List of museums in North Carolina

Last updated

This list of museums in North Carolina is a list of museums, defined for this context as institutions (including nonprofit organizations, government entities, and private businesses) that collect and care for objects of cultural, artistic, scientific, or historical interest and make their collections or related exhibits available for public viewing. Museums that exist only in cyberspace (i.e., virtual museums) are not included.


To use the sortable table, click on the icons at the top of each column to sort that column in alphabetical order; click again for reverse alphabetical order.


82nd Airborne Division War Memorial Museum Fort Bragg Cumberland Fayetteville metro area MilitaryExhibits include the history of the 82nd Airborne Division and historic military aircraft.
Ackland Art Museum Chapel Hill Orange The Triangle ArtPart of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, collection includes Asian art, works on paper (drawings, prints, and photographs), European masterworks, 20th-century and contemporary art, African art and North Carolina pottery
A.D. Gallery Pembroke Robeson Piedmont ArtPart of the University of North Carolina at Pembroke [1]
African American Atelier Greensboro Guilford Piedmont Triad Art website, visual arts and culture of African Americans, located in the Greensboro Cultural Center
African American Cultural Complex Raleigh Wake The Triangle African AmericanContributions made by African Americans, open by appointment [2]
Agriculture and Transportation Museum Murfreesboro Hertford Inner Banks Multiple website, operated by the Murfreesboro Historical Association, antique farm equipment and implements, early carriages, buggies and other vehicles
Airborne & Special Operations Museum Fayetteville Cumberland Fayetteville metro areaMilitaryRecounts heroic actions of Airborne & Special Operations forces
Alamance Battleground State Historic Site Burlington Alamance Piedmont TriadMilitaryVisitor center exhibits focus on American Revolution battle, also historic Allen House
Alamance County Historical Museum BurlingtonAlamancePiedmont TriadHistoric houseLocated in the Victorian-period L. Banks Holt House
Alexander-Little Wing Wadesboro Anson Sandhills Historic houseOperated by the Anson County Historical Society, 19th-century period house
Alleghany Historical Museum Sparta AlleghanyWesternLocal historyOperated by the Alleghany Historical – Genealogical Society [3]
Allison-Deaver House Brevard Transylvania Western Historic house website, early 19th-century house operated by the Transylvania County Historical Society
American Classic Motorcycle Museum Asheboro Randolph Piedmont TriadTransportation Harley Davidson motorcycles [4]
American Military Museum Gastonia GastonMetro CharlotteMilitary [5]
Andy Griffith Museum Mount Airy Surry Foothills BiographicalMemorabilia of actor Andy Griffith and the Andy Griffith Show , located at The Andy Griffith Playhouse and Surry Arts Council
Antique Car Museum at Grovewood VillageAshevilleBuncombeWesternAutomotive website, located in historic Grovewood Village in the former Biltmore Industries, Inc. weaving shops, includes antique cars, horse-drawn wagons, a fire truck.
Arts Council of Henderson County Hendersonville Henderson WesternArt website, includes exhibit gallery
Arts Council of Wayne County Goldsboro WaynePiedmontArtIncludes an art gallery
ArtspaceRaleighWake The Triangle Art website, visual art center with 3 galleries
Ashe-Covington Medical MuseumWadesboroAnsonSandhillsMedical website, operated by the Anson County Historical Society
Asheville Art Museum Asheville Buncombe WesternArtFocus is 20th and 21st century American art and works of significance to Western North Carolina's cultural heritage
Asheville Museum of Science Asheville Buncombe WesternNatural history website, hall of minerals, mining, fossils, astronomy, gemology, geology, meteorology, mineralogy, oceanography, formerly the Colburn Earth Science Museum
Asheville Pinball Museum Asheville Buncombe WesternPinball website
Asheville Radio Museum Asheville Buncombe WesternRadio history website
Aurora Fossil Museum Aurora Beaufort Inner BanksNatural historyArea fossils, shark jaws, archaeological artifacts including projectile points, stone tools, jewelry and cooking implements of Native Americans from Eastern North Carolina
Ava Gardner Museum Smithfield Johnston Inner BanksBiographicalLife of actress Ava Gardner
Averasboro Battlefield and Museum Dunn Harnett The TriangleMilitaryHistory of the Battle of Averasborough
Avery County Historical Museum Newland AveryWesternLocal historyLocated in the former county jail
A.W. Ange House Winterville Pitt Inner BanksHistoric houseVictorian house, operated by the Winterville Historical and Arts Society, open by appointment and for events [6]
Aycock Birthplace Fremont Wayne PiedmontHistoric houseMid-19th century period home of governor Charles Brantley Aycock
Ayr Mount Hillsborough OrangeThe TriangleHistoric houseFederal period plantation home
Backing Up Classics Auto Museum Concord CabarrusMetro CharlotteAutomotive website
Badin Historic Museum Badin StanlyMetro CharlotteLocal history website, local history, adjacent 1915-period residence and a firehouse museum
Barker House Edenton Chowan Inner BanksHistoric house18th century house
Barton College Art Galleries Wilson Wilson Inner BanksArtLocated in the Case Art Building [7]
The Bascom Highlands Macon WesternArt website, regional art gallery
Beaufort Historic Site Beaufort Carteret Crystal Coast Open airIncludes six restored buildings which are open for tours
Bechtler Museum of Modern Art Charlotte Mecklenburg Metro CharlotteArtFocus is mid-20th century European and American modern art, with museum building designed by Mario Botta, located in the Levine Center for the Arts
Belhaven Memorial Museum Belhaven BeaufortInner BanksLocal history website
Bellamy Mansion Wilmington New Hanover Lower Cape Fear Historic houseChanging exhibits on architectural history, historic preservation and the design arts
Belmont Historical Society Belmont Gaston Metro CharlotteLocal history website
Bennett Classics Antique Car Museum Forest City RutherfordWesternAutomotive website
Bennett Place State Historic Site Durham Durham The TriangleCivil WarSite of the largest surrender of Confederate soldiers during the American Civil War, includes reconstructed period farmhouse, visitor center with exhibits
Ben Owen Pottery Seagrove RandolphPiedmont TriadArt website, includes museum of pottery
Benson Museum of Local History Benson JohnstonPiedmontLocal history [8]
Bentonville Battlefield State Historic Site Princeton JohnstonThe TriangleCivil WarSite of the Battle of Bentonville, includes visitor center with battle displays, period field hospital historic house
Big Ivy Historical Park Barnardsville BuncombePiedmontOpen airOperated by the Big Ivy Historical Society [9] [10]
Billy Graham Library CharlotteMecklenburgMetro CharlotteBiographicalFeatures exhibits about the life and works of Christian evangelist Billy Graham
Biltmore Estate AshevilleBuncombeWesternHistoric houseFrench Renaissance inspired chateau with collections of decorative arts and 75 acres (300,000 m2) of formal gardens
Biltmore Industries Homespun MuseumAshevilleBuncombeWesternHistory website, located at Grovewood Gallery, history, fine cloth and woodworking crafts of the Biltmore Industries, a school for workers on the Biltmore Estate
Black Cat Station North Wilkesboro Wilkes WesternRailroad website, model railroad layouts
Black Mountain Center for the Arts Black Mountain BuncombeWesternArt website, includes gallery
Black Mountain College Museum + Arts Center AshevilleBuncombeWesternArt website, includes two floors of galleries, research center, and performance space
Bladenboro Museum Bladenboro BladenPiedmontMultiple website, local history and art, hand-crafted miniature buildings, military artifacts, farm equipment and tools, photos, operated by the Bladenboro Historical Society
Blandwood Mansion and Gardens GreensboroGuilfordPiedmont TriadHistoric houseItalianate home of former North Carolina Governor John Motley Morehead
Blount-Bridgers House Tarboro EdgecombeInner BanksMultipleOperated by Edgecombe ARTS, includes changing and permanent art exhibits, decorative art, furnishings and textiles, and the separate Pender Museum of Edgecombe County History, open by appointment
Blowing Rock Art and History Museum Blowing Rock WataugaWesternMultiple website, area art, culture and history
Bodie Island Lighthouse Nags Head Dare Outer Banks MaritimeLighthouse to climb
Boggan-Hammond House WadesboroAnsonSandhillsHistoric houseOperated by the Anson County Historical Society, 18th-century period house
Brady C. Jefcoat Museum MurfreesboroHertfordInner BanksHistoryCollection of Americana
Brevard Station Museum Stanley GastonMetro CharlotteLocal history website
Brock Historical Museum of Greensboro CollegeGreensboroGuilfordPiedmont TriadHistory website, history of Greensboro College
Brunswick Town/Fort Anderson State Historic Site Smithville Township BrunswickLower Cape FearArchaeologyRuins of colonial town and Civil War era fort
Buckner Hill Plantation Faison Duplin PiedmontHistoric houseOpen by appointment, mid-19th century plantation house
Burgwin-Wright House Wilmington New HanoverLower Cape FearHistoric house18th-century house with 18th and 19th-century furnishings
Burke Arts Council Morganton Burke WesternArt website, features gallery with changing exhibits
Burke Heritage MuseumMorgantonBurkeWesternLocal history website, operated by the Historic Burke Foundation, located in the Old Burke County Courthouse
Burwell School Historic Site HillsboroughOrangeThe TriangleHistoric house1830s female academy and home, depicts mid-19th century life
Bryant House and McLendon Cabin Carthage Moore SandhillsHistoric house website, operated by the Moore County Historical Association
Cabarrus County Veterans MuseumConcordCabarrusMetro CharlotteMilitary website, operated by the Historic Cabarrus Association, located in the Cabarrus County Governmental Center
Caldwell Arts Council Lenoir CaldwellWesternArt website, features gallery with changing exhibits
Caldwell Heritage MuseumLenoirCaldwellWesternLocal history website, history of Caldwell County
Camden County Jail Camden Camden Inner BanksPrisonHistoric prison and local history
Cameron Art Museum Wilmington New HanoverLower Cape FearArtCollection includes fine arts, crafts, and design
Canton Area Historical Museum Canton Haywood WesternLocal history [11]
Cape Fear Museum Wilmington New HanoverLower Cape FearMultipleHistory, natural science and cultures of the Lower Cape Fear region
Cape Hatteras Light Buxton DareOuter BanksMaritimeIncludes lighthouse and adjacent Museum of the Sea
Carl J. McEwen Historic Village Mint Hill MecklenburgMetro CharlotteOpen air website, operated by the Mint Hill Historical Society, includes Mint Hill Country Doctor's Museum, Ira V. Ferguson Country Store, school house, assay office and outbuildings
Carl Sandburg Home National Historic Site Flat Rock HendersonWesternBiographicalHome of Pulitzer Prize-winning poet and writer Carl Sandburg
Carolina Basketball Museum Chapel HillOrangeThe TriangleSportsPart of University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Carolinas Aviation Museum CharlotteMecklenburgMetro CharlotteAviationOver 50 aircraft, including flying Piedmont DC3
Carson House Marion McDowell WesternHistoric house19th century plantation home
Carthage Museum Carthage MooreSandhillsLocal history [12]
Caswell Center Museum Kinston Lenoir Inner BanksMedicalHistory of the Caswell Developmental Center, a center for adults with mental retardation and other developmental disabilities
Caswell No.1 Fire Station MuseumKinstonLenoirInner BanksFirefighting [13]
Catawba County Firefighters Museum Catawba Catawba WesternFirefightingIncludes fire truck, uniforms, firefighting and communications equipment [14]
Catawba County Museum of History Newton CatawbaWesternLocal history website, operated by the Historical Association of Catawba County
Catawba Science Center Hickory CatawbaWesternScience website
Catawba Valley Furniture MuseumHickoryCatawbaWesternDecorative artsPart of Hickory Furniture Mart, historic furniture, tools, area furniture makers [15]
Catherine Smith Gallery Boone WataugaWesternArtPart of the Schaefer Center for the Performing Arts at Appalachian State University [16]
Cedarock Historical Farm Graham AlamancePiedmont TriadFarm19th-century farm
Centennial Campus Center for Wildlife EducationRaleighWakeThe TriangleNatural history website, ecology and environment of the Piedmont, operated by the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission
Center for Craft, Creativity and Design HendersonvilleHendersonWesternArt website, includes decorative arts gallery, a regional inter-institutional center of the University of North Carolina
Century Post Office MuseumWintonHertfordInner BanksPhilatelicOpen by appointment [17] [18]
C. Grier Beam Truck Museum Cherryville GastonMetro CharlotteAutomotiveTrucks, early tractors and trailers, trucking memorabilia
Chadbourn Depot Museum Chadbourn ColumbusPiedmontRailroad Facebook site, includes model railroads, period furnishings, Audubon prints, railroad memorabilia [19]
Charlotte Hawkins Brown Museum Sedalia GuilfordPiedmont TriadAfrican AmericanFormer school, exhibits on contributions made by African American citizens to education in North Carolina
Charlotte Museum of History CharlotteMecklenburgMetro CharlotteMultiple website, includes local history museum and 1774 Hezekiah Alexander House with costumed guides
Charlotte Nature Museum CharlotteMecklenburgMetro CharlotteNatural historyOperated by Discovery Place, features interactive nature exhibits and live animals
Chatham Historical Museum Pittsboro ChathamThe TriangleLocal history website, operated by the Chatham County Historical Association
Cherokee County Historical Museum Murphy CherokeeWesternLocal history website, include Cherokee artifacts and history, minerals, dolls
Cherry Hospital Museum Goldsboro WaynePiedmontMedicalHistory of Cherry Hospital, a historic psychiatric hospital for African Americans, open by appointment
Chicamacomico Life-Saving Station Rodanthe DareOuter BanksMaritimeIncludes two stations and five outbuildings
Children's Museum of Alamance CountyGrahamAlamancePiedmont TriadChildren's website
Children's Museum of Wilmington Wilmington New HanoverLower Cape FearChildren's website
Children's Museum of Winston-Salem Winston-Salem Forsyth Piedmont TriadChildren'sGoal is to teach children literature, building, zoology
Children's PlayhouseBooneWataugaWesternChildren's website
Chinqua Penn Plantation Reidsville Rockingham FoothillsHistoric house1920s 27 room English countryside mansion with decorative arts and furnishings
Chowan University Green Hall Art GalleriesMurfreesboroHertfordInner BanksArt [20]
City of Raleigh Museum RaleighWakeThe TriangleLocal historyCity history
Clay County Historical & Arts Council Museum Hayesville Clay WesternLocal historyHoused in the old jail, includes 1920s – 1940s office of a local doctor [21] and outdoor Cherokee Homestead Exhibit, operated by the Clay County Historical & Arts Council [22]
Clemmons Educational State Forest Clayton JohnstonThe TriangleNatural historyIncludes the Forestry Exhibit Center with interactive exhibits about the ecology of forests, soil, water, wildlife and the state's cultural history
Cliffs of the Neuse State Park Seven Springs WaynePiedmontNatural historyGeology and natural history of the cliffs and the park
Coats Museum Coats HarnettThe TriangleLocal historyLocal history displays, adjacent Cotton Museum about cotton farming, weaving [23]
Coffey's General Store Collettsville CaldwellWesternHistoryHistoric general store with a collection of antiques, original store fixtures and photographs [24]
Columbia Theater Cultural Resources Center Columbia Tyrell Inner BanksMultiple website, local culture and environment, particularly heritage of farming, fishing, and forestry, operated by Partnership for the Sounds
Concord MuseumConcordCabarrusMetro CharlotteLocal history website, operated by the Historic Cabarrus Association in the Cabarrus County Courthouse
Contemporary Art Museum of Raleigh RaleighWakeThe TriangleArtMultimedia contemporary art and design gallery
Core Sound Waterfowl Museum Harkers Island CarteretCrystal CoastMultiple website, includes duck decoys, local history, culture and natural history and environment
Corolla Wild Horse Museum Corolla Currituck Outer BanksNatural history website
Country Doctor Museum Bailey Nash The TriangleMedical website, history of rural health care in the United States
Cowan Museum of History and Science Kenansville DuplinPiedmontMultiple website, includes historic farm and general tools and equipment, rock specimens, local history exhibits, park with historic village buildings
Cradle of Forestry Brevard TransylvaniaWesternMultipleNature, conservation, science, forestry, includes two nature trails with historic forestry buildings and equipment, Forest Discovery Center with exhibits about the forest and forestry
Creation Museum & Taxidermy Hall of Fame Southern Pines MooreSandhillsCreationistIncludes stuffed animal mounts and antique tools [25] [26]
Crossnore Fine Arts Gallery Crossnore Avery WesternTextileFine art gallery, weaving studio and exhibits, and a retail shop
C. S. Brown Regional Cultural Arts Center Winton HertfordInner BanksAfrican American website
CSS Neuse State Historic Site KinstonLenoirInner BanksMilitaryRemains of the hull of the Confederate ironclad CSS Neuse
Cultural Heritage MuseumKinstonLenoirInner BanksAfrican AmericanOpen by appointment [27]
Cupola House EdentonChowanInner BanksHistoric house
Curb Museum for Music and Motorsports Kannapolis Cabarrus Metro CharlotteMultipleIncludes memorabilia of Curb musicians, the North Carolina Music Hall of Fame with photos and memorabilia of notable state musicians, and NASCAR vehicles, photos and memorabilia
Currituck Beach Light CorollaCurrituckOuter BanksMaritimeLighthouse to climb, operated by the Outer Banks Conservationists
Dare County Regional Airport Museum Manteo DareOuter BanksAviationFeatures models of aircraft that played a part in the aviation history of Dare County, history of the airport and area aviation
Darshana Hall Plantation Cleveland Rowan Metro CharlotteHistoric house website
David John Aaron Museum Mount Olive WaynePiedmontLocal historyOperated by the Mount Olive Area Historical Society [28]
Davidson County Historical Museum Lexington Davidson Piedmont TriadLocal historyLocated in the former county courthouse
Delta Arts CenterWinston-SalemForsythPiedmont TriadArt website, arts & humanities, with an emphasis on African American contributions
Diggs GalleryWinston-SalemForsythPiedmont TriadArt website, part of Winston-Salem State University, dedicated to African and African-American art
Discovery Place CharlotteMecklenburgMetro CharlotteScience
Discovery Place KIDS Huntersville MecklenburgMetro CharlotteChildren's
Dr. Robert Smith HouseMount AirySurryFoothillsLocal historyDepicts early 20th century life [29]
Dr. Josephus Hall House Salisbury RowanMetro CharlotteHistoric house website, operated by the Historic Salisbury Foundation, mid-19th century period house
Dry Ridge Historical Museum Weaverville BuncombeWesternLocal historyLocated in the Weaverville Public Library [30] [31]
Duke Homestead State Historic Site DurhamDurhamThe TriangleOpen air1850s home, factories, tobacco farm and museum
Duplin County Veterans Museum Warsaw DuplinPiedmontMilitary website
Earl Scruggs Center Shelby Cleveland Metro CharlotteBiographicalLife of musician Earl Scruggs, history and culture of the American South
Eastern Carolina Village & Farm Museum Greenville Pitt Inner BanksOpen air website, depicts buildings and agriculture history from 1840 - 1940
Eastern Cabarrus Historical Society Museum Mount Pleasant CabarrusMetro CharlotteLocal history [32]
Edgecombe County Veterans Military MuseumTarboroEdgecombeInner BanksMilitary website
Edwards-Franklin House Low Gap SurryFoothillsHistoric houseEarly 19th-century house, operated by the Surry County Historical Society
Elsewhere Artist CollaborativeGreensboroGuilfordPiedmont TriadArt website, changing, interactive environment of artworks, objects, and events in a former thrift store
EnergyExploriumHuntersvilleMecklenburgMetro CharlotteScience website, located at McGuire Nuclear Station, exhibits about electricity
Erwin History Museum Erwin HarnettThe TriangleLocal history [33] WEBSITE
Fair Bluff Depot Museum Fair Bluff ColumbusPiedmontLocal historyOperated by the Greater Fair Bluff Historical Society [34]
Faison Museum Faison DuplinPiedmontLocal historyDisplays in the Faison branch library [35]
Fascinate-U Children's MuseumFayettevilleCumberlandFayetteville metro areaChildren's website
Fayetteville Area Transportation Museum FayettevilleCumberlandFayetteville metro areaTransportationLocated in a historic depot, displays include railroads, cars, local history
Fayetteville Independent Light Infantry Armory and MuseumFayettevilleCumberlandFayetteville metro areaMilitary website, history of the private militia, open by appointment
Fifth Avenue Mask MuseumHendersonvilleHendersonWesternAnthropologyNative masks, dolls dressed in native garb and locally produced textiles, open by appointment [36] [37]
Flat Top Manor Blowing Rock WataugaWesternHistoric houseAlso known as Moses Cone Manor, located in Moses H. Cone Memorial Park, tours of the Victorian mansion's second floor, first floor houses the Parkway Craft Center
Folk Art Center AshevilleBuncombeWesternArtAppalachian folk art, crafts and culture, operated by the Southern Highland Craft Guild
Foothills Arts Council Elkin SurryFoothillsArtIncludes a regional art gallery [38]
Fort Defiance Lenoir CaldwellWesternHistoric house1792 home of Revolutionary general William Lenoir
Fort Dobbs Statesville IredellMetro CharlotteMilitaryRemains of the 18th-century fort from the French and Indian War era
Fort Branch Hamilton Martin Inner BanksMilitaryConfederate earthen fort
Fort Fisher State Historic Site Wilmington New HanoverLower Cape FearMilitaryRestored fort and museum
Fort Macon State Park BeaufortCarteretCrystal CoastMilitaryRestored fort and museum
Fort Raleigh National Historic Site Roanoke Island DareOuter BanksHistoryIncludes history of Sir Walter Raleigh's "Lost Colony" and local history
Foscue Plantation Pollocksville JonesInner BanksHistoric house website, early 19th-century plantation house
Franklin Gem & Mineral Museum Franklin MaconWesternNatural history website, gems, minerals, fossils, Indian artifacts, fluorescent mineral display, sea shells, located in a former jail
Fremont Heritage Museum Fremont WaynePiedmontLocal historyOperated by the Fremont Historical Society [39]
Frisco Native American Museum & Natural History Center Frisco DareOuter BanksMultiple website, Native American artifacts, art, and culture, natural history displays
Fuquay-Varina Museums Complex Fuquay-Varina WakeThe TriangleLocal history website, includes the First Fuquay Post Office, the "Squire" Ballentine Schoolhouse, and the Centennial Museum
Gaston County Museum Dallas GastonMetro CharlotteMultiple website, art, transportation, textiles, historic hotel
General William C. Lee Airborne MuseumDunnHarnettThe TriangleBiographical website, former home and military history of General William C. Lee
Gertrude Smith House Mount AirySurryFoothillsHistoric houseDepicts early 20th century life [29]
GI Memorial House Museum Kannapolis CabarrusMetro CharlotteHistoric house1945 house built for WWII veterans, operated by the Kannapolis History Associates [40]
Gibsonville Museum Gibsonville AlamancePiedmont TriadLocal history [41]
Gold Hill Mines Historic Park Gold Hill Township RowanPiedmontMining website, includes Assay Museum, jail and mine shafts
Gourd Museum Angier HarnettThe TriangleCommodityGourd crafts from around the world [42]
Graham County Museum of Prehistoric Relics Fontana Dam GrahamWesternArchaeologyLocated at the Hike Inn, pre-historic artifacts from North, Central and South America [43]
Graham Historical MuseumGrahamAlamancePiedmont TriadLocal historyLocated in the 1914 Graham Fire House [44] [45]
Grandfather Mountain Nature Museum Linville AveryWesternNatural history website, animals, plants and geology of Grandfather Mountain and surrounding area
Granite Falls History & Transportation Museum Granite Falls Caldwell WesternLocal history website, located in the 1790s Andrew Baird House, local history and transportation, art exhibits
Granville County History Museum Oxford Granville PiedmontLocal history website, operated by the Granville County Historical Society in the former county jail
Graveyard of the Atlantic Museum Hatteras DareOuter BanksMaritimemaritime history and shipwrecks of the Outer Banks
Green Hill Center GreensboroGuilfordPiedmont TriadArt website, visual arts center with exhibitions of contemporary art and a family gallery
Greene County Museum Snow Hill Greene Inner BanksMultiple website, local and regional art and local history
Greensboro Children's MuseumGreensboroGuilfordPiedmont TriadChildren's website
Greensboro College Art GalleriesGreensboroGuilfordPiedmont TriadArtAnne Rudd Galyon & Irene Cullis Galleries, located in Cowan Humanities Building [46]
Greensboro Historical Museum GreensboroGuilfordPiedmont TriadLocal historyExhibits include O. Henry, First Lady Dolley Madison, the Greensboro Sit-ins, period displays, also late 18th century McNairy House and early 19th century Isley House
Greensboro Science Center GreensboroGuilfordPiedmont TriadNatural historyNatural history and science museum, zoo and aquarium
Greenville Museum of Art GreenvillePittInner BanksArt website, collections focuses on works by North Carolina artists and noted American Landscape artists from 1860 to present
Gregg Museum of Art & Design RaleighWakeThe TriangleArt website, part of North Carolina State University, applied and decorative arts including textiles, ceramics, outsider/folk art, paintings, photography, sculpture, architectural drawings, archaeological artifacts, ethnographic materials and modern furniture
Grifton Historical Museum Grifton PittInner BanksLocal history website, includes tools and equipment for office, shop, farm and kitchen, Tuscorora artifacts, military displays, natural history, Catechna Indian Village replica
Guilford College Art GalleryGreensboroGuilfordPiedmont TriadArt [47]
Guilford Courthouse National Military Park GreensboroGuilfordPiedmont TriadMilitaryRevolutionary War battlefield and museum
Hammerstone Scout Museum Lillington HarnettThe TriangleScouting website, memorabilia of Scouting pioneers and heroes, open by appointment
Hands On!HendersonvilleHendersonWesternChildren's website
Hanes Art GalleryWinston-SalemForsythPiedmont TriadArt website, part of Wake Forest University, located in the Scales Fine Arts Center
Harmony Hall KinstonLenoirInner BanksHistoric houseOperated by the Lenoir County Historical Association, 18th-century house with 19th-century Victorian furnishings
Harmony Hall Plantation White Oak Bladen PiedmontOpen airIncludes 18th-century house, schoolhouse, two restored country stores, a chapel, corn-crib, external kitchen, log cabin and a gatehouse
Harnett County Indian Museum Kipling Harnett The TriangleNative AmericanIncludes a craft shop, Native American artifacts, open by appointment [33]
Harper House/Hickory History CenterHickoryCatawbaWesternHistoric house website, operated by the Historical Association of Catawba County, late 19th-century Queen Anne house, adjacent Bonniwell-Lyerly House in the Craftsman style
Harris Hall MuseumOxfordGranvillePiedmontMultiple website, changing exhibits of science, history, art, and culture, operated by the Granville County Historical Society
Harvey B. Gantt Center CharlotteMecklenburg Metro Charlotte ArtWorks by African American artists, located in the Levine Center for the Arts
Hatteras Histories and Mysteries Museum BuxtonDareOuter BanksHistoryArchaeological artifacts, history and culture of Hatteras Island
Havelock Tourist & Event Center Havelock Craven Crystal CoastAviation website, features exhibits about the Marine Corps history and aircraft
Haw River Town Museum Haw River AlamancePiedmont TriadLocal history
Haywood Hall RaleighWakeThe TriangleHistoric houseHistoric home of John Haywood
Henderson County Heritage Museum HendersonvilleHendersonWesternLocal history
Henderson Institute Historical Museum Henderson VanceWesternAfrican AmericanHistory of the former African American school and its graduates [48]
Hendersonville Antique Toy MuseumHendersonvilleHendersonWesternToyToys, dolls, dollhouses, model trains [49]
Hendersonville DepotHendersonvilleHendersonWesternRailroadLate 19th-century train depot, home to the Apple Valley Model Railroad Club with model trail layout [50] [51]
Hendrick Motorsports Museum Concord CabarrusMetro CharlotteAutomotive website, cars, trophies, and memorabilia from the Hendrick Motorsports racing teams
Hickory Aviation Museum Hickory CatawbaWesternAviationHistoric military aircraft, aircraft weapons, flight suits, art, models
Hickory Museum of Art HickoryCatawbaWesternArtAmerican art including paintings, contemporary, folk, outsider, studio art glass and pottery
Hickory Ridge Homestead BooneWataugaWesternLivingLocated on the grounds of the Horn in the West, Revolutionary War mountain community
Hiddenite Center Hiddenite Alexander WesternMultipleIncludes Victorian Lucas Mansion and art gallery, doll collection from the 19th century, native gems and minerals
Highlands Historical Village Highlands MaconWesternLocal history website, operated by the Highlands Historical Society, includes the House-Boynton-Trapier-Wright Home ("the Prince House"), the Highlands Historical Museum and Archives, and Bug Hill Cottage
Highlands Nature CenterHighlandsMaconWesternNatural history website, part of Highlands Biological Station that includes a botanical garden
High Point Museum High Point GuilfordPiedmont TriadMultiple website, includes local history museum with exhibits about the area furniture industry, 1801 Hoggatt House, 1786 Haley House and a blacksmith shop
Historic Bath Bath BeaufortInner BanksOpen airIncludes guided tours of the Palmer-Marsh House, Van Der Veer House, Bonner House
Historic EdentonEdentonChowanInner BanksOpen air website, tours include the James Iredell House, Roanoke River Light, Barker House, Cupola House, Chowan County Courthouse and St. Paul's Episcopal Church
History Museum of Burke CountyMorgantonBurkeWesternLocal history website
Historic Bethabara Park Winston-SalemForsythPiedmont TriadOpen airSite of first settlement by members of the Moravian Church in 1753
Historic Halifax State Historic Site Halifax Halifax Inner BanksOpen air website, includes visitor center museum, several 18th & early 19th century historic houses, tavern, tap room, Clerk of Court's Office, Jail and the Montfort archaeological exhibit
Historic Hope Plantation Windsor Bertie Inner BanksHistoric houseIncludes the 1803 Hope Mansion and 1763 King-Bazemore House
Historic Johnson FarmHendersonvilleHendersonWesternFarm website, includes farm house, boarding house, barn loft museum, animals; heritage education center owned by Henderson County Public Schools
Historic Latta Plantation HuntersvilleMecklenburgMetro CharlotteLiving1800 cotton plantation and living history farm
Historic Oak View RaleighWakeThe TriangleFarmIncludes agriculture exhibit, 1855 farmhouse and detached kitchen, livestock barn, carriage house, and turn-of-the-20th-century cotton gin
Historic Rockwell Museum Rockwell RowanMetro CharlotteLocal history [52]
Historic Rosedale Plantation CharlotteMecklenburgMetro CharlotteHistoric house13 room antebellum plantation and gardens
Historic Stagville DurhamDurhamThe TriangleOpen air18th century plantation house, slave cabins, farmer's house, visitor center and barn
Historic Vance House & Civil War Museum Statesville IredellMetro CharlotteHistoric house information, home Zebulon Vance
Historic Yates Mill County Park RaleighWakeThe TriangleMillHistory gristmill and exhibits on the park's natural and cultural history
History House Museum Tillery HalifaxInner BanksLocal history website, history of 1930s New Deal African American resettlement farm
History Museum of Carteret County Morehead City CarteretCrystal CoastLocal history website, operated by the Carteret County Historical Society, includes textiles, period clothing, furniture, military memorabilia, glassware and artwork
Horace Williams House Chapel HillOrangeThe TriangleArtChanging exhibits presented by the Preservation Society of Chapel Hill
Horne Creek Living Historical Farm Pinnacle StokesFoothillsFarmDepicts 1900-1910 farm life
Houck's Chapel HickoryCatawbaWesternReligiousOperated by the Hickory Landmarks Society, late 19th century church, open by appointment
House in the Horseshoe Sanford MooreSandhillsHistoric houseLate 18th century period plantation home
House of Flags Museum Columbus Polk WesternHistory website, historic American flags, military service and religious flags, flags of our founding countries and the Revolutionary War era
Hudson Depot Museum Hudson CaldwellWesternLocal historyHistory of the town of Hudson and the local railroad industry, open during special events and to school classes [53] [54]
Hugh Mangum Museum of Photography Durham DurhamThe TriangleHistoryHistoric and contemporary photographs of Durham and its citizens
Hugh Torrance House and StoreHuntersvilleMecklenburgMetro CharlotteHistoric house website, early 19th-century period house and store
Imagination Station Science Museum WilsonWilsonInner BanksScience
Imperial Center for the Arts & Sciences Rocky MountNashThe TriangleMultiple website, includes the Maria V. Howard Arts Center and the Rocky Mount Children's Museum and Science Center
Ingram Planetarium Sunset Beach BrunswickLower Cape FearSciencePlanetarium and science exhibits
International Civil Rights Center and Museum GreensboroGuilfordPiedmont TriadHistoryHistory of the American civil rights movement
International Lineman's MuseumShelbyClevelandMetro CharlotteIndustry website, history of linemen and the electrical utility industry
Iredell Museums Statesville IredellMetro CharlotteMultiple website, three sites: Court Street Gallery for art exhibits, Gregory Creek Homestead with 9 cabins and living history events, Kids@Play children's museum
JAARS Museum of the Alphabet Waxhaw Union Metro CharlotteHistoryHistory of the development of the alphabet and written languages
Jesse Helms Center Wingate UnionMetro CharlotteBiographicalPapers and works of Senator Jesse Helms, promotes "principles of free enterprise, representative democracy, traditional American values, and a strong national defense"
Jockey's Ridge State Park Nags Head DareOuter BanksNatural historyVisitor center museum
Joel Lane Museum House RaleighWakeThe TriangleHistoric houseOperated by the National Society of Colonial Dames of America, late 18th century period home
John Blue Complex Laurinburg ScotlandSandhillsMultipleIncludes the 1890s John Blue House, sawmill, several 19th century cabins, late 19th century general store, a half mile, 18 gauge railroad, a cotton gin, and the Historical Museum of Scotland County which includes antique vehicles
John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Museum Fort Bragg CumberlandFayetteville metro areaMilitary website, information, regimental museum for Special Forces, Military Information Support Operations and Civil Affairs units
Johnston County Heritage CenterSmithfieldJohnstonInner BanksLocal history website, exhibits housed in the Holding-Richardson Exhibit Hall or in the Visitors Bureau Gallery
J. Summie Propst House HickoryCatawbaWesternHistoric houseOperated by the Hickory Landmarks Society, late 19th century Victorian house
Jugtown Pottery and MuseumSeagroveRandolphPiedmont TriadArtIncludes museum of area pottery
Junaluska Museum and Memorial Site Robbinsville GrahamWesternNative AmericanLocated at the burial site of Cherokee Warrior Junaluska, Cherokee history and culture [55] [56]
Kernersville MuseumKernersvilleForsythPiedmont TriadLocal History website
KidSenses Rutherfordton RutherfordWesternChildren's website
Kidzu Children's Museum Chapel HillOrangeThe TriangleChildren'sInteractive exhibit for ages 0–8
Kings Mountain Historical Fire Museum Kings Mountain GastonMetro CharlotteFirefighting website
Kings Mountain Historical Museum Kings Mountain GastonMetro CharlotteLocal history
Kinston Arts CenterKinstonLenoirInner BanksArt website, changing exhibits and model railroad display
Kirby Gallery Roxboro PersonPiedmontArtRegional art gallery [57]
Korner's Folly Kernersville ForsythPiedmont TriadHistoric houseUnusual historic mansion
Lake Waccamaw Depot Museum Lake Waccamaw Columbus Lower Cape FearLocal history
Latimer House Wilmington New HanoverLower Cape FearHistoric house website, operated by the Lower Cape Fear Historical Society, Victorian period home
Lawndale Museum Lawndale Cleveland Metro CharlotteLocal historyOperated by the Lawndale Historical Society [58]
Legends of Harley Drag Racing Museum RaleighWakeThe TriangleTransportationDisplays of Harley-Davidson drag racing motorcycles and memorabilia
Level 256 Classic Arcade Bar Asheville Buncombe WesternVideo Game Website, Displays of video gaming consoles from the 1970s to present day.
Levine Museum of the New South CharlotteMecklenburgMetro CharlotteHistorySouthern and regional history and culture since the Civil War
Liberty Hall Kenansville DuplinPiedmontHistoric houseLate 18th century plantation house
Light FactoryCharlotteMecklenburgMetro CharlotteArt website, photography and film and related light-generated mediums
Linbrook Heritage Estate Trinity RandolphPiedmont TriadMultiple website, includes tours of 21st-century Linbrook Hall mansion, Neal Agricultural and Industrial Museum, early 20th-century Hoover farmshouse
Lincoln County Museum of History Lincolnton Lincoln Metro CharlotteLocal history website, operated by the Lincoln County Historical Association
Locust Historical Society and Museum Locust StanlyMetro CharlotteLocal history [59]
Louisburg College Art Galleries Louisburg FranklinThe TriangleArt [60]
Lumbee Indian Museum Laurinburg ScotlandSandhillsNative American [61]
Lundy-Fetterman Museum Buies Creek HarnettThe TriangleNatural historyPart of Campbell University in the Lundy-Fetterman School of Business, mounted game animals, seashells, university memorabilia
Macon County Historical Museum FranklinMaconWesternLocal historyExhibits include Cherokee arrowheads and artifacts, early medical instruments and supplies, period clothing
Madison Dry Goods Museum Madison RockinghamFoothillsHistory website, exhibits include early 20th century hardware, hotel and funeral chapel displays
Maple Grove HickoryCatawbaWesternHistoric houseOperated by the Hickory Landmarks Society, late 19th century Victorian house
Marbles Kids Museum RaleighWakeThe Triangle Children's Formerly Exploris Museum
Matthews Heritage Museum Matthews MecklenburgMetro CharlotteLocal history website, located in the 1880 Massey-Clark House, operated by the Matthews Historical Foundation
Maxton Museum Maxton RobesonPiedmontLocal historyOperated by the Maxton Historical Society [62]
May Museum and Park Farmville PittInner BanksLocal history website
McColl Center for Art + Innovation CharlotteMecklenburgMetro CharlotteArt website, includes a contemporary craft gallery
McDowell House at Quaker Meadows MorgantonBurkeWesternHistoric houseOperated by the Historic Burke Foundation, 1812 period house
Memory Lane Museum Mooresville Iredell Metro CharlotteAutomotive website, retired NASCAR and vintage race cars, memorabilia, antique toys, pedal cars, bicycles, gas pumps, movie cars, tractors and vintage motorcycles
Mendenhall Homeplace Jamestown GuilfordPiedmont TriadHistoric house1811 Quaker homeplace and plantation buildings
Meredith College Galleries RaleighWakeThe TriangleArtPart of Meredith College
Mexico-Cardenas Museum WaxhawUnionMetro CharlotteEthnicMexican culture and Lázaro Cárdenas, Mexico's president from 1934 to 1940
Mineral and Lapidary Museum HendersonvilleHendersonWesternNatural historyMinerals, rocks, fossils, Native American artifacts
Mint Museum Randolph CharlotteMecklenburgMetro CharlotteArtLocated in a former U.S. mint, includes art of the ancient Americas, ceramics and decorative arts, fashion, European and African art
Mint Museum Uptown CharlotteMecklenburgMetro CharlotteArtLocated in the Levine Center for the Arts, crafts, design, collections of American, contemporary, and European art
Missiles and More Museum Topsail Beach PenderLower Cape FearLocal history website, operated by the Historical Society of Topsail Island, exhibits include Operation Bumblebee, Camp Davis, pirates, Native Americans, natural history and the V-22 Osprey aircraft
Mitchell House Museum Thomasville DavidsonPiedmont TriadHistoryHistory of the Mills Home orphanage, open by appointment
Montford Point Marines Museum Jacksonville Onslow Inner BanksMilitaryHistory of the Montford Point Marines, the first African American Marines, located at Camp Gilbert H. Johnson
Moogseum Asheville Buncombe WesternBiographical website, small space dedicated to the history and legacy of synthesizer inventor Bob Moog, run by the Moog Foundation
Moores Creek National Battlefield Wilmington PenderLower Cape FearMilitaryRevolutionary War battlefield and museum
Mooresville Museum Mooresville IredellMetro CharlotteLocal history website
Mordecai Mansion RaleighWakeThe TriangleHistoric houseAntebellum plantation home
Morehead Planetarium and Science Center Chapel HillOrangeThe TriangleSciencePart of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Morrow Mountain State Park Albemarle Stanly Metro CharlotteLocal historyIncludes museum of local cultural and natural history and a restored historic house
Mountain Farm Museum and Mingus Mill Cherokee SwainWesternOpen airIncludes reconstructed late 19th century log farm buildings and a historic corn grist mill
Mountain Heritage Center Cullowhee Jackson WesternLocal history website, part of Western Carolina University, natural and cultural heritage of the southern Appalachian region
Mountain Gateway Museum and Heritage Center Old Fort McDowellWesternLocal historyRegional branch of the North Carolina Museum of History, culture and heritage of the southern Appalachians
Mount Airy Museum of Regional History Mount AirySurryFoothillsLocal history website, Native Americans, pioneers, home life, exhibits on Donna Fargo, Tommy Jarrell, Andy Griffith and Chang and Eng Bunker
Mount Mitchell State Park Burnsville YanceyWesternMultipleIncludes exhibits about the park's natural, cultural and historical heritage
Murfreesboro Historical Association MurfreesboroHertfordInner BanksMultipleOperates the William Rea Museum, Brady C. Jefcoat Museum, tours of the Dr. Walter Reed House, John Wheeler House, shops and the Agriculture and Transportation Museum
Murray's Mill NewtonCatawbaThe TriangleMillOperated by the Catawba County Historical Association
Museum & Archives of Rockingham County Wentworth RockinghamFoothillsLocal history website, operated by the Rockingham County Historical Society
Museum of American Cut & Engraved GlassHighlandsMaconWesternArtCut and engraved glass primarily from the American Brilliant Period, 1876-1916 [63]
Museum of American Pottery Creedmoor GranvilleThe TriangleArtLocated at Cedar Creek Gallery, works by family and studio potters
Museum of Anthropology at Wake Forest University Winston-SalemForsythPiedmont TriadAnthropology website, artifacts and art from Americas, Africa, Asia, and Oceania
Museum of Ashe County History Jefferson Ashe WesternLocal historyLocated in the historic former county courthouse
Museum of Coastal Carolina Ocean Isle Beach BrunswickLower Cape FearNatural historyNatural science, environment, and cultural history of the Coastal Carolina region
Museum of Colerain Colerain BertieInner BanksLocal history [64]
Museum of Early Southern Decorative Arts Winston-SalemForsythPiedmont TriadDecorative artsPart of Old Salem Museums & Gardens
Museum of Life and Science DurhamDurhamThe Triangle Science Formerly North Carolina Museum of Life and Science, science and natural history exhibits
Museum of North Carolina MineralsSpruce PineMitchellWesternNatural historyMinerals and gems found in the area and state [65] [66]
Museum of North Carolina Traditional PotterySeagroveRandolphPiedmont TriadArtFeatures displays from surrounding area potteries [67]
Museum of Old Domestic LifeHigh PointGuilfordPiedmont TriadHistory19th-century household items, tools and everyday artifacts from Quaker homes, open by appointment [68]
Museum of the Albemarle Elizabeth City PasquotankInner BanksLocal historyRegional branch of the North Carolina Museum of History
Museum of the Cape Fear Historical Complex FayettevilleCumberlandFayetteville metro areaLocal historyRegional branch of the North Carolina Museum of History, also features the 1897 Poe House and Arsenal Park
Museum of the Cherokee Indian Cherokee SwainWesternNative American website [usurped] , history and culture of the Cherokee
Museum of the Marine Jacksonville OnslowInner BanksMilitaryPlanned museum
Museum of the Southeast American Indian Pembroke RobesonPiedmontNative American website, part of the University of North Carolina at Pembroke, prehistory, history, culture, art and contemporary issues of American Indians, with special emphasis on the Robeson County Native American community
Museum of the WaxhawsWaxhawUnionMetro CharlotteLocal history website, includes exhibits on President Andrew Jackson
Museum of World Cultures Wilmington New HanoverLower Cape FearArt website, "museum without walls", public display in various buildings at University of North Carolina at Wilmington, includes clothing, textiles, jewelry, pottery, furniture, figures, drawings, photographs, prints and scrolls from all over the world
Mystery HillBlowing RockWataugaWesternMultiple website, includes historic house furnished for turn-of-the-20th-century life, science exhibits, Native American artifacts, and the house
NASCAR Hall of Fame CharlotteMecklenburgMetro CharlotteSportsHistory and heritage of NASCAR
Nasher Museum of Art DurhamDurhamThe TriangleArtPart of Duke University, collections include Medieval art, art of the Americas (largely pre-Columbian), classical antiquities, modern and international contemporary art, with a concentration in art from the African diaspora
National Railroad Museum and Hall of Fame Hamlet RichmondSandhillsRailroadIncludes railroad artifacts and model train layout
NC Museum of Dolls, Toys & Miniatures Spencer RowanMetro CharlotteToy website, includes dolls, Tinker Toys, model trains and trucks, dollhouses, miniatures and cap guns
Neal John Deere Tractor Museum Trinity RandolphPiedmont TriadAgricultureLocated at Linbrook Heritage Estate, includes rare tractors and industrial equipment, John Deere toys and memorabilia, engines, antique electrical apparatus [69]
New Bern Firemen's Museum New Bern CravenInner BanksFirefighting website
New London Museum New London StanlyMetro CharlotteLocal history [70]
Newbold-White House Hertford Perquimans Inner BanksHistoric houseColonial Quaker home
New Hope Valley Railway New Hill WakeThe TriangleRailroadHeritage railway and North Carolina Railway Museum
Neuseway Nature Park KinstonLenoirInner BanksMultipleIncludes the Neuse Planetarium, Health & Science Museum and the Exchange Nature Center
Norlina Train Museum Norlina WarrenPiedmontRailroad website
North Carolina Auto Racing Hall of Fame Mooresville IredellMetro CharlotteAutomotive website, includes over 40 race cars dedicated to all types of auto racing
North Carolina Aviation Museum Asheboro RandolphPiedmont TriadAviationRestored aircraft, models, uniforms, memorabilia
North Carolina Baseball Museum WilsonWilsonInner BanksSportsLocated at Fleming Stadium
North Carolina Central University Art Museum DurhamDurhamThe TriangleArt website, part of North Carolina Central University, focus is African-American and African art
North Carolina Collection GalleryChapel HillOrangeThe TriangleHistoryPart of the Wilson Library at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, includes literature, photographs, artifacts about North Carolina history, and three historic rooms with furnishings
North Carolina Cotton Museum Pikeville WaynePiedmontAgricultureAlso known as the Northern Wayne Heritage Museum [71]
North Carolina Estuarium Washington BeaufortInner BanksNatural history website, ecology of North Carolina's estuaries, operated by Partnership for the Sounds
North Carolina Maritime Museum BeaufortCarteretCrystal Coast Maritime Regional branch of the North Carolina Museum of History
North Carolina Maritime Museum at Southport Southport BrunswickLower Cape FearMaritimeRegional branch of the North Carolina Museum of History
North Carolina Maritime Museum on Roanoke Island Roanoke Island DareOuter BanksMaritimeRegional branch of the North Carolina Museum of History, also known as Roanoke Island Maritime Museum
North Carolina Museum of Art RaleighWakeThe TriangleArtCollection includes European paintings from the Renaissance to the 19th century, Egyptian funerary art, sculpture and vase painting from ancient Greece and Rome, American art of the 18th through 20th centuries, international contemporary art, African, ancient American, pre-Columbian, and Oceanic art, and Jewish ceremonial objects
North Carolina Museum of History RaleighWakeThe TriangleHistoryExhibits include state's military history, decorative arts, the North Carolina Sports Hall of Fame, transportation and changing exhibits of state history and culture
North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences RaleighWakeThe TriangleNatural historyThemes include dinosaurs, health and medicine, animals, fish, habitats, water, minerals, climate and weather, science, live animals
North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences at Whiteville Whiteville ColumbusPiedmontNatural historyNatural history and cultural heritage of our forests and forestry, formerly known as the North Carolina Museum of Forestry
North Carolina Music Hall of Fame KannapolisCabarrusMetro CharlotteMusicLocated at the Curb Museum, honors state performers and non-performers in the music industry
North Carolina Pottery Center SeagroveRandolphPiedmont TriadArt website
North Carolina School for the Deaf Historical Museum MorgantonBurkeWesternEducationHistory of the school
North Carolina State Capitol RaleighWakeThe TriangleHistoric site
North Carolina Transportation Museum Spencer RowanMetro CharlotteTransportationRailroad, aviation and automobiles
North Carolina Wesleyan College Galleries Rocky Mount NashThe TriangleArtIncludes the Mims Gallery and Four Sisters Gallery
Northampton County Museum Jackson Northampton Inner BanksLocal history [72] [73]
Norwood Museum Norwood StanlyMetro CharlotteLocal history [74] [75]
Oak Island Light Caswell BeachBrunswickLower Cape FearMaritimeLighthouse open for tour
Oakboro Railroad Museum Oakboro StanlyMetro CharlotteRailroad [76]
Oakboro Regional Museum of HistoryOakboroStanlyMetro CharlotteLocal history [76]
Oconaluftee Indian Village Cherokee SwainWesternNative AmericanReplica of an 18th-century eastern Cherokee community
Ocracoke Museum Ocracoke Hyde Outer BanksMultiple website, operated by the Ocracoke Preservation Society in the David Williams House, local history, period displays, art exhibits, duck decoys, fishing, boat and lighthouse models
Old Baldy Lighthouse & Smith Island Museum of History Bald Head Island Brunswick Lower Cape FearMaritimeReconstructed lighthouse keeper's quarters and local history museum, and tours of lighthouse
Old Bridge Preservation Society Museum Sunset Beach BrunswickLower Cape FearTransportation website, preserved swing bridge and tender house, and museum about its history and area transportation
Old Brunswick County JailSouthportBrunswickLower Cape Fear Prison website, operated by the Southport Historical Society
Old City JailMount AirySurryFoothillsMediaRe-creation of "The Courthouse" from the Andy Griffith Show [29]
Old Fort Railroad Museum Old Fort McDowellWesternRailroadHistoric depot with railroad displays and visitor center [77] [78]
Old Jail Museum Taylorsville AlexanderWesternPrison [79]
Old Rock School Railway Museum Valdese BurkeWesternRailroadAlso known as the Piedmont & Western Railroad Museum, includes model train layouts and railroad memorabilia, operated by the Piedmont and Western Railroad Club
Old Salem Museums & Gardens Winston-SalemForsythPiedmont TriadLiving18th and 19th century Moravian village
Old Salem Toy Museum Winston-SalemForsythPiedmont TriadToyPart of Old Salem Museums & Gardens, includes toys, dolls, teddy bears, puppets, doll houses, toy zoos, automobiles and planes
Old Waynesborough Park Goldsboro WaynePiedmontOpen air website, includes nine historic buildings [80]
Oliver Nestus Freeman Roundhouse MuseumWilsonWilsonInner BanksAfrican American website, contributions of local African Americans
Onslow County Museum Richlands OnslowInner BanksLocal history website, features area fossils
Orange County History Museum Hillsborough OrangeThe TriangleLocal history website
Oriental's History Museum Oriental Pamlico Inner BanksLocal history [81]
Orton Plantation Smithville Township BrunswickLower Cape FearHistoric houseSouthern plantation, outbuildings and gardens
Outer Banks Center for Wildlife EducationCorollaCurrituckOuter BanksNatural history website, coastal North Carolina's wildlife, natural history and cultural heritage, operated by the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission
Outer Banks Beachcomber Museum Nags HeadDareOuter BanksNatural historyCollection of beach glass, feathers, shells, sand, bricks and bottles, located in a historic store
Outer Banks History CenterManteoDareOuter BanksLocal history website, regional archives with changing exhibits
Page-Walker Arts & History Center Cary WakeThe TriangleMultipleLocal history and changing art exhibits
Palmer-Marsh House BathBeaufortInner BanksHistoric house1744 home
Pamlico County History Museum Grantsboro PamlicoInner BanksOpen air website, heritage village, operated by the Pamlico County Historical Association
Pantego Academy Historical Museum Pantego BeaufortInner BanksLocal history
Pender County Museum Burgaw PenderLower Cape FearLocal history website
Penderlea Homestead MuseumBurgaw Pender Lower Cape FearHistoric house website, homestead community farm of the Depression era
Penland School of Crafts Spruce Pine Mitchell WesternArtIncludes exhibit gallery
Person County Museum of History Roxboro Person PiedmontOpen airComplex includes a local history museum in the Governor W. W. Kitchin House, the Male Academy/Parsonage, Woodsdale General Store, Dr. John H. Merritt's office, a tobacco barn, and the Van Hook Subscription School [82]
Pisgah Center for Wildlife Education Pisgah Forest TransylvaniaWesternNatural history website, mountain wildlife and habitats, freshwater fish, operated by the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission
Polk County History Museum Columbus Polk WesternLocal history [83]
Poplar Grove Plantation Wilmington PenderLower Cape FearHistoric house19th century plantation homestead and outbuildings
Pope House Museum RaleighWakeThe TriangleHistoric house
Port Discover Elizabeth City Pasquotank Inner BanksScience website
Port O' Plymouth Museum Plymouth WashingtonInner BanksCivil WarLocated in a restored depot, Civil War military artifacts
President James K. Polk State Historic Site Pineville MecklenburgMetro CharlotteBiographicalIncludes visitor center with exhibits about James K. Polk, reconstructions of an early 19th-century log house, separate kitchen and barn
Presidential Culinary Museum Grover ClevelandMetro CharlotteHistory website, memorabilia from White House chefs, located at the Inn of the Patriots
Raeford-Hoke Museum Raeford HokeSandhillsLocal history website, located in the McLauchlin-McFadyen House, also includes "The Parker-Ray House," an emergency service museum, doll house, school house, and country store
Railroad House Sanford LeePiedmontLocal historyLate 19th-century house with local history displays
Raleigh Fire MuseumRaleighWakeThe TriangleFirefightingOpen on the second Saturday of each month [84]
Rankin Museum of American Heritage Ellerbe RichmondSandhillsMultiple website, natural history, paleontology, local history, Native American artifacts
Red Barn Mountain MuseumWaynesvilleHaywoodWesternLocal historyHistory of area rural mountain life [85] [86]
Red Springs Museum Red Springs RobesonPiedmontLocal history [87]
Reed Gold Mine Midland CabarrusMetro CharlotteMiningGold mining museum and tunnels
Reynolda House Museum of American Art Winston-SalemForsythPiedmont Triad Art American art from colonial era to the present
Richard Childress Racing Museum Welcome DavidsonPiedmont TriadAutomotive website, includes over 50 cars of Richard Childress Racing
Richard Gwyn Museum Elkin SurryFoothillsLocal historyOperated by the Jonathan Hunt Chapter of the D.A.R., includes farm tools, domestic artifacts [88] [89] information
Richard Petty Museum Randleman RandolphPiedmontAutomotiveRace car driver Richard Petty and vintage cars
Richmond-Miles History Museum Yanceyville CaswellPiedmont TriadLocal history website, located in the Graves-Florance-Gatewood House, operated by the Caswell County Historical Association
Right Track Toy Train Museum Lake Lure RutherfordWesternToyModel trains from the early 1900s to the present [90]
Roanoke Canal Museum Roanoke Rapids HalifaxInner BanksTransportation website, history of the Roanoke River Valley, the engineering feats of the Roanoke Canal and its later use as a source of hydroelectric power
Roanoke/Cashie River Center Windsor BertieInner BanksNatural history website, operated by the Partnership for the Sounds, exhibits about wildlife, migratory songbirds, traditional fisheries like river herring and shad, display about the Battle of Windsor
Roanoke Island Festival Park ManteoDareOuter BanksMultipleIncludes a museum ship, colonial and Native American living history site, local history museum, art exhibits
Robeson County History Museum Lumberton Robeson PiedmontLocal history website
Rock School Art Galleries ValdeseBurkeWesternArtCommunity art galleries, operated by the Rock School Arts Foundation
Rocky Mount Fire MuseumRocky MountNashThe TriangleFirefighting [91]
Rosetta C. Baldwin MuseumHigh PointGuilfordPiedmont TriadAfrican AmericanContributions of African Americans in local history [92]
Rowan Museum SalisburyRowanMetro CharlotteHistoryIncludes local history museum in a historic courthouse, the Old Stone House and the Utzman Chambers House
Ruby City Gems & MineralsFranklinMaconWesternNatural history website, store with museum display of gems, minerals and fossils, Native American and pre-Columbian artifacts
Rural Hall Depot Rural Hall ForsythPiedmont TriadRailroadOpen for special events
Rural Hill FarmHuntersvilleMecklenburgMetro CharlotteOpen air website, includes 265-acre (1.07 km2) historic farm with eight historic structures and three reproductions
Rural Heritage Museum Mars Hill MadisonWesternHistoryPart of Mars Hill University in Montague Hall, Southern Appalachian mountain culture and history [93]
Rush Wray Museum of Yancey County History BurnsvilleYanceyWesternLocal historyLocated in the McElroy House, include period furniture and local history exhibits
Rutherford County Farm Museum Forest City RutherfordWesternAgricultureAntique farm and home equipment [94] [95]
Rutherford Hospital Museum Rutherfordton RutherfordWesternMedicalHistoric medical equipment and hospital history [96]
Sam Bass GalleryConcordCabarrusMetro CharlotteArt website, motorsports art by Sam Bass
Sampson County History Museum Clinton Sampson Coastal Plain Local history website
Schiele Museum of Natural History Gastonia GastonMetro CharlotteNatural history website
SciWorks Winston-SalemForsythPiedmont TriadScienceScience and natural history
Scottish Heritage Center Laurinburg Scotland SandhillsEthnic website, part of the library of St. Andrews University, includes exhibits about the Scottish settlement of southeastern North Carolina
Scottish Tartans MuseumFranklinMaconWesternEthnic website, history of tartans, Scottish history, culture, dress, migration and military
Second Ward Alumni House MuseumCharlotteMecklenburgMetro CharlotteAfrican AmericanMemorabilia of Second Ward High School and other Charlotte neighborhoods that were home to the black community [97]
Sechrest GalleryHigh PointGuilfordPiedmont TriadArtPart of High Point University [98]
Senator Sam J. Ervin Jr. Library and Museum MorgantonBurkeWesternBiographical website, life, memorabilia and papers of Sam J. Ervin Jr., located on the campus of Western Piedmont Community College
Shaw House Properties Southern Pines MooreSandhillsHistoric house website, operated by the Moore County Historical Association, includes the antebellum Shaw House, Garner House and Britt Sanders Cabin
Shelton House Waynesville HaywoodWesternHistoric houseIncludes decorative arts, handicrafts and furniture created by North Carolina artists
Shook Museum Clyde HaywoodWesternHistoric houseLocated in the Shook-Welch-Smathers House
Smith-McDowell House AshevilleBuncombeWesternHistoric houseVictorian mansion and history exhibits
Smoky Mountain Trains Bryson City SwainWesternRailroadOperated by the Great Smoky Mountains Railroad, features Lionel model train engines, cars and accessories, large model train layout
Somerset Place Creswell Washington Inner BanksOpen air1830 antebellum plantation and outbuildings
Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art Winston-SalemForsythPiedmont TriadArtContemporary art gallery
Southern Appalachian Radio MuseumAshevilleBuncombeWesternTechnology website, antique radios, equipment and history, located on the campus of the Asheville–Buncombe Technical Community College
Spring Hope Historical Museum Spring Hope NashThe TriangleLocal history [99] [100]
St. James Place Museum Robersonville MartinInner BanksDecorative artsIncludes original furnishings, southern folk art, antique duck decoys, quilts
St. Paul Museum Randleman RandolphPiedmont TriadLocal historyLocated in the St. Paul Methodist Episcopal Church, operated by the North Randolph Historical Society
Stanly County Museum Albemarle StanlyMetro CharlotteMultipleIncludes local history exhibits, 1840s period Freeman-Marks House, 19th century I.W. Snuggs House
START GalleryWinston-SalemForsythPiedmont TriadArtPart of Wake Forest University, student art gallery [101]
Stokes County Historical Museum Danbury Stokes FoothillsLocal history website, located in the 1859 Wilson Fulton House, antique furniture and decorative items
Stone Mountain State Park WilkesboroWilkesWesternMultipleIncludes Mountain Culture Exhibit and mid-19th century Hutchinson Homestead
Stonewall Manor Rocky MountNashThe TriangleHistoric house website, antebellum plantation home
Swain County Heritage Museum Bryson City SwainWesternLocal historyLocated in the Swain County Courthouse [102] [103]
Swannanoa Valley Museum Black MountainBuncombeWesternLocal history website
Tannenbaum Historic ParkGreensboroGuilfordPiedmont TriadOpen airIncludes Colonial Heritage Center, 1813 Hoskins House, restored 1830s barn, a replica kitchen and blacksmith shop; adjacent to the Guilford Courthouse National Military Park [104]
Tarkil Branch Farm's Homestead Museum Beulaville DuplinPiedmontOpen air website, 19th century homestead, includes 1830s Dogtrot house, smokehouse, tobacco barn, corn cribs, chicken house and other structures with exhibits
Teach's Hole Blackbeard Exhibit and Pirate Specialty Shop Ocracoke HydeOuter BanksHistory website, shop and exhibit about Blackbeard and pirates
Textile Heritage Center at Cooleemee Cooleemee DaviePiedmontIndustryLocated in the Zachary House, history of the area textile industry, includes nearby Mill House Museum, set up for a typical mill worker's family [105]
Textile Heritage Museum Glencoe AlamancePiedmontIndustry website, features history and machinery of the textile industry, textile history of Alamance County, the Piedmont, and beyond
Theatre Art Galleries High PointGuilfordPiedmont TriadArt website
Things From Yesteryear Museum Pollocksville LenoirInner BanksHistoryOpen by appointment, includes antique appliances, cars, typewriters, cameras, medical equipment and Fostoria glassware [106] [107]
Thomas Wolfe House AshevilleBuncombeWesternHistoric houseVictorian boyhood home of author Thomas Wolfe
Thomasville Railroad Passenger Depot Thomasville DavidsonMetro CharlotteLocal history
Tobacco Farm Life Museum Kenly JohnstonInner BanksAgriculture website
Town Creek Indian Mound Mount Gilead MontgomerySandhillsArchaeologyHistoric Pee Dee ceremonial mound with visitor center, two temples, a burial house, palisade wall and residence
Trail of FaithValdeseBurkeWesternOpen air website, fifteen open-air exhibits and replicas that trace the history of the Waldensians, a Christian spiritual movement
Transylvania Heritage Museum Brevard TransylvaniaWesternLocal history website
Tryon Arts & Crafts School Tryon PolkWesternArt website, exhibits include student work and area artists
Tryon Palace Historic Site & Gardens New Bern CravenInner BanksHistoric houseModern reconstruction of the historical colonial governors' mansion of the Province of North Carolina
Turchin Center for the Visual Arts BooneWataugaWesternArt website, operated by Appalachian State University
Twin County Museum and Hall of FameRocky MountNashThe TriangleLocal historyHistory, culture, people, and accomplishments of Nash and Edgecombe Counties, located inside the train station [108]
UNC Charlotte GalleriesCharlotteMecklenburgMetro CharlotteArtTwo major exhibition spaces on the university's main campus and a gallery in the UNC Charlotte Center City building [109]
University of North Carolina at Asheville GalleriesAshevilleBuncombeWesternArtIncludes Blowers Gallery at the Ramsey Library, S. Tucker Cooke Gallery in Owen Hall, [110] Highsmith Art and Intercultural Gallery [111]
USS North Carolina Battleship Memorial Wilmington New HanoverLower Cape FearMaritimeWorld War II battleship
Vance Birthplace WeavervilleBuncombeWesternHistoric houseReconstructed late 18th century log house and farmstead outbuildings, birthplace of Governor Zebulon Baird Vance
Vance County Historical Museum Henderson VanceWesternLocal history
Van Every/Smith Galleries Davidson DavidsonMetro CharlotteArt website, part of Davidson College in the Belk Visual Art Center
Vollis Simpson Whirligig Park Wilson WilsonInner BanksArtSculpture park and museum [112]
Wake Forest Historical Museum Wake Forest WakeThe TriangleLocal history website, includes Calvin Jones House and museum of history of Wake Forest College and local history
Waldensian Heritage MuseumValdeseBurkeWesternReligious website, history of the Waldensians, a Christian spiritual movement, operated by the Waldensian Presbyterian Church
Walter L. Stasavich Science and Nature CenterGreenvillePittInner BanksNatural historyLocated in River Park North, includes an aquarium, live animals, wildlife dioramas, shells [113]
Waterworks Visual Arts CenterSalisburyRowanMetro CharlotteArt website
Wayne County Museum Goldsboro WaynePiedmontLocal history website
Weatherspoon Art Museum GreensboroGuilfordPiedmont TriadArtPart of University of North Carolina at Greensboro, modern and contemporary art
Weizenblatt Gallery Mars Hill MadisonWesternArtPart of Mars Hill University [114]
Welcome Home Veterans Living Military MuseumMooresvilleIredellMetro CharlotteLocal history website, located in Richard's Coffee Shop, includes photos, paintings, memorabilia
Wells Fargo History Museum CharlotteMecklenburgMetro CharlotteHistoryCompany history, gold mining, 19th-century stagecoach, bank branch model, coins
Wellington B. Gray GalleryGreenvillePittInner BanksArtPart of East Carolina University in the Jenkins Fine Arts Center [115]
Western Carolina University Fine Art Museum Cullowhee JacksonWesternArt website, contemporary art, part of Western Carolina University in the John W. Bardo Fine & Performing Arts Center
Western North Carolina Air MuseumHendersonvilleHendersonWesternAviation website, historic aircraft and memorabilia
West Point Mill Durham DurhamThe TriangleMillReconstructed working grist mill, located in West Point on the Eno park
Weymouth Woods-Sandhills Nature Preserve Southern PinesMooreSandhillsNatural historyLongleaf pine forest, including geology, plants, animals and the use of prescribed fires
Whalehead Club CorollaCurrituckOuter BanksHistoric house1925 Art Nouveau mansion
Wheels Through Time Museum Maggie Valley HaywoodWesternMotorcycle website, over 300 historic American motorcycles
Whippoorwill Academy and Village Ferguson WilkesWesternOpen air website, includes Tom Dooley Museum, Daniel Boone replica cabin, an art gallery, store, jail, schoolhouse, chapel
Whistlestop Exhibit at Company Shops StationBurlingtonAlamancePiedmont TriadRailroadHistory of the North Carolina Railroad Company [116]
Wilbur A. Tyndall Tractor Museum Pink Hill LenoirInner BanksAgricultureOpen by appointment, tractors, farm equipment and implements, advertisements, signs, agriculture and rural life memorabilia [117]
Wilderness Taxidermy and Wildlife MuseumFranklinMaconWesternNatural historyCollection of taxidermied animals from around the world [118]
Wilkes Art Gallery North Wilkesboro WilkesPiedmont TriadArt website
Wilkes Heritage Museum Wilkesboro WilkesWesternMultipleIncludes tours of the Old Wilkes Jail, Robert Cleveland Log House, and exhibits about early settlement, military history, industry, agriculture, medicine, communication, education, entertainment, and transportation
Wilmington Railroad Museum Wilmington New HanoverLower Cape FearRailroad website
Wilson Arts CenterWilsonWilsonInner BanksArt website
World Methodist MuseumLake JunaluskaHaywoodWesternReligious website, history of the Wesleyan movement
Wright Brothers National Memorial Kill Devil Hills DareOuter BanksAviationIncludes museum, test site with outdoor displays and monument
Wright Tavern Wentworth RockinghamFoothillsHistoric siteOpen by appointment with the Rockingham County Historical Society
Wrightsville Beach Museum of History Wrightsville Beach New HanoverLower Cape FearLocal history website
YMI Cultural Center AshevilleBuncombeWesternAfrican American website
Zachary-Tolbert House Cashiers JacksonWesternHistoric houseOperated by the Cashiers Historical Society, features a collection of hand-crafted 'plain-style' furniture

Defunct museums

See also


  1. "A.D. Gallery". Art Department of the University of North Carolina at Pembroke. Retrieved 8 December 2014.
  2. "African American Cultural Complex". Visit Raleigh. Retrieved 8 December 2014.
  3. "Official site". Alleghany Historical – Genealogical Society. Retrieved 8 December 2014.
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