Etruscan cities

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The area covered by the Etruscan civilisation. Etruscan civilization map.png
The area covered by the Etruscan civilisation.

Etruscan cities were a group of ancient settlements that shared a common Etruscan language and culture, even though they were independent city-states. They flourished over a large part of the northern half of Italy starting from the Iron Age, and in some cases reached a substantial level of wealth and power. They were eventually assimilated first by Italics in the south, then by Celts in the north and finally in Etruria itself by the growing Roman Republic.


The Etruscan names of the major cities whose names were later Romanised survived in inscriptions and are listed below. Some cities were founded by Etruscans in prehistoric times and bore entirely Etruscan names. Others, usually Italic in origin, were colonised by the Etruscans, who in turn Etruscanised their name.

The estimates for the populations of the largest cities (Veii, Volsinii, Caere, Vulci, Tarquinia, Populonia) range between 25,000 and 40,000 each in the 6th century BC. [1] [2] [3] [4]

Twelve cities or nations

Of several Etruscan leagues, the Dodecapolis (Greek for "twelve cities") of the Etruscan civilization is legendary amongst Roman authors, particularly Livy. [5] However the dodecapolis had no fixed roster and if a city was removed it was immediately replaced by another. [6] By the time the dodecapolis had sprung into the light of history, the Etruscan cities to the north had been assimilated by invasions of the Celts, and those of the south by infiltration of the Italics.[ citation needed ]

Etruscan cities were autonomous states, but they were linked in the dodecapolis and had a federal sanctuary at the Fanum Voltumnae near Volsinii. [7]

Table of cities in Etruscan, Latin and Italian

The table below lists Etruscan cities most often included in the Dodecapolis as well as other cities for which there is any substantial evidence that they were once inhabited by Etruscans in any capacity. Roman and Italian names are given, but they are not necessarily etymologically related. For sources and etymologies (if any) refer to the linked articles. [8]

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The Fanum Voltumnae was the chief sanctuary of the Etruscans; fanum means a sacred place, a much broader notion than a single temple. Numerous sources refer to a league of the "Twelve Peoples" (lucumonies) of Etruria, formed for religious purposes but evidently having some political functions. The Etruscan league of twelve city-states met annually at the Fanum, located in a place chosen as omphalos, the geographical and spiritual centre of the whole Etruscan nation. Each spring political and religious leaders from the cities would meet to discuss military campaigns and civic affairs and pray to their common gods. Chief amongst these was Voltumna, possibly state god of the Etruria.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Etruscan history</span>

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Larissa Bonfante was an Italian-American classicist, Professor of Classics emerita at New York University and an authority on Etruscan language and culture.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Etruscan military history</span>

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In classical antiquity, several theses were elaborated on the origin of the Etruscans from the 5th century BC, when the Etruscan civilization had been already established for several centuries in its territories, that can be summarized into three main hypotheses. The first is the autochthonous development in situ out of the Villanovan culture, as claimed by the Greek historian Dionysius of Halicarnassus who described the Etruscans as indigenous people who had always lived in Etruria. The second is a migration from the Aegean Sea, as claimed by two Greek historians: Herodotus, who described them as a group of immigrants from Lydia in Anatolia, and Hellanicus of Lesbos who claimed that the Tyrrhenians were the Pelasgians originally from Thessaly, Greece, who entered Italy at the head of the Adriatic Sea in Northern Italy. The third hypothesis was reported by Livy and Pliny the Elder, and puts the Etruscans in the context of the Rhaetian people to the north and other populations living in the Alps.

In the 8th century BC, the Etruscans expanded their power to Northern and Southern Italy, specifically towards Emilia and Campania, where they founded Etruscan dominions that are modernly known under the names of Padanian Etruria and Campanian Etruria. Moving from the northern city-states of the Etruscan Dodecapolis they swept into the Po valley through the Apennine passes.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Lega dei popoli</span>

In ancient Italy, the Etruscan "Lega dei popoli" was a league comprising several towns — usually, but not necessarily, twelve — located in the areas that today are known as Tuscany, western Umbria and northern Lazio.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Etruscan sculpture</span> Etruscan ceramics and sculpture

Etruscan sculpture was one of the most important artistic expressions of the Etruscan people, who inhabited the regions of Northern Italy and Central Italy between about the 9th century BC and the 1st century BC. Etruscan art was largely a derivation of Greek art, although developed with many characteristics of its own. Given the almost total lack of Etruscan written documents, a problem compounded by the paucity of information on their language—still largely undeciphered—it is in their art that the keys to the reconstruction of their history are to be found, although Greek and Roman chronicles are also of great help. Like its culture in general, Etruscan sculpture has many obscure aspects for scholars, being the subject of controversy and forcing them to propose their interpretations always tentatively, but the consensus is that it was part of the most important and original legacy of Italian art and even contributed significantly to the initial formation of the artistic traditions of ancient Rome. The view of Etruscan sculpture as a homogeneous whole is erroneous, there being important variations, both regional and temporal.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Women in Etruscan society</span> Overview of women in Etruscan civilization

Women were respected in Etruscan society compared to their ancient Greek and Roman counterparts. Today only the status of aristocratic women is known because no documentation survives about women in other social classes.


  1. Turfa, Jean MacIntosh (13 November 2014). The Etruscan World. Routledge. ISBN   978-1134055302 . Retrieved 24 October 2014.
  2. Pounds, Normal J. G. (16 December 1976). An Historical Geography of Europe 450 B.C.-A.D. 1330. Cambridge University Press. ISBN   9780521291262 . Retrieved 24 October 2014.
  3. "The Process of Urbanization of Etruscan Settlements from the Late Villanovan to the Late Archaic Period (End of the Eighth to the Beginning of the Fifth Century B.C.) : Presentation of a Project and Preliminary Results" (PDF). Retrieved 24 October 2014.
  4. Production, Consumption and Society in North Etruria During the Archaic and ... ISBN   9780549558491. Archived from the original on 24 October 2014. Retrieved 24 October 2014.
  5. Livy VII.21
  6. George Dennis, the Cities and Cemeteries of Etruria. London, Appendix to Chapter I, Note IV. Available at*/home.html
  7. Cary, M.; H.H. Scullard (1979). A History of Rome (3rd ed.). p. 25. ISBN   0-312-38395-9.
  8. The Bonfantes (2002) pages 222-223 have published a good overall list.
  9. Parts of ancient Etruria near Rome are now in Lazio. This account accepts the ancient boundary along the Tiber.


Further reading