A lot of sequels and sometimes prequels to the old silver screen feature films have been released in many of the Indian languages. A film series is a collection of related films in succession. Their relationship is not fixed, but generally share a common diegetic world. The film series have been listed according to the date on which the first film of the series was released. Notes have been used to indicate relation to other films.
Only those film series with minimum 2 released films, are listed.Films without two released films can be listed only if the sequel is confirmed to be made and will be released in the near future.
Bhoot was the correct title for this film but we didn't have it. I thought at maximum, I'd hear a no from him (Varma) but let me call him. And I was just blown by his generosity. I called him and I spoke to him and he was like, 'Yeah, take it and whatever paperwork you will need, just let me know'. It was like in two seconds that he gave me the title. I've been in this industry for 25 years but I haven't seen this kind of generosity before. ... This is the first of its kind. I am grateful that Vicky headlined the film with us because that gives us a lot of confidence that such films can be made. We want to take this franchise ahead.