List of people from Maryland

Last updated

The Flag of Maryland Flag of Maryland.svg
The Flag of Maryland
Location of Maryland on the U.S. map Maryland in United States (zoom).svg
Location of Maryland on the U.S. map

The following are some notable people from the American state of Maryland , listed by their field of endeavor. This list may not include Federal officials and members of the United States Congress who live in Maryland but are not actual natives.


Politicians, jurists, and statesmen

Frederick Douglass Frederick Douglass (circa 1879).jpg
Frederick Douglass
Merrick Garland Attorney General Merrick Garland.jpg
Merrick Garland
Steny Hoyer Steny Hoyer, official photo as Whip.jpg
Steny Hoyer
Thurgood Marshall Thurgood-marshall-2.jpg
Thurgood Marshall
Nancy Pelosi Official photo of Speaker Nancy Pelosi in 2019.jpg
Nancy Pelosi


Scientists and inventors

Authors, journalists

Tom Clancy Tom Clancy at Burns Library cropped.jpg
Tom Clancy


Tori Amos ToriAmos-madisonsquaregarden-crop.jpg
Tori Amos
Eubie Blake EubieBlake.jpg
Eubie Blake
Billie Holiday Billie Holiday 0001 original.jpg
Billie Holiday
Mya Mya 2009.jpg
Maggie Rogers Maggie Rogers Bham AL BPD.jpg
Maggie Rogers
Frank Zappa Zappa 16011977 01 300.jpg
Frank Zappa

Actors, filmmakers, and entertainers

Jonathan Banks Jonathan Banks 2012 2.jpg
Jonathan Banks
Clara Beranger Clara Beranger.jpg
Clara Beranger
Julie Bowen Julie Bowen Oct 2014 (cropped).jpg
Julie Bowen
Mildred Dunnock Mildred-dunnock-trailer.jpg
Mildred Dunnock
David Hasselhoff Hoff 3.jpg
David Hasselhoff
Goldie Hawn Goldie Hawn - 1978.jpg
Goldie Hawn
Julia Louis-Dreyfus Julia Louis-Dreyfus VF 2012 Shankbone 3.jpg
Julia Louis-Dreyfus
William H. Macy WilliamHMacyTIFFSept2012.jpg
William H. Macy
Edward Norton Ed Norton Shankbone Metropolitan Opera 2009.jpg
Edward Norton
Jada Pinkett-Smith Jada Pinkett Smith at NY PaleyFest 2014 for Gotham.jpg
Jada Pinkett-Smith


Harold Baines Harold Baines.jpg
Harold Baines
Kyle Beckerman Kyle Beckerman MLS AllStar 2013.jpg
Kyle Beckerman
Bill Belichick Bill Belichick 8-28-09 Patriots-vs-Redskins.jpg
Bill Belichick
Adrian Dantley Adrian Dantley (38259978012) (cropped).jpg
Adrian Dantley
Stefon Diggs Stefon Diggs.JPG
Stefon Diggs
Jimmie Foxx JimmyFoxxGoudeycard.jpg
Jimmie Foxx
Lefty Grove LeftyGroveGoudeycard.jpg
Lefty Grove
Al Kaline Al Kaline 1957.jpg
Al Kaline
Sugar Ray Leonard Sugar Ray Leonard.jpg
Sugar Ray Leonard
Helen Maroulis Helen Maroulis (29278073625) (cropped).jpg
Helen Maroulis
Tatyana McFadden T McFadden London Marathon 2014 - Wheelchair (65).jpg
Tatyana McFadden
Michael Phelps Michael Phelps Rio Olympics 2016.jpg
Michael Phelps
Paul Rabil Paul Rabil Interview.png
Paul Rabil
Cal Ripken Jr. Cal Ripken, Jr in 1996 (cropped).jpg
Cal Ripken Jr.
Babe Ruth Babe Ruth (cropped).jpg
Babe Ruth
Pam Shriver Pam Shriver 1994.jpg
Pam Shriver
Kyle Snyder Kyle Snyder official photo (cropped).jpg
Kyle Snyder
Mark Teixeira Mark Teixeira basepaths 2011.jpg
Mark Teixeira
Cameron Wake Cameron Wake 2014.JPG
Cameron Wake
Joanna Zeiger Joanna Zeiger (cropped2).jpg
Joanna Zeiger

Visual artists

Frank Cho Frank Cho at WonderCon 2010 2.JPG
Frank Cho

Individuals of historic significance

Francis Scott Key Francis Scott Key by Joseph Wood c1825.jpg
Francis Scott Key
Harriet Tubman Harriet Tubman by Squyer, NPG, c1885.jpg
Harriet Tubman


Sally Brice-O'Hara VADM Brice-OHara.jpg
Sally Brice-O'Hara
Johns Hopkins Hopkinsp.jpg
Johns Hopkins
Bronza Parks 20131005 Bronza Parks cutout Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum.JPG
Bronza Parks
William Wilson Quinn Lt. Gen. William W. Quinn.jpg
William Wilson Quinn

See also