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Violence against women in Guatemala reached severe levels during the long-running Guatemalan Civil War (1960-1996), and the continuing impact of that conflict has contributed to the present high levels of violence against women in that nation. [1] During the armed conflict, rape was used as a weapon of war. [2]
Femicide in Guatemala is an extremely serious problem. According to a 2002 report by the Small Arms Survey, Guatemala has the third highest rate of femicide in the world, behind only El Salvador and Jamaica. [3] According to official figures, 560 women were murdered in the country in 2012, 631 in 2011 and 695 in 2010, though the exact number is not known.
Murders rarely result in any conviction and often are not properly investigated; less than 4 percent of all homicide cases result in conviction for the perpetrators. [4] [5] Perpetrators are confident they will get away with murder, in part because of the "machismo" culture in Latin America. This culture allows women to be treated as objects rather than humans; equality and basic rights granted to men are not even in question for women. [6] Rape culture and victim blaming are the tactics that go along with machismo, and both men and women largely agree with the misogynistic tendencies that have survived for so long. [7] Furthermore, machismo subordinates women to men in the household, with their roles often taking on multiple forms from housewife, to maid, to mother, to even a financial provider–women are seen as less than but given almost double the tasks, which is where the term “double day” originates from.
Women who work as human rights defenders, including activists working to protect land and natural resources, face violence, including threats, reprisal, and arbitrary arrests. Such acts are often committed by government authorities and security forces. [8]
In Guatemala, women human rights defenders experience at least one attack each day on average, and an estimated eighty-three percent of these activists are land and natural resource defenders. [8] Resource exploitation is linked to gender-based violence against women. [9] As a result, indigenous women are primary victims of threats and violence. [8] For instance, Topacio Reynoso Pacheco, a 16 year old activist, was shot and killed by representatives of the Guatemalan government after forming a group advocating against mining within her community. This instance is just one of many in which the Guatemalan government actively works to silence and oppress female voices. In 2020, approximately 1,825 people disappeared in Guatemala, according to data collected by the National Civil Police of Guatemala (PNC). Of these 1,825 individuals, the majority (61.5%) of them were women. This data delineates the failures found within the nation’s effort to eradicate violence against women and gender inequality, as the numbers continue to show just how many women are continually put in these situations–whether it be through men or through their government.
Sexual violence is widespread in Guatemala. There are about 10,000 cases of reported rape per year, but the total number is likely much higher because of under-reporting due to social stigma. According to Doctors without Borders , "Survivors [of sexual violence] are stigmatized and they cannot easily find treatment in Guatemala yet. There are no resources and too little comprehension of patients’ needs by the doctors." [10] The nation's health care institutions are ill-equipped and unwilling to provide adequate care for the thousands of women victimized by sexual violence each year. [11]
Many survivors are adolescent girls, leading to Guatemala having the highest teen pregnancy and preteen pregnancy rates in Latin America. [12] Girls as young as 10 years old are impregnated by rape, and they usually carry these pregnancies to birth. Most of these instances of sexual violence are perpetrated by the girl's father or other close male relative (89%). These men do not suffer consequences largely because of the lack of education, poverty, and lack of social respect for women. [13] According to photo activist Linda Forsell, [14] most young girls face expulsion from school if they are visibly pregnant.
Sexual violence is often used as a tactic in war, and many women, particularly women from indigenous tribes, often become sex slaves to soldiers and are subjected to rape and other forms of sexual violence. [15] When a community is occupied or destroyed, an entire community of women may be subjected to rape and sexual or domestic slavery, affecting the prosperity and health of the community after a conflict’s end. [15]
In February 2016, the Sepur Zarco trial convicted two ex-soldiers of crimes against humanity for their sexual abuse of 11 indigenous Q’eqchi’ women, the forced disappearance of the women's husbands, and the murder of a woman and her two daughters. [15] Expert witnesses called by the prosecution included Brazilian feminist academic Rita Segato. [16] The women of the Q’eqchi” community received substantial reparations for the damage done by the convicted soldiers. This is the first time a case of sexual slavery during armed conflict has been considered in court. In Guatemala, it was the first time any form of sexual violence during a conflict had been settled in court. [15]
Citizen and foreign women and girls have been victims of sex trafficking in Guatemala. They are raped and experience physical and psychological trauma in brothels, homes, and other locations. [17] [18] [19] [20] The illegal transporting and sexual assault of migrants from Latin America to the United States is a problem.
Common health problems that victims of sexual assault in Guatemala often suffer include HIV/AIDS, unwanted pregnancy, Hepatitis B, syphilis, Chlamydia, and Gonorrhoea. Because health care is not readily accessible and education about sexual violence not prevalent, avoidable and treatable health problems often go untreated. [11]
The emotional and psychological impact of sexual violence often requires professional health care to treat, but the stigma surrounding sexual violence makes it difficult for people to discuss.
International organizations like Doctors Without Borders try to fill the gap in Guatemala's health care and provide assistance to victims of sexual violence. In 2007, Doctors Without Borders opened a clinic in Guatemala City that provides comprehensive care for such victims. [21] The organization is also implementing educational programs in Guatemala City that aim to end the prevalence of sexual violence there.
The Center for Gender and Refugee Studies investigates and reports on sexual violence in Guatemala, working with human rights advocates, government groups, and community groups based in Guatemala. [22] They have published papers on the ineffectiveness of Guatemala's Law Against Femicide and Other Forms of Violence Against Women, passed in 2008. They also provide resources for attorney representing female victims of sexual violence, and help advocates in Guatemala implement laws that prevent sexual violence. They also educate countries around the world about the prevalence of sexual violence in Guatemala, so that international pressure can be put on the country to prevent sexual violence against women. [23]
The increased militarization of Guatemala has resulted in abuse and mistreatment of the people of Guatemala. [24] Militarism spreads a perception of brutality and makes it easier to access weapons, which makes the rates of domestic violence against women go up. [8] Guatemala's military has a substantial history of human rights violations. [25] Murders, torture, and missing people became a daily reality for people in Guatemala. [26] Most findings show that communities where an army is present tend to have more violence against women. [8] The Guatemalan military is also correlated with corruption. Recent records state that the government and military are often associated with criminal activity. [27]
Militarization came to Guatemala in the early 1980s. [8] In Guatemala, as well as in other parts of Latin America, there is an intense "war on drugs", that is a conflict between state forces and drug cartels, which has taken a violent turn. As a result of the war on drugs, there is a widespread presence of the military throughout the country thanks to three military bases in known drug trafficking areas. [28] Jody Williams, a Nobel Peace Prize recipient, said, "The war on drugs and increased militarization in Mexico, Honduras and Guatemala is becoming a war on women." [29]
From 2006 to 2011, the budget the military was allotted went from sixty-three million United States dollars to one hundred and seventy-five million dollars. [8] Otto Pérez Molina became the first military official to be elected as president. [25] Shortly after being elected president in 2012, Pérez increased the role of the military in fighting crime. [28] Soldiers now are assigned public safety duties that would normally be reserved for police forces.
As of 2013 there were twenty-one thousand troops deployed to assist in public safety duties. [25]
Amerindian (indigenous) women in Guatemala face high levels of violence by the military, and state authorities. [30] [31] It is very difficult for indigenous women to obtain justice. Many of them have not received school education, and live in extreme poverty. Girls in indigenous communities do not attend school because of the distance from their homes to school. [32] Indigenous population is estimated at 39.8% of Guatemala's population (in 2012). [33] High illiteracy rates and the fact that they do not speak Spanish makes the justice system limited for them. [24]
During the civil war, many indigenous women were forced into sexual slavery by the military. In 2016, a court in Guatemala ordered two former military officers to pay over $1m (£710,000) to 11 indigenous women whom they held as sex slaves during the civil war. [34]
Early marriage for girls is common in Guatemala; the country has one of the highest rates of child marriage in Latin America. [35] As of 2015, men and women must be at least 18 years of age to marry; sometimes exceptions can be made by judges for girls to be married at 16. Previously, girls could be married at 14 and boys could be married at 16. The age was increased and made the same regardless of gender in hopes to hold both men and women to the same standard. [35] It is estimated that 7% of girls are married before 15 years of age and 30% by 18 years of age. [35] Rates are even higher in rural areas where 53% of females are married before they are 18. [36] Some reasons for early marriage is poverty, rigid gender norms, access to education, and tradition. Older men also provide more financial support to these girls. After marriage, girls are expected to start a family and face a lot of pressure to get pregnant. [35] Teen mothers account for a quarter of births in Guatemala. [37] "Complications in pregnancy and childbirth are the second highest cause of death for 15- to 19-year-old girls globally". [38]
According to data from the National Civil Police of Guatemala, at least 84 people were killed by lynching in Guatemala between January 2012 and May 2015. The lynchings primarily took place in the departments of Huehuetenango, Guatemala and Alta Verapaz. Men accounted for 76 of the lynching deaths, while women accounted for eight. [39]
Guatemala is ranked the 25th most violent country in the world and Guatemalan police have a reputation for being non-responsive to the high crime rates. [40] The lack of security within the government is what encouraged the start of mobs turning to vigilante justice. [41] Unfortunately, much of the crime associated with these mobs is just as bad as the crime they claim they are attempting to prevent. Most of the locals keep quiet for fear of being targeted by these groups themselves, and many of the people participating in the violence are forced to do so. [40]
As in other countries where the population does not trust the authorities, people in Guatemala often enforce informal 'justice' by subjecting to violence and even murdering individuals whom they believe have violated moral standards. For example, in 2015, a 16-year-old girl was lynched and burned alive by a mob after reportedly being accused of being part of a group that killed a taxi driver. [41] [42]
After years of violence, dictatorship, and conflict, Guatemala's public institutions are ineffective, including its justice system. Lack of funding has made the law-enforcement departments ineffective and, seeing how unlikely it is to be charged, criminals are encouraged to continue normalizing this widespread, unchecked violence. Based on the numbers of incidents actually reported and taken to court, only 3% result in any sort of court resolution. [43] Authorities do not always conduct proper investigations. A minority of the reported crimes against women go to trial, and even fewer result in a conviction. According to Nobel Women's Initiative, in the 1980s, 200,000 people were murdered, and thousands of women were raped. Many cases similar to these have not gone to trial. [8] Of the complaints about violence against women that were registered in 2010 by the Judicial Department, only one percent of them resulted in sentencing.
Law enforcement often fails to investigate in a timely manner, and blames the victims of the case. [24] Many women abandon their cases because the stress and hardship put onto them. [24] Without proper trials, investigations, and sentencing, the violence towards women will progressively increase.
Women are often murdered or subjected to violence by family members such as fathers, brothers, stepfathers and husbands, [44] but when they try to report a crime that was done by family members, the women themselves are often treated as criminals for complaining. [8] Discrimination in the justice system is one of the many problems women face in Guatemala. The justice system discriminates against others' race, class, sex, and ethnicity. [8] Discrimination is worst for women who are poor, migrant, young, lesbian, and those that demand justice. [8]
There is a lack of female representation in the political system. [45] As of 2015, only 13.9% of members of Parliament were women. [46]
The justice system is limited for people who do not speak Spanish. [24] This means that the women must be educated in order to protect their rights. The 2008 law against femicide and other forms of violence against women has enforced people to treat women equally. The 2008 law addressed the private and public crimes in Guatemala. [24] Women in Guatemala are often uninformed of their rights and do not have the courage to report the crimes committed against them. [45]
Guatemala is a country that has one of the most prevalent rates of violence against women in the world. [47] [48] Instances of gendered violence in Guatemala include domestic violence, sexual violence, human trafficking, incest, and femicide (the deliberate killing of women). In response to violence against women, the government has passed laws and created agencies in order to stunt the high rates of gendered violence in Guatemala in the 1990s: in 1996 it enacted Ley para prevenir, sancionar y erradicar la violencia intrafamiliar (Law on the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of Domestic Violence). [49] In 2008, it enacted Ley contra el Femicidio y otras Formas de Violencia Contra la Mujer (Law against Femicide and Other Forms of Violence Against Women), [50] and in 2009 it enacted Ley contra la violencia sexual, explotación y trata de personas (Law against Sexual Violence, Exploitation and Trafficking in Persons). [51] Despite the introduction of these laws over the past decade, data shows a continued persistence in attacks against women. Not only this, but the Guatemalan congress’s approval of Ley 5272 on International Women’s Day of 2022 can even be deemed regressive, as the policy would have illegalized abortion and marriage amongst members of the LGBTQ+ community. Despite the law ultimately failing to be ratified, it is important to note that the Guatemalan government’s hand in this law could almost be seen as misogynist–especially on the date in which they chose to initially approve this policy.
In 2008, the Procurador de los Derechos Humanos (Human Rights Ombudsman) was created, which is an agency that operates with the intention of enforcing citizens' cooperation with human rights laws. Despite these efforts made by Guatemala's government, the number of women who experience gendered violence persists. The ineffectiveness of Procurador de los Derechos Humanos is a result of a multitude of factors including the weakness of the justice system, a lack of clarity surrounding laws made regarding gendered violence, and the absence of free institutions that would aid victims. [52] Despite the intentions of enacting Procurador de los Derechos Humanos, the full potential of its efficiency has not yet been reached.
More recently, social groups advocating for gender equality in Guatemala helped reform the age at which a girl is able to legally be married. The Angélica Fuentes Foundation and Girl Up (a United Nations youth foundation) together put forth an initiative to change the legal age of marriage in Guatemala from 14 to 18. These advocates had integral roles in the passing of the legislation in January 2016. The leaders of both The Angélica Fuentes Foundation and Girl Up stated that their main goal of pushing for a higher marriage age was to aid the children in Guatemala. [53] Young girls often would be forced to give up their education and be constricted to a life devoted to marriage, however with the marriage age raised young women would be free to pursue other interests. The leader of The Angélica Fuentes Foundation states that it is her hope that this initiative promotes gender equality and an increase in opportunity for young girls in Guatemala, as well as in other Latin American countries. [53]
More than 500 women were killed between 1993 and 2011 in Ciudad Juárez, a city in northern Mexico. The murders of women and girls received international attention primarily due to perceived government inaction in preventing the violence and bringing perpetrators to justice. The crimes have featured in many dramas, songs, and books.
Sexual violence is any harmful or unwanted sexual act—or attempt to obtain a sexual act through violence or coercion—or an act directed against a person's sexuality without their consent, by any individual regardless of their relationship to the victim. This includes forced engagement in sexual acts, attempted or completed, and may be physical, psychological, or verbal. It occurs in times of peace and armed conflict situations, is widespread, and is considered to be one of the most traumatic, pervasive, and most common human rights violations.
Gender equality, also known as sexual equality or equality of the sexes, is the state of equal ease of access to resources and opportunities regardless of gender, including economic participation and decision-making, and the state of valuing different behaviors, aspirations, and needs equally, also regardless of gender.
Femicide or feminicide is a term for the killing of females because of their gender. In 1976, the feminist author Diana E. H. Russell first implicitly defined the term as a hate killing of females by males but then went on to redefine it as "the killing of females by males because they are female" in later years. Femicide can be perpetrated by either sex but is more often committed by men. This is most likely due to unequal power between men and women as well as harmful gender roles, stereotypes, or social norms.
Gendercide is the systematic killing of members of a specific gender. The term is related to the general concepts of assault and murder against victims due to their gender, with violence against men and women being problems dealt with by human rights efforts. Gendercide shares similarities with the term 'genocide' in inflicting mass murders; however, gendercide targets solely one gender, being men or women. Politico-military frameworks have historically inflicted militant-governed divisions between femicide and androcide; gender-selective policies increase violence on gendered populations due to their socioeconomic significance. Certain cultural and religious sentiments have also contributed to multiple instances of gendercide across the globe.
Violence against women (VAW), also known as gender-based violence and sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), is violent acts primarily committed by men or boys against women or girls. Such violence is often considered a form of hate crime, committed against persons specifically because they are of the female gender, and can take many forms.
Human Rights in Mexico refers to moral principles or norms that describe certain standards of human behaviour in Mexico, and are regularly protected as legal rights in municipal and international law. The problems include torture, extrajudicial killings and summary executions, police repression, sexual murder, and, more recently, news reporter assassinations.
A gender crime is a hate crime committed against a specific gender. Gender crimes may include rape, genital mutilation, forced prostitution, and forced pregnancy. Often gender crimes are committed during armed conflict or during times of political upheaval or instability. Some examples of these conflicts include the Yugoslavian Civil War and the Rwandan genocide.
Statistics on rape and other acts of sexual assault are commonly available in industrialized countries, and have become better documented throughout the world. Inconsistent definitions of rape, different rates of reporting, recording, prosecution and conviction for rape can create controversial statistical disparities, and lead to accusations that many rape statistics are unreliable or misleading.
Women in Kyrgyzstan traditionally had assigned roles, although only the religious elite sequestered women as was done in other Muslim societies. Rural inhabitants continue the traditional Siberian tribal practice of bride kidnapping. Bride kidnapping, known as ala kachuu, girls as young as 12 years old are kidnapped for forced marriage, by being captured and carried away by groups of men or even relatives who, through violence or deception, take the girl to the abductor's family who forces and coerces the young woman to accept the illegal marriage. In most cases, the young woman is raped immediately in the name of marriage.[8]
Violence against women in Peru is defined as harassment or violence propagated against those who are born women. Intimate partner violence (IPV) is the most common form of gender-based violence that occurs though it can occur concurrently with sexual and emotional violence.
Estimates of sexual violence are surveys of victims of sexual violence crime that have been undertaken to estimate the prevalence of sexual violence. The prevalence of sexual violence differs from the reported sexual violence statistics according to the law enforcement agencies due to the dark figure of crime. The surveys use a common methodology to aid comparability.
The Democratic Republic of the Congo, and the east of the country in particular, has been described as the "Rape Capital of the World", and the prevalence and intensity of all forms of sexual violence has been described as the worst in the world. Human Rights Watch defines sexual violence as "an act of a sexual nature by force, or by threat of force or coercion", and rape as "a form of sexual violence during which the body of a person is invaded, resulting in penetration, however slight, of any part of the body of the victim, with a sexual organ, or of the anal or genital opening of the victim with any object or other part of the body."
Rates of crime in Guatemala are very high. An average of 101 murders per week were reported in 2018. The countries with the highest crime and violence rates in Central America are El Salvador and Honduras. In the 1990s Guatemala had four cities feature in Latin America's top ten cities by murder rate: Escuintla, Izabal (127), Santa Rosa Cuilapa (111) and Guatemala City (101). According to New Yorker magazine, in 2009, "fewer civilians were reported killed in the war zone of Iraq than were shot, stabbed, or beaten to death in Guatemala," and 97% of homicides "remain unsolved." Much of the violent nature of Guatemalan society stems back to a 36-year-long civil war However, not only has violence maintained its presence in the post-war context of the country following the Guatemalan Civil War, but it has extended to broader social and economic forms of violence.
Gender inequality can be found in various areas of Salvadoran life such as employment, health, education, political participation, and family life. Although women in El Salvador enjoy equal protection under the law, they are often at a disadvantage relative to their male counterparts. In the area of politics, women have the same rights as men, but the percentage of women in office compared to men is low. Though much progress has been made since the Salvadoran Civil War ended in 1992, women in El Salvador still face gender inequality.
Violence against women in Mexico includes different forms of gender-based violence. It may consist of emotional, physical, sexual, and/or mental abuse. The United Nations (UN) has rated Mexico as one of the most violent countries for women in the world. According to the National Institute of Statistics and Geography in Mexico (INEGI), 66.1 percent of all women ages 15 and older have experienced some kind of violence in their lives. Forty-nine percent have suffered from emotional violence; 29 percent have suffered from emotional-patrimonial violence or discrimination; 34 percent from physical violence; and 41.3 percent of women have suffered from sexual violence. Of the women who were assaulted in some form from 2015 to 2018, 93.7 percent did not seek help or report their attacks to authorities.
Gender inequality in Nepal refers to disparities and inequalities between men and women in Nepal, a landlocked country in South Asia. Gender inequality is defined as unequal treatment and opportunities due to perceived differences based solely on issues of gender. Gender inequality is a major barrier for human development worldwide as gender is a determinant for the basis of discrimination in various spheres such as health, education, political representation, and labor markets. Although Nepal is modernizing and gender roles are changing, the traditionally patriarchal society creates systematic barriers to gender equality.
Violence against women in the United States is the use of domestic abuse, murder, sex-trafficking, rape and assault against women in the United States. It has been recognized as a public health concern. Culture in the United States has led towards the trivialization of violence towards women, with media in the United States possibly contributing to making women-directed violence appear unimportant to the public.
Sex trafficking in El Salvador is human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation and slavery that occurs in the Republic of El Salvador. It is a country of origin, transit, and destination for sexually trafficked persons.
Femicide, broadly defined as the murder of a woman motivated by gender, is a prevalent issue in Latin America. In 2016, 14 of the top 25 nations with the highest global femicide rates were Latin American or Caribbean states. In 2021, 4,445 women were recorded victims of femicide in the region, translating to the gender-based murder of about one woman every two hours in Latin America.
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