List of states during Late Antiquity

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Late Antiquity is a historiographical term for the historical period from c. 200 AD to c. 700 AD, which marks the transition from Classical Antiquity to the Middle Ages. Precise boundaries for the period are a matter of debate, but historian Peter Brown proposed a period between the 2nd and 8th centuries. While generally, it can be thought of as from the end of the Roman Empire's Crisis of the Third Century (c. 235–284) to the re-organization of the Eastern Roman Empire under Heraclius and the Muslim conquests in the mid-7th century,[ citation needed ] for the purposes of this page it will be considered the period 200 to 700 AD.


This list's the main types state that existed in Africa, Americas, Central Asia, East Asia, Europe, Eurasian Steppe, South Asia, and West Asia.

Political entities

Map of the Old World in 477 AD East-Hem 477ad.jpg
Map of the Old World in 477 AD
LocationNameCapital(s)State typeExisted
Central Africa Sao civilisation VariousTribal city states6th century BC – 16th century AD
Northern Africa Garamantes GaramaTribal Confederation/Empire500 BC – 700 AD
Northern Africa; West Asia; Western Europe Umayyad Caliphate Dammascus, HarranEmpire661–750 AD
Northern Africa, Southern Europe Vandal Kingdom CarthageKingdom435–534 AD
Northeast Africa Kingdom of Aksum AksumKingdomc.100 – c.940 AD
Northeast Africa Alodia SobaEmpire680–1504 AD
Northeast Africa Blemmyes Tribal Kingdom600 BC – 8th century AD
Northeast Africa Makuria DongolaKingdom340–1312 AD
Northeast Africa Nobatia PachorasKingdom350–650 AD
Northwest Africa Gaetulia Tribal confederationc. 350 BC – 550 AD
Northwest Africa Garmul AltavaKingdom530–578 AD
Northwest Africa Ouarsenis JedarsKingdom430–735 AD
West Africa Ghana Empire Koumbi SalehEmpirec. 400 – 1235 AD
Central America Maya VariousKingdom City States2000 BC – 900AD
Central America Zapotec VariousKingdom City States700 BC – 1521 AD
North America Cholula CholulaCity-state600 BC – 700 AD
North America Pueblo VariousTribal chiefdom's12th century BC – 14th century AD
North America Teotihuacan EmpireTeotihuacanEmpire100 BC – 8th century AD
North America Teuchitlán Various Chiefdoms350 BCE to 450/500 CE
South America Lima LimaKingdom100–650 AD
South America Moche Moche-Trujillo.United Independent Polities100–800 AD
South America Nazca VariousTribal chiefdom's100 BC – 800 AD
South America Tiwanaku empire TiwanakuEmpire300–1000 AD
South America Wari Empire HuariEmpire500–1100 AD
Balkans Avar Khaganate Khaganate567–804 AD
Balkans, West Asia; Northeast Africa Byzantine Empire ConstantinopleEmpire395–1453 AD
Balkans Gepids SirmiumKingdom454–567 AD
British Isles Ailech Grianán AilighKingdom450–1283 AD
British Isles Airgíalla ClogherTribal Federation/Kingdom331–1590 AD
British Isles Bernicia BamburghKingdom420–634 AD
British Isles Brycheiniog TalgarthKingdom450–1045 AD
British Isles Cai Tribal kingdom25–871 AD
British Isles Ce Tribal kingdom1st century – 900 AD
British Isles Ceredigion Kingdom475–680 AD
British Isles Connacht Tribal chiefdom/kingdomc. 10th century BC – 1474 AD
British Isles Dál Riata DunaddKingdom501–878 AD
British Isles Deira YorkKingdom559–664 AD
British Isles Dumnonia Isca DumnoniorumDukedom/principality290–875 AD
British Isles Dyfed Kingdom410–910 AD
British Isles Kingdom of East Anglia Rendlesham, DommocKingdom6th C – 918 AD
British Isles Elmet LoidisKingdom4th–7th century AD
British Isles Ergyng Kingdom5th–7th century AD
British Isles Essex Kingdom527–825 AD
British Isles Fortriu Tribal kingdom1–850 AD
British Isles Glywysing CardiffKingdom490–1063 AD
British Isles Gododdin Kingdom5th–8th century AD
British Isles Gwent Caerwent, Porth-is-CoedKingdom420–1081 AD
British Isles Gwynedd VariousKingdom420–1261 AD
British Isles Haestingas HastingsTribal kingdom6th century – 771 AD
British Isles Hwicce WorcesterKingdom577–780s AD
British Isles Kent DurovernumKingdom455–871 AD
British Isles Leinster Kingdom436–1632 AD
British Isles Lindsey LindumKingdom/Client410–775 AD
British Isles Meath DublinKingdom1st century – 1173 AD
British Isles Mercia TamworthKingdom527 – 918 AD
British Isles Kingdom of Northumbria BamburghKingdom653–954 AD
British Isles Osraige KilkennyKingdom150–1185 AD
British Isles Pictland Kingdom250 BC – 850 AD [1]
British Isles Powys VariousKingdom488–1160 AD
British Isles Rheged Kingdom550–650 AD
British Isles Kingdom of East Anglia Rendlesham, DommocKingdom512–927 AD
British Isles Seisyllwg Kingdom680–920 AD
British Isles Strathclyde Dumbarton, GovanKingdom450–1093 AD
British Isles Sussex SelseyKingdom477–860 AD
British Isles Tyrconnell Dun na nGallKingdom464–1607 AD
British Isles Wessex WinchesterKingdom519–1018 AD
British Isles Wihtwara WihtgarsburghKingdom512–927 AD
Eastern Europe Samo's Empire MoravaEmpire631–648 AD
Eastern Europe, Western Europe, Central Europe, Balkans Hunnic Empire Tribal Empire370s–469 AD
Eastern Europe, Central Asia Huns Nomadic confederation1st century – 370 AD
Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Caucasus Khazar Khaganate VariousNomadic Kingdom618–1048 AD
Eastern Europe Kutrigurs Nomadic confederation/client453 – 8th century AD
Eastern Europe Old Great Bulgaria Phanagoria Kingdom632–668 AD
Eastern Europe Venedae Tribal Confederation400 BC – 7th century AD
Eastern Europe Volga Bulgaria Bolghar, Bilär Kingdom660–1236 AD
Southern Europe Duchy of Benevento after 774, Principality of BeneventoBeneventoDukedom/Principality/Client571–1074 AD
Southern Europe Kingdom of the Lombards PaviaKingdom568–774 AD
Southern Europe Odoacer's Kingdom RavennaKingdom476–493 AD
Southern Europe Ostrogothic Kingdom RavennaKingdom493–553 AD
Southern Europe, Western Europe, Balkans, British Isles; Northern Africa; West Asia Roman Empire Rome, ConstantinopleEmpire27 BC – 1453 AD
Southern Europe San Marino San MarinoRepublic301 AD – present
Southern Europe Duchy of Tridentum BeneventoDukedom/Principality574–1802 AD
Western Europe Alamannia Kingdom213 AD–496 AD
Western Europe Alemanni Tribal Confederation85 BC – 213 AD
Western Europe Armorica Kingdom/dukedom343–1532 AD
Western Europe Austrasia MetzKingdom511–751 AD
Western Europe Bavaria Dukedom508–788 AD
Western Europe Kingdom of the Burgundians Borbetomagus, LugdunumKingdom410–534 AD
Western Europe Carantania KarnburgPrincipality658–828 AD
Western Europe Cornouaille Principality430–1084 AD
Western Europe Francia Tournai, ParisKingdom/Empire481–843 AD
Western Europe Franks VariousTribal Confederation210–481 AD
Western Europe Frisian Kingdom Dorestad, UtrechtKingdom600–734 AD
Western Europe Kingdom of Galicia Santiago de CompostelaKingdom409–1833 AD
Western Europe Poher VorgiumPrincipality520–936 AD
Western Europe Raetia Curiensis ChurBishopric (religious state)452–1160 AD
Western Europe Rugiland VindobonaKingdom467–487 AD
Western Europe Saxons (Continental)Tribal confederation5th century BC – 754 AD
Western Europe Kingdom of Soissons NoviodunumKingdom457 – 486 AD
Western Europe Suebi Tribal Confederation60 BC – 409 AD
Western Europe Kingdom of the Suebi BragaKingdom409–585 AD
Western Europe Visigothic Kingdom VariousKingdom418–720 AD
Southern Europe, Western Europe, British Isles; Northern Africa Western Roman Empire Mediolanum, RavennaEmpire395–476 AD
Caucasus Arminiya DvinPrincipality/client653–884 AD
Caucasus Caspiane Tribal Kingdom/Client650 BC – 387 AD
Caucasus Caucasian Albania Kabalak, PartavKingdom/Client65 BC – 628 AD
Caucasus Kingdom of Iberia VariousKingdom302 BC – 580 AD
Caucasus Principality of Iberia TbilisiPrincipality580–891 AD
Caucasus Lazica PhasisKingdom/client1st century BC – 7th century AD
Caucasus Sarir HumrajKingdom/Client453 – 12th century AD
West Asia Adiabene ArbelaKingdom/Client15–379 AD
West Asia Armenia VanKingdom553 BC – 428 AD
West Asia Corduene Principality/kingdom/client800 BC – 653 AD
West Asia Ghassanid Balka, Harith, Petra, SideirKingdom/Client220–712 AD
West Asia Kindah Qaryat Dhāt KāhilTribal kingdom2nd century BC – 525 AD
West Asia Lakhmids Al-HirahKingdom300–602 AD
West Asia; Northeast Africa Rashidun Caliphate Medina, KuffaEmpire632–661 AD
West Asia, Central Asia, Caucasus Sasanian Empire Estakhr, CtesiphonEmpire224–637 AD
West Asia Zabdicene Principality/client780 BC – 5th century AD
Central Asia Afrighids KathKingdom/Client305–995 AD
Central Asia Alchon Huns KapisaKingdom370–670 AD
Central Asia Fergana KhokandKingdom220 BC – 590 AD
Central Asia Hephthalite Empire VariousEmpire408–670 AD
Central Asia Kangju Tribal Federation280 BC – 585 AD
Central Asia Kidarites Bactria, Peshawar, TaxilaKingdom320–467 AD
Central Asia Khotan KhotanKingdom56–1006 AD
Central Asia Kucha KuchaBuddhist Kingdom46–658 AD
Central Asia Nezak Huns Ghazna, KapisaKingdom484–665 AD
Central Asia Patola Shahis GilgitBuddhist Kingdom6th–8th century AD
Central Asia Shanshan Kingdom92 BC –445 AD
Central Asia Shule Kingdom KashgarKingdom200 BC–790 AD
Central Asia, East Asia Rouran Khaganate Confederation330–555 AD
Central Asia Sumpa Tribal chiefdom/client1600 BC – 7th century AD
East Asia, Central Asia Tang dynasty Chang'an, LuoyangEmpire618–907 AD
Central Asia, East Asia Tibetan Empire Lhasa, Pho brangEmpire618–907 AD
Central Asia Turgesh KhaganateBalasagunNomadic Empire699–766 AD
Central Asia, East Asia First Turkic Khaganate Ordu BaliqConfederation552–747 AD
Central Asia Turpan TurpanBuddhist Kingdom480–640 AD
Central Asia Tuyuhun FuqiNomadic Kingdom285–670 AD
Central Asia Xionites Tribal federation320 – late 5th century AD
East Africa, Central Africa Yueban Tribal confederation160–490 AD
South Asia Andhra Ikshvaku VijayapuriKingdom3rd–4th century
South Asia Aulikara dynasty MandsaurKingdom4th century–550 AD
South Asia Ay AykudiKingdom4th century BC – 12th century AD
South Asia Kingdom of Bumthang Chakhar GuthoKingdom7th–17th centuries AD
South Asia Chalukya dynasty BadamiKingdom543–753 AD
South Asia Chera Kingdom Kingdom5th century BC – 1102 AD
South Asia Davaka kingdom LankaKingdom?–6th century AD
South Asia Eastern Chalukyas Vengi, RajamundryKingdom624–1129 AD
South Asia Eastern Ganga dynasty VariousKingdom493–1947 AD
South Asia Gauda Kingdom KarnasuvarnaKingdom590–626 AD
South Asia Gupta Empire PataliputraEmpire320–620 AD
South Asia Gurjara-Pratihara KannaujEmpire650–1036 AD
South Asia Harsha KanaujEmpire606–647 AD
South Asia Kabul Shahi Kabul, WaihindKingdom/Empire6th century – 1026 AD
South Asia Kadamba dynasty BanavasiKingdom345–540 AD
South Asia Kamarupa VariousKingdom350–1140 AD
South Asia Maitraka VallabhiEmpire475–767 AD
South Asia Maukhari KannaujEmpire550s – 8th century AD
South Asia Mushika EzhimalaiKingdom3rd century BC – 4th century AD
South Asia Nala dynasty PushkariKingdom6th century AD
South Asia Pallava Empire KanchiEmpire250 BC – 800 AD
South Asia Pundra PundravardhanaKingdom1300 BC – 550 AD
South Asia Rai dynasty ArorEmpire489–690 AD
South Asia Rajarata VariousKingdom377 BC – 1310 AD
South Asia Ruhuna MagamaPrincipality200 BC – 450 AD
South Asia Sharabhapuriya dynasty SharabhapuraKingdom5th–6th century AD
South Asia Taank Kingdom ShekiloKingdom550–700 AD
South Asia Traikutaka dynasty Kingdom388–456 AD
South Asia Vakataka Empire AmaravatiEmpire230 BC – 230 AD
South Asia Varman dynasty KannaujKingdom725–770 AD
South Asia Vishnukundina IndrapalanagaraEmpire420–624 AD
South Asia Western Ganga dynasty Kolar, TalakadKingdom350–1000 AD
South Asia Western Satraps Ozone, BarygazaKingdom35–405 AD
Southeast Asia Champa VariousKingdom192–1832 AD
Southeast Asia Chenla Kingdom Bhavapura, IsanapuraKingdom550–706 AD
Southeast Asia Chi Tu Kingdom100 BC – 7th century AD
Southeast Asia Funan VariousKingdom60–550 AD
Southeast Asia Gangga Negara Gangga NegaraKingdom2nd–11th centuries AD
Southeast Asia Langkasuka Kedah, PattaniKingdom100–1516 AD
Southeast Asia Lavo Kingdom Lavo, AyodhayaKingdom450–1388 AD
Southeast Asia Melayu Kingdom JambiKingdom4th–13th centuries AD
Southeast Asia Pyu city-states Sri KsetraFederated City States250 BC – 1085 AD
Southeast Asia Samaskuta Kingdom Kingdom?–416 AD
Southeast Asia Tarumanagara SundapuraKingdom358–669 AD
Southeast Asia Thaton Kingdom ThatonKingdom300 BC–1085 AD
Southeast Asia, Vietnam Vạn Xuân LongbianKingdom544–602 AD
East Asia, China Cao Wei VariousKingdom220–265 AD
East Asia, China Chen dynasty JiankangKingdom557–589 AD
East Asia, China Cheng Han ChengduKingdom304–347 AD
East Asia, China Chouchi LüeyangPrincipality184–511 AD
East Asia, China Duan Tribal Chiefdom/Dukedom250–338 AD
East Asia, China Eastern Wei Luoyang, YechengKingdom534–550 AD
East Asia, China Eastern Wu Wuchang, JianyeKingdom229–280 AD
East Asia, China Former Zhao LishiKingdom304–329 AD
East Asia, China Jin LuoyangEmpire266–420 AD
East Asia, China Khitans ShangjingKingdom/Client388 – 1211 AD
East Asia, China Liang dynasty Jiankang, JianglingKingdom502–557 AD
East Asia, China Liu Song dynasty JiankangEmpire420–479 AD
East Asia, China Mu'ege MugebaizhageChiefdom300–1698 AD
East Asia, China Northern Liang JiankangKingdom/Client397–460 AD
East Asia, China Northern Qi YechengKingdom550–577 AD
East Asia, China Northern Wei ShengleEmpire386–585 AD
East Asia, China Northern Zhou Chang'anKingdom557–581 AD
East Asia, China Shu Han ChengduKingdom221–263 AD
East Asia, China Southern Qi JiankangKingdom477–502 AD
East Asia, China Sui dynasty Dazing, later LuoyangKingdom581–618 AD
East Asia, China Western Liang JingzhouKingdom555–587 AD
East Asia, China Western Qin YongshichengKingdom385–431 AD
East Asia, China Western Wei Chang'anKingdom535–557 AD
East Asia, Japan JapanVariousEmpire660 BC – present
East Asia, Korean Peninsula Baekje VariousKingdom18 BC – 660 AD
East Asia, Korean Peninsula Balhae DongmoEmpire698–926 AD
East Asia, Korean Peninsula Buyeo BuyeoseongKingdom189 BC – 494 AD
East Asia, Korean Peninsula Dongye Chiefdom3rd century BC – 5th century AD
East Asia, Korean Peninsula Gaya confederacy GayaConfederacy42–562 AD
East Asia, Korean Peninsula Goguryeo VariousKingdom37 BC – 668 AD
East Asia, Korean Peninsula Mahan confederacy CheonanConfederacy98 BC – 250 AD
East Asia, Korean Peninsula Okjeo Tribal state2nd century BC – 5th century AD
East Asia, Korean Peninsula Samhan Confederacy1st century BC – 4th century AD
East Asia, Korean Peninsula Siljik Kingdom102 – 6th century AD
East Asia, Korean Peninsula Silla GyeongjuKingdom55 BC – 935 AD
East Asia, Korean Peninsula Usan Kingdom512–930 AD

See also

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  1. Salway, Peter. "Gaelic Kingdoms: Kingdoms of Caledonia". 2014. The History Files. Retrieved 13 June 2014.