This is the end of a list of students of music, organized by teacher.
Tomášek (1774–1850, also 'Tomaschek'), autodidact
Biscardi studied electronic music with Bert Levy and composition with Les Thimmig while in Madison, and composition with Robert Morris, Krzysztof Penderecki and Toru Takemitsu at Yale.
After four years, he embarked upon a six-year study tour of Italy, where his teachers included Giuseppe Tartini.
Koechlin was already too old to enter Théodore Dubois' harmony class at the Paris Conservatoire, for which Lefebvre wrote him a letter of introduction, so he was admitted instead as an auditeur to the harmony class of Antoine Taudou that autumn.
Satie is stated to have entered the Paris Conservatoire in 1879 and to have been enrolled there for eight years, in the elementary piano class of Émile Descombes, the solfège class of Albert Lavignac, the piano class of Georges Mathias and the harmony class of Antoine Tardou.
Studied from 1876 at the National Training School of Music where his teachers were Franklin Taylor, Ebenezer Prout, Arthur Sullivan and John Stainer.
Fryer, Herbert, pianist and composer; b. London, 21 May, 1877; ... entered the R.A.M., studying the piano under Oscar Beringer; later at the R.C.M. under Franklin Taylor...
The elder sister of Alice and Adela, Mathilde Verne studied piano with Franklin Taylor and later Clara Schumann.
He went on to study at the RCM from 1968 to 1973, with Kendall Taylor, Maurice Cole and David Wilde.
Of others, Kendall Taylor's RCM pupil Ethel Sharpe played the d'Albert Concerto in 1895, ...
Fortunately the English pianist Kendall Taylor was in the country at the time and took Solomon under his wing.
Born to Jewish parents in Hannover, his career in Germany included studies under Max Reger, Robert Teichmüller, Richard Strauss, and Hans Pfitzner.
Théodore Dubois (1837-1924) was born in the French town of Rosnay. After an impressive career at the Paris Conservatory, where he studied with Ambroise Thomas, he won the coveted Prix de Rome.
... while at the same time taking private composition lessons with Ludwig Thuille.
He trained with Frank Spedding, Hans Gal and Michael Tippett...
...studied at the Royal College of Music under Gordon Jacob and Herbert Howells, and later privately with Michael Tippett.
Raymond Warren has a special interest in opera presumably inspired by Michael Tippett with whom he studied.
Gerardus Hendrik Boedijn was born in 1893, ... Boedijn enrolled at the Amsterdam Conservatory in 1909 to study the violin with Heinrich Fiedler and Felice Togni. There he also had lessons in counterpoint, harmony, composition and instrumentation with Bernard Zweers and Cor Kint, and later with Carl Smulders.
Brink-Pothuis, Annie van den, Dutch violist and composer: b. Amsterdam, Mar. 6, 1906; d. Amsterdam, Mar. 10, 1956. She studied at the Amsterdam Cons., taking violin with Togni and Rijnberger, composition and harmony with Dresden, Mulder, and Pijper, graduating in 1931.
Born into an Ashkenazi Jewish family in Amsterdam, April 20, 1881, Dresden showed his musical talent at a very early age having violin and piano lessons at the age of six and then later with Felice Togni, a member of the Concertgebouw Orchestra.
Jan Felderhof kreeg de eerste vioollessen van Jan Dudok ... Hij studeerde aan het Amsterdams Conservatorium viool bij Felice Togni en Hendrik Rijsbergen, compositie bij Sem Dresden en piano bij Willem Smelt.[Jan Felderhof received his first violin lessons from Jan Dudok ... He studied violin at the Amsterdam Conservatory with Felice Togni and Hendrik Rijsbergen, composition with Sem Dresden and piano with Willem Smelt.]
Cor Kint is leerling geweest van de Amsterdamsche Muziekschool tot Bevordering der Toonkunst, waar Felice Togni zijn leeraar was in het vioolspel en Anton H. Tierie hem in de muziek-theoretische vakken onderrichtte.
Klijn, Nap de (Amsterdam 16.8.1909), Ned. violist. Studeerde aan het Amsterdams conservatorium bij Togni en Rijnbergen...
Joachim grew up in the large parental house on the Van Eeghenstraat, where he was given his first inspirational music lessons from his mother and later acquired a solid technical foundation with violinist Felice Togni.
Leon Sametini, ... studied in the Netherlands under his uncle, M. De Groot, F. Togni and Bram Eldering of Amsterdam.
Frensel Wegener, Emmy: Dutch composer... studied the violin with Felice Togni at the Amsterdam Conservatory, graduating in 1925.
Ros Marba, Antoni: Spanish conductor. b. 2 April 1937, Barcelona. Education: Barcelona Conservatory, studied with Eduard Toldra.
Montsalvatge was born in Girona, in the north of Catalonia, and educated at Barcelona's municipal conservatory, where his teachers included Enrique Morera, Jaime Pahissa and Eduard Toldrà.
...also under Tomášek at Prague.
Alcaraz, Jordi... ...Org student of Montserrat Torrent, Helmut Rilling, Fernando Germani, J. Reinberger, Flor Peeters;
...Juan Paradell-Solé. A native of Spain, he received his early training in Igualada, near Barcelona, with Father Albert Foix, and studied organ with Montserrat Torrent at the conservatory of music in Barcelona.
Mr. Antonini began his musical career as a teen-ager when he won a scholarship to the Royal Conservatory of Music in Milan. During his last year, he was an organist-pianist with La Scala Orchestra under Arturo Toscanini.
She studied ... at Bard College (MFA 1987), where her teachers included Eli Yarden and Joan Tower...
He had studied briefly with Daniel Gottlob Türk in Halle but was essentially self-taught.
At the Royal College of Music she gained distinction for her Master's degree as a scholar under Mark-Anthony Turnage.
Principle Teachers: Kenneth Hesketh, 2010–2011; Mark-Anthony Turnage, 2011–2012.
He studied electronic music with Mario Davidovsky and Vladimir Ussachevsky at Columbia-Princeton Electronic Music Center...
She remained on the staff until 1975, the best-known of her own students being Boris Tishchenko.
In 1922, she received a scholarship from the Royal College of Music in England where she had the opportunity to study with Ralph Vaughan Williams.
Calverley would go on to receive a scholarship and study composition with George Dyson and Ralph Vaughan Williams.
Won an organ scholarship to Mercers' School, and, at the age of 14, a Sir John Goss scholarship to the Royal College of Music, where he studied composition with Ralph Vaughan Williams.
Miss Lympany won the Challen Gold Medal as student of the year and also the Hine Gift for Composition. Later teachers were Paul Weingarten, Mathilde Verne and Tobias Matthay.
...after two terms she started private lessons with Mathilde Verne, a pupil of Clara Schumann.
Thomson, César (b. Liège), March 17, 1857–d. Lugano, Switzerland, Aug. 21, 1931), Belgian violinist; studied with his father and at Liège Conservatory in the class of J. Dupuis, winning a gold medal at eleven. He was also pupil also of Léonard, Vieuxtemps, Wieniawski and Massart.
Cardew, Cornelius (b. Winchcombe, Gloucestershire, 1936), … studied at the Royal Academy of Music in London, working in composition with Howard Ferguson and in piano with Percy Waller and Kyla Greenbaum.
He then won scholarships to the Brighton School of Music, Lewes County grammar school and, in 1938, to the Royal Academy of Music, where he studied composition with Theodore Holland (a pupil of Joseph Joachim and Max Bruch) and piano with Percy Waller.
They met at the Royal College of Music where Kevin was studying piano/composition with Peter Wallfisch and Joseph Horowitz...
He later studied at the Vienna Music Academy, and at the RCM from 1987 to 1989 with Peter Wallfisch.
...He entered Trinity College, Cambridge, in October 1836; ...and took lessons in counterpoint from T.A. Walmisley.
Novello was trained and worked within the Catholic embassy chapels, studying organ with Samuel Webbe at the Portuguese Chapel...
Hans Swarowsky is Viennese, although he was born in Budapest. He studied musical theory with Arnold Schoenberg and Anton Webern and conducting with Richard Strauss...
Joseph Yasser, musicologist and organist, born April 16, 1893, in Lodz, Russian Poland. At six he was brought to Moscow, where he studied piano with Jacob Weinberg for several years.
László Halász studied to be a concert pianist at the Budapest Music Academy where his teachers included Béla Bartók, Zoltan Kodály, Ernö Dohnányi and Leo Weiner.
In 1831 Ernst Friedrich Eduard Richter went to Leipzig to study with Christian Theodor Weinlig,...
Camilleri, Charles (born 1931), Maltese/British composer and conductor. In addition to his home country Malta, he studied music at the University of Toronto with John Weinzweig in 1959-63.
LeFanu studied composition with Egon Wellesz at St. Hilda's College, Oxford, from which she graduated in 1968 with a Bachelor of Arts (and honors) degree in music.
Edward Francis Rimbault was the son of Stephen Francis Rimbault, ... and received his first instruction in music from his father, but afterwards became the pupil of Samuel Wesley.
Her father decided to take her to a young teacher named Rowsby Woof, who had been a pupil of Hans Wesley at the Royal Academy of Music.
Turning to the serious pursuit of musical study, Harold Craxton started piano lessons in 1907 with Tobias Matthay and Cuthbert Whitemore, ...
Five years later she won an open scholarship to the Royal Academy of Music, studying with Cuthbert Whitemore;
Willem Kes (1856-1934), a violinist, whose teachers had included Ferdinand David, Wieniawski, and Joachim, ...
Frederick R. C. (b. Vancouver, B.C., 7 Aug. 1931). He studied ... theory and composition with Healey Willan, Drummond Wolff, and George Laughlin at the University of Toronto (1949-53).
Adam Sołtys wies eine etwas andere Herkunft auf, er hatte das Konservatorium in Berlin besucht und bei Robert Kahn Komposition sowie unter anderem bei Johannes Wolf Musikwissenschaft studiert. [Adam Sołtys had a slightly different background; he had attended the conservatory in Berlin and studied composition with Robert Kahn and musicology with Johannes Wolf, among others.]
Frederick R. C. (b. Vancouver, B.C., 7 Aug. 1931). He studied ... theory and composition with Healey Willan, Drummond Wolff, and George Laughlin at the University of Toronto (1949-53).
His teachers included Jennie Goodman Bouck and Reginald Godden (piano), Maitland Farmer (organ), and, at the University of Toronto, Ettore Mazzoleni (orchestration), Arthur H. Middleton, and S. Drummond Wolff.
He was educated at St Aloysius College, Birkirkara, and studied Music in Malta under his father and Carlo Fiamingo, and in Rome under Vincenzo di Donato and Ermanno Wolf-Ferrari.
Harold Edwin Darke (London, 29 October 1888-Cambridge, 28 November 1976) studied with Stanford, Wood and Parry at the Royal College of Music...
...and studied under Parratt; his composition teachers were Charles Wood and Walford Davies... January, 1905, went to the Royal College of Music, studying under Parratt, Bridge, Stanford, Charles Wood, and Marmaduke Barton,...
ALWYN, William (1905-1985). Composer, flautist, painter and writer. Entered the RAM at the age of fifteen, studied flute with Daniel Wood and composition with John B. McEwen.
His principal study would be Flute under Daniel S. Wood (brother of the composer Haydn Wood), with Piano as his second subject under Edward Morton and subsequently, Leo Livins.
He studied with Hugh Wood, Jonathan Harvey, and Richard Orton and taught at Huddersfield University and at the Darmstadt.
Tony Noakes, architect, composer, ... found time to study harmony with Hugh Wood and composition with Jeremy Dale-Roberts at Morley College.
At RAM, she studied violin with Hans Wesseley and Rowsby Woof, and counterpoint with J B McEwen.
William H. Sherwood 1854-1911...Among his many teachers were Kullak, Weitzmann, Wüerst, Deppe, Richter, Karl Doppler, Scotson Clark...
Anna Yesipova, concert pianist and professor of St Petersburg Conservatoire, where Yudina was her pupil for just over a year.
From the age of twelve he studied at the Chicago Music College with Leon Sametini, a student of Ševčík and Ysaÿe...
A graduate of the Gnesin Academy of Music (Moscow), Victor Derevianko studied under Heinrich Neuhaus and Maria Yudina, with whom he also recorded works for two pianos by Bartók and Stravinsky.
In Berlin he sought out Carl Friedrich Zelter, who had been recommended as one of the great theorists of the day. Zelter responded cordially and agreed to accept Marx as a pupil, but after only a few lessons Marx withdrew because he found Zelter's methods unpalatable.
Rietz, Julius, … He studied the violoncello under Schmidt ... He studied composition under Zelter,...
Tot zijn docenten behoorden Carl Schmittbach (1798-?) en Carl Friedrich Zöllner (1800-1860). Vanaf 1839 studeerde hij in Kassel verder onder leiding van Louis Spohr (1784-1859) en Moritz Hauptmann (1792-1868).
Sem Dresden (1881-1957), who was born in Amsterdam, first studied with Bernard Zweers at the conservatory there before studying with Hans Pfitzner in Berlin.