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Matt Helm lounges on a bed with several scantily-clad women while overlain text reads: "Coming up next: Matt Helm meets Lovey Kravezit in Murderers' Row."
Pranked Morty awakens from his bed on a raft in the middle of the lake constantly falling into the water and calling out for help throughout the end credits.
being thrown out of the cargo hold and parachuting back to Earth as the credits roll.
Before the credits, Gonzo snaps a photo of the audience, with the screen going black to suggest his overpowered flash bulb blinds the audience and promises to send copies to everyone.
During the end credits the various characters are shown in their current situations, including Mayor Calo riding Bubbles the elephant as she water skis.
The camera rides along the mine cart tracks throughout the entire credits; ending in an open area. We then see the killer walking around and then swinging the pick at the screen.
A post-credit message – "Coming from Paramount Pictures: Airplane III" – inspires Murdock to remark, "That's exactly what they'll be expecting us to do!"
During the end credits, Harry is seen standing inside an iron Otis elevator that is interminably descending, presumably to Hell. As the screen fades to black, Cyphre can be heard whispering, "Harry" and "Johnny", claiming his dominion over both their souls.
During the end credits Fred and Bob discuss what they would do with a million dollars. Fred wants to get a Swiss doctor to give him new nasal passages transplanted from a llama. Bob says that he would live off of banana splits.
Advertising executive William Windom is shown still examining the same photos Neil was waiting for him to finish looking at the start of the film over Thanksgiving dinner.
During the end credits, Chet, Connie, Roman, Kate, and Wally dance to "Land of a Thousand Dances" in a bar.
In the post-credits scene, the raccoon family (who rummaged through the trash cans throughout the film) talk in their language about what happened to "Jody" and states that she is "bald on both ends now".
During the end credits, Carface arrives in Heaven and takes his own watch, vowing revenge against King Gator. As Annabelle chases him and warns against using it, Charlie assures the audience that "he'll be back".
During the end credits, at three different times during the credits, Daffy Duck pops in. He says "Long, isn't it?", "Patently ridiculous". & "Still lurking about? Don't you people have homes?"
Several short scenes play during the end credits to show what becomes of the characters, including ones in which Fanny is reunited with her brother, Mei attempts to talk with Bee in private, and Mei demonstrates a wind control technique to Fanny.
At the end of the credits, the screen reads: "COMING SOON - HAUNTEDWEEN II". A line of dialog from the film is replayed: "Hey, look, everybody, there's another room! Come on!"
Riggs and Murtaugh are called to another building. As they debate whether to go in, the building explodes. Below a freeze-frame of the explosion, Riggs remarks, "I hope no one saw us."
Two Japanese business executives propose making a video game based on Iggy and Spike, now trapped on Earth, who decide on the title The Super Koopa Cousins.
In a post-credits scene, Mitzi asks an older woman to go for a coffee, but as they are walking they come upon a fully zombified Vinnie and Big Moe cleaning up graffiti.[1]
In the alternate ending (in which Dante is shot in a robbery), a post-credits scene shows Kevin Smith (as an undisclosed character) enter the store, step over Dante's body, and steal a pack of cigarettes.
M. Bison's computer is reactivated from solar power and the revival system restores Bison again. His fist smashes through the rubble and a computer screen is shown selecting "World Domination: Replay".
He[who?] then says "Everything has come to an end for good" and walks away with Mohini, as the prisoners look on and the credits begin to roll.[citation needed]
Tony Perkis (Ben Stiller), once he is fired as head of Camp Hope, becomes a door-to-door salesman for healing crystals. A would-be client slams the door in his face, meaning he won't be successful in his new job.
The Wiggles, the kids, their friends, their families & their crew are having a goodbye dance to Henry's Dance instrumental track is playing in the background while the end credits are rolling.
A mid-credits scene features Goldar sitting in Lord Zedd's throne with Mordant serving him fruit, only for both to panic when Zedd and Rita Repulsa reappear, having been released after Ivan Ooze's death.
The Genie appears in several wacky poses over the end credits before screaming in terror that we've reached "the end!" Then he winks at the audience and flies off.
Bugs Bunny says the "that's all folks" catch phrase. Porky Pig arrives and says "That's my line." Daffy Duck then interprets and attempts to say the catch phrase. However, he is pushed out of the screen by the aliens who then say the catch phrase. Michael Jordan lifts the screen and asks "Can I go home now?"
Close with the goodbye dance with "Christmas Picnic" for background music. And then, everyone yells the final "WAKE UP, JEFF!" after they clap their hands three times.
In a post-credits scene set against a black backdrop, Bean enters and tells the audience, "Yes, I normally stay until the end as well." He rubs his hands and says "Bye" before walking out of frame. A moment later he reenters and says, "You can go now if you...if you wish." He checks his watch and says, "Dear me. Bye." He walks out of frame again, then moments later walks back through the frame in the other direction.
With the child dancers, the credits roll as the mascots join in the dance. Then Captain Feathersword, Dorothy, Wags, Henry and The Wiggles come back and take a bow. Murray is playing guitar, and Jeff is playing accordion.
The Wiggles say goodbye to everybody and leave as the credits roll to the music for "Jeff's Christmas Tune".
George and Ursula declare their love for each other and marry, with Ursula moving into George's treehouse. Some time later, the two are raising a son, George Jr., who they present to the animals from atop Pride Rock. Meanwhile, Ape moves to Las Vegas and becomes a famous stage performer with Max and Thor as props.
During the credits, Cranfield grants custody to Josh as a ranting Snively, who runs at Josh to get Buddy back, is arrested and carried away by the police, while Josh and the rest of the citizens rejoice and gather around Buddy to welcome him home.
In a post-credits scene, Thomas, now a priest, baptises the daughter of Deva and Priya, who are married. Deva is looking after his father-in-law's business and Priya is working as a full-time singer. Guru has become a renowned music director but is facing charges of plagiarism; James redistributes his wealth to everyone.
Bob Costas and Al Michaels have a conversation only using the word "Dude". They pause suddenly, looking into each other's eyes, and appear to be about to kiss before screen goes black.
The camera stays fixed on one of the pillars in the stadium throughout the end credits, only to reveal the final fate of one of the characters in the last few seconds.
Leflore walks into a restroom where Big Fat Bernie Gayle is standing at a urinal. Leflore places his mallet on the sink and stands at a urinal, then Bernie greets him, "Hey, how are ya?"
Parodying the bloopers of movies like Cannonball Run and Grumpy Old Men, there are a collection of scenes showing the characters goofing up or horsing around on the "set" of the CGI-animated movie.
During the end credits, Stevenson and Julia are shown moving into their new home and receiving a box full of copies of the newly published book Max and Lily: A Love Story.
A clip of a RoboBrendaerobics workout video is shown.
The headless Robo-Gadget runs aimlessly into the camera.
Sikes attends a Minion Recovery Group meeting, announcing that it has been thirty days since he kissed up to anyone.
Penny uses her watch to call Brain, who pretends to be the voicemail message.
The Gadgetmobile announces that he married the Volkswagen in a Las Vegas drive-through chapel and they are expecting a little subcompact whom they plan to name "The Love Bug".
Decades later, Ambrose Bierce reveals to a bar patron that Quixtla actually bit him as they fell outside of the bar and that he is now a vampire. He rips the heart of the patron and bites it as the film ends.
After congratulating the audience for helping, Ernie tells Bert that it's time to go home, as they walk off, Bert comments on how he knew everything was gonna be okay, to which Ernie responds "Yeah right". Suddenly, Bert witnesses the credits fade in, then he exclaims to Ernie that there are credits. He then states that he wants to see who did the catering, to which he begins commenting on how good the toast was and how they cut off the crusts and everything. Ernie then tells him that it's time to feed his pigeons, then Bert and Ernie leave and Ernie says, "Bye bye." Then he laughs as the credits begin.
During the credits, Furious at being defeated again, Neelambari commits suicide, promising to take revenge on Padayappa in her next birth, but Padayappa is sure it'll never work. He prays for her to find peace.
A collection of fake bloopers in the style of the original Toy Story film and A Bug's Life is shown, including a moment where that movie's main character Flik and supporting character Heimlich show up on set, mistakenly thinking that Pixar is filming A Bug's Life 2.
During the credits Stuart accompanies George as he fixes his hair and gets dressed in the morning, all the while avoiding Snowbell, who is accidentally launched out the window.
During the credits, Gandhi's great-grandson Tushar Gandhi comes over and visits Ram Jr's private room, which is full of historical photos. Ram Jr hands over Gandhi's footwear and spectacles which his grandfather had previously collected from the place of the shootout and had treasured throughout his life.
During the first half of the closing credits, the music orchestra leaves as well as scenes from the movie flying off into outer space.
Throughout the first half of the closing credits, the song The Carnival of the Animals, Finale by Camille Saint-Saëns is played accompanied by the sound effects, and when the blob of white light disappears, the rest of the music plays.
In a mid-credits scene, the helm of a knight's suit of armor opens electronically, revealing a skull inside whose eyes begin glowing red. Chris Smith asks, "Is that everything?" Ben Skora responds, "Yeah, that's it."
In a post-credits scene, Ben Skora walks through his circular dilating door and it closes electronically behind him.
Closing with the credits showing the Wiggly friends that are shown on a split-screen. On the left side are the characters, Captain Feathersword, Dorothy the Dinosaur, Wags the Dog and Henry the Octopus. On the right side is each character's actor dancing along.
During the credits, offers his unwavering assistance, embodying the timeless adage that true love knows no bounds, even in the face of personal anguish and sacrifice.
Many Deleted Scenes, Bloopers, and Special Mentions throughout the credits.
God from Kevin Smith's previous film, Dogma, closes a book labeled "Askewniverse" which is the fictional universe that many of Kevin Smith's movies take place in.
A collection of fake bloopers similar to A Bug's Life and Toy Story 2. One of them features Rex from the Toy Story series in place of the enormous monster Ted.
Having covered up their attempts to hide Boo earlier in the movie by pretending they were rehearsing for a musical, Mike and Sully stage an actual musical loosely based on the events of the film.
The first scene has Michael Zane singing an Elvis song. There are some random scenes from the movie, Vegas, and other characters from the film. Near the very end of the credits, there is a blooper scene between Kurt Russell & Kevin Costner.
As the credits begin, two silent scenes are shown as music plays. The first shows the characters attending a funeral for "Bunbury" and the second shows Gwendolen holding Jack's hand as he receives a tattoo on his rear end.
The cops who came out of the car wash explain they have a police car and one of them explains about keeping the moustache and they get into their car which pours out a lot of soapy water.
A truck driver drinks homemade lemonade from the stand out front of the general store as health alerts about the virus are being posted and handed out. He then climbs into a Down Home Spring Water truck and drives away.
In a post-credits scene, In a change of mind, Baba turns back to remain in Tamil Nadu, to the cheer of the crowds that were hopeful that he leads the state.
Bullseye, having been moved to a prison hospital and severely bandaged after his confrontation with Matt, is shown to still have his perfect aim after he impales a fly with a syringe needle and says "Bullseye".
Before the credits come to a conclusion, the narrator feels so sad about the ending of the movie and tells the audience to go home, Just a Female Narrator from Mulan cheers the male narrator up.
A small green worried fish named Blenny is drawn in by the light of a terrifying anglerfish, only for the smaller fish to eat the anglerfish in one bite.
During the credits, Viji falls in love with Vasu, but he acts to hate her because she made him and his whole family separated. So in the middle, something happens, and they both end up loving each other. Vasu also got back together with his family after a couple of twists.
Daffy Duck gets chased by Nasty Canasta and Cottontail Smith at the Casino and pulls the Slot machine lever before running off. Nasty and Cottontail prepare for money to come out of the machine, but the machine lands on a bomb and it explodes, knocking them both unconscious.
Scooby-Doo is in the mansion playing his game on his Game Boy Advance. Then, he tells the audience that there is a secret code for the game. Said code unlocks an alternate ending for the game.[2]
After Donkey and Puss in Boots end their concert, Dragon appears flying in the sky, lands near Donkey and reveals that she has given birth to donkey-dragon hybrids. As he is shown enjoying the news, the scene cuts to black and Donkey declares, "I gotta get a job!"
During the credits, on TV, pleas for a quick judgement, either to reach Annalakshmi by hanging to death or to live life as a silent man, seeking retribution.
As the credits roll, "Dhoom Dhoom" by Tata Young (item number) music video plays, with actors: Abishek Bachchan, Uday Chopra, Rimi Sen, and John Abraham.
Lola tries to find Oscar to make amends. All she finds is a hermit crab named Crazy Joe.
During the end credits, Crazy Joe taps on Head of Artistic Development Frank Gladstone's name and yells out, "What?! You see this guy?! He hardly worked on the movie at all! Always on the phone, yakking yakking yakking!", and after that, Crazy Joe said "Did somebody say crazy?!"
Mrs. Sanchez leaning out her window and telling everyone to go home because it's past their bedtime.
He then calls headquarters, informing them that Aangre has been fatally wounded while trying to escape from custody "despite warning" while Aangre eventually succumbs to his wounds, as the credits roll.
The title "We would like to stress that no animals were harmed during the making of this motion picture" is shown during the credits. A bunny bounces and falls across the screen and then starts to scream.
(3-D version only) At the very end, Buck and Chicken Little appear, looking out at the audience saying goodbye. Chicken Little says "Think we can get some popcorn when they leave?" and Buck points out of the screen and says "Yea, there's some on the floor" and Chicken Little replied, "I don't mind, I'm starving."
as the credits roll, with happy note as Ramya and Krishna marry, while Aravind starts a wordy fight with a young girl. There too two kids fights with each other.
Lucy tries to go back to Narnia through the Wardrobe and Professor Kirke tells her she will see Narnia again when they least expect it. After Lucy and Kirke leave, the Wardrobe opens on its own, with light appearing from inside it, and Aslan's roar is heard.
The movie ends on a shot of a desk with flowers on it. The shot zooms in to show that the pictures are of the main party members in Final Fantasy VII, as well as the new characters added in the movie.
During the credits, Both teams win their respective competitions, and the entire school gathers in the gym to celebrate ("We're All in This Together"). Chad asks Taylor out, and Sharpay makes a truce with Gabriella.
In a post-credits scene, Zeke Baylor paces alone in the gym, when Sharpay runs in, declaring that the cookies he had given her that she had initially rejected are "genius". She hugs him, and he says he will make here a crème brûlée. Zeke smiles in victory.
RJ is seen demonstrating to his new family how to operate/hack the same vending machine shown at the beginning of the film into delivering all products. Unfortunately, his efforts at obtaining the product were stifled by the now products blocking the access door.
An epilogue showing the changes done in Radiator Springs, along with a drive-in theater showcasing parodies of Toy Story, Monsters, Inc. and A Bug's Life.
Van and Minny, a couple of travelers who were trying to find the Interstate from the earlier movie scene in Radiator Springs, are shown lost in the middle of the desert.
During the credits, it is revealed that Kumar served three times as an MLA and twice as the Finance Minister of Tamil Nadu. Despite his political growth, he still could not find his son. Thamizhselvan retired from politics and has settled abroad with his daughter and grandchildren. Selvi had conducted her second marriage with her former fiancé. Two months after her marriage, her husband went missing, and then she had been committed to an asylum.
In the scene before the credits, a scene is shown where Saami is having a chat with the boy who committed the murder. The scene is shown as a deja-vu where Saami convinces Kosi and Selva that they are all part of this scheme together. Saami uses the same dialogue to the boy, letting the audience connect that the boy will be killed too.
Kyle and JB sit around a tape recorder, with JB telling Kyle not to make a sound unless it's a masterpiece. Kyle asks how he will know it's a masterpiece, to which JB replies that he will feel it. A few seconds later, Kyle farts. JB asks to wind the tape back.
In a mid-credits scene, Santhosh and Kavitha are married. Also, it is hinted that Muthupandi and his servant maid Valli finally develop love for each other.
At the beginning of the credits there are multiple extended/outtake scenes. Near the very end of the credits, we see "Him" holding up a Diner's Club card next to the Target sign showing they accept them.
Just before the end of the credits, we hear more of Scarlet teaching "Him" how to sing the song from the driving scene. That leads into "Him" and the car wash crew looking at the camera and clapping.
In a mid-credits scene, the paramedics take Grant's body to the ambulance, with one of them shouting, "We got a live one!" Grant opens his eyes, which shine bright blue.
The end of the film (an homage to VH1's Pop-Up Video) reveals that the song becomes a hit for Cora and Alex, the film version of Sloan's novel flops with critics and moviegoers (destroying his career), PoP! reunites for their induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, after which their lead singer Colin Thompson (who left the band with some of Alex's songs to start a solo career) winds up having his hip replaced after years of dancing, and Alex and Sophie go on to become successful partners, with five new more pop hits, both in songwriting and romance.
A collection of bloopers and outtakes runs during the credits. In a final scene, Unni reminisces about a list of ex-boyfriends so long that Jompi eventually hails a taxi and leaves.
In a mid-credits scene, How Hari becomes a one-man army and brings Nama Shivayam to justice forms the rest of the story in Vedhala Dhevathaiye singing.
After the credits, Glen Maverick (older brother of protagonist Cody Maverick) begins dismissing the unseen Cameramen "back to Hollywood" and forcibly throwing their interview equipment out of his and his mother Edna's igloo.
The epilogue shows how Billy went back to the future to find that it hasn't changed as Fred Fredburger has obtained Horror's Hand from Grim's magic trunk and took over the world as the new Lord of Horror.
God reveals a new commandment to the outgoing audience: "Thou shalt do the dance", followed by the film's cast and crew members dancing to the C+C Music Factory song "Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now)" during the closing credits.
During the Credits, The students spot the money and go after it, causing a stampede in which Aathiseshan is trampled to death. Sivaji Foundation soon becomes a frontier for India's economic and industrial rise.
At the very end of the credits, a stylized 2D version of Remy eats some cheese then begins to walk away but steps wrong and injures his foot. He continues to limp away.
The Cybernetic Ghost is seen humping the TV in the Aqua Teens living room. Frylock (who went through a sex change) tells him that it's time for bed.
The Wonderful Wizard of Ha's
During the end credits, Scarecrow, Tin Man and Lion sing Over the Rainbow to finish the episode. After the song ends, Scarecrow is put back on his post.
It seems like the credits might be rolling, but they don't. Dorothy says she hopes everyone enjoyed the first section, and she introduces the next section which will be about language and literacy.
During the credits, there is a tie. Meredith gets the trophy, but the girls also obtain the scholarship, which they give to Cloe. They are offered an appearance at a red carpet gala by an MTV vice president.
It is revealed the Ancestral Witches were not destroyed when Bloom defeated Mandragora and saved Domino; instead she freed their spirits and are searching for new hosts to possess. They are then shown with their descendants, the Trix, and cackle madly, leading to the events of Winx Club 3D: Magical Adventure.
The song "Rock Monster" is sung as a music video with the entire characters from the movie dancing. After the song is finished, Bob the Tomato makes his first appearance in the movie.
In a mid-credits scene, Arnold once again comes to the same room, to help another group of youngsters staying there and lamenting their current situation. This time, Arnold keeps His "galaxy box" bound in chains in His pocket to make sure that it is not stolen or misused like before. Arnold smiles at the camera as the film ends.
In a post-credits scene, Zack and Miri get married and, aided by Delaney and his worker's compensation settlement, start their own video production company, Zack and Miri Make Your Porno, which makes videos for amateur couples.
During the closing credits, there are scenes from the day Jack and Joy get married, of Tipper and Hater subsequently enacting a plan of revenge on Mason, and of Hater cutting off Dave.[citation needed]
Tony Stark enters a bar where United States Army General Thunderbolt Ross is drinking and suggests using technology rather than biology for weaponry, while alluding to the Avengers Initiative.
At his home, Zartog has gone into a statue-freeze man and his dog walks pass by and looks at him, and Zartog watches his dog weeing and Zartog going to get angry because the dog peed himself. It is unknown that Zartog did survived the shuttle and his death.
The end credits feature baby pictures of the cast while their names are printed under the pictures. "Over in the Meadow" and "Sing a Song of Sixpence" plays during the song & production credits.
The scene shifts to the stadium, where Avatar, who had his cancerous growth taken away by Fletcher's shot, along with all the others, listens to the speech by Govind followed by the former president George W. Bush as the credits roll in Ulaga Nagayan singing.
A post-credits scene shows Max and Mona in a bar. Mona shows Max a newspaper with Aesir CEO Nicole Horne's picture on the front. Max and Mona then look at one another with understanding and renewed purpose.
As the credits roll, the movie shows the couple visiting Japan on their belated honeymoon after winning the trophy for the dance competition as a reward.
In a post-credits scene, in the nick of time, the heroes emerge from the hideout and fight the goons with all their might. Vishwanath finally shoots and kills Ravichandran, and Saroja is reunited with her family. As everyone returns home, the four friends try to recall the name of the girl whom they have just rescued.
Partway through the credits, behind the scenes footage of the mice swirling around the portal is shown, giving a look at the process of animating in front of the blue screen.
In a post-credits scene, the Judge has met with his chauffeur and the Special Agents Smith stating that Gruberman has proved that God exists. The Special Agents Smith plan to unleash their powers as their eyes glow green. The words "To be continued" then appear on the screen.
During the end credits, a scene plays in which Nick and Diora begin making out on the grounds but Nick is found by the coach, who makes him perform a naked drill while being held. This is followed by a collection of bloopers and outtakes from the film.
In a final post-credits scene, the eagle mascot takes off his costume head to breath but asks the eagle mascot to keep its head on while they make out. The camera pans over to Bianca kissing Angela under the pretense that she is demonstrating how to kiss a guy.
There are multiple short segments shown during the first half of the credits. Jack & Dr. Friedman are speaking at a UFO convention about their book Race to Witch Mountain. After they get in the car to leave the convention, the device they got from Sara & Seth starts to make a sound and flashes indicating that they are returning.
After the end credits, a competitive TV reporter, in despair that Hartman got popularity by jumping into the sinkhole to save Mary, also jumps into it.
While the end credits are rolling for during The Fairy Dance (Instrumental) plays in the background during at the end of the show.
The audience are waving goodbye to their friends, dancers, Captain Feathersword & The Wiggles, while Let's Have A Party (Instrumental) track plays in the background during the end credits are rolling
The Wiggles & Captain Feathersword are waving goodbye to the audience, until they go through the curtains & they had a great time during the show. Then, the end credits are still continued to roll
Stryker is detained for questioning by MPs in connection with the death of General Munson, whom Stryker murdered to protect his experiment and Deadpool is shown to have survived his decapitation, proceeding to break the fourth wall by shushing the audience. In a deleted post-credits scene, Logan is seen in Japan drinking heavily.
Jonny and Plank, enraged after everyone turned against them, vow revenge and replace their superhero personas "Captain MellonHead" and "Splinter" with the new villainous alter-egos "The Gourd" and "Timber the Dark Shard". However, Plank tells Jonny that there is no time left in the movie, with Jonny being oblivious to his presence within the film.
In a mid-credits scene, With the truth about Saravanan finally revealed, the army reinstates his titles, honours, and badges and also returns his army badge and uniform to his widow.
In a mid-credits scene, Devaraj is reinstated into the police force and offers to make Ravi a police officer. However, Ravi refuses, stating that he has found the police officer within himself and that is all he needs to succeed in life.
until the end credits are shown. Then, it shows the characters to standing each name appears on the screen during the closing sequence, while Dorothy's Dance instrumental track is playing in the background. After that, the popcorn popping continues over the end credits are rolling, while It's A Wiggly Circus instrumental track is playing in the background. Finally,
A montage of rehearsal clips and "This Is It" are played in the background. After the show, a live recording of "Heal the World" was played. Then, the audio of "Human Nature" is played, with a clip of Michael rehearsing it in early June (the 3-D screen was not set up yet). A clip of what could have been a Dome Project video of "Heal the World" is shown, in which the girl that appeared in the "Earth Song" video was shown holding the world and a signed message, by Michael, saying "I Love You".
In a post-credits scene, A scene set two years later reveals that Siva and Sakthi are married and have a son, to whom Siva brags about how he successfully "got the girl".
In the end, Ganapathiram is awarded by the Indian government for "bravery", while Dhuruvan is back at the camp training another set of new NCC cadets. The girls bid a tearful goodbye, remembering Ajitha and Susheela.
Bethany and Tom get their revenge on Ricky by making him look like a fool in front of his new girlfriend Annie Filkins, using the mind control remote; Bethany gleefully comments that "she is so keeping this" after she and Tom record Ricky landing on his crotch on the stair rail.
Dan pays a birthday party performer hired by Vicki to use his jet pack and suit, flies into the ceremony and wins over his kids again. When the jet pack stops working in mid-air, he falls into a lake and is taken to an ambulance on a stretcher. One year later, Dan and Vicki are together, Charlie has married Amanda, and Craig has become like a new "uncle" to the kids.
Tallahassee struggles to find adequate final words for Bill Murray. Eventually Murray himself appears and helps Tallahassee recite a line from Caddyshack: "In the immortal words of Jean-Paul revoir, gopher."
It has grown more on the islands of Merville as the animal have lost their aggression. Billy flies over greeting the residents and finally at Xiao who waves at the screen.
The 2022 re-release has multiple scenes from the upcoming sequel, although which scene is shown appears to be random per theater:
We see a group of Na'vi learning to swim and breathe underwater. Most of the students struggle with the process but a young Na'vi is a natural.
We see a young Na'Vi boy waking up on a large whale-like sea creature out in the ocean. The boy thanks the creature for saving his life. The boy then removes a large harpoon-type weapon from the creature's fin. They become friends and the boy rides the creature through the ocean by holding his fin as they swim off together.
After realizing that the world now has superheroes, Frank's son, Chris D'Amico, decides to become an evil villain and says the Joker's line, "Wait till they get a load of me!" as he fires a gun at the screen.
Sally kicks her abusive husband, Gabe Ugliano, out of her apartment. As Gabe walks into the kitchen to grab a beer, he finds the refrigerator locked, with a note from Percy not to open it under any circumstance. Gabe breaks the door open to find Medusa's head, turning him to stone.
In a mid-credits scene, On the way, Baali stops him saying that while he took the diamond, he was leaving his "life" behind. Singaram smiles and they both ride off in the sunset.
After the credits roll, it shows one year where the new McDonald-Venturi member has been born, a boy named Simon. The entire family is shown to be smitten with Simon.
A Ponzi Scheme is explained. A post-credits scene shows Hoitz telling Gamble a joke while Gamble intermittently asks for clarification. Gamble ultimately finds the joke unfunny, then orders food in Chinese, causing Wahlberg to break character.
In a cut-down scene from Thor, S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Phil Coulson reports the discovery of Mjolnir at the bottom of a crater in a desert in New Mexico.[citation needed]
Before the closing credits, it is revealed that Frank is promoted and later retires with full benefits. Will is reconciled with Darcy, who is expecting their second child, recovers from his injuries, and continues working with AWVR. Connie is promoted to Galvin's VP position, while it is implied that Galvin was fired for his poor handling of the incident. Ryan makes a full recovery, and Dewey, who is held accountable for causing the incident, is fired from his job and goes on to work in the fast food industry.
in-a mid credits scene, the Pierret family is celebrating Christmas and Samuel hears news about Werner, halfway through his sentence. The report mentions that Werner was released for one day, only to be found hanged. Samuel concludes that Sartet was responsible.
Three of the Minions try to get through the gap over the white. In their last attempt, one of the Minions ended up flying, destroying the movie screen. Then, the Minion is making hand puppets, imitating Gru, which steals his spotlight.
Ménard pursues Saint-Hubert with a rifle, still outraged that Saint-Hubert shot the pterosaur. Ménard is arrested by Caponi as two gorillas stare menacingly at Saint-Hubert.
In a post-credits scene, Ellie, an elephant conjured by Nanny McPhee to share Vincent's bed, is seen enjoying the magically operated Scratch-o-matic invented for the piglets.
In a mid-credits scene, Vinay and Sam are successful in their romance. The three boys eventually return to their native village, along with Roshini, Jessica, Danny, and Jack. There, a surprise awaits Ram, in the form of Nayantara. The epilogue takes place in Goa, showing Suhasini falling in love with Madhan Kumar (Silambarasan Rajendar). As they hug, Madhan's nose begins to bleed, indicating that Suhasini has become a victim of Manmadhan.
A collection of outtakes.
In a post-credits scene, The film parodies various themes prevalent in Tamil cinema, as well as many popular Tamil songs. Director Venkat Prabhu makes several cameos throughout the film.
In a post-credits scene, Tinkles is in paradise complaining about lacking deworming cream for his itching rear until Calico reminds him that he is still connected.
The end credits show that life at Sunnyside is now far kinder and happier under the supervision of Ken and Barbie. All of the toys now rotate their time between the Caterpillar and Butterfly Room equally, and no toy is left in the Caterpillar Room too long. An Emperor Zurg toy, a few other toys and the Army men are also seen landing in Sunnyside and receive a warm welcome from the residents. Ken and Barbie also keep in touch with the toys living at Bonnie's through letters hidden in her bag, as it is shown that Woody and the others have fully settled in with Bonnie's other toys and are their new life together. The last scene shows Jessie taking advantage of Buzz Lightyear's Spanish mode as they perform a pasodoble to "Hay Un Amigo En Mi", the Spanish version of "You've Got a Friend in Me".
Diesel 10 watches the engines at the Sodor Search and Rescue Center's grand opening from above a cliff, promising they'll be laughing on the other side of their boilers soon with an evil laugh, foreshadowing Day of the Diesels.
in a post-credits scene, After that, he resigns his job publicly in a felicitation function organised for him. Singam is seen with Kavya heading back to Nallur. He is stopped briefly by Ramanathan, who offers an undercover mission, to which he willingly agrees.[a]
Following the credits, "THE END" appears in an 8-bit font, prompting a cartoon Scott Pilgrim (reminiscent of the tie-in video game) to appear, demolish the logo, and then teleport away.
As the credits roll from right to left, the reprise of "Ainvayi Ainvayi" plays with Bittoo and Shruthi getting married and dancing. Plus, it ends with them talking to each other.
During the credits, photos are shown of Patrick and Grace becoming parents as well as of the Smurfs' village with influences from their adventure in New York City.
Gargamel looks at the camera/audience and asks "What are you looking at?" with his wand zaps the camera.
A smurf appears on top on the Columbia Pictures logo, waving goodbye to the audience.
Sharpay's twin brother, Ryan, on a break from his musical tour around the country, pays her a visit after she becomes a star on Broadway to congratulate her. When Boi escapes from Sharpay's apartment, she chases after him, and Ryan relaxes on his sister's bed until it folds back into the closet, taking him with it.
Photos from that night show: Stu getting his tattoo; the guys at the strip club; Stu with Kimmy; Kimmy "doing it" with Stu; Teddy losing his finger playing a knife game; Alan playing with the monkey; Chow and the guys doing drugs; Chow and Phil playing with a gun.
Will's neighbor, who is a pilot, is in the airport with a nosebleed. A computer simulation of all the flight connections after the pilot had boarded the plane is shown. As the plane touches down in Europe, countless yellow lines spread out to other destinations, which implies that the virus the pilot has is spreading.
There is some funny footage incorporated into the end credits, related to the wedding performance of "Hold On" by Wilson Phillips. This is followed by an extra scene featuring Megan and the air marshal.
Greg and Rowley are seen posting the video of Greg's mom dancing at the talent show on YouTube, and the video goes viral. However, Rodrick finds out and exclaims, "Greg, you are so dead!".
Hobbs is given a file by Monica Fuentes concerning the hijack of a military convoy in Berlin, where he discovers a recent photo of Dom's former girlfriend Letty, who had been presumed dead.
During the first part of the credits, a pair of hands plays with the layout of the credits as they appear on screen and even control certain aspects like controlling the audio volume and other various settings of the credits.
The movie they are watching is the terrible-looking romantic comedy from earlier in the film with Jason Segel and Rashida Jones as a couple supposedly sightseeing in New York. "Look how much fun we had making the movie!" Dylan jeers. There's a brief clip of Jones accidentally calling Segel's character Jason and then squawking, "Oh God, I called him Jason" as Segel explodes in laughter. There are also a few more outtakes.
The first round of credits runs during a reprise of "Real in Rio", sung by most of the main characters as they fly through the jungle. After that, there's a scene of a plucked Nigel getting humiliated by Mauro the marmoset, who takes a picture of his featherless form.
Additional footage plays throughout all of the closing credits. And when all of the credits have scrolled, there is scene on the same computer at the beginning of the movie, sends a video of a young Justin Bieber To all of the friends on the computer, and then it shuts off.
in the closing sequence then shot transition to the goodbye dance, while everybody comes out to do one more time for during How Many Fingers Do I See? instrumental track is playing in the background after that it translates to the beach
During the credits of Soul Surfer, real footage of Bethany Hamilton is shown. Many of the scenes are from a previous documentary, and they include Bethany surfing as a pro, Bethany surfing for the first time after the attack, Bethany taking 5th place at Nationals, Bethany winning 1st place the following year, Bethany going to Thailand with World Vision, an interview with her there, Bethany throwing out the first pitch of the MLB 2004 season in New York (although she wears an Oakland A's uniform), Bethany visiting troops at Ramstein Air Base, Bethany winning the Teen Choice "Courage Award", Bethany winning the "Best Comeback of the Year" ESPY, Bethany responding in a TV interview "I think? I know I'm going to surf again." This is followed by more family footage of Bethany that mirrors actual scenes from the movie; they include young Bethany and Alana before the accident, Bethany at the hospital, Bethany skateboarding, Bethany dropping fruit in the kitchen, and Bethany getting help with her hair. More videos and photos of Bethany, her family, and friends are shown and followed by title cards that say "The End" and "... is the beginning".
During the credits, The passengers happily leave the flight, farewell each other and agree to meet again. The terrorists' names are revealed to be Yasin (the leader), Munna, Omar, Anwar and Abdul.
In the end as the post credits roll, Kempegowda is seen with Kavya heading back to Mysuru, and as when Kempegowda is stopped briefly by the Home Minister who offers an undercover mission, to which Kempegowda willingly agrees.
Right before the scrolling end credits, we see an image of the cover of Clive and Graeme's Graphic Novel "Paul", which has an illustration of Paul—except he has three breasts, a reference to the woman with three breasts on the cover of their other book seen throughout the movie.
The Chipmunks, Chipettes, and Dave return home at Los Angeles on an airplane as Alvin screws with the PA System, which causes a cart to knock Dave over as he angrily screams "ALVINNN!!!"
Johnny English tells Kate Sumner "I don't know how to thank you." She responds, "I'd love a takeaway." Johnny says, "Consider it done." He then gets up, looks at a takeout menu with dissatisfaction, and finds a CD of "In the Hall of the Mountain King" by Edvard Grieg. After loading the CD, he spends the rest of the scene preparing a meal with ingredients he finds in the fridge and kitchen. At one point, Kate peeks in from around the corner.
Erik Selvig is taken to a S.H.I.E.L.D. facility, where Fury opens a briefcase and asks him to study the Tesseract, which Fury says may hold untold power. An invisible Loki prompts Selvig to agree, and he does.[citation needed]
There is an encore performance of "Somebody to Love" after the initial cast credits and a viral video of the mini-warbler performing "Raise Your Glass" shown during the credits.
A letter is delivered to Aro and the Volturi. Aro reads the message, which states that Carlisle has added another vampire (Bella) to his coven. The two other Volturi banter about how Carlisle is growing his coven and that the Volturis' dispute with the Cullens is over. However, Aro replies that their business with the Cullens goes beyond a human... they have something he wants. Aro then signals two guards to take away the messenger girl, who then screams in protest.
More clips of twins being interviewed are shown like in the beginning of the film. The interviews last the entire length of the end credits with the twins describing funny situations and making fun of their siblings.
A lone twin from one of the documentary interviews is shown, although he doesn't say anything, but does a trick where he pretends to pump up his stomach and then pop it.
In a mid-credits scene, Thule's helicopter pilot Matias returns and views the ruined station and the husk of the Edvard-Adam-creature with horror. Colin has committed suicide, using a straight razor. Lars shoots at Matias, ordering him to open his mouth. Lars's dog, thought dead, emerges and runs away. Lars orders Matias to start the helicopter and give chase, leading to the events of the 1982 film.
Then we see Gary talking to his wife where she mentions that maybe she would give him a hall pass as well. Gary imagines how that would be like; which includes multiple murders and Gary going to jail. However, he says that he would do it.
Near the end of credits we see Fred in the van seemingly masturbating. But then the police pull up next to the van and we then see Grace's head pop up and she explains that she is giving him a "flowjob" a fake blowjob.
We see Stephen Merchant/Gary digging graves and one of the corpses pops up and scares him.
In a post-credits scene, Francœur, Emile, Lucille, and Raoul are shown solving the Great flood by dropping sunflower seeds which have been enhanced with super fertilizer, consuming large amounts of water and growing to large size.
In another post-credits scene, Albert and a street thief are shown in a cell, badly singing much to Maynott's horror.
During the end credits, it is revealed that Noah got a new girlfriend, Slater grew up and got a job at the entertainment industry, Blithe gave up her pop culture obsession and started inventing perfumes as an adult, Rodrigo gave up being a pyromaniac, Karl was hospitalized after being beat up by Tina's gang, and Julio died due to burning to death.
During the credits, Matt, Scottie and Alex eat ice cream together as they watch March of the Penguins, covering themselves in a blanket that Elizabeth had at the hospital.
The alpha wolf lies on the ground taking two breaths, the second being a long, deep, and final exhale... similar to a wolf shot and killed by Ottway earlier in the film. Ottway lies against the wolf, viewed from the back.
When a guard is sleeping on duty at the front gate to the castle, but he's awakened by the raven, who says, "Delivery! Sign here! Sign here!" with a paper and feather pen. The next shot shows that the raven is pulling a tiny cart overflowing with all of the wooden trinkets that the princess bought earlier in the movie. The raven caws, "Come on, birdbrain! Haven't got all day."
The three slaves staring out from the cage that was in transit to the mining company. One asks, "Who was that n—-?", and the movie's title appears on screen immediately after.
The extra scene is made up of handheld footage by a Spanish-speaking man. He looks at a botánica from across the street and says in Spanish, "There it is... let's go." Once inside, he asks, "What is this?" He looks at a figure of Jesus on the cross and down some aisles before saying, "This is all witchcraft. I'm leaving." He's startled by a woman (presumably the shopkeeper) who warns in Spanish, "This is just the beginning." The man quickly leaves.
Dr. Connors, in a prison cell at Ravencroft, speaks with a man in the shadows who asks if Peter knows the truth about his father. Connors replies "no", and demands Peter to be left alone before the man disappears.
Pirate Captain tells Charles to grow a beard and sends him off exploring.
Victoria crashes into a jungle where the animals she previously was going to eat are now preparing to eat her instead.
A wanted poster shows that Pirate Captain is now worth 100,000 doubloons.
The crew makes Pirate Captain his own trophy.
The Pirate King takes the trophy back from Black Bellamy.
After pining for female companionship throughout the movie, Charles finally discovers girls on the Galapagos Islands.
The pirates set a course for adventure and then are devoured by the sea monster that supposedly didn't exist in real life, only as a decorative illustration on a map.
There is cell phone footage of the aftermath of Joseph Gordon-Levitt's accident and injury on set. First, Joe's bike is shown on the ground behind a cab, which has its rear windshield shattered from where he crashed and ended up. Gordon-Levitt then appears, showing blood dripping down his forearm from his wrist and hand. He says, "This is cool. I mean, kids, don't try this at home or nothing, but, like...." The recorder cuts him off and says, "Seriously, let's get you to the hospital."
Annie's interviewer tries to air out his hotboxed office as Annie knocks on his door outside. He manages to put away his bong before Annie enters anyway. They hit it off, and she finds out that he's actually Debbie's brother. He offers her the job, and she hugs him.
In a post-credits scene, Though Selva and Priya take care of Gayathri, she discovers that she is pregnant with Maha's child. At the same time, Selva and Priya learns of Gayathri's origins from the TV news. Unfortunately, Gayathri commits suicide.
Back on shore, the crew and Mick all get medals, including a posthumous one to Stone, after the ceremony, Adm. Shane leads Hopper off to discuss his 'Terms of Surrender' over a meal.
Before the credits roll, the movie ends with Nani singing "My Name is Nani/Nani En Peru".
The young girl is impressed with the story of the fly her father narrates. During the credits, her father recounts the fate of a drunken thief who broke into Bindu's house earlier in the story, and who ultimately turns his life around after overhearing a loving speech given to Nani by Bindu and mistakenly believing that Bindu was speaking to him. In Naan Ee, Bindu visits the pet hospital.
There is an extra half-minute scene after the credits of ParaNorman. It's a time-lapse sequence that quickly goes through the steps of how Norman was designed and constructed for stop-motion animation. After he's been assembled and painted on the worktable, Norman gets up and walks away.
We see family pics of the principal cast and crew members. For the remainder of the credits we see various pictures of the cast from scenes in the movie as well as candid shots from the set. The credits end with one final group shot of the cast and crew.
There is an outtake from the men's room scene featuring Billy Crystal/Artie Decker complaining that he's out of toilet paper and cracking a joke about getting five singles for a fiver.
In a post-credits scenes, show that Thirumurthy is again congratulated by the local police but gives equal credit to his brother as well. Through this praise, Gurumurthy also gets to join the police force.
Marty, along with Cam as his chief of staff, leading a Congressional hearing investigating the Motch brothers and their connection to Tim Wattley, who's revealed to be an international terrorist, leading to the arrest of the Motch brothers.
In a post-credits scene, A final shot is shown which is to happen in Dehradun, where the box in which Ambuli is being carried. The box slowly starts moving a little and cracks suddenly. It is to be understood that Ambuli escapes from the box and sets on his next hunt. The film ends with a line in Tamil, which translates to Ambuli's hunt will continue.
After the main credits roll, there's an extended alternate take of Catherine's ad-libbing insults during the meeting with Debbie, Pete, and the school principal.
Heather's adopted parents show up at the Carson estate to visit Heather, intending on greedily splitting her assets. As they wait in front of the door, Leatherface comes through the door with his chainsaw in hand.
A slug monster (who originates from a scene where he tries to run to class but his slow speed prevents him from doing to) finally arrives the classroom for his first day in school, only to be told by the janitor that the school year is already over and he missed it.
The scene they cut back to occurs after the kaiju "baby" died in Hong Kong. After what appears to be another "birthing", it's actually Hannibal Chau who emerges from the kaiju by cutting himself through the skin of the beast with his butterfly knife. He then angrily asks, "Where is my GODDAMN shoe?"
The Minions are competing for the auditions of the film's spin-off. They try to perform various escapades, before falling through the borders of the screen.
Chris D'Amico, the son of Frank D'Amico and whose supervillain name was The Motherfucker, was still alive and was in a hospital, but his limbs and genitals were eaten by a shark, where he was trying to drink his water.
Thor returns to Earth to share a romantic moment with Jane Foster, then the scene shifts to show a frost monster still running wild in London.[citation needed]
In the mid-credits, Jake returns in S.T.E.V.E. moments after leaving Reggie and Jenny. With a chicken and a duck in his wings, Jake starts to tell the turkeys about the turducken, implicating that Reggie's actions as well as Standish's "erasure" from history have had unexpected consequences in the present day.
The beginning credits are shown and presented using many Google products. We also see multiple still shots using Billy's photo app idea, Exchange-O-Gram.
A mid-credits scene reveals that Elizabeth has bought Austenland and turned it into a theme park, assisted by Colonel Andrews. Mr. Wattlesbrook now works as a garbage picker, Captain East does a strip show to Amelia's delight, Martin is snubbed by the guests, and Jane and Nobley are still very much in love.
Chantry goes to Taiwan as planned and makes a big ad campaign for some canned beverage. She takes Wallace with her and he goes to medical school in Tai pei where he becomes a doctor. They both then go to Mumbai and eventually head home. The scene ends with them inviting everyone to their wedding.
After the closing credits have rolled, the audience hears the familiar five taps on the glass window that was an iconic audible signature throughout the film.
In a post-credits scene available on the Blu-ray version only, the group is driving through the desert and stops at a Las Vegas abandoned sign yard. They go down into a cellar and see a bunch of wooden crates. Reeves asks, "Is that our new gear?" Atlas responds, "There better not be matching jumpsuits, you know I don't wear spandex". Wilder notices that the boxes are locked and Reeves points out "the cards". McKinney asks, "What, what cards?" Atlas asks, "Sorry, what do you mean what cards?!" McKinney feels around his pockets making a face and says, "Okay".
During the credits, Raja steps into Muthukrishnan's 1980s world. Muthukrishnan and Priya's father Kandhaswamy reject Raja's marriage to Priya. Muthukrishnan and Kandhaswamy meet and realize that jealousy of Kali, Kalyanam's father, was the reason for the problems of the families; finally Kalyanam tells the real story & both families unite to marry Raja and Priya.[4]
Lela, Tanner, Butchy, Seacat, Giggles and Struts wash up into the real world. A modern-day surfer thinks they are lost and allows them to use his cell phone, which they marvel at as they attempt to use it
The piece of paper that is seen just before the scrolling part of the closing credits has the date, 5–24–13 written on it, which was also Epic's release date.
In a mid-credits scene, Han is involved in a car chase in Tokyo when he is suddenly broadsided by an oncoming Mercedes-Benz W140.[b] The driver walks away after leaving Letty's cross necklace by the crash, and calls Dom, saying: "You don't know me, but you're about to", as Han's car explodes.
The morning after Alan's wedding, we see Phil waking up groggily in an absolutely trashed bedroom with Alan and Cassie. As he tries to figure out what happened, we see Stu stagger into the room giggling. He's dressed in women's panties and has large breasts. As they all wonder what happened, Alan finally remembers that the wedding cake was a gift from Mr. Chow, who obviously drugged it. Mr. Chow enters the room completely naked and proudly proclaims that "It was a sick night, bitches!" Then the monkey from the previous movie drops down on Stu.
The Peeples family participating together in Wade's outdoor musical performance for kids. It's a reprise of the kids' song that Wade was singing in the movie's opening scene. This is followed by the Peeples family, now including Wade, taking a family photo back in front of their house in Sag Bay.
A post-credits scene shows two men in Santa Claus costumes celebrating Christmas with the elderly. The men are revealed to be Akash and Shibu, who have once again escaped from prison.
The scene shows the news team getting up from a table at GNN as Ron Burgundy says, "Let's do it. You guys see the one?... I don't know how to use a computer. Hey, fellas? I just saw Jack Lime out there...." The shot cuts to Brick messily eating a chocolate chip cookie under the table. He looks at the camera, smiles, and waves.
Logan returns to the United States two years later and is approached at the airport by Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr, who warn him of a grave threat to the mutant race.
Marshmallow, who fell off the canyon in the middle of the movie, makes his way back to the top and goes back to the ice palace, only to find out that no one is here, but he steps on the crown on the exact place where Elsa tosses away while singing "Let It Go". Marshmallow wears Elsa's Crown, making him the King of the Ice Palace.
We see many B&W pictures of the actual characters depicted in the movie, as well as pictures from the production of the Mary Poppins film. In the middle of the credits we see and hear a reel-to-reel tape recorder playing back one of the actual taped work sessions between Mrs. Travers and the Disney staff.
In a post-credits scene, Daniel is attempting to convince a new client to sell her house and move to a retirement home but soon learns that she has many, many cats and sneezes violently.
James and Ben are at a backyard barbecue and they argue about who gets to light the gas grill. When Ben lights it, the thing explodes, hurling Ben into the neighbor's yard.
An Atlantean ship emerges from the ocean and Ocean Master appears carrying the dead body of his king. He believes that the surface dwellers on Earth are responsible, calling it an act of war from the surface, for which he swears revenge.
The credits start with fireworks that explode into the heads of various Muppets and objects from the movie. the first minute of rolling credits features Sweetums, Fozzie Bear, the Swedish Chef, and Dr. Bunsen Honeydew. The first three pull the credits up manually with an attached rope. Then Bunsen uses a contraption that automatically pulls the credits up, but when they scroll too quickly, he reverses it back to normal speed. Nearly three minutes later, Fozzie appears once again and says, "Check this out!" He hangs his hat on the LOS ANGELES UNIT text before exiting offscreen.
Fozzie says "You can go home now, Ma. Movie's over."
Jamie Foxx (in his Django outfit) shows up at the shooting gallery and shoots the guy running the contest. He turns around and says "Someone always dies at the fair."
Jamie Foxx slowly walks away asking for the white women.
In a post-credits scene, who is impressed with Vinayagam's valour gets Vinayagam and Koppu married. Thus, Vinayagam and his brothers get married with great pomp.
Mr. Peabody and Sherman appear in their original hand-drawn 2-D animated designs from The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends then they wave goodbye to the audience and walk off in to the distinct.
During the end credits all the characters, plus an animated Psy,
Before the credits, Psy leading the animals and people in the Gangnam Style dance.
In a mid-credits scene, Raccoon and Cardinal are revealed to still be alive and are plotting revenge, while stuck on a buoy in the ocean, surrounded by hungry sharks circling them.
In a post-credits scene, Mole trying to run from Precious while carrying a bone. They run off-screen then reappear running the other way with the bone is Precious' mouth and the Mole following with the dog whistle.
Cedric drop a dollar bill while heading to check out of the hotel. Bennett picks it up and tries to return it, but Cedric shoves it back to Bennett. Bennett then puts the dollar into a Steve Harvey slot machine and wins $100,000. Cedric runs up and tries to claim the money and a fight ensues.
There is an outtake with Cedric constantly asking Declan if he's left the room yet.
Vincent wearing his old Walkman, singing along to the Bob Dylan song "Shelter From the Storm". He starts next to his house, sneaking a cigarette hidden under a potted plant, then wanders over to his lawn chair where he uses a hose to water his non-existent lawn and ends up watering his socks and sandals instead.
We see Carl's father-in-law's Cuban band playing at Carl and Inez's reception party in Carl's new restaurant. Later we see the real food truck scene in L.A. Towards the end of the credits, we see Jon Favreau learning how to make an excellent grilled cheese sandwich from a real chef.
At the start of the credits, we see a little kid in India practicing pitching a baseball at a scarecrow. During the rest of the credits, we see various videos and pictures of the real Rinku, Dinesh, and Amit, including scenes of Rinku and Dinesh at the actual Million Dollar Arm contest. We also see Rinku and Dinesh as members of the Pirates organization
We see Lloyd and Harry riding on the Zamboni down a major highway. It seems as if they have stopped off at a fast-food restaurant and picked up malts in the drive-through. Lloyd ordered a chocolate malt and Harry, a vanilla malt. However, they were disappointed they were given the wrong Malts, Lloyd had been given a vanilla and Harry a chocolate. Disgusted by this turn of events you see them throw both malts over their shoulders only to land on the windshield of the 18-wheeler that Lloyd was kissing earlier in the movie. You see the driver get fuming mad and floor the throttle of his truck to ram the guys, only for the scene to cut away and see a heading for "Dumb and Dumber For" coming in 2034. We then we see Rob Riggle as the special ops guy again, disguised as part of the Dumb and Dumber For sign, step out and then walk off the screen.
The former superintendent of Piston Peak National Park Cad Spinner is shown now demoted and reassigned to his new job as greeter at the Death Valley National Park.
The smokejumpers crew comes out and push away the last line of the credits.
In a montage over the credits, the four travel from Australia to Vietnam, and then spend time in Thailand and Cambodia and are seen shooting machine guns and partying with ladyboys. Upon their return to the United Kingdom several months later, Simon, Will and Neil have considerably longer hair, while Jay has his hair in braids. Neil is in a relationship with an older female traveller from the Byron Bay hostel, while Will's mother announces her engagement to Mr Gilbert, much to Will's horror. He tries to run back to the plane, being tackled by airport police in the process.
The police and Detective Peter St. John investigating the crime scene in the house and then rolling out a body bag. Vanessa then sees all of this and crying.
Before the credits, Ben and Kelly receive good news: he got hired for the game design job, and she has been informed that the reading went viral and has created publicity for the book. Reunited, Ben brings out the cake, with Alexander wishing for more days like the one they shared together.
In a mid-credits scene, where Karthik and his new dog, who has been named Chinnamani in Subramani's memory, are being entrusted with investigating a new case.
During the credits, Doggy Style singing.
In a post-credits scene, Manimaran and Thangavel and Amavasai.
The mid-credits scene takes place within the fictional Trailer Park Boys universe, in which Wells, Smith, and Tremblay are still the owners of Swearnet, but Ricky, Bubbles and Julian are separate people. The scene — which occurs sometime after Swearnet Live — depicts the six of them meeting in the Swearnet headquarters, and the Trailer Park Boys being offered a contract to continue being filmed. However, Ricky signs the contract without fulling understanding it; he, Bubbles, and Julian had thought that they would be hosting Swearnet, rather than resuming Trailer Park Boys. Additionally, Ricky insists that they be paid nine thousand dollars, even though Swearnet had been prepared to offer them ninety. When the boys exit the Swearnet building, they see the new camera crew. Ricky attacks them in anger, before they all leave.
In a mid-credits scene, after an unknown period on the run, Jai is eventually reunited with Pankaj and Shikha, as he finally introduces Harleen to them.
Outtakes of the cast dancing with the African dance troupe. Afterwards we hear a cute Adam Sandler song that was apparently recorded with his real kids.
Mr. Trout and Mr. Pickles having a philosophical conversation about a higher power, "them controlling us". The camera slowly pulls back and we see the animator actually manipulating the two mechanical dolls that make up the stop-motion camera work.
Annie announces the opening of the "Stacks Literacy Centre", to help children like herself, who cannot read. Everyone sings Annie's Tomorrow; humorously, Miss Hannigan attempts to continue singing after the song is done, only to receive stares that cue her to stop.
In a mid-credits scene, while a parent is grieving in front of a grave of a child who died on a field trip, Dr. Manolo Apacible gives her a box containing a doll.
In a mid-credits scene, the family is shown happily painting a mural of their home, Bronagh, and the Faeries and celebrating Ben's birthday, and Ben and Saoirse, now closer than ever, go swimming with Cú and the seals in the ocean.
During the post credit scenes, James finally evades the crocodile but is stranded in the ocean until he is rescued by Mr. Smee, who compliments the hook in his possession.
Nandana meanwhile receives the book Oka Laila Kosam from Shahrukh who credits its writer as the owner of the pigeons she has. She reads the book which is her story and learns Karthik' sincerity from the words in the book. She meets Karthik and proposes to him before their respective families and they both unite.
Fred touches a portrait of his family and a secret door opens. Fred enters the room and discovers that his father is a former superhero. His father, voiced by Stan Lee, walks in.
In a post-credits scene, Arul rejects Usha's proposal and asks her to focus on her life. He then moves on to his next mission and kills Sharma and seizes the remaining 900kg of heroin.
In a mid-credits scene, Kathir and Nisha hugging in the kitchen. The glass door shows Shruthi's and Shiva's reflection, showing that their ghosts are still inside the house.
During the credits, Lingesan undergoes stem cell treatment, blood transfusion, yoga and physiotherapy for his condition and gradually returns to normal.
The Farmer sees a news report detailing some of the mayhem he slept through during his rescue from the city, much to his and the animals' shock.
The rooster who had been holding the sign at the beginning of the film carries a sign that says "The End" and then turns it and it says "Go Home." The rooster then leaves the room. One of the flock then enters the room with a vacuum cleaner, and begins to clean.
During the credits, As they playfully argue over whether Madhu's dreams had all been hallucinations or partly true, they pass by a log with a heart and the names of Munaruna and Samudra carved into it.
In a post-credits scene, the monitors sneak into the Boogeyman's mansion and play with the sands by turning into solids. Even after Twyla finds them and is shocked but accepts them before going to bed to sleep, the monitors continue to party.
In the end credits, Narasimhan's mother persuades him and his son to promise that they will never harm or kill anyone or even touch any harmful weapons. Raman and Krishna are seen going together on a bicycle.
Frieza is back in heaven tied up like cocoon and cuddly teddy bears and fairies dance and sing around him. Frieza exclaims "Nooooo!" and the Cuddly teddy bears and fairies say "Yesss!"
Doug and Jimmy are tennis doubles team. After Doug inadvertently throws his racket into Jimmy's back during a service, Jimmy retaliates by throwing his own racket straight into Doug's face, knocking Doug out. Jimmy looks around and runs away. The scene lasts about 15 seconds.
In a mid-credits scene, we are introduced to a secret scene. It is a flashback from Ranbir and Deepika's time in Corsica. Both of the leads are dancing on their own beat – they have headphones on – in the middle of a scenic landscape. Ranbir leans in close to Deepika, removes her headphone slightly, and says: "Mujhe yakeen ho gaya hai ki Teja ka sona tere paas hai!" Deepika smiles. Both continue to dance away – but still close – from each other to their own music. "Matargashti" starts playing. The scene could also be a hint that the two took a trip to Corsica again.
In the ruins of Cyberdyne Systems, the camera moves through a crack in the remaining structure to reveal the Skynet hologram looking at a working plasma containment field.
The wedding dancing continues for a little while. The screen expands back to full. Alice announces that she would like to give a toast, and it appears that she is going to propose to Howard. Keshawn then uncorks a bottle of champagne and hits her in the eye. Keshawn belatedly says "heads up!" A few bloopers are shown. The dancing then continues, with Alice now sporting a bandage over her eye and holding an ice pack to it.
Various future mission briefs for Susan Cooper are shown including a mission to rescue Rick Ford. Each of these has example equipment (e.g. a flamethrower concealed inside a lipstick).
We see an outtake of the final scene in the movie between Rick Ford and Susan Cooper where Melissa McCarthy makes a joke about Rick using his thumb during a sex-act that causes Jason Statham to break character by laughing and talking to the crew.
In a mid-credits scene, the Little Girl draws a picture of a boa constrictor that has swallowed an elephant on the chalkboard and explains to her class that it is not a hat.
In a mid-credits scene, Ari's former assistant Lloyd has his wedding and Ari gives him away. When the group gets together for a picture, Billy Walsh suggests that they should make a film (or TV show) about the lives of Vince and the gang.
There's a Bumper Allen's cover performance of John Legend's "All of Me" during an audition for the American version of the reality TV singing competition The Voice. After initially drawing and then losing the interest of Blake Shelton, Bumper eventually gains the interest of all four judges/artists (Pharrell Williams, then Christina Aguilera, then Blake Shelton again, and finally Adam Levine). Bumper ultimately chooses Christina Aguilera to be his coach and gives her a big hug. The extra scene lasts about two minutes.
There are miscellaneous skits with the Minions and Gru.
Kevin, Stuart and Bob are "singing" The Beatles song "Revolution" and playing instruments, then it breaks out into a full on production with all-characters from the movie, ending with them playing with a bear, caveman and Gru interacting with a T. rex.
In a post-credits scene, Astranova, who now attends Monster High, starts a music battle with her guitar against Operetta and her banjo during Mr. Rotter's class. After class, Astranova calls Ever After High's Raven Queen and Apple White, telling them that Monster High actually exists.
In the first mid-credits scene, Lucy tries to convince Charlie Brown to kick the football once more. Charlie Brown is apprehensive, but Lucy tells him that she now understands that he is kind, compassionate, brave, and funny and that no one would pull a football away from someone with all of those qualities. Charlie Brown, convinced, agrees once more, only for Lucy to pull the football away and adds smugly that she forgot to say that he is gullible, causing Charlie Brown to smile.
In the second mid-credits scene, Snoopy, Fifi, Woodstock, the Beagle Scouts, and Snoopy's siblings celebrate Snoopy's victory over the Red Baron with root beer, that is until the Red Baron shows up again and knocks Snoopy into the root beer causing him to angrily shout "Curse you, Red Baron!" (via thought bubble).
In the post-credits scene, Linus' model tri-plane finally sputters to a stop over the water and falls straight in.
In a mid-credits scene, This turns out to be successful. They are also supported by Akila Chechi, the leader of Akila Indian Men Security Club. Then, Assistant Commissioner Vetrivel arrives and tells the trio to join up with their wives by lying that they have their friendship cut.
In a mid-credits scene, Pandi falsely takes credit for their deaths in order to impress Kadhambari. Ultimately, Pandi, disillusioned with the thug lifestyle, becomes a police officer, as per his mother's wishes
We first hear the sound of static and then it cuts to a satellite map of the jungle. We then hear a phone conversation with Alejandro's sister calling Justine telling her that they found a photo from the satellite of the village. During the conversation it's slow zooming in to an aerial view of the village and finally focuses on what is Alejandro looking up very much still alive and her telling Justine "We need to talk".
Later in the credits we see a listing of films in the Italian cannibal genre that includes titles such as the infamous Cannibal Holocaust.
General Gregorio del Pilar prepares to cover Aguinaldo's retreat to the north. He inspects Luna's remaining men and orders his aide, Colonel Vicente Enríquez, to select 60 of them for the coming battle.
In a parody of the post-credits scene in Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Deadpool instructs the audience to go home, then reveals that Cable will be featured in the sequel.
In a mid-credits scene, the Soul Keeper restores Qiu to life from his ashes and declares Qiu her successor, revealing the true cost of Qiu's sacrifice for Chun.
Kevin Hart and Halle Berry escape from the stadium while being chased by David Meunier's men. As they fly away in a helicopter, Kevin says it's time the world learns how funny Kevin Hart is.
Before the credits roll, there's a live concert performance by Gazelle singing "Try Everything". Many of the film's various major and minor characters make appearances, including Bellwether (who's arrested) watching the event on TV from her prison cell.
Gerald tries to get on Fluke and Rudder's rock, but they bark at him, scaring him off. Meanwhile, Gill and the other members of the Tank Gang from the first film finally reach Morro Bay, California one year after floating across the Pacific Ocean and are picked up by staff members from the Marine Life Institute. After this happens, Gerald finally gets on Fluke and Rudder's rock without them knowing.
In a post-credits scene, it is shown that the reason for Vicky's restaurant's name being S-Star is that an astrologer had predicted his future wife would have a name starting from S. Vicky recalls his life in the last 16 years, recalling that each of the girls he loved had a name starting from S.
Gustav is telling everyone what happened to Laird Mayhew and the Fleming family after Christmas on Facetime. The call ends with Laird attacking Gustav.
In the mid-credits scene, Sathya and Subha get married. However, Sathya continues his masquerade as Shiva to rob unaccounted stocks from corrupt businessmen, without Subha's knowledge.
In a post-credits scene, Ayyankalai reveals that he does have a grandson through his first wife's son. The grandson is revealed to be none other than Bosepandi from Varuthapadatha Valibar Sangam. Bosepandi refuses to accept his share of his grandfather's property, advising him and his family not to sell the property and instead convert it into a 5-star hotel and hand it over to Rajini Murugan. Ayyankalai and Rajini Murugan agree with him.
In a mid-credits scene, Waller meets with Bruce Wayne, who agrees to protect her from the legal consequences of the events in Midway City in exchange for government files on the growing metahuman community. He reveals his plans to contact the heroes in the file, including Flash and Aquaman, in order to build his own superhero team.[c][d] She advises him to stop working late nights, implying she knows Bruce is Batman. In response, he tells Waller to shut down Task Force X or he and his "friends" will do it for her.
It takes place approximately a year later during the baptism of Dick and Lenore's baby. There is then the announcement that Jason and Shadia are the godparents followed by everyone discussing how it's weird for a 72-year-old to be a new dad and how Lenore is now Jason's grandmother.
The end credits scene reveal what actually happened: the men systematically isolated the women and Rajveer tried to force himself on Minal, who then attacked him with a bottle to his head in self defense.
There's a scene that happens during the first few end credits, that features an appearance by Sigourney Weaver.
As the credits roll you see Kevin dancing and the crowd following his actions. The credits move left to right and change color in reaction to his dancing. Slimer appears at some points and moves.
Slimer moves the first half of the crawling credits from left to right at some points, mainly during Kevin's dancing.
Patty is listening to an audio recording and then asking the team "Do you know Zuul?"
In several mid-credits scenes, back in the lab, Oscar shows Oona some "secret stuff" that he didn't get a chance to show her before he became president of the scientists, such as an on-demand sandwich for a snack, an extra hand that appears from the front desk (and a foot), a gadget that gives one perfect eyesight in case they breaks their glasses (it doesn't really, and Oona questions why he didn't just do that himself) and a button on the ceiling that ends the movie.
A woman in an institute who is told that she has a visitor who claims to be her niece. She turns around and we see that it's Paulina Zander from the first movie.
In a post-credits scene, Manoja cooks food for Prabhu. Although the food tastes bad, Prabhu asks Manoja to bring some more. After Manoja moves to the kitchen, Prabhu laments to the audience as to how he can eat such bad food all his life.
The book titled The Jungle Book open up and feature King Louie climbing out of the temple ruins and singing a song. The pages flip and feature different characters from the movie.
In a mid-credits scene, Vijay, an older Nivi, and Annie are in Ladakh. Vijay, who has changed his identity to Dharmeshwar, secretly continues to assist the CBI in solving various cases.
Nobby sneaking onto a ship to meet Sebastian. After shooting a number of men, he finally sees Sebastian who asks if he's met the rest of the team.
Nobby and Sevastian are driving to the soccer stadium. They stop and ask a local for directions. Nobby then shoots the man, saying "leave no witnesses."
Tamatoa, who got flipped to his back in the middle of the film, tries to get up and tells the viewers that if his name was Sebastian and had a cool Jamaican accent they would've helped him by now.
In a post-credits scene, in the Great Scarrier Reef, Posea is delighted to see Lagoona's –and Kala's– plants are finally back to full health. At the end, there is a note dedicating this film to Tori, a Make-A-Wish Foundation child who got to design an exclusive doll and provide two lines in the film.
In a post-credits scene, acting along with his best friend Vallikanth in a movie which seems to be his life story named 'Remo Nee Kadhalan', directed by K. S. Ravikumar, in which actress Sri Divya plays the role of Kavya as Dr. Divya.
In a mid-credits scene, Krishna and Devi live happily and have a child by the time. Krishna goes out to work, but he is possessed by Ruby, whose name tag is back again. This scene sets the stage for the sequel.
In a mid-credits scene, Raj is swarmed by his fans asking for an autograph, and in the midst of all, he recognizes a hand stretched out, asking for his autograph. He asked for her name, and she answered, "Ruby". It is understood that Ruby has possessed her body.
Hank Marlow reunite with his wife and son for the first time. Then he sits down with a beer and hot dog and watches the Cubs game.
Presaging a shared fictional universe – the MonsterVerse – Houston Brooks and San Lin welcome James Conrad and Mason Weaver to Monarch, before discussing when monsters such as Godzilla, Mothra, King Ghidorah, and Rodan will return to reclaim the Earth. Scene closes with Godzilla's roar being heard in the background.
Quintessa, in human form, meeting a man who is examining one of the horns in the desert. She warns the man that "he" does not like being touched. When asked who, she replies "Unicron"., and offers a way to destroy him.
We hear the cast singing "Do They Know It's Christmas?", and eventually Mel Gibson is shown in a quick scene dancing with a woman and then singing a line from the song.
Don droning on and on to the workers taking down the nativity scene. The others eventually leave while Don keeps talking.
In a video after the credits, though equally loving each member of his family, Sachin's father expresses that Sachin is and will be special for him forever.
While sleeping, Will and Elizabeth are approached by what appears to be a resurrected Davy Jones. Will wakes up, only to find that there is no one in the bedroom and goes back to sleep assuming it was a nightmare. But he is oblivious to the presence of a trace of wet barnacles on the floor.
In the end credits, villagers are shown lining up to use mobile toilets outside their village while the construction of toilets throughout the village proceeds.
Ryan Reynolds is shown waiting to start filming. Nearby church bells go off and prevent him from starting. After sitting there waiting with the bells continuing to ring, he finally looks up and says, "What is this, the director's cut?"
During the credits, while Senguttavan and Elango are boarding a bus to return home, they bump into Ramanathan again, who is now on the run. He tells them as his henchman had touched the stone, he and his gang were pursued by the mysterious lorry and his henchman was killed, while he barely managed to escape. But a few minutes later, a pilgrim who had earlier encountered Ramanathan and his gang while they were in pursuit of Senguttavan, Elango and the three ghosts, returns the stone to him, thus activating the curse on Ramanathan and the pilgrim.
In a mid-credits scene, George and Harold realize that Mr. Krupp's secretary Miss Anthrope, whom they put on the phone via a false competition for $1 billion, has been on the phone for the entire film, prompting them to shut off the call to her dismay.
In a post-credits scene, Raccoon, the villain from the first film, tries to swim back to New York City for his revenge, unaware he is trailed by the sharks, leaving his fate unknown.
Una, Dos, and Cuatro carrying food saying they wish Tres was here. Then a light blue hind leg appears to the left of the screen and they drop their food in shock.
During the credits, boldly admit their crimes to Thilak and defend themselves, but unfortunately for them, their confession is recorded by the Police Commissioner, who was working undercover in Muthamizh. Kalyan and Dheeran are arrested. Thilak, Mayilvaganan, Malar, Jagan, Pillai, Nisha and Aishwarya celebrate their victory.
Jay is released from prison and gets on board a bus with K and the other members of the organization. With their newest member Kim Woo-shik, a former driver for Mirando Corporation, they plan to disrupt a major meeting involving all of the Mirando shareholders.
Gargamel, his cat Azrael and his bird, Monty walking together. Gargamel is mumbling about his failure to catch Smurfs and blaming his cat. He also mumbles about the crew from the credits and says to shut off the music.
Mater is in his workshop and a video call rings and makes him knock over a whole bunch of tires and hanging up on the call. He then looks around and says, "Eh, technology".
In a mid-credits scene, What Saravanan does to reunite with Thenmozhi by convincing his family and breaking her marriage with Rajadurai, forms the crux of the story.
Before the credits roll, Mahendra orders his men to toss the head of Bhallaladeva's statue out of the palace walls, where it is swept to the great waterfall. It breaks as it falls and crashes against the cliff's walls and lands near the lingam that Mahendra carried earlier.
During the credits, a little girl listening to the story suggests that Mahendra and Avantika's child will become the new king of Mahishmati. The narrator suggests that that is another story.
The end credits begin with a return to the stage of all the characters. As the credits roll, various characters appear, including a frog sweeper, who is cleaning up the scene.
In a post-credits scene, Radha is shown sitting on a swing, and Jogendra comes to her and shows his love, which ultimately shows their reunion in heaven.
In a mid credits scene, back at school, the teacher announces that Tommy Oliver will be joining them, but the desk is empty save for a green jacket[e] while Billy's locker explodes in the hallway.
Smiler is shown in the Loser Lounge with the other forgotten and unused emoji. She's shown wearing braces with headgear and playing Go Fish, which she loses to the fish cracker emoji.
Harley Quinn has gone back to being Dr. Harleen Quinzel and she now has a reality game show, where she makes her patients face their fears on an elaborate obstacle course.
Tommy has a verbal exchange with Henry (played by the real Tommy Wiseau), a party-goer with a similar accent and mannerisms who offers to hang out, but he refuses.
In the post-credits scenes, Jai, Lekha, and his four friends live happily in the village. Lekha uses her supernatural abilities to do chores, play charades (and helping Mak win for the first time), scare off villagers who are attempting to drive her away (who are led by the village drunk's son), and even run the town's "haunted house" attraction. It is also revealed that her child also possesses some of her abilities, even though he is still an infant.
in a mid-credits scene, Madhu and Murali sign the marriage papers in the register office and the movie ends with Murali singing on stage with his wife Madhu recording his performance.
During the credits, Knuckles, Phibs, and Spoon are pardoned, and Knuckles opens a sandwich business. Buchanan is sentenced to 10 years in prison; six months later, he is shown to be putting his experience as a performer to further use by hosting shows for the inmates and providing entertainment throughout the building. The book was handed over to the Browns after it was released from the authorities.
In a post-credits scene, a moviegoer in a modern movie theater tells his friends to wait for a post-credits scene that is expected to follow a blockbuster, but they are told by theater employees (played by Tsui Hark and Stephen Chow) that this is not a blockbuster so there is no post-credits scene.
In a post-credits scene, Iniyan falls in love with Madhu, and she accepts his marriage proposal. One day, the gang conducts an interview for the CBI (fake). The gang plans to raid a jewelry shop. Uthaman and Kurunjivendhan come to know about this, but learn that they already came and finished the raid. Kurunjivendhan apprehends Iniyan but appreciates his struggle against corruption, offers him and his gang to be police officers, but he rejects the offer as he believes that even more good can be done if he continued to do his deeds. He then reveals the all police forces with Kurunjivendhan are actually the men he gave jobs using the heist money. He escapes the place with ease.
In the mid-credits scene, we see the corpse of the dog that would accompany the grave-digger everywhere. And in the far away horizon of the sea we see two boats with lit lanterns and people dressed in cloaks, approaching the beach. It's revealed that the two men playing cards from the beginning of the movie, were in fact Angels who had come over to the beach to carry forward the souls of Vavachan, the mallard, the gravedigger and the dog to their respective destinations; Hell and Heaven.
As the credits roll, there is a blooper reel and video of the Fred Savage incident is also shown.
In a post-credits scene, Farva blends his pinky toe into a smoothie and drinks it straight out of the blender, the result of losing a bet with Rabbit during the movie. He finds it delicious.[10][11]
Lara Croft returns to Alan's pawn shop to buy weapons. She decides to take two identical pistols. This is a reference to the character's famous dual pistols from the original game series.
In a formal ceremony, Spencer, Alek and Anthony are recognized as heroes of France for their gallantry and bravery. President François Hollande tells the public that the terrorist was armed with over 300 rounds of ammunition with the apparent aim of using all of it to wreak havoc on all those who boarded the train. The odds of the particular misfire and jam of the cartridge in the terrorist's weapon was estimated on the scene as being less than one out of a thousand, and highly unlikely to have been in Spencer's favor. French officials at the ceremony acknowledge their bravery and award them the French Legion of Honour in recognition of their act of courage.
In a mid-credits scene, Sikander, reuniting with his twin siblings in Al-Shifa, reveals the plot of handing over the original hard disks to Jessica. Sikander makes a metaphorical statement and calls himself the "Tiger" of a new race as he refuses to elaborate.
Before the credits roll, video clips and a photograph are displayed of the real group of ten men that inspired the film, who continue to play to this day.
In the end credits, it is told that many people's lives changed due to their wedding, including Kavya who reconciles with her husband Siddhu, from whom she wanted to divorce.
everyone demands that they cut to the credits immediately with Robin attempting to stall so that "kids can ask their parents questions". Starfire tells him that this isn't the type of movie for that. Robin then swings up to the screen to tell the kids watching to ask their parents where babies come from, and the credits roll.
In a mid-credits scene, the Teen Titans from the 2003 series show up on a distorted screen telling the viewers that they "may have found a way back".
In a post-credits scene, the Challengers of the Unknown are still trapped in the portal with their leader, Ace Morgan, postulating that they missed the movie.
post credits scene shows Krishna happily married to his love Mayuri, still satirically scared on his memories to that road trip, during his wedding night.
In a mid-credits scene, where Vasu reveals that the whole crew knows about Mahendran, who proceeds to kill himself backstage while Vasu, Appu and Venkat walk away.
A clone of Superman survives numerous failed experiments from LexCorp, Dr. John Henry Irons is seen forging his own Superman suit from steel, Superman's rocket buries itself in the North Pole resulting in the creation of the Fortress of Solitude and a Superman-like cyborg with Hank Henshaw's face is seen flying in space, heading towards Earth.
In a mid-credits scene, Pym, Lang, Hope, and Janet plan to harvest quantum energy to help Ava remain stable. While Lang is in the quantum realm doing this, the other three turn to dust. Due to the Blip which began at the end of Avengers: Infinity War (2018).[12][13]
Larry, a turtle who was trying to warn Peng of Banzou's intentions, makes his way to valley, only to find everyone gone. In the movie where characters said Birds of a feather migrate together.
As the end credits roll, it is shown that the family is free from their financial struggles, Sui Dhaaga's designs are being marketed all over the world, and Mauji and Mamta have opened up a tailoring school to encourage others like them to become self-reliant.
In the post-credits, the Pokémon Channel announcer is revealed to be Rick as Risa demands to know how he knew where she was, Ash and Pikachu head to their next location.
Peter and Lara Jean walk off the lacrosse field. Kitty answers the door to find John Ambrose standing on their doorstep holding the letter that she wrote him.
In a mid-credits scene, Gunasingam and Iniya give birth to a girl and choose to adapt to permanent birth control to ensure that past events do not repeat themselves.
Audrey, Morgan, and Sebastian doing a mission together in Japan.
Tess and two Aussie tourists are being interviewed on news channels. Tess tells the interviewer how she thinks about Audrey after seeing her on the news while the tourists tell how their waist bags are stolen by Audrey and Morgan. They also tell the interviewer how they think of them. The scenes with Tess and the Aussie tourists are switched back and forth.
During the closing credits, the chair chases the winged lion topiary with a chainsaw. Then a statement appears: "No chairs or topiary griffins were harmed in the making of this film."
At the end of the closing credits, the film's cast wave goodbye.
During the credits, Misty Copeland dances a traditional ballet to the "Miniature Overture" from "The Nutcracker". The outlines of male dancers performing a more hip-hop dance to the same music follow.
Richard M. Sherman, is on a piano singing "Busy Doing Nothing" at a beach. Then, Pooh, Eeyore, Tigger, and Piglet in beach chairs with sunglasses. Then Eeyore says "Thanks for noticing me."
In a mid-credits scene, Deva sustains near−fatal injuries. With the help of Bharadwaj, Das and two other surgeons fake Deva's death. Deva and Das enjoy a holiday on a cruise along with Jahnvi and Pooja.
In a mid-credits scene, a toddler (Moana, shortened to Mo) plays a game of Pancake Milkshake after watching the film, which disappoints her because one of the scenes from the trailer wasn't in the final version, but Ralph and Vanellope enter the game and crash it, [TBA spawning a meme.]
In a post-credits scene, a supposed-to-be sneak peek of Frozen II shifts to Ralph rickrolling to the song "Never Gonna Give You Up" by Rick Astley, with Slaughter Race characters and Felix. Ralph then breaks the fourth wall telling the audience there are no more surprises to show up, ending the film.
in the post-credits scene, Lots of garden gnomes are falling making a picture of Sherlock Gnomes, when Moriarty blows a raspberry and laughs and Sherlock Gnomes smashes Moriarty.
In a mid-credits scene, David is saved by Dr. Stephen Shin, a marine scientist and conspiracy theorist obsessed with Atlantis, and agrees to lead Shin there in exchange for help in his revenge on Arthur.
During the credits, Vaseegaran recovers in the hospital and tells Vijay Kumar, who comes to see him, that he feels Pakshi Rajan was a virtuous person who became a victim of the corrupt society. He also suggests we reduce and control cell phone radiation and ensure that technology do not threaten the lives of all the living creatures in the world. Chitti, now restored to its original version, begins a relationship with Nila and "Endhira Logathu Sundariye" is sung.
In a post-credits scene, Sana asks Vaseegaran over the phone about the probability of mobile phones flying again. Immediately, Vaseegaran's mobile flies out of his hand and morphs into Kutti 3.0, saying, "I am your grandson".[citation needed]
Miles embraces the responsibilities of his new life. Later, Gwen finds a way to contact Miles from her own dimension.[h] In another dimension, Miguel O'Hara, also known as Spider-Man 2099, travels to Earth-67 and argues with its Spider-Man.[i]
In a mid-credits scene, a focus group depicted earlier in the movie gets into another argument about the efficacy of the film and the presidency of Donald Trump, whereas some members of the group are uninterested and would rather discuss things other than politics.
First in a post-credits scene, Sakthi marrying Raji, a phone call from Bhaskar telling Sakthi that Shankar has escaped from jail, and Raji (thinking that it is another undercover operation) indirectly telling Sakthi to capture Shankar again. On hearing this, Sakthi faints.
Second in a post-credits scene, Tony, Cycle Shankar, PC Bhaskar, Chandran and Muthaiya
Optimus Prime congratulates Bumblebee for succeeding in his mission, as the other Autobots enter Earth's atmosphere. Meanwhile, Charlie Watson finishes fixing her car, and takes it for a ride.
Negasonic Teenage Warhead and her girlfriend Yukio repair Cable's time-traveling device for Wade. He uses it to save the lives of Vanessa and X-Force member Peter, and kills both X-Men Origins: Wolverine's version of Deadpool and actor Ryan Reynolds while he is considering starring in the film Green Lantern.
In the Super Duper Cut, Deadpool goes back in time to kill baby Hitler.
as the credits roll, Ram lies to the media that Raavana had left for Sri Lanka due to fear of being killed. There is a record of Raavana, going to Sri Lanka, but there is no record of coming back to India. Whereas, Raavana dies after 17 days in the desert. Soon, Ram and Diya marry. The movie ends with the message, "Saamy's adventure will continue".
During the credits, Shiva is released from prison after 25 years, but his grandmother kills him, showing her villainous "D" nature, albeit being acquitted in the first film.
In the closing credits, it is shown that Indian women won the T20 final against West Indies women and Kowsi was appreciated by the Government of Tamil Nadu for her superb bowling tactics.
Closing credits read: "Thank You for the Music" and feature a montage of piano-playing characters from various Indian films.
During the end credits, a disclaimer shows that the transplant of human organs for commercial purpose is a crime and the film does not intend to support it.
In a mid-credits scene, Senan and gang arrive at Reghu's house to apologise, but are interrupted when Britto offers a gift, having kidnapped Salman again.
Dr. Drakken, posing as a gifted student with Shego posing as his mother, enrolls at Kim's high school and begins his plan to defeat her, leading into the events of the short series Kim Hushable.
The Justice League gather at the Watchtower to confront Darkseid themselves, with Luthor inviting himself in, saying that his contributions in stopping Henshaw qualifies him to be a member of the League.
Tree, Carter, Ryan, Samar, and Dre are escorted by agents to a DARPA laboratory, where the reactor has been moved for further experimentation. When the agents say they need a test subject to see how the machine works, Tree says she knows the perfect test subject. In her bedroom, Danielle wakes up screaming in horror.
The mid credits scene shows a cave with a painting on its walls, showing a cosmic creature with a female-like appearance tormenting people, indicating that Ava is real.
in a post-credits scene, Balbir opens a restaurant and starts a relationship with Chatro. Billauri, claiming the gender of "Mr. X" is irrelevant, wins the bet on who Sweety would marry.
in a mid-credits scene, They reconcile, and it is shown that they now have twin babies whom they are taking on their newest adventures. By this movie the authors try to spread the humanity among the peoples regarding the others.
Zameer, a Pakistani minister, wakes up and shouts in frustration while seeing the news of India's successful surgical strike. The scene cuts to a title card reading "Jai Hind".
in the mid-credits scenes, one year has passed, and Bonnie entered first grade. At a newly built pier, Ducky and Bunny do one more version of their "plush rush" and spread laser eyes and superpowers, which Duke Caboom asks if they really can. At Bonnie's room, mirroring the scene where Woody introduces Forky, Jessie brings home a new friend Bonnie created: Karen Beverly, a decorated plastic knife. Instantly smitten, Forky offers to shepherd her in her journey through life as a toy instead of trash. When her first question is "How am I alive?", he is stumped, and all he could say was "I don't know."
In the post-credits scene, Duke Caboom successfully jumps onto the 'I' of the Pixar logo, poses, and gives the winter Combat Carl a long-awaited high five, ending the movie.
Brandon, now identified as Brightburn, is seen from the perspective of news reports and eyewitness footage over the locations of various disasters, such as a building collapse and a wildfire. An online conspiracy theorist posts his own video analyzing the disasters and referencing attacks by other cryptids elsewhere in the world.
in a post-credits scene, He comes to Prabha and blames the common people for voting leaders monetary benefits and questions Prabha if the people will elect a person who is doing good for them without any money, for which Prabha is unable to find an answer.
Over the scroll in the second half of the main-on-end credits, the Wonder-Chimps is shown in various costumes. At the end of the scroll, young June is shown on the floor.
A post-credits scene shows Rick Dalton in his role of Jake Cahill doing a commercial for Red Apple cigarettes, a fictional brand created by Tarantino that appears in several of his movies.
A radio ad for Batman (1966) plays during the end credits.
Diana returns to Washington and confronts Veronica Cale, who is revealed to be the true leader of Villany Inc. and vows revenge for thwarting her plan to seize the healing ray, to which Diana plants her sword into Cale's desk.
In a mid credits scene, Paul and Taryn celebrate their baby boy's first birthday, who they name Matty in Mateo's honor. Abe smiles upon seeing a picture of Matty's first birthday cake, and drives into the sunset, tailed by a black SUV.
In a mid credits scene, on Vasu's daughter's birthday, Vasu and Aatirah discover that Vincent has been murdered under mysterious circumstances while on parole. They also receive a gift from KK – containing a necklace that Aatirah had once worn – implying that KK had murdered Vincent, thus getting his revenge.
During the credits, Theesudar Kuniyuma is singing.
In the mid and post credits scenes, the Dragon King vows vengeance on the citizens of Chentangguan for what happened to Ao Bing, while in an unknown location, Jiang Ziya is introduced.
During the credits, Akshaya and Maasha get the help of Mottai (Rajendran) and Rahul Vijay (Yogi Babu). How they get their hands on the vessel while dealing with Maanasthan and Bhai (Mansoor Ali Khan) forms the crux of the story.
In post-credits scenes, Hobbs brings his daughter to meet their extended family in Samoa; Deckard and Hattie are implied to bust their mother out of prison; and Hobbs receives a call from his partner, Locke, who has broken into a laboratory and discovered a more threatening virus. Hobbs also secretly has the London police set on Deckard in retaliation for the "Mike Oxmaul" prank, which Hobbs told the police that Deckard's name was "Hugh Janus".
During the credits at the high school dance, Dora and her friends sing "We Did It" as they celebrate their victory of finding Parapata, Alejandro remains a prisoner in Parapata for 1,000 years, and Cole and Elena stop Swiper from running away with their Inca item.
After the credits roll, the Fiesta Trio from the animated series enter and play their fanfare, take a bow, and leave.
It is revealed that Roger disapproved of his crew member making the Eternal Pose and threw it away, believing that the One Piece could not be obtained by someone who would rely on such a thing. Back in the present, everyone is shocked that Luffy destroyed the Eternal Pose, though Usopp is not surprised by his actions. Luffy states that if that they had taken it, they would have missed out on many great adventures.
Part of the closing credits are shown over the weddings of Aladdin with Jasmine and Genie with Dalia, where everyone dances to "Friend Like Me". This came from the Broadway performance of "Aladdin", which ends with the cast performing "Friend Like Me".
During the credits, It is at this juncture that Keerthana realises that she too loves Mano. She returns to Chennai a few days later and accepts Mano's love.
During the credits, Ravi learns his emotional outburst at Nikitha's house was filmed by Rithika and has gone viral across social media, earning him money to pay off Mani's debts. He does not sell the statue but retains it as a family heirloom and continues making YouTube videos on social issues. In the end, all debts have been repaid, and Rithika and Ravi are together.
During the film's mid-credits scene fade back to 2009 via the start of the outbreak, Bill Murray witnesses Al Roker turn into a zombie during a promotional interview for a third Garfield film. He kills several zombies, including Grace Randolph and Lili Estefan and escapes. After the post-credits, an outtake is shown of Murray making Estefan break character by trying to cough up a hairball.
In a post-credits scene, Olaf visits Elsa's ice palace and recounts the events to Marshmallow, the snow giant created by Elsa as palace guard and the Snowgies, miniature snowmen inadvertently generated by Elsa on Anna's nineteenth birthday.[l]
In a mid-credits scene, She confesses that she was testing him to see whether he truly loved her, and she proposes to him. The couple finally share their first kiss.
During the credits, This blunting of the emotional impact that is at the core of this genre really effects the film and is probably the main reason I would suggest giving something else a watch.
During the credits it is shown that several Uglies and Pretties have found their perfect human, while a bedraggled Lou has been demoted to janitorial duty.
In a mid-credits scene, Shaun, Bitzer, and the flock play with a frisbee, while the Farmer tries out his new harvester; the frisbee gets caught in the harvester's machinery and causes it to explode.
In a post-credits scene, One of the hazmat-suited M.A.D. agents enters a black room with a keyboard. He then removes his suit and reveals himself to be Professor Brian Cox. He proceeds to play "Things Can Only Get Better" on the keyboard, only to be interrupted by Timmy, who unplugs the keyboard.
in a post-credits scene, some of the investigating officers appear for a documentary shooting. One of the investigating officers calls the case unprecedented, before someone tells him similar cases occurred in other countries as well.
In the mid-credits scene Stephen meets Zayed and his gang in a remote location in Russia and attends a phone call of a gold-diamond trafficker Sanghani, to whom he reveals himself as Khureshi-Ab'ram. Headlines of various international newspapers are shown reporting Ab'ram as the head of an unnamed crime syndicate.
In a mid-credits scene, One of the security guards finds a figure of Maximus on the floor next to a cage. As he places him on top of Mount Olympus, Maximus's laugh is heard.
A video-game pixel version of Walter Beckett and Lance Sterling as a pigeon appears at the end of the credits rolling, together saying "WE DID IT!" in a thought bubble as fireworks explode.
The heating mechanic Spencer's mother hired finally shows up, only to be drawn to the game, while at the diner, Spencer and the others are surprised to witness a flock of ostriches rush past the diner. At the end of credits, we can hear the sound of drums, followed by the croak of an ostrich.
in a post-credits scene, it is shown that Firdaus sent the children back home so that she can talk and spend time with Kabir with whom she has fallen in love.
During the credits, When Senthil and his friends leave the house, they find a bag filled with cash in Saravanan's car. They converted the house into a retirement home. They live happily with Kamala, who recovered from amnesia, and other old pensioners, abandoned by their children.
Before the credits, Amma walking is her family Meera and winks fades and white.
During the credits, it is intended that Arumpon, Thulasi, and his mother have reconciled with the rest of the extended family. Ayyanar has been released on parole to attend Thulasi's Seemantham and it is revealed that he made peace with Arumpon. The film ends comically with Arumpon breaking the fourth wall mimicking his grandfather.
in a post-credits scene, The match turns out to be a thriller with Tamil Nadu winning the Championship through a penalty shootout. Michael and the team dedicate their success to Kathir, who is watching the match from the dugout in a wheelchair. Michael gets Sharma exposed for drug possession, leading to Sharma's arrest and subsequent execution in Malaysia, where he is on a holiday. A few months later, Michael takes up football coaching for children, with one of his students being Daniel's son, who have now made peace with Michael. Michael takes Daniel's son under his wing and ask him who is your favourite football player Messi or Ronaldo where he happily replies Bigil.
in a post-credits scene, Chulbul receives a call from Prajapati, who tells him that Rajjo hasn't arrived home. Sensing Bali's hand in the matter, he invades a quarry where Bali has held Rajjo, and surprisingly, Makkhi himself, as hostages – Makkhi was always on Chulbul's side, and it was a game by the brothers to incense Bali; after an intense fight, Chulbul kills Bali by impaling him on a metal spike. He then buries Bali in the rubble.
During the credits, The officer tosses away the documents relating to Sakthi's charges as he had opened his eyes about his child's dreams and requests Sakthi to continue on with the mantle of the Mask.
In a post-credits scene, it is also revealed that Sathyamoorthy is alive and is helping Sakthi in his missions.
There are various clips of the crew building models used in this film. During which, we hear Mr. Rogers sing "You've Got to Do It", ending with footage of him finishing singing the song.
Rattus Rattus appears several times during the credits.
The first time is to complain about all the names, which sends him to sleep.
The second is to remind viewers about how everything in Horrible Histories is 100% 'Accu-Rat'. Though, he does state that historians never agreed on how Boudica died, and invites the audience to make their own minds up.
The third time has him drag in a bunch of cinema snacks, thanking whoever was sitting in the seat he stole them from.
The fourth time he comes up, covered in bubblegum, to talk about what he calls a 'soppy song', which then plays.
The fifth, sixth and seventh time has him dance to said song.
The eighth and final time has him pop up to say the movie is over. But he does say to the audience that he'll see them at the Oscars.
There are two scenes during the scrolling credits:
The first is of a modernized version of the Banana Splits intro, but with Fall Out Boy's Patrick Stump doing the vocals. He ends it by saying "We've killed so many people..."
During the first minute of the end credits, we see a brief montage of Phil's old boss Kai getting a new phone and getting to know Jexi the Same way Phil did.
Before the credits scroll, Mike speaks to his son in prison and offers him a way to work off some of his debt to society.
Later in the credits there's another scene with Marcus on the plane asking another passenger if he would have sex with a witch without a condom. The passenger replies he would not. Marcus told Mike he would not.
During the credits, After his meeting, he gets into a cab only to realize that Raymond is the driver. Upon learning of Fletcher's capture, Pearson and Rosalind return to their cannabis empire and celebrate together.
In a post-credits scene, Bheeshma is then appointed as the full-time CEO of Bheeshma Organics and Chaitra and Bheeshma marry and he says he is "Single for never" instead of "Single forever".
In a mid-credits scene, When Amrita and Vikram meet to finalise their divorce, Vikram realises he is wrong and apologises to her properly and tells her that he rejected the promotion and quit his job. He wonders out loud why he ever thought that he had a right to hit her or disrespect her in any way. He explains that he will start again from scratch and will try to be someone who deserves her. They complete the formalities and part ways with a sense of renewed hope.
In the post-credits scene during the credits rolling, Harley narrates at the audience, wondering why they are still there, and just when she is about to say something about Batman, she gets cut off.
In the first mid-credits scene, Robotnik, now sporting a shaved head and oversized moustache, is still in possession of Sonic's quill and usable equipment salvaged from the remains of his hovercraft. He plans to return to Earth and get his revenge against Sonic.
In a second mid-credits scene, an anthropomorphic two-tailed fox[n] emerges from a ring portal on Earth, searching for Sonic.
In a mid-credits scene, With a change of heart, Nidhi reconciles with Prabhu. Prabhu, Nidhi, Kavya, Kannadasan, and other families (whose children were conceived via Prabhu) celebrate.
The book on Shadow Magic falls off the shelf and opens to a picture of the Sage Academy emblem which glows ominously, implying its power could return for revenge.
Phineas and Candace's step-father and Ferb's father, Lawrence, discovers that the portal is still in the backyard and ends up in Dr. Doofenshmirtz's lab which was still on fire from the Galactic-Travelinator's fire. He returns and accidentally destroys the portal, with Linda once again missing it and wondering what he has been doing, to which Lawrence replies, "I have no idea".
In a mid-credits scene, Montu thanks the students and their parents for their trust and dedication. He then declares his love for Neelu, and she accepts his love proposal.
In a mid-credits scene, The Civil Aviation Minister of India summons Paresh to Delhi, and reprimands him for sabotaging Deccan Air's inaugural flight, and threatens to shut down Jaz Airlines. Paresh is later seen in a restroom getting an anxiety attack and tries to take his pill, but it falls on the ground. A janitor in the bathroom picks the pill up for Paresh, causing Paresh to have respect for lower-income groups.
In a post-credits scene, Vishnu hands over the video to Aditya, to expose the criminals. Aditya later releases it to the press and regains his job. Days later, Apoorva writes a novel about the events, titled Saheba. Vishnu, who receives a copy, sees that it has been dedicated to V.
In the credits, Zane reveals that he is gay to Doc and Durfy secures a role on a CW show. Shelly, after avoiding all contact with Bender, is kidnapped by Bender who reveals that he has used part of his winnings to purchase a variety of artificial scrotums for Shelly.
The fight with dragon continues and we see a dark hooded figure on top of the tower looking down at the fight. The Cat also joins the fight with the dragon. The Cat slashes at the screen before it does black and returns to the credits.
In a mid-credits scene, older Young-sook calls her younger counterpart to warn her about Eun-ae and the police officer arriving, allowing Young-sook to alter her own history, resulting in the erasing of Eun-ae from present day Seo-yeon's side. The scene then cuts to the torture room where a person tied to a chair and covered in a white cloth is screaming for help. The cloth is removed, revealing a frightened adult Seo-yeon, once again a captive of Young-sook.
In a mid-credits scene, Gao Qian, Gao Yicong, and Fang Yuling are invited to a party at the doctor's house. While on a video call, Yicong's triangle-playing female classmate sees him accept a drink from a girl at the party and becomes infuriated.
During the credits, it is revealed that Ray graduated as he and Fahmarr reunited with their completely sober mother. Real footage is played of their appearance on Oprah as well as Ray playing football.
During the credits, more bears arrive in San Francisco with many of them adopting human behavior similar to Grizzly, Panda, and Ice Bear while humans begin adopting many of the Bears' behavior such as the stack.
The end credits intersperse scenes of Robert, Sylvie, and Michelle at the beach with scenes showing that Robert inherited Sylvie's father's saxophone and eventually started performing again, while Sylvie continued to work in production.
In Sia's special thanks, she credits "Godchild" in reference to Maddie Ziegler, "Bunkie" in reference to her makeup artist, Tonya Brewer, and "Le David", a nickname for her manager, David Russell. She also credits "My Australians"
Leilani calls a family meeting and proposes they decide as a group if they all stay in Hawaiʻi or go back to Brooklyn, they decide to stay and start to live a better life.
Miller is on a date with Rita where he shyly admits that he is frightened of some things. It is revealed that Mr. Klaus belongs to Rita who is calm and kind to her and not happy to see Miller after their last encounter.
During the credits the entire screen is bordered by drawings of birds and flowers. At the start of the credits on the left half of the screen are videos of the various characters, not really outtakes but similar, while the credits roll on the right. Once the videos end, the credits spring to the center of the screen. Throughout all of this there is movement by different parts of the border images – birds flap their wings, flowers shake and so forth.
In a post-credits scene, Cheers Edgar Paget and Crab.
Ben tells Henry and Terrence he got a bill to pay for two weddings which he thought was a joke. Henry tells Ben that Terrance ran up the bill which he tells Ben it did not work for him and Terrance says to Ben, "Thank you for choosing the Royal Gate." And he walks off with Ben feeling completely puzzled.
Thunder Force, now with Emily and Lydia's friendship even stronger, are offered the assistance of the city's resources by the mayor, which they accept.
In a mid-credits scene, the Torres family and other players pelt Mr. Deacon with Kool Aid balloons at the Capture the Flag field as revenge for suggesting Yes Day in the first place.
David Mansell and Harry Mansell are in an RV and David asks Harry if he is going to tell him what happened. Harry says that he wouldn't believe it if he told him. David says "You're right" and then asks why they can't just fly. Harry responds, "With this Luggage?" We then see a bunch of assault rifles in the back of the RV.
In the mid-credits scene, Arjun, along with other students are celebrating for RK-University 100th anniversary celebration where Gurudev hands over the chairman post of the university to Arjun.
After the credits, Katie can be heard saying "Wh-wh-whoa!" then her laughing. Then she could be heard saying "I don't know, you guys can't see me, right?" as the screen cuts to black.
Cruella delivers two Dalmatian puppies named Pongo and Perdita to Roger and Anita, respectively. Now working as a songwriter, Roger begins composing the song "Cruella de Vil".
Interview with the real Warrens on TV related to case. This is followed by the sound bite of the exorcism for David. While sound bite is rolling, the credits show pictures of the case and the actors on some pivotal scenes.
The piragüero gloats over the fact that Mister Softee's ice-cream truck broke down and all the customers are coming back to him, and he raises his prices to take advantage of the situation. The scene ends with him giving the Mister Softee guy one of his piraguas.
We see Thomas showing Bea how to use a pacifier on their new baby. The fox announces that he's going to swim the channel, and the rabbits discuss the title of Bea's next book and the possibility of more sequels.
Peter lets the squirrel sing a stanza of the closing song.
The rooster is awoken by the younger roosters greeting the dawn. He's amazed when the sprinklers turn on without him and he celebrates the fact that the angry orange ball will come up again.
In a mid-credits scene, Op surprises Ed by pulling Wally into the Time Terminal. Wally exclaims that they have so much to talk about, while Op leaves to "get him a glass of water".
Agent O'Neill calls Michael and tells him he'll have to stay on the boat with Darius and Sonia. Michael, forced to listen and watch while Darius and Sonia have wild sex below, walks off the boat.
A mid-credits scene shows Nim undergoing a crisis of faith one day before her death. She wonders if she has really been possessed by Ba Yan before breaking down in tears.
In the ending credits, it is shown that Prem brings Raja Reddy to where Theera is staying. Both daughter and father exchange their happiness. Prem and Theera get married with a happy ending.
The mid-credits show that Sunday nights at the restaurant are now DJ nights, with DJ Rhea on the turntable; Watson and Molly have finally perfected their pizza drone project which now also serves food to the guests; Naomi and Arvind have been growing closer since the contest. Rhea is happy, having finally found what she wanted to do, and honoring her late mother.
During the credits, Mayor Humdinger and the Catastrophe Crew are shown to have been apprehended and detained for their crimes throughout the movie while being removed from the city mayoral office, the Cloud Catcher has been rebuilt, and Butch and Ruben are riding a tandem bicycle while pulling a cart full of cats.
Several images of the characters from the TV series appear in the credits.
Cupcakes with crowns are shown during the credits, Clyde says "Welcome home, buddy." and Lincoln says "Thanks, Clyde." after that, they both eat the cupcakes with crowns, after that, Clyde says "Huh?" and Lincoln says "Just the right amount of cinnamon".
still images are shown that include but are not limited to the Duke's ghost riding Lela, Bobby reuniting with Lori, Leni contacting Scott online, Lincoln winning a 3rd-place trophy at a magic show, Lela having laid three eggs, and Angus and the ghosts rescuing Morag who now works as the groundskeeper with Lela keeping her in line.
During the credits, "Aaya Aaya Bhoot Police" is sung.
In a post-credits scene, Then we see Chedilal on phone with an unknown person, who asks him if the Bhoot Police is ready to take a case involving werewolves and vampires. Chedilal tells him to first book three business class tickets to Scotland, hinting at a sequel.
In a post-credits scene, The detention facility is shut down by the government, with the inmates being sent to other detention facilities and state prisons, on the basis of their age. J.D., Das and the other adults from the facility are sent to prison, where they intend to reform the inmates there.
In a mid-credits scene, Satyadev decides to come back to his profession to help the common people with their problems. Zareena regains a job, Pallavi gets engaged and Divya enters her newly constructed home.
Wong and Shang-Chi speak with Banner and Danvers and discover that the ten rings are emitting a mysterious signal. Wong tells Shang-Chi and Katy that they should go home and get some rest, but instead all three are shown at a karaoke establishment singing "Hotel California".[citation needed]
In a mid-credits scenes, show a U.S. mass grave at Hungnam as the city burns during the Hungnam evacuation. Captions state that 105,000 U.S. troops were evacuated by 24 December and that the 9th Corps captured Hungnam. The captions explain the significance of the battle of Lake Changjin, which was a "perfect example for annihilating a U.S. reinforced regiment", how it, together with operations in the west, stopped MacArthur's "presumptuous" plan to end the war by Christmas and forced the U.S. led "UN Command" back from the Yalu River and below the 38th Parallel and "set the stage for the final victory of the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea." The captions state that more than 197,000 Chinese died in the war. The film ends with the caption: "The great spirit of the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid (North) Korea will eternally be renewed! Eternal glory to the great martyrs of the People's Volunteer Army!"
In a mid-credits scene, as Venom tells Eddie about the symbiotes' knowledge of other universes, a blinding light suddenly transports them from their hotel room to another room where they watch J. Jonah Jameson talking about Spider-Man's revealed identity as Peter Parker on television.[o]
In a post-credits scene, The movie then returns to the scene where Kadhir and his goons were pushed out of the palace, hinting at a sequel to the story.
During the credits, a politician comes across Time during a political rally. When the politician confronts Time for wearing a black shirt when all others are wearing white, Time informs him that his time is over. The screen then cuts to black.
In the Mid-credits scene, the fox-demon meets with the river monster under the same bridge, where he gives her a cut off fox tail. Her enemy is near and she plots her revenge.
End credits start when suddenly comes a computer-like error. Later, Ron interacts throughout the end credits doing things like playing pong and being chased by 4 minibots.
A dedication to director Benny Chan is shown, then during the credits behind-the-scenes footage of the Chan is shown as a tribute to the director, who died in 2020 after filming had completed.
In a mid-credits scene, a trio of foals – one Earth pony, one unicorn, and one Pegasus – sing Glowin' Up together. As they run off to play, they leave glowing heart-shaped hoofprints in the grass.
Dane Whitman opens an old chest inherited from his ancestors that contains the legendary Ebony Blade, while an off-screen Blade questions him whether he is ready for it.[citation needed]
In a mid-credits scene, Venkman and Dana Barrett are playing with Venkman's ESP cards and shock machine.
In a post-credits scene, Winston is revealed to now be a wealthy family man who uses his resources to maintain the Ghostbusters' properties, has the Ecto-1 completely restored and placed in their old firehouse, and is likely helping Callie financially. In the final shot, a red light is shown blinking on the firehouse's ecto-containment unit.
Stevie Wonder is talking on the microphone and pulls his bandleader Gene Key close to him. Gene is a little upset because Stevie has his free hand all over Gene's suit. Gene finally says, "Get your hands off MY CLOTHES!" and Stevie responds, "What do you mean your clothes? I bought 'em!"
Following the mid-credits scene in Venom: Let There Be Carnage, the universe-displaced Eddie Brock and his symbioteVenom have a conversation with a bartender and decide to find Spider-Man, but are suddenly returned to their universe due to Strange's spell, unknowingly leaving behind a part of the symbiote.[citation needed]
In The More Fun Stuff Version of the film released in September 2022, this trailer is replaced by a scene of Betty Brant highlighting the last four academic years of Midtown School, with Peter Parker being absent or obscured from all photographs.
The real Kapil Dev is shown sharing his experience of winning the World Cup along with a montage of vintage photographs of the team.
P.R. Man Singh tells that a journalist named David Frith wrote in the beginning that if India won the World Cup he would eat his words and after the win at 4. a.m. in the morning Man Singh wrote a letter to Frith, telling him to live up to his promise and a month later Frith went to Lords with wine and ate up the article he wrote.
A montage of videos and images of the Indian Cricket Team is followed after that.
The film opens with a video of Ethan Hawke discussing his thoughts and feelings before shooting the film, then in a mid-credits scene there is a second video of Ethan Hawke discussing his thoughts and feelings after viewing the finished film. At the end of the second video he explicitly states, "This is part of the movie, by the way."
In a mid-credits scene, after 22,740 years, the people who left Earth before the impact land on a lush alien planet, ending their cryogenic sleep. They exit their spacecraft naked and mostly empty-handed, admiring the habitable world. Orlean is quickly killed and eaten by an alien creature (a "Bronteroc") as others of its kind attack the humans.
A post-credits scene shows Jason emerging from the rubble, having survived the comet, screaming for his mother and trying to post on social media on his phone.
There are some home video clips of Kurt, Brenda, and Zack and we learn that Zack lives in Treasure House, an assisted living community that the Warners created.
In a series of mid-credits scenes, Dave is seen as a caller on a talk show radio station, where continuously talks about the many objects he accidentally ate other than plankton to prove that not all sharks are dangerous.[citation needed]
The first part of the credits show (in cartoon form) the activities in the newly re-opened Mavis N' Johnny's Hotel Transylvania and Health Spa which led to sequel baiting similar to The Amazing Spider-Man 2 with the Sinister Six spin-off that was scrapped due to the Hotel Transylvania franchise's divided critical reception and low box office performance of Transformania.
Another shot has Human Griffin's butt shot in front of "The End" Card while the screen cuts to black.
There are several scenes of Kat and Charlie together at rehearsals and Kat dancing with the kids at his school. This is followed by a quick scene of Kat trying to feed Tank a doggie treat, only to be scared by him snapping at her hand. Then several couples tell amusing stories of how they met up, ending with Kat and Charlie saying they met at a concert.
We see Jin Lee secretly dancing and singing to a 4*Town song on one of Mei's CDs in the basement, who is revealing a 4* Town fan, while Mei asks her father to find her CD.
A mid-credits scene depicts five of Brendan's clients in a white room, seated at a table with bleeding human meat at the center. A Satanic symbol is displayed during the end credits, indicating that Brendan and his clients are part of a Satanist organisation.
In a mid-credits scene as the credits roll, Ram educates Bheem to return the favour. Ram returns to his village and delivers the weapons as promised while Bheem returns to his hamlet, reuniting Malli with her mother.
As the credits still roll, "Etthara Jenda" plays with director, S.S. Rajamouli appearing.
In a mid-credits scene, director Darren Eigan wonders if they have enough footage to put a cut together. Gavin and Pippa tell him that it doesn't matter if the rest of the movie is bad as long as the ending is strong. Darren concludes, "Well, at least we tried to make a movie. They can't judge us for that. We made something that's a distraction in these difficult times."
In a post-credits scene, director Darren Eigan, wearing a face shield, complains, "It's really hard to direct in these things."
In a mid-credits scene, GUN searches the crash site of the Giant Eggman Robot, not being able to find Robotnik. Agent Stone (with a scar on his face) is disguised as a GUN soldier, hinting that Robotnik may be alive. Commander Walters is then alerted of activity surrounding a 50-year-old file, Project Shadow. Shadow is then seen being released from a frozen state in an unknown location.
In a mid-credits scene, Veera recaptures Farooq in Pakistan and brings him back to India after surviving a long air chase. Following the successful operation, Veera, Preethi, Dominic, and the rest of his crew celebrate their escapades in Goa and "Jolly O Gymkhana" is sung.
During the mid-credits scene, Zeus gets caught by security and is sent to the dog pound to get his fur shaved, while Henri and his twin are arrested by the police and put in jail.
In the post-credits scenes, three months post-Rocky's death, a CIA official hands over a file listing Rocky's crimes in United States and 16 other nations between 1978–1981 to Ramika Sen. In the present day, the peon of the television news channel finds the final draft of K.G.F: Chapter 3.
In a mid-credits scene set a year later, the gang is released from prison early in light of their good behavior and leaves with Foxington, ready to begin their new crime-fighting careers.
At the end of the credits, a photo of the Bad Guys pauses on-screen and we can hear them laughing.
During the credits, The story ends with Rambo leaving the audience speechless, when he says that Katrina Kaif begs via Instagram chat to start dating him.
In a post-credits scene, the thief who stole the car reveals to Dileep that he sold all the diamonds at a cheap rate mistaking them for regular gemstones, and later gets elected as an MLA with the support of his buyers, and Dileep, who is ousted out of his job joins him as an assistant.
Strange is approached by the sorceress Clea, who warns him that his actions have triggered an incursion that he must help stop. Strange follows her into the Dark Dimension.[citation needed]
The Pizza Poppa vendor, who had been bewitched by Strange into beating himself up for three weeks, is shown punching himself until Strange's spell wears off. The vendor laughs maniacally and yells "It's over!".[citation needed]
The end credits show the Valley Gang in prison, Monterey Jack restored to normal, and the Rescue Rangers reboot being released to great success. Darkwing Duck is sitting at a table at the convention arguing that everyone actually wants a Darkwing Duck reboot.
In mid-credits scene, Chakravarthi is later added on to the Proud Alumni list at BEC, something which he asked from Bhoominathan, in his earlier days at the college.
In a post-credits scene, Who is behind this heinous crime and how Vijaya Raghavan takes this case forward despite pressure from his casteist higher officials forms the rest of the plot.
in a post-credits scene, Adaikalam and Anbu arrive with their men at Sassoon Docks, Mumbai, and meet with the gangsters affiliated with Sandhanam for a meeting with Rolex. Adaikalam and Anbu explain Dilli's involvement in the Trichy drug ambush,[clarification needed] and Sandhanam's men reveal Vikram's and Amar's involvement in the destruction of their drug syndicate. Meanwhile, after Gayathri's funeral in Ernakulam, Amar joins Vikram's gang to continue building a drug-free society. Anbu informs Rolex that Dilli is hiding somewhere in Uttar Pradesh while Sandhanam's men tell him Vikram's family are abroad (shown to be San Francisco, California). Rolex announces a massive bounty for the execution of Amar, Dilli, and Vikram's team. Unknown to everyone else, Vikram is present at the meeting and walks away with determination after learning about the bounty placed on all of them.
In a mid-credits scene, Commander Burnside is shown relaxing in his office and touting his laser shield after it successfully evaporates a space bug.
In a post-credits scene, E.R.I.C. continues to give directions on the map to the mine. When he finally finishes, he turns around and realizes everyone is gone.
Following the closing logos, Zurg's body floats in space. As the camera cuts to his face, his eyes light up, implying he survived the fuel's explosion.[23]
In a mid-credits scene, Gru attempts to hire Dr. Nefario in gratitude for an invention of his that helped him steal the stone. Nefario initially declines but changes his mind after Gru and the Minions beg, giving them a ride on a rocket-powered aircraft.
in a mid-credits scene and the credits roll, Pappa and Raheem reunites with Ramachandran and Ravi is also finally accepted as their brother by PRV brothers.
During the credits, Teddy declares Randy as his partner in his new online gym, presenting him with a small payment toward replacing Debora, but Randy later calls Teddy during a live stream workout to threaten him.
In the mid-credits scene, Lex Luthor is trapped in the cell. Meanwhile, a defeated Lulu who was trapped inside the hot dog vendor, is found and kept by Luthor's assistant, Mercy Graves.
In the post-credits scene, Superman and Krypto encounter Black Adam along with his own super-powered dog, Anubis, and Krypto tricks them into flying to Pluto.
During a mid-credits scene, at a mental asylum, Rakesh Mahadkar, who has survived the accident and became paraplegic meets Bhairav, who has lost an eye due to the tiger attack. Rakesh Mahadkar goes into Bhairav's room to unplug Bhairav's medication and machines and recites his promise from the prequel and Bhairav wakes up just before the screen cuts to black.
A mid-credits scene reveals that Lemon had emerged from the river and was the driver of the tangerine truck that killed the Prince, avenging Tangerine's death.
The producer tells Joe she wants to create a sitcom centered around Joe and his family rather than the one from the audition. Joe agrees, and the family celebrates. Later, Joe's family is seen giving pointers to the cast of Joe's new show.
After their training battle, Vegeta and Goku are on the ground spent. Vegeta barely scraping by exclaims "I FINALLY BEAT KAKAROT". Whis finally discovers Bulma's earlier message, while Broly and Lemo are crying by the sparring match, much to Cheelai's irritation.
In a mid-credits scene, Sridharan is living a life as a barber where Muthu's journey of becoming a gangster and how does Sridharan escaped from Kutty Bhai's henchmen and leading a normal life will be continued in the sequel.
In a post-credits scene, Ma Lanxing is on the Moon with her crew and Dugu Yue who sacrificed himself for the Earth. The crew passes by him like a hologram and Ma Lanxing smiles with her lost love while they stare at the new Earth
In a post-credits scene, Muniyandi tells Viruman to leave him there because he feels guilty for Muthulakshmi and his sister's death, and apologizes for his actions. Viruman forgives him, and they reconcile.
In a post-credits scene, This movie may not be understandable by many viewers as it is supposed to be sequel to many movies unfinished stories. The wolverine scene at the end was the last nail on the coffin. Hats off to the director, actors and most importantly the story writer to have fixed the orphaned ends.
In a post-credits scene, the narrative is summarized in a series of ledger art paintings that ends with a depiction of three Predator vessels descending towards the tribe.
The end credits reveal that the coach and three of the boys, who were all stateless, are given Thai citizenship. The film is dedicated to Saman Kunan, the Thai Navy Seal who died on July 6, 2018, during the rescue operation, and Beirut Pakbara, a Thai Navy Seal who later died from a blood infection.[24]
In a post-credits scene, Nadhini shown swimming in the sea to find Ponniyin Selvan and removes her scarf to reveal her looking similar to Nandini, setting the sequel.
In a post-credits scene, This further implies that AP is still alive and is in fact immortal and he faked his death to cause Aryan to fetch evidence for Ram Setu's existence without revealing his own identity.[p]
During the credits, director Kevin Smith thanks audience members for seeing the movie before reading some narration he cut from the final scene, where it is revealed that Randal continued to make movies until the age of 90, all while still working at the Quick Stop.
In a mid-credits scene, Headlines of various international newspapers are shown reporting Abram as the head of an unnamed crime syndicate and the song "Thaar Maar Thakkar Maar" is sung.
During the credits, Genie is intermittently shown looking at the viewer (at one point overlaid with the cougar's eyes), shedding a tear, and finally throwing a vase of flowers at the viewer and laughing.
In a mid-credits scene, a message from Waller warns a defiant Black Adam to never leave Kahndaq, before Superman arrives and suggests the two of them should talk.
The mid-credits scene is a reminder of the huge loss that the Agojie had to bear in order to protect their Kingdom. It was the dawn of a new era for the Dahomey kingdom, and they were on the path to becoming one of the most influential kingdoms in Africa.
Ignignokt and Err antagonize the viewers during an "extended credits sequence" in which Err spray paints jokes over the names in the credits.
In a post-credits scene, Markula the vampire feeds the remaining scraps of Frylock to Carl, then feeds on Shake, turning him into a vampire. Shake transforms into bat form and shouts, "I smell a sequel!" before flying at the camera with a hiss.
During the credits, Sameera is proven innocent and the government scraps One India One Pipeline. Vijay is suspended from the police force for not being able to nab Sardar alive.
In a post-credits scene, Chandra Mohan reveals to Vijay that he was the one who pulled the strings, in his suspension from the police force, and appoints Vijay to work as a spy, for RAW. Vijay is given a mission in Cambodia, with a codename.
Shuri travels to Haiti where she burns her funeral ceremonial robe, finally allowing herself to grieve and mourn T'Challa. There, she is met on a beach by Nakia and learns that Nakia and T'Challa have a son, Toussaint, who Nakia has been raising in secret far from the pressure of the throne. Toussaint reveals his Wakandan name is T'Challa.[citation needed]
In a mid-credits scene, Vicky and Bittu come to meet their long lost friend, Jana, who had previously been possessed by Stree, and has since been staying far away from them, cutting off contact from their town to study for the UPSC exam for IAS. They request Jana's help in uncovering the mystery of Stree. Suddenly, Bhaskar transforms into the werewolf and appears in front of them, leaving them terrified. "Thumkeshwari" is sung.
In a mid-credits scene, Puss, Kitty, and Perrito steal a ship and head to Far Far Away to reunite with some old friends. At the end of the credits when the screen turns black the voice of Puss in Boots can be heard saying, "Oh! You're still here?" Puss in Boots is then heard chuckling before the DreamWorks Animation logo appears.
in a mid-credits scene, Ayaan vows to accumulate only "punya" now and be a loving, supportive and responsible family man. Ayaan gets his ancestral home repaired and hands over the keys to his sister and her husband. He also adopts the grandson of the hungry old woman who passed away due to Ayaan's refusal to help her. He is shown celebrating his wife and loving his family like never before.
Before the credits, Sky Earth zooming and Global fade to black.
A mysterious gypsy watches the final scene through a crystal ball, spying on Draculaura, and declares she is the key to destroying all the vampires forever and requests she be brought to her, foreshadowing Monster High 2.
In a mid-credits scene, Jess is playing with a new dog until it stops and seems drawn to the woods in the same way Pippen was, indicating that whatever evil lived in the tree is still present.
In a post-credits scene, Vascodagama fights with Ravi and throws him into the fire, along with a petrol can, avenging Chandru's death, and Vascodagama leaves.
As the credits roll, a scene plays in which Meara asks Larry to tell her a story. He tells a story called about a frog named Jack Squat who is unappreciated by his princess owner and ends up being kissed by a different princess and turning into a prince and marrying her instead. The story is animated in a polished-up style of Meara's drawings.
After the credits, while the screen is black, Jack's voice is heard saying, "Brilliant! I love it!"
In the post credits scene, Dark Devil and Kanmani fake their deaths and escape using sea scooters and reach their boat, settling in international waters. Dayalan and his team board a helicopter to the ship, where they find the ₹25,000 crore in Kasethan Kaduvalada singing.
In a post-credits scene, Another alien came into Sam and Gary's destroyed house until their parents came, with no knowledge of what really happened, The alien comes from behind her and attacks her using the same slime that mutated Dallas.
in a post-credits scene, Pathaan and Tiger are seen pondering about retiring and suggesting young agents who can replace them, but eventually decide to keep fighting the threats themselves.[q]
In a post-credits scene, Kara contacts Superman about her decision to stay in the 31st century and her new relationship with Brainiac 5. After the call is ended, Superman and Batman inspect a crater in Metropolis when they are hit and apparently teleported to parts unknown by a Zeta Beam blast.[r]
In a mid-credits scene, Tu's digital self is addressed by the 550W artificial intelligence, who now goes by the personified name "MOSS" (550W spun upside-down). The now-sentient MOSS claims responsibility for both of the past two crises, as well as several yet-to-happen future crises...
In a mid-credits scene, showing her as an independent dance teacher portraying her pains through a dance while her ex-husband is married again and the second wife seems to meet the first one's fate and "Siru Deivam" is sung.
The first mid-credits scene shows Stache hitching a ride to New York on a goat truck with a duffel bag of cocaine, which he first stashes in the back with the goats before taking it back and eyeing them suspiciously.
The second mid-credits scene shows Eddie, accompanied by Daveed, reuniting with his son. When they notice that Rosette is chewing on something, Daveed checks his pockets and realizes that he can no longer find his fingers. He shakes his head and says, "They weren't gonna put 'em back on."
In a mid-credits scene, villa to finance Danny's new film, about the film's events, with Danny playing Simmonds and Simmonds acting as an on set producer.
In a mid-credits scene, Billy meets Emilia Harcourt and John Economos, who attempt to recruit him on behalf of Amanda Waller to join the Justice Society.
In a post-credits scene, Thaddeus Sivana is still in prison, and encounters Mister Mind once again.
At the end of the film, the credits reveal that Smith and Frisbee reconciled and both are remembered as founders of and leaders in the widespread Jesus movement that started at Calvary Chapel.
A mid-credits scene shows the final corpse resurrected by the talisman, still alive long after the gang has left him, pleading to be asked one more question in order to bring him back to death.
The still-shrunk Bowser continues the song "Peaches" from earlier in the film, but he is scolded by a guard.
A white egg with green spots hatches, though the screen cuts to black before the creature inside is revealed; as Yoshi (voiced by Kazumi Totaka; uncredited) says his name.
In a mid-credits scene, Murong Fu is revived by his father Murong Bu. In a second mid-credits scene, Muron Bu visits Qiao Yuanshan, Qiao Feng's biological father, who survived the Leading Big Brother's attack, abandoned Qiao Feng, murdered Qiao Feng's adoptive parents and Xuanku, and saved Qiao Feng from the fight at the Heroes Gathering Manor.
a housekeeper is seen carrying a towel and uttering knock, knock, in front of a door. The screen turns black, and a whooshing sound is made, giving us a clue that the door is still active and accessible for new adventures.
In a mid-credits scene, Quasi and Duchamp hold a funeral for Michel as he requested so that he is not eaten by animals, but they have trouble fitting him into the grave due to his height.
A collection of bloopers and outtakes runs during the end credits.
In a post-credits scene, Michel's hands get eaten by dogs.
In the mid-credits scene, Ragavendar suspends Kumaresan for not filing an act of subordination memo, while a photographer learns about the brutal atrocities against the police department. After getting arrested, Perumal is interrogated by Sunil.
In a mid-credits scene, Vandiyadevan and Ponniyin Selvan led extensive conquests under Uttama Chola's reign. After Uttama Chola's death, Ponniyin Selvan ascends to the throne as 'Rajaraja Chola,' while the Pandyas are captured and punished.
In a mid-credits scene, The new Guardians—Rocket, a much larger Groot, Cosmo, Kraglin, Adam Warlock, Phyla, and Blurp—are shown discussing their favorite music from Earth while waiting in a desert on another planet to undergo a new mission.[citation needed]
In a post-credits scene, Quill, having returned to Earth, reunites with his grandfather, Jason Quill.[citation needed]
In a mid-credits scene, Luke Hobbs and his agents storm a former police station owned by Dante, who calls to tell Hobbs that he is the next target for killing his father.
In a post-credits audio, the voice of Nefariamus is heard to say in Latin, "You have been weighed in the balance and found wanting, but you are stupid that you do not understand. It is to be continued!"[t]
In a mid-credits scene, Ma Seok-do tracks down Jang I-soo and takes his help for investigating another case, leading to the events of the sequel - "COMING SOON".
In a mid-credits scene, Some time afterwards, Katak's grandmother passes away and Estelle finally gives birth to a daughter of her own. As Katak welcomes the new member of the pod, Cyrano arrives to visit him.
In a mid-credits scene, it is shown that Dellrayne survived the encounter, having adopted the guise of Rourke's now deceased foster father. He walks towards the helicopter, presumably in pursuit of Rourke, Vivian and Minnie.
In a post-credits scene, Aaranya then departs to a new city and apologises to Gautham for ruining his married life. He admitted that he did love her but didn't work out. Aaranya departs and told Gautham not to hug her or see her leave, which he disappears and leaves her crying.
During the credits, While talking with Aditi about exposing more drug dealers, Atharva finds drug packets in Sumair's car, thus revealing that Sumair is also involved in drug smuggling. Atharva keeps quiet about this, where he and Sumair leave for a short trip
An epilogue states that Tim Ballard testified before the United States Congress and claims that his testimony resulted in laws being passed that require the government to cooperate with foreign countries on sex trafficking investigations. The epilogue also claims that there are more people enslaved today than at any other time in history, including when slavery was legal.
Chinese forces take control of the tanker containing the stolen oil.
Xiao Wei, Luo Feng, and Chris help local villagers repair a well, after which Luo Feng warns Xiao Wei to stay away from Chris. The Chinese forces from the previous scene arrive and inform Luo Feng that there is a new mission. Luo Feng asks Chris if he wants to join, after which they bump fists.
A collection of bloopers and outtakes runs during the rest of the credits.
The Turtles are shown enjoying high school life: Michaelangelo is participating in the school's comedy improv team, Raphael has joined the wrestling team, Donatello has found the computer club, and Leonardo (who, throughout the film, has developed a crush on April) has decided to help her with her journalistic interests, now focused on TCRI who have mysteriously disappeared since the events of the film. While the five are later enjoying themselves at the school prom, Cynthia, who is spying on them (and with the now unmutated Superfly by her side) decides that the focus is to capture the Turtles by bringing in Shredder.
In a post-credits scene, However, Sathya is attacked by the collapse and presumed dead, but is revived. In the aftermath, Sathya writes another episode on Maaveeran.
In a mid-credits scene, As Muthuvel solemnly walks away, he recalls memories of Arjun and Rithvik and he discards the necklace that holds Arjun's tooth.
In a mid-credits scene, Iqbal captures them in an ambush and kills Muskaan's brother Farid. Iqbal tries to execute them but Tara frees himself and with Jeete fights the army singlehandedly, escaping with everybody in an army tank. They arrive at the Indian border, where Iqbal again tries to kill Tara, but is gunned down by Rawat and the Indian soldiers. Rawat approves Jeete to enlist in the army, while Tara, Jeete and Muskaan reunite with Sakeena.
The credits reveal that Paige accidentally hit Anna Maria in the nose, explaining the blood, and that Jake was present when his house was TPd, bonding with Megan right away.
A scene runs during the credits showing a press conference where it is announced that the trafficking mafia has been stopped and many women have been returned to their families. A reporter asks who achieved this, and the shot cuts to Bhola Shankar.
The film has a mid-credits scene in which Joan wakes up, begging to (unfortunately for her) no-one to not let Troy run the camp in her absence. The lady next to her, who Troy had mistaken for his mother, turns to her, talking to her about the show she just watched about Joan's life before she fell into her coma. Joan then asks if the lady knows why she is in the hospital, to which the lady replies "Nope!"
The track "Bye Class", which is implied to be one of the songs made by Rebecca-Diane and Amos earlier in the movie, as Rebecca-Diane sings it, is heard over the final seconds of the movie. Rebecca ends it by saying she'll see the class next week or tomorrow, and thanks them, and by proxy, the audience for coming.
First we see the survivors are trying to figure out what to do now that they have survived the night. Someone suggests calling the police. After a moment, they all laugh and think of another solution. Next we find Dewayne going over his idea of calling the firemen because "they won't shoot you." We hear sirens approaching, and then the group is hit by a stream of water from a firehose.
During the credits, the news reports state that the bombings were part of the heist perpetrated by Anders, and Matt cooperates with the Europol to respond the incident.
First, the idiotic Minister of Space gleefully runs to and greets astronaut Sun-woo as he gets off the plane bringing him home to Korea. Next, Sun-woo returns the stuffed animal back to Lee Sang-won's son, who asks him if his dad really is on the moon. Son-woo answers yes, then gives Sang-won's wife the picture with their new baby's name written on the back. It is her name, written backwards.
Later, Kim Jae-guk and his intern are getting ready to entertain a bunch of kids visiting their observatory. While checking out a mock spacesuit, they see an announcement on the news that Jae-guk's ex, Yoon Moon-young, has been named the new director of NASA. Later, Jae-guk greets the kids and is upset when they run to the person in the spacesuit and start yanking the tubes out. The intern suddenly appears, and Jae-guk is surprised and wonders who is in the suit. The astronaut removes the helmet to reveal that it is Sun-woo, who greets Jae-guk with a salute.
In the post-credits scene, it is shown a few months later, STF officer Madhavan Naik, who helped Azad in the completion of his missions, assigns him a new mission targeting Swiss banks.
During the credits, "Not Ramaiyaa Vastavaiya" is sung.
The founder of Pegazus is being interviewed and says the company has always been customer-obsessed. He tells the interviewer that the customer is the baby, and he hopes that one day children will be able to choose their parents and says that his advice to them will be choose your parents wisely.
In a mid-credits scene, Daji rushes to King Shou's body and uses her fox spirit power to resuscitate him, who is suddenly revived
In the post-credits scene, Jiang Ziya is angling alone on Wei River and shocked to see a flock of crows homing on his location; Wen Zhong, the Grand Preceptor of Shang dynasty who has been away at war for ten years, returns to the capital along with his superpowered generals including the Four Demonic Giants.
In a mid-credits scene, Tijori, a changed man, visits the Chatterjee household to apologise. Rocky and Rani finally get married and Dhanlakshmi sends the secret recipe of their sweets to Rani, accepting her as a family member, but does not attend the wedding.
A mid-credits scene shows Todd putting a squirming bag in the trunk of his car, implying that Stacey and Mark's suspicions that he is the killer are correct.
Exclusively on the IMAX release, there is a meta post-credits scene featuring Helen Mirren as herself walking in on Midge, played by Emerald Fennell, giving birth.[25]
Leonardo (voiced by Stephen Fry) speaks to the audience and says "I'm trying not to sound like Alec Guinness, but 'these aren't the droids you want.'" while waving his arm like Obi-Wan Kenobi.
There are a lot of snarky comments throughout the credits. When the first two producers are named, there's a pencil sketch of them with one asking the other to look in the couch for spare funding. Under the credits for Jason and the Argonauts animation, the quote "Skeleton fight! Need I say more?" is attributed to Leonardo da Vinci. Someone was credited as someone's "Gin Rummy Partner".
At at the end, there's a disclaimer saying no puppets were hurt during filming.
After all of the above, The Pope appears and says that you really got your money's worth with the vibrato and singing, and saying it's worth ten quid.
During the credits, Ben goes back to teaching and adopts a stray cat named Tater Tot, a nod to his wife's love for the snack. The group reunites on Halloween for a party at the mansion with the happy haunts.
In a mid-credits scene, the farmer removes Richie's buried body to prepare him as the next Sawtooth but is killed by Richie's father. Richie transforms into Sawtooth and is told by his father to burn everything down.
In a mid-credits scene, Ranganayaki's family finally perform a prayer in their deity temple. After finishing their prayer, the family leave the palace with Pandiyan. Pandiyan reunites with Lakshmi. The movie ends with a hint of a sequel.
In a post-credits scene, as peace returns to Parthi's life, he gets a phone call. The caller reveals that he knows Parthi is Leo and tells him that destroying only his family's datura factory was not enough to make the society drug-free as drugs are rampant all over India. The caller also says that he knows Parthi recognises his identity,[u] as Parthi sighs in exasperation.
In a post-credits scene, Guddu challenges Dalini to a fight, thus hinting a sequel titled Ganapath 2: Rise of the Hero. and During the credits, Jai Ganesha and Hum Aaye Hain singing.
As the credits roll, we see clips of the real Diana Nyad during her post-swim media blitz telling her story to throngs of adoring fans. To some, the message of Nyad is that we can accomplish our dreams if we simply adopt Diana's undying spirit.
Monica Rambeau awakens in a hospital-like room and is excited to see her dead mother, Maria Rambeau, next to her. However, Maria does not recognize her, when Dr. Hank McCoy / Beast enters and tells Monica she was found in space by Binary (Maria) and that they believe Monica is in a parallel universe.[26]
In the mid-credits scene, Kirubakaran returns home to be with Malaiyarasi and Caesar' son, where Paingili and Kirubakaran name him as Sethu, as per Malaiyarasi's vow to Goddess Sethukaali Amman. An anonymous man secretly follows Paingili and Sethu, where he mentions to another man sitting in a car that they will eliminate the last remaining members of Caesar' family.
In a mid-credits scene, Tiny was relaxing in the sun talking to Mr. Dinkles about his adventure with Branch and Poppy to reunite BroZone and save Floyd whilst on a journey to adulthood, but decides to remain a baby until Mr. Dinkles tells Tiny that he has no network.
In the post-credits scene, Minister Mathew and his private secretary are traveling in their vehicle and are blocked by a broke-down truck in an isolated area. Harish approaches Minister Mathew and asks if he's seen the movie 'John Wick', showing Drake's photo. The vehicle instantly gets locked with Minister Mathew and his private secretary inside and the driver missing, which draws fear in them of what is to come next.
During the credits, Charlotte comes to visit Dexter and Mia and Dexter is allowed to apologize to her. Ed and Ed 2 reveal to Dexter that they figured out how to make permanent ice and Good Burger successfully sells it to Mark Cuban, making $10 million.
During the credits, Vijay was saddened about losing his father to the illness. However, he was eventually rejoices in happiness for attaining his newfound bond of affliction to his son, Abhay.
In the first post-credits scene, Aziz enters with two butcher knives. He looks at Zoya to confirm if he looks like Vijay before he proceeds to violently kill one out of two of Vijay's men who are tied up in a bathroom. In reaction, Zoya rushes out to vomit. A blood-drenched Aziz tells Zoya that her vomiting might mean she is pregnant. He tells her that if the child doesn't look like him (and Vijay) that means he is the father. After this exchange, Aziz returns to kill the second man. We then see text that reads, "Animal Park" appear on the screen along with a "visit soon" hinting at a sequel.
In the second post-credits scene, an Elderly Vijay appears before cut to the "A Film By Sandeep Reddy Vanga" text appears on the black screen.
A blooper is shown of a previous scene from the film featuring Nell Verlaque and Rick Hoffman in which the camera holds on Hoffman until he smirks and gives the finger to the camera and the director finally yells, "Cut!"
After the credits, Taika Waititi's character offers up an epilogue, book-ending the introduction he gave at the start of the movie. He claims that anything can happen with a little faith, then attempts to walk across water, immediately stepping into the water and cursing.
One year later in the mid-credits, Pepper is then shown to have been turned into a glass figurine by Santa as punishment where her good behavior will get her back to the reindeer poop-scooping rank. Chris is revealed to have gained ownership of his store, now renamed "Chris Kringle's".
As the credits roll, the Oompa-Loompa reveals what became of some of the characters. Specifically, Larry Chucklesworth gets back with his wife, Abacus goes back to his family and Scrubbit and Bleacher are arrested after their attempt to eliminate evidence of their crimes backfire at them. In the middle, he has trouble with his projection machine.
In a post-credits scene, Arthur and Orm are enjoying hamburger and beer, as stated earlier in the movie by the former. Suddenly, a cockroach walks on the table. Orm sees it then put it in his burger, much to the disgust of his brother.
In the post-credits scene, Hardy, Balli, and Buggu meet an agent who offers them to go to London through the Dunki route. Hardy throws him down on the ground and then all three of them walk away.
During the credits, the Morgans have returned to their lives in Buffalo; Dan now runs a security firm to train clients how to better defend against attacks while Jessica coaches high school track and field. They then load up a rented RV to embark on a cross-country road trip to take Nina to Stanford.
A collection of bloopers and outtakes runs throughout the end credits, ending with brief footage of Josh Sharp and Aaron Jackson performing as Harris and Evelyn at UCB Theatre NYC in 2015.
In a mid-credits scene, there are so many confessions noted regarding illicit affairs in the other villages that create tension in those areas. Then, it is shown that Sailaja and Ravi's ghosts are in the same well where they had died, which hints towards a sequel.
In a post-credits scene, Kristoffer Polaha (who portrays Kevin in the film) thanks all viewers for watching the film and briefly mentions the inspirations for its screenplay and behind its production.
In a post-credits scene, Noble's corpse is recovered by Motherworld forces, and he is resurrected after having spoken on an astral plane with Balisarius,[27] who demands that Noble end the insurgency against him and bring Kora to him alive so he can execute her himself.
In a mid-credits scene, it's revealed that the first novel is based on Argylle's life, with a flashback sequence revealing that a young Argylle had collaborated with the Kingsman agency, and an end-titlecard is shown stating: "ARGYLLE BOOK ONE THE MOVIE COMING SOON".[29]
In a mid-credits scene, a desperate Venkata Swamy unsuccessfully ponders with Narayana about engaging with Ramana to bring him into the political party, but Narayana laughs at him.
In a post-credits scene, Tamizh rescued a man from drowning by running on water. This indicates that the Tattoo has left his powers for Tamizh permanently.
In a mid-credits scene, Rajadhipathi's daughter, Princess Shakunthala, learns about Velmathi's involvement in her father and brother's death from a sly Kanagasabai. She sets out to exact vengeance on her, Eesa, Rafiq, Sengolan, and the other revolutionaries.
A pre-credit montage shows clips of the real Bob Marley and his band during the performance, which sees them joined on-stage by the heads of both of Jamaica's political parties, also revealing that Marley and his band were able to perform in Zimbabwe to celebrate the nation's independence before he died of his cancer in 1981.
In the mid-credits scene, Vincent reveals that the three Picasso watches given to Uncle were actually frankenwatches, and he proudly displays the real watches to his crewmates. Meanwhile, Uncle, unaware of the deception, attempts to sell the frankenwatches to a Russian crime lord who quickly discovers that the watches are fake. Uncle's henchman immediately abandons him, leaving a horrified Uncle at the Russians' gunpoint.
During the credits, videos and pictures are shown with Ricky and others cleaning the environment, Carly donating her hair to children, JT brushing his teeth outside near his porta-potty while Susan and Whitaker watch, everyone posing at Dean and Erin's wedding, and a viral TikTok remix made with Summerhayes' comedic jerking motions at various conferences.
In a mid-credits scene, Po, along with the Furious Five, Tigress, Monkey, Mantis, Viper, and Crane, help Zhen train to become the next Dragon Warrior.[30]
In a mid-credits scene, Kabir tells Vanraj that he has no idea as to what length a father can go to protect his family. Kabir leaves the place, while Vanraj's screams at the isolated place.
In a mid-credits scene, the Mini-Pufts steal a Stay-Puft Marshmallows box truck from its driver while he is buying a drink from a vending machine at a truck stop.
In a post-credits scene, Nalini's editor doesn't see anything important in the story and relegates it to a filler. Soon, the intelligence wing and police force come knocking. Nalini is fired but sets out to find the truth.
A montage of details before the end credits reveal the post operation activities of several protagonists: Gus became a war hero and would helm several similar raids during the war before marrying Marjorie at the start of her acting career; Appleyard would receive several commendations for his role in the mission, much to the king's amusement; Hayes would go on to become a highly accomplished spy notable for surviving a year of Nazi torture without breaking; Lassen would go on to take part in raids outside the group until his death in 1945; Ian Fleming, who had been part of Gubbins's inner circle during this time, would use Operation Postmaster as the inspirational basis for his James Bond novels.[citation needed]
In the post-credits scene, t is revealed that Indu is at that wedding. Govardhan defeats the politician's goons along with his grandmother, wins back Indu, and marries her at the end in Kalyana Vaacha Vaacha singing.
During the credits it is revealed that the dog Bonnie survived being taken by Sting.
we return to Helga's apartment and she shushes at the camera. This is the same exact scene from earlier, but with different lighting. Helga's positioning and the timing of the movie she is watching show that this is the same exact footage.
In a mid-credits scene, after accidentally crash-landing their helicopter upon realizing the chest had nothing but rocks, Buzz and his escaped cellmate accomplice named Darren find themselves outside a police station, and as Buzz tries to tell his Darren that the only thing that mattered was that they were free, the police show up, and although Buzz tries to play innocent, it shortly turns to a defeated sad face as he and Darren are rearrested and sent back to prison.
In a post-credits scene, realizes that they might have changed history when she sees her friends from the Legion of Superheroes (including her lover Brainiac 5) begin to disappear, ending the first part on a cliffhanger.[v]
During the credits, Also Chan Lok-kwan's father is revealed to be Jim, the notorious 'King of Killers' who murdered Chau's family. Now, Lok-kwan must pay for that.
Before the credits, Metalstorm's trailer premieres at San Diego Comic-Con, with Jason Momoa being made the new lead and Alma the film's new producer; the film eventually becomes a box office hit. Colt gets exonerated, and he and Jody get back together.
In a post-credits scene titled "Previously On: The Fall Guy", Gail is arrested, while Tom, trying to call his agent, accidentally triggers a series of radio-controlled pyrotechnics and blows himself up. Alma calls Momoa's agent.
After the credits, a picture of Hemming Gadh with his head on a chopping block is shown as a title card reads, "By the way... Hemming Gadh was sent to Finland on a new mission where he was beheaded by order of King Kristian who never actually trusted him." An order is given to execute, and an executioner shouts, "Yes, sir!" Gadh's head is chopped off and the stump of his neck bleeds.
During the credits, Gwendolyn is booed for abandoning Earth and leaving the Greens and Voyd to suffer, while Voyd becomes the captain of the BigTech space fleet.
Riley's parents ask her how her hockey camp went, to which Ennui makes Riley reply "It was good." in order to deflect any of the bad things Riley did on camp. Riley's response triggers both her parents' version of Anxiety, but her Dad's version is soothed by his other emotions putting a game on their projection.
Joy frees Riley's Deep Dark Secret, which is revealed to be Riley burning a hole in the rug, from The Vault, but he quickly shuts himself back in.
During the credits, various clips from Mad Max: Fury Road are shown alongside some newly filmed shots recreating moments or elements from that film, including a shot of Nux's bird bobblehead.[31]
In a mid-credits scene, Jana brings some clothes for Bhaskar aka Bhediya to wear as he is stranded naked in the jungle, presumably after being transformed into a werewolf the previous night. He wears underwear from a brand named Munni which Munjya observes.
The intertitles before the film's closing credits inform that Trudy set the world record for crossing the Channel at 14 hours and 31 minutes, beating the world record held by a man by two hours; she eventually lost her hearing and dedicated her life to teaching deaf children to swim; she died in 2003 at the age of 98.
The movie lacks a traditional post-credits scene but includes notable elements during and after the credits. During the credits, a striking tracking shot pans out from the studio filming "The Puritan II" and through Los Angeles, while after the credits, a brief tag features a videotape with the message "be kind, rewind" as a nod to the VHS era and the film's 1980s setting.
The film includes special content during the credits. In the first minute, the film shows photographs from Danny Lyon's 1968 book The Bikeriders, giving viewers a glimpse into the true story that inspired the movie and highlighting how closely some scenes match Lyon's original images, bridging the gap between the film and its historical inspiration.
In a mid-credits scene, Yaskin uses the serum drop extracted from Sumathi's foetus on himself, partially gaining the power of the unborn Kalki and becoming a youthful superhuman with four new magical limbs. He picks up Arjuna's bow, Gandiva, and pledges to personally capture Sumathi and her child to reshape the world.
Before the credits, Ralph wakes up still inside of the vending machine that he get into earlier but he managed to get out only for the machine to press the lockdown button in which hides the safe house underground much to his disappointment.
The end credits scene features R.M.F. eating a sandwich. This brief comedic scene appears about 45 seconds into the end credits. The post-credits scene is not directly tied to the film's plot but is related to the title of the last segment of the movie.
In a mid-credits scene, Then it is revealed that the person who Arjun united with on one of the nights, during his stay in the apartment is the ghost of real Divyavathi which is still in the apartment.
In the post-credits scene, the whole movie rewinds to the year 305 BC, alluding to one of Marcus' delirious ramblings to Mike from earlier in the film. Marcus is bringing along a donkey through the wilderness while berating it. The donkey then pushes Marcus down, and Mike's voice can be heard interspersed with the donkey's grunts, laughing and telling off Marcus.
In the post-credits scene, Senapathy introduces his parents, Veerasekaran Balram and Dhakshayini, to his followers, who, like him, were also freedom fighters during the British Raj in the 1890s and he is planning to bring new changes in India along with Chitra's and his friend's help. Their back stories will take place in Indian 3.
In a mid-credits scene, G'Garaur finds Zerry and swears that nothing in the world shall tear them asunder. She tells him that she is already seeing someone, then leaves with Gondaldemor. G'Garaur lies, "That's cool. I'm super busy anyway!"
During the credits, Jai tracks down Krimuhi and brutally kills him, while Janani recovers from the disease. Janani learns about Jai's hardships to cure her, where they resume their peaceful life.
In a mid-credits scene, Claptrap shows off some dance moves before the scrolling credits push him upward off the screen as he complains about not being able to give the people what they want with his Easter egg.
A collection of bloopers and outtakes, interspersed with three mid-credits scenes, runs during the end credits. The mid-credits scenes reveal that Katie and Noel have bought a superyacht, acknowledging that money has changed them, while MGK orders a panic room inside his panic room as well as more darts, and the Grand Lottery prepares to expand across the country.
In a mid-credits scene, Bhaskar warns Jana of a vampire living in Delhi who sucks blood out of the people with its teeth. He adds that he likes her.
In a post-credits scene, the descendant of Chandrabhan anonymously receives a vessel containing the remains of Sarkata and absorbs its energy, transforming into a powerful being.
In a post-credits scene, Srini vows to find him, his family, and their connection to Demonte, and end this sinister cycle to rescue his brother, Raghu, and break the curse by June 6, 2027.
In a mid-credits scene, it is revealed that the Jeevan killed by Gandhi was actually a clone, and the real Jeevan, now a scientist specializing in cloning, is still alive and begins creating more clones to continue his plans.
A Collection of outtakes and bloopers and during the credits.
In a post-credits scene, Thangalaan single-handedly ventures deep into the mine and finally discovers an abundance of native gold, finally bringing joy to his community.
In a post-credits scene, Fink and Paddler the beaver are planting a tree. As they leave, a squirrel comes in and starts snickering, only for Fink to throw an acorn at him in annoyance, remarking, "Squirrels".
As the credits begin to roll, hotel camera footage of Kid and Margaret going up to her hotel room followed by Kid's accident in the hotel room is shown.
In a mid-credits scene, Melody, Belly, and Burny try to get Brian to muster up the courage to go apply for a job at the Quick Stop convenience store. Brian looks at the store and tells the three, "It can wait."
A post-credits scene, prefaced by a title card reading: "And since you waited this long...", shows a collection of bloopers and outtakes.
In a post-credits scene, Jose, Indulekha, Rosakutty and Niranjana return to Idukki. They soon receive a parcel containing Andrew's severed head with a letter sent by Vetrivel's business partner, who wages a war against Jose for Vetrivel's death.
In a post-credits scene, Mickey arrives at the police station, opens Rebecca's cell and tells her that there are "many people" he wants her to meet. Rebecca smiles at Mickey and leaves her cell.
Don't Turn Out the Lights
During the credits, a pair of hands is seen preparing a sandwich and a glass of milk and consuming them while using a remote control to flip channels on an off-screen television that plays programs including ones speaking about the feeling of committing and giving instructions on how to stab people to death. The final channel plays a child singing the song "The People on the Bus Die One by One" heard previously in the film as the hands place the tarot card of death on the sandwich. At the end of the credits, voices of young travelers can be heard screaming, "Blue Light! Blue Light! Blue Light!" This is followed by a voice whispering, "God".
During the credits, more prisoners are shown arriving with children over time, revealing the cyclical and manipulative nature of the prison system. The final scene concludes right after the end of the previous film, and shows Perempuán reuniting with Goreng, who is revealed to be her ex-fiancé.[x]
In the mid-credit scene, it is revealed that Mandira is not the real buyer. She is actually ACP Rathore, an undercover cop, who has come to arrest Ruhaan for his frauds as the fake ghostbuster Rooh Baba. Ruhaan, upon knowing this, faints out of shock.
One of Skye's songs, Death of Me, plays during the credits, but cuts out halfway through before audio snippets of Skye screaming, which have been warped to sound like her laughing, can be heard.
At the end of the credits, a man can be heard shouting, "Aaah! All right, we gonna do it again. Now we got it, now we got it. Go back, go back, go back."
In a post-credits scene, the commander of the facility, Ryan, is revealed to be the reincarnation of Rathaangasan. Fully aware of his past life, the commander decides to personally capture Zeta and Francis.
In a post-credits scene, on a haunting note as Satya, now victorious, confronts her memories and the lengths she was willing to go to protect her brother.
In the post-credits scenes, Yuva confesses and takes the fall for all the events that have happened under the influence of Slave, and a mysterious figure puts Babu and Yesu to sleep, revealing himself to be Abhi.
In a mid-credits scene, Nalo is about to punish Matangi for helping Moana with him planning revenge. They are soon visited by Tamatoa, who wants to join their cause to get revenge on Moana for her actions against him in the first film.
In a mid-credits scene set on Christmas Day, Mr. Byrnes is stopped on his bike by the crossing guard. Impressed by her focus on her professional duties, he asks her out on a date to the Royal Gardens for Chinese food. She agrees and they walk off together.
In a First post-credits scene, Srivalli discovers she is pregnant, and Pushpa celebrates. However, tragedy strikes when his niece Kaveri is assaulted during a festival and later kidnapped by Buggi Reddy, the nephew of Veera Pratap Reddy. Pushpa rescues her, killing Buggi and his gang. He reconciles with his estranged family, celebrating Kaveri's wedding, only for a mysterious figure to detonate a bomb at the wedding.
In a second post-credits scene, ending in a cliffhanger with upcoming movie, Pushpa 3: The Rampage.
During the credits, the family is shown opening presents on Christmas. Gretchen arrives on her motorcycle and Mike gives her a present. Mike is revealed to have bought Justice an ATV and the two ride off a ramp (based on an earlier comment about the kids wanting to do so). In post-credits audio, the two are revealed to have failed the jump.[32]
In a mid-credits scene, Natraj is sentenced to life in prison, and Athiyan steps back from his encounter-driven methods, choosing to let justice take its course.
As the end credits suggest, Lilith and her offspring have proliferated in the major river cities of the world (Paris, London, New York, Bangkok, Venice and Tokyo), and seem to have, as Sophia feared, colonised the entire world.
In a post-credits scene, Baek takes the server data stored in the villa to reestablish the ring overseas, while leaving the rest for Kwon. The police storm the villa before Kwon finishes gathering the money. Ma personally confronts Baek and a brutal fight ensues; Ma defeats Baek and arrests him. Jang gets arrested for impersonating a cop after flaunting his fake badge which Ma had given him.
As the credits rolled, Soodhu Kavvum 2 served as a reminder as to why the re-release trend seems to be catching up across the world. Sometimes, it does make sense.
In a mid-credits scene, Thomas Hutter bursts into the bedroom and holds Ellen's hand as she dies of exsanguination, with her sacrifice killing Count Orlok and ending the plague.
In a mid-credits scene, a computer voice says, "Welcome to the digital realm. Are you ready to get down?" Danny is then shown in the digital realm performing his version of "Thong Song" on a virtual beach. Afterwards, the computer voice says, "Congratulations. That was fucking tight."
After the credits are done rolling, Eli's echoing voice is heard saying "Damn".
During the credits, The elections proceed, but Mopidevi and his allies attempt to rig the results by destroying voting machines. Ram thwarts their efforts and ensures the machines reach the counting center safely. The newly revived Abhyudhyam Party, led by Sabha and inspired by Appanna's original principles, wins by a landslide, and Ram is elected as the new Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh.
End credits reveal that Dreux is now a successful franchise manager, who gets picked up and dropped off from work by Maniac. Alyssa is a renowned painter, with her work selling at $1000 each. The two also live together in a newly refurbished apartment.
In the mid-credits scenes, Yin Jiao travels alone back to Zhaoge to kill Yin Shou, but is halted by The Grandmaster of Heaven who arrives his three disciples Yunxiao, Qiongxiao and Bixiao; a defeated Wen Zhong meets Shen Gongbao who has come to collect his head as per the King's orders, and commands an army of Gu soldiers to march onto Xiqi.
In the post-credits scene, the Grandmaster of Heaven raises a brainwashed Yin Jiao from a pool of mercury and presents him to Yin Shou and Daji as their puppet.
In a mid-credits scene, Jim proposes to Margot, who says that she doesn't want to get married. Despite this, Dixon and other Chippendales dancers come out and dance to "Chapel of Love", then strip to reveal underwear reading "SHE", "SAID", and "YES". Margot then asks if Jim wants to elope. Jim says the he thought she didn't want to get married, but she says that she just doesn't like weddings.
In a mid credit scene, Ally gets a mysterious phone call in the same threatening tone as previous calls from Heart Eyes. It is then revealed to be her friend, who was photographing the proposal. The phone call then ominously hangs up, in the same way as earlier when the couple at the winery's photographer were murdered.
in a mid-credits scene, Sid, Shriya, and Parthiv embark on a new journey together, unaware of the profound connection between them and During the credits, Yennai Izhukkuthadi singing.
In a mid-credits scene, Paddington and the bears visit Phoenix Buchanan, the villain of the second film, in prison.
In a post-credits scene, Buchanan believes he will soon be released for good behaviour and plans a play for "Goldilocks and the Three Bears" starring the El Dorado bears.
In a post-credits scene, Wuliang heads to a secret prison to negotiate with the captive Shen Gongbao and Shen's father—the master who trains demons—while Ne Zha's older xian brothers are mystified at Wuliang's absence.
In a post-credits scene, A pale black-eyed man riding a pale horse—implied to represent the Pale Horseman—passes by and acknowledges them. Hal, determined to reconnect with his son, suggests they go dancing as it is something Lois had loved, and Petey accepts.
In a mid-credits scene, he is stopped by Kayal, who asks him why he had thought of saving her in spite of all that she had done against him, to which Arjun tells her that he still loves her. Kayal hugs Arjun and they reconcile happily.
In a mid-credits scene, the audience is told that Lemons suffered no lasting mental or physical impairment as a result of the incident, and returned to work three weeks later to finish the job he started.
↑ In the source material, Tommy Oliver was a male, but the cast of the film and the actor who played Oliver in the source material expressed interest in a female version of the character in a sequel.[7][8]
↑ This is a general translation of the character's direct quote, which is: "Mene, Mene, techel upharsem. Autem stultus es ut non comprendias. Continuendum est!"[citation needed]
↑ At the end of the first film, Goreng sends a child he found on level 333 back to the top while remaining at the bottom, as Perempuán did. The last seconds of The Platform 2 show the exact next moment after the first film concluded.
↑ "War with Grandpa, The (2020)*". What's After The Credits? | The Definitive After Credits Film Catalog Service. 28 August 2020. Archived from the original on 25 January 2025. Retrieved 8 December 2024.
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