1938 FIFA World Cup squads

Last updated

Below are the squads for the 1938 FIFA World Cup final tournament in France.


Hungary and Switzerland were the only teams who had players from foreign clubs. Both of such players represented French clubs.

Nine selected players by Germany came from the qualified but not participating Austria due to Anschluss.

Rosters include reserves, alternates, and preselected players that may have participated in qualifiers and/or pre-tournament friendlies but not in the finals themselves.


Head coach: Vittorio Pozzo

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)CapsClub
3 MF Michele Andreolo (1912-09-06)6 September 1912 (aged 25)11 Flag of Italy (1861-1946).svg Bologna
4 FW Sergio Bertoni (1915-09-23)23 September 1915 (aged 22)3 Flag of Italy (1861-1946).svg Pisa
4 FW Amedeo Biavati (1915-04-04)4 April 1915 (aged 23)0 Flag of Italy (1861-1946).svg Bologna
1 GK Carlo Ceresoli (1910-05-14)14 May 1910 (aged 28)7 Flag of Italy (1861-1946).svg Bologna
3 MF Bruno Chizzo (1916-04-19)19 April 1916 (aged 22)0 Flag of Italy (1861-1946).svg Triestina
4 FW Gino Colaussi (1914-03-04)4 March 1914 (aged 24)12 Flag of Italy (1861-1946).svg Triestina
3 MF Aldo Donati (1910-09-29)29 September 1910 (aged 27)0 Flag of Italy (1861-1946).svg Roma
4 FW Giovanni Ferrari (1907-12-06)6 December 1907 (aged 30)38 Flag of Italy (1861-1946).svg Ambrosiana-Inter
4 FW Pietro Ferraris (1912-02-15)15 February 1912 (aged 26)3 Flag of Italy (1861-1946).svg Ambrosiana-Inter
2 DF Alfredo Foni (1911-01-20)20 January 1911 (aged 27)6 Flag of Italy (1861-1946).svg Juventus
3 MF Mario Genta (1912-03-01)1 March 1912 (aged 26)0 Flag of Italy (1861-1946).svg Genoa
3 MF Ugo Locatelli (1916-02-05)5 February 1916 (aged 22)7 Flag of Italy (1861-1946).svg Ambrosiana-Inter
1 GK Guido Masetti (1907-11-22)22 November 1907 (aged 30)1 Flag of Italy (1861-1946).svg Roma
3 MF Giuseppe Meazza (c) (1910-08-23)23 August 1910 (aged 27)43 Flag of Italy (1861-1946).svg Ambrosiana-Inter
2 DF Eraldo Monzeglio (1906-06-05)5 June 1906 (aged 31)32 Flag of Italy (1861-1946).svg Roma
1 GK Aldo Olivieri (1910-10-02)2 October 1910 (aged 27)8 Flag of Italy (1861-1946).svg Lucchese
3 MF Renato Olmi (1914-07-12)12 July 1914 (aged 23)0 Flag of Italy (1861-1946).svg Ambrosiana-Inter
4 FW Piero Pasinati (1910-07-21)21 July 1910 (aged 27)10 Flag of Italy (1861-1946).svg Triestina
3 MF Mario Perazzolo (1911-06-07)7 June 1911 (aged 26)2 Flag of Italy (1861-1946).svg Genoa
4 FW Silvio Piola (1913-09-29)29 September 1913 (aged 24)14 Flag of Italy (1861-1946).svg Lazio
2 DF Pietro Rava (1916-01-21)21 January 1916 (aged 22)11 Flag of Italy (1861-1946).svg Juventus
3 MF Pietro Serantoni (1906-12-11)11 December 1906 (aged 31)9 Flag of Italy (1861-1946).svg Roma


Head coach: Károly Dietz

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)CapsClub
3 MF István Balogh (1912-09-21)21 September 1912 (aged 25)3 Flag of Hungary (1915-1918, 1919-1946).svg Újpest FC
4 FW Mihály Bíró (1914-07-20)20 July 1914 (aged 23)0 Flag of Hungary (1915-1918, 1919-1946).svg Ferencváros FC
2 DF Sándor Bíró (1911-08-19)19 August 1911 (aged 26)26 Flag of Hungary (1915-1918, 1919-1946).svg MTK Hungária FC
4 FW László Cseh (1910-04-04)4 April 1910 (aged 28)32 Flag of Hungary (1915-1918, 1919-1946).svg MTK Hungária FC
3 MF János Dudás (1911-02-13)13 February 1911 (aged 27)12 Flag of Hungary (1915-1918, 1919-1946).svg MTK Hungária FC
1 GK József Háda (1911-03-02)2 March 1911 (aged 27)15 Flag of Hungary (1915-1918, 1919-1946).svg Ferencváros FC
4 FW Vilmos Kohut (1906-07-17)17 July 1906 (aged 31)24 Flag of France.svg Olympique Marseille
2 DF Lajos Korányi (1907-05-15)15 May 1907 (aged 31)30 Flag of Hungary (1915-1918, 1919-1946).svg Ferencváros FC
3 MF Gyula Lázár (1911-01-24)24 January 1911 (aged 27)34 Flag of Hungary (1915-1918, 1919-1946).svg Ferencváros FC
1 GK József Pálinkás (1912-03-10)10 March 1912 (aged 26)5 Flag of Hungary (1915-1918, 1919-1946).svg Szeged FC
2 DF Gyula Polgár (1912-02-08)8 February 1912 (aged 26)14 Flag of Hungary (1915-1918, 1919-1946).svg Ferencváros FC
3 MF Béla Sárosi (1919-05-15)15 May 1919 (aged 19)0 Flag of Hungary (1915-1918, 1919-1946).svg Ferencváros FC
4 FW György Sárosi (c) (1912-09-15)15 September 1912 (aged 25)42 Flag of Hungary (1915-1918, 1919-1946).svg Ferencváros FC
4 FW Ferenc Sas (1915-03-15)15 March 1915 (aged 23)13 Flag of Hungary (1915-1918, 1919-1946).svg MTK Hungária FC
1 GK Antal Szabó (1910-09-04)4 September 1910 (aged 27)32 Flag of Hungary (1915-1918, 1919-1946).svg MTK Hungária FC
3 MF Antal Szalay (1912-03-12)12 March 1912 (aged 26)19 Flag of Hungary (1915-1918, 1919-1946).svg Újpest FC
3 MF György Szűcs (1912-04-23)23 April 1912 (aged 26)23 Flag of Hungary (1915-1918, 1919-1946).svg Újpest FC
4 FW Pál Titkos (1908-01-08)8 January 1908 (aged 30)45 Flag of Hungary (1915-1918, 1919-1946).svg MTK Hungária FC
4 FW Géza Toldi (1909-02-11)11 February 1909 (aged 29)39 Flag of Hungary (1915-1918, 1919-1946).svg Ferencváros FC
3 MF József Turay (1905-03-01)1 March 1905 (aged 33)41 Flag of Hungary (1915-1918, 1919-1946).svg MTK Hungária FC
4 FW Jenő Vincze (1908-11-20)20 November 1908 (aged 29)22 Flag of Hungary (1915-1918, 1919-1946).svg Újpest FC
4 FW Gyula Zsengellér (1915-12-27)27 December 1915 (aged 22)9 Flag of Hungary (1915-1918, 1919-1946).svg Újpest FC


Head coach: Adhemar Pimenta

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)CapsClub
3 MF Afonsinho (1914-03-08)8 March 1914 (aged 24)6 Flag of Brazil (1889-1960).svg São Cristóvão
3 MF Argemiro (1915-06-03)3 June 1915 (aged 23)0 Flag of Brazil (1889-1960).svg Portuguesa Santista
1 GK Batatais (1910-05-20)20 May 1910 (aged 28)0 Flag of Brazil (1889-1960).svg Fluminense
3 MF Brandão (1911-04-21)21 April 1911 (aged 27)6 Flag of Brazil (1889-1960).svg Corinthians
3 MF Britto (1914-05-06)6 May 1914 (aged 24)3 Flag of Brazil (1889-1960).svg America-RJ
2 DF Domingos da Guia (1912-11-19)19 November 1912 (aged 25)2 Flag of Brazil (1889-1960).svg Flamengo
4 FW Hércules (1912-07-02)2 July 1912 (aged 25)2 Flag of Brazil (1889-1960).svg Fluminense
2 DF Jaú (1909-12-07)7 December 1909 (aged 28)6 Flag of Brazil (1889-1960).svg Corinthians
4 FW Leônidas (1913-09-06)6 September 1913 (aged 24)3 Flag of Brazil (1889-1960).svg Flamengo
4 FW Lopes (1910-11-01)1 November 1910 (aged 27)0 Flag of Brazil (1889-1960).svg Corinthians
4 FW Luisinho (1911-03-29)29 March 1911 (aged 27)7 Flag of Brazil (1889-1960).svg Palestra Italia
2 DF Machado (1909-01-01)1 January 1909 (aged 29)6 Flag of Brazil (1889-1960).svg Fluminense
3 MF Martim (1911-04-21)21 April 1911 (aged 27)3 Flag of Brazil (1889-1960).svg Botafogo
2 DF Nariz (1912-12-08)8 December 1912 (aged 25)3 Flag of Brazil (1889-1960).svg Botafogo
4 FW Niginho [A] (1912-02-12)12 February 1912 (aged 26)5 Flag of Brazil (1889-1960).svg Vasco da Gama
4 FW Patesko (1910-11-12)12 November 1910 (aged 27)8 Flag of Brazil (1889-1960).svg Botafogo
4 FW Perácio (1917-11-02)2 November 1917 (aged 20)0 Flag of Brazil (1889-1960).svg Botafogo
4 FW Roberto (1912-06-20)20 June 1912 (aged 25)6 Flag of Brazil (1889-1960).svg São Cristóvão
4 FW Romeu (1911-03-26)26 March 1911 (aged 27)0 Flag of Brazil (1889-1960).svg Fluminense
4 FW Tim (1915-02-20)20 February 1915 (aged 23)6 Flag of Brazil (1889-1960).svg Fluminense
1 GK Walter (1912-07-17)17 July 1912 (aged 25)0 Flag of Brazil (1889-1960).svg Flamengo
3 MF Zezé Procópio (1913-08-12)12 August 1913 (aged 24)0 Flag of Brazil (1889-1960).svg Botafogo
  1. ^
    Note: Niginho was not allowed to play the semi-final against Italy as he defected the Italian army. [1]


Head coach: Flag of Hungary (1915-1918, 1919-1946).svg József Nagy

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)CapsClub
1 GK Henock Abrahamsson (1909-10-29)29 October 1909 (aged 28)0 Flag of Sweden.svg Gårda BK
3 MF Erik Almgren (1908-01-28)28 January 1908 (aged 30)5 Flag of Sweden.svg AIK
4 FW Åke Andersson (1917-04-22)22 April 1917 (aged 21)2 Flag of Sweden.svg GAIS
4 FW Harry Andersson (1913-03-07)7 March 1913 (aged 25)0 Flag of Sweden.svg IK Sleipner
4 FW Curt Bergsten [B] (1915-08-21)21 August 1915 (aged 22)6 Flag of Sweden.svg Landskrona BoIS
4 FW Lennart Bunke [B] (1912-04-03)3 April 1912 (aged 26)11 Flag of Sweden.svg Helsingborgs IF
2 DF Ivar Eriksson (1909-12-25)25 December 1909 (aged 28)1 Flag of Sweden.svg Sandvikens IF
3 MF Karl-Erik Grahn [B] (1914-11-05)5 November 1914 (aged 23)15 Flag of Sweden.svg IF Elfsborg
4 FW Knut Hansson [B] (1911-05-09)9 May 1911 (aged 27)4 Flag of Sweden.svg Landskrona BoIS
3 MF Sven Jacobsson (1914-04-17)17 April 1914 (aged 24)2 Flag of Sweden.svg GAIS
4 FW Sven Jonasson (1909-07-09)9 July 1909 (aged 28)28 Flag of Sweden.svg IF Elfsborg
2 DF Olle Källgren (1907-09-07)7 September 1907 (aged 30)6 Flag of Sweden.svg Sandvikens IF
4 FW Tore Keller (1905-01-04)4 January 1905 (aged 33)22 Flag of Sweden.svg IK Sleipner
3 MF Arne Linderholm (1916-02-22)22 February 1916 (aged 22)0 Flag of Sweden.svg IK Sleipner
2 DF Erik Nilsson (1916-08-06)6 August 1916 (aged 21)0 Flag of Sweden.svg Malmö FF
2 DF Harry Nilsson [B] ( 1916-01-05)5 January 1916 (aged 22)0 Flag of Sweden.svg Landskrona BoIS
4 FW Arne Nyberg (1913-06-20)20 June 1913 (aged 24)2 Flag of Sweden.svg IFK Göteborg
4 FW Erik Persson (1909-11-19)19 November 1909 (aged 28)27 Flag of Sweden.svg AIK
1 GK Gustav Sjöberg (1913-03-23)23 March 1913 (aged 25)7 Flag of Sweden.svg AIK
3 MF Kurt Svanström (1915-03-24)24 March 1915 (aged 23)4 Flag of Sweden.svg Örgryte IS
4 FW Sven Unger [B] 0 Flag of Sweden.svg IK Sleipner
4 FW Gustav Wetterström (1911-10-15)15 October 1911 (aged 26)4 Flag of Sweden.svg IK Sleipner
  1. ^
    Note: This player, although registered in the official list, remained on standby in Sweden. [1]


Head coach: Josef Meissner

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)CapsClub
3 MF Jaroslav Bouček (1912-11-13)13 November 1912 (aged 25)22 Flag of the Czech Republic.svg AC Sparta Prague
4 FW Vojtěch Bradáč (1913-10-06)6 October 1913 (aged 24)7 Flag of the Czech Republic.svg SK Slavia Prague
2 DF Jaroslav Burgr (1906-03-07)7 March 1906 (aged 32)51 Flag of the Czech Republic.svg AC Sparta Prague
1 GK Karel Burkert (1909-12-01)1 December 1909 (aged 28)1 Flag of the Czech Republic.svg SK Židenice
2 DF Karel Černý (1910-02-01)1 February 1910 (aged 28) Flag of the Czech Republic.svg SK Slavia Prague
2 DF Ferdinand Daučík (1910-05-30)30 May 1910 (aged 28)10 Flag of the Czech Republic.svg SK Slavia Prague
4 FW Václav Horák (1912-09-27)27 September 1912 (aged 25)9 Flag of the Czech Republic.svg SK Slavia Prague
3 MF Karel Kolský (1914-09-21)21 September 1914 (aged 23)10 Flag of the Czech Republic.svg AC Sparta Prague
3 MF Vlastimil Kopecký (1912-10-14)14 October 1912 (aged 25)13 Flag of the Czech Republic.svg SK Slavia Prague
3 MF Josef Košťálek (1909-08-31)31 August 1909 (aged 28)36 Flag of the Czech Republic.svg AC Sparta Prague
4 FW Arnošt Kreuz (1912-05-09)9 May 1912 (aged 26)2 Flag of the Czech Republic.svg SK Pardubice
4 FW Josef Ludl (1916-06-03)3 June 1916 (aged 22)3 Flag of the Czech Republic.svg Viktoria Žižkov
4 FW Oldřich Nejedlý (1909-12-26)26 December 1909 (aged 28)38 Flag of the Czech Republic.svg AC Sparta Prague
3 MF Otakar Nožíř (1917-03-12)12 March 1917 (aged 21)0 Flag of the Czech Republic.svg SK Slavia Prague
2 DF Josef Orth (1916-05-20)20 May 1916 (aged 22) Flag of the Czech Republic.svg ŠK Slovan Bratislava
1 GK František Plánička (1904-06-02)2 June 1904 (aged 34)71 Flag of the Czech Republic.svg SK Slavia Prague
4 FW Antonín Puč (1907-05-16)16 May 1907 (aged 31)59 Flag of the Czech Republic.svg SK Slavia Prague
4 FW Jan Říha (1915-11-11)11 November 1915 (aged 22)9 Flag of the Czech Republic.svg AC Sparta Prague
4 FW Oldřich Rulc (1911-03-28)28 March 1911 (aged 27)15 Flag of the Czech Republic.svg SK Židenice
4 FW Karel Senecký (1919-03-17)17 March 1919 (aged 19)2 Flag of the Czech Republic.svg AC Sparta Prague
4 FW Ladislav Šimůnek (1916-10-04)4 October 1916 (aged 21)2 Flag of the Czech Republic.svg SK Slavia Prague
4 FW Josef Zeman (1915-01-23)23 January 1915 (aged 23)3 Flag of the Czech Republic.svg AC Sparta Prague


Head coach: Flag of Germany (1935-1945).svg Karl Rappan [C]

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)CapsClub
4 FW André Abegglen (1909-03-07)7 March 1909 (aged 29)40 Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg Servette
4 FW Georges Aeby (1910-09-10)10 September 1910 (aged 27)20 Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg Servette
4 FW Paul Aeby (1910-09-10)10 September 1910 (aged 27)13 Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg Young Boys Bern
4 FW Lauro Amadò (1912-03-14)14 March 1912 (aged 26)14 Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg FC Lugano
1 GK Erwin Ballabio (1918-10-20)20 October 1918 (aged 19)0 Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg FC Grenchen
4 FW Alfred Bickel (1918-05-02)2 May 1918 (aged 20)20 Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg Grasshopper Club Zürich
1 GK Renato Bizzozero (1912-09-07)7 September 1912 (aged 25)19 Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg FC Lugano
4 FW Alessandro Frigerio (1914-11-15)15 November 1914 (aged 23)10 Flag of France.svg Le Havre AC
4 FW Tullio Grassi (1910-02-05)5 February 1910 (aged 28)6 Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg FC Lugano
3 MF Albert Guinchard (1914-11-10)10 November 1914 (aged 23)10 Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg Servette
1 GK Willy Huber (1913-12-17)17 December 1913 (aged 24)11 Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg Grasshopper Club Zürich
4 FW Leopold Kielholz (1911-06-09)9 June 1911 (aged 26)17 Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg SC YF Juventus
2 DF August Lehmann (1909-01-26)26 January 1909 (aged 29)17 Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg Grasshopper Club Zürich
3 MF Ernst Lörtscher (1913-03-15)15 March 1913 (aged 25)18 Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg Servette
2 DF Severino Minelli (1909-09-06)6 September 1909 (aged 28)64 Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg Grasshopper Club Zürich
3 MF Oscar Rauch (1914-03-20)20 March 1914 (aged 24)3 Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg Grasshopper Club Zürich
4 FW Eugen Rupf (1914-06-16)16 June 1914 (aged 23)6 Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg Grasshopper Club Zürich
3 MF Hermann Springer (1908-12-04)4 December 1908 (aged 29)19 Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg Grasshopper Club Zürich
2 DF Adolf Stelzer (1908-09-01)1 September 1908 (aged 29)14 Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg Lausanne Sports
3 MF Sirio Vernati (1907-05-12)12 May 1907 (aged 31)20 Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg Grasshopper Club Zürich
4 FW Fritz Wagner (1913-12-21)21 December 1913 (aged 24)8 Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg Grasshopper Club Zürich
4 FW Eugen Walaschek (1916-06-20)20 June 1916 (aged 21)12 Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg Servette
  1. ^
    Note: Rappan was Austrian, but Austria was annexed into Nazi Germany at the time.


Head coach: José Tapia [D]

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)CapsClub
4 FW Juan Alonzo (1911-06-24)24 June 1911 (aged 26)0 Flag of Cuba (sky blue).svg Centro Gallego
3 MF Joaquín Arias (1914-11-12)12 November 1914 (aged 23)0 Flag of Cuba (sky blue).svg Juventud Asturiana
1 GK Juan Ayra (1911-06-23)23 June 1911 (aged 26)5 Flag of Cuba (sky blue).svg Hispano America
2 DF Jacinto Barquín (1915-09-03)3 September 1915 (aged 22)5 Flag of Cuba (sky blue).svg Juventud Asturiana
3 MF Pedro Bergés 19060 Flag of Cuba (sky blue).svg Iberia Havana
1 GK Benito Carvajales (1913-07-25)25 July 1913 (aged 24)0 Flag of Cuba (sky blue).svg Centro Gallego
2 DF Manuel Chorens (1916-01-22)22 January 1916 (aged 22)0 Flag of Cuba (sky blue).svg Centro Gallego
4 FW Tomás Fernández 19150 Flag of Cuba (sky blue).svg Centro Gallego
4 FW Pedro Ferrer 19081 Flag of Cuba (sky blue).svg Iberia Havana
4 FW José Magriñá (1917-12-14)14 December 1917 (aged 20)3 Flag of Cuba (sky blue).svg Centro Gallego
4 FW Carlos Oliveira 0 Flag of Cuba (sky blue).svg Hispano America
3 MF José Antonio Rodríguez 0 Flag of Cuba (sky blue).svg Centro Gallego
4 FW Héctor Socorro (1912-06-26)26 June 1912 (aged 25)6 Flag of Cuba (sky blue).svg Iberia Habana
4 FW Mario Sosa 19105 Flag of Cuba (sky blue).svg Iberia Havana
4 FW Juan Tuñas (1917-07-17)17 July 1917 (aged 20)0 Flag of Cuba (sky blue).svg Centro Gallego
  1. ^
    Note: Tapia was also registered as a player due to the few players who traveled to France. [1]


Head coach: Gaston Barreau

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)CapsClub
4 FW Alfred Aston (1912-05-16)16 May 1912 (aged 26)15 Flag of France.svg Red Star Olympique
3 MF Jean Bastien (1915-06-21)21 June 1915 (aged 22)0 Flag of France.svg Olympique de Marseille
2 DF Abdelkader Ben Bouali (1912-10-25)25 October 1912 (aged 25)1 Flag of France.svg Olympique de Marseille
3 MF François Bourbotte (1913-02-24)24 February 1913 (aged 25)9 Flag of France.svg SC Fives
4 FW Michel Brusseaux (1913-03-19)19 March 1913 (aged 25)1 Flag of France.svg FC Sète
2 DF Hector Cazenave (1914-04-13)13 April 1914 (aged 24)6 Flag of France.svg FC Sochaux-Montbéliard
4 FW Roger Courtois (1912-05-30)30 May 1912 (aged 26)19 Flag of France.svg FC Sochaux-Montbéliard
1 GK Julien Darui (1916-02-16)16 February 1916 (aged 22)0 Flag of France.svg Olympique Lillois
4 FW Edmond Delfour (1907-11-01)1 November 1907 (aged 30)39 Flag of France.svg RC Roubaix
1 GK Laurent Di Lorto (1909-01-01)1 January 1909 (aged 29)9 Flag of France.svg FC Sochaux-Montbéliard
3 MF Raoul Diagne (1910-11-10)10 November 1910 (aged 27)11 Flag of France.svg RC Paris
4 FW Oscar Heisserer (1914-07-18)18 July 1914 (aged 23)6 Flag of France.svg RC Strasbourg
3 MF Lucien Jasseron (1913-12-29)29 December 1913 (aged 24)0 Flag of France.svg Le Havre AC
3 MF Auguste Jordan (1909-02-21)21 February 1909 (aged 29)3 Flag of France.svg RC Paris
4 FW Ignace Kowalczyk (1913-12-27)27 December 1913 (aged 24)5 Flag of France.svg FC Metz
1 GK René Llense (1913-07-14)14 July 1913 (aged 24)9 Flag of France.svg FC Sète
2 DF Étienne Mattler (1905-12-25)25 December 1905 (aged 32)38 Flag of France.svg FC Sochaux-Montbéliard
4 FW Jean Nicolas (1913-06-09)9 June 1913 (aged 24)22 Flag of France.svg FC Rouen
2 DF Martin Povolny (1914-07-19)19 July 1914 (aged 23)0 Flag of France.svg Le Havre AC
2 DF Jules Vandooren (1908-12-30)30 December 1908 (aged 29)14 Flag of France.svg Olympique Lillois
4 FW Émile Veinante (1907-06-12)12 June 1907 (aged 30)18 Flag of France.svg RC Paris
4 FW Mario Zatelli (1912-12-21)21 December 1912 (aged 25)0 Flag of France.svg Olympique de Marseille


Head coach: Alexandru Săvulescu and Costel Rădulescu

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)CapsClub
4 FW Iuliu Baratky (1910-05-14)14 May 1910 (aged 28)10 Flag of Romania.svg Rapid București
3 MF Andrei Bărbulescu (1917-03-25)25 March 1917 (aged 21)2 Flag of Romania.svg Venus București
4 FW Silviu Bindea (1912-10-24)24 October 1912 (aged 25)18 Flag of Romania.svg Ripensia Timişoara
4 FW Iuliu Bodola (1912-02-26)26 February 1912 (aged 26)39 Flag of Romania.svg Venus București
4 FW Ion Bogdan (1915-03-06)6 March 1915 (aged 23)1 Flag of Romania.svg Rapid București
3 MF Gheorghe Brandabura (1913-02-23)23 February 1913 (aged 25)4 Flag of Romania.svg Juventus București
2 DF Rudolf Bürger (1908-10-31)31 October 1908 (aged 29)27 Flag of Romania.svg Ripensia Timişoara
2 DF Vasile Chiroiu (1910-08-13)13 August 1910 (aged 27)5 Flag of Romania.svg Ripensia Timişoara
3 MF Vintilă Cossini (1913-11-21)21 November 1913 (aged 24)12 Flag of Romania.svg Rapid București
1 GK Mircea David (1914-10-16)16 October 1914 (aged 23)4 Flag of Romania.svg Venus București
4 FW Ștefan Dobay (1909-09-26)26 September 1909 (aged 28)33 Flag of Romania.svg Ripensia Timişoara
4 FW Coloman Braun-Bogdan (1905-10-13)13 October 1905 (aged 32)- Flag of Romania.svg Juventus București
2 DF Iacob Felecan (1914-03-01)1 March 1914 (aged 24)4 Flag of Romania.svg Victoria Cluj
4 FW Nicolae Kovács (1911-10-29)29 October 1911 (aged 26)35 Flag of Romania.svg CAO Oradea
4 FW Ioachim Moldoveanu (1913-08-17)17 August 1913 (aged 24)3 Flag of Romania.svg Rapid București
4 FW Miklós Nagy (1918-01-11)11 January 1918 (aged 20)0 Flag of Romania.svg Crişana Oradea
1 GK Dumitru Pavlovici (1912-04-26)26 April 1912 (aged 26)8 Flag of Romania.svg Ripensia Timişoara
4 FW Gyula Prassler (1916-01-16)16 January 1916 (aged 22)1 Flag of Romania.svg AMEF Arad
3 MF Gheorghe Rășinaru (1915-02-10)10 February 1915 (aged 23)1 Flag of Romania.svg Rapid București
3 MF László Raffinsky (1905-04-23)23 April 1905 (aged 33)18 Flag of Romania.svg Rapid București
1 GK Robert Sadowski (1914-08-16)16 August 1914 (aged 23)1 Flag of Romania.svg AMEF Arad
2 DF Lazăr Sfera (1909-04-29)29 April 1909 (aged 29)5 Flag of Romania.svg Venus București


Head coach: Sepp Herberger

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)CapsClub
1 GK Fritz Buchloh (1909-11-26)26 November 1909 (aged 28)17 Flag of Germany (1935-1945).svg VfB Speldorf
4 FW Josef Gauchel (1916-09-11)11 September 1916 (aged 21)6 Flag of Germany (1935-1945).svg TuS Koblenz-Neuendorf
4 FW Rudolf Gellesch (1914-05-01)1 May 1914 (aged 24)14 Flag of Germany (1935-1945).svg FC Schalke 04
2 DF Ludwig Goldbrunner (1908-03-05)5 March 1908 (aged 30)31 Flag of Germany (1935-1945).svg FC Bayern Munchen
4 FW Wilhelm Hahnemann [E] (1914-04-14)14 April 1914 (aged 24)0 Flag of Germany (1935-1945).svg Admira Wien [F]
1 GK Hans Jakob (1908-06-16)16 June 1908 (aged 29)35 Flag of Germany (1935-1945).svg Jahn Regensburg
2 DF Paul Janes (1912-03-10)10 March 1912 (aged 26)34 Flag of Germany (1935-1945).svg Fortuna Düsseldorf
3 MF Albin Kitzinger (1912-02-01)1 February 1912 (aged 26)18 Flag of Germany (1935-1945).svg 1. FC Schweinfurt 05
3 MF Andreas Kupfer (1914-05-07)7 May 1914 (aged 24)10 Flag of Germany (1935-1945).svg 1. FC Schweinfurt 05
4 FW Ernst Lehner (1912-11-07)7 November 1912 (aged 25)39 Flag of Germany (1935-1945).svg Schwaben Augsburg
3 MF Hans Mock [E] (1906-12-09)9 December 1906 (aged 31)0 Flag of Germany (1935-1945).svg SC Ostmark Wien [F]
2 DF Reinhold Münzenberg (1909-01-25)25 January 1909 (aged 29)39 Flag of Germany (1935-1945).svg Alemannia Aachen
4 FW Leopold Neumer [E] (1919-02-08)8 February 1919 (aged 19)0 Flag of Germany (1935-1945).svg SC Ostmark Wien [F]
4 FW Hans Pesser [E] (1911-11-07)7 November 1911 (aged 26)1 Flag of Germany (1935-1945).svg Rapid Wien [F]
1 GK Rudolf Raftl [E] (1911-02-07)7 February 1911 (aged 27)0 Flag of Germany (1935-1945).svg Rapid Wien [F]
2 DF Willibald Schmaus [E] (1911-06-16)16 June 1911 (aged 26)0 Flag of Germany (1935-1945).svg First Vienna [F]
4 FW Otto Siffling (1912-08-03)3 August 1912 (aged 25)31 Flag of Germany (1935-1945).svg Waldhof Mannheim
3 MF Stefan Skoumal [E] (1909-11-29)29 November 1909 (aged 28)0 Flag of Germany (1935-1945).svg Rapid Wien [F]
2 DF Jakob Streitle (1916-12-11)11 December 1916 (aged 21)0 Flag of Germany (1935-1945).svg FC Bayern Munchen
4 FW Josef Stroh [E] (1913-03-05)5 March 1913 (aged 25)0 Flag of Germany (1935-1945).svg SC Ostmark Wien [F]
4 FW Fritz Szepan (1907-09-02)2 September 1907 (aged 30)30 Flag of Germany (1935-1945).svg FC Schalke 04
3 MF Franz Wagner [E] (1911-09-23)23 September 1911 (aged 26)0 Flag of Germany (1935-1945).svg Rapid Wien [F]
  1. ^
    Note 1: This player was previously capped for Austria prior to its annexation by Nazi Germany.
  2. ^
    Note 2: Austria was part of Nazi Germany at the time.


Head coach: Józef Kałuża

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)CapsClub
4 FW Stanisław Baran (1920-04-26)26 April 1920 (aged 18)0 Flag of Poland (1928-1980).svg Warszawianka Warszawa
1 GK Walter Brom (1921-02-14)14 February 1921 (aged 17)0 Flag of Poland (1928-1980).svg Ruch Chorzów
4 FW Ewald Cebula [G] (1917-03-22)22 March 1917 (aged 21)0 Flag of Poland (1928-1980).svg Śląsk Świętochłowice
3 MF Ewald Dytko (1914-10-18)18 October 1914 (aged 23)16 Flag of Poland (1928-1980).svg Dąb Katowice
2 DF Antoni Gałecki (1906-06-04)4 June 1906 (aged 32)16 Flag of Poland (1928-1980).svg ŁKS Łódź
2 DF Edmund Giemsa (1912-10-16)16 October 1912 (aged 25)6 Flag of Poland (1928-1980).svg Ruch Chorzów
3 MF Wilhelm Góra (1916-01-18)18 January 1916 (aged 22)8 Flag of Poland (1928-1980).svg Cracovia
4 FW Bolesław Habowski [G] (1914-09-13)13 September 1914 (aged 23)1 Flag of Poland (1928-1980).svg Wisła Kraków
4 FW Józef Korbas [G] (1914-11-11)11 November 1914 (aged 23)1 Flag of Poland (1928-1980).svg Cracovia
3 MF Kazimierz Lis [G] (1910-04-09)9 April 1910 (aged 28)0 Flag of Poland (1928-1980).svg Warta Poznań
4 FW Antoni Łyko [G] (1907-05-27)27 May 1907 (aged 31)1 Flag of Poland (1928-1980).svg Wisła Kraków
1 GK Edward Madejski (1914-08-11)11 August 1914 (aged 23)6 Flag of Poland (1928-1980).svg Wisła Kraków
3 MF Erwin Nyc (1914-05-24)24 May 1914 (aged 24)4 Flag of Poland (1928-1980).svg Polonia Warszawa
4 FW Leonard Piątek (1913-10-03)3 October 1913 (aged 24)9 Flag of Poland (1928-1980).svg AKS Chorzów
4 FW Ryszard Piec (1913-08-17)17 August 1913 (aged 24)18 Flag of Poland (1928-1980).svg Naprzód Lipiny
3 MF Wilhelm Piec (1915-01-07)7 January 1915 (aged 23)3 Flag of Poland (1928-1980).svg Naprzód Lipiny
4 FW Fryderyk Scherfke (1909-09-07)7 September 1909 (aged 28)12 Flag of Poland (1928-1980).svg Warta Poznań
2 DF Władysław Szczepaniak (1910-05-19)19 May 1910 (aged 28)22 Flag of Poland (1928-1980).svg Polonia Warszawa
2 DF Edmund Twórz [G] (1914-02-12)12 February 1914 (aged 24)2 Flag of Poland (1928-1980).svg Warta Poznań
3 MF Jan Wasiewicz [G] (1911-01-06)6 January 1911 (aged 27)14 Flag of Poland (1928-1980).svg Pogoń Lwów
4 FW Ernst Wilimowski (1916-06-23)23 June 1916 (aged 21)14 Flag of Poland (1928-1980).svg Ruch Chorzów
4 FW Gerard Wodarz (1913-08-10)10 August 1913 (aged 24)24 Flag of Poland (1928-1980).svg Ruch Chorzów
  1. ^
    Note: This player, although registered in the official list, remained on standby in Poland. [1]


Head coach: Asbjørn Halvorsen

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)CapsClub
4 FW Arne Brustad (1912-04-14)14 April 1912 (aged 26)19 Flag of Norway.svg Lyn
4 FW Knut Brynildsen (1917-07-23)23 July 1917 (aged 20)1 Flag of Norway.svg Fredrikstad
2 DF Nils Eriksen (1911-03-05)5 March 1911 (aged 27)34 Flag of Norway.svg Odd
4 FW Odd Frantzen (1913-01-20)20 January 1913 (aged 25)14 Flag of Norway.svg Hardy
3 MF Kristian Henriksen (1911-03-03)3 March 1911 (aged 27)12 Flag of Norway.svg Lyn
3 MF Rolf Holmberg (1914-08-24)24 August 1914 (aged 23)18 Flag of Norway.svg Odd
2 DF Øivind Holmsen (1912-04-28)28 April 1912 (aged 26)22 Flag of Norway.svg Lyn
4 FW Arne Ileby (1913-12-02)2 December 1913 (aged 24)0 Flag of Norway.svg Fredrikstad
4 FW Magnar Isaksen (1910-10-13)13 October 1910 (aged 27)12 Flag of Norway.svg Lyn
2 DF Rolf Johannessen (1910-03-15)15 March 1910 (aged 28)11 Flag of Norway.svg Fredrikstad
1 GK Henry Johansen (1904-07-21)21 July 1904 (aged 33)44 Flag of Norway.svg Vålerengen
2 DF Jørgen Juve (1906-11-22)22 November 1906 (aged 31)45 Flag of Norway.svg Lyn
4 FW Reidar Kvammen (1914-07-23)23 July 1914 (aged 23)29 Flag of Norway.svg Viking
1 GK Sverre Nordby (1910-03-13)13 March 1910 (aged 28)2 Flag of Norway.svg Mjøndalen
2 DF Roald Amundsen [H] (1913-09-18)18 September 1913 (aged 24)0 Flag of Norway.svg Mjøndalen
2 DF Oddmund Andersen [H] (1915-12-21)21 December 1915 (aged 22)1 Flag of Norway.svg Mjøndalen
3 MF Gunnar Andreassen [H] (1913-01-05)5 January 1913 (aged 25)0 Flag of Norway.svg Fredrikstad
4 FW Hjalmar Andresen [H] (1914-07-18)18 July 1914 (aged 23)0 Flag of Norway.svg Sarpsborg
3 MF Sigurd Hansen [H] (1913-06-23)23 June 1913 (aged 24)0 Flag of Norway.svg Fram Larvik
1 GK Anker Kihle [H] (1917-04-19)19 April 1917 (aged 21)0 Flag of Norway.svg Storm
4 FW Alf Martinsen [H] (1911-12-29)29 December 1911 (aged 26)17 Flag of Norway.svg Lillestrøm
3 MF Sverre Berglie [H] (1910-10-21)21 October 1910 (aged 27)0 Flag of Norway.svg Drafn
  1. ^
    Note: This player stayed home on reserve. Only 14 members of the squad actually travelled to France. [2] [3]


Head coach: Flag of England.svg Jack Butler

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)CapsClub
1 GK Arnold Badjou (1909-06-26)26 June 1909 (aged 28)29 Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Daring Club de Bruxelles Societe Royale
1 GK Robert Braet (1912-02-11)11 February 1912 (aged 26)14 Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Cercle Brugge
4 FW Raymond Braine (1907-04-28)28 April 1907 (aged 31)47 Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Royal Beerschot AC
4 FW Fernand Buyle (1918-03-03)3 March 1918 (aged 20)10 Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Daring Club de Bruxelles Societe Royale
4 FW Jean Capelle (1913-10-26)26 October 1913 (aged 24)30 Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Royal Standard Club Liège
4 FW Arthur Ceuleers (1916-02-28)28 February 1916 (aged 22)4 Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Royal Beerschot AC
3 MF Pierre Dalem (1912-03-16)16 March 1912 (aged 26)22 Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Royal Standard Club Liège
3 MF Alfons De Winter (1908-09-12)12 September 1908 (aged 29)18 Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Royal Beerschot AC
4 FW Jean Fievez (1910-11-30)30 November 1910 (aged 27)4 Flag of Belgium (civil).svg White Star Brüssel
2 DF Frans Gommers (1917-04-05)5 April 1917 (aged 21)1 Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Royal Beerschot AC
3 MF Paul Henry (1912-09-06)6 September 1912 (aged 25)1 Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Daring Club de Bruxelles Societe Royale
4 FW Hendrik Isemborghs (1914-01-30)30 January 1914 (aged 24)11 Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Royal Beerschot AC
4 FW Joseph Nelis (1917-04-01)1 April 1917 (aged 21)0 Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Berchem Sport
2 DF Robert Paverick (1912-11-29)29 November 1912 (aged 25)26 Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Royal Antwerp F.C.
2 DF Jean Petit (1914-02-25)25 February 1914 (aged 24)4 Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Royal Standard Club Liege
2 DF Corneel Seys (1912-02-12)12 February 1912 (aged 26)1 Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Royal Beerschot AC
2 DF Philibert Smellinckx (1911-01-17)17 January 1911 (aged 27)19 Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Union Royale Saint-Gilloise
3 MF Émile Stijnen (1907-11-02)2 November 1907 (aged 30)25 Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Royal Olympic Club de Charleroi
3 MF John Van Alphen (1914-06-17)17 June 1914 (aged 23)4 Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Royal Beerschot AC
4 FW Charles Vanden Wouwer (1916-09-07)7 September 1916 (aged 21)5 Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Royal Beerschot AC
1 GK André Vandeweyer (1909-06-21)21 June 1909 (aged 28)5 Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Union Royale Saint-Gilloise
4 FW Bernard Voorhoof (1910-05-10)10 May 1910 (aged 28)54 Flag of Belgium (civil).svg KSK Liersche


Head coach: Flag of England.svg Bob Glendenning

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)CapsClub
3 MF Wim Anderiesen (1903-11-27)27 November 1903 (aged 34)40 Flag of the Netherlands.svg Ajax Amsterdam
2 DF Dick Been (1909-07-02)2 July 1909 (aged 28)0 Flag of the Netherlands.svg Ajax Amsterdam
2 DF Bertus Caldenhove (1914-01-19)19 January 1914 (aged 24)18 Flag of the Netherlands.svg DWS
4 FW Piet de Boer (1919-10-10)10 October 1919 (aged 18)1 Flag of the Netherlands.svg KFC (Kooger FC)
4 FW Bertus de Harder (1920-01-14)14 January 1920 (aged 18)1 Flag of the Netherlands.svg VUC Den Haag
4 FW Arie de Winter (1913-10-27)27 October 1913 (aged 24)0 Flag of the Netherlands.svg HFC Haarlem
4 FW Daaf Drok (1914-05-23)23 May 1914 (aged 24)7 Flag of the Netherlands.svg RFC Rotterdam
3 MF Frans Hogenbirk (1919-03-18)18 March 1919 (aged 19)0 Flag of the Netherlands.svg Be Quick 1887
1 GK Niek Michel (1912-09-30)30 September 1912 (aged 25)0 Flag of the Netherlands.svg VSV Velsen
4 FW Klaas Ooms (1916-06-09)9 June 1916 (aged 21)0 Flag of the Netherlands.svg DWB
3 MF Bas Paauwe (1911-10-04)4 October 1911 (aged 26)21 Flag of the Netherlands.svg SC Feyenoord Rotterdam
3 MF René Pijpers (1917-09-15)15 September 1917 (aged 20)0 Flag of the Netherlands.svg RFC Roermond
2 DF Hendrikus Plenter (1913-06-23)23 June 1913 (aged 24)0 Flag of the Netherlands.svg Be Quick 1887
4 FW Piet Punt (1909-02-06)6 February 1909 (aged 29)1 Flag of the Netherlands.svg DFC Dordrecht
4 FW Kick Smit (1911-11-03)3 November 1911 (aged 26)21 Flag of the Netherlands.svg HFC Haarlem
4 FW Frans van der Veen (1918-03-25)25 March 1918 (aged 20)1 Flag of the Netherlands.svg Heracles Almelo
3 MF Puck van Heel (1904-01-21)21 January 1904 (aged 34)62 Flag of the Netherlands.svg SC Feyenoord Rotterdam
1 GK Adri van Male (1910-10-07)7 October 1910 (aged 27)9 Flag of the Netherlands.svg SC Feyenoord Rotterdam
4 FW Henk van Spaandonck (1913-06-25)25 June 1913 (aged 24)7 Flag of the Netherlands.svg Neptunus Rotterdam
4 FW Leen Vente (1911-05-14)14 May 1911 (aged 27)14 Flag of the Netherlands.svg SC Feyenoord Rotterdam
2 DF Mauk Weber (1914-03-01)1 March 1914 (aged 24)25 Flag of the Netherlands.svg ADO Den Haag
4 FW Frank Wels (1909-02-21)21 February 1909 (aged 29)35 Flag of the Netherlands.svg Unitas Gorinchem

Dutch East Indies

Head coach: Flag of the Netherlands.svg Johan Mastenbroek

No.Pos.PlayerDate of birth (age)CapsClub
3 MF Sutan Anwar (1914-03-21)21 March 1914 (aged 24)0 Flag of the Netherlands.svg VIOS Batavia
1 GK Leen van Beuzekom 0 Flag of the Netherlands.svg Hercules Batavia
3 MF Gerrit Faulhaber (1912-09-22)22 September 1912 (aged 25)0 Flag of the Netherlands.svg Go Ahead Semarang
2 DF Jan Harting 0 Flag of the Netherlands.svg HBS Soerabaja
2 DF Frans G. Hukom (1915-09-28)28 September 1915 (aged 22)0 Flag of the Netherlands.svg Sparta Bandung
3 MF Frans Meeng (1910-01-18)18 January 1910 (aged 28)2 Flag of the Netherlands.svg SVBB Batavia
3 MF Achmad Nawir (1912-06-30)30 June 1912 (aged 25)0 Flag of the Netherlands.svg HBS Soerabaja
4 FW Isaak "Tjaak" Pattiwael (1914-02-23)23 February 1914 (aged 24)0 Flag of the Netherlands.svg Jong Ambon Batavia
2 DF Jack Samuels (1918-03-29)29 March 1918 (aged 20)0 Flag of the Netherlands.svg Excelsior Soerabaja
4 FW Suvarte Soedarmadji (1915-12-06)6 December 1915 (aged 22)0 Flag of the Netherlands.svg HBS Soerabaja
4 FW M.J. Hans Taihuttu 19090 Flag of the Netherlands.svg Jong Ambon Batavia
4 FW Tan Hong Djien (1916-01-12)12 January 1916 (aged 22)3 Flag of the Netherlands.svg Tiong Hoa Soerabaja
1 GK Tan "Bing" Mo Heng (1913-02-28)28 February 1913 (aged 25)0 Flag of the Netherlands.svg HCTNH Soerabaja
4 FW Tan See Han 19100 Flag of the Netherlands.svg Gie Hoo Soerabaja
4 FW Rudi Telwe 0 Flag of the Netherlands.svg HBS Soerabaja
3 MF G. Van Den Burgh 0 Flag of the Netherlands.svg SVV Semarang
4 FW Hendrikus V. "Henk" Zomers (1912-11-19)19 November 1912 (aged 25)0 Flag of the Netherlands.svg Hercules Batavia

Coaches representation by country

2 Flag of Hungary (1915-1918, 1919-1946).svg Hungary Károly Dietz, József Nagy (Sweden)
Flag of England.svg England Jack Butler (Belgium), Bob Glendenning (Netherlands)
Flag of Germany (1935-1945).svg Germany Sepp Herberger, Karl Rappan (Switzerland)
Flag of Romania.svg Romania Costel Rădulescu, Alexandru Săvulescu
1 Flag of Brazil (1889-1960).svg Brazil Adhemar Pimenta
Flag of Cuba (sky blue).svg Cuba José Tapia
Flag of the Czech Republic.svg Czechoslovakia Josef Meissner
Flag of France.svg France Gaston Barreau
Flag of Italy (1861-1946).svg Italy Vittorio Pozzo
Flag of the Netherlands.svg Netherlands Johan Mastenbroek (Dutch East Indies)
Flag of Norway.svg Norway Asbjørn Halvorsen
Flag of Poland (1928-1980).svg Poland Józef Kałuża


  1. 1 2 3 4 "World Cup 1938 (National Squads)". LinguaSport.com. Archived from the original on 13 May 2019. Retrieved 14 July 2021.
  2. "Norges 22 spillere til verdensmesterskapet anmeldt". Aftenposten (in Norwegian). 25 May 1938. p. 10. Retrieved 14 July 2010.
  3. "Våre 14 verdensmesterskapsspillere uttatt". Aftenposten (in Norwegian). 1 June 1938. p. 10. Retrieved 14 July 2010.