This is part of a list of students of music organized by teacher.
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Also known as Kamillo Horn.
Finck, Herman; conductor and composer; b. London, 4 Nov. 1872. Studied music under his father and Henry Gadsby.
Osmond, Harold Bartrum, organist and composer, born at Southampton, January 19, 1869. Studied at the Guildhall School of Music under D. Beardwell, Henry Gadsby, and other Masters.
Hartvigson, Frits, pianist and teacher; b. Grenaae, Denmark, 1841; … studied piano-playing, etc., with Niels W. Gade and Anton Rée in Copenhagen, and with Dr. Hans von Bülow in Berlin;...
At the age of thirteen following earlier training at Faenza and Lugo, he was already at Bologna, eventually having violin instruction with Ercole Gaibara..
Giuseppe Torelli wurde vermutlich 1651 in Verona geboren … Der erste zuverlässige Anhaltspunkt findet sich in den Akten der Accademia dei Filarmonici … Es ist möglich, daß er bei Ercole Gaibara Violine studierte, sicher aber, daß er sich bei Giacomo Antonio Perti in der Komposition unterweisen ließ.
Modest's musical inclinations were entrusted to Anton Gerke, future professor of music at the St. Petersburg Conservatory.
...De Greef went to the Brussels Conservatory in 1873, where he was a student of Louis Brassin (piano), Joseph Dupont (harmony), Hubert-Ferdinand Kufferath (counterpoint) and of the director François-Auguste Gevaert (composition).
Thomas Pasatieri (b. 1945) ... Before entering the Juilliard School, Pasatieri studied with Nadia Boulanger. At Juilliard he worked with Vittorio Giannini...
...she then studied at the Moscow Conservatoire, under Leo Ginzburg and Nikolai Anosov, graduating in 1947...
Ginzburg taught conducting at the Moscow Conservatory from 1930 ... His pupils included Vyacheslav Ovchinnikov, Mstislav Rostropovich, Dmitri Kitayenko, and Mikhail Jurowski.
Корндорф окончил по двум специально- стям: как композитор - у С. Баласаняна и как симфонический дирижер - у Л. Гинзбурга.
Steinberg was a pupil of Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, Anatole Lyadov and Alexander Glazunov...
The daughter of composer Elizabeth Maconchy and William LeFanu, ... She studied with Alexander Goehr in the university vacations...
John Carewe ... studied with Walter Goehr, ...
Constance Geanakoplos is an undergraduate at Yale University where she is studying piano with Professor Ward Davenny. She has also studied at the Juilliard School where she was the recipient of an honorary scholarship with Professor Sascha Gorodnitzki.
Bridge, Sir John Frederick (1844-1924) Born in Oldbury, Worcestershire...Studied organ and composition with John Goss (1863-1867)...
Clark, Revd. Frederick Scotson (1840-1883)...studied privately with E. J. Hopkins; at the Royal Academy of Music under William Sterndale Bennett, John Goss, Carl Engel, Ciro Pinsuti and Pettit...
Frederic Cowen, born at Kingston, Jamaica, in January 1852, ... studied harmony with Sir John Goss.
Sir Arthur Sullivan 1842-1900 ... At fifteen he enrolled at the Royal Academy of Music, where he studied piano with William Sterndale Bennett and composition with John Goss, and at sixteen he continued his education in Europe at the Leipzig Conservatory.
Charles Simon Catel (1773-1830) studied theory and composition with the respected French composer François Joseph Gossec, became assistant conductor of the Garde Nationale Band of Paris at 16...
Teresa Carreno studied during that time with my late brother, L. M. Gottschalk...
Similarly, both the brilliant Cuban composer and Gottschalk student Ignacio Cervantes (1849-1905)...
...but also studying music with Attwood, Corfe, and Greatorex despite his father's opposition.
Cardew, Cornelius … English composer and pianist... In 1953-57 he studied at the Royal Academy of Music in London, working in composition with Howard Ferguson and in piano with Percy Waller and Kyla Greenbaum.
When still quite young, he began studying music, chiefly with Maurice Greene.
Cervetti, Sergio, b. Uruguay, 1941; US citizen; studied composition with Stefan Grove, Krenek;...
They were both pupils of Rowsby Woof - a pupil of Hans Wessely who himself had studied with Hellmesberger and Grün (this chain forms a direct link with Böhm, Rode and Viotti)...
Two aspects of Abrahamsen's works might be discussed in the context of the compositional ideas of Nørgård and Gudmundsen-Holmgreen for he studied with both of them.
Dukas studied at the Paris Conservatory, where his teachers included Théodore Dubois and Ernest Guiraud.
Jean-Pierre Maurin 1875-1894. (Pupil of Baillot and Habeneck, won premier prix in 1843 under the latter).
Prume, François Hubert...Belgian violinist; studied at the Conservatories of Liège and Paris (under Habeneck).
He completed his master's degree in composition at an early age, while his teacher and guide along the way was the Israel Prize laureate for music, Professor André Hajdu.
...he enrolled at the Paris Conservatoire to study counterpoint and fugue with Halévy and composition with, in turn, Henri Berton, Le Sueur and Ferdinando Paër.
Holland, Theodore, British Composer; born Apr. 25, 1878,.. ...educated at Royal Academy of Music, 1896-1902; Hochschule für Musik, Berlin, 1902-03; studied composition under Frederick Corder, Robert Kahn and Edgar Stillman Kelley; violin with Joachim and Professor Halir...
Eugene studied composition and arranging with Gene Von Hallberg, one of the founders of the American Accordionists' Association...
In the following years, his musical education expanded to include lessons in piano and harmony with Albert Rizzi and two years of studies with Gene Von Hallberg focusing on harmony and counterpoint...
Gottschalk grew up in New Orleans and at the age of twelve was sent by his parents to study in Paris. There, tutored by Charles Hallé (founder of the Hallé Orchestra in England)...
He had some piano lessons as a child, and in 1822 went to Vienna to study medicine while taking instruction in the piano from Anton Halm and in composition from Seyfried.
Stephen became a pupil of Anton Halm, the teacher of Adolf Henselt and other 19th-century virtuosos.
Rée, Anton: Danish pianist and author; ... He studied in Hamburg under Jacques Smitt and Karl Krebs, in Vienna under Halm, and in Paris.
He was born in Lancashire in 1932 and read history at Oxford. He then studied with William Lloyd Webber, Anthony Milner, Iain Hamilton and Mátyás Seiber.
Elizabeth Stirling was born in Greenwich, London, in 1819 ... She studied harmony privately with James Hamilton, author of several books on the theory of music...
Claud Peter Primrose Burton, Organist and Master of the Choristers... ...he studied with Sir William Harris...
Bache, Miss Constance, pianoforte professor, translator, and musical writer; ... Studied at Munich, and under Messrs. Frits Hartvigson, Walter Bache, and others.
Hartvigson is an honorary member and a professor (appointed 1888) of the Royal Academy of Music, examiner in the Royal College of Music, and professor in the Royal Normal College for the Blind. Among his pupils were Alfred Hollins and Pauline Ellice.
Under the guidance of Frits Hartvigson, the eminent Danish pianist and teacher, Murdoch won two gold medals...
His principal study was the piano, for which he had altogether four teachers, beginning with Frits Hartvigson, a Danish pupil of Liszt and official pianist to the Princess of Wales.
He studied with Hugh Wood, Jonathan Harvey, and Richard Orton and taught at Huddersfield University and at the Darmstadt.
August Julius Ferdinand Bohme was born in Saxony and spent his musical career as a musician and composer in various European countries, mostly the Netherlands, ... The register contains a canon that was given to Böhme by his teacher Moritz Hauntmann...
Cowen, Frederic Hymen (1852-1935) ... In 1865 he studied at the Leipzig Conservatory, under Louis Plaidy, Ignaz Moscheles, Carl Reinecke, Ernst Richter and Moritz Hauptmann.
Farmer, John, (b. Nottingham, 16 August 1835; d. Oxford, 17 July 1901). Composer and teacher....he studied for three years at the Leipzig conservatory with Ignaz Moscheles, Louis Plaidy, Moritz Hauptmann, and Ernst Friedrich Richter,...
O'Leary, Arthur (1834-1919) … Able to study due to the patronage of Wyndham Gould, firstly in Dublin (1844-1846) and at Leipzig Conservatory (from 1847) under Louis Plaidy, Ernst Richter, Ignaz Moscheles, Moritz Hauptmann and Julius Rietz.
Ries, Hubert, born in Bonn, April 1, 1802, died in Berlin, Sept. 14, 1886. Violinist, son and pupil of Franz Anton Ries, studied violin also under Spohr, and composition under Hauptmann.
...he studied at the Leipzig Conservatory with Plaidy and Moscheles as well as Hauptmann, E.F.E. Richter and Papperitz (harmony and composition).
Woelfl, Joseph (1772-1812), pianist and composer, was born in 1772 at Salzburg, where he studied music under Leopold Mozart and Michael Haydn.
Il continua donc d'étudier le violon avec Berthelier qui le suivit en cours particuliers ... et il décida de quitter la France pour aller suivre, en Allemagne, l'enseignement prestigieux des maîtres du violon Joseph Joachim et Hugo Heermann.
Deirdre studied music at Queen's University, Belfast, and at the University of Manchester...She completed her doctorate in composition in 2003, with Piers Hellawell (...)
Crotch had been in Cambridge in 1786-8, and continued his studies with Charles Hague and Pieter Hellendaal in 1789, so it is possible that Gunn, a friend of Hague's, knew him through that connection.
In the early 1780s Charles was taught composition and thoroughbass by Hellendaal.
Robert Fuchs was an Austrian composer and music teacher ... He studied at the Vienna Conservatory with Felix Otto Dessoff and Joseph Hellmesberger among others.
Hill, Wilhelm... ...Pianist, pupil of Heinrich Henkel and of Hauff; ...
Adolf von Henselt (1814-89) studied with Hummel, toured as a piano virtuoso and, in 1838, settled in Russia (some of his music was published only in that country). While there he taught Alexander Serov (1820-71) and Anton Herke,...
Nikolai Zverev (1832-93). A former student both of Dubuque and of Johann Nepomuk Hummel's pupil Adolf von Henselt…
New York Philharmonic - Roger Nye; Houston Symphony (former members) Ben Kamins, Rice University.
A native of Lincoln, Nebraska, Kelley graduated from the University of Nebraska. Gary Echols, John Miller, George Goslee and Norman Herzberg were his principal instructors.
Principle Teachers: Kenneth Hesketh, 2010–2011; Mark-Anthony Turnage, 2011–2012.
Laurence Osborn... ...He went on to study for an MMus in Composition with Kenneth Hesketh at the Royal College of Music, London...
Josephine read music as an undergraduate at Clare College, Cambridge before completing a Masters in Composition at the Royal College of Music as a Richard Carne scholar under Kenneth Hesketh...
Gavin Higgins... ...continuing his studies at master's level with Kenneth Hesketh at the Royal College of Music from 2007 – 9...
Hannah Kendall... ...She went on to study composition with Kenneth Hesketh at the Royal College of Music...
Lara Poe... ...Poe received a master's degree with distinction from the Royal College of Music, London, where she studied with Kenneth Hesketh...
After graduation, however, he was able to study piano in London, from 1959, with Dame Myra Hess.
Some of Heynberg's pupils: Martin Marsick, Ovide Musin, Armand Parent and Emile Chaumont, carried on the tradition both in Liège and Paris.
Unable to get along with his teacher, a certain Désiré Heynberg, he withdrew in 1867 but returned five years later to study with Rodolphe Massart.
...which allowed him to travel to Cologne (1875-78, where he studied with Ferdinand Hiller)...
Wyk, Arnold van (1916-1983) South African composer... ...He studied composition with Theodore Holland and piano with Harold Craxton at the Royal Academy of Music...
Christopher, Dr. Cyril Stanley (1897-1979) Born in Oldbury, Worcestershire on 23 June 1897; died on 31 March 1979. Studied with ... Alfred Hollins...
There his teachers included Larry Goves and Anna Meredith, and he subsequently studied with Richard Causton, Robin Holloway, and Patrick Nunn.
Stirling, Elizabeth... ...Org/piano student of Edward Holmes; harmony study with G. A. Macfarran.
In 1857, moving to London, she studied with the pianist W.H. Holmes...
On 7 March 1826 he entered the Royal Academy of Music and studied there with... ...William Henry Holmes...
From 1829 he attended the Royal Academy of Music, studying composition with Cipriani Potter, piano with William Henry Holmes...(Subscription or UK public library membership required.)
...learning the pianoforte under W. H. Holmes.... In
Pupil of Stanford, Vaughan Williams, Holst.
RAMETTE, Yves, Fr. componist en organist. Hij ontving onderricht in piano van Lazare - Lévy, voor orgel van G. Jacob en in compositie van Arthur Honegger.
...Hopkins was professor of the organ, and where he had as his most distinguished pupil, the gifted Alfred Hollins.
Hopkins, Edward J. (1818-1901) England. ...Students: Clark, Frederick Scotson; Pearce, Stephen Austen; Saunders, Gordon.
He studied composition with Joseph Horovitz and W. S. Lloyd Webber at the Royal College of Music in London and later privately with Wilfred Josephs.
They met at the Royal College of Music where Kevin was studying piano/composition with Peter Wallfisch and Joseph Horowitz and Steven studied piano performance with Phyllis Sellick and Peter Katin.
Kenneth Hesketh,... ... studied at the Royal Conservatory (sic.) of Music in London with Edwin Roxburgh, Simon Bainbridge, and Joseph Horovitz.
Born in Gateshead, England, John Wilson studied composition and conducting at the Royal College of Music where he was taught by Joseph Horovitz and Neil Thomson and where he won all the major conducting prizes and, in 2011, was made a Fellow.
She studied under Claud Biggs at the Royal Irish Academy of Music and also with Dorothy Howell and Paul Tortelier.
Purcell also studied composition and performance under Pelham Humfrey.
Adolf von Henselt (1814-89) studied with Hummel, toured as a piano virtuoso and, in 1838,...
Among his many pupils was the Hollywood composer John Barry, creator of the scores for James Bond films.
Later he was heavily influenced by jazz in some ways similar to the UK's John Barry who also discovered jazz and the trumpet while in military service following a classical education from York Minster organist, Francis Jackson.
Imogen Holst had early training under her father at St. Paul's Girls' School in Hammersmith before attending the Royal College of Music (1926-31), where she studied piano and composition with Sir George Dyson, Gordon Jacob, and Ralph Vaughan Williams.
...Peter Klatzow was instructed... Kathleen Long (pianoforte), Bernard Stevens (composition) and Gordon Jacob (orchestration).
Lucien Durosoir (élève de Joachim et héros de la Grande Guerre), ...
Holland, Theodore, British Composer; born Apr. 25, 1878,... ...Hochschule für Musik, Berlin, 1902-03; studied composition under Frederick Corder, Robert Kahn and Edgar Stillman Kelley; violin with Joachim and Professor Halir...
Willem Kes (1856-1934), a violinist, whose teachers had included Ferdinand David, Wieniawski, and Joachim, ...
...and with Editha Knocker, a German-born and Joachim-trained violinist,...
Pinelli, Ettore (1843-1915), Italian violinist and conductor; studied with Joseph Joachim; co-founder, with Giovanni Sgambati, of a chamber music society.
Bianchi, [Giuseppe] Francesco (1752, Cremona, Italy, to 27 November 1810, Hammersmith, near London, England). Italian composer. He studied in Naples under Niccolò Jommelli,...