List of largest exoplanets

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Image of the outer dust around the young star HD 100546. The position of HD 100546 b was indicated by an orange dot. View of the dust disc around the young star HD 100546.jpg
Image of the outer dust around the young star HD 100546. The position of HD 100546 b was indicated by an orange dot.

Below is a list of the largest exoplanets so far discovered, in terms of physical size, ordered by radius.



This list of extrasolar objects may and will change over time because of inconsistency between journals, different methods used to examine these objects and the already extremely hard task of discovering exoplanets, or any other large objects for that matter. Then there is the fact that these objects might be brown dwarfs, sub-brown dwarfs, or not exist at all. Because of this, this list only cites the best measurements to date and is prone to change. Remember, these objects are not stars, and are quite small on a universal or even stellar scale.


The sizes are listed in units of Jupiter radii (71,492 km). All planets listed are larger than 1.7 times the size of the largest planet in the Solar System, Jupiter. Some planets that are smaller than 1.7 RJ have been included for the sake of comparison.

Probably brown dwarfs (based on mass)
Probably sub-brown dwarfs (based on mass and location)
Probably planets (based on mass)
IllustrationExoplanet nameRadius (RJ)Notes
Size limit for brown dwarfs8 [1]
Proplyd 133-353 7.4±0.3 8.0±1.1 [2] [lower-alpha 1] A candidate rogue planet / sub-brown dwarf with a photoevaporating disk. It is located in the Orion Nebula Cluster. At 500,000 years old, it is one of the youngest exoplanets known.

More information about the exoplanet and estimates of its radius are available below:
[lower-alpha 2]
[lower-alpha 3]
[lower-alpha 4]

The Sub-Stellar Companion to GQ Lupi.jpg GQ Lupi b 3.0±0.5, [3] 4.6±1.5, [4] 3.50+1.50
, [5] 3.77 [6]
21.5 MJ; at the highest end of this range, it may be classified as a young brown dwarf.
DH Tauri b 2.6±0.7 2.7±0.8; [7] 2.68 [8] 14.2 MJ; at its largest, it would be classified as a brown dwarf. [8]
ROXs 42Bb 2.43±0.18 2.55±0.2 [9]
Brown dwarf OTS 44 with disc.jpg OTS 44 2.24 [10] –5.55 [11] Very likely a brown dwarf [10] or sub-brown dwarf, [11] which it may be the least massive free-floating substellar objects. It is surrounded by a circumstellar disk of dust and particles of rock and ice.
Hot Jupiter limit2.2 [12] Theoretical limit for hot Jupiters close to a star, that are limited by tidal heating, resulting in 'runaway inflation'
Exoplanet Comparison CT Chamaeleontis b.png CT Chamaeleontis b 2.2+0.81
17 MJ; is likely a brown dwarf.
PDS 70.jpg PDS 70 b 2.09+0.23
Possibly the largest known exoplanet. [12]
Subaru AB Aur b.png AB Aurigae b 1.6 [15]  2.75 [16] the largest radius of 2.75 RJ is only valid for 1 Myr. Several publications give a higher age, e.g. 1-5 Myr, [16] 4±1 Myr, [17] 6.0+2.5
Myr. [18] Also the protoplanet is disputed. [19] [20]
HAT-P-67b 2.085+0.096
MJ; a very puffy Hot Jupiter.
Comparison XO-6.png XO-6b 2.07±0.22 [22] 4.4 MJ; a very puffy Hot Jupiter
HAT-P-41b 2.05±0.50 [3] 1.19 MJ; a very puffy Hot Jupiter
PDS70c-CircumplanetaryDisk-20190711.jpg PDS 70 c 2.04+0.61
2 MJ
WASP-17b.jpg WASP-17b (Ditsö̀)1.991±0.081 [23] Was the largest known planet in 2012. At only 0.486 MJ, this Hot Jupiter is extremely low density at 0.08 g/cm3 which make it is one of the most puffy planet known. This estimate gives also a range from 1.411 RJ to 2.071 RJ. [24]
Kepler-435b.png Kepler-435b 1.99±0.18 [25]
HAT-P-32b 1.980±0.045, [3] 2.037±0.999 [22] 0.941 (± 0.166) MJ; a very puffy Hot Jupiter. Other estimates give 1.789±0.025RJ. [26]
The Pitch-Black Exoplanet WASP-12b.jpg WASP-12b 1.937±0.056 [27] 1.900+0.057
, [28] 1.736±0.056 [29]
This planet is so close to its parent star that its tidal forces are distorting it into an egg shape. As of September 2017, it has been described as "black as asphalt", and as a "pitch black" hot Jupiter as it absorbs 94% of the light that shines on its surface.
BD-14 3065 b 1.926±0.094 [30]
KELT-19 Ab 1.91±0.11 [31]
Artist impression of the exoplanet 51 Pegasi b.jpg 51 Pegasi b (Dimidium/Bellerophon)1.9±0.3 [32] First exoplanet to be discovered orbiting a main-sequence star. Prototype hot Jupiter.
Artist's impression of KELT-9b orbiting KELT-9.jpg KELT-9b 1.891+0.061
The hottest confirmed exoplanet known.
HAT-P-65b 1.89±0.13 [34]
TOI-1518 b 1.875±0.053 [3]
HAT-P-70b 1.87+0.15
WASP-121b 01.jpg WASP-121b 1.865±0.044 [35]
HATS-23b 1.86+0.3
CFHTWIR-Oph 98 b 1.86±0.05 [3]
KELT-8b 1.86+0.18
WASP-76 b (2020).png WASP-76b 1.83+0.06
The tidally-locked planet where winds move 18,000 km/h, and where molten iron rains from the sky due to daytime temperatures exceeding 2,400 °C (4,350 °F). [39] [40]
HAT-P-33b 1.827±0.29, [41] 1.85±0.49 [3]
First ever image of a multi-planet system around a Sun-like star.tif TYC 8998-760-1 b 1.82±0.08 [42]  3.0+0.2
, [4]
On 22 July 2020, astronomers announced images, for the first-time, of multiple extrasolar bodies orbiting a star, TYC 8998-760-1, nearly identical to the Sun, except for age. TYC 8998-760-1 is only 27 Ma old while the Sun is 4,500 Ma. [43] [44] [45] and its largest orbital body (TYC 8998-760-1 b) is 22 ± 3 MJ; likely making it a brown dwarf.
WASP-178b 1.81±0.09 [3]
UAndAb full.jpg Upsilon Andromedae b (Saffar)1.8 [46]
WISE1109-7734 (with marker, edited).png Cha 110913-773444 1.8 [47] A rogue planet (Likely a sub-brown dwarf) that is surrounded by a protoplanetary disk. It is one of youngest free-floating substellar objects with 0.5–10 Myr.
GSC 06214-00210 b 1.8±0.5 [3] 16 MJ, likely brown dwarf
TrES-4.jpg TrES-4b 1.799±0.063 [48] This planet has a density of 0.2 g/cm3, about that of balsa wood, less than Jupiter's 1.3g/cm3.
WASP-122b 1.792±0.069 [49]
KELT-12b 1.78+0.17
TOI-640 b 1.771+0.060
TOI-2193 Ab 1.77 [51]
TOI-2669b 1.76±0.16 [52]
Kepler-12b 1.754+0.031
HATS-26b 1.75±0.21 [54]
AB Pictoris b 1.75 [55] 13.5 MJ, potential brown dwarf
KELT-14b 1.743±0.047 [49]
KELT-15b 1.74±0.20 [3]
HAT-P-57b 1.74±0.36 [3]
KELT-20b 1.735+0.07
, [56] 1.741+0.069
HAT-P-64b 1.703±0.070 [3]
WASP-78b 1.70±0.04, [57] 1.93±0.45 [3]
Qatar-7b 1.70±0.03 [3]
A few additional examples with radii lower than 1.7 RJ.
KELT-4Ab 1.699+0.046
, [3] 1.706+0.085
Kepler-12b 1.695+0.032
, [59] 1.754+0.031
WASP-79b (Pollera)1.67±0.15, [3] 2.09±0.14 [57]
1RXS 1609b 1.664, [3] 1.7 [60] 14+2.0
MJ; is likely a brown dwarf.
WASP-94 Ab 1.58±0.13, [3] 1.72+0.06
PSO J318.5-22 image from the Pan-STARRS1 telescope.png PSO J318.5−22 1.53An extrasolar object that does not seem to be orbiting any stellar mass, see: rogue planet.
HAT-P-40b (Vytis)1.52±0.17, [3] 1.730±0.062 [62]
Kepler-13 Ab (KOI-13b)1.512±0.035, [3] 2.216±0.087 [63] Esteves et al. gives also radii of 1.512±0.035 RJ and 2.63+1.04
 RJ. Batalha et al. calculate 2.03 RJ. [64]
Exoplanet Comparison Kepler-7 b.png Kepler-7b 1.478
Beta Pictoris b.jpg Beta Pictoris b 1.46±0.01 [65] Likely the second most massive object in its namesake system.
WASP-88b 1.46±0.21, [3] 1.7+0.13
Osiris (HD209458b) planet illustration.jpeg HD 209458 b 1.35The first exoplanet whose size was determined. Named after a prominent Egyptian deity, 'Osiris'.
Hr8799 orbit hd.gif HR 8799 c 1.3 [67]
TrES-2b.jpg TrES-2b (Kepler-1b)1.272Darkest known exoplanet due to an extremely low geometric albedo. It absorbs 99% of light.
HD 100546 c 1.265 [68] Still disputed.
Kepler-39b 1.22One of the most massive exoplanets known.
Hr8799 orbit hd.gif HR 8799 d 1.2 [69]
Hr8799 orbit hd.gif HR 8799 b 1.2 [69]
Hr8799 orbit hd.gif HR 8799 e 1.17 [70]
COCONUTS-2b 1.12±0.04The exoplanet with the longest orbital period, of 1100000 years (around one megannum). It is located 7,506 astronomical units (0.11869  ly ) from its star.
HR 2562 b 1.11Most massive planet with a mass of 30 MJ, although according to most definitions of planet, it may be too massive to be a planet, and may be a brown dwarf instead.
Artist's impression of a Jupiter twin orbiting HIP 11915.jpg HIP 11915 b 1 [71] This exoplanet is an analogue to Jupiter, having a similar radius, mass and temperature, and it is orbiting a star analogous to the Sun.
Jupiter New Horizons.jpg Jupiter 1

69,911 km [72]

Largest planet in the Solar System, by radius and mass. [73]
Reported for reference.

See also


  1. Based on the estimated temperature and luminosity.
  2. Using PMS evolutionary models and a potential higher age of 1 Myr, the luminosity would be lower, and the planet would be smaller. However, this would require for the object to be closer as well, which is unlikely. Another distance estimate to the Orion Nebula Cluster would result in a luminosity 1.14 times lower and also a smaller radius. [2]
  3. 'Instead of a photo-evaporating disk it may be an evaporating gaseous globule (EGG)'. If so, it has a mass of 2 - 28 MJ. [2]
  4. A calculated radius thus does not need to be the radius of the (dense) core.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">WASP-4b</span> Extrasolar planet in the constellation Phoenix

WASP-4b is an exoplanet, specifically a hot Jupiter, approximately 891 light-years away in the constellation of Phoenix.

WASP-11/HAT-P-10 is a binary star. It is a primary main-sequence orange dwarf star. Secondary is M-dwarf with a projected separation of 42 AU. The system is located about 424 light-years away in the constellation Aries.

WASP-33b is an extrasolar planet orbiting the star HD 15082. It was the first planet discovered to orbit a Delta Scuti variable star. With a semimajor axis of 0.026 AU and a mass likely greater than Jupiter's, it belongs to the hot Jupiter class of planets.

HAT-P-27, also known as WASP-40, is the primary of a binary star system about 659 light-years away. It is a G-type main-sequence star. The star's age is similar to the Sun's at 4.4 billion years. HAT-P-27 is enriched in heavy elements, having a 195% concentration of iron compared to the Sun.

WASP-36 is a yellow main sequence star in the Hydra constellation.

HAT-P-23 is a G-type main-sequence star 1192 light-years away. It has a rapid rotation for its advanced age of 4 billion years, and exhibits a strong starspot activity. The star may be in the process of being spun up by the giant planet on close orbit. The star is enriched in heavy elements, having about 140% amount of metals compared to solar abundance.

WASP-78, is a single F-type main-sequence star about 2350 light-years away. It is likely to be younger than the Sun at 3.4+1.5
billion years. WASP-78 is depleted in heavy elements, having a 45% concentration of iron compared to the Sun.

WASP-72 is the primary of a binary star system. It is an F7 class dwarf star, with an internal structure just on the verge of the Kraft break. It is orbited by a planet WASP-72b. The age of WASP-72 is younger than the Sun at 3.55±0.82 billion years.


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  26. Hartman, J. D; Bakos, G. Á; Torres, G; Latham, D. W; Kovács, Géza; Béky, B; Quinn, S. N; Mazeh, T; Shporer, A; Marcy, G. W; Howard, A. W; Fischer, D. A; Johnson, J. A; Esquerdo, G. A; Noyes, R. W; Sasselov, D. D; Stefanik, R. P; Fernandez, J. M; Szklenár, T; Lázár, J; Papp, I; Sári, P (2011). "HAT-P-32b and HAT-P-33b: Two Highly Inflated Hot Jupiters Transiting High-jitter Stars". The Astrophysical Journal. 742 (1): 59. arXiv: 1106.1212 . Bibcode:2011ApJ...742...59H. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/742/1/59. S2CID   118590713.
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