Social class in Italy

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Social classes in Italy are bourgeoisie, white-collar middle class, urban petite bourgeoisie, rural petite bourgeoisie, urban working class and rural working class. [1]


1970s Italian social classes according to Labini

In his Essay on social classes the Italian economist Paolo Sylos Labini presented the following classification, based on his analysis of income distribution:

Contemporary Italian social structure

A hierarchy of social class rank in Italy today.

1. Bourgeoisie (10% of the working population) [1] includes high-class entrepreneurs, managers, politicians, self-employed people, highest-ranking celebrities, etc.
2. White-collar middle class (17% of the working population) [1] includes middle class workers not employed in manual work.
3. Urban petite bourgeoisie (14% of the working population), [1] is mainly made up of shopkeepers, small-business entrepreneurs, self-employed artisans etc.
4. Rural petite bourgeoisie (10% of the working population) [1] consists of small entrepreneurs or estate owners who operate in the countryside, mainly in agriculture and forestry.
5. Urban working class (37% of the working population) [1] refers to the people employed in manual work.
6. Rural working class (9% of the working population) [1] consists of people operating in the primary industry, such as farmers, loggers, fishermen etc.

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  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 "Italy Poverty and wealth, Information about Poverty and wealth in Italy".
  2. Labini, Paolo Sylos (February 1976). Saggio sulle classi sociali[Essay on social classes] (in Italian). Bari: Laterza.