised construction of the railway line from Kukerin to Lake Grace Wagin to Newdegate railway line [128]
Pinjarra–Dwarda Railway Extension Act 191418 February 1915Authorised construction of the railway line extension from Dwarda to Narrogin Pinjarra to Narrogin railway [129]
Yilliminning–Kondinin Railway Extension Act 191418 February 1915Authorised construction of the railway line extension from Kondinin to Merredin Merredin to Yilliminning railway line [130]
Esperance Northwards Railway Act 191410 February 1915Authorised construction of a 97 kilometres (60 mi) railway line extension from Esperance Esperance branch railway [131]
Katanning–Nyabing Railway Extension Act 191418 February 1915Authorised construction of the railway line from Nyabing to Pingrup Katanning to Pingrup railway line [132]
Boyanup–Busselton Railway Extension Act 191418 February 1915Authorised construction of the railway line from Busselton to Margaret River Flinders Bay branch railway [133]
Newcastle–Bolgart Railway Extension Act 191527 September 1915Authorised construction of a 7 kilometres (4.3 mi) extension of the railway line from Bolgart Clackline to Miling railway line [134]
Flinders Bay–Margaret River Railway Act 19165 December 1916Confirmed the purchase by the Government of the Flinders Bay–Margaret River railway Flinders Bay branch railway [135]
Midland Railway Act 191915 November 1919 [1] Vest in the Midland Railway Company of Western Australia the lands acquired for the purpose of its railway Midland railway line [136]
Ajana–Geraldine Railway Act 191917 December 1919Authorised construction of the railway line from Ajana to the Surprise mine at GeraldineAjana to Geraldine railway line [137]
Wyalcatchem–Mount Marshall Railway Extension Act 191917 December 1919Authorised construction of the railway line from Bencubbin to Mukinbudin Wyalkatchem to Southern Cross railway line [138]
Piawaning Northwards Railway Act 192031 December 1920Authorised construction of the railway line from Piawaning to Miling Clackline to Miling railway line [139]
Railways Classification Board Act 192031 December 1920 [3] Provided for a Board for the classification of the salaried staff of the Government Railways [140]
Meekatharra–Horseshoe Railway Act 192031 December 1920Authorised construction of the railway line from Mekatharra to the Horseshoe mine, north-west of Peak Hill Meekatharra to Horseshoe railway line [141]
Railway Siding (North Fremantle) Act 192231 January 1922Authorised construction, maintenance and working of a siding at North Fremantle Fremantle line [142]
Wyalcatchem–Mount Marshall Railway (Extension No. 2) Act 192213 November 1922Authorised construction of the railway line from Mukinbudin to Lake Brown Wyalkatchem to Southern Cross railway line [143]
Esperance Northwards Railway Extension Act 192230 December 1922Authorised construction of a 10 kilometres (6.2 mi) railway line extension to Salmon Gums Esperance branch railway [144]
Busselton–Margaret River Railway Deviation Act 192222 February 1923Authorised a deviation of the railway line Flinders Bay branch railway [145]
Albany–Denmark Railway Extension Act 192322 February 1923Authorised construction of the railway line from Denmark to Nornalup Elleker to Nornalup railway line [146]
Bridgetown–Jarnadup Railway Extension Act 192322 February 1923Authorised construction of the railway line from Jarnadup (now Jardee) to Northcliffe Northcliffe branch railway [147]
Pinjarra–Dwarda Railway Extension Act Amendment Act 192323 November 1923Amendment to the Pinjarra–Dwarda Railway Extension Act 1914 Pinjarra to Narrogin railway [148]
Busselton–Margaret River Railway Deviation No. 2 Act 192315 December 1923Authorised a deviation of the railway line Flinders Bay branch railway [149]
Flinders Bay–Margaret River Railway Deviation No. 1 Act 192315 December 1923Authorised a deviation of the railway line Flinders Bay branch railway [150]
Geraldton Harbour Works Railway Act 192322 December 1923Authorised construction of the railway line in connection to the Geraldton Harbour worksGeraldton Harbour works railway line [151]
Lake Grace–Newdegate Railway Act 192322 December 1923Authorised construction of the railway line from Lake Grace to Newdegate Wagin to Newdegate railway line [152]
Brookton–Dale River Railway Act 192322 December 1923Authorised construction of the railway line from Brookton to the Dale River (surveyed but not constructed) Brookton to Armadale railway line [153] [154] [155]
Yarramony–Eastward Railway Act 192322 December 1923Authorised construction of a 137 kilometres (85 mi) railway line from Yarramony (surveyed but not constructed) Yarramony–Eastward railway line [156] [157]
Waroona–Lake Clifton Railway Act 192431 December 1924Authorised the discontinuance of the railway line Waroona to Lake Clifton railway line [158]
Norseman–Salmon Gums Railway Act 192431 December 1924Authorised construction of the railway line from Norseman to Salmon Gums Esperance branch railway [159]
Lake Brown–Bullfinch Railway Act 192616 December 1926Authorised construction of the railway line from Lake Brown to Bullfinch Wyalkatchem to Southern Cross railway line [160]
Ejanding Northwards Railway Act 192616 December 1926Authorised construction of the railway line from Amery (formerly Ejanding) to Kalannie, with a spur line from Burakin to Kulja [161]
Boyup Brook–Cranbrook Railway Act 192616 December 1926Authorised construction of the railway line from Boyup Brook to Cranbrook (surveyed and partially constructed but not completed) Boyup Brook–Cranbrook railway line [162] [163]
Manjimup Mount Barker Railway Act 192624 December 1926Authorised construction of the railway line from Manjimup to Mount Barker (not constructed) Manjimup to Mount Barker railway line [164]
Government Railways Act Amendment Act 192624 December 1926Amendment to the Government Railways Act 1904 [165]
Leighton–Robb's Jetty Railway Act 192723 December 1927Authorised construction of 14 kilometres (8.7 mi) of railway line and branch line from Leighton to Robbs Jetty (not constructed) Fremantle line [166]
Meekatharra–Wiluna Railway Act 192723 December 1927Authorised construction of the railway line from Meekatharra to Wiluna Meekatharra to Wiluna railway [167]
Kulja Eastward Railway Act 192820 October 1928Authorised construction of the railway line from Kulja to Bonnie Rock Burakin to Bonnie Rock railway line [168]
Railways Discontinuance Act 192810 December 1928Authorised partial closure of two railway lines in Western Australia [169]
Quarry Railway Extension Act 192821 December 1928Authorised construction of a railway to extend the Fremantle Harbour works quarry railway to North Fremantle Fremantle line [170]
Lake Grace–Karlgarin Railway Act 192827 December 1928Authorised construction of the railway line from Lake Grace to Karlgarin Lake Grace to Hyden railway line [171]
Yuna–Dartmoor Railway Act 193324 November 1933Authorised construction of the railway line from Yuna to Dartmoor (surveyed but not constructed) Upper Chapman Valley railway line [172] [173]
Southern Cross Southwards Railway Act 193324 November 1933Authorised construction of 45 kilometres (28 mi) of railway line south of Southern Cross (surveyed but not constructed)Southern Cross southwards railway line [174]
Government Railways Act Amendment Act 19334 January 1934Amendment to the Government Railways Act 1904 [175]
Bunbury Racecourse Railway Discontinuance Act 193517 September 1935Authorised the discontinuance of the railway line [176]
Railways Classification Board Act Amendment Act 19356 January 1936Amendment to the Railways Classification Board Act 1920 [177]
Cue–Big Bell Railway Act 19363 November 1936Authorised construction of the railway line from Cue to Big Bell Cue to Big Bell railway line [178]
Geraldton Harbour Works Railway Extension Act 19395 October 1939Authorised construction of a railway line to extend the Geraldton Harbour works railway to the industrial area of Geraldton Geraldton Harbour works railway line [179]
Government Railways Act Amendment Act 193922 November 1939Amendment to the Government Railways Act 1904 [180]
Railways Classification Board Act Amendment Act 19459 January 1946Amendment to the Railways Classification Board Act 1920 [181]
Railway (Hopetoun–Ravensthorpe) Discontinuance Act 194613 November 1946Authorised the discontinuance of the railway line from Hopetoun to Ravensthorpe Hopetoun to Ravensthorpe railway line [182]
Government Railways Act Amendment Act 194710 January 1948Amendment to the Government Railways Act 1904 [183]
Railway (Brown Hill Loop Kalgoorlie–Gnumballa Lake) Discontinuance Act 194811 November 1948Authorised the discontinuance of the loop railway from Hannan's Street station to Kamballie station via Brown Hill Kalgoorlie to Gnumballa Lake railway line [184]
Railway (Mt.Magnet–Black Range) Discontinuance Act 194821 January 1949Authorised the discontinuance of the railway line from Mount Magnet to Sandstone Sandstone branch railway line [185]
Government Railways Act Amendment Act 194825 January 1949Amendment to the Government Railways Act 1904 [186]
Railways Classification Board Act Amendment Act 195015 November 1950Amendment to the Railways Classification Board Act 1920 [187]
Railway (Port Hedland–Marble Bar) Discontinuance Act 195018 December 1950Authorised the discontinuance of the railway line from Port Hedland to Marble Bar Marble Bar Railway [188]
Welshpool–Bassendean Railway Act 195029 December 1950Authorised construction of the railway line from Welshpool to Bassendean (not constructed)Welshpool to Bassendean railway line [189]
Railway (Upper Darling Range) Discontinuance Act 195029 December 1950Authorised the discontinuance of the railway line Upper Darling Range railway [190]
Muja–Centaur Coal Mine Railway Act 195120 November 1951Authorised construction of a spur line from Muja to the Centaur coal mine Brunswick Junction to Narrogin railway line (spur) [191]
Government Railways Act Amendment Act 195119 December 1951Amendment to the Government Railways Act 1904 [192]
Collie–Cardiff Railway Act 195120 December 1951Authorised construction of a railway line from Collie–Cardiff to the Western No. 2 mine Brunswick Junction to Narrogin railway line (spur) [193]
Railway (Mundaring–Mundaring Weir) Discontinuance Act 195214 November 1952Authorised the discontinuance of the railway line from Mundaring to Mundaring Weir Mundaring Weir branch railway [194]
Coogee–Kwinana Railway Act 195219 November 1952Authorised construction of a railway line from Coogee to Kwinana Kwinana freight railway [195]
Collie–Griffin Mine Railway Act 195310 November 1953Authorised construction of the spur line from Collie to the Griffin mine Brunswick Junction to Narrogin railway line (spur) [196]
Upper Darling Range Railway Lands Revestment Act 195318 December 1953Revest in Her Majesty certain rights and land Upper Darling Range railway [197]
Government Railways Act Amendment Act 195318 January 1954Amendment to the Government Railways Act 1904 [198]
Government Railways Act Amendment Act 195414 September 1954Amendment to the Government Railways Act 1904 [199]
Government Railways Act Amendment Act 195513 December 1955Amendment to the Government Railways Act 1904 [200]
Belmont Branch Railway Discontinuance and Land Revestment Act 19567 December 1956Authorised the discontinuance of the railway line from Bayswater to Belmont Belmont branch railway [201]
Government Railways Act Amendment Act 195718 November 1957Amendment to the Government Railways Act 1904 [202]
Midland Junction–Welshpool Railway Act 19576 December 1957 [4] Authorised construction of a railway line from Midland Junction to Welshpool Midland Junction to Welshpool railway line [203]
Government Railways Act Amendment Act 19586 October 1958Amendment to the Government Railways Act 1904 [204]
Government Railways Act Amendment Act (No. 2) 195811 December 1958Amendment to the Government Railways Act 1904 [205]
Government Railways Act Amendment Act 19598 September 1959Amendment to the Government Railways Act 1904 [206]
Railways Classification Board Act Amendment Act 19598 October 1959Amendment to the Railways Classification Board Act 1920 [207]
Kalgoorlie–Parkeston Railway Act 195930 October 1959 [1] Authorised operation and maintenance of the railway line from Kalgoorlie to Parkeston Kalgoorlie to Parkeston railway line [208]
Government Railways Act Amendment Act 19602 December 1960Amendment to the Government Railways Act 1904 [209]
Railways (Cue–Big Bell and other Railways) Discontinuance Act 196012 December 1960Authorised closure of 13 railway lines in Western Australia [210]
Coogee–Kwinana (Deviation) Railway Act 196110 October 1961Authorised construction of a railway deviating from the Coogee to Kwinana railway line Kwinana freight railway [211]
Railway Standardisation Agreement Act 196130 October 1961Approved certain agreements between the Commonwealth and the State in relation to the standardisation of certain railways [212]
Railways (Standard Gauge) Construction Act 196130 October 1961Authorised construction of a railway line from Kalgoorlie to Kwinana, Midland Junction to East Perth, Kewdale to Kwinana and Kalgoorlie to Kamballie [213]
Spearwood–Cockburn Cement Pty. Limited Railway Act 19616 November 1961Authorised construction of a railway line from Spearwood to the works site of Cockburn Cement Pty. Limited Kwinana freight railway [214]
Kwinana–Mundijong–Jarrahdale Railway Act 196123 November 1961Authorised construction of a railway line from Kwinana to Jarrahdale through Mundijong Kwinana freight railway [215]
Tallering Peak–Mullewa Railway Act 196128 November 1961Authorised construction of a railway line from Tallering Peak to Mullewa Tallering Peak to Mullewa railway line [216]
Mount Goldsworthy–Ord Ranges–Depuch Island Railway Act 196220 November 1962Authorised construction of a railway line from Mount Goldsworthy to Depuch Island and a spur line to the Ord Ranges Goldsworthy railway [217]
Spencer's Brook–Northam Railway Extension Act 19635 November 1963Authorised an extension of the Spencer's Brook to Northam railway Eastern Railway [218]
Railway (Portion of Tambellup–Ongerup Railway) Discontinuance and Land Revestment Act 19635 November 1963Authorised the discontinuance of a portion of the railway line from Tambellup to Ongerup in Gnowangerup Ongerup branch railway [219]
Government Railways Act Amendment Act 196313 November 1963Amendment to the Government Railways Act 1904 [220]
The Midland Railway Company of Western Australia Limited Acquisition Agreement Act 19639 December 1963 [1] Approved an agreement between the Midland Railway Company of Western Australia, the State and the Commissioners of the Rural and Industries Bank of Western Australia Midland railway line [221]
Railways (Standard Gauge) Construction Act Amendment Act 196318 December 1963Amendment of the Railways (Standard Gauge) Construction Act 1961 [222]
Bellevue–Mount Helena Railway Discontinuance and Land Revestment Act 19644 November 1964Authorised the discontinuance of the railway line from Bellevue to Mount Helena Mundaring branch railway [223]
Bibra Lake–Armadale Railway Discontinuance and Land Revestment Act 19644 November 1964Authorised the discontinuance of the railway line from Bibra Lake to Armadale Spearwood–Armadale railway line [224]
Morawa–Koolanooka Hills Railway Act 196419 November 1964Authorised construction of a railway line from Morawa to Koolanooka HillsMorawa to Koolanooka Hills railway line [225]
Government Railways Act Amendment Act 19659 November 1965Amendment to the Government Railways Act 1904 [226]
Clackline–Bolgart and Bellevue–East Northam Railway Discontinuance and Land Revestment Act 196525 November 1965 [2] Authorised the discontinuance of the railway lines from Clackline to Bolgart and from Bellevue to East Northam [227]
Industrial Lands (Kwinana) Railway Act 196617 October 1966Authorised construction of a railway line at Kwinana Kwinana freight railway [228]
Private Railways (Level Crossings) Act 196612 December 1966Relats to level crossings over private railways [229]
Railway (Collie–Griffin Mine Railway) Discontinuance Act 196721 November 1967 [2] Authorised closure of the spur line from Collie to the Griffin mine Brunswick Junction to Narrogin railway line (spur) [230]
Railway (Midland–Walkaway Railway) Discontinuance Act 196721 November 1967Authorised the discontinuance of a portion of the railway line from Midland to Walkaway Midland railway line [231]
Government Railways Act Amendment Act 196721 November 1967Amendment to the Government Railways Act 1904 [232]
Kwinana–Mundijong–Jarrahdale Railway Extension Act 19675 December 1967Authorised construction of an extension of the railway line from Kwinana to Jarrahdale through Mundijong Kwinana freight railway [233]
Railways Discontinuance and Land Revestment Act 196825 October 1968 [2] Authorised the discontinuance of portions of four railway lines [234]
Kwinana Loop Railway Act 19686 November 1968Authorised construction of a loop railway line at the Kwinana Grain Terminal Kwinana freight railway [235]
Mangles Bay Railway Act 19686 November 1968 [2] Authorised construction of a railway line south of the Kwinana Grain Terminal Kwinana freight railway [236]
Lake Lefroy (Coolgardie–Esperance Wharf) Railway Act 196921 May 1969Authorised construction of a railway line to connect the Esperance branch railway to the Esperance land backed wharf and construction of a spur railway to Lake Lefroy Esperance branch railway [237]
Bunbury Harbour (East Perth–Bunbury) Railway Act 197020 May 1970Authorised construction of a spur railway line to the foreshore of the Bunbury Harbour and a railway line connecting that spur to the Bunbury station yard South Western Railway [238]
Railways Discontinuance and Land Revestment Act 19705 November 1970 [2] Authorised the discontinuance of a railway line and portions of another railway line [239]
Government Railways Act Amendment Act 19705 November 1970Amendment to the Government Railways Act 1904 [240]
West Kalgoorlie–Lake Lefroy Railway Act 19708 December 1970Authorised construction of a railway between West Kalgoorlie and Lake Lefroy West Kalgoorlie to Lake Lefroy railway line [241]
Government Railways Act Amendment Act 19711 December 1971Amendment to the Government Railways Act 1904 [242]
Railway Standardisation Agreement Act Amendment Act 197110 December 1971Amendment to the Railway Standardisation Agreement Act 1961 [243]
West Kambalda Railway Act 19729 June 1972Authorised construction of a spur railway line to the Western Mining Corporation's Kambalda Nickel Operations Kambalda to Redmine railway line [244]
Government Railways Act Amendment Act 197216 November 1972Amendment to the Government Railways Act 1904 [245]
Perth Regional Railway Act 19726 December 1972 [1] Authorized the discontinuance of portion of the railway line from Fremantle to Guildford and construction of a Perth regional railway Fremantle line [246]
Railway (Coogee–Kwinana Railway) Discontinuance Act 19736 June 1973 [2] [5] Authorized the discontinuance of the railway line from Coogee to Naval Base Kwinana freight railway [2]
Railway (Kalgoorlie–Parkeston) Discontinuance and Land Revestment Act 19736 November 1973 [2] [5] Authorized the discontinuance of the railway line from Kalgoorlie to Parkeston Kalgoorlie to Parkeston railway line [3]
Railway (Bunbury to Boyanup) Discontinuance, Revestment and Construction Act 19736 December 1973Authorized the discontinuance of the railway line from Bunbury to Boyanup as well as construction of a railway line in the same section Northcliffe branch railway [247]
Government Railways Act Amendment Act 197327 December 1973Amendment to the Government Railways Act 1904 [248]
Alumina Refinery (Worsley) Agreement Act 197328 November 1973Authorised construction of an alumina refinery at Worsley and an associated railway line from the refinery to the existing railway line between Brunswick Junction and Collie Brunswick Junction to Narrogin railway line (spur) [249]
Dongara–Eneabba Railway Act 197423 October 1974Authorised construction of a railway line from Dongara to Eneabba Dongara–Eneabba railway line [250]
Railways Discontinuance and Land Revestment Act 197429 October 1974 [2] Authorized the discontinuance of six railway lines [251]
Railways Discontinuance and Land Revestment Act 197518 September 1975 [2] Authorized the discontinuance of the railway line from Dwellingup to Boddington Pinjarra to Narrogin railway [252]
Government Railways Act Amendment Act (No. 2) 19757 November 1975Amendment to the Government Railways Act 1904 [253]
Government Railways Act Amendment Act 197514 November 1975Amendment to the Government Railways Act 1904 [254]
Government Railways Act Amendment Act 19769 June 1975Amendment to the Government Railways Act 1904 [255]
Railways Classification Board Act Amendment Act 19777 November 1977Amendment to the Railways Classification Board Act 1920 [256]
Government Railways Act Amendment Act 197718 November 1977Amendment to the Government Railways Act 1904 [257]
Railways Discontinuance and Land Revestment Act 197818 May 1978 [2] Authorized the discontinuance of the railway line from Fremantle Harbour works quarry railway to North Fremantle Fremantle line [258]
Government Railways Act Amendment Act 197817 November 1978Amendment to the Government Railways Act 1904 [259]
Government Railways Act Amendment Act 197925 October 1979Amendment to the Government Railways Act 1904 [260]
Railways Discontinuance Act 198015 October 1980 [2] Authorized the discontinuance of the railway line from Pindar to Meekatharra Mullewa to Meekatharra railway line [261]
Government Railways Amendment Act 19805 December 1980Amendment to the Government Railways Act 1904 [262]
Government Railways Amendment Act 198214 May 1982Amendment to the Government Railways Act 1904 [263]
Railways Discontinuance Act 198512 April 1985 [2] Authorized the discontinuance of parts of two railway lines [264]
Bunbury Railway Lands Act 19856 May 1985 [1] Revested certain lands, enabled the grant of certain lands to the Western Australian Government Railways Commission South Western Railway [265]
Government Railways Amendment Act 198725 June 1987Amendment to the Government Railways Act 1904 [266]
Perth–Joondalup Railway Act 198915 January 1990Authorised construction of a railway from Perth to Joondalup Joondalup line [267]
Government Railways Amendment Act (No. 2) 199017 December 1990Amendment to the Government Railways Act 1904 [268]
Government Railways Amendment Act 199017 December 1990Amendment to the Government Railways Act 1904 [269]
Railway Discontinuance Act 199625 October 1996 [2] Authorized the discontinuance of parts of a railway line in Bunbury South Western Railway [270]
Government Railways Amendment Act 199625 October 1996Amendment to the Government Railways Act 1904 [271]
Government Railways Amendment Act 19986 July 1998Amendment to the Government Railways Act 1904 [272]
Railways (Access) Act 199830 November 1998To promote competition in the operation of rail services [273]
Railway (Northern and Southern Urban Extensions) Act 19998 December 1999Authorised construction and expansion of two railway lines [274]
Railways (Access) Amendment Act 200028 November 2000Amendment to the Railways (Access) Act 1998 [275]
Railway (Narngulu to Geraldton) Act 200129 August 2001Authorised construction of the railway line from Narngulu to the Port of Geraldton Geraldton to Narngulu railway line [276]
Railway (Jandakot to Perth) Act 20025 December 2002Authorised construction of the railway line from Jandakot to Perth Mandurah line [277]
Public Transport Authority Act 200326 May 2003Established the Public Transport Authority [278]
Railway and Port (The Pilbara Infrastructure Pty Ltd) Agreement Act 20048 December 2004Ratifies and authorises an agreement to develop a railway in the Pilbara region Fortescue railway [279]
Railway Discontinuance Act 200630 March 2006Authorised closure of two railway lines in Western Australia
  • Fremantle to Kwinana railway
  • Midland Junction railway
Statute Law Revision Act 20064 July 2006Act to repeal various obsolete written laws, among them 15 railway-related acts [281]
Railway Discontinuance Act (No. 2) 200613 December 2006Authorised closure of railway lines in Western Australia Northern Railway [282]
Public Transport Authority Amendment Act 20083 July 2008Amendment to the Public Transport Authority Act 2003 [283]
Railway (Tilley to Karara) Act 20107 July 2010Authorised construction of the railway line from Tilley to Karara Karara railway [284]
Railway (Butler to Brighton) Act 20107 July 2010Authorised construction of the railway line from Butler to Brighton Joondalup line [285]
Railway (Roy Hill Infrastructure Pty Ltd) Agreement Act 201028 October 2010Ratifies and authorises an agreement to develop a railway in the Pilbara region Roy Hill railway [286]
Railway and Port (The Pilbara Infrastructure Pty Ltd) Agreement Amendment Act 201010 December 2010Amendment to the Railway and Port (The Pilbara Infrastructure Pty Ltd) Agreement Act 2004 and the Railways (Access) Act 1998 [287]
Railway (Forrestfield–Airport Link) Act 20152 November 2015Authorised construction of the railway line from Bayswater to Forrestfield Airport line [288]
Railway (BBI Rail Aus Pty Ltd) Agreement Act 20175 December 2017Ratifies an agreement to develop a railway in the Pilbara region [289]
Railway and Port (The Pilbara Infrastructure Pty Ltd) Agreement Amendment Act 201815 May 2018Amendment to the Railway and Port (The Pilbara Infrastructure Pty Ltd) Agreement Act 2004 [290]
Railway (METRONET) Act 201819 November 2018Authorised the extensions of the Thornlie line to Cockburn Central and the Joondalup line to Yanchep as part of Metronet [291]
Railway (METRONET) Amendment Act 202027 February 2020Amendment to Railway (METRONET) Act 2018. Authorised construction of a railway from Bayswater to Ellenbrook (known as the Morley–Ellenbrook Line) Morley–Ellenbrook line [292]
Railway (BBI Rail Aus Pty Ltd) Agreement Amendment Act 202117 August 2021Amendment to the Railway (BBI Rail Aus Pty Ltd) Agreement Act 2017 [293]
Railway (METRONET) Amendment Act 202216 August 2022Amendment to Railway (METRONET) Act 2018. Authorised construction of a railway from Claisebrook Station to Mundijong (known as the Armadale Line and Byford Rail Extension) Armadale line [294]
Government Railways Amendment Act 202221 November 2022Amendment to the Government Railways Act 1904 [295]


See also

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