List of museums in South Dakota

Last updated

This list of museums in South Dakota encompasses museums defined for this context as institutions (including nonprofit organizations, government entities, and private businesses) that collect and care for objects of cultural, artistic, scientific, or historical interest and make their collections or related exhibits available for public viewing. Museums that exist only in cyberspace (i.e., virtual museums) are not included.


To use the sortable table, click on the icons at the top of each column to sort that column in alphabetical order; click again for reverse alphabetical order.


1881 Courthouse Museum Custer Custer WesternLocal historyOperated by the Custer Country Historical Society
Adams Homestead and Nature Preserve McCook Lake Union SoutheastOpen air website, park with historic Shay-Adams Home with period furnishings, barn, country school and church
Adams Museum & House Deadwood Lawrence WesternLocal historyExhibits include folk art, Wild Bill Hickok, Calamity Jane and Deadwood Dick
Akta Lakota Museum Chamberlain Brule Central Native American website, profiles the lives of nomadic Plains Indians
Armed Forces Military Display and Gifts Wasta Pennington WesternMilitaryPrivate museum displaying foreign and domestic militaria from World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam and current US conflicts [1] [2]
Augustana College Art Galleries Sioux Falls Minnehaha SoutheastArtCenter for Visual Arts houses the Eide/Dalrymple Gallery and Carl Grupp Permanent Collection, the Hovland Center for Liturgical Arts, dedicated space for displaying student work; Center for Western Studies Art Gallery displays history and cultures of the Northern Plains and rotating exhibits of regional artists [3]
Aurora County Museum Plankinton Aurora SoutheastLocal history [4]
Austin-Whittemore House Vermillion Clay SoutheastLocal historyOperated by the Clay County Historical Society, late 19th-century house with Victorian furnishings and items of local historical interest [5]
Badlands National Park Interior Jackson WesternNatural historyVisitor center exhibits include the geology, paleontology and natural history of the park
Badlands Petrified Garden Kadoka Jackson WesternNatural history website, rocks, minerals and fossils
Beauvais Heritage Museum Clark Clark NortheastOpen air website, complex includes museum with period displays, Clark Railroad Depot, a settler's shanty, a pioneer church and school; also known as Clark County Museum
Big Thunder Gold Mine Keystone PenningtonWesternMining website, includes mine tour and museum
Black Hills Mining Museum Lead LawrenceWesternMining website, simulated gold mine tours
Black Hills Museum of Natural History Hill City PenningtonWesternNatural historyFossils, dinosaurs, gems, minerals, meteorites
Bon Homme Heritage Museum Tyndall Bon Homme SoutheastLocal history [6]
Borglum Historical Center KeystonePenningtonWesternBiographical website, Mount Rushmore sculptor Gutzon Borglum
Brookings County Museum Volga Brookings NortheastLocal historyIncludes an 1870 log cabin, vintage farm equipment, antique tools, and a one-room country school house [7]
Buechel Memorial Lakota Museum St. Francis Todd CentralNative American website, history of the Lakota of the Rosebud Indian Reservation, operated by the St. Francis Mission
Buffalo Historical Museum Buffalo Harding WesternLocal historyIncludes museum and 1914 one room schoolhouse [8]
Buffalo Interpretive Center Fort Pierre Stanley CentralNatural history website, story of the buffalo, its importance and significance in the North American Indian cultures of the Great Plains, and its relationship to the people of the Lower Brule Sioux Tribe
Campbell Original Straw Bale Built Museum Carthage Miner SoutheastLocal history website, located in a building built out of straw bales
Carnegie Resource CenterMitchellDavisonSoutheastLocal history website, operated by the Mitchell Area Historical Society, exhibits of local history and genealogy, permanent collection of Corn Palace memorabilia
Casey Tibbs South Dakota Rodeo Center Fort Pierre Stanley CentralSports website, South Dakota rodeo heritage and memorabilia
Cecil & Phyllis Melcher Museum Platte Charles Mix SoutheastLocal historyLocated in the Lyric Theatre, includes dolls, wildlife of South Dakota, toy tractors and tractors, arts of local areas, cars and a military room [9]
Celebrity Hotel Memorabilia DisplayDeadwoodLawrenceWesternMultiple website, located in the Celebrity Hotel, celebrity memorabilia, cars and motorcycles
Center for Western Studies Sioux Falls Minnehaha SoutheastAmerican West website, part of Augustana College, exhibits include Native American artifacts, 19th century replica Norwegian living room, Jim Savage art studio, changing exhibits from its collections
Chapel in the Hills Rapid City PenningtonWesternHistoric siteStave church replica of the Borgund stave church in Norway and 19th century Norwegian log cabin
Children's Museum of South Dakota Brookings Brookings NortheastChildren's website
Civilian Conservation Corps Museum of South DakotaHill CityPenningtonWesternHistory website
Classic Wheels Museum Clark Clark NortheastTransportation website, includes antique vehicles, toy cars, model trains
Codington County Heritage Museum Watertown Codington NortheastLocal historyHistory and heritage of Codington County and the Coteau des Prairie region of northeastern South Dakota
Corn Palace MitchellDavisonSoutheastAgricultureHistory of the Corn Palace's design, construction, link to area agriculture
Corsica Historical Museum Corsica Douglas SoutheastLocal history website
Cramer Kenyon Heritage Home Yankton Yankton SoutheastHistoric house website, 1880s Victorian mansion
Crazy Horse Memorial Crazy Horse CusterWesternMultipleMonumental sculpture of Crazy Horse, Indian Museum of North America, and the Native American Cultural Center
Custer State Park CusterCusterWesternMultipleIncludes Peter Norbeck Center with natural history and cultural heritage displays, and Badger Hole, the historic house of poet Badger Clark
Dacotah Prairie Museum Aberdeen Brown NortheastMultiple website, natural, cultural and local history
Dahl Arts Center Rapid CityPenningtonWesternArt website
Dakota Discovery Museum Mitchell Davison SoutheastMultiple website, art, history, culture, located on the campus of Dakota Wesleyan University
Dakota Sunset Museum Gettysburg Potter CentralLocal history website, includes museum, country school, carriage barn, and blacksmith shop
Dakota Territorial Museum Yankton Yankton SoutheastLocal history website, includes museum, school, depot and caboose. Now located inside the Mead Cultural Education Center in Yankton.
Dakotaland Museum Huron Beadle NortheastLocal historyLocated on the State Fairgrounds [10] [11]
Daneville Heritage Museum Viborg Turner SoutheastLocal history [12]
Day County Museum Webster Day NortheastLocal historyLocated in basement of Day County Courthouse [13] [14]
Days of '76 Museum Deadwood LawrenceWesternAmerican West website, includes horse-drawn vehicles, rodeo items, Old West pioneer and American Indian art and artifacts
D.C. Booth Historic National Fish Hatchery Spearfish LawrenceWesternIndustryFormer hatchery, includes Von Bayer Museum of Fish Culture with exhibits about the history and science of fish culture and fisheries
De Smet Depot Museum De Smet Kingsbury SoutheastLocal history [15]
Clear Lake Museum Clear Lake Deuel NortheastLocal historyOperated by the Clear Lake Historical Society, open for special events and by appointment [16]
Cheryl's Doll House Lennox Lincoln SoutheastToy [17]
Donald Christman Toy Museum Lake Norden Hamlin SoutheastToyIncludes antique dishes and farm toys, antique dolls [18]
Douglas County Museum Armour Douglas SoutheastLocal historyIncludes the Country School and Railroad House, operated by the Douglas County Historical Society [19]
Elkton Community Museum Elkton BrookingsNortheastLocal historyOpen by appointment [20]
Eureka Pioneer Museum Eureka McPherson NortheastLocal history [21]
Faulk County Historical Museum Faulkton Faulk CentralLocal historyOpen by appointment [22]
Fort Meade Museum Sturgis Meade WesternMilitary website, history of Fort Meade, located in the former commanding officers' quarters
Fort Sisseton Historical Park Lake City Marshall NortheastMilitaryState park with preserved 1864 fort buildings
Four Mile Old West Town CusterCusterWesternOpen air website, buildings include a town hall, saloon, general store, church, bank, an outhouse, sheriff's office, jails
Frederick Area Historical Society Frederick Brown NortheastLocal history [23]
Garretson Area Historical Society Museum Garretson Minnehaha SoutheastLocal history [24]
Geddes Historic Village Geddes Charles Mix SoutheastOpen airOperated by the Charles Mix County Historical Restoration Society, open by appointment [25] [26]
Granary Rural Cultural Center Groton Brown SoutheastArt website
Grand River Museum Lemmon Perkins WesternMultiple website, includes local bronze sculptures, ranching, Native American and homestead artifacts, fossils and Creation Science displays
Grant County Historical Society Museum Milbank Grant NortheastLocal history [27]
Gary Historical MuseumGaryDeuelNortheastHistorical MuseumOperated by the Gary Historical Association

Open for special occasions and by appointment. /

Gregory County History Museum Dallas Gregory SoutheastLocal historyOperated by the Gregory County Historical Society [28]
Harry's Antique Safe Museum Mitchell Davison SoutheastCommodityAntique safes, farm toys and toy race cars [29]
Heritage Hall Museum Freeman Hutchinson SoutheastMultiple website, displays natural history, history and local history, including pioneer tools, pioneer household items, antiques, toys, vehicles and native wildlife displays
Heritage Center of Red Cloud Indian School Pine Ridge Indian Reservation Shannon WesternNative American website, Lakota culture and Native art, located on the campus of the Red Cloud Indian School
Hermosa Arts and History Museum Hermosa CusterWesternLocal history [30] [31]
High Plains Western Heritage Center Spearfish LawrenceWesternAmerican West website, Western art, historic artifacts & memorabilia
Historic Adams House DeadwoodLawrenceWesternHistoric house1892 mansion
Historic Chicago & Northwestern Railroad Depot Redfield Spink NortheastRailroad website, railroad items, model trains, engines and artifacts
Historic Prairie Village Madison Lake SoutheastOpen air website, includes over 40 antique-filled buildings, agricultural displays, steam tractors, a sawmill and a train
Hollands Grist Mill Milbank Grant NortheastMillAlso known as Milbank Grist Mill, reconstructed grist mill [32]
Ingalls Homestead De SmetKingsburySoutheastOpen air website, includes Charles Ingalls homestead, school, dugout house, prairie learning center, pioneer activities
International Vinegar Museum Roslyn Day NortheastFoodVinegars from all over the world
Jerauld County Pioneer Museum Wessington Springs Jerauld SoutheastMultipleComplex includes one room school, medical office, Western equipment, blacksmith shop, local history artifacts, operated by the Dunham Historical Society [33] [34]
J.W. Parmley Historical Home Ipswich Edmunds NortheastHistoric houseIncludes the J.W. Parmley House and the Parmley Land Office [35] [36]
Journey Museum and Gardens Rapid CityPenningtonWesternMultipleContains prehistoric & historic collections related to the Western Great Plains with displays of local geology, archaeology, Native American culture, & European pioneer history in the Minnilusa Pioneer Museum
Keystone Historical MuseumKeystonePenningtonWesternLocal history website
Klein Museum Mobridge Walworth NortheastLocal history website, features pioneer and Native American artifacts
Lake County Museum Madison Lake SoutheastLocal history website, part of Dakota State University, operated by the Lake County Historical Society
Lake Norden Historical Society Lake Norden Hamlin SoutheastLocal historyIncludes museum, one room school and barn with artifacts [37] [38]
Lake Poinsett Visitor Center and Museum Arlington BrookingsNortheastLocal history website, area natural and cultural history, Native American artifacts, located in Lake Poinsett Recreation Area
Laura Ingalls Wilder Memorial Society De SmetKingsburySoutheastHistoric house website, operates guided tours of two original homes of the family of author Laura Ingalls Wilder, including the Ingalls House
Lennox Museum Lennox Lincoln SoutheastLocal history [39]
Lewis and Clark Center Visitor Center Yankton Yankton SoutheastMultiple website, exhibits include natural & cultural history, geology, exploration, Native Americans, steamboats
Little Village Farm Museum Dell Rapids MinnehahaSoutheastAgricultureSeveral barns and buildings with agriculture tools and equipment [40]
Loriks-Peterson Heritage House Oldham KingsburySoutheastHistoric house [41]
Lyman County Museum Presho Lyman SoutheastLocal history [42] [43]
Major James McLaughlin Heritage Center McLaughlin Corson WesternLocal historyLocal history, agriculture, Native Americans, Mahto Post Office, country school display [44]
The Mammoth Site Hot Springs Fall River WesternNatural historyActive paleontological dig site and museum with fossils of mammoths, ancient flora and fauna
McWhorter House Museum and Depot Miller Hand NortheastLocal history [45] [46]
Mead Cultural Education CenterYanktonYanktonSoutheastLocal HistoryThe new location of the Dakota Territory Museum. Features permanent and traveling exhibits.
Mellette House Watertown Codington NortheastHistoric house website, Victorian home of South Dakota's first governor, Arthur Calvin Mellette
Midland Pioneer Museum Midland Haakon CentralLocal historyPioneer and railroad history and artifacts, open by appointment [47]
Miner County Rural Life Museum Howard Miner SoutheastLocal historyRural life displays, operated by the Miner County Historical Society [48] [49]
Minuteman Missile National Historic Site Jackson County Jackson WesternMilitaryIncludes visitor center, launch control center and a missile silo/launch facility
Mitchell Prehistoric Indian Village MitchellDavisonSoutheastArchaeologyPrehistoric Indian village archeological site and museum of artifacts
Moody County Museum and Research Center Flandreau Moody SoutheastLocal historyOperated by the Moody County Historical Society [50]
Mount Rushmore KeystonePenningtonWesternArtNational Memorial and sculpture of four U.S. Presidents carved into a mountain, includes Lincoln Borglum Museum with films and exhibits about sculptor Gutzon Borglum, the creation of Mount Rushmore and its workers, also the studio where Borglum worked
Museum of Geology Rapid CityPenningtonWesternNatural historyPart of the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, area fossils and minerals from around the world
Museum of Visual Materials Sioux FallsMinnehahaSoutheastArt website, art exhibits in many media, art and crafts classes, children's art and play activities
Museum of Wildlife, Science and Industry of NE South Dakota Webster Day NortheastMultiple website, features many buildings with exhibits of military, agricultural and pioneer life, antique tractors, cars, and mounted wildlife, restored historic buildings
National Museum of WoodcarvingCusterCusterWesternArt website, art and sculptures carved in wood
National Music Museum VermillionClaySoutheastMusicAmerican, European, and non-Western instruments from all cultures and historical periods
National Presidential Wax Museum KeystonePenningtonWesternWax website, wax figures of U.S. presidents in historic moments
Newell Museum Newell Butte WesternLocal historyDisplays include a one-room school, log cabin, church, and barn, agriculture, family life, education, religion, Native Americans, the Fur Trade, military and toys [51]
Nicollet Tower Sisseton Roberts NortheastHistory website, 75 ft climbing tower with interpretive center that features a great map by Joseph Nicollet, a documentary film and local art
Oglala Lakota College Historical Center Kyle Shannon WesternNative American website, history of the Lakota people
Old Courthouse Museum Sioux Falls Minnehaha SoutheastLocal history
Petrified Wood Park Lemmon Perkins WesternMultipleIncludes sculptures and structures built from petrified wood and fossils and the Lemmon Pioneer Museum [52] [53]
Pettigrew Home & Museum Sioux FallsMinnehahaSoutheastHistoric house website, late 19th-century house and personal collections of Senator Richard F. Pettigrew
Pickler Mansion Faulkton Faulk CentralHistoric houseOperated by the Faulk County Historical Society, late 19th-century mansion, home of South Dakota's first Congressman [54] [55]
Pioneer Auto Show Murdo Jones WesternMultiple website, automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, National Rockhound Hall of Fame & Lapidary, tractors, antiques and collectibles, authentic prairie town that includes a railroad depot, bank, general store, gas station, church, school, camera shop, butcher shop and more
Pioneer Historical Museum of South Dakota Hot Springs Fall River WesternHistory website, antiques, decorative arts, tools, photos, operated by the Fall River County Historical Society
Pollock Visitor and Interpretive Center Pollock Campbell CentralLocal history [56]
Porter Sculpture Park Montrose McCook SoutheastArtOutdoor sculpture park
Prairie Homestead Philip Haakon CentralHistoric houseEarly 20th century sod dwelling typical of area pioneers
Prayer Rock Museum Britton Marshall NortheastLocal history [57]
Pyle House Huron Beadle NortheastHistoric house1894 home of Gladys Pyle, the first elected woman U.S. senator [58]
Redlin Art Center Watertown Codington Northeast Art Gallery that displays over 150 works by artist Terry Redlin
Scouter's Attic MuseumSioux FallsMinnehahaSoutheastScouting website, scout memorabilia including uniforms, equipment and promotional items
Sioux Empire Medical MuseumSioux FallsMinnehahaSoutheastMedicalLocated in the concourse below the Sanford USD Medical Center Lobby [59]
South Dakota Air and Space Museum Box Elder Meade Western Aerospace US Air Force and South Dakota aviation history
South Dakota Amateur Baseball Hall of Fame Lake Norden Hamlin Southeast Hall of fame - Sports Amateur baseball in South Dakota as well as memorabilia from South Dakotans who played Major League Baseball
South Dakota Art Museum BrookingsBrookingsNortheast Art website, collections include works by Harvey Dunn and Paul Goble (writer and illustrator)Paul Goble, Native American cultural artifacts, Marghab linens, part of South Dakota State University
South Dakota Cultural Heritage Center Pierre Hughes CentralHistoryOperated by the South Dakota Historical Society, state history and culture
South Dakota Discovery Center Pierre Hughes CentralScienceHands-on Science Center website
South Dakota Hall of Fame Chamberlain Brule Central Hall of fame - HistoryHonors those who contributed to the progress, way of life, and values of the South Dakota
South Dakota National Guard Museum Pierre Hughes CentralMilitary website, history and memorabilia of the South Dakota National Guard
South Dakota's Original 1880 Town Murdo Jones WesternOpen air website, includes over 30 building with historic artifacts and rodeo star Casey Tibbs Museum
South Dakota Agricultural Heritage Museum BrookingsBrookingsNortheastAgriculture website, part of South Dakota State University, exhibits include tractors and farm equipment, an original 1882 homestead claim shack, and a recreated 1915 farmhouse. Abundant historic photographs enhance the understanding of South Dakota's rural qualities.
South Dakota School of Mines & Technology APEX GalleryRapid CityPenningtonWesternArtLocated in Classroom Building 211, hosts a new exhibit every four to six weeks [60]
South Dakota State Capitol Pierre Hughes CentralHistoryTours include the capitol and First Lady Gown Collection
South Dakota State Railroad Museum Hill CityPenningtonWesternRailroad website [usurped] , railroad memorabilia, model trains from across South Dakota and Mid-America
South Dakota Tractor Museum Kimball Brule CentralAgriculture website, historic tractors and other farm machinery
Spink County Museum Redfield Spink NortheastLocal history [61]
Springfield College Museum Springfield Bon HommeSoutheastLocal historyMemorabilia from the college known as Southern State College that was located in Springfield from 1896 to 1984 [62]
Springfield Historical Society MuseumSpringfieldBon HommeSoutheastLocal history [63]
Stavig House Sisseton Roberts NortheastHistoric house website, early 20th-century Victorian period home of a Norwegian immigrant family
Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame Sturgis Meade WesternTransportationFeatures vintage and rare V-twin and metric motorcycles
Telstar Mustang Shelby Cobra Restorations & Museum Mitchell Davison SoutheastAutomotive website, privately owned, fully restored collection of Mustangs, Shelby & Cobra automobiles
Timber Lake and Area Museum Timber Lake Dewey CentralLocal history website, includes fossils, Native American artifacts, period displays
Trails, Trains & Pioneers Museum Edgemont Fall River WesternLocal history website, operate by the Edgemont Area Historical Society
Tri-State Museum Belle Fourche Butte WesternAmerican West website, early pioneer, rodeo, and old west history of the Tri-State region of Western South Dakota, Eastern Wyoming and Southeast Montana
Tripp County Historical Society Museum Winner Tripp SoutheastLocal history [64] [65]
Union County Museum Elk Point UnionSoutheastLocal historyOperated by the Union County Historical Society [66]
University of South Dakota Art GalleriesVermillionClaySoutheastArtJohn A. Day Gallery, Gallery 110, Oscar Howe Gallery, University Libraries exhibits [67]
Vancura Park Tabor Bon HommeSoutheastOpen airIncludes Czech Museum, chapel, jail, store, log school and log house in the Czech Pioneer Village, and the Blachnik Museum with handmade crafts [68] [69]
Verendrye Museum Fort Pierre Stanley CentralLocal history [70]
Wade's Gold Mill Hill CityPenningtonWesternMining website, modern gold mill and antique mining museum
Washington Pavilion of Arts and Science Sioux Falls Minnehaha SoutheastMultipleIncludes the Kirby Science Discover Center and Visual Arts Center with galleries
W. H. Over Museum VermillionClaySoutheastMultiple website, natural history displays, Native American and pioneer artifacts
Willow Lake Community Museum Willow Lake Clark NortheastLocal history website
Wind Cave National Park Hot Springs Fall River WesternNatural historyVisitor center includes three rooms with exhibits about the geology of the caves, the park's natural and cultural history
Wounded Knee Museum Wall PenningtonWesternNative American website, history of the Wounded Knee Massacre

Defunct museums

National Music Museum National Music Museum.jpg
National Music Museum

See also

Akta Lakota Museum AktaLakotaMuseum.jpg
Akta Lakota Museum


  1. "Member Museum Details Armed Forces Military Display and Gifts". Association of South Dakota Museums. Archived from the original on March 7, 2012. Retrieved December 15, 2014.
  2. "Armed Forces Display and Gifts". Museums USA. Retrieved December 15, 2014.
  3. "Art Galleries and Exhibits". Augustana College. Retrieved December 15, 2014.
  4. "Historical Museum". Plankintin, SD. Retrieved December 17, 2014.
  5. "Official site". Clay County Historical Society. Retrieved December 15, 2014.
  6. "Bon Homme Heritage Museum". Association of South Dakota Museums. Archived from the original on April 15, 2013. Retrieved December 15, 2014.
  7. "Brookings County Museum". Glacial Lakes & Prairies Tourism Association of Northeast South Dakota. Retrieved December 17, 2014.
  8. "Buffalo Historical Museum". Association of South Dakota Museums. Archived from the original on May 11, 2008. Retrieved December 16, 2014.
  9. "Cecil & Phyllis Melcher Museum". Association of South Dakota Museums. Archived from the original on May 11, 2008. Retrieved December 15, 2014.
  10. "Dakotaland Museum". Association of South Dakota Museums. Archived from the original on May 11, 2008. Retrieved December 15, 2014.
  11. "Museums". City of Huron, South Dakota. Retrieved December 15, 2014.
  12. "Daneville Heritage Museum". Association of South Dakota Museums. Archived from the original on December 17, 2014. Retrieved December 17, 2014.
  13. "Day County Museum". Association of South Dakota Museums. Archived from the original on December 17, 2014. Retrieved December 16, 2014.
  14. "Attractions". Webster, SD. Retrieved December 17, 2014.
  15. "Attractions". DeSmet, South Dakota. Retrieved December 16, 2014.
  16. "Clear Lake Museum". Clear Lake Historical Society. Retrieved December 17, 2014.
  17. "Cheryl's Doll House". City of Lennox, SD. Retrieved December 17, 2014.
  18. "Donald Christman Toy Museum". Lake Norden, SD. Retrieved December 17, 2014.
  19. "History". Armour, SD. Retrieved December 16, 2014.
  20. "Elkton Museum and Historical Society". Association of South Dakota Museums. Archived from the original on May 11, 2008. Retrieved December 15, 2014.
  21. "Eureka Pioneer Museum". Eureka, SD. Retrieved December 17, 2014.
  22. "Pickler Mansion/Historical Society". Jody Moritz. Retrieved December 16, 2014.
  23. "Frederick Area Historical Society". Glacial Lakes & Prairies Tourism Association. Retrieved December 17, 2014.
  24. "Garretson Area Historical Society Museum". Association of South Dakota Museums. Archived from the original on April 15, 2013. Retrieved December 17, 2014.
  25. "The Geddes Historic Village". Charles Mix County Historical Restoration Society. Retrieved December 15, 2014.
  26. "Charles Mix County Historical Restoration Society". Association of South Dakota Museums. Archived from the original on January 16, 2012. Retrieved December 15, 2014.
  27. "Attractions". Milbank, SD. Retrieved December 17, 2014.
  28. "Gregory County Historical Society". Association of South Dakota Museums. Archived from the original on March 23, 2014. Retrieved December 17, 2014.
  29. "Harry's Antique Safe Museum". Association of South Dakota Museums. Archived from the original on May 11, 2008. Retrieved December 16, 2014.
  30. "Hermosa Arts and History Museum". Association of South Dakota Museums. Archived from the original on May 11, 2008. Retrieved December 16, 2014.
  31. "Official site". Hermosa Arts & History Association. Retrieved December 16, 2014.
  32. "Attractions". Millbank, SD. Retrieved December 17, 2014.
  33. "Dunham Historical Society/ Jerauld County Pioneer Museum". Association of South Dakota Museums. Archived from the original on May 11, 2008. Retrieved December 16, 2014.
  34. "About the Jerauld County Heritage Museum". True Dakotan . Retrieved December 16, 2014.
  35. "J.W. Parmley Historical Home Society". Association of South Dakota Museums. Archived from the original on October 3, 2011. Retrieved December 16, 2014.
  36. "J.W. Parmley Historical Home and Museum". Ipswich, SD. Retrieved December 17, 2014.
  37. "Lake Norden Historical Society". Association of South Dakota Museums. Archived from the original on October 3, 2011. Retrieved December 16, 2014.
  38. "Lake Norden Historical Society Museums". Lake Norden, SD. Retrieved December 17, 2014.
  39. "Lennox Museum". City of Lennox, SD. Retrieved December 17, 2014.
  40. "Little Village Farm Museum". Association of South Dakota Museums. Archived from the original on May 11, 2008. Retrieved December 17, 2014.
  41. "Loriks Peterson Heritage House". Association of South Dakota Museums. Archived from the original on September 24, 2015. Retrieved December 16, 2014.
  42. "Lyman County Museum Since 1961 Trash or Treasure ... Memtoes and Memories". Lyman County South Dakota's Genealogy. Retrieved December 17, 2014.
  43. "Lyman County Historical Museum Lyman County Historical Museum". Chamber of Retrieved December 17, 2014.
  44. "Major James McLaughlin Heritage Center". Association of South Dakota Museums. Archived from the original on May 11, 2008. Retrieved December 16, 2014.
  45. "McWhorter House Museum and Depot". Turtle Creek Communications. Retrieved December 17, 2014.
  46. "McWhorter House Museum and Depot". Glacial Lakes & Prairies Tourism Association. Retrieved December 17, 2014.
  47. "Attractions". Midland, SD. Retrieved December 16, 2014.
  48. "Miner County Rural Life Museum". Association of South Dakota Museums. Archived from the original on April 15, 2013. Retrieved December 16, 2014.
  49. "Facebook site". Miner County Historical Society. Retrieved December 16, 2014.
  50. "Official site". Moody County Museum and Research Center. Retrieved December 17, 2014.
  51. "Newell Museum". Association of South Dakota Museums. Archived from the original on May 11, 2008. Retrieved December 15, 2014.
  52. "Petrified Wood Park". Roadside America. Retrieved December 16, 2014.
  53. "Petrified Wood Park". TripAdvisor. Retrieved December 16, 2014.
  54. "Pickler Mansion". Faulkton, SD. Retrieved December 16, 2014.
  55. "Faulk County Historical Society". Association of South Dakota Museums. Archived from the original on May 11, 2008. Retrieved December 16, 2014.
  56. "Pollock Visitor and Interpretive Center". Association of South Dakota Museums. Archived from the original on May 11, 2008. Retrieved December 15, 2014.
  57. "Prayer Rock Museum". Glacial Lakes & Prairies Tourism Association of Northeast South Dakota. Retrieved December 17, 2014.
  58. "Museums". City of Huron, South Dakota. Retrieved December 15, 2014.
  59. "Sioux Empire Medical Museum". Association of South Dakota Museums. Archived from the original on May 11, 2008. Retrieved December 17, 2014.
  60. "APEX Gallery". South Dakota School of Mines & Technology. Retrieved December 15, 2014.
  61. "Department". Spink County South Dakota. Retrieved December 16, 2014.
  62. "Springfield College Museum". Association of South Dakota Museums. Archived from the original on October 3, 2011. Retrieved December 15, 2014.
  63. "Springfield Historical Society". Association of South Dakota Museums. Archived from the original on May 11, 2008. Retrieved December 15, 2014.
  64. "Official site". Tripp County Historical Society Museum. Retrieved December 17, 2014.
  65. "Tripp County Historical Society". Association of South Dakota Museums. Archived from the original on January 16, 2012. Retrieved December 17, 2014.
  66. "Union County Museum". Union County Historical Society. Retrieved December 16, 2014.
  67. "Art Galleries". University of South Dakota. Retrieved December 15, 2014.
  68. "Attractions". Tabor Czech Days. Retrieved December 15, 2014.
  69. "Historic Tabor". Bon Homme County. Retrieved December 15, 2014.
  70. "Verendrye Museum". City of Fort Pierre.
  71. "McCook County Resources". McCook County South Dakota Genealogy. Retrieved December 16, 2014. McCook County Museum and Historical Society. Unfortunately the museum was closed and all resources were returned to their owners.
  72.‍%5D Roadside America report
  73. "Mitchell, SD - Hot Air Ballooning Museum (Closed)".
