List of music students by teacher: C to F

Last updated

Johannes Vermeer - Lady at the Virginal with a Gentleman, 'The Music Lesson' - Google Art Project.jpg

This is part of a list of students of music, organized by teacher.



Pasquale Cafaro

this teacher's teachers
Cafaro (1716–1787) studied with teachers including Lorenzo Fago.

John Cage

this teacher's teachers
Cage (1912–1992) studied with teachers including Henry Cowell, Lazare Lévy, and Arnold Schoenberg.

Antonio Caldara

this teacher's teachers
Caldara (c. 1670–1736) studied with teachers including Giovanni Legrenzi.

Faustino Camisani

Conrado del Campo

Ettore Campogalliani

André Campra

Maria Canals i Cendrós

this teacher's teachers
Cendrós (1914–2010) studied with teachers including Lluís Millet  and Ricardo Viñes.

Christian Cannabich

this teacher's teachers
Cannabich (1731–1798) studied with teachers including Niccolò Jommelli, Giovanni Battista Sammartini, and Johann Stamitz.

Lucien Capet

this teacher's teachers
Capet (1873–1928) studied with teachers including Jean-Pierre Maurin.

Michele Carafa

this teacher's teachers
Carafa (1787–1872) studied with teachers including Francesco Ruggi.

Cornelius Cardew

this teacher's teachers
Cardew (1936–1981) studied with teachers including Goffredo Petrassi  and Karlheinz Stockhausen.

Clive Carey

this teacher's teachers
Carey (1883–1968) studied with teachers including Jean de Reszke  and Charles Villiers Stanford.

Henry Carey

Giacomo Carissimi

Gaetano Carpani

this teacher's teachers
Carpani () studied with teachers including Orazio Benevoli  and Alessandro Scarlatti.

Ambrosio Carreño

Teresa Carreño

this teacher's teachers
Carreño (1853–1917) studied with teachers including Louis Moreau Gottschalk, Georges Mathias, and Anton Rubinstein.

Elliott Carter

this teacher's teachers
Carter (1908–2012) studied with teachers including Nadia Boulanger, Edward Burlingame Hill, Gustav Holst, and Walter Piston.

Robert Casadesus

this teacher's teachers
Casadesus (1899–1972) studied with teachers including Louis Diémer.

Alfredo Casella

this teacher's teachers
Casella (1883–1947) studied with teachers including Gabriel Fauré.

John Casken

this teacher's teachers
Casken (1949-) studied with teachers including John Joubert, Peter Dickinson, and Andrzej Dobrowolski.

Aaron Cassidy

Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco

Charles-Simon Catel

Georges Caussade

Richard Causton

this teacher's teachers
Causton (1971-) studied with teachers including Jeremy Dale Roberts, Roger Marsh, Edwin Roxburgh, and Param Vir.

José Cayetano Carreño

Maurizio Cazzati

Sergiu Celibidache

Bohuslav Matěj Černohorský

Ignacio Cervantes

this teacher's teachers
Cervantes (1847–1905) studied with teachers including Charles-Valentin Alkan, Louis Moreau Gottschalk, Antoine François Marmontel, and Nicolás Ruiz Espadero.

Beniamino Cesi

this teacher's teachers
Cesi (1845–1907) studied with teachers including Sigismond Thalberg.

Joel Chadabe

George Whitefield Chadwick

this teacher's teachers
Chadwick (1854–1931) studied with teachers including Salomon Jadassohn  and Josef Rheinberger.

Henri Challan

this teacher's teachers
Challan (1910–1977) studied with teachers including Henri Büsser  and Jean Gallon.

Evan Chambers

this teacher's teachers
Chambers (born 1963) studied with teachers including William Albright, Leslie Basset, Burton Beerman, Marilyn Shrude, Nicholas Thorne, and George Wilson.

Jacques Champion de Chambonnières

Claude Champagne

this teacher's teachers
Champagne (1891–1965) studied with teachers including Alexis Contant, André Gedalge, [[List of music students by teacher: C to F#Raoul Laparra Charles|Raoul Laparra Charles]], and Koechlin .

Carlos Chávez

Luigi Cherubini

this teacher's teachers
Cherubini (1760–1842) studied with teachers including Giuseppe Sarti.

Ernst August Heinrich Chevallier

Camille Chevillard

this teacher's teachers
Chevillard (1859–1923) studied with teachers including Georges Mathias.

Barney Childs

Frédéric Chopin

this teacher's teachers
Chopin (1810–1849) studied with teachers including Józef Elsner, Wojciech Żywny, and Wilhelm Würfel.

Alexandre-Étienne Choron

this teacher's teachers
Choron (1771–1834) studied with teachers including Nicolas Roze.

Chou Wen-chung

this teacher's teachers
Wen-chung studied with teachers including Nicolas Slonimsky, Edgard Varèse, and Otto Luening.

John Chowning

this teacher's teachers
Chowning (born 1934) studied with teachers including Nadia Boulanger.

Tatyana Chudova

this teacher's teachers
Tatyana Chudova (1944–2021) studied with teachers including Tikhon Khrennikov, Lev Naumov, and Yuri Shaporin.

Adolf Chybiński

this teacher's teachers
Chybiński (1880–1952) studied with teachers including Jan Drozdowski, Felicjan Szopski, and Ludwig Thuille.

Frederick Scotson Clark

this teacher's teachers
Clark (1840–1883) studied with teachers including William Sterndale Bennett, Carl Engel, John Goss, Edward John Hopkins, and Ciro Pinsuti.

Charles W. Clark

this teacher's teachers
Clark (1865–1925) studied with teachers including Eugen Gura, George Henschel, and Alberto Randegger.

Johann Heinrich Clasing

Muzio Clementi

this teacher's teachers
Clementi (1752–1832) studied with teachers including Giuseppe Santarelli.

Frederic Cliffe

this teacher's teachers
Cliffe (1857–1931) studied with teachers including Ebenezer Prout, John Stainer, Arthur Sullivan, and Franklin Taylor.

Helen Coates

this teacher's teachers
Coates (born 1899, died 27/02/1989) studied with teachers including Heinrich Gebhard.

Theodor Coccius

Philip Cogan

Jerry Coker

Randolph Coleman

Valborg Collett

this teacher's teachers
Collett studied with teachers including Agathe Backer-Grøndahl.

Giovanni Paolo Colonna

Edward T. Cone

this teacher's teachers
Cone (1917–2004) studied with teachers including Roger Sessions.

Paul Constantinescu

Alexis Contant

this teacher's teachers
Contant (1858–1918) studied with teachers including Calixa Lavallée.

David Conte

this teacher's teachers
Conte studied with teachers including Nadia Boulanger, Karel Husa, and Steven Stucky.

Georgi Conus

this teacher's teachers
Conus (1862–1933) studied with teachers including Anton Arensky  and Sergei Taneyev.

Frederick Converse

this teacher's teachers
Converse (1871–1940) studied with teachers including Carl Baermann, John Knowles Paine, and Josef Rheinberger.

Benjamin Cooke

this teacher's teachers
Cooke (1734–1793) studied with teachers including Johann Christoph Pepusch.

Francis Judd Cooke

Henry Cooke

Thomas Simpson Cooke

this teacher's teachers
Cooke (1782–1848) studied with teachers including Tommaso Giordani.

George Cooper

this teacher's teachers
Cooper (1820–1876) studied with teachers including Thomas Attwood.

John Cooper

this teacher's teachers
Cooper (c. 1570–1626) studied with teachers including .

Paul Cooper

this teacher's teachers
Cooper (1926–1996) studied with teachers including Nadia Boulanger, Roger Sessions, and Halsey Stevens.

Aaron Copland

this teacher's teachers
Copland (1900–1990) studied with teachers including Nadia Boulanger, Rubin Goldmark, Isidor Philipp, and Leonard Wolfson.

William Corbett

Frederick Corder

this teacher's teachers
Corder (1852–1932) studied with teachers including William Cusins, Henry Gadsby, Ferdinand Hiller, George Alexander Macfarren, and Isidor Seiss.

Paul Corder

this teacher's teachers
Corder (1879–1942) studied with teachers including Frederick Corder.

Urbain Cordonnier

Arcangelo Corelli

this teacher's teachers
Corelli (1653-1713) studied with teachers including Giovanni Battista Bassani, Ercole Gaibara, Bartolomeo Laurenti, Carlo Mannelli, and Matteo Simonelli.

Domenico Corri

Giuseppe Corsi da Celano

this teacher's teachers
Corsi da Celano (c. 1631/1632–1691) studied with teachers including Giacomo Carissimi.

Alfred Cortot

this teacher's teachers
Cortot (1877–1962) studied with teachers including Émile Decombes.

Antonio Cotogni

Carlo Cotumacci

this teacher's teachers
Cotumacci studied with teachers including Alessandro Scarlatti.

Félix Le Couppey

this teacher's teachers
Couppey (1811–1887) studied with teachers including Victor Dourlen.

Ambrose Coviello

Henry Cowell

this teacher's teachers
Cowell (1897–1965) studied with teachers including Percy Goetschius  and Charles Seeger.

Johann Baptist Cramer

this teacher's teachers
Cramer (1771–1858) studied with teachers including Muzio Clementi.

Ruth Crawford Seeger

this teacher's teachers
Crawford Seeger (1901–1953) studied with teachers including Valborg Collett, Heniot Levy, Louise Robyn, and Charles Seeger.

Harold Craxton

this teacher's teachers
Craxton (1885–1971) studied with teachers including Tobias Matthay.

Girolamo Crescentini

Paul Creston

William Crotch

this teacher's teachers
Crotch (1775-1847) studied with teachers including Charles Hague  and Pieter Hellendaal.

Connie Crothers

this teacher's teachers
Crothers (1941–2016) studied with teachers including Lennie Tristano.

George Crumb

this teacher's teachers
Crumb (1929–2022) studied with teachers including Ross Lee Finney.

Dimitrie Cuclin

César Cui

G. D. Cunningham

this teacher's teachers
Cunningham (1878–1948) studied with teachers including Josiah Booth.

Maria Curcio

this teacher's teachers
Curcio (1918–2009) studied with teachers including Nadia Boulanger  and Artur Schnabel.

Alvin Curran

this teacher's teachers
Curran (born 1938) studied with teachers including Elliott Carter.

Clifford Curzon

this teacher's teachers
Curzon (1907–1982) studied with teachers including Nadia Boulanger, Katharine Goodson, Wanda Landowska, Tobias Matthay, and Artur Schnabel.

Chaya Czernowin

this teacher's teachers

Carl Czerny

this teacher's teachers
Czerny (1791–1857) studied with teachers including Ludwig van Beethoven, Johann Nepomuk Hummel, Muzio Clementi, and Antonio Salieri.


Ingolf Dahl

this teacher's teachers
Dahl (1912–1970) studied with teachers including Volkmar Andreae, Nadia Boulanger, and Philipp Jarnach.

Émile Jaques-Dalcroze

Benjamin Dale

this teacher's teachers
Dale (1885–1943) studied with teachers including Frederick Corder.

Jeremy Dale Roberts

this teacher's teachers
Dale Roberts (1934–2017) studied with teachers including William Alwyn  and Priaulx Rainier.

Gennaro D'Alessandro

this teacher's teachers
Gennaro D'Alessandro studied with teachers including Leonardo Leo.

Luigi Dallapiccola

this teacher's teachers
Dallapiccola (1904–1975) studied with teachers including Vito Frazzi.

Leopold Damrosch

Charles Dancla

this teacher's teachers
Dancla (1817–1907) studied with teachers including Anton Reicha.

Jean-Yves Daniel-Lesur

this teacher's teachers
Daniel-Lesur (1908–2002) studied with teachers including Georges Caussade  and Jean Gallon.

Edward Dannreuther

this teacher's teachers
Dannreuther (1844–1905) studied with teachers including Ferdinand David, Moritz Hauptmann, Ignaz Moscheles, Ernst Friedrich Richter, and Frédéric Louis Ritter.

Innocenz Danzi

Joseph Daussoigne-Méhul

this teacher's teachers
Daussoigne-Méhul (1790–1875) studied with teachers including Louis Adam, Charles-Simon Catel, and Étienne Méhul.

Francis William Davenport

this teacher's teachers
Davenport (1847–1925) studied with teachers including George Macfarren.

Ferdinand David

this teacher's teachers
David (1810–1873) studied with teachers including Moritz Hauptmann  and Louis Spohr.

Johann Nepomuk David

this teacher's teachers
David (1895–1977) studied with teachers including Joseph Marx  and Guido Adler.

Mario Davidovsky

this teacher's teachers
Davidovsky (born 1934) studied with teachers including Milton Babbitt, Aaron Copland, Teodoro Fuchs, and Guillermo Graetzer.

Peter Maxwell Davies

this teacher's teachers
Davies (1934–2016) studied with teachers including Richard Hall, Earl Kim, Olivier Messiaen, Goffredo Petrassi, and Roger Sessions.

Walford Davies

this teacher's teachers
Davies (1869–1941) studied with teachers including Hubert Parry  and Charles Villiers Stanford.

Anthony Davis

this teacher's teachers
Davis (born 1951) studied with teachers including (unknown) .

Michael Daugherty

this teacher's teachers
Daugherty (born 1954) studied with teachers including Earle Brown, Pierre Boulez, Mario Davidovsky, Jacob Druckman, György Ligeti, Bernard Rands, and Roger Reynolds.

Karl Davydov

this teacher's teachers
Davydov (1838–1889) studied with teachers including Moritz Hauptmann.

Arthur De Greef

this teacher's teachers
De Greef (1862–1940) studied with teachers including Louis Brassin, Franz Liszt, Émile Mathieu, and François-Auguste Gevaert.

John de Lancie

this teacher's teachers
de Lancie (1921–2002) studied with teachers including Marcel Tabuteau.

Claude Debussy

this teacher's teachers
Debussy (1862–1918) studied with teachers including Émile Durand, Ernest Guiraud, Albert Lavignac, Antoine François Marmontel, and Antoinette Mauté de Fleurville.

Émile Decombes

this teacher's teachers
Decombes (1829–1912) studied with teachers including Frédéric Chopin.

Jean-Baptiste Dehesse

Siegfried Dehn

this teacher's teachers
Dehn (1799–1858) studied with teachers including Bernhard Klein.

Michel Richard Delalande

Louis Delaquerrière

Carmine de Laurentiis

Dorothy DeLay

Léo Delibes

this teacher's teachers
Delibes (1836–1891) studied with teachers including Adolphe Adam  and François Benoist.

Enrico Delle Sedie

Isabelle Delorme

this teacher's teachers
Delorme (1900–1991) studied with teachers including Nadia Boulanger  and Claude Champagne.

David Del Tredici

this teacher's teachers
Del Tredici (born 1937) studied with teachers including Earl Kim, Roger Sessions, and Seymour Shifrin.

Claude Delvincourt

this teacher's teachers
Delvincourt (1888–1954) studied with teachers including André Gedalge.

Norman Demuth

Edison Denisov

this teacher's teachers
Denisov (1929–1996) studied with teachers including Philip Herschkowitz  and Vissarion Shebalin.

Edward Joseph Dent

Ludwig Deppe

Viktor Derevianko

this teacher's teachers
Derevianko (1937–) studied with teachers including Heinrich Neuhaus  and Maria Yudina.

Lucette Descaves

this teacher's teachers
Descaves (1906–1993) studied with teachers including Marguerite Long  and Yves Nat.

Henri Desmarets

Roger Désormière

this teacher's teachers
Désormière (1898–1963) studied with teachers including Vincent d'Indy, Philippe Gaubert, Charles Koechlin, and Xavier Leroux.

Josquin des Prez

Felix Otto Dessoff

this teacher's teachers
Dessoff (1835–1892) studied with teachers including Moritz Hauptmann, Ignaz Moscheles, and Julius Rietz.

Max Deutsch

this teacher's teachers
Deutsch (1892–1982) studied with teachers including Arnold Schoenberg.

Orpha-F. Deveaux

this teacher's teachers
Deveaux (1872–1933) studied with teachers including Claude Champagne  and Alexis Contant.

Jean Devémy

David Diamond

this teacher's teachers
Diamond (1915–2005) studied with teachers including Nadia Boulanger  and Bernard Rogers.

Emma Lou Diemer

this teacher's teachers
Diemer (born 1927) studied with teachers including Howard Hanson  and Paul Hindemith.

Louis Diémer

this teacher's teachers
Diémer (1843–1919) studied with teachers including François Benoist, Antoine François Marmontel, and Ambroise Thomas.

Vincent d'Indy

this teacher's teachers
d'Indy (1851–1931) studied with teachers including Louis Diémer, César Franck, and Antoine François Marmontel.

Carl Ditters von Dittersdorf

this teacher's teachers
Dittersdorf (1739–1799) studied with teachers including Giuseppe Bonno.

Andrzej Dobrowolski

this teacher's teachers
Dobrowolski (1921–1990) studied with teachers including Artur Malawski.

Ernst von Dohnányi

this teacher's teachers
Dohnányi (1877–1960) studied with teachers including Hans von Koessler  and István Thomán.

Jakob van Domselaer

Franco Donatoni

this teacher's teachers
Donatoni (1927–2000) studied with teachers including Goffredo Petrassi  and Ildebrando Pizzetti.

William Done

Jakob Dont

this teacher's teachers
Dont (1815–1888) studied with teachers including Joseph Böhm  and Georg Hellmesberger, Sr..

Anton Door

this teacher's teachers
Door (1833–1919) studied with teachers including Carl Czerny  and Simon Sechter.

Heinrich Dorn

this teacher's teachers
Dorn (1804–1892) studied with teachers including Ludwig Berger  and Carl Friedrich Zelter.

Louis Dorus

Victor Dourlen

this teacher's teachers
Dourlen (1780–1864) studied with teachers including François-Adrien Boieldieu  and François-Joseph Gossec.

Ernesto Drangosch

this teacher's teachers
(1882 - 1925) studied with teachers including Alberto Williams.

Alexander Dreyschock

Jan Drozdowski

this teacher's teachers

Jacob Druckman

this teacher's teachers
Druckman (1928–1996) studied with teachers including Aaron Copland  and Peter Mennin.

Zbigniew Drzewiecki

Théodore Dubois

this teacher's teachers
Dubois (1837–1924) studied with teachers including Ambroise Thomas.

Alexandre Dubuque

this teacher's teachers
Dubuque (1812–1898) studied with teachers including John Field.

Paul Dukas

this teacher's teachers
Dukas (1865–1935) studied with teachers including Théodore Dubois, Ernest Guiraud, and Georges Mathias.

Thomas Dunhill

this teacher's teachers
Dunhill (1877–1946) studied with teachers including Walter Parratt, W. S. Rockstro, and Charles Villiers Stanford.

Auguste Dupont

this teacher's teachers
Dupont (1827–1890) studied with teachers including Jules Jalheau.

Jean-Louis Duport

Jean-Pierre Duport

this teacher's teachers
J.-P. Duport (1741–1818) studied with teachers including Martin Berteau.

Marcel Dupré

this teacher's teachers
Dupré (1886–1971) studied with teachers including Alexandre Guilmant  and Lazare Lévy.

Gilbert Duprez

this teacher's teachers
Duprez (1806–1896) studied with teachers including Alexandre-Étienne Choron.

Jacques Dupuis

this teacher's teachers
Dupuis (1830-1870) studied with teachers including François Prume.

Sylvain Dupuis

Édouard Du Puy

this teacher's teachers
Du Puy (1770–1822) studied with teachers including Carl Friedrich Christian Fasch.

Émile Durand

this teacher's teachers
Durand (1830–1903) studied with teachers including François Bazin.

Francesco Durante

this teacher's teachers
Durante (1684–1755) studied with teachers including Bernardo Pasquini  and Alessandro Scarlatti.

Maurice Duruflé

this teacher's teachers

František Xaver Dušek

this teacher's teachers
Dušek (1731–1799) studied with teachers including Franz Habermann  and Georg Christoph Wagenseil.

Jan Ladislav Dussek

Sophia Dussek

Henri Dutilleux

this teacher's teachers
Dutilleux (1916–2013) studied with teachers including Henri Büsser, Maurice Emmanuel, Jean Gallon, and Noël Gallon.

Alphonse Duvernoy

Antonín Dvořák

this teacher's teachers
Dvořák (1841–1904) studied with teachers including Josef Krejčí.

George Dyson

this teacher's teachers
Dyson (1883–1964) studied with teachers including Hubert Parry  and Charles Villiers Stanford.
Musiki Muallim Mektebi (Music Teachers' School, later Ankara State Conservatory, 1930s).jpg


John Eaton

this teacher's teachers
Eaton (born 1935) studied with teachers including Milton Babbitt, Edward T. Cone, and Roger Sessions.

Johann Ernst Eberlin

this teacher's teachers
Eberlin (1702–1762) studied with teachers including Balthasar Siberer.

Carl Eberwein

Clarence Eddy

Alexander Edelmann

this teacher's teachers
Edelmann (1904–1995) studied with teachers including Heinrich Neuhaus.

Jean-Frédéric Edelmann

Gilles van den Eeden

İsmail Dede Efendi

Galina Eguiazarova

Abel Ehrlich

Heinrich Ehrlich

Herbert Eimert

this teacher's teachers
Eimert (1897–1972) studied with teachers including Hermann Abendroth  and August von Othegraven.

Severin Eisenberger

Antonín Eiser

Karl Eisrich

this teacher's teachers
Eisrich (1770–1835) studied with teachers including unknown .

Jan Ekier

this teacher's teachers
Ekier (1913–2014) studied with teachers including Zbigniew Drzewiecki  and Kazimierz Sikorski.

Bram Eldering

this teacher's teachers
Eldering (1865–1943) studied with teachers including Jenő Hubay  and Joseph Joachim.

Edward Elgar

Brian Elias

this teacher's teachers
Elias (born 1948) studied with teachers including Elisabeth Lutyens.

Ernst Ellberg

Catharinus Elling

Józef Elsner

George Elvey

this teacher's teachers
Elvey (1816–1893) studied with teachers including William Crotch, Stephen Elvey, and Cipriani Potter.

Herbert Elwell

this teacher's teachers
Elwell (1898–1974) studied with teachers including Nadia Boulanger.

Paul Emerich

Maurice Emmanuel

George Enescu

this teacher's teachers
Enescu (1881–1955) studied with teachers including Gabriel Fauré, Robert Fuchs, Joseph Hellmesberger, Jr., and Martin Pierre Marsick.

Gustav Engel

Julius Epstein

this teacher's teachers
Epstein (1832-1926) studied with teachers including Vatroslav Lichtenegger, Johann Rufinatscha, and Anton Halm.

Donald Erb

this teacher's teachers
Erb (1927–2008) studied with teachers including Nadia Boulanger, Kenneth Gaburo, and Bernhard Heiden.

Eduard Erdmann

this teacher's teachers
Erdmann (1896–1958) studied with teachers including Conrad Ansorge  and Heinz Tiessen.

Robert Erickson

this teacher's teachers
Erickson (1917–1997) studied with teachers including Ernst Krenek  and Roger Sessions.

Achille Errani

Paul Ertel

this teacher's teachers
Ertel (1865– 1933) studied with teachers including Louis Brassin, Julius Tauwitz, and Franz Liszt.

Nicolás Ruiz Espadero

Michele Esposito

this teacher's teachers
Esposito (1855–1929) studied with teachers including Beniamino Cesi  and Paolo Serrao.

César-Abel Estyle

this teacher's teachers
Estyle (1877–1961) studied with teachers including .

José Evangelista

Camille Everardi

this teacher's teachers
Everardi (1824–1899) studied with teachers including Manuel García.


Werner Fabricius

this teacher's teachers
Fabricius studied with teachers including Heinrich Scheidemann  and Thomas Selle.

Lorenzo Fago

this teacher's teachers
Fago (1704–1793) studied with teachers including Nicola Fago.

Nicola Fago

this teacher's teachers
Fago (1677–1745) studied with teachers including Francesco Provenzale.

Rolande Falcinelli

this teacher's teachers
Falcinelli (1920–2006) studied with teachers including Henri Büsser, Marcel Dupré, César-Abel Estyle, Isidor Philipp, Simone Plé-Caussade, and Marcel Samuel-Rousseau.

Manuel de Falla

this teacher's teachers
Falla (1876-1946) studied with teachers including Felip Pedrell.

Alexander Famintsyn

Harold Farberman

this teacher's teachers
Farberman (born 1929) studied with teachers including Milton Babbitt, Luciano Berio, Aaron Copland, and Lukas Foss.

Antonio Farini

Harry Farjeon

this teacher's teachers
Harry Farjeon (1878-1948) studied with teachers including Battison Haynes, Frederick Corder, and Landon Ronald.

Ferenc Farkas

this teacher's teachers
Farkas (1905–2000) studied with teachers including Leó Weiner  and Albert Siklós.

Henry Farmer

this teacher's teachers
Farmer (1819–1891) studied with teachers including Henry Bishop  and J. Wade Thirlwall.

John Farmer

this teacher's teachers
Farmer (1835–1901) studied with teachers including Henry Farmer, Moritz Hauptmann, Ignaz Moscheles, Louis Plaidy, Ernst Richter, and Andreas Spaeth.

Ernest Farrar

this teacher's teachers
Farrar (1885–1918) studied with teachers including Walter Parratt  and Charles Villiers Stanford.

Arthur Farwell

this teacher's teachers
Farwell (1872–1952) studied with teachers including Engelbert Humperdinck.

Carl Friedrich Christian Fasch

this teacher's teachers
C. F. Fasch (1736–1800) studied with teachers including Johann Friedrich Fasch, Johann Wilhelm Hertel, and Carl Höckh.

Johann Friedrich Fasch

this teacher's teachers
J. F. Fasch (1688–1758) studied with teachers including Johann Kuhnau  and Johann Schelle.

Gabriel Fauré

this teacher's teachers
Fauré (1845–1924) studied with teachers including Louis Niedermeyer  and Camille Saint-Saëns.

André Joseph Fauvel

Amy Fay

this teacher's teachers
Fay (1844–1928) studied with teachers including Ludwig Deppe, Theodor Kullak, Franz Liszt, and Carl Tausig.

Ilona Fehér

this teacher's teachers
Fehér (1901–1988) studied with teachers including Joseph Bloch  and Jenő Hubay.

David Felder

this teacher's teachers
Felder (born 1953) studied with teachers including Donald Erb, Robert Erickson, Roger Reynolds, and Bernard Rands.

Morton Feldman

this teacher's teachers
Feldman (1926–1987) studied with teachers including Wallingford Riegger  and Stefan Wolpe.

Fedele Fenaroli

this teacher's teachers
Fenaroli (1730–1818) studied with teachers including Francesco Durante.

Francesco Feo

Donald Ferguson

Howard Ferguson

this teacher's teachers
Ferguson (1908–1999) studied with teachers including R. O. Morris, Malcolm Sargent, and Ralph Vaughan Williams.

Brian Ferneyhough

this teacher's teachers
Ferneyhough (born 1943) studied with teachers including Ton de Leeuw.

François-Joseph Fétis

this teacher's teachers
Fétis (1784–1871) studied with teachers including François-Adrien Boieldieu.

Paul Fetler

this teacher's teachers
Fetler (born 1920, died 2018) studied with teachers including Boris Blacher, Paul Hindemith, and Quincy Porter.

Jacques Février

this teacher's teachers
Février (1900–1979) studied with teachers including Marguerite Long  and Édouard Risler.

Pierre Février

Zdeněk Fibich

this teacher's teachers
Fibich (1850–1900) studied with teachers including Salomon Jadassohn, Vinzenz Lachner, and Ignaz Moscheles.

John Field

this teacher's teachers
Field (1782–1837) studied with teachers including Tommaso Giordani, Muzio Clementi, and Johann Georg Albrechtsberger.

Irving Fine

this teacher's teachers
Fine (1914–1962) studied with teachers including Nadia Boulanger, Edward Burlingame Hill, Serge Koussevitzky, and Walter Piston.

Ross Lee Finney

this teacher's teachers
Finney (1906–1997) studied with teachers including Alban Berg, Nadia Boulanger, Edward Burlingame Hill, and Roger Sessions.

Pietro Antonio Fiocco

Giovanni Andrea Fioroni

Rudolf Firkušný

this teacher's teachers
Firkušný (1912–1994) studied with teachers including Vilém Kurz  and Artur Schnabel.

Edwin Fischer

this teacher's teachers
E. Fischer (1886–1960) studied with teachers including Martin Krause.

Johann Christian Fischer

Joseph Fischhof

Josepha von Fladt

Carl Flesch

this teacher's teachers
Flesch (1873–1944) studied with teachers including Jakob Grün, Martin Pierre Marsick, and Eugène Sauzay.

Stanley Fletcher

Marie Mauté de Fleurville

this teacher's teachers
Fleurville (?) studied with teachers including Frédéric Chopin.

Carlisle Floyd

Free Focke

Josef Bohuslav Foerster

this teacher's teachers
Foerster (1859–1951) studied with teachers including František Zdeněk Skuherský.

Emanuel Aloys Förster

Wolfgang Fortner

this teacher's teachers
Fortner (1907–1987) studied with teachers including Hermann Grabner.

Lukas Foss

this teacher's teachers
Foss (1922–2009) studied with teachers including Noël Gallon, Paul Hindemith, Lazare Lévy, Rosario Scalero, and Isabelle Vengerova.

Jean Fournet

Frederick A. Fox

this teacher's teachers
Fox (1931–2011) studied with teachers including Bernhard Heiden.

Petronio Franceschini

this teacher's teachers
Franceschini (1651–1680) studied with teachers including Giuseppe Corsi da Celano  and Giacomo Antonio Perti.

Arnold Franchetti

this teacher's teachers
Franceschini (1911–1993) studied with teachers including Alberto Franchetti  and Richard Strauss.

César Franck

this teacher's teachers

Friedrich Wilhelm Franke

Benjamin Frankel

Ignaz Fränzl

André von Frasunkiewicz

this teacher's teachers
André von Frasunkiewicz studied with teachers including Ney Salgado, Ruth Slenczynska, Valeri Grokhovski, and Viatcheslav Gabrielov.

Vito Frazzi

Girolamo Frescobaldi

this teacher's teachers
Frescobaldi (1583–1643) studied with teachers including Luzzasco Luzzaschi.

Peter Racine Fricker

this teacher's teachers
Fricker (1920–1990) studied with teachers including Ernest Bullock, R. O. Morris, and Mátyás Seiber.

Alexandro Marie Antoin Fridzeri

Carl Friedberg

this teacher's teachers
Friedberg (1872–1955) studied with teachers including Clara Schumann.

Ruth Duncan McDonald

Arthur Friedheim

this teacher's teachers
Friedheim (1859–1932) studied with teachers including Franz Liszt.

Eli Friedman

Ignaz Friedman

this teacher's teachers
Friedman (1882–1948) studied with teachers including Ferruccio Busoni, Theodor Leschetizky, and Hugo Riemann.

Fred Frith

Johannes Fritsch

Giuseppe Frugatta

this teacher's teachers
Frugatta studied with teachers including Antonio Bazzini.

Gunnar de Frumerie

this teacher's teachers
de Frumerie (1908—1987) studied with teachers including Ernst Ellberg  and Lennart Lundberg.

Herbert Fryer

this teacher's teachers
Fryer (1877–1957) studied with teachers including Oscar Beringer, Ferruccio Busoni, Tobias Matthay, and Franklin Taylor.

Johann Nepomuk Fuchs

this teacher's teachers
J. N. Fuchs (1842–1899) studied with teachers including Simon Sechter.

Teodoro Fuchs

Robert Fuchs

this teacher's teachers
R. Fuchs (1847–1927) studied with teachers including Felix Otto Dessoff  and Joseph Hellmesberger, Sr..

Leo Funtek

Beat Furrer

this teacher's teachers
Furrer (born 1954) studied with teachers including Otmar Suitner  and Roman Haubenstock-Ramati.

Johann Joseph Fux

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  134. Canon: Australian Journal of Music. Vol. 9. 1959. p. 318. Frank Hutchens was born near Christchurch, New Zealand in 1892, and at the age of thirteen, on the advice of Paderewski went to England to study. His teachers there were Tobias Matthay for piano, and Frederick Corder for composition.
  135. Musical Canada: A Monthly Journal of Musical News, Comment, and Gossip, for Professionals and Amateurs. 1916. p. 168. Mr. Hermann Lohr, the composer of so many well-known songs, was born at Plymouth, England... ...In the autumn of 1889, he entered the Royal Academy of Music, where he pursued his studies under Mr. Frederick Corder for Composition, and the late Mr. Frederick Westlake, for Pianoforte.
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  185. "New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival" (PDF). 2–8 June 2014. p. 68. Rick Burkhardt ... holds degrees from UC San Diego, where he studied with Chaya Czernowin, and the University of Illinois, where he studied with Herbert Brün.
  186. "Johann-Joseph-Fux-Preise gehen an Alexander Chernyshkov und Ui-Kyung Lee" [Johann Joseph Fux Prizes go to Alexander Chernyshkov and Ui-Kyung Lee]. 19 January 2024. Retrieved 26 May 2024. Alexander Chernyshkov - Komponist, Interpret und Improvisator. Er studierte Komposition an der Musikhochschule Wien in der Klasse von Chaya Czernowin, Karlheinz Essl und Clemens Gadenstätter.[Alexander Chernyshkov - Composer, performer and improviser. He studied composition at the Vienna University of Music in the class of Chaya Czernowin, Karlheinz Essl and Clemens Gadenstätter.]
  187. Hardiman, Kayley (27 April 2023). "Shinrone composer in NCH concert spotlight". Offaly Independent. Retrieved 22 May 2024. She also completed her PhD in composition with Chaya Czernowin and Hans Tutschku at Harvard.
  188. "Peter Ivan Edwards - Object Lessons" (PDF). TROY1213. Retrieved 24 May 2024. Peter Ivan Edwards was born in New York in 1973 ... his principal composition teacher was Chaya Czernowin.
  189. "Sivan Cohen Elias, Visiting Assistant Professor, Electronic Music Studio Director 2018-2021". Electronic Music Studios - The University of Iowa. Retrieved 24 May 2024. In 2009 she commenced Ph.D. composition studies at Harvard University under the guidance of Professor Chaya Czernowin and Professor Hans Tutchku, graduating in May 2017.
  190. Wien, Europäische Musikforschungsvereinigung (30 July 2015). Aufhören! Vom Ende in der Musik: Österreichische Musikzeitschrift 04/2015 [Stop! About the end in music: Austrian music magazine 04/2015] (in German). Hollitzer Wissenschaftsverlag. ISBN   978-3-99012-213-6. Tamara Friebel ... Als Zeichen von Vielseitigkeit erscheint, dass Friebel vor ihrem Kompositionsstudium an der Wiener Musikuniversität bei Chaya Czernowin, Karlheinz Essl und Detlev Müller-Siemens in Australien Soziologie, Theologie und Psychologie studierte. [Tamara Friebel ... As a sign of versatility, Friebel studied sociology, theology and psychology in Australia with Karlheinz Essl and Detlev Müller-Siemens before studying composition with Chaya Czernowin at the Vienna University of Music.]
  191. Ross, Alex (11 December 2017). "Notable Performances and Recordings of 2017". The New Yorker. ISSN   0028-792X . Retrieved 22 May 2024. Fure, who studied with Czernowin, aims to capture the "mounting hum of ecological anxiety around us,"...
  192. Schleifer, Martha Furman; Galván, Gary (28 January 2016). Latin American Classical Composers: A Biographical Dictionary. Rowman & Littlefield. p. 300. ISBN   978-0-8108-8871-5. LCCN   2020738852. Hurtado earned a BM (1999) in piano performance and composition at the Cons. de las Rosas in Morelia... He studied with Mario Davidovsky, Chaya Czernowin, Magnus Lindberg, Brian Ferneyhough and Helmut Lachenmann at Harvard Univ. (PH.D., 2009),...
  193. "Clara Ianotta | Concours de Genève" [International Music Competition]. Retrieved 24 May 2024. Born in Rome in 1983, Clara Iannotta has studied at the Conservatories of Milan and Paris, at IRCAM, and at Harvard University with Alessandro Solbiati, Frédéric Durieux, and Chaya Czernowin.
  194. King, Anthony (30 August 2018). "Lei Liang Awarded First Research Artist in Residence at UC San Diego Qualcomm Institute". Retrieved 24 May 2024. He earned degrees from the New England Conservatory of Music and Harvard University, studying composition with contemporary composers Sir Harrison Birtwistle, Robert Cogan, Chaya Czernowin and Mario Davidovsky.
  195. Drury, Stephen (16 October 2023). "Enchanted Circle | Concert Program" (PDF). Retrieved 27 May 2024 via New England Conservatory. Timothy McCormack ... received his PhD from Harvard University (2019), where he studied with Chaya Czernowin and Hans Tutschku.
  196. Mahnkopf, Claus-Steffen; Cox, Frank; Schurig, Wolfram (2006). Electronics in New Music. Wolke Verlag. p. 252. ISBN   978-3-936000-15-3. Chris Mercer. Born in Hawaii (USA) in 1972 ... Studied instrumental music with Chaya Czernowin and Chinary Ung and electronic music with Roger Reynolds and Peter Otto.
  197. "Darmstädter Musikpreis 2006" [Darmstadt Music Prize 2006](PDF). (in German). 17 November 2006. Karola Obermüller wurde 1977 in Darmstadtr geboren ... Seit September 2003 studiert sie dort bei Komponisten wie Bernard Rands, Harrison Birtwistle, Julian Anderson, Chaya Czernowin und Magnus Lindberg.[Karola Obermüller was born in Darmstadt in 1977 ... Since September 2003, she has been studying with composers such as Bernard Rands, Harrison Birtwistle, Julian Anderson, Chaya Czernowin and Magnus Lindberg.]
  198. Brodsky, Seth (24 January 2017). From 1989, or European Music and the Modernist Unconscious. Univ of California Press. p. 259. ISBN   978-0-520-96650-5. LCCN   2016040759. ...born in 1989—Marek Poliks, getting his PhD at Harvard University, studying with Chaya Czernowin.
  199. Rebhahn, Michael; Schäfer, Thomas; Stoll, Rolf W. (18 June 2015). Darmstädter Beiträge zur neuen Musik: Band 22 [Darmstadt contributions to new music: Volume 22] (in German). Schott Music. p. (unpaginated). ISBN   978-3-7957-8657-1. Stefan Prins (born in Belgium in 1979) ... Since September 2011 Prins pursues a PhD in composition at Harvard University under the guidance of Chaya Czernowin.
  200. "Biography | Julia Purgina". (in German). 14 May 2024. Retrieved 26 May 2024. Die 1980 in Straubing geborene österreichische Komponistin und Bratschistin Julia Purgina studierte Bratsche bei Wolfgang Klos und Komposition bei Erich Urbanner und Chaya Czernowin an der Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien.[The Austrian composer and viola player Julia Purgina, born in Straubing in 1980, studied viola with Wolfgang Klos and composition with Erich Urbanner and Chaya Czernowin at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna.]
  201. "Elena Rykova". 28 February 2022. Retrieved 19 June 2024. In 2016, she went to Harvard University, where she had doctoral studies with Chaya Czernowin and Hans Tutschku, and at the same time was a lecturer for courses in acoustic and electroacoustic composition.
  202. "Matinee concert: Eliot Gattegno performs pieces by Stockhausen, Huber, Boulez, Spahlinger and Sigman". Akademie Schloss Solitude. 26 March 2020. Retrieved 24 May 2024. Alexander Sigman (*1980 in Ringoes, NJ, USA) ... primarily studied with Brian Ferneyhough. He also studied with Chaya Czernowin at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna (2007)...
  203. "Season 47, Concert 20 | Center for New Music - The University of Iowa". 23 June 2015. Retrieved 28 May 2024 via The University of Iowa. Bert Van Herck is Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Iowa. He holds a PhD from Harvard University where he studied with Magnus Lindberg, Julian Anderson, Chaya Czernowin, Brian Ferneyhough, and Helmut Lachenmann.
  204. Grilc, Andrej (21 November 2016). "100 Years of Austrian Modern Music" (PDF). p. 5 via University of Toronto | Faculty of Music. Thomas Wally (b. 1981) ... Born in Vienna, Austria, Thomas Wally studied composition with Erich Urbanner and Chaya Czernowin and violin with Josef Hell at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna.
  205. "Julio Zúñiga en la Cátedra Nancarrow" [Julio Zúñiga at the Nancarrow Chair] (in Mexican Spanish). 27 October 2021. Retrieved 25 May 2024 via Suicrea. Julio Zúñiga - Actualmente realiza estudios de Doctorado en Composición Musical en la Universidad de Harvard, donde estudia con Chaya Czernowin y Hans Tutschku.[Julio Zúñiga - He is currently pursuing a Doctorate in Musical Composition at Harvard University, studying with Chaya Czernowin and Hans Tutschku.]
  206. Wier (1938), p.924.
  207. 1 2 Randel (1996), p.499.
  208. Randles, Roma (2013). A Life in Music: Ruth Nye and the Arrau Heritage. Grosvenor House. p. unpaginated. ISBN   978-1-78148-200-1.
  209. 1 2 Green & Thrall (1908), p.53.
  210. Randel (1996), p.116.
  211. Stevenson, Joseph. Ingolf Dahl at AllMusic . Retrieved February 2016.
  212. 1 2 3 Randel (1996), p.86.
  213. Organ and Harpsichord Music by Women Composers: An Annotated Catalog. ABC-CLIO. 1991. p. 288. ISBN   978-0-313-26802-1. Ivy Frances Klein... ...Studied composition with Benjamin Dale at the Royal Academy of Music in London.
  214. Freyberg, Ellen. "Victoria Borisova-Ollas". (in German). Retrieved 27 June 2024. Weitere Studien führten sie 1997 nach London, wo sie am Royal College of Music bei Jeremy Dale Roberts (geb. 1934) Unterricht erhielt.[Further studies took her to London in 1997, where she received lessons from Jeremy Dale Roberts (born 1934) at the Royal College of Music.]
  215. Utz, Christian; Lau, Frederick (2013). Vocal Music and Contemporary Identities: Unlimited Voices in East Asia and the West. Routledge. p. 299. ISBN   978-0-415-50224-5. Erin Gee is assistant professor of composition at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. She received her bachelor's and master's degrees in piano and composition, respectively, from the University of Iowa, where she studied with Réne Lecuona, Lawrence Fritts, and Jeremy Dale Roberts.
  216. Composer website
  217. Composition Today, November 2009
  218. "Andrew March Biography",
  219. Prentice, Ron (Spring 2006). "Concert & Exhibitions - Delius 2 and 4-Hand Arrangements" (PDF). The Delius Society Journal (139). Tony Noakes, architect, composer, ... found time to study harmony with Hugh Wood and composition with Jeremy Dale-Roberts at Morley College.
  220. "Acclaimed Composer and Latin Grammy Winner Roberto Sierra Retires | Department of Music". 9 December 2021. Retrieved 27 June 2024. Roberto earned degrees from the Conservatory of Music of Puerto Rico, the University of Puerto Rico, the Royal College of Music in London, and the University of London, where he studied composition with Jeremy Dale Roberts.
  221. "Sophie Viney "A Time to Dance"". SPNM (Society for the Promotion of New Music). Retrieved 10 November 2020.
  222. Pleskun, Stephen: A Chronological History of Australian Composers
  223. Giovanni Tribuzio (2019). "D'Alessandro (Alexandre, Allexandro, D'Alessandri, D'Allessandria), Gennaro". doi:10.1093/omo/9781561592630.013.90000369478. ISBN   978-1-56159-263-0 . Retrieved 30 December 2019.
  224. Randel (1996), p.25.
  225. Randel (1996), p.45.
  226. Randel (1996), p.70.
  227. Gagné (2012), p.34.
  228. Gagné (2012), p.50.
  229. McGraw (2001), p.83.
  230. 1 2 Randel, Don. Harvard Dictionary of Music. p. 546.
  231. Randel (1996), p.557.
  232. Jones (2014), p.400.
  233. Randel (1996), p.568.
  234. Potter, C. (2016). Nadia and Lili Boulanger. Taylor & Francis. p. 138. ISBN   978-1-317-09079-3 . Retrieved 16 August 2021. A Cambridge graduate who had also trained at the Royal College of Music with Herbert Howells, and in Italy with Luigi Dallapiccola, Roxburgh was already technically accomplished when he came to Boulanger.
  235. Gagné (2012), p.233.
  236. Mason (1917), p.142.
  237. Mason (1917), p.94.
  238. Mason (1917), p.128.
  239. Humphreys, Maggie; Evans, Robert C. (1997). Dictionary of composers for the Church in Great Britain and Ireland. Bloomsbury Academic. p. 258. ISBN   978-0-7201-2330-2. His teachers in music were George Elvey, organist of St. George's Chapel, Windsor Castle, with whom Parry studied whilst at Eton; lessons with Edward Dannreuther.
  240. 1 2 3 Randel (1996), p.699.
  241. van Boer (2012), p.474.
  242. Mason (1917), p.42.
  243. Mason (1917), p.167.
  244. Musical Courier, 15 April (1926), p.36.
  245. "Darren Bloom - 2016 RPS Composition Prize Winner". Royal Philharmonic Society. July 2016. Archived from the original on 27 November 2020. Retrieved 19 November 2020.
  246. "Biography Archived 31 May 2015 at the Wayback Machine ",
  247. Sadie & Samuel (1994), p.160.
  248. Randel (1996), p.97.
  249. Randel, Don, ed. (1996). The Harvard Biographical Dictionary of Music. United Kingdom: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. p. 359. ISBN   978-0-674-37299-3. LCCN   96016456. Composer and organist. From 1899 he studied with Walter Parratt (organ) and with Walford Davies (composition) at the Royal College of Music.
  250. Blevins, Pamela (2008). Ivor Gurney & Marion Scott: Song of Pain and Beauty. Boydell Press. p. 8. ISBN   978-1-84383-421-2. LCCN   2009275630. At the RCM, Marion studied... ...composition with Walford Davies (1869-1941)...
  251. Feetham, Kathryn Alexis (1 January 2010). An Analysis of Stacy Garrop's Sonnet Settings for Treble Choir and Piano (Master of Arts thesis). San Jose, CA, USA: San Jose State University. 5. doi:10.31979/etd.9kx9-3ua3.
  252. Music at Michigan. University of Michigan, School of Music. 2003. pp. 28–29. Romero is currently a third-year doctoral student at U-M ... he is currently studying composition with Michael Daugherty, and has studied previously with William Bolcom, Betsy Jolas, Susan Botti and William Albright.
  253. Battisti, Frank L. (1 April 2012). Winds of Change II - The New Millennium: A Chronicle of the Continuing Evolution of the Contemporary American Wind/Band Ensemble. Meredith Music. p. (unpaginated). ISBN   978-1-57463-204-0. Felicia Sandler (b. 1976) is currently a faculty member at the New England Conservatory of Music. She received her PhD from the University of Michigan, studying composition with William Bolcom, Michael Daugherty, Bright Sheng and C. Curtis-Smith.
  254. Staff, NewMusicBox (2 August 2016). "Carlos Simon Wins $15,000 ACO Underwood Emerging Composer Commission - New Music USA". Retrieved 14 February 2024. Simon is currently earning his Doctorate Degree at the University of Michigan, where he has studied with Michael Daugherty and Evan Chambers.
  255. Three Spanish Songs: For Soprano and Wind Ensemble, Piano/Vocal Rehearsal Score. Alfred Music Publishing. November 2008. ISBN   978-0-7390-5098-9. Matthew Tommasini ... studied with William Bolcom, Michael Daugherty, Bright Sheng, Leslie Bassett, and Evan Chambers.
  256. Mason (1917), p.249.
  257. "Buyst, Palmyre". Musikproduktion Jürgen Höflich. Retrieved 3 April 2022. Later, Buyst studied with Arthur De Greef (1862-1940), a pupil of Franz Liszt and a close friend of Edvard Grieg.
  258. Reding-Piette, J.; Dulac, Sébastien (1992). 2 pianos, une vocation [2 pianos, one vocation] (in French). Brussels: La Longue Vue. p. 16. ISBN   2-87121-042-X. Je travaillais le piano trois fois par semaine avec Berthe Laventurier, élève d'Arthur de Greef...
  259. Randel, Don (1996). The Harvard Biographical Dictionary of Music. United Kingdom: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. p. 702. ISBN   978-0-674-37299-3. LCCN   96016456. He studied harmony and piano at the Brussels Conservatory, where his teachers included Sevenants, Lunssens, and de Greef, and then counterpoint and fugue at the Royal Flemish Conservatory.
  260. Reding-Piette, J.; Dulac, Sébastien (1992). 2 pianos, une vocation [2 pianos, one vocation] (in French). Brussels: La Longue Vue. pp. 16–17. ISBN   978-2-87121-042-9.
  261. van Boer (2012), p.362.
  262. The American History and Encyclopedia of Music. Irving Square. 1908. p. 12. Alsleben (äls'-lā-ben), Julius. 1832-1894. German writer, teacher, concert pianist and composer. His teachers in piano were Ieuchtenberg and Zech, and theory he studied of Siegfried Dehn.
  263. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Warrack and Deaville, New Grove (2001), 7:140.
  264. Mason (1917), p.172.
  265. Mason (1917), p.235.
  266. Mason (1917), p.295.
  267. Mason (1917), p.304.
  268. Greene (1985), p.265.
  269. Greene (1985), p.175.
  270. Wyndham & L'Epine (1915), p.106.
  271. Sparks, Paul (1995). The Classical Mandolin. New York: Oxford University Press. p. 31. ISBN   978-0-19-517337-6.
  272. Greene (1985), p.919.
  273. Mason (1917), p.298.
  274. Chandos Records
  275. British Composer Project
  276. Obituary, Daily Telegraph, 4 May 2018
  277. Jones (2014), p.219.
  278. Randel (1996), p.174.
  279. Randel (1996), p.306.
  280. 1 2 Lachmund, Carl (1995). Living with Liszt: From the Diary of Carl Lachmund, an American Pupil of Liszt, 1882 – 1884, p.xxxixn35. Pendragon Press. Walker, Alan; ed. ISBN   978-0-945193-56-2.
  281. Mason (1917), p.185.
  282. "Edna Stern". Royal College of Music. Retrieved 19 May 2022. Edna Stern began her studies in Israel with Viktor Derevianko, a student of Heinrich Neuhaus...
  283. van Boer (2012), p.111.
  284. Jones (2014), p.258.
  285. Jones (2014), p.366.
  286. 1 2 (1889). The Monthly Musical Record, Volume 19, p.29. Augener & Co., London.
  287. Griffiths, Paul (7 October 2004). The Penguin Companion to Classical Music. Penguin Adult. ISBN   978-0-14-100924-7. Fuchs, Robert (b. Fraunethal, Styria, 15 Feb 1847; d. Vienna, 19 Feb 1927). Austrian composer ... studied composition at the conservatory with Felix Otto Dessoff while earning a living as a teacher and organist.
  288. 1 2 "The Julius Block Cylinders Archived 3 March 2016 at the Wayback Machine ",
  289. Douglas, Reed (1 October 2014). "Remembering William Albright on his 70th birthday" . Retrieved 3 March 2024. He also studied with Max Deutsch, who was a student of Schoenberg...
  290. Hinkle-Turner (2006), p.175.
  291. 1 2 Greene (1985), p.1056.
  292. "Robert Lortat", University of Maryland. Retrieved 28 February 2021
  293. 1 2 Mason (1917), p.208.
  294. Sadie & Samuel (1994), p.34.
  295. Randel (1996), p.80.
  296. 1 2 3 Jones (2014), p.362.
  297. Jones (2014), p.389.
  298. 1 2 Mason (1917), p.56.
  299. Greene (1985), p.708.
  300. Gagné (2012), p.229.
  301. Gagné (2012), p.236.
  302. Mason (1917), p.199.
  303. Gagné (2012), p.283.
  304. Whittall, Arnold (Winter 2009). "Elegies and affirmations: John Casken at 60". The Musical Times. 150 (1909): 39–51. JSTOR   25597659.
  305. Randel (1996), p.18.
  306. "Bartok",
  307. "Bela Bartok Archived 3 May 2016 at the Wayback Machine ",
  308. Mason (1917), p.292.
  309. F. Anzenberger. "Fahrbach, Philipp d. Ä. (1815–1885), Kapellmeister und Komponist". Österreichisches Biographisches Lexikon ab 1815 (online) (in German). Austrian Academy of Sciences.
  310. Mason (1917), p.53.
  311. 1 2 Mason (1917), p.171.
  312. Mason (1917), p.190.
  313. 1 2 Mason (1917), p.287.
  314. Mäkelä, Tomi; Auhagen, Wolfgang; Hirschmann, Wolfgang, eds. (3 July 2017). Musikwissenschaft 1900-1930: zur Institutionalisierung und Legitimierung einer jungen akademischen Disziplin [Musicology 1900-1930: on the institutionalisation and legitimacy of a young academic discipline] (in German). Germany: Georg Olms Verlag. p. 294. ISBN   978-3-487-15577-7. LCCN   2017366543. Adolf Chybiński (1880–1952)... ...Berliner Akademie der Künste studiert hatte, Jan Drozdowski, ein Absolvent des Wiener Konservatoriums, und Felicjan Szopski, ein ehemaliger Privatschüler Heinrich Urbans in Berlin.
  315. "Robert Beaser Profile",
  316. Randel (1996), p.156.
  317. "North American Works Directory: Noach by Sidney Corbett Archived 5 May 2015 at the Wayback Machine ", Archived 5 May 2015 at the Wayback Machine
  318. "Biography,
  319. Randel (1996), p.482.
  320. "Marc Mellits Biography",
  321. Hinkle-Turner (2006), p.84.
  322. "Jan Swafford & Glenn Gass: Chamber Works". The Scott Chamber Players playing works by Jan Swafford and Glen Gass
  323. Keillor, Elaine (2008). Music in Canada: Capturing Landscape and Diversity. McGill-Queen's Press - MQUP. p. 136. ISBN   978-0-7735-3391-2. In 1873 Guillaume Couture (1851-1915) left for France to study with Théodore Dubois at the Paris Conservatoire de Paris, and on 15 May 1875 his Rêverie, op. 2 (CMH8, 46-90), was premiered by the Société nationale de musique under Édouard Colonne.
  324. Jones, Barrie (3 June 2014). The Hutchinson Concise Dictionary of Music. Routledge. p. 182. ISBN   978-1-135-95018-7. Dukas studied at the Paris Conservatory, where his teachers included Théodore Dubois and Ernest Guiraud.
  325. 1 2 Jones (2014), p.239.
  326. Randel (1996), p.738.
  327. The Piano in Concert. Scarecrow Press. 1982. p. 1058. ISBN   978-0-8108-1469-1. Risler, Édouard French pianist, teacher, and transcriber of German birth, was born at Baden-Baden on February 23, 1873, and died in Paris on July 22, 1929. Studied at the Paris Conservatoire, where he was a student of Louis Diémer in piano and Dubois in theory.
  328. 1 2 Jones (2014), p.581.
  329. Mason (1917), p.187.
  330. McGraw (2001), p.50.
  331. McGraw (2001), p.60.
  332. Greene (1985), p.1318.
  333. Sadie & Samuel (1994), p.184.
  334. 1 2 Greene (1985), p.1365.
  335. Santiago Bolanos, Marife (15 November 2015). "María de Pablos, también una desconocida" [María de Pablos, also an unknown]. Tribuna Feminista (in Spanish). Retrieved 19 May 2022. Roma, París –donde estudiará con Paul Dukas, que la colmará de elogios como consta en el boletín de notas-, y regreso a España.
  336. Gann (1997), p.106.
  337. Bouckaert, T. (2001). Le rêve d'Elisabeth: cinquante ans de Concours Reine Elisabeth [Elisabeth's dream: fifty years of the Queen Elisabeth Competition] (in French). Complexe. p. 126. ISBN   978-2-87027-858-1. Disciple, pour la composition et l'orchestration, de Paul Gilson et Paul Dukas, Marcel Poot fut un des fondateurs d'un important mouvement musical né en Belgique dans l'entre-deux-guerres, le synthétisme.
  338. Jones (2014), p.625.
  339. Gagné (2012), p.51.
  340. Randel (1996), p.209.
  341. "De Greef, Arthur". Studiecentrum Vlassmse Muziek. Archived from the original on 2 June 2022. Retrieved 17 May 2022. The pianist-composer Arthur De Greef studied at the municipal music school of his native city with Emile Mathieu, who himself was a student of Auguste Dupont at the Brussels Conservatory.
  342. 1 2 Randel (1996), p.231.
  343. Randel (1996), p.273.
  344. 1 2 Randel (1996), p.278.
  345. Mason (1917), p.49.
  346. Thompson, Oscar (1975). The International Cyclopedia of Music and Musicians. Dodd, Mead. p. 2270. ISBN   978-0-460-04235-2. Thomson, César (b. Liège), March 17, 1857–d. Lugano, Switzerland, Aug. 21, 1931), Belgian violinist; studied with his father and at Liège Conservatory in the class of J. Dupuis, winning a gold medal at eleven.
  347. Sadie & Samuel (1994), p.75.
  348. Greene (1985), p.904.
  349. 1 2 Jones (2014), p.325.
  350. 1 2 3 Nicholas Kaye (2001). "Duruflé, Maurice". Duruflé, Maurice. Grove Music Online. doi:10.1093/gmo/9781561592630.article.08407. ISBN   978-1-56159-263-0. ...counting among his pupils Cochereau, Guillou and Marie-Claire Alain.
  351. McGraw (2001), p.181.
  352. Mason (1917), p.44.
  353. Mason (1917), p.184.
  354. "Notations Fall 2015 by CMC Ontario Regional Director - Issuu". Canadian Music Centre. 22 November 2015. Retrieved 2 April 2023. Calverley would go on to receive a scholarship and study composition with George Dyson and Ralph Vaughan Williams.
  355. McGuire, Charles Edward; Plank, Steven E. (8 April 2011). Historical Dictionary of English Music: ca. 1400-1958. Scarecrow Press. p. 162. ISBN   978-0-8108-7951-5. Imogen Holst had early training under her father at St. Paul's Girls' School in Hammersmith before attending the Royal College of Music (1926-31), where she studied piano and composition with Sir George Dyson, Gordon Jacob, and Ralph Vaughan Williams.
  356. 'Robin Hull', in The Musical Times, Vol. 101, No. 1411 (September 1960), p. 547
  357. Banfield, Stephen (2015). "Review of Constant Lambert: Beyond the Rio Grande; Sir George Dyson: His Life and Music". Music & Letters. 96 (2): 297–302. doi:10.1093/ml/gcv019. ISSN   0027-4224. JSTOR   24549953. Dyson briefly taught composition to Lambert at the Royal College of Music in the 1920s...
  358. McGraw (2001), p.203.
  359. van Boer (2012), p.23.
  360. Randel (1996), p.6.
  361. Randel (1996), p.117.
  362. Wyndham & L'Epine (1915), p.233.
  363. Mason (1917), p.19.
  364. Greene (1985), p.388.
  365. van Boer (2012), p.344.
  366. "Teaching". Chaya Czernowin. Retrieved 22 December 2019.
  367. 1 2 3 Potter, Tully (1995). "Joachim's double Dutch legacy". Strad. 106 (1264): 802. ISSN   0039-2049 . Retrieved 10 February 2023. Though Eldering retired from the Conservatory...he continued to give private lessons...much loved by his pupils - who included Maurits van den Berg, Siegfried Borries, Hermann Diener, Ernest Drueker, Hans Dunschede, Walther Geiser, Theo Giesen, Willem van Hoogstraten, Hermann Zitzmann and the quartet leaders Riele Queling, Joachim Rontgen, Wilhelm Stross and Max Strub, as well as the violist Karl Reitz.
  368. "The Strad: A Monthly Journal for Professionals and Amateurs of All Stringed Instruments Played with the Bow". The Strad: A Monthly Journal for Professionals and Amateurs of All Stringed Instruments Played with the Bow. 1966. p. 247. LCCN   ca05002289. Adolf Busch's teacher Bram - Eldering (born 1865) was a pupil of my own master Jenő Hubay (born 1858)...
  369. Vlekke, Bernard Hubertus Maria; Beets, Henry (1942). Hollanders who Helped Build America. American Biographical Company. p. 198. Leon Sametini, a son of Samual Sametini and Rose De Groot, studied in the Netherlands under his uncle, M. De Groot, F. Togni and Bram Eldering of Amsterdam.
  370. 1 2 International Classical Record Collector: ICRC. Vol. v. 3. Gramophone Publications Limited. 1997. p. 17. LCCN   sn95044518. ...beautifully played by Max Strub (like Stross a pupil of Bram Eldering)...
  371. Jones (2014), p.113.
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  377. Randel (1996), p.318.
  378. Greene (1985), p.1368.
  379. 1 2 Randel (1996), p.172.
  380. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Masin, Gwendolyn Carolina Helena (2012). 'Violin Teaching in the New Millennium: In Search of the Lost Instructions of Great Masters - an Examination of Similarities and Differences Between Schools of Playing and How These Have Evolved, or Remembering the Future of Violin Performance' (doctoral thesis). Trinity College Dublin.
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  391. Gagné (2012), p.193.
  392. Wyndham & L'Epine (1915), p.285.
  393. Hisama, Ellie M. (2 November 2006). Gendering Musical Modernism: The Music of Ruth Crawford, Marion Bauer, and Miriam Gideon. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. p. 5. ISBN   978-0-521-02843-1. LCCN   2007271189. Bauer studied counterpoint and form in Berlin with Paul Ertel in 1910-11, and composition in New York City during World War I with Walter Henry Rothwell.
  394. Cain, Joren (May 2010). "2". Rediscovering Fernande Decruck's Sonate en ut# pour saxophone alto (ou alto) et orchestre: A Performance Analysis (PDF) (Doctor of Musical Arts thesis). University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library. p. 7. Retrieved 28 December 2023. Decruck studied harmony with Xavier Leroux and Jean Gallon, piano accompaniment with Paul Vidal and Cesar Abel Estyle, and counterpoint and fugue with Georges Caussade.
  395. Frazier, James E. (2007). Maurice Duruflé: The Man and His Music. University Rochester Press. p. 39. ISBN   978-1-58046-227-3. From 1923 to 1926 Duruflé studied piano accompaniment with Abel César Estyle (sic.), about whom the sources are virtually silent, apart from the fact he was born in 1877.
  396. Fallon, Dr Robert; Dingle, Professor Christopher (28 December 2013). Messiaen Perspectives 1: Sources and Influences. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. ISBN   978-1-4724-1516-5. Messiaen remained with Falkenberg for several years but then moved to the piano accompaniment class of César Abel Estyle, with whom Yvonne Loriod later also studied.
  397. Benitez, Vincent (13 November 2007). Olivier Messiaen: A Research and Information Guide. Routledge. p. 2. ISBN   978-1-135-87131-4. Among his teachers were: (1) Georges Falkenberg, piano; (2) Jean Gallon, harmony; (3) Noël Gallon, private lessons in harmony and counterpoint (for ten years); (4) César-Abel Estyle, piano accompaniment; (5) Georges Caussade, fugue; (6) Charles-Marie Widor and Paul Dukas, composition; (7) Marcel Dupré, organ and improvisation; (8) Maurice Emmanuel, music history; and (9) Joseph Baggers, timpani and percussion.
  398. Bongrain, Anne (2012). Le Conservatoire national de musique et de déclamation, 1900-1930 : documents historiques et administratifs. Paris: Vrin. p. 580. ISBN   978-2-7116-2398-3. ...en 1913 un premier prix d'accompagnement au piano dans la classe d'Abel-César Estyle.
  399. Jones (2014), p.568.
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  403. Gable-Wilson, Sonya R. "Let freedom sing! Four African-American concert singers in nineteenth-century America." PhD diss. University of Florida. 2005.
  404. Annual Register: A Review of Public Events at Home and Abroad, for the Year ... Longmans, Green. 1947. p. 442. LCCN   04017979. Edward Cuthbert Bairstow, distinguished organist, was born at Huddersfield on August 22, 1874. He began his music training with a brother of Sir William Parratt, later studying under John Farmer, of Balliol, and Sir Frederick Bridge, of Westminster Abbey.
  405. McVeagh, Diana (2010). Gerald Finzi: His Life and Music. Boydell Press. p. 9. ISBN   978-1-84383-602-5. Mrs Finzi asked him to suggest a music teacher for Gerald. By good fortune, Clifford recommended no middle-aged, run-of-the-mill teacher, but young Ernest Bristow Farrar.
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  480. Jaffé, Daniel (15 February 2022). Historical Dictionary of Russian Music. Rowman & Littlefield. p. 189. ISBN   978-1-5381-3008-7. (Gerke), Anton Avgustovich (1812–1870). Pianist, teacher, and composer. Born in Pulin (now Chervono-Armeysk), Zhitomir district, on 28 July 1812, son of the Polish violinist Avgust Herke, he studied under John Field, Friedrich Kalkbrenner, Ignaz Moscheles, and Ferdinand Ries and was acquainted with Franz Liszt, Sigismond Thalberg, and Clara Schumann.
  481. Sadie & Samuel (1994), p.91.
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  493. Randel (1996), p.79.
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  495. Holliday, Thomas. Falling Up: The Days and Nights of Carlisle Floyd, The Authorized Biography. Syracuse University Press, 2013. p. 293.
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  498. Straeten, Edmund S. J. van der (1968). The History of the Violin: Its Ancestors and Collateral Instruments from Earliest Times. Da Capo Press. p. 111. ISBN   978-0-306-71112-1. Georg Hellmesberger, Sen., b. Vienna, Apr. 24, 1800; d. Neuwaldegg... Förster was his master for composition.
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  501. Gagné (2012), p.128.
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  507. Balungan: A Publication of the American Gamelan Institute. United States: American Gamelan Institute for Music and Education. 1984. p. 22. Robert Lombardo studied composition with Philip Bezanson, Boris Blacher and Arnold Franchetti...
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  536. 1 2 Greene (1985), p.986.
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  538. Gagné (2012), p.71.
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  541. Teufner, Gabriele (14 October 2021). "Winterberg, Robert Anton". Oesterreichisches Musiklexikon .
  542. Randel (1996), p.580.
  543. Utz, Christian; Lau, Frederick (2013). Vocal Music and Contemporary Identities: Unlimited Voices in East Asia and the West. Routledge. p. 299. ISBN   978-0-415-50224-5. In Austria and Germany, she studied composition with Beat Furrer, Mathias Spahlinger, Chaya Czernowin, Richard Barrett, and Steve Takasugi.
  544. Mason (1917), p.103.
  545. van Boer (2012), p.595.
