Rapa Nui calendar

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Rapanui Man in the Moon RR 152.svg
Rapanui Man in the Moon

The Rapa Nui calendar was the indigenous lunisolar calendar of Easter Island. It is now obsolete.



William J. Thomson, paymaster on the USS Mohican, spent twelve days on Easter Island from December 19 to 30, 1886. Among the data Thomson collected were the names of the nights of the lunar month and of the months of the year: [1]

The natives reckoned their time, and in fact do so still by moons or months, commencing the year with August, which was, according to the traditions,the time when Hotu-Matua and his followers landed upon the island.


Thomson recorded the months as follows:

Rapanui nameMeaningWestern equivalent, 1886–1887
Hora-itilittle summerSeptember
Hora-nuibig summerOctober
Tangarouripart of November
KotutiNovember and December
RutiDecember and January
Vaitu-nuibig winterMay
Vaitu-potoshort winterJune
Maro or TemaroJuly


The Mamari Tablet of rongorongo is thought to include the Rapanui calendar. The identified calendrical information starts midway through recto line 6 (bottom center, upside down) and continues to the start of line 9 (top left). Two glyphs completing the purple sequence (ellipsis) are not visible at the start of 7. Blue and pink beaded lozenges ("accounting sets") follow the identified calendar, but their function is unknown. Rongorongo C-a Mamari calendar.jpg
The Mamari Tablet of rongorongo is thought to include the Rapanui calendar. The identified calendrical information starts midway through recto line 6 (bottom center, upside down) and continues to the start of line 9 (top left). Two glyphs completing the purple sequence (ellipsis) are not visible at the start of 7. Blue and pink beaded lozenges ("accounting sets") follow the identified calendar, but their function is unknown.

The month was divided in two, beginning with the new and full moon. Thomson recorded the calendar at the time of his visit to the island as follows. The new moon occurred on November 25 and again on the night of December 24; [2] Thompson records the crescent was first visible on November 26.

Rapanui nameMeaningWestern
equivalent, 1886
Kokore tahifirst kokoreNovember 27
Kokore ruasecond kokoreNovember 28
Kokore toruthird kokoreNovember 29
Kokore hâfourth kokoreNovember 30
Kokore rimafifth kokoreDecember 1
Kokore onosixth kokoreDecember 2
Maharufirst quarterDecember 3
OhuaDecember 4
OtuaDecember 5
OhotuDecember 6
MaureDecember 7
Ina-iraDecember 8
RakauDecember 9
Omotohifull moonDecember 10
Kokore tahifirst kokoreDecember 11
Kokore ruasecond kokoreDecember 12
Kokore toruthird kokoreDecember 13
Kokore hâfourth kokoreDecember 14
Kokore rimafifth kokoreDecember 15
TapumeDecember 16
MatuaDecember 17
Orongofirst quarter [ sic ]December 18
Orongo taaneDecember 19
Mauri nuiDecember 20
Marui [ sic ] keroDecember 21
OmutuDecember 22
TueoDecember 23
Oatanew moonDecember 24
OariDecember 25
Kokore tahifirst kokoreDecember 26

The three sources we have correspond with each other except for two intercalary days (in bold), and the night of the new moon in Englert, which seems to have been confused with one of these. Beginning with (o)ata, the night of the new moon, they are:

*1oataoataata *15omotohiomotohimotohi
2ohirooariari 16kokore tahikokore tahikokore tahi
3kokore tahikokore tahikokore tahi 17kokore ruakokore ruakokore rua
4kokore ruakokore ruakokore rua 18kokore torukokore torukokore toru
5kokore torukokore torukokore toru 19kokore hâkokore hakokore ha
6kokore hâkokore hakokore ha20kokore rimakokore rimakokore rima
7kokore rimakokore rimakokore rima21tapumetapumetapume
8kokore onokokore onokokore ono22matuamatuamatua
10ohuaohuahua24orongo taaneorongo tanerongo tane
11otuaotuaatua25mauri nuimauri nuimauri nui
xohotuhotu26mauri karomauri keromauri kero
14rakaurakaurakau xhiro
*New moon, full moon, and first and last quarters.

The kokore are unnamed (though numbered) nights; tahi, rua, toru, haa, rima, ono are the numerals 1–6. The word kokore is cognate with Hawaiian ‘a‘ole "no" and Maori kahore "no" and Tahitian ‘aore "there is/are not"; here it may mean "without [a name], nameless".


The calendar collected by Thomson is notable in that it contains thirteen months. All other authors mention only twelve, and Métraux and Barthel find fault with Thomson:

Thomson translates Anakena as August and suggests that the year began at that time because Hotu-Matua landed at Anakena in that month, but my informants and Roussel (1869) give Anakena as July. [3]
We are basing the substitution on the lists by Metraux and Englert (ME:51; HM:310), which are in agreement. Thomson's list is off by one month. [4]

However, Guy [5] calculated the dates of the new moon for years 1885 to 1887 and showed that Thomson's list fit the phases of the moon for 1886. He concluded that the ancient Rapanui used a lunisolar calendar with kotuti its embolismic month (AKA "leap month"), and that Thomson chanced to land on Easter Island in a year with a leap month.

The days hotu and hiro appear to be intercalary. A 28-day calendar month needs one to two intercalary days to keep in phase with the 29½-day lunar month. One of the rongorongo tablets may describe a rule for when to add these days. [6]

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  1. THOMSON, William J. 1891, p546. "Te Pito te Henua, or Easter Island". Report of the United States National Museum for the Year Ending June 30, 1889. Annual Reports of the Smithsonian Institution for 1889. 447–552. Washington: Smithsonian Institution. (An online version is available [www.sacred-texts.com/pac/ei/ei61.htm here])
  2. Calculated here. Easter Island is about 109° (7.3 hours) west of Greenwich Mean Time, so the 09:55  UTC new moon of December 25 occurred at 2:38 AM local time, on the night of December 24.
  3. MÉTRAUX, Alfred. 1940, p52. "Ethnology of Easter Island." Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bulletin 160. Honolulu: Bernice P. Bishop Museum Press.
  4. BARTHEL, Thomas S. 1978, p48. The Eighth Land. Honolulu: the University Press of Hawaii.
  5. GUY, Jacques B.M. 1992. "À propos des mois de l'ancien calendrier pascuan" ("On the months of the old Easter Island calendar"), Journal de la Société des Océanistes 94/1:119–125
  6. GUY, Jacques B.M. 2001. "Le calendrier de la tablette Mamari", Bulletin du Centre d'Études sur l'Île de Pâques et la Polynésie 47:1–4.