Phonological changes from Classical Latin to Proto-Romance

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As Classical Latin developed into Proto-Romance it experienced various sound changes. An approximate summary of changes on the phonemic level is provided below. Their precise order is uncertain.


General changes

Sporadic changes

See also


  1. Note that the result is an open-mid /ɛː/, distinct from the close-mid /eː/ resulting from the earlier 'rural' monophthongization.
  2. Etymologically dis- + placet, with the unstressed /a/ modified to /i/ in Archaic Latin. In the unprefixed form placet, the /a/ remained unchanged, since it was stressed.

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  1. Grandgent 1907 :§§249–250; Pope 1934 :§155.1
  2. Lausberg 1970 :§251
  3. Pope 1934 :§205
  4. Lausberg 1970 :§530; Hall 1976 :180
  5. Pope 1934 :§214.2; Lausberg 1970 :§149.1
  6. Grandgent 1907 :§134
  7. Allen 1965 :27–29
  8. Grandgent 1907 :§31; Jensen 1972 :74
  9. Grandgent 1907 :§227
  10. Allen 1965 :60–62; Lloyd 1987 :105–107. This citation covers the following bullet-point as well.
  11. Pope 1934 :§§186, 333; Gouvert 2016 :48
  12. Grandgent 1907 :§324; Pope 1934 :§163.7
  13. Pope 1934 :§188
  14. Grandgent 1907 :§224; Lausberg 1970 :§251
  15. Grandgent 1907 :§§136–137; Lausberg 1970 :§149.2
  16. Lausberg 1970 :§251
  17. Grandgent 1907 :§226; Pope 1934 :§187.b.
  18. Grandgent 1907 :§225; Lausberg 1970 :§251
  19. Lausberg 1970 :§479
  20. Lausberg 1970 :§187.2
  21. Grandgent 1907 :§268; Pope 1934 :§156.3
  22. Grandgent 1907 :§255. This citation covers the following bullet-point as well.
  23. Lloyd 1987 :148–150; Hall 1976 :128
  24. Lausberg 1970 :§356
  25. Lausberg 1970 :§204
  26. Grandgent 1907 :§139; Lausberg 1970 :§149.6. This citation covers the following two bullet-points as well.
  27. Lausberg 1970 :§189
  28. Loporcaro 2015; Leppänen & Alho 2018
  29. Ferguson 1976 :78; Gouvert 2015 :73–76
  30. Lausberg 1970 :§§192–196 apud Gouvert 2015 :78–79
  31. Lausberg 1970 :§§451–466; Gouvert 2015 :83
  32. Lloyd 1987 :113–114; Penny 2002 :59
  33. Grandgent 1907 :§229; Lausberg 1970 :§265
  34. Grandgent 1907 :§325; Lausberg 1970 :§245
  35. Grandgent 1907 :§234; Pope 1934 :§156.5
  36. Grandgent 1907 :§163; Lausberg 1970 :218
  37. Grandgent 1907 :§166
  38. Grandgent 1907 :§172
  39. Grandgent 1907 :§229; Lausberg 1970 :§§257–258
  40. Grandgent 1907 :§217; Lausberg 1970 :§238
  41. Grandgent 1907 :§229.1; Lausberg 1970 :§259
  42. Grandgent 1907 :§291; Lausberg 1970 :§410. This citation covers the following bullet-point as well.
  43. Grandgent 1907 :§257; Pope 1934 :§202
  44. Lausberg 1970 :§321
  45. Elcock 1960 :33
  46. Politzer 1953 :34–35, 50
  47. Grandgent 1907 :§292
