Amateur radio frequency allocations

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Amateur radio frequency allocation is done by national telecommunication authorities. Globally, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) oversees how much radio spectrum is set aside for amateur radio transmissions. Individual amateur stations are free to use any frequency within authorized frequency ranges; authorized bands may vary by the class of the station license.


Radio amateurs use a variety of transmission modes, including Morse code, radioteletype, data, and voice. Specific frequency allocations vary from country to country and between ITU regions as specified in the current ITU HF frequency allocations for amateur radio. [1] The list of frequency ranges is called a band allocation, which may be set by international agreements, and national regulations. The modes and types of allocations within each frequency band is called a bandplan; it may be determined by regulation, but most typically is set by agreements between amateur radio operators.

National authorities regulate amateur usage of radio bands. Some bands may not be available or may have restrictions on usage in certain countries or regions. International agreements assign amateur radio bands which differ by region. [2] [3]

Band characteristics

Low frequency

Just below the Asian and European longwave broadcast band and far below the commercial AM broadcast band.

Medium frequency

Just below the commercial AM broadcast band and the maritime radio band.
Just above the commercial AM broadcast band. Allocations in this band vary widely from country to country; it was formerly shared with the largely defunct Loran-A radionavigation system.
This band is often taken up as a technical challenge, since long distance (DX) propagation tends to be more difficult due to higher D layer ionospheric absorption. Long-distance propagation tends to occur only at night, and the band can be notoriously noisy particularly in the summer months.
160 metres is also known as the "top band". For many years it was the longest-wavelength amateur band; although often included among the shortwaves, it is actually located near the top end of the medium frequency band.

High frequency

Most of the customary band names given below are only nominal wavelengths, not actual wavelengths. For example:
  • In the western hemisphere the nominal 80 m band actually ranges between about 85.7–74.9 m, and the international portion from 85.7–83.3 m.
  • The nominal "17 m" band actually covers 16.6–16.5 m.
  • The nominal "15 m" band actually ranges from 14.28–13.98 m. By common sense, the "15 m" band ought to be called "14 m", but that name has been in longtime use for a shortwave broadcast band.
Best at night, with significant daytime signal absorption. Works best in winter, due to atmospheric noise from hemispheric thunder storms during summer. Only countries in the Americas and few others have access to all of this band; in other parts of the world amateurs are limited to the bottom 300 kHz (or less) (85.65–83.28 m).
In the US and Canada the portion of the band from 3.600–4.000 MHz, regulation permits use of single-sideband voice as well as AM voice; this sub-band is often referred to as "the 75 metre band", in part to distinguish it from the internationally available frequencies below it.
A relatively new allocation and originally only available in a small number of countries such as the United States, United Kingdom, Ireland, Norway, Denmark, and Iceland, but now continuing to expand. In most (but not all) countries, the allocation is broken into channels and may require a special licensing request.
Five 2.8 kHz-wide channels are available in the U.S., centered on 5.332, 5.348, 5.368, 5.373, and 5.405 MHz. Since most radios in SSB mode display the (suppressed) carrier frequency, in USB mode the dial frequencies would all need to be set 1.5 kHz lower. Voice operation is generally in upper sideband mode, which is mandatory in the U.S. . The U.S. and Canada allow 100 Watts in the currently available channels.
The 2015 ITU World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-15) approved a new worldwide frequency allocation of 5.351.5–5.366.5 MHz to the amateurs on a secondary basis. The allocation limits amateur stations to 15 watts effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP); however some locations will be permit up to 25 W EIRP.
Considered the most reliable all-season long distance (DX) band. Popular for DX at night, 40 metres is also reliable for medium distance (1,500 km / 1,000 miles) contacts during the day. Much of this band was shared with broadcasters, and in most countries the bottom 100 kHz or 200 kHz are available to amateurs. However, due to the high cost of running high-power commercial broadcasting facilities, decreased listenership, and increasing competition from Internet-based international broadcast services, many shortwave broadcasting services are being shut down, leaving the 40 metre band free of other users for amateur radio use.
A very narrow band, which is shared with non-amateur services. It is recommended that only Morse code and data transmissions be used here, and in some countries amateur voice transmission is actually prohibited.
For example, in the US, data, RTTY, and CW are the only modes allowed at a maximum 200 W peak envelope power (PEP) output. Not released for amateur use in a small number of countries.
Due to its location in the centre of the shortwave spectrum, this band provides significant opportunities for long-distance communication at all points of the solar cycle. 30 metres is a WARC band. "WARC" bands are so called due to the 1979 special World Administrative Radio Conference allocation of these newer bands to amateur radio use. Amateur radio contests are not run on the WARC bands.
Considered the most popular DX band; usually most popular during daytime. QRP operators recognize 14.060 MHz as their primary calling frequency within the band. Users of the PSK31 data mode tend to congregate around 14.070 MHz. Analog SSTV activity centers on 14.230 MHz.
Similar to 20 metres, but more sensitive to solar propagation minima and maxima. 17 metres is a WARC band.
Most useful during solar maximum, and generally a daytime band. Daytime sporadic E propagation (1,500 km / 1,000 miles) occasionally occurs on this band.
Mostly useful during daytime, but opens up for DX activity at night, during solar maximum. 12 metres is one of the WARC bands. Propagates via sporadic E and by F2 propagation.
Best long distance (e.g., across oceans) activity is during solar maximum; during periods of moderate solar activity the best activity is found at low latitudes. The band offers useful short to medium range groundwave propagation, day or night.
Due to Sporadic E propagation during the late spring and most of the summer, regardless of sunspot numbers, afternoon short band openings into small geographic areas of up to 1,500 km (1,000 miles) occur. Sporadic E is caused by areas of intense ionization in the E layer of the ionosphere. The causes of sporadic E are not fully understood, but these "clouds" of ionization can provide short-term propagation from 17 metres all the way up to occasional 2 metre openings. FM operations are normally found at the high end of the band (Also repeaters are in the 29.500–29.700 MHz segment in many countries).

Very-high frequencies and ultra-high frequencies

Frequencies above 30 MHz are referred to as Very High Frequency (VHF) region and those above 300 MHz are called Ultra High Frequency (UHF). The allocated bands for amateurs are many megahertz wide, allowing for high-fidelity audio transmission modes (FM) and very fast data transmission modes that are unfeasible for the kilohertz-wide allocations in the HF bands.

8 metres 40–45 MHzin parts of ITU Region 1
6 metres 50–54 MHz
 50–52 MHzIn parts of ITU Region 1
5 metres 58.0–60.1 MHzin parts of ITU Region 1
4 metres 70–70.5 MHzin parts of ITU Region 1
2 metres 144–148 MHz
 144–146 MHzITU Region 1
1.25 metres   219–220 MHz  Fixed digital message

forwarding systems

 222–225 MHzUS & Canada
70 centimetres 420–450 MHz
 430–440 MHzin ITU Region 1
33 centimetres 902–928 MHzin ITU Region 2
23 centimetres 1 240–1 300 MHz
 1 240–1 325 MHzin UK
13 centimetres 2 300–2 310 MHz  lower segment
 2 390–2 450 MHz  upper segment

While "line of sight" propagation is a primary factor for range calculation, much of the interest in the bands above HF comes from use of other propagation modes. A signal transmitted on VHF from a hand-held portable will typically travel about 5–10 km (3–6 miles) depending on terrain. With a low power home station and a simple antenna, range would be around 50 km (30 miles).

With a large antenna system like a long yagi, and higher power (typically 100 watts or more) contacts of around 1 000 km (600 miles) using the Morse code (CW) and single-sideband (SSB) modes are common. Ham operators seek to exploit the limits of the frequencies usual characteristics looking to learn, understand, and experiment with the possibilities of these enhanced propagation modes.

Sporadic band openings

Occasionally, several different ionospheric conditions allow signals to travel beyond the ordinary line-of-sight limits. Some amateurs on VHF seek to take advantage of "band openings" where natural occurrences in the atmosphere and ionosphere extend radio transmission distances well over their normal range. Many hams listen for hours hoping to take advantage of these occasional extended propagation "openings".

The ionospheric conditions are called sporadic E and anomalous enhancement. Less frequently used anomalous modes are tropospheric scatter and Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights). Moon bounce and satellite relay are also possible.

Sporadic E

Some openings are caused by islands of intense ionization of the upper atmosphere, known as the E Layer ionosphere. These islands of intense ionization are called "sporadic E" and result in erratic but often strong propagation characteristics on the "low[er] band" VHF radio frequencies.

The 6 metre amateur band falls into this category, often called "the magic band", will often "open up" from one small area into another small geographic area 1000–1700 km(600–1000 miles) away during the spring and early summer months. This phenomenon occurs during the fall months, although not as often.

Tropospheric refraction

Band openings are sometimes caused by a weather phenomenon known as a tropospheric "inversion", where a stagnant high pressure area causes alternating stratified layers of warm and cold air generally trapping the colder air beneath. This may make for smoggy or foggy days, but it also causes VHF and UHF radio transmissions to travel or duct along the boundaries of these warm/cold atmospheric layers. Radio signals have been known to travel hundreds, even thousands of kilometres (miles) due to these unique weather conditions.

For example: The longest distance reported contact due to tropospheric refraction on 2 metres is 4754 km(2954 miles) between Hawaii and a ship south of Mexico. There were reports of the reception of one way signals from Réunion to Western Australia, a distance of more than 6000 km(4000 miles). [4]

Tropo-scatter happens when water droplets and dust particles refract a VHF or UHF signal over the horizon. Using relatively high power and a high gain antenna, this propagation will give marginal enhanced over-the-horizon VHF and UHF communications up to several hundred kilometres (miles). During the 1970s commercial "scatter site" operators using huge parabolic antennas and high power used this mode successfully for telephone communications services into northern remote Alaska and Canadian communities.

Satellite, buried fibre optic, and terrestrial microwave access have relegated commercial use of tropo-scatter to the history books. Because of high cost and complexity this mode is usually out of reach for the average amateur radio operator.

Anomalous trans-equatorial enhancement

F2 and TE band openings from other ionospheric reflection/refraction modes, or sky-wave propagation as it is known can also occasionally occur on the low band VHF frequencies of 6 or 4 metres, and very rarely on 2 metres (high band VHF) during extreme peaks in the 11 year sunspot cycle.

The longest terrestrial contact ever reported on 2 metres (146 MHz) was between a station in Italy and a station in South Africa, a distance of 7 784 km (4 837 miles), using trans-equatorial anomalous enhancement (TE) of the ionosphere over the geomagnetic equator. This enhancement is known as TE, or trans-equatorial propagation and (usually) occurs at latitudes 2 500–3 000 km (1500–1900 miles) within either side of the equator. [5]

Auroral backscatter

An intense solar storm causing aurora borealis (northern lights) will also provide occasional propagation enhancement to HF-low (6-metre) band radio waves. Aurorae only occasionally affect signals on the 2 metre band. Signals are often distorted and on the lower frequencies give a curious "watery sound" to normally propagated HF signals. Peak signals usually come from the north, even if the signal originates from a station to the east or west of the receiver. This effect is most significant in the latitudes north of 45 degrees.

Moon bounce (Earth-Moon-Earth)

Amateurs do successfully communicate by bouncing their signals off the surface of the Moon, called Earth-Moon-Earth (EME) transmission.

The mode requires moderately high power (more than 500 watts) and a fairly large, high-gain antenna because round-trip path loss is on the order of 270 dB for 70 cm signals. Return signals are weak and distorted because of the relative velocities of the transmitting station, Moon and the receiving station. The Moon's surface is also very rocky and irregular.

Because of the weak, distorted return signals, Moon bounce communications use digital modes. For example, old-fashioned Morse code or modern JT65, designed for working with weak signals.

Satellite relay

Satellite relay is not really a propagation mode, but rather an active repeater system. Satellites have been highly successful in providing VHF/UHF/SHF users "propagation" beyond the horizon.

Amateurs have sponsored the launch of dozens of communications satellites since the 1970s. These satellites are usually known as OSCARs (Orbiting Satellite Carrying Amateur Radio). Also, the ISS has amateur radio repeaters and radio location services on board.

Amateur television

Amateur television (ATV) is the hobby of transmitting broadcast-compatible video and audio by amateur radio. It also includes the study and building of such transmitters and receivers and the propagation between these two.

In NTSC countries, ATV operation requires the ability to use a 6 MHz wide channel. All bands at VHF or lower are less than 6 MHz wide, so ATV operation is confined to UHF and up. Bandwidth requirements will vary from this for PAL and SECAM transmissions.

ATV operation in the 70 cm band is particularly popular, because the signals can be received on any cable-ready television. Operation in the 33 cm and 23 cm bands is easily augmented by the availability of various varieties of consumer-grade wireless video devices that exist and operate in unlicensed frequencies coincident to these bands.

Repeater ATV operation requires specially-equipped repeaters.

Below the MW broadcast band

Historically, amateur stations have rarely been allowed to operate on frequencies lower than the medium-wave broadcast band, but in recent times, as the historic users of these low frequencies have been vacating the spectrum, limited space has opened up to allow for new amateur radio allocations and special experimental operations.

Since parts of the 500 kHz band are no longer used for regular maritime communications,[ citation needed ] some countries permit amateur radio radiotelegraph operations in that band. Many countries, however, continue to restrict these frequencies which were historically reserved for maritime and aviation distress calls. [6]

The 2200 metre band is available for use in several countries, and the 2007 World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-07) recommended it as a worldwide amateur allocation. Before the introduction of the 2200 metre band in the U.K. in 1998, operation on the even lower frequency of 73 kHz, in the LF time signal band, was allowed from 1996–2003.

ITU Region 1

ITU Region 1 corresponds to Europe, Russia, Africa and the Middle East. For ITU region 1, Radio Society of Great Britain's band plan will be more definitive (click on the buttons at the bottom of the page).

Table of amateur MF and HF bandplans

The following charts show the voluntary bandplans used by amateurs in ITU Region 1. Unlike the US, slots for the various transmission modes are not set by the amateur's license but most users do follow these guidelines.

160 metres

160 metres 1810 – 18381838 – 18401840 – 18431843 – 2000
IARU Region 1

80 metres

80 metres 3500 – 35703570 – 36003600 – 36203620 – 3800
IARU Region 1

60 metres

60 metres 5258.5 – 52645276 – 52845288 – 52925298 – 53075313 – 53235333 – 53385351.5 – 5366.5, UK 5354 – 53585362 – 5374.55378 – 53825395 – 5401.55403.5 – 5406.5
IARU R1 (WRC-15) & UKWRC-15 alloc.
Also additional channels allocated to WRC-15 Band (or channel) for Bahrain*, North Macedonia, [7] Portugal, Republic of Ireland and Israel.
60 metres 5250 – 5450
Bulgaria, Denmark
5370 – 5450 Estonia, 5260 – 5410 Norway, 5275 – 5450 Kenya, 5060 – 5450 Somalia.

40 metres

40 metres 7000 – 70407040 – 70507050 – 70607060 – 71007100 – 7200
IARU Region 1
Note: 7000 – 7300 Somalia

30 metres

30 metres 10100 – 1013010130 – 10150
IARU Region 1

20 metres

20 metres 14000 – 1407014070 – 14099B14101 – 14350
IARU Region 1

17 metres

17 metres 18068 – 1809518095 – 18109B18111 – 18168
IARU Region 1

15 metres

15 metres 21000 – 2107021070 – 2111021110 – 2112021120 – 21149B21151 – 21450
IARU Region 1

12 metres

12 metres 24890 – 2491524915 – 24929B24931 – 24990
IARU Region 1

10 metres

10 metres 28000 – 2807028070 – 28190B28225 – 2920029200 – 2930029300 – 2951029510 – 29700
IARU Region 1


   CW and data ( 200 Hz bandwidth).
   CW, RTTY and data ( 500 Hz bandwidth).
   CW, RTTY, data, NO SSB ( 2.7 kHz).
   CW, phone and image ( 3 kHz bandwidth) SECONDARY.
   CW, phone and image ( 3 kHz bandwidth).
   CW, data, packet, FM, phone and image ( 20 kHz bandwidth).
   CW, RTTY, data, test, phone and image.
  Reserved for satellite links.
  Reserved for beacons.

ITU Region 2

ITU Region 2 consists of the Americas, including Greenland.

The frequency allocations for hams in ITU Region 2 are:

ITU bandBand nameFrequencies (kHz/MHz/GHz)
Lower endUpper end
5, LF (kHz) 2200 metres 135.7 kHz137.8 kHz
1750 metres Power restricted, but no license required in
unallocated 160190 kHz broadcast band.
6, MF (kHz) 630 metres 472 kHz479 kHz
160 metres 18002000
7, HF (MHz) 80 metres 3.5 MHz4.0 MHz
60 metres Channelized: 5.332, 5.348, 5.358.5, 5.373, 5.405
or 5.351.55.366.5 or 5.2505.450
40 metres 7.07.3
30 metres 10.110.15
20 metres 14.0014.35
17 metres 18.06818.168
15 metres 2121.45
12 metres 24.8924.99
10 metres 28.029.7
8, VHF (MHz) 6 metres 50 MHz54 MHz
2 metres 144148
1.25 metres 219220
9, UHF 70 centimetres 420 MHz450 MHz
33 centimetres 902928
23 centimetres 12401300
13 centimetres 23002310
10, SHF (GHz) 9 centimetres 3.3 GHz3.5 GHz
5 centimetres 5.6505.925
3 centimetres 10.010.5
1.2 centimetres 24.0024.25
11, EHF 6 millimetres 47.047.2
4 millimetres 75.581.0
2.5 millimetres 122.5123.0
2 millimetres 134141
1 millimetre 241250

Special note on the channelled 60 metre band

(ARRL 60 meter operations )

The primary (first priority) user of the channelled 60 meter band is the U.S. National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA). Effective 5 March 2012 the FCC permits CW, USB, and certain digital modes on these frequencies by amateurs on a secondary basis.

The FCC Report and Order permits the use of digital modes that comply with emission designator “60H0J2B”, which includes PSK31 as well as any RTTY signal with a bandwidth of less than 60 Hz. The Report and Order also allows the use of modes that comply with emission designator “2K80J2D”, which includes any digital mode with a bandwidth of 2.8 kHz or less whose technical characteristics have been documented publicly, per Part 97.309(4) of the FCC Rules. Such modes would include PACTOR  I, II, or III, 300  baud packet, MFSK, MT63, Contestia, Olivia, DominoEX, and others.

On 60 meters, hams are restricted to only one signal per channel, and automatic operation is not permitted. In addition, the FCC continues to require that all digital transmissions be centred on the channel-centre frequencies, which the Report and Order defines as being 1.5 kHz above the suppressed carrier frequency of a transceiver operated in the upper side-band (USB) mode. As amateur radio equipment displays the carrier frequency, it is important for operators to understand correct frequency calculations for digital "sound-card" modes to ensure compliance with the channel-center requirement.

The ARRL has a "detailed band plan" for US hams showing allocations within each band.

RAC has a "chart showing the frequencies available to amateurs in Canada". 21 June 2017.

Table of amateur MF and HF allocations in the United States and Canada

160 m 1800 – 2000
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Flag of the United States.svg  United States 1800 – 2000
General, Advanced, Extra
80 / 75 m 3500 – 4000
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Flag of the United States.svg  United States 3500 – 35253525 – 36003600 – 37003700 – 38003800 – 4000
Novice / Technician
60 m5330 – 5406
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada 5332.05348.05358.55373.05405.0
Flag of the United States.svg  United States 5332.05348.05358.55373.05405.0
General, Advanced, Extra
Basic (hon.), Code, Adv.
Note: US licensees operating 60 m are limited to 100 watts PEP ERP relative to a 1/2 wave dipole.

Canadian operators are restricted to 100 watts PEP. [8]

40 m 7000 – 7300
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Flag of the United States.svg  United States 7000 – 70257025 – 71257125 – 71757175 – 7300
Novice / Technician
30 m 10100-10150
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Flag of the United States.svg  United States
Note: US limited to General, Advanced and Extra licensees; 200 watts PEP
20 m 14000 – 14350
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Flag of the United States.svg  United States 14000-1402514025-1415014150-1417514175-1422514225-14350
17 m 18068 – 18168
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Flag of the United States.svg  United States 18068 – 1811018110 – 18168
General, Advanced, Extra
15 m 21000 – 21450
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Flag of the United States.svg  United States 21000 – 2102521025 – 2120021200 – 2122521225 – 2127521275 – 21450
Novice / Technician
12 m 24890 – 24990
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Flag of the United States.svg  United States 24890 – 2493024930 – 24990
General, Advanced, Extra
10 m 28000 – 29700
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada
Flag of the United States.svg  United States 28000 – 2830028300 – 2850028500 – 29700
Novice / Technician
General, Advanced, Extra
Note: The 10 metre table is one-third scale, relative to the other tables


   CW, RTTY and data (US: ≤ 1 kHz bandwidth).
   CW, RTTY, data, MCW, phone (AM and SSB), and image (narrow band SSTV modes only).
   CW, phone and image.
   CW and SSB phone (US: Novice & Technician 200 watts PEP only).
   CW, RTTY, data, phone and image.
   CW (US: Novice & Technician 200 watts PEP only).
   CW, Upper sideband suppressed carrier phone, 2.8 kHz bandwidth (2K80J3E) data (60H0J2B and 2K80J2D), 100 watts ERP referenced to a 12 wave dipole.
   CW, RTTY and data (US: ≤ 1 kHz bandwidth; Novice & Technician 200 watts PEP).

ITU Region 3

ITU region 3 consists of Australia, Indonesia, Japan, New Zealand, the South Pacific, and Asia south of Siberia. The IARU frequency allocations for hams in ITU Region 3 [9] are:

ITU bandBand nameFrequencies (MHz)
Lower endUpper end
5, LF 2200 metres 135.7 kHz137.8 kHz
6, MF 630 metres 472 kHz479 kHz
160 metres 1.82.0
7, HF 80 metres 3.53.9
60 metres 5.351.55.366.5
40 metres 7.07.3
30 metres 10.110.15
20 metres 1414.35
17 metres 18.06818.168
15 metres 2121.45
12 metres 24.8924.99
10 metres 2829.7
8, VHF 6 metres 5054
2 metres 144148
9, UHF 70 centimetres 430450
23 centimetres 12401300

Bands above 1300 MHz: societies should consult with the amateur satellite community for proposed satellite operating frequencies before deciding local bandplans above 1300 MHz.

Not all Member Unions follow this plan. As an example, the ACMA does not allow Australian Amateurs to use 3.700 MHz to 3.768 MHz and 3.800 MHz to 3.900 MHz, allocating this region to Emergency and Ambulatory services (Allocations can be found conducting a search of the ACMA Radcomms register . )

The Wireless Institute of Australia has charts for Amateur frequencies for Australia.

The New Zealand Association of Radio Transmitters (NZART) has charts for Amateur frequencies for New Zealand.

The Japanese have charts for Amateur frequencies in Japan [10]

Space operations

Radio amateurs may engage in satellite and space craft communications; however, the frequencies allowed for such activities are allocated separately from more general use radio amateur bands.

Under the International Telecommunication Union's rules, all amateur radio operations may only occur within 50 kilometres (31 mi) of the Earth's surface. As such, the Amateur Radio Service is not permitted to engage in satellite operations; however, a sister radio service, called the Amateur Satellite Service, exists which allows satellite operations for the same purposes as the Amateur Radio Service.

In most countries, an amateur radio license conveys operating privileges in both services, and in practice, the legal distinction between the two services is transparent to the average licensee. The primary reason the two services are separate is to limit the frequencies available for satellite operations. Due to the shared nature of the amateur radio allocations internationally, and the nature of satellites to roam worldwide, the ITU does not consider all amateur radio bands appropriate for satellite operations. Being separate from the Amateur Radio Service, the Amateur Satellite Service receives its own frequency allocations. All the allocations are within amateur radio bands, and with one exception, the allocations are the same in all three ITU regions.

Some of the allocations are limited by the ITU in what direction transmissions may be sent (EG: "Earth-to-space" or up-links only). All amateur satellite operations occur within the allocations tabled below, except for AO-7, which has an up-link from 432.125 MHz to 432.175 MHz.

International amateur satellite frequency allocations
RangeBandLetter [a] Allocation [11] Preferred sub-bands [b] User status [11] Notes [11]
HF 40 m 7.000 – 7.100 MHzPrimary
20 m 14.000 – 14.250 MHzPrimary
17 m 18.068 – 18.168 MHzPrimaryEntire amateur radio band
15 m H 21.000 – 21.450 MHzPrimaryEntire amateur radio band
12 m 24.890 – 24.990 MHzPrimaryEntire amateur radio band
10 m A 28.000 – 29.700 MHz 29.300 – 29.510 MHzPrimaryEntire amateur radio band
VHF 2 m V144.000 – 146.000 MHz145.800 – 146.000 MHzPrimary
UHF 70 cm U435.000 – 438.000 MHzNIB [c]
23 cm L 1.260 – 1.270 GHzNIB [c] Only uplinks allowed
13 cm S 2.400 – 2.450 GHz 2.400 – 2.403 GHzNIB [c]
SHF 9 cm S2 3.400 – 3.410 GHzNIB [c] Not available in ITU region 1.
5 cm C 5.650 – 5.670 GHzNIB [c] Only uplinks allowed
5.830 – 5.850 GHzSecondaryOnly downlinks allowed
3 cm X 10.450 – 10.500 GHzSecondary
1.2 cm K 24.000 – 24.050 GHzPrimary
EHF [d] 6 mm R 47.000 – 47.200 GHzPrimaryEntire amateur radio band
4 mm 76.000 – 77.500 GHzSecondary
77.500 – 78.000 GHzPrimary
78.000 – 81.000 GHzSecondary
2 mm 134.000 – 136.000 GHzPrimaryEntire amateur radio band
136.000 – 141.000 GHzSecondary
1 mm 241.000 – 248.000 GHzSecondaryEntire amateur radio band
248.000 – 250.000 GHzPrimary
  1. AMSAT band letters. Not all bands have been assigned a letter by AMSAT.
  2. For some allocations, satellite operations are predominantly concentrated in a sub-band of the allocation.
  3. 1 2 3 4 5 Footnote allocation. Use is only allowed on a non-interference basis to other users, as per ITU footnote 5.282. [11]
  4. No amateur satellite operations have yet occurred at EHF; however, AMSAT's P3E is planned to have an R band down-link.

See also

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Very high frequency</span> Electromagnetic wave range of 30–300 MHz

Very high frequency (VHF) is the ITU designation for the range of radio frequency electromagnetic waves from 30 to 300 megahertz (MHz), with corresponding wavelengths of ten meters to one meter. Frequencies immediately below VHF are denoted high frequency (HF), and the next higher frequencies are known as ultra high frequency (UHF).

Radio propagation is the behavior of radio waves as they travel, or are propagated, from one point to another in vacuum, or into various parts of the atmosphere. As a form of electromagnetic radiation, like light waves, radio waves are affected by the phenomena of reflection, refraction, diffraction, absorption, polarization, and scattering. Understanding the effects of varying conditions on radio propagation has many practical applications, from choosing frequencies for amateur radio communications, international shortwave broadcasters, to designing reliable mobile telephone systems, to radio navigation, to operation of radar systems.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">FM broadcast band</span> Radio broadcast band

The FM broadcast band is a range of radio frequencies used for FM broadcasting by radio stations. The range of frequencies used differs between different parts of the world. In Europe and Africa and in Australia and New Zealand, it spans from 87.5 to 108 megahertz (MHz) - also known as VHF Band II - while in the Americas it ranges from 88 to 108 MHz. The FM broadcast band in Japan uses 76 to 95 MHz, and in Brazil, 76 to 108 MHz. The International Radio and Television Organisation (OIRT) band in Eastern Europe is from 65.9 to 74.0 MHz, although these countries now primarily use the 87.5 to 108 MHz band, as in the case of Russia. Some other countries have already discontinued the OIRT band and have changed to the 87.5 to 108 MHz band.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Digital Radio Mondiale</span> Digital radio broadcasting standard

Digital Radio Mondiale is a set of digital audio broadcasting technologies designed to work over the bands currently used for analogue radio broadcasting including AM broadcasting—particularly shortwave—and FM broadcasting. DRM is more spectrally efficient than AM and FM, allowing more stations, at higher quality, into a given amount of bandwidth, using xHE-AAC audio coding format. Various other MPEG-4 codecs and Opus are also compatible, but the standard now specifies xHE-AAC.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">PSK31</span> Type of radioteletype mode

PSK31 or "Phase Shift Keying, 31 Baud", also BPSK31 and QPSK31, is a popular computer-sound card-generated radioteletype mode, used primarily by amateur radio operators to conduct real-time keyboard-to-keyboard chat, most often using frequencies in the high frequency amateur radio bands (shortwave). PSK31 is distinguished from other digital modes in that it is specifically tuned to have a data rate close to typing speed, and has an extremely narrow bandwidth, allowing many conversations in the same bandwidth as a single voice channel. This narrow bandwidth makes better use of the RF energy in a very narrow space thus allowing relatively low-power equipment to communicate globally using the same skywave propagation used by shortwave radio stations.

The International Telecommunication Union uses an internationally agreed system for classifying radio frequency signals. Each type of radio emission is classified according to its bandwidth, method of modulation, nature of the modulating signal, and type of information transmitted on the carrier signal. It is based on characteristics of the signal, not on the transmitter used.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Amateur television</span> Transmission of video in amateur radio bands

Amateur television (ATV) is the transmission of broadcast quality video and audio over the wide range of frequencies of radio waves allocated for radio amateur (Ham) use. ATV is used for non-commercial experimentation, pleasure, and public service events. Ham TV stations were on the air in many cities before commercial television stations came on the air. Various transmission standards are used, these include the broadcast transmission standards of NTSC in North America and Japan, and PAL or SECAM elsewhere, utilizing the full refresh rates of those standards. ATV includes the study of building of such transmitters and receivers, and the study of radio propagation of signals travelling between transmitting and receiving stations.

The radio spectrum is the part of the electromagnetic spectrum with frequencies from 3 Hz to 3,000 GHz (3 THz). Electromagnetic waves in this frequency range, called radio waves, are widely used in modern technology, particularly in telecommunication. To prevent interference between different users, the generation and transmission of radio waves is strictly regulated by national laws, coordinated by an international body, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

The 2-meter amateur radio band is a portion of the VHF radio spectrum that comprises frequencies stretching from 144 MHz to 148 MHz in International Telecommunication Union region (ITU) Regions 2 and 3 and from 144 MHz to 146 MHz in ITU Region 1 . The license privileges of amateur radio operators include the use of frequencies within this band for telecommunication, usually conducted locally with a line-of-sight range of about 100 miles (160 km).

<span class="mw-page-title-main">6-meter band</span> Amateur radio frequency band

The 6-meter band is the lowest portion of the very high frequency (VHF) radio spectrum internationally allocated to amateur radio use. The term refers to the average signal wavelength of 6 meters.

The 80 meter or 3.5 MHz band is a span of radio frequencies allocated for amateur use, from 3.5–4.0 MHz in North and South America ; generally 3.5–3.8 MHz in Europe, Africa, and northern Asia (Region 1); and 3.5–3.9 MHz in south and east Asia and the eastern Pacific (Region 3). The upper portion of the band, which is usually used for phone (voice), is sometimes referred to as 75 meters; however, in Europe, "75 m" is used to name an overlapping shortwave broadcast band between 3.9–4.0 MHz used by a number of national radio services.

Shortwave bands are frequency allocations for use within the shortwave radio spectrum. Radio waves in these frequency ranges can be used for very long distance (transcontinental) communication because they can reflect off layers of charged particles in the ionosphere and return to Earth beyond the horizon, a mechanism called skywave or “skip” propagation. They are allocated by the ITU for radio services such as maritime communications, international shortwave broadcasting and worldwide amateur radio. The bands are conventionally named by their wavelength in metres, for example the ‘20 meter band’. Radio propagation and possible communication distances vary depending on the time of day, the season and the level of solar activity.

Non-line-of-sight (NLOS) radio propagation occurs outside of the typical line-of-sight (LOS) between the transmitter and receiver, such as in ground reflections. Near-line-of-sight conditions refer to partial obstruction by a physical object present in the innermost Fresnel zone.

The 10-meter band is a portion of the shortwave radio spectrum internationally allocated to amateur radio and amateur satellite use on a primary basis. The band consists of frequencies stretching from 28.000 to 29.700 MHz.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">60-meter band</span> Amateur radio frequency band

The 60-meter band or 5MHz band is a relatively new amateur radio allocation. First introduced in 2002, it was originally available in only a few countries, including the United States, United Kingdom, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Ireland and Iceland. Several decades in use, an increasing proportion of countries' telecommunications administrations – together with their government and military users – have permitted Amateur Radio operation in the 5MHz area on a short or longer-term basis, ranging from discrete channels to a frequency band allocation.

The 4-metre (70 MHz) band is an amateur radio band within the lower part of the very high frequency (VHF) band.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Amateur radio repeater</span> Combined receiver and transmitter

An amateur radio repeater is an electronic device that receives a weak or low-level amateur radio signal and retransmits it at a higher level or higher power, so that the signal can cover longer distances without degradation. Many repeaters are located on hilltops or on tall buildings as the higher location increases their coverage area, sometimes referred to as the radio horizon, or "footprint". Amateur radio repeaters are similar in concept to those used by public safety entities, businesses, government, military, and more. Amateur radio repeaters may even use commercially packaged repeater systems that have been adjusted to operate within amateur radio frequency bands, but more often amateur repeaters are assembled from receivers, transmitters, controllers, power supplies, antennas, and other components, from various sources.

An amateur radio propagation beacon is a radio beacon, whose purpose is the investigation of the propagation of radio signals. Most radio propagation beacons use amateur radio frequencies. They can be found on LF, MF, HF, VHF, UHF, and microwave frequencies. Microwave beacons are also used as signal sources to test and calibrate antennas and receivers.


  1. "HF Band Table". Retrieved 10 November 2018.
  2. "Frequency Bands". ARRL. Archived from the original on 4 June 2011. Retrieved 27 June 2011.
  3. Larry D. Wolfgang et al., (ed), The ARRL Handbook for Radio Amateurs, Sixty-Eighth Edition , (1991), ARRL, Newington CT USA ISBN   0-87259-168-9 Chapter 37
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  7. Odobreno koristenie na 5 Mhz
  8. "Policy and Technical Framework for Amateur Service Use in the 5 MHZ Band". 21 January 2014.
  9. Region 3 Band allocations "Band Plans IARU Region 3". International Amateur Radio Union - Region 3. 15 October 2015. Archived from the original on 16 December 2017. Retrieved 12 January 2017.
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