This is part of a list of students of music, organized by teacher.
Also known to his students as "Pak Cokro".
He studied at the Lyceum and his music studies from his father, and later Joseph Abela Scolaro, Paul Nani and Carmelo Pace.
класс фортепиано Е. П. Ховен, Т. Д. Мануильская, И. А. Дашкова, композиции Л. Н. Наумов, теории и гармонии Л. М. Калужский... (...piano class E. P. Hoven, T. D. Manuilskaya, I. A. Dashkova, composition L. N. Naumov, theory and harmony L. M. Kaluzhsky...)
...he graduated from the Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory (composition class of Tikhon Khrennikov and piano classes of Heinrich Neuhaus and Lev Naumov...)
...but decided to study the piano independently, first with Stephen Francis Rimbault and then, from 1826 to 1831, with Charles Neate, a friend of Beethoven.(Subscription or UK public library membership required.)
...he graduated from the Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory (composition class of Tikhon Khrennikov and piano classes of Heinrich Neuhaus and Lev Naumov...)
Salvatore Meluzzi, Organist an der Kirche di Gesù, drei Jahre jünger als Nicolai, später ein namhafter Kirchenkomponist und Kapellmeister an der Kapelle Guilia di S. Pietro im Vatikan, wurde Nicolais Schüler im Kontrapunkt. [Salvatore Meluzzi, organist at the Church of Gesù, three years younger than Nicolai, later a well-known church composer and bandmaster at the Guilia di S. Pietro chapel in the Vatican, became Nicolai's student in counterpoint.]
Two aspects of Abrahamsen's works might be discussed in the context of the compositional ideas of Nørgård and Gudmundsen-Holmgreen for he studied with both of them.
William C. E. Seeboeck (1859-1907) … A native of Vienna, Seeboeck studied theory with the Beethoven scholar Gustav Nottebohm and piano with the Russian pianist Anton Rubinstein;
Other outstanding pupils of Novák were e.g. Sabin Dragoi (1894 Seliste / Arad - 1968 Bucharest), Mykola Kolessa... addition to teaching numerous private pupils, one of whom was Edward Holmes [q. v.]. In
Born in the U.K., he studied with Simon Bainbridge at the Royal College of Music (London), with Louis Andriessen and Martijn Padding at the Royal Conservatorium of The Hague (The Netherlands)...
It is said that he even gave lessons while in Genoa, and mention is made of one pupil, Catarina Calcagno, who had a brilliant, but brief career.
There he was discovered by his pupil, the 'cellist Ciandelli ... He arrived about the 15th of August and on that day wrote a letter to Giacomo Trivelli, recommending one of his pupils, Gaetano Ciandelli, a very talented 'cellist.
Greg Simon, composer and jazz trumpeter... currently studies composition with Richard Toensing; he has also studied with Daniel Kellogg, Carter Pann and Robert Hutchinson...
Sir Percy Carter Buck (1871-1947, B.Mus. 1891, D.Mus. 1893), Worcester: studied at the Royal College of Music with Parratt, C. H. Lloyd, and Parry...
He studied the organ with Parratt and composition with Stanford at the RCM...
Composer and organist. From 1899 he studied with Walter Parratt (organ) and with Walford Davies (composition) at the Royal College of Music.
Harold Edwin Darke (London, 29 October 1888-Cambridge, 28 November 1976) studied with Stanford, Wood and Parry at the Royal College of Music...
...the climax to the slow movement takes a long time coming and, when it does, sounds rather too much like that from I was glad by Dyson's teacher, Parry.
Forsyth had studied under Parry and Stanford at the RCM and played viola with the QHO before emigrating to New York in 1914.
On completing his studies at Cambridge in 1898, Rootham went to the Royal College of Music where he studied with Parry, Parratt and Stanford.
Biscardi studied electronic music with Bert Levy and composition with Les Thimmig while in Madison, and composition with Robert Morris, Krzysztof Penderecki and Toru Takemitsu at Yale.
...he received a scholarship from the Brazilian Mozarteum to study composition under the supervision of Krzysztof Penderecki at Music Academy of Krakow.
Shortly after Cooke's eighth birthday his father died, and it was to Pepusch that young Benjamin's musical education was entrusted.(Subscription or UK public library membership required.)
Finalmente pasó al Conservatorio Nacional de París, en donde adelantó estudios bajo la dirección de la eminente musicóloga Nadia Boulanger y del famoso intérprete raveliano VIada Perlemuter.
Here both Biret and Dalberto give us a view of Ravel only one generation removed. Their teachers at the Paris Conservatory, Fevrier and Perlemuter, both studied with Ravel.
From the age of 12 he studied at the Menuhin School in England, where his piano teachers included Perlemuter and Nadia Boulanger.
In 1961, on a scholarship from the Juilliard School, Pasatieri began formal studies under Vincent Persichetti and Vittorio Giannini.
Perti, Giacomo Antonio (b. Bologna, 6 June 1661; d. there, 10 Apr. 1756) … Perti's pupils included Giuseppe Torelli and G. B. Martini.
Her other teachers included Goffredo Petrassi, Peter Maxwell Davies, and Earl Kim.
Of these, Charles Lynch (1906–84) had enjoyed a considerable career in Britain, where he had studied with York Bowen, Egon Petri and, for short but significant periods, with Benno Moiseiwitsch and Rachmaninov.
Studied in Stuttgart, Germany with H.H. Pierson.
A Terni Falchi compie gli studi classici e i primi studi musicali presso le scuole comunali con Celestino Magi. In seguito, lascia la provincia per rag- giungere la vicina capitale, dove approfondirà i suoi studi con Salvatore Meluzzi ed Ettore Pinelli. [In Terni Falchi completed his classical studies and his first musical studies at the municipal schools with Celestino Magi. Subsequently, he leaves the province to reach the nearby capital, where he will deepen his studies with Salvatore Meluzzi and Ettore Pinelli.]
Vincenzo Tommasini was born in Rome in 1880. He studied the violin with Ettore Pinelli, and composition with Stanislao Falchi.
At Harvard, Grové was taught by Walter Piston and, after winning the Margaret Croft Scholarship, by Aaron Copland at the Tanglewood Summer School in 1955.
From the age of seven he served as a choirboy for the Augustinians in Klosterneuburg, where he learnt the organ and figured bass from the dean, Leopold Pittner.
Sem Dresden (1881-1957), who was born in Amsterdam, first studied with Bernard Zweers at the conservatory there before studying with Hans Pfitzner in Berlin.
Farmer, John, (b. Nottingham, 16 August 1835; d. Oxford, 17 July 1901). Composer and teacher....he studied for three years at the Leipzig conservatory with Ignaz Moscheles, Louis Plaidy, Moritz Hauptmann, and Ernst Friedrich Richter,...
O'Leary, Arthur (1834-1919) … Able to study due to the patronage of Wyndham Gould, firstly in Dublin (1844-1846) and at Leipzig Conservatory (from 1847) under Louis Plaidy, Ernst Richter, Ignaz Moscheles, Moritz Hauptmann and Julius Rietz.
...he studied at the Leipzig Conservatory with Plaidy and Moscheles as well as Hauptmann, E.F.E. Richter and Papperitz (harmony and composition).
Rolande Falcinelli studierte ab 1932 am traditionsreichen Pariser Conservatoire bei Abel Estyle (Klavierbegleitung), Marcel Samuel-Rousseau (Harmonielehre), Simone Plé-Caussade (Kontrapunkt und Fuge) und Henri Busser...
He studied at the conservatories of Antwerp and Brussels (composition with Poot).
Of Popper's pupils, the best known are Arnold Földesy, Jenö Kerpély, Mici Lukács, Ludwig Lebell and Adolf Schiffer - the teacher of Janos Starker.
The late Mr. Stephen Francis Rimbault, ... received his musical education from Dittenhofer, Hook, of Vauxhall celebrity, Crouch, the father of the present violoncellist, and Possin, the celebrated contrapuntist;...
...he became a student at the RAM in 1823. There he studied with Cipriani Potter...
O'Leary, Arthur, ... After a five years' stay at Leipzig, Mr. O'Leary returned to London and entered at the Royal Academy of Music, studying under Cipriani Potter and Sterndale Bennett.
...thereafter attending classes given by Pousseur at Durham and by Ligeti at Tanglewood.
Alexander Goehr and Harrison Birtwistle were in Richard Hall's class, while Peter Maxwell Davies and Elgar Howarth studied under Humphrey Procter-Gregg (a pupil of Charles Stanford) at the university.
Among his pupils at Kensington were Eugene d'Albert, Frederic Cliffe, and Frank L. Moir, the song writer.
Jacques Dupuis was born at Liège, October 21, 1830, and died there June 20, 1870. He studied with Prume,...
Hubert Léonard (1819-90), one of the numerous disciples of François Prume at the Brussels Conservatoire and of Habeneck in Paris, became one of Vieuxtemps's closest friends.
As the result of an award Lendvai had the honor of studying with Puccini,...
Charles Villiers Stanford began studying violin, piano and organ and was introduced to composition by the most respected Irish musicians of the day (among them Robert Stewart, Joseph Robinson and Michael Quarry).