Dolgan language

Last updated

Дулҕан тыла, Dulğan tyla
Һака тыла, Haka tyla
Native to Russia
Region Taymyrsky Dolgano-Nenetsky District, Krasnoyarsk Krai
Ethnicity Dolgans
Native speakers
5,300 (2020 census) [1]
  • Western (Norilsk, Yenisey)
  • Central (Avam)
  • Eastern (Khatanga)
Language codes
ISO 639-3 dlg
Glottolog dolg1241
ELP Dolgan
Yakut and Dolgan languages.png
  Dolgan language
Lang Status 60-DE.svg
Dolgan is classified as Definitely Endangered by the UNESCO Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger

The Dolgan language is a severely endangered Turkic language with 930 speakers, [2] spoken in the Taymyr Peninsula in Russia. [3] The speakers are known as the Dolgans. The word "Dolgan", derived from Evenki, means 'tribe living on the middle reaches of the river'. This is most likely signifying the geographical location of the Dolgan tribe. [4] Its closest relative is Sakha.


The language is very local and restricted to a certain area and has declined in usage over the years. As of 2020 there are only about 5,350 speakers of the language. [1] The language has experienced a few changes since the beginning of its formation, such as alphabet and phrasing terms. The issue as of recently has become the weak integration of this local language within families with mixed marriages. Instead of speaking either of the parents' local languages, the family incorporates Russian as the more dominant language to ease interfamilial and external communication. [5] This results in children learning the language only slightly or as a second language. Over generations, the language continues to fade. In 1999, however, some children were apparently learning Dolgan, with Russian also being learned at an early age. [6]


Dolgan, along with its close relative Sakha (Yakut), belongs to the North Siberian subbranch of the Turkic language family. Like most other Turkic languages, Dolgan has vowel harmony, agglutinative morphology, subject-object-verb word order, and lacks grammatical gender. Dolgan is linguistically relatively close to its nearest relative Sakha (also known as Yakut), which has led researchers for a long time to account for it as a variety of the latter, cf. Dolgich's (1963: 129) statement in his well-known paper on the origin of the Dolgans: " ... долганский язык является диалектом якутского языка." ‘[ ...] the Dolgan language is a dialect of the Yakut language.’. Only in 1985 did Elizaveta Ubryatova account for Dolgan as a separate language, namely in her monograph on the language of the Norilsk Dolgans.

Sample comparison with Yakut (in Latin)


"Uskuolaga üörenebin."
"Dulğanlıı kepsetebin."
"Tuogunan hir barıta habıllınna?"


"Oskuolaga üörenebin."
"Saxalıı kepsetebin."
"Tugunan sir bar(ı)ta sabılınna?"

Literal English translation:

"(I am) studying at school."
"(I) speak Yakut (Dolgan)."
"What covered the ground?"

Geographical distribution


Dolgan is established as a dominant language in the Taymyr Peninsula.


There are three Dolgan subgroups:

All dialects are understood among each other, despite subtle differences. Yakut is also understood among all since it is so similar.[ citation needed ]


The Dolgan language started out having a Latin alphabet in the early 20th century. Over time, the Cyrillic alphabet was implemented instead since it is the same alphabet used by the related language, Yakut. Evenki's influence on Dolgan can explain, in part, why it is considered a separate language from Yakut. [8] Dolgan has made appearances in newspapers, such as the Taymyr, as well as schools starting around the time of the 60s. [3] However, now there are only around 1,050 speakers of the Dolgan language.

Certain words in the language were developed from geographical implications that have been present since the start of the Dolgan language. For instance, the directional terms tās (1. south 2. east) and muora (1. north 2. west) are representative of the corresponding landscapes. [9] Tās is related to the word stone, and the southeast topography of the native region, Taymyr Peninsula, is covered by the Putorana Mountains. Similarly, muora denotes "sea" where the western zone of Taymyr has access to the sea shore.

However, this is not true for all directional terms, nor all words of the Dolgan language. Southwest, uhä, and northeast, allara, have no significance in geographical terms relative to Taymyr.



Front Back
Close i y ɯ ɯ ː u
Mid e ø øː o
Open a


Bilabial Dental Palatal Velar Glottal
Plosive voiceless p t c k
voiced b d ɟ ɡ
Fricative s ɣ h
Affricate voiceless
Nasal m n ɲ ŋ
Liquid r
Approximant l j


Dolgan has the following phonetic characteristics:

Writing system

Over time, the language itself has changed and adapted. Even during the time period when it had a Cyrillic alphabet, it changed over the years. The first version of alphabet of the language had the following appearance: А а, Б б, В в, Г г, Д д, Дь дь, Е е, Ё ё, Ж ж, З з, И и, Иэ иэ, Й й, К к, Л л, М м, Н н, Ӈ ӈ, Нь нь, О о, Ө ө, П п, Р р, С с, Т т, У у, Уо уо, Ү ү, Үө үө, Ф ф, Х х, Һ һ, Ц ц, Ч ч, Ш ш, Щ щ, Ъ ъ, Ы ы, Ыа ыа, Ь ь, Э э, Ю ю, Я я. [11]

The current Dolgan alphabet is still Cyrillic and looks as follows:

А аБ бВ вГ гД дЕ еЁ ёЖ ж
З зИ иЙ йК кҺ һЛ лМ мН н
Ӈ ӈО оӨ өП пР рС сТ тУ у
Ү үФ фХ хЦ цЧ чШ шЩ щЪ ъ
Ы ыЬ ьЭ эЮ юЯ я



The composition of morphological categories in the noun is: case, number, possession, and in the verb is: voice, aspect, mode, time, person and number. Dolgan language exhibits eight grammatical cases. In contrast in the Sakha language (i.e. Yakut), the partitive is used in the possessive declension to address the accusative case, and joint case serves to structure two similar parts of a sentence. Another notable difference from Sakha is that Dolgan does not have comitative case. In conjugation of a verb in the common form of -ааччы, the paradigms of Dolgan inclination were preserved with the word баар.


The table below lists case forms for the noun таба 'deer' ('camel' in Common Turkic):

-ни, -ны, -ну, -нүтабаны
-та, -тэ, -то, -төтабата
-га, -ге, -го, -гө, -гар, -гер, -гор, -гөр, -ртабага
-ттан, -ттэн, -ттон, -ттөнтабаттан
-ннан, -ннэн, -ннон, -ннөнтабаннан
-таагар, -тээгэр, -тоогор, -төгөөртабатаагар
Comitative (obsolete)Кимниин?
-лыын [a] табалыын
  1. This suffix is regarded as a comitative case suffix in several existing grammars of Dolgan, however the suffix has lost its comitative sense and is used to denote sociativity. More recent scholarship excludes the suffix from being a case.



See also


  2. Pakendorf, Brigitte; Stapert, Eugénie (2020). "Sakha and Dolgan, the North Siberian Turkic languages". The Oxford Guide to the Transeurasian Languages. Oxford University Press. pp. 430–445. doi:10.1093/oso/9780198804628.003.0027. ISBN   978-0-19-880462-8.
  3. 1 2 "Dolgan language, pronunciation and language". Retrieved 2 February 2017.
  4. "Dolgan language, pronunciation and language". Retrieved 6 March 2017.
  5. Lewis, E. Glyn (1971). "Migration and Language in the U.S.S.R." (PDF). The International Migration Review. 5 (2): 147–179. doi:10.2307/3002797. JSTOR   3002797.
  6. "Endangered languages in Northeast Asia: report". University of Helsinki . 11 February 2019. Archived from the original on 11 February 2019. Retrieved 31 July 2024.
  7. "Dolgan facts, information, pictures | articles about Dolgan". Retrieved 24 April 2017.
  8. "The Red Book of the Peoples of the Russian Empire". Retrieved 10 February 2017.
  9. Stachowski, Marek (November 2010). "Considerations on the System and the Origins of Terms for the Cardinal Points in the Dolgan Language". Incontri Linguistici. 33: 233–244.
  10. Androsova, 1997, p.236
  11. Аксенова О. Е. Бэсэлээ буквалар. — Красноярск: Красноярское кн. изд-во, 1990. — 16 с.


Further reading