List of star extremes

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A star is a massive luminous spheroid astronomical object made of plasma that is held together by its own gravity. Stars exhibit great diversity in their properties (such as mass, volume, velocity, stage in stellar evolution, and distance from Earth) and some of the outliers are so disproportionate in comparison with the general population that they are considered extreme. This is a list of such stars.


Records that are regarded as authoritative and unlikely to change at any given point are recorded on a white background, while those that could change with new information and/or discoveries are recorded on a grey background.

Age and distance

TitleObjectDateDataCommentsNotesRefsSee more
Nearest star Sun 3rd century BC1 AU Our local star's distance was first determined in the 3rd century BC by Aristarchus of Samos. Reported for reference
Second-nearest star Proxima Centauri 19151.30 pc Also called Alpha Centauri C, it is the outlying star in a trinary star system that includes Alpha Centauri A (Rigil Kentaurus) and Alpha Centauri B (Toliman). This is currently the nearest known neighbouring star to our own Sun. This star was discovered in 1915, and its parallax was determined at the time, when enough observations were established. [NB 1] [1] [2] List of nearest stars and brown dwarfs
Most distant individually seen star WHL0137-LS (Earendel) 2022 z= 6.2 ± 0.1

12.9 Gly

[3] [4] List of the most distant astronomical objects
Most distant starStars in JADES-GS-z14-0 2024z= 13.27

13.6 Gly (light travel distance)
34 Gly (proper distance)

[5] List of the most distant astronomical objects
Most distant star gravitationally bound to Milky Way galaxy ULAS J0015+01 2014900,000 light-yearsLocated in the Milky Way's extreme outer halo, far beyond the galactic disc. [6]
Oldest star 2MASS J18082002−5104378 2018 13.53 billion years [7] [8] List of oldest stars
YoungestStars are being formed constantly in the universe so it is impossible to tell which star is the youngest. For information on the properties of newly formed stars, see Protostar , Young stellar object and Star formation .
Nearest stars by type
TitleObjectDateDataCommentsNotesRefsSee more
Nearest extrasolar star Proxima Centauri

(Alpha Centauri C)

19151.30 parsecs (4.2 ly)Before Proxima, the title had been held by Alpha Centauri A & B. [NB 1] [NB 2] [9] [10]
Nearest red dwarf Before Proxima, the title had been held by Barnard's Star
Nearest degenerate star Sirius B 18528.6 light-years (2.6 pc)This is also the nearest white dwarf. [NB 3]
Nearest subdwarf Kapteyn's Star 189812.83 light-years (3.93 pc)Kapteyn's star is either a sdM1 subdwarf [11] or a M1.5V main-sequence star. [12] [13] WISEA 1810−1010 is the nearest undisputed subdwarf, at 29.03 light-years (8.90 pc). [14] [15]
Nearest borderline subgiant Procyon 11.5 light-years (3.5 pc)All stars closer to the Sun are main sequence, degenerate stars or brown dwarfs.
Nearest undisputed subgiant Delta Pavonis 19.9 light-years (6.1 pc)A subgiant, but only slightly brighter than the Sun.
Nearest "true" giant star Pollux 33.8 light-years (10.4 pc) List of nearest giant stars
Nearest red giant Arcturus 36.7 light-years (11.3 pc)
Nearest supergiant Canopus 309 light-years (95 pc)While it is frequently described as a yellow supergiant, especially in evolutionary terms, [16] it is classified as a bright giant based on spectrum. [17] [16] List of nearest supergiants
Nearest hypergiant μ Cephei (Herschel's Garnet Star)3,060 light-years (940 pc) [18]
Nearest carbon star CW Leonis 310 light-years (95 pc)
Nearest M-type star Proxima Centauri 19151.30 parsecs (4.2 ly) List of nearest M-type stars
Nearest K-type star Alpha Centauri B1.33 parsecs (4.3 ly) List of nearest K-type stars
Neraest G-type star Sun 1 AU List of nearest G-type stars
Nearest F-type star Procyon 11.46 light-years (3.51 pc) [19] List of nearest F-type stars
Nearest A-type star Sirius 8.6 light-years (2.6 pc) List of nearest A-type stars
Nearest B-type star Regulus 79.3 light-years (24.3 pc) [20] List of nearest B-type stars
Nearest O-type star Zeta Ophiuchi 420 light-years (130 pc) [21] List of nearest O-type stars
Nearest Wolf–Rayet star Gamma Velorum 1,080 light-years (330 pc)
Nearest neutron star RX J1856.35-3754 2000400 light-years (120 pc) [22] [23] [24]
Nearest white dwarf Sirius B 18528.6 light-years (2.6 pc)Sirius B is also the second white dwarf discovered, after 40 Eridani B. [9] [25] [26]
Nearest brown dwarf Luhman 16 20136.5 light-years (2.0 pc)This is a pair of brown dwarfs in a binary system, with no other stars. [27]
Nearest Luminous Blue Variable P Cygni 5,251 light-years (1,610 pc) [28]

Brightness and power

TitleObjectDateDataCommentsNotesRefsSee more
Brightest star from the Earth: Apparent magnitude Sun prehistoric m=−26.74 Reported for reference
[NB 4] [NB 5]
Brightest star other than the Sun Sirius
(Alpha Canis Majoris)
prehistoricm= −1.46 [NB 4] [NB 5] [NB 6] [NB 1] List of brightest stars
Dimmest star from the Earth UDF 2457 m= 25 [NB 4] [NB 5]
Brightest star in a transient eventProgenitor of SN 1006 1006m= −7.5This was a supernova, and its remnant (SNR) is catalogued as PKS 1459-41 [NB 4] [NB 5] [NB 1] [29]
Most luminous star LGGS J004246.86+413336.4 2022L= 19,953,000 LSun [30] List of most luminous stars
Least luminous star 2MASS J0523−1403 2013L=0.000126LSun [NB 2] [NB 7] [31]
Most luminous star in a transient eventProgenitor of GRB 080916C 2008 V=−40The star exploded in a gamma-ray burst with the total energy equal to 9,000 supernovae [NB 8] List of gamma-ray bursts
Most energetic star R136a1 2010 B=-12.5 [NB 7] [32] List of most luminous stars
Most energetic star in a transient eventProgenitor of GRB 080916C 2008 [NB 7]
Hottest star WR 102 T= 200,000  K (200,000  °C ; 360,000  °F ) [33] List of hottest stars
Coolest star S Cassiopeiae T= 1,800 K (1,530 °C; 2,780 °F) [34] List of coolest stars
TitleObjectDateDataCommentsNotesRefsSee more
Hottest white dwarf RX J0439.8-6809 2015250,000 K (450,000 °F) [35] [36] [37]
Hottest neutron star PSR B0943+10 3,100,000 K (5,580,000 °F)Blackbody temperature of a small emitting area at the poles. [38]
Hottest brown dwarf ZTF J1406+1222 B 202210,462 K (10,189 °C; 18,372 °F) [39]
Coolest neutron star
Coolest white dwarf PSR J2222−0137 B2014<3,000 K (2,730 °C; 4,940 °F) [40] [37]
Coolest brown dwarf WISE 0855−0714 2014285 K (12 °C; 53 °F) [41] [42]

Size and mass

TitleObjectDateDataCommentsNotesRefsSee more
Largest apparent size star Sun prehistoric
(3rd century BC)
31.6 – 32.7′The apparent size of the Sun was first measured by Eratosthenes in the 3rd century BC, [43] who was the second person to measure the distance to the Sun. However, Thales of Miletus provided a measurement for the real size of the Sun in the 6th century BC, as 1720 the great circle of the Sun (the orbit of the Earth) [44] Reported for reference
[NB 5]
Largest extrasolar apparent size star R Doradus 19970.057" This replaced Betelgeuse as the largest, Betelgeuse having been the first star other than the Sun to have its apparent size measured. [NB 5] [NB 1] [45]
Smallest apparent size starMost distant stars to Earth [NB 5]
Largest star
HV 888
VY Canis Majoris
AH Scorpii
VX Sagittarii

Respective radii:
1,530 ± 370 [46] R
1,477 [47] —1,584 [48] R
1,420±120 [49] R
1,411±124 [50] R
1,360 [51] 1,480 [52] R

Five stars technically tied, within the error bars.

WOH G64 was the previous candidate [53] but was later found to be a smaller yellow hypergiant. [54]

[55] [56] List of largest known stars
Smallest star SGR J1935+2154 2024radius = 4.35+1.95
[57] (6.25×10−6R)
[58] List of smallest stars
Smallest main sequence star EBLM J0555-57Ab 20170.0844+0.0131
[NB 2] [59] [60] [61] [62]
Most massive star BAT99-98 or R136a1 2022, 2014226  M , 196+34
This exceeds the predicted limit of 150 M, previously believed to be the limit of stellar mass, according to the leading star formation theories. R136a1 considered the most massive known by the scientific community. [63] [NB 9] [64] [63] List of most massive stars
Least massive star DENIS J1048−3956 0.075  M [NB 2] [65] List of least massive stars
Most massive stars by type
TitleObjectDateDataCommentsNotesRefsSee more
Most massive brown dwarf Lup 607 2021105 MJupiter This is at the limit between brown dwarfs and red dwarfs. [66] [67] [68]
Most massive degenerate starThe most massive type of degenerate star is the neutron star. See Most massive neutron star for this recordholder. [NB 3]
Most massive neutron star PSR J0740+6620 20192.14 MSeveral candidates exist which have a higher mass, however their mass has been measured by less precise methods and as such their mass value is regarded as less certain. [69] List of most massive neutron stars
Most massive neutron star (disputed) PSR J1748-2021B20152.548 M [70]
Most massive white dwarf RE J0317-853/ZTF J1901+1458 1998/20201.35 MSun [71] [72]
Least massive stars by type
TitleObjectDateDataCommentsNotesRefsSee more
Least massive star DENIS J1048−3956 0.075  M [65] List of least massive stars
Least massive neutron star HESS J1731-347 20220.77  M [73] [74]
Least massive white dwarf NLTT 11748 20210.13–0.16  M [37]
Least massive brown dwarf(unnamed)20233 – 4  MJ Located in the star cluster IC 348 [75] [76] Sub-brown dwarf


TitleObjectDateDataCommentsNotesRefsSee more
Highest proper motion Barnard's Star 10.3  "/yr This is also the fourth closest star to the Solar System. [77] [78]
Lowest proper motion N/AN/A~0 "/yrBillions of stars on the other end of the galaxy
Highest radial velocity
Lowest radial velocity EY Aquarii2013-870 km/sMira variable [NB 10] [79]
Highest peculiar motion
Lowest peculiar motion
Highest rotational speed of a normal star VFTS 102 2013600 km/s [NB 2] [80]
Lowest rotational speed
Fastest velocity of a star S5-HVS1 20191,755 km/s [81] [82] [83] [84]

Star systems

TitleObjectDateDataCommentsNotesRefsSee more
Least stars in a star systemThere are many single star systems.
Most stars in a star system

QZ Carinae

Nonuple star system [85] System contains at least nine stars. [85] [NB 11] [85]
Stars in the closest orbit around one anotherThere are many stars that are in contact binary systems (where two or more stars are in physical contact with each other).
Stars in the most distant orbit around one another Regulus/SDSS J1007+19302024~3.9 parsecs (13 ly) [86]
Nearest multiple star system Alpha Centauri 18391.30 parsecs (4.2 ly)This was one of the first three stars to have its distance measured. [87] [88] [9] [89]
Nearest solitary star Barnard's Star 19161.83 parsecs (6.0 ly)
Nearest binary star system Luhman 16 20131.998 parsecs (6.52 ly)Brown dwarf binary system. The nearest non-brown dwarf binary is Sirius, and the nearest composed entirely of main-sequence stars is Luyten 726-8.
Nearest trinary star system Alpha Centauri 18391.38 parsecs (4.5 ly)Also nearest multiple star system, and nearest star system of any type
Nearest quaternary star system Gliese 570 5.88 parsecs (19.2 ly)K4 star orbited by a pair of M stars, all orbited by a T7 brown dwarf.
Nearest quintenary star system V1054 Ophiuchi 6.46 parsecs (21.1 ly)M3 star orbited by a pair of pair of M4 stars, together orbited by an M3.5 star, all orbited by an M7 star.
Nearest sextenary star system Castor 171815.6 parsecs (51 ly)A1 star orbited by a red dwarf, both orbited by another A star orbited by a red dwarf, all orbited by two red dwarfs orbiting each other.
Nearest septenary star system Nu Scorpii 150 parsecs (490 ly)A B3V star orbited by an unknown-type star, both orbited by another unknown star, together orbited by another unknown star, all orbited by a B9III star orbiting a pair of stars which are a B9III and unknown star.

See also


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 Other than the Sun
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 A normal star is a star that is past its protostar period, in its main fusion period, before becoming a degenerate star, black hole, or post-stellar nebula, and is not a failed star (brown dwarf).
  3. 1 2 Not including stellar-mass black holes or exotic stars
  4. 1 2 3 4 By visual magnitude (m)
  5. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 This is the appearance in the sky from Earth.
  6. This does not include brightest stars due to outbursts
  7. 1 2 3 Energetic here is the total electromagnetic energy emitted by a star in all wavelengths.
  8. Luminosity here represents how bright a star is if all stars were equally far away, in visible light.
  9. Not including stellar black holes
  10. Stars with particularly high radial velocities are usually erroneously recorded, so all large values should be taken with a grain of salt.
  11. The allowable distance between components of a star system is debated.


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