This is part of a list of students of music, organized by teacher.
Ruth Duncan McDonald
Bianchi, (Giuseppe) Francesco (b. Cremona, c. 1752; d. London, 27 Nov 1810). Italian composer...studied with Pasquale Cafaro and Jommelli in Naples,...
Cassar-Cordina is a composer of acoustic and electroacoustic music and an educator ... Having been a regular student of Maltese composer Charles Camilleri...
Mro Galea studied musical techniques and contemporary music under Charles Camilleri.
Most of what Simon knows about conducting came from John Carewe, the former principal conductor of the BBC Welsh Symphony Orchestra, and founder of the New Music Ensemble. who proved his most influential teacher at the Academy.
'We're all at odds as to who is the better of them,' John Carewe, the British conductor and former teacher of Sir Simon Rattle, admits.
Alessandro Scarlatti 1660–1725...Nothing is known about his youth except that he moved to Rome with his family when he was twelve and likely studied with Giacomo Carissimi.
Desverine's lessons were supplemented by sessions with Venezuelan pianist Teresa Carreño, who later championed MacDowell's works.
LaLiberté, Alfred – Pianist, Composer. Born in St. Johns, Que., Canada, 1882. Education: Montreal, Berlin and Brussels; pupil of Teresa Carreno and Scriabin.
Alexandre Mottu... ...dîplômé du Conservatoire de Genève (1902), il paracheva ses études auprès d'Alfred Reisenauer, à Leipzig, et Teresa Carreno, à Berlin.
There his teachers included Larry Goves and Anna Meredith, and he subsequently studied with Richard Causton, Robin Holloway, and Patrick Nunn.
His current research, at the Faculty of Music, is under Prof. Richard Causton and Dr Peter McMurray.
Clarice Assad (born 1976) is a Grammy-nominated composer, pianist, and vocalist of musical depth and ability ... studied with Michael Daugherty, Susan Botti, and Evan Chambers.
David Biedenbender (b. 1984) ... studied with Michael Daugherty, Bright Sheng, Evan Chambers, Stephen Rush, Kristin Kuster, and Erik Santos.
Andrew Bishop, Visiting Assistant Professor of Jazz Studies ... studied composition with William Albright, William Bolcom, Evan Chambers, Michael Daugherty, and Walter Mays;
Вторую премию получила 28-летняя выпускница Московской консерватории (класс профессора Татьяны Чудовой) Виктория Борисова-Оллас. (The 28-year-old graduate of the Moscow Conservatory (class of Professor Tatyana Chudova) Victoria Borisova-Ollas received the second prize.)
...He also studied musicology under Adolf Chybiński in Lwów (now Lviv, Ukraine).
Braga, Gaetano, born at Giulianuova, in the Abruzzi ... took up the violoncello, under Gaetano Ciaudelli, studying harmony under Parisi, accompaniment under Francesco Ruggi, counterpoint under Carlo Conti, and composition under Mercadante.
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: CS1 maint: date and year (link)Albert Boubée, born in 1850, at Naples ... The enthusiasm excited in him by his cello teacher, Gaetano Ciandelli, and later on by Servais and Piatti's playing, really induced him to pursue the study of music.
Ferdinando Forino, born at Naples in 1837, studied under Ciaudelli at the Conservatoire of St. Pietro a Majella,...
Gaetano Ciaudelli, valente pedagogo, che fu maestro anche a Giuseppe Magrini (1857–1926)... [Gaetano Ciaudelli, talented pedagogue, who was also the teacher of Giuseppe Magrini (1857–1926)...]
William H. Sherwood 1854–1911...Among his many teachers were Kullak, Weitzmann, Wüerst, Deppe, Richter, Karl Doppler, Scotson Clark...
Mr Howard Hadley... ...became a student at the Royal College of Music in 1892, studying the pianoforte under Frederic Cliffe, organ under W. S. Hoyte, and harmony, etc., under Higgs, Gladstone and Rockstro.
...he joined the piano teaching staff of the RCM, where his pupils included John Ireland and Arthur Benjamin.
Greatorex studied music under Dr Benjamin Cooke, organist of Westminster Abbey...(Subscription or UK public library membership required.)
After the death of Manini in 1786, Hague moved to London and studied with Johann Salomon and Benjamin Cooke.
Sullivan, Sir Arthur Seymour (1842–1900) ... Like his friend John Stainer, Arthur Sullivan was a pupil of the organist George Cooper.
Lawes, William (1602–1645). Born in Salisbury, Wiltshire and baptised on 1 May 1602; A pupil of John Coprario.
At Harvard, Grové was taught by Walter Piston and, after winning the Margaret Croft Scholarship, by Aaron Copland at the Tanglewood Summer School in 1955.
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: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link)Alexander, Arthur, Australian pianist, born Dunedin, New Zealand, Mar. 25, 1891. He studied under Tobias Matthay and Frederick Corder...
Composer and teacher. Bell was educated at St Alban's Grammar School, then studied at the Royal Academy of Music under Frederick Corder, Charles Stanford and others.
The last of the five composers to be surveyed here, Learmont Drysdale (1866–1909) spent his youth in Edinburgh, where he began his musical career as an organist. He went to London in 1887, and entered the Royal Academy of Music in 1888 as a composition student of Frederick Corder.
Michael Head studied at the Royal Academy of Music, London, winning the Sir Michael Coster Scholarship for composition, studying this subject with Frederick Corder.
Holland, Theodore, British Composer; born Apr. 25, 1878;... ...educated at Royal Academy of Music, 1896–1902; Hochschule für Musik, Berlin, 1902-03; studied composition under Frederick Corder, Robert Kahn...
Frank Hutchens was born near Christchurch, New Zealand in 1892, and at the age of thirteen, on the advice of Paderewski went to England to study. His teachers there were Tobias Matthay for piano, and Frederick Corder for composition.
Mr. Hermann Lohr, the composer of so many well-known songs, was born at Plymouth, England... ...In the autumn of 1889, he entered the Royal Academy of Music, where he pursued his studies under Mr. Frederick Corder for Composition, and the late Mr. Frederick Westlake, for Pianoforte.
William Henry Reed (Frome, Somerset, 29 July 1876–Dumfries, Scotland, 2 July 1942 while adjudicating) studied at the Royal Academy of Music with Émile Sauret and Frederick Corder.
Rowley's musical abilities surfaced at age 14 after a near perfect sightreading of J.S. Bach's St. Matthew Passion on the organ. A year later he entered London's Royal Academy of Music for nine years of study with Frederick Corder...
Christopher, Dr. Cyril Stanley (1897–1979) Born in Oldbury, Worcestershire on 23 June 1897; died on 31 March 1979. Studied with C.H. Kitson, Edward Bairstow, Alfred Hollins, G.D. Cunningham and Ambrose Coviello.
She studied at Liège and won the Ada Lewis Scholarship to the RAM, London, where she studied with Coviello.
The Scottish composer Iain Hamilton (born in 1922 in Glasgow)...At the Royal Academy of Music, he studied composition with William Alwyn and piano with Harold Craxton
Wyk, Arnold van (1916–1983) South African composer... ...He studied composition with Theodore Holland and piano with Harold Craxton at the Royal Academy of Music...
Rimbault, Edward Francis (1816–76). Musicologist, editor, organist, and composer ... His early studies were with Samuel Wesley and William Crotch...
Christopher, Dr. Cyril Stanley (1897–1979) Born in Oldbury, Worcestershire on 23 June 1897; died on 31 March 1979. Studied with C.H. Kitson, Edward Bairstow, Alfred Hollins, G.D. Cunningham and Ambrose Coviello.
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: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link)Rick Burkhardt ... holds degrees from UC San Diego, where he studied with Chaya Czernowin, and the University of Illinois, where he studied with Herbert Brün.
Alexander Chernyshkov –Komponist, Interpret und Improvisator. Er studierte Komposition an der Musikhochschule Wien in der Klasse von Chaya Czernowin, Karlheinz Essl und Clemens Gadenstätter.[Alexander Chernyshkov –Composer, performer and improviser. He studied composition at the Vienna University of Music in the class of Chaya Czernowin, Karlheinz Essl and Clemens Gadenstätter.]
She also completed her PhD in composition with Chaya Czernowin and Hans Tutschku at Harvard.
Peter Ivan Edwards was born in New York in 1973 ... his principal composition teacher was Chaya Czernowin.
In 2009 she commenced Ph.D. composition studies at Harvard University under the guidance of Professor Chaya Czernowin and Professor Hans Tutchku, graduating in May 2017.
Tamara Friebel ... Als Zeichen von Vielseitigkeit erscheint, dass Friebel vor ihrem Kompositionsstudium an der Wiener Musikuniversität bei Chaya Czernowin, Karlheinz Essl und Detlev Müller-Siemens in Australien Soziologie, Theologie und Psychologie studierte. [Tamara Friebel ... As a sign of versatility, Friebel studied sociology, theology and psychology in Australia with Karlheinz Essl and Detlev Müller-Siemens before studying composition with Chaya Czernowin at the Vienna University of Music.]
Fure, who studied with Czernowin, aims to capture the "mounting hum of ecological anxiety around us,"...
Hurtado earned a BM (1999) in piano performance and composition at the Cons. de las Rosas in Morelia... He studied with Mario Davidovsky, Chaya Czernowin, Magnus Lindberg, Brian Ferneyhough and Helmut Lachenmann at Harvard Univ. (PH.D., 2009),...
Born in Rome in 1983, Clara Iannotta has studied at the Conservatories of Milan and Paris, at IRCAM, and at Harvard University with Alessandro Solbiati, Frédéric Durieux, and Chaya Czernowin.
He earned degrees from the New England Conservatory of Music and Harvard University, studying composition with contemporary composers Sir Harrison Birtwistle, Robert Cogan, Chaya Czernowin and Mario Davidovsky.
Timothy McCormack ... received his PhD from Harvard University (2019), where he studied with Chaya Czernowin and Hans Tutschku.
Chris Mercer. Born in Hawaii (USA) in 1972 ... Studied instrumental music with Chaya Czernowin and Chinary Ung and electronic music with Roger Reynolds and Peter Otto.
Karola Obermüller wurde 1977 in Darmstadtr geboren ... Seit September 2003 studiert sie dort bei Komponisten wie Bernard Rands, Harrison Birtwistle, Julian Anderson, Chaya Czernowin und Magnus Lindberg.[Karola Obermüller was born in Darmstadt in 1977 ... Since September 2003, she has been studying with composers such as Bernard Rands, Harrison Birtwistle, Julian Anderson, Chaya Czernowin and Magnus Lindberg.]
...born in 1989 –Marek Poliks, getting his PhD at Harvard University, studying with Chaya Czernowin.
Stefan Prins (born in Belgium in 1979) ... Since September 2011 Prins pursues a PhD in composition at Harvard University under the guidance of Chaya Czernowin.
Die 1980 in Straubing geborene österreichische Komponistin und Bratschistin Julia Purgina studierte Bratsche bei Wolfgang Klos und Komposition bei Erich Urbanner und Chaya Czernowin an der Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien.[The Austrian composer and viola player Julia Purgina, born in Straubing in 1980, studied viola with Wolfgang Klos and composition with Erich Urbanner and Chaya Czernowin at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna.]
In 2016, she went to Harvard University, where she had doctoral studies with Chaya Czernowin and Hans Tutschku, and at the same time was a lecturer for courses in acoustic and electroacoustic composition.
Alexander Sigman (*1980 in Ringoes, NJ, USA) ... primarily studied with Brian Ferneyhough. He also studied with Chaya Czernowin at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna (2007)...
Bert Van Herck is Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Iowa. He holds a PhD from Harvard University where he studied with Magnus Lindberg, Julian Anderson, Chaya Czernowin, Brian Ferneyhough, and Helmut Lachenmann.
Thomas Wally (b. 1981) ... Born in Vienna, Austria, Thomas Wally studied composition with Erich Urbanner and Chaya Czernowin and violin with Josef Hell at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna.
Julio Zúñiga –Actualmente realiza estudios de Doctorado en Composición Musical en la Universidad de Harvard, donde estudia con Chaya Czernowin y Hans Tutschku.[Julio Zúñiga –He is currently pursuing a Doctorate in Musical Composition at Harvard University, studying with Chaya Czernowin and Hans Tutschku.]
Ivy Frances Klein... ...Studied composition with Benjamin Dale at the Royal Academy of Music in London.
Weitere Studien führten sie 1997 nach London, wo sie am Royal College of Music bei Jeremy Dale Roberts (geb. 1934) Unterricht erhielt.[Further studies took her to London in 1997, where she received lessons from Jeremy Dale Roberts (born 1934) at the Royal College of Music.]
Erin Gee is assistant professor of composition at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. She received her bachelor's and master's degrees in piano and composition, respectively, from the University of Iowa, where she studied with Réne Lecuona, Lawrence Fritts, and Jeremy Dale Roberts.
Tony Noakes, architect, composer, ... found time to study harmony with Hugh Wood and composition with Jeremy Dale-Roberts at Morley College.
Roberto earned degrees from the Conservatory of Music of Puerto Rico, the University of Puerto Rico, the Royal College of Music in London, and the University of London, where he studied composition with Jeremy Dale Roberts.
A Cambridge graduate who had also trained at the Royal College of Music with Herbert Howells, and in Italy with Luigi Dallapiccola, Roxburgh was already technically accomplished when he came to Boulanger.
His teachers in music were George Elvey, organist of St. George's Chapel, Windsor Castle, with whom Parry studied whilst at Eton; lessons with Edward Dannreuther.
Hurford, Peter (John) (b. Minehead, Somerset, 22 Nov. 1930). Organist. He attended Jesus College, Cambridge; studied with Harold Darke, and with André Marchal in Paris.
Harold Darke was also the unlikely composition teacher of Elisabeth Lutyens...
He won a history scholarship to The Queen's College, Oxford, but switched to music after a year, continuing at the Royal College of Music with Herbert Howells, Gordon Jacob and Harold Darke.
Willem Kes (1856–1934), a violinist, whose teachers had included Ferdinand David, Wieniawski, and Joachim, ...
He studied electronic music with Mario Davidovsky and Vladimir Ussachevsky at Columbia-Princeton Electronic Music Center...
Her other teachers included Goffredo Petrassi, Peter Maxwell Davies, and Earl Kim.
Composer and organist. From 1899 he studied with Walter Parratt (organ) and with Walford Davies (composition) at the Royal College of Music.
At the RCM, Marion studied... ...composition with Walford Davies (1869–1941)...
Romero is currently a third-year doctoral student at U-M ... he is currently studying composition with Michael Daugherty, and has studied previously with William Bolcom, Betsy Jolas, Susan Botti and William Albright.
Felicia Sandler (b. 1976) is currently a faculty member at the New England Conservatory of Music. She received her PhD from the University of Michigan, studying composition with William Bolcom, Michael Daugherty, Bright Sheng and C. Curtis-Smith.
Simon is currently earning his Doctorate Degree at the University of Michigan, where he has studied with Michael Daugherty and Evan Chambers.
Matthew Tommasini ... studied with William Bolcom, Michael Daugherty, Bright Sheng, Leslie Bassett, and Evan Chambers.
Later, Buyst studied with Arthur De Greef (1862–1940), a pupil of Franz Liszt and a close friend of Edvard Grieg.
Je travaillais le piano trois fois par semaine avec Berthe Laventurier, élève d'Arthur de Greef...
He studied harmony and piano at the Brussels Conservatory, where his teachers included Sevenants, Lunssens, and de Greef, and then counterpoint and fugue at the Royal Flemish Conservatory.
Alsleben (äls'-lā-ben), Julius. 1832-1894. German writer, teacher, concert pianist and composer. His teachers in piano were Ieuchtenberg and Zech, and theory he studied of Siegfried Dehn.
Edna Stern began her studies in Israel with Viktor Derevianko, a student of Heinrich Neuhaus...
Fuchs, Robert (b. Fraunethal, Styria, 15 Feb 1847; d. Vienna, 19 Feb 1927). Austrian composer ... studied composition at the conservatory with Felix Otto Dessoff while earning a living as a teacher and organist.
He also studied with Max Deutsch, who was a student of Schoenberg...
John Carewe ... studied with Walter Goehr, ... Max Deutsch and Messiaen in Paris, as well as with the then unknown Pierre Boulez.
S. F. Rimbault was descended from a Huguenot refugee family, but he was born in London and studied under Joseph Diettenhofer, James Hook, and J. S. C. Possin.
László Halász studied to be a concert pianist at the Budapest Music Academy where his teachers included Béla Bartók, Zoltan Kodály, Ernö Dohnányi and Leo Weiner.
He was educated at St Aloysius College, Birkirkara, and studied Music in Malta under his father and Carlo Fiamingo, and in Rome under Vincenzo di Donato and Ermanno Wolf-Ferrari.
In 1925 Petrassi was able to study composition with one Vincenzo di Donato and was a pupil from 1928 to 1933...
Sinopoli, Giuseppe (b. Venice, 2 Nov. 1946). Composer and conductor... studied composition with Stockhausen, Maderna and Donatoni.
Siccardi, Honorio, Argentine composer and teacher; b. 13 Sep 1897, Buenos Aires, Argentina; d. 10 Sep 1963, Dolores, Prov. of Buenos Aires, Argentina. He studied with Felipe Boero, Pablo Berutti, Ernesto Drangosch, Gilardo Gilardi.
Adolf Chybiński (1880–1952)... ...Berliner Akademie der Künste studiert hatte, Jan Drozdowski, ein Absolvent des Wiener Konservatoriums, und Felicjan Szopski, ein ehemaliger Privatschüler Heinrich Urbans in Berlin.
In 1873 Guillaume Couture (1851–1915) left for France to study with Théodore Dubois at the Paris Conservatoire de Paris, and on 15 May 1875 his Rêverie, op. 2 (CMH8, 46-90), was premiered by the Société nationale de musique under Édouard Colonne.
Dukas studied at the Paris Conservatory, where his teachers included Théodore Dubois and Ernest Guiraud.
Risler, Édouard French pianist, teacher, and transcriber of German birth, was born at Baden-Baden on February 23, 1873, and died in Paris on July 22, 1929. Studied at the Paris Conservatoire, where he was a student of Louis Diémer in piano and Dubois in theory.
Nikolai Zverev (1832–93). A former student both of Dubuque and of Johann Nepomuk Hummel's pupil Adolf von Henselt…
Roma, París – donde estudiará con Paul Dukas, que la colmará de elogios como consta en el boletín de notas-, y regreso a España.
Disciple, pour la composition et l'orchestration, de Paul Gilson et Paul Dukas, Marcel Poot fut un des fondateurs d'un important mouvement musical né en Belgique dans l'entre-deux-guerres, le synthétisme.
Seter, Mordecai; Israeli composer; b. 1916, Russia;... studied Paris with Paul Dukas and Nadia Boulanger 1932–37...
The pianist-composer Arthur De Greef studied at the municipal music school of his native city with Emile Mathieu, who himself was a student of Auguste Dupont at the Brussels Conservatory.
Thomson, César (b. Liège), March 17, 1857–d. Lugano, Switzerland, Aug. 21, 1931), Belgian violinist; studied with his father and at Liège Conservatory in the class of J. Dupuis, winning a gold medal at eleven.
...counting among his pupils Cochereau, Guillou and Marie-Claire Alain.
Calverley would go on to receive a scholarship and study composition with George Dyson and Ralph Vaughan Williams.
Imogen Holst had early training under her father at St. Paul's Girls' School in Hammersmith before attending the Royal College of Music (1926–31), where she studied piano and composition with Sir George Dyson, Gordon Jacob, and Ralph Vaughan Williams.
Dyson briefly taught composition to Lambert at the Royal College of Music in the 1920s...
Though Eldering retired from the Conservatory...he continued to give private lessons...much loved by his pupils –who included Maurits van den Berg, Siegfried Borries, Hermann Diener, Ernest Drueker, Hans Dunschede, Walther Geiser, Theo Giesen, Willem van Hoogstraten, Hermann Zitzmann and the quartet leaders Riele Queling, Joachim Rontgen, Wilhelm Stross and Max Strub, as well as the violist Karl Reitz.
Adolf Busch's teacher Bram –Eldering (born 1865) was a pupil of my own master Jenő Hubay (born 1858)...
Leon Sametini, a son of Samual Sametini and Rose De Groot, studied in the Netherlands under his uncle, M. De Groot, F. Togni and Bram Eldering of Amsterdam.
...beautifully played by Max Strub (like Stross a pupil of Bram Eldering)...
His teachers in music were George Elvey, organist of St. George's Chapel, Windsor Castle, with whom Parry studied whilst at Eton...
Drozdowski studied music at... ...the Vienna Conservatory with Julius Epstein, Dachs and Bruckner.
Bauer studied counterpoint and form in Berlin with Paul Ertel in 1910–11, and composition in New York City during World War I with Walter Henry Rothwell.
Decruck studied harmony with Xavier Leroux and Jean Gallon, piano accompaniment with Paul Vidal and Cesar Abel Estyle, and counterpoint and fugue with Georges Caussade.
From 1923 to 1926 Duruflé studied piano accompaniment with Abel César Estyle (sic.), about whom the sources are virtually silent, apart from the fact he was born in 1877.
Messiaen remained with Falkenberg for several years but then moved to the piano accompaniment class of César Abel Estyle, with whom Yvonne Loriod later also studied.
Among his teachers were: (1) Georges Falkenberg, piano; (2) Jean Gallon, harmony; (3) Noël Gallon, private lessons in harmony and counterpoint (for ten years); (4) César-Abel Estyle, piano accompaniment; (5) Georges Caussade, fugue; (6) Charles-Marie Widor and Paul Dukas, composition; (7) Marcel Dupré, organ and improvisation; (8) Maurice Emmanuel, music history; and (9) Joseph Baggers, timpani and percussion.
...en 1913 un premier prix d'accompagnement au piano dans la classe d'Abel-César Estyle.
V. di D. ha studiato al Conservatorio di S. Cecilia diplomandosi in violoncello nel 1909 (prof. Luigi Forino), in com- posizione nel 1914 (M. Ottorino Respighi e Falchi). [V. di D. studied at the Conservatory of S. Cecilia, graduating in cello in 1909 (prof. Luigi Forino), in composition in 1914 (M. Ottorino Respighi and Falchi).]
...teacher Stanislao Falchi, who taught Bernardino Molinari and Vittorio Gui...
Vincenzo Tommasini was born in Rome in 1880. He studied the violin with Ettore Pinelli, and composition with Stanislao Falchi.
Gibson, Alfred, violinist, born at Nottingham, October 27, 1849. After some early lessons from his father, a good violin teacher, he studied for two years with Henry Farmer, after which time he was practically self-taught.
Edward Cuthbert Bairstow, distinguished organist, was born at Huddersfield on August 22, 1874. He began his music training with a brother of Sir William Parratt, later studying under John Farmer, of Balliol, and Sir Frederick Bridge, of Westminster Abbey.
Mrs Finzi asked him to suggest a music teacher for Gerald. By good fortune, Clifford recommended no middle-aged, run-of-the-mill teacher, but young Ernest Bristow Farrar.
{{cite web}}
: CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)Gaetano Ciandelli, uno de' migliori allievi di Vincenzo Fenzi... [Gaetano Ciandelli, one of Vincenzo Fenzi's best students...]
Cardew, Cornelius (b. Winchcombe, Gloucestershire, 1936), … studied at the Royal Academy of Music in London, working in composition with Howard Ferguson and in piano with Percy Waller and Kyla Greenbaum.
Bert Van Herck is Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Iowa. He holds a PhD from Harvard University where he studied with Magnus Lindberg, Julian Anderson, Chaya Czernowin, Brian Ferneyhough, and Helmut Lachenmann.
Starting as a Chapel Royal Chorister at the age of ten, Cusins had moved the following year to study with François-Joseph Fétis at the Brussels Conservatoire before attending the RAM as a King's Scholar in the late 1840s.
Manuel Patricio Rodriguez Garcia (1805–1906) was a baritone and singing teacher who studied harmony with François-Joseph Fétis (1784–1871).
He then went to Paris to study composition with Nadia Boulanger, to attend Messiaen's epoch-defining analysis class at the Paris Conservatoire, and to study piano with Jacques Février.
Peter Wallfisch (piano) Born in 1924 in Breslau, Germany, he moved to Palestine in 1938, where he studied at the Jerusalem Academy of Music. In 1946 he went to Paris, to study with Margherite Long and Jacques Février.
Balbastre, Claude-Bénigne (b. Dijon, 22 Jan. 1727; d. Paris, 9 May 1799). Composer and organist ... In 1750 he went to Paris, where he continued study of the organ with Pierre Février and began instruction in composition under Jean-Philippe Rameau.
He studied for a further nine years under Carlo Fiamingo and Thomas Mayne, grounding himself thoroughly in harmony, counterpoint, composition, and orchestration.
Dessauer's sources, supplied by Findeisen, included two important biographical sketches, one by Field's lifelong friend, F. A. Gebhard, and the other by his favourite pupil, Alexander Dubuk (sic).
(Gerke), Anton Avgustovich (1812–1870). Pianist, teacher, and composer. Born in Pulin (now Chervono-Armeysk), Zhitomir district, on 28 July 1812, son of the Polish violinist Avgust Herke, he studied under John Field, Friedrich Kalkbrenner, Ignaz Moscheles, and Ferdinand Ries and was acquainted with Franz Liszt, Sigismond Thalberg, and Clara Schumann.
This master taught John Field, one of whose pupils was Alexander Villoing, the teacher of Anton Rubinstein.
As a chorister Stewart came under the care and tutelage of Revd John Finlayson and the Master of the Boys, Richard Beatty.
William Albright... professor of music composition... ...He received his degrees through the U-M's Doctor of Musical Arts program, where he studied with Ross Lee Finney and Leslie Bassett.
Fioroni, Giovanni [Gian] Andrea, (1716, Pavia, to 19 December 1778, Milan). Italian composer and organist. Fioroni studied under Leonardo Leo … His pupils included Alessandro Rolla and Vincenzo Manfredini.
Henselt, Adolf von … He soon switched to piano, studying with the wife of the Bavarian Geheimrat (privy councilor), Josepha von Fladt.
Isolde Menges (16.05.1893 –13.01.1976): English violinist... ...She was a pupil of both Leopold Auer and Carl Flesch.
Cesare Bedetti studied under Ferdinando Forino at Rome.
Luigi Forino (1868–1936) was a student and devoted disciple of his father, Ferdinando Forino (1837–1905), and therefore clearly a product of the 19th-century Italian school.
Studiò armonia e composizione e si diplomò in violoncello presso l'Accademia di S. Cecilia di Roma con L. Forino.[He studied harmony and composition and graduated in cello at the Accademia di S. Cecilia in Rome with L. Forino.]
Pádua, Newton de Menezes, Brazilian composer, conductor, teacher, and cellist; b. 3 Nov 1894, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; d. 2 Jun 1966, Rio de Janeiro ... From 1912 to 1914, he went to Rome, Italy, to study cello with Luigi Forino and harmony with Giacomo Setaccioli.
Georg Hellmesberger, Sen., b. Vienna, Apr. 24, 1800; d. Neuwaldegg... Förster was his master for composition.
Karl Andreas, also a pianoforte-maker and composer, was born in Vienna Sept. 4, 1797... He was a pupil of Förster in harmony and composition,...
Robert Lombardo studied composition with Philip Bezanson, Boris Blacher and Arnold Franchetti...
His teachers there from 1938 included Herbert Fryer and Angus Morrison, and he studied privately with Irene Scharrer and Tobias Matthay.
In Austria and Germany, she studied composition with Beat Furrer, Mathias Spahlinger, Chaya Czernowin, Richard Barrett, and Steve Takasugi.