List of rose cultivars named after people

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Among the individuals or fictional characters who have had rose cultivars named after them are the following:



'Abraham Darby' Rose, Abraham Darby, bara, aburahamu dabi, (15405158604).jpg
'Abraham Darby'
'Adam Messerich' Rosa Adam Messerich.jpg
'Adam Messerich'
'Alain Blanchard' RosaGallicaAlainBlanchard1UME.jpg
'Alain Blanchard'
'Alberic Barbier' Rose Alberic Barbier 20070601.jpg
'Albéric Barbier'
'Albrecht Durer' Albrecht-Durer-Rose (Tantau 2002).jpg
'Albrecht Dürer'
'Adolf Horstmann' Rapperswil - Duftrosengarten Adolf Horstmann TH Kordes 1971 2011-07-02 14-34-32.JPG
'Adolf Horstmann'
'Alister Stella Gray' Rosa 'Alister Stella Gray'.jpg
'Alister Stella Gray'
'Anne Harkness' Rosa Anne Harkness.jpg
'Anne Harkness'
'Anneliese Rothenberger' Rosa Anneliese Rothenberger.JPG
'Anneliese Rothenberger'
'Archiduc Joseph' Rosa Archiduc Joseph 1.jpg
'Archiduc Joseph'
'Arielle Dombasle' Rosa 'Arielle Dombasle' J1.JPG
'Arielle Dombasle'
'Arthur Rimbaud' Rosa 'Arthur Rimbaud' 01.JPG
'Arthur Rimbaud'
'Astrid Lindgren' Rose at Rosarium Uetersen in 2008.jpg
'Astrid Lindgren'

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'Baron Girod de l'Ain' Rosa 'Baron Girod de l' Ain'.jpg
'Baron Girod de l'Ain'
'Baroness Rotchild' Rosa 'Baroness Rotchild'.jpg
'Baroness Rotchild'
'Benjamin Britten' Rosa 'Benjamin Britten' David Austin 2001 02.jpg
'Benjamin Britten'
'Bernd-Weigel-Rose' Bernd-Weigel-Rose (Tantau 2003).JPG
'Betty Prior' Rose "Betty Prior".jpg
'Betty Prior'
'Brenda Colvin' Rosa Brenda Colvin1UME.jpg
'Brenda Colvin'

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'Camille Pissarro' Camille Pissaro (4493110744).jpg
'Camille Pissarro'
'Captain Hayward' Rosa 'Captain Hayward RJB'.jpg
'Captain Hayward'
'Cardinal de Richelieu' Rosa Cardinal de Richelieu, Sayada 1er mai 2014.jpg
'Cardinal de Richelieu'
'Cesar' Rosa Cesar.JPG
'Charles de Gaulle' Rosa 'Charles de Gaulle'.jpg
'Charles de Gaulle'
'Charles de Mills' Rosa 'Charles de Mills' J2.jpg
'Charles de Mills'
'Chopin' Rose 'Chopin' MB01.JPG
'Christopher Columbus' Christoph Kolumbus (Meilland, 1992).JPG
'Christopher Columbus'
'Claude Monet' Rose Claude Monet 20070601 2.jpg
'Claude Monet'
'Comte de Chambord' Rosa 'Comte de Chambord' J1.JPG
'Comte de Chambord'
'Comtesse du Barry' Rosa 'Comtesse du Barry' Verschuren 1993 RPO1.jpg
'Comtesse du Barry'
'Condesa de Sastago' Condesa de Sastago12.jpg
'Condesa de Sastago'
'Coupe d'Hebe' Rosa 'Coupe d'Hebe'.jpg
'Coupe d'Hébé'
'Crown Princess Margareta' Kronprincess Margareta (Austin1999).jpg
'Crown Princess Margareta'

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'Diana, Princess of Wales' Rose, Elegant Lady ( Diana, Princess of Wales), bara, ereganto redei(Jiu Ming daiana purinsesu obu ueruzu) (23229373783).jpg
'Diana, Princess of Wales'
'Doris Tysterman' Rosa Doris Tystermann.JPG
'Doris Tysterman'
'Dorothy Perkins' Rose Dorothy Perkins 20070601.jpg
'Dorothy Perkins'
'Dr. Debat' Hybrid Tea - Dr. Debat 2 (crop).JPG
'Dr. Debat'
'Dr. Waldheim' Rosa Dr. Waldheim Kordes 1974.jpg
'Dr. Waldheim'
'Duc de Cambridge' Duc de Cambridge-Laffay(1880).JPG
'Duc de Cambridge'
'Duchess of Cornwall' Chippendale (Tantau 2005).JPG
'Duchess of Cornwall'
'Duchess of Wellington' Duchess of Wellington NHRG 1-3-2014.jpg
'Duchess of Wellington'
'Duquesa de Penaranda' Duquesa Penarada.Dot1931.jpg
'Duquesa de Peñaranda'

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'Eckart Witzigmann' Eckart Witzigmann.jpg
'Eckart Witzigmann'
'Edgar Degas' Rosa francese.jpg
'Edgar Degas'
'Emil Nolde' Emil Nolde (Tantau 2001).JPG
'Emil Nolde'
'Empress Josephine' Rosa 'Empress Josephine'.jpg
'Empress Josephine'

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'Ferdinand Pichard' Rosa 'Ferdinand Pichard'.jpg
'Ferdinand Pichard'
'Francois Juranville' Rose Francois Juranville 20070601.jpg
'François Juranville'
'Frau Karl Druschki' Rosa 'Frau Karl Druschki'.jpg
'Frau Karl Druschki'
'Frederic Mistral' Frederic Mistral (1993).JPG
'Frédéric Mistral'
'Fritz Nobis' Rosa 'Fritz Nobis'.jpg
'Fritz Nobis'

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'Gebruder Grimm' Rosa 'Gebruder Grimm' 01.JPG
'Gebrüder Grimm'
'Gene Boerner' Rosa 'Gene Boerner'.JPG
'Gene Boerner'
'General Jacqueminot' Rosa 'General Jacqueminot'.jpg
'Général Jacqueminot'
'General Kleber' Rosa sp.120.jpg
'Général Kléber'
'Gertrude Jekyll' GertrudeJeckyll20060624.JPG
'Gertrude Jekyll'
'Graham Thomas' Rosa 'Graham Thomas' J1.JPG
'Graham Thomas'

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'H.C.Andersen' H.C.Andersen (Poulsen 1983).JPG
'Handel' Rosengarten der Stadt Koln Rosa 'Handel' 4.jpg
'Hannah Gordon' Floribunda rose.jpg
'Hannah Gordon'
'Helen Hayes' Rosa Helen Hayes 1.jpg
'Helen Hayes'
'Helmut Kohl' Helmut-Kohl-Rose (Tantau 1996).jpg
'Helmut Kohl'
'Henry Fonda' Rosa Henry Fonda.jpg
'Henry Fonda'
'Hermann Hesse' Rose 'Hermann Hesse' Mainau - 1.jpg
'Hermann Hesse'
'Honore de Balzac' Rose Honore de Balzac 20070601.jpg
'Honoré de Balzac'

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'Ingrid Bergman' Rose Ingrid Bergmann.jpg
'Ingrid Bergman'

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'Jacqueline du Pre' Rosa 'Harwanna'.jpg
'Jacqueline du Pré'
'Jeanne de Montfort' Rosa sp.153.jpg
'Jeanne de Montfort'
'Jens Munk' Jens Munk flower.JPG
'Jens Munk'
'John Cabot' Rosa John Cabot1HELLAN.jpg
'John Cabot'
'John Clare' Rosa 'John Clare' David Austin 01.jpg
'John Clare'
'Josef Klimes' Joseph Klimes.JPG
'Josef Klimeš'
'Julia Child' Rosajuliachild.jpg
'Julia Child'

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'Karl Herbst' Rose Karl Herbst bara karu herupusuto (6322008853).jpg
'Karl Herbst'
'Karl Ploberger Rose' Karl-Ploberger-Rose (Kordes 2007) 01.jpg
'Karl Ploberger Rose'
'Kitchener of Khartoum' Rosa Kitchener of Khartoum 1.jpg
'Kitchener of Khartoum'
'Konrad Adenauer' Rosa Konrad Adenauer.jpg
'Konrad Adenauer'

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'L.D. Braithwaite' Rosa L.D. Braithwaite 0zz.jpg
'L.D. Braithwaite'
'Lady Penzance' Rosa Lady Penzance 1.jpg
'Lady Penzance'
'Laura Ford' Rosa Laura Ford 3.jpg
'Laura Ford'
'Leonardo da Vinci' Rose Leonardo da Vinci.jpg
'Leonardo da Vinci'
'Lilli Marleen' Lilli Marleen (Kordes 1959).JPG
'Lilli Marleen'
'Lord Byron' RosaLordByron.jpg
'Lord Byron'
'Louis de Funes' Rosa 'Louis de Funes' J1.JPG
'Louis de Funès'
'Louise Odier' Rosa 'Louis Odier'.jpg
'Louise Odier'

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'Madame Alfred Carriere' Rosa Madame Alfred Carriere 2.jpg
'Madame Alfred Carrière'
'Madame Caroline Testout' Rosa 'Mme Caroline Testout'.jpg
'Madame Caroline Testout'
'Madame Gregoire Staechelin' Madame Gregoire Staechelin.JPG
'Madame Grégoire Staechelin'
'Madame Pierre Oger' Rosa 'Mme Pierre Oger'.jpg
'Madame Pierre Oger'
'Maman Cochet' Rosa Maman Cochet 2.jpg
'Maman Cochet'
'Marcel Pagnol' Rose Marcel Pagnol 20070601.jpg
'Marcel Pagnol'
'Maria Callas' Rosa Maria Callas01.jpg
'Maria Callas'
'Marie Curie' Rosa 'Marie Curie' 2.jpg
'Marie Curie'
'Mark Twain' Rose Mark Twain.jpg
'Mark Twain'
'Michelangelo' Rose Michelangelo 20070601.jpg
'Mister Lincoln' Rosa 'Mister Lincoln' 1964.jpg
'Mister Lincoln'
'Mozart' Rosa 'Mozart' J2.jpg
'Mountbatten' Rose Mounbatten 20070601.jpg
'Mrs Herbert Stevens' Mrs. Herbert Stevens May 2008.jpg
'Mrs Herbert Stevens'
'Mrs Fred Danks', Clark 1951 Rosa Mrs Fred Danks.jpg
'Mrs Fred Danks', Clark 1951
'Mrs. Harkness', Harkness/Paul 1893 Rosa 'Paul's Early Blush'.jpg
'Mrs. Harkness', Harkness/Paul 1893

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'Nancy Reagan' Rosanancyreagan.jpg
'Nancy Reagan'

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'Ophelia' Ophelia - Hybrid Tea.jpg

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'Papageno' Rosa Papageno 1989.jpg
'Papa Meilland' Rose Papa Meilland.jpg
'Papa Meilland'
'Paul Ricard' Paul Ricard (Meilland 1991).JPG
'Paul Ricard'
'Penelope' Rosapenelope.jpg
'Philippe Noiret' Rose Philippe Noiret 20070601.jpg
'Philippe Noiret'
'Pierre de Ronsard' Rosa 'Eden Rose' J1.JPG
'Pierre de Ronsard'
'Pope John Paul II' Rosapopejohnpaulii.jpg
'Pope John Paul II'
'President Herbert Hoover' Duftrosengarten Rapperswil - President Herbert Hoover TH Coddington-Totty 1930 2010-09-13 16-26-42.JPG
'President Herbert Hoover'
'Princess of Wales' Rosa Princess of Wales01.jpg
'Princess of Wales'

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'Queen Elizabeth' Rosa Queen Elizabeth1ZIXIETTE.jpg
'Queen Elizabeth'

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'Regine Crespin' Rose Regine Crespin 20070601.jpg
'Régine Crespin'
'Reine Victoria' Rosa 'La Reine Victoria' 2.jpg
'Reine Victoria'
'Richard Strauss' Rosa sp.239.jpg
'Richard Strauß'

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Rosa 'Sally Holmes' Rosa A.jpg
Rosa 'Sally Holmes'
'Sarah van Fleet' Sarah van Fleet rose.jpg
'Sarah van Fleet'
'Simon Bolivar' Hybrid Tea - Simon Bolivar 8 (crop).JPG
'Simon Bolivar'
'Sir Edward Elgar' SirEdwardElgar PartiallyOpened (4493125316).jpg
'Sir Edward Elgar'
'Souvenir de Pierre Vibert' Rosa sp.266.jpg
'Souvenir de Pierre Vibert'
'Souvenir du Docteur Jamain' Rosa 'Souvenir du Docteur Jamain' J1.JPG
'Souvenir du Docteur Jamain'
'St. Nicholas' Rosa St Nicholas1UME.jpg
'St. Nicholas'
'Steffi Graf' Rosa Steffi Graf 01.jpg
'Steffi Graf'

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'Tchaikovski' Tshaikowski (Meilland 1999).jpg
'Thalia' Rose Thalia 20070601.jpg
'Therese Bugnet' RosaThereseBugnet1UME.jpg
'Thérèse Bugnet'
'Titian' Riethmuller Titian6.jpg

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'Uncle Walter' Wien.Volksgarten03.jpg
'Uncle Walter'

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'William Baffin' Rosa William Baffin 1.jpg
'William Baffin'
'William Shakespeare' Rose, William Shakespeare 2000, bara, uiriamu shieikusupia 2000, (13150172084).jpg
'William Shakespeare'

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'Yves Piaget' Rose Yves Piaget 20070601.jpg
'Yves Piaget'

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'Zephirine Drouhin' Rapperswil - Duftrosengarten - Zephirine Drouhin KL Bizot 1868 2010-05-29 17-21-04.JPG
'Zéphirine Drouhin'

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See also

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  1. Sometimes also called Mathilda, after one of Aznavour's songs
  2. Royal Edward Rose
  3. Also known as Duchesse d'Oldenbourg
  4. Smith, Keith. Around Malvern in old photographs. Alan Sutton Publishing, Gloucester. ISBN   0-86299-587-6. page 119.
  5. Also known as Hannah
  6. Presentation of Ida Costain roses to Mrs. Thomas B. Costain. OCLC   38551625 . Retrieved 2024-02-09.
  7. Marie-Victorin rose
  8. "Louise Hay" (PDF). Retrieved 2012-04-05.
  9. Sometimes referred to as Marie Dermat
  10. Also known as Pilar Landecho
  11. "About Mary Margaret McBride". Ashokan Dreams. Retrieved 7 March 2011.
  12. "Rosa ( Michael Crawford Rose )". Retrieved 2012-04-05.
  13. Also named Zonta Rose in Australia and New Zealand or Bright Lights in the USA
  14. There are two roses cultivars named after Diana, Princess of Wales. One, called 'Princess of Wales', is the only one she allowed to be named after her. After her death the Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fund allowed a new rose, 'England's Rose' to be named after her, which is sold and raises funds for the charity in her memory.
  15. Also known as Souvenir de la Princesse de Lamballe
  16. dedicated to the victims Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman
  17. Also called Duchesse d'Istrie

Further reading