Lists of most common surnames in European countries

Last updated

This article contains lists of the most common surnames in most of the countries of Europe, including Armenia, Kosovo, and five transcontinental countries but excluding five European microstates. Countries are arranged in alphabetical order.



At the moment, listings for the most common names are unavailable for Albania. However the most common names include the following:

RankSurnameNote (equivalent or else meaning)
* Hoxha a Muslim priest, Sunni or Bektashi, with its variant Hoxhaj
* Prifti a Christian priest, Catholic or Orthodox
* Shehu a Bektashi priest
* Dervishi Bektashi clergy
*Bektashi follower of Bektashism
* Begu
* Gjoni or Gjonaj John
* Leka or LekajAlex
* Gjoni or Gjonaj John
* Murati Murad
* Mehmeti Mehmed
*Hysishort for Hussein
*Gjika/Gjoka short for Jacob, cf Jake
* Marku Mark
*Kola/Kolla/Nikolla Nicholas
* Hasani Hassan
* Brahimi Abraham, from Turkish
* Sinani
* Halili Halil
* Abazi Abbas
* Dibra from Dibër
*Laçifrom Laç
*Shkodrafrom Shkodër
*Prishtinafrom Pristina
*Delvinafrom Delvinë
*Përmetifrom Përmet
* Frashëri from Frashër
* Gega/Gegajof Gheg origin or son of Gegë
*Toska/Toskajsignifying Tosk origin
*Çami Cham origin
* Kelmendi
* Shkreli
* Berisha
* Krasniqi from the namesake settlement (of Serbian origin)
* Gashi
* Bardhi white


Source: Armenia's Voter List [1]
Rank Name Armenian Root name
1 Grigoryan Գրիգորյան Grigor (Gregory)
2 Harutyunyan Հարությունյան Harutyun ("resurrection")
3 Sargsyan Սարգսյան Sargis (Sergius)
4 Hovhannisyan Հովհաննիսյան Hovhannes (John)
5 Khachatryan Խաչատրյան Khachatur ("given by cross")
6 Hakobyan Հակոբյան Hakob (Jacob)
7 Petrosyan Պետրոսյան Petros (Peter)
8 Vardanyan Վարդանյան Vardan
9 Gevorgyan Գեւորգյան Gevorg (George)
10 Karapetyan Կարապետյան Karapet ("forerunner")
11 Mkrtchyan Մկրտչյան Mkrtich ("baptist")
12 Ghazaryan Ղազարյան Ghazar (Lazarus)
13 Manukyan Մանուկյան Manuk ("child")
14 Avetisyan Ավետիսյան Avetis/Avetik ("good news")
15 Poghosyan Պողոսյան Poghos (Paul)
16 Martirosyan Մարտիրոսյան Martiros ("martyr")
17 Sahakyan Սահակյան Sahak (Isaac)
18 Arakelyan Առաքելյան Arakel ("apostle")
19 Margaryan Մարգարյան Margar
20 Davtyan Դավթյան Davit (David)


The forty-one most common surnames in Austria as published in 2006 are shown below beside the approximate percentage of the Austrian population sharing each surname. [2]

RankSurnameMeaningApproximate percentage
1 Gruber one who lives in the valley0.3991
2 Huber land-owning farmer 0.3873
3 Bauer farmer 0.3373
4 Wagner Wainwright 0.3100
5 Müller Miller 0.3012
6 Pichler one who lives on or by a hill0.2753
7 Steiner one who dwells by the stone0.2713
8 Moser one who lives on moorland0.2674
9 Mayer a variant of Meier 0.2653
10 Hofer probably for steward, property or horse maintenance, even blacksmith or related0.2479
11 Leitner one who lives at a hillside0.2429
12 Berger one who lives in the mountains0.2383
13 Fuchs Fox 0.2250
14 Eder one who lives in a barren land0.2144
15 Fischer Fisher 0.2141
16 Schmid blacksmith 0.2115
17 Winkler a small trader0.2015
18 Weber weaver 0.1995
19 Schwarz black 0.1961
20 Maier a variant of Meier 0.1946
21 Schneider tailor 0.1915
22 Reiter horse rider or 'from the forest clearing' (-reuth  [ de ])0.1790
23 Mayr a variant of Meier 0.1751
24 Schmidt Smith 0.1740
25 Wimmer Vintner0.1628
26 Egger Ploughman 0.1610
27 Brunner one dwells by a water well 0.1602
28 Lang long 0.1599
29 Baumgartner Forrester (lit. 'tree gardener')0.1586
30 Auer 'from the meadow'0.1555
31 Binder Cooper 0.1458
32 Lechner variant of Lehner 0.1435
33 Wolf Wolf 0.1395
34 Wallner pos. 'forest dweller' Waldenare or a variant of Waldemar 0.1394
35 Aigner allodial title 0.1386
36 Ebner 'from the plateau or flatland'0.1342
37 Koller 'charcoal maker', variant of Kohler 0.1301
38 Lehner a feudal land holder, see also Lehnsmann 0.1268
39 Haas Hare0.1261
40 Schuster Cobbler 0.1168
41 Heilig Holy0.1161


Rank [3] Surname Romanization Meaning
1Məmmədov Mammadov son of Mammad
2Əliyev Aliyev son of Ali
3Hüseynov Huseynov son of Hüseyn
4Həsənov Hasanov son of Hasan
5Quliyev Guliyev son of Qulu
6İsmayılovIsmayilovson of Ismayil
7Əhmədov Ahmadov son of Ahmad
8Abdullayev Abdullayev son of Abdulla
9Abbasov Abbasov son of Abbas
10Cəfərov Jafarov son of Jafar


Statistics available for the Belarusian capital of Minsk only: [4]

RankSurname in RussianSurname in BelarusianRomanizationPopulation
5НовикНовік Novik 3,300


Belgium is a European nation composed of three main regions: Flemish Region (Flanders), Walloon Region (Wallonia), and Brussels-Capital Region. Flanders has a Dutch-language tradition, while Wallonia has a French-language tradition. The Brussels-Capital Region is a mix of both Dutch- and French-language influences, with a large influx of foreign names. These different linguistic backgrounds are reflected in differing frequencies of surnames, as shown in the table below. On 31 December 1997 there were 316 295 different surnames in Belgium (total population: 11,521,238).

18163 Peeters 31,079Dutch(son) of Peter [earlier form: Peeter]
26252 Janssens 28,532Dutch(son) of John
320366 Maes 24,594Dutch(son) of Thomas [earlier form: Thomaes]
413488 Jacobs 19,077Dutch(son) of Jacob / James
517666 Mertens 17,906Dutch(son) of Maarten [earlier form: Merten]
639565 Willems 17,747Dutch(son) of Willem
7797102 Claes 15,798Dutch(son) of Nicolaas [earlier form: Niclaes]
8339124 Goossens 15,269Dutch(son) of Goos
9688181 Wouters 14,999Dutch(son) of Walter
105710259 De Smet 13,484Dutchthe smith
1372371 Dubois 12,387Frenchof the forest
17212622 Lambert 11232Frenchbright land
21221624 Dupont 9,795Frenchof the bridge
3195463 Martin 8,677Frenchof or pertaining to the Roman god Mars
361295109 Diallo 8,159 Fula unclear (one of four common Fula surnames)
371511345 Simon 7,533French
40257977 Dumont 7,389Frenchof the mountain
453012836 Leclercq 7,117Frenchthe clerk
472911198 Laurent 6,785Frenchfrom Laurentum
503594410 Denis 6,636FrenchDerived from Greek god of wine, Dionysus, but original etymology unclear
598716389 Lejeune 6,246Frenchthe young one
1192564381 Bah 4,516 Fula unclear (one of four common Fula surnames)
23431010370 Barry 3,332 Fula unclear (one of four common Fula surnames)
31851114268 Nguyen 2,736 Vietnamese Sino-Vietnamese ('ruan')
45141751999 Sow 2,132 Fula unclear (one of four common Fula surnames)
9561024822970 Benali 1,267 Arabic son of Ali

Bosnia and Herzegovina


1 Hodžić Imam
2 Hadžić Hajji
3 Čengić Turkish for Genghis
4 Delić son of a delija (brave)
5 Demirović son of Demir
6 Kovačević son of the blacksmith
7 Tahirović son of Tahir
8 Ferhatović son of Ferhat
9 Muratović son of Murat
10 Ibrahimović son of Ibrahim
11 Hasanović son of Hasan
12 Mehmedović son of Mehmed
13 Salihović son of Salih
14 Terzić tailor
15 Ademović son of Adem
16 Adilović son of Adil
17Delemovićson of Delem
18 Zukić
20 Suljić son of Suliman (Salomon)
21 Ahmetović son of Ahmad


The following names are the most common names for Serbs from Bosnia and Herzegovina. [7]

1 Kovačević son of the blacksmith
2 Subotić of Saturday
3 Savić son of Sava
4 Popović son of the priest
5 Jovanović son of Jovan
6 Petrović son of Petar
7 Đurić son of Đura
8 Babić of grandmother, old woman
9 Lukić son of Luka
10 Knežević son of the prince
11 Marković son of Marko
12 Ilić son of Ilija
13 Đukić son of Đuka
14 Vuković son of Vuk/ of wolf
15 Vujić son of Vujo
16 Simić son of Simo
17 Radić son of Rade
18 Nikolić son of Nikola
19 Marić son of Mara
20 Mitrović son of Mitar
21 Tomić son of Toma/Tomo
22 Božić son of Božo
23 Golubović of dove/pigeon
24 Mirković son of Mirko


Feminized names included (m. Dimitrov – f. Dimitrova). Figures are from 2018 and provided by the Bulgarian National Statistics Institute. [8]

Statistic of the Bulgarian surnames
RankSurnameTransliterationNumber of malesNumber of females
1Иванов/Иванова Ivanov/Ivanova136,125141,183
2Георгиев/Георгиева Georgiev/Georgieva105,209108,302
3Димитров/Димитрова Dimitrov/Dimitrova101,020104,754
4Петров/Петрова Petrov/Petrova67,80471,082
5Николов/Николова Nikolov/Nikolova58,18961,339
6Христов/Христова Hristov/Hristova53,81857,034
7Стоянов/Стоянова Stoyanov/Stoyanova53,08856,387
8Тодоров/Тодорова Todorov/Todorova52,13954,275
9Илиев/Илиева Iliev/Ilieva44,73246,343
10Ангелов/Ангелова Angelov/Angelova43,98545,629


Rank [9] [10] [11] FrequencySurnameSurname derivation [12]
121,618 Horvat ethnic name for a Croat
215,160 Kovačević patronymic, from kovač 'blacksmith'
312,840 Babić matronymic, or nickname, from baba '(old) woman', 'grandmother'
411,555 Marić 1. matronymic, from Mara – short variant of Marija 'Mary'; 2. patronymic, from Maro – short variant of Marije 'Marius' or Marijan 'Marianus'
511,163 Jurić patronymic, from Jure or Juro – regional variants of Juraj 'George'
610,794 Novak 1. a newcomer, from novy 'new'; 2. topographic name, for peasant who settled on newly cleared land
710,546 Kovačić patronymic, from kovač 'blacksmith'
810,334 Knežević from knez 'prince' or 'duke'
910,191 Vuković patronymic, from Vuk – ancient Slavic name meaning 'wolf'
109,854 Marković patronymic, from Marko 'Marcus'
119,614 Petrović patronymic, from Petar and Peter
129,960 Matić patronymic, from Matija 'Matthias' or Matej 'Matthew'; or possibly from their short variants Mate or Mato
139,464 Tomić patronymic, from Tomo or Toma 'Thomas'
148,601 Pavlović patronymic, from Pavao, Pavle, and Pavel 'Paul'
158,542 Kovač occupational name, from kovač 'blacksmith'
168,258 Božić patronymic, from Božo (from bozhy meaning 'of God')
178,152 Blažević patronymic, from Blaž lat. Blasius 'Blaise'
188,010 Grgić patronymic, from Grga or Grgo – short variants of Grgur 'Gregory'
197,538 Pavić patronymic, from Pavo – short or regional variant of Pavao 'Paul'
207,406 Radić patronymic, from Rade (Slavic name meaning 'happy')
217,351 Perić patronymic, from Pero (Peter)
227,321 Filipović patronymic, from Filip
237,184 Šarić
247,131 Lovrić patronymic, from Lovro (Lawrence)
256,986 Vidović patronymic, from Vid (Vitus)
266,903 Perković patronymic, from Perko (Peter)
276,797 Popović patronymic, from Pop (priest)
286,760 Bošnjak regional name, person from Bosnia
296,653 Jukić patronymic, from Juko or Juka – regional variants of Juraj 'George'
306,417 Barišić patronymic, from Bariša – short or regional variant of Bartol, Bartul, Bartolomej 'Bartholomew'


Feminized names are included (m. Novák/f. Nováková). Figures are from 2009 and provided by the Czech Ministry of the Interior.

Statistic of the Czech Republic surnames [13] [14] [15]
RankSurnameMeaningNumber of menNumber of women
1 Novák/Novákovánew man/woman34,16835,558
2 Svoboda/Svobodováfreeholder25,29226,569
3 Novotný/Novotnánewman24,32025,328
4 Dvořák/Dvořákovágrange owner22,29923,445
5 Černý/Černádark or black17,81318,504
6 Procházka/Procházkováwalker16,07416,817
7 Kučera/Kučerovácurly man/woman15,18715,689
8 Veselý/Veselácheerful, merry man/woman12,88213,494
9 Horák/Horákováhighlander12,16512,796
10 Němec/NěmcováGerman11,19211,563


Nineteen of the twenty most common Danish surnames as of 1 January 2022 are patronymic ending in Norse -sen ('son of'), the only exception being Møller (Miller). [16]

(*variant/s also listed)
1 Nielsen son of Niels 236,397
2 Jensen son of Jens 233,713
3 Hansen son of Hans 197,548
4 Pedersen son of Peder*150,161
5 Andersen son of Anders 149,643
6 Christensen son of Christen*111,816
7 Larsen son of Lars 107,721
8 Sørensen son of Søren 102,848
9 Rasmussen son of Rasmus 88,351
10 Jørgensen son of Jørgen 82,285
11 Petersen son of Peter*72,757
12 Madsen son of Mads 60,676
13 Kristensen son of Kristen*57,758
14 Olsen son of Ole 44,629
15 Thomsen son of Thomas 38,244
16 Christiansen son of Christian*35,143
17 Poulsen son of Poul 30,545
18 Johansen son of Johan/Johannes*29,866
19 Møller Miller29,481
20 Mortensen son of Morten 28,124

Faroe Islands

The 20 most common surnames in the Faroe Islands as published in 2017 are shown below beside the number of people of the Faroese population sharing each surname. [17]

RankSurnameNumber of individuals
1 Joensen 2,372
2 Hansen 2,181
3 Jacobsen 2,051
4 Olsen 1,670
5 Petersen 1,298
6 Poulsen 1,257
7 Johannesen 973
8 Thomsen 719
9 Nielsen 647
10 Rasmussen 539
11 Djurhuus 537
12 Johansen 535
13 Simonsen 526
14 Danielsen 524
15 Jensen 492
16 Mortensen 471
17 Højgaard 462
18 Mikkelsen 432
19 Sørensen 420
20 Dam 418


Data from 2008. [18]

Names of Estonian origin:

15,241 Tamm oak
24,352 Saar island/ash (tree)
33,624 Sepp smith
43,613 Mägi hill, mountain
52,847 Kask birch
62,728 Kukk rooster
72,265 Rebane fox
82,165 Ilves lynx
91,933 Pärn linden tree
101,882 Koppel paddock

Names of Russian origin:

16,789 Ivanov
23,402 Smirnov
33,153 Vassiljev
42,932 Petrov
52,339 Kuznetsov
62,265 Karpin
71,968 Mihhailov
81,927 Pavlov
91,909 Semjonov
101,862 Andrejev
111,845 Aleksejev


RankSurnameMeaningPopulationPercentage [19]
1 Korhonen Uncertain meaning; see article23,3120.425
2 Virtanen virta 'stream'23,0200.420
3 Mäkinen mäki 'hill'21,0140.383
4 Nieminen niemi 'cape'20,9690.382
5 Mäkelä hill place19,5380.356
6 Hämäläinen Tavastian, comes from Tavastia19,1290.349
7 Laine wave18,7520.342
8 Heikkinen first name Heikki, "Henry", "Henrik"17,9260.327
9 Koskinen koski 'rapids'17,7370.324
10 Järvinen järvi 'lake'16,8020.306
11 Lehtonen lehto 'grove'16,6490.304
12 Lehtinen lehti 'leaf'15,6020.285
13 Saarinen saari 'island'15,2950.279
14 Salminen salmi 'strait'15,0870.275
15 Heinonen heinä 'hay'14,9570.273
17 Heikkilä first name Heikki, "Henry", "Henrik"14,5580.266
18 Kinnunen from the Swedish skinnare 'skinner'14,3190.261
19 Salonen salo 'backwoods'14,2700.260
20 Turunen turku 'market, selling place', nowadays only the name of a city (Turku)13,8020.252
21 Salo backwoods13,4870.246
22 Laitinen laita 'side, margin'13,0850.239
23 Tuominen tuomi 'bird cherry'12,8520.234
24 Rantanen ranta 'shore, beach'12,8340.234
25 Karjalainen Karelian, comes from Karelia12,8300.234
26 Jokinen joki 'river'12,5140.228
27 Mattila first name Matti, "Matt", "Mathew", -la, place suffix12,3300.225
28 Savolainen Savonian, comes from Savonia11,5920.211
29 Lahtinen lahti 'bay'11,4700.209
30 Ahonen aho 'meadow'11,2380.205

Most of the names on this list are typical examples of surnames that were adopted when modern surnames were introduced in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. In the romantic spirit, they refer to natural features: virta 'river', koski 'rapids', mäki 'hill', järvi 'lake', saari 'island' — often with the suffix -nen added after the model of older, mainly eastern Finnish surnames such as Korhonen and Heikkinen. Hämäläinen literally means 'an inhabitant of Häme'. The suffix -nen is an adjective ending.

Most common Swedish surnames in Finland

RankSurnamePopulationPercentage [19]
1 Johansson 8,6790.158
2 Nyman 7,5520.138
3 Lindholm 7,3820.135
4 Karlsson 7,0960.129
5 Andersson 6,4030.117


Rank [20] #SurnameMeaning
1235,846 Martin given name
2105,132 Bernard given name
395,998 Dubois woods dweller
495,387 Thomas given name
591,393 Robert given name
690,689 Richard given name
788,318 Petit short
884,252 Durand strong, resilient
978,868 Leroy the king
1078,177 Moreau brown; like the Moors
1176,655 Simon given name
1275,307 Laurent given name
1374,564 Lefebvre blacksmith
1474,318 Michel given name
1568,720 Garcia of Spanish origin
1661,762 David given name
1759,817 Bertrand given name
1859,440 Roux redhead
1957,351 Vincent given name
2057,047 Fournier baker
2156,760 Morel brown; like the Moors
2255,642 Girard given name
2355,228 André given name
2453,670 Lefèvre blacksmith
2553,622 Mercier textile trader
2653,405 Dupont bridge dweller
2751,543 Lambert given name
2850,999 Bonnet good-mannered
2950,612 François given name
3049,762 Martinez son of Martín, of Spanish origin


RankSurnameRomanizationTotal Number [21]
1ბერიძე Beridze 29,173
2მამედოვი Mamedovi 28,358
3ალიევი Alievi 19,327
4კაპანაძე Kapanadze 19,257
5გელაშვილი Gelashvili 18,310
6მაისურაძე Maisuradze 16,198
7გიორგაძე Giorgadze 14,162
8ლომიძე Lomidze 13,062
9წიკლაური Tsiklauri 13,019
10ბოლქვაძე Bolkvadze 12,824


Rank [22] SurnameMeaningPercentage [23]
1 Müller miller 0.95 [24]
2 Schmidt smith 0.69 [25]
3 Schneider tailor 0.40
4 Fischer fisher 0.35
5 Meyer 'mayor' (originally estate administrator, later farmer)0.33 [26]
6 Weber weaver 0.30
7 Wagner wainwright (worn-down form of wagoner)0.27
8 Schulz Schultheiß (village headman or constable / sheriff)0.27
9 Becker baker 0.27
10 Hoffmann 'man of the court/farm' (courtier/steward, later farmer)0.26


The majority of Greek names are patronymic. There are also several names derived from professions (Samaras, Σαμαράς 'saddle maker', Papoutsis, Παπουτσής 'shoe maker'), area of (former) residence (Kritikos, Κρητικός 'from Crete', Aivaliotis, Αϊβαλιώτης 'from Ayvalık'), nicknames relating to physical or other characteristics (Kontos, Κοντός 'short', Mytaras, Μυταράς 'large-nosed', Koufos, Κουφός 'deaf') and more.

The patronymic suffix varies between dialects; thus Giannidis, Giannakos, Giannatos, Giannopoulos, Giannelis, Giannioglou all mean 'son of Giannis'. [27]

*Σαμαράς Samaras saddle maker
*Παπουτσής Papoutsis shoe maker
*Κρητικός Kritikos from Crete
*ΑϊβαλιώτηςAivaliotisfrom Ayvalık
*Κοντός Kontos short


As of 2011, 2,095,788 individuals (21% of the population) bear the most common 20 names, and 3,347,493 individuals (33.5%) bearing the top 100 names. [28] [29] 25 most common surnames in Hungary as of January 2019: [30] [29]

1227,671 Nagy big/large/great
2210,213 Kovács smith (occupational name)
3205,582 Tóth Slav in general (also Slovak, Slovenian)
4203,126 Szabó tailor (occupational name)
5197,153 Horváth Croat
6133,959 Varga leatherworker (occupational name)
7126,587 Kiss little/small
8103,865 Molnár miller (occupational name)
988,150 Németh German
1082,193 Farkas wolf
1181,938 Balogh left-handed
1250,959 Papp priest (occupational name)
1350,172 Lakatos locksmith (occupational name)
1449,761 Takács weaver (occupational name)
1549,197 Juhász shepherd (occupational name)
1638,428 Mészáros butcher (occupational name)
1738,385 Oláh Vlach (Romanian)
1836,810 Simon Simon
1935,116 Rácz Serb (South Slavic)
2033,237 Fekete black
2131,554 Szilágyi hailing from Szilágyság
2225,963 Török Turkish
2325,685 Fehér white
2425,294 Balázs Blaise
2524,672 Gál Gallic (uncertain)


While the vast majority of Icelanders do not use regular surnames but rather patronyms or matronyms, around 4% of Icelanders have proper surnames. See also Icelandic names.

The 20 most common surnames in the Iceland as published in 2017 are shown below beside the number of people of the Icelandic population sharing each surname. [31]

RankSurnameNumber of individuals
1 Blöndal 324
2 Thorarensen 293
3 Hansen 282
4 Olsen 224
5 Andersen 206
7 Möller 198
8 Nielsen 180
9 Waage 171
10 Bergmann 158
11 Briem 156
13 Jensen 146
14 Hjaltalín 137
15 Scheving 135
16 Petersen 126
17 Kvaran 123
19 Norðdahl 113


The prevalence of some of these names is the result of more than one distinct Irish language names being represented by the same anglicised version.

#SurnameModern Irish Original IrishMeaning
1 Murphy Ó Murchú/Mac MurchúÓ Murchadha
Mac Murchaidh
Son or Descendant of Murchadh (a personal name meaning 'sea hound/warrior') [32]
2 Kelly Mac ceallaigh/Ó Ceallaighson or Descendant of Ceallach ('strife') [33]
3(O')Sullivan Ó SúilleabháinDescendant of Súilleabhán ('dark-eyed one', 'one-eyed' or 'hawk-eyed')
4 Walsh BreathnachBreatnach'Breton', 'Welshman'
5 Smith Mac GabhannSon of a smith
6 O'Brien Ó BriainDescendant of Brian
7(O')Byrne Ó BroinDescendant of Bran
8(O')Ryan Ó RiainÓ Riain
Ó Maoilriain
Ó Ruaidhín
Descendant of Rian (possibly meaning 'king')
Descendant of Maoilriaghan ('bald king')
Descendant of Ruaidhín ('little red-haired one')
9 O'Connor Ó ConchúirÓ ConchobhairDescendant of Conchobhar ('hound/chief assistance')
10 O'Neill Ó NéillDescendant of Niall (possibly meaning 'cloud', 'passionate' or 'champion')
11(O')Reilly Ó RaghallaighDescendant of Raghallach
12 Doyle Ó DubhghaillDescendant of Dubhghall ('dark-haired foreigner')
13 McCarthy Mac CárthaighSon of Cárthach ('loving')
14(O')Gallagher Ó GallchóirÓ GallchobhairDescendant of Gallchobhar ('foreign assistance')
15(O')Doherty Ó DochartaighDescendant of Dochartach ('hurtful')
16 Kennedy Ó CinnéideÓ Ceannéidigh or Mac CeannéidighDescendant of Cinnéide ('adorned head') [34]
17 Lynch Ó LoingsighDescendant of Loingseach ('longboat')
18 Murray Ó MuireadhaighMac Muireadhaigh
Mac Giolla Mhuire
Descendant of Muireadhach ('chieftain')
Descendant of a servant of Mary
19(O')Quinn Ó Cuinn/Coinne/Mac CuinnDescendant of Conn ('hound/chief') [35]
20(O')Moore Ó MórdhaDescendant of Mórdha ('majestic')

Names starting with O' and Mac/Mc were originally patronymic. Of the names above, with the exception of Smith and Walsh, all originally began with O' or Mac/Mc but many have lost this prefix over time. Mac/Mc, meaning Son, and Ó, meaning Little (or Descendant), are used by sons born into the family. In the case of a daughter being born into the family she would use Ní/Nic, for example Ó Muireadhaigh becomes Ní Mhuireadhaigh. A woman who marries into the family and takes her husband's name uses Uí/Mic- e.g. Uí Mhuireadhaigh. [36] [37]


From Mappa dei Cognomi website. [38]

Rank [39] SurnameFrequencyMeaning
1 Rossi 60,487 red (Northern and Central Italy)
2 Russo 42,877 red (Southern Italy)
3 Ferrari 33,707 blacksmith
4 Esposito 31,980 exposed (abandoned child; orphan)
5 Bianchi 25,121white
6 Romano 24,062Roman
7 Colombo 23,484 dove (abandoned child)
8 Bruno 20,509brown
9 Ricci 19,879 curly
10 Greco 18,225Greek
11 Marino 17,939marine, seaman
12 Gallo 17,622French
13 De Luca 17,438son of Luke
14 Conti 17,173 Count
15 Costa 16,875 coast
16 Mancini 16,784 left-handed
17 Giordano 16,636Jordan
18 Rizzo 16,394 curly
19 Lombardi 15,220Lombard
20 Barbieri 14,304 barber
21 Moretti 14,255brown (diminutive form)
22 Fontana 14,214fountain
23 Caruso 13,756boy, apprentice
24 Mariani 13,652 Marian
25 Ferrara 13,236blacksmith
26 Santoro 13,141Sanctorum omnium (all saints' day)
27 Rinaldi 12,861 Reynold
28 Leone 12,661lion
29 D'Angelo 12,620son of Angelo
30 Longo 12,273 long
31 Galli 12,240French
32 Martini 12,090 Martin
33 Martinelli 11,819Martin (diminutive)
34 Serra 11,484 saw (carpenter)
35 Conte 11,347Count
36 Vitale 11,266Vitale (given name)
37 De Santis 11,208of the saints
38 Marchetti 11,115little Marco
39 Messina 11,113
40 Gentile 11,019gentle
41 Villa 11,011dwelling
42 Marini 10,875seafarer
43 Lombardo 10,803Lombard
44 Coppola 10,783beret
45 Ferri 10,679iron's
46 Parisi 10,675from Paros
47 De Angelis 10,509of the angels
48 Bianco 10,467white
49 Amato 10,449beloved
50 Fabbri 10,330blacksmith
51 Gatti 10,303cats
52 Sala 10,283 Sala
53 Morelli 10,181
54 Grasso 10,076 fat
55 Pellegrini 10,027pilgrims
56 Ferraro 10,020blacksmith
57 Monti 10,007 mountains
58 Palumbo 9,775pigeon
59 Grassi 9,749fat
60 Testa 9,728 head
61 Valentini 9,435valiant, bold
62 Carbone 9,293 coal
63 Benedetti 9,258blessed/son of Benedict
64 Silvestri 9,250son of Sylvester
65 Farina 9,168flour (occupational surname)
66 D'Amico 9,125son of Amico
67 Martino 8,877Martin
68 Bernardi 8,849 Barnard
69 Caputo 8,826big headed
70 Mazza 8,756toolmaker, smith
71 Sanna 8,740 Fang (Sardinian) [40]
72 Fiore 8,734flower
73 De Rosa 8,727from the rose
74 Pellegrino 8,678pilgrim
75 Giuliani 8,647son of Julian
76 Rizzi 8,594curly
77 Di Stefano 8,521son of Steven
78 Cattaneo 8,479 captain
79Rossetti8,454red one
80 Orlando 8,423Roland
81 Basile 8,368 Basil
82 Neri 8,358black
83 Barone 8,344 Baron
84 Palmieri 8,297Palmer
85 Riva 8,203shore
86 Romeo 8,074Roman
87 Franco 8,047Frank
88 Sorrentino 8,017from Sorrento
89 Pagano 8,007pagan
90 D'Agostino 7,904Son of Augustin
91 Piras 7,889 pear tree (Sardinia)
92 Ruggiero 7,812 Rodger
93 Montanari 7,795highlander
94 Battaglia 7,713battle
95 Bellini 7,690little beautiful one
96 Castelli 7,671castles
97 Guerra 7,572war
98 Poli 7,538
99 Valente 7,493valiant, bold
100 Ferretti 7,489smith


Provided here is a list of the 33 most common surnames in Kazakhstan according to the Ministry of Justice of Kazakhstan as of 2014. [41]

RankCyrillic script Latin script Language (and meaning)Occurrence
1Ахметов Ahmetov Kazakh, "son of Ahmet"73,627
2Омаров Omarov Kazakh, "son of Omar"45,123
3Ким Kim Korean 42,274
4Оспанов Ospanov Kazakh41,068
5Иванов Ivanov Russian, "son of Ivan"39,296
6Алиев Aliev Kazakh, "son of Ali"36,084
7Сулейменов Suleimenov Kazakh, "son of Suleimen"33,940
8Искаков Iskakov Kazakh31,988
9Абдрахманов Abdrahmanov Kazakh, "son of Abdrahman"29,091
10Ибрагимов Ibragimov Kazakh, "son of Ibragim"28,755
11Калиев Kaliev Kazakh, "son of Kali"28,219
12Садыков Sadykov Kazakh, "son of Sadyk 27,810
13Ибраев Ibraev Kazakh26,531
14Кузнецов Kuznetsov Russian, "son of a blacksmith"25,990
15Попов Popov Russian, "son of a priest"24,956
16Смагулов Smagulov Kazakh24,005
17Абдуллаев Abdullaev Kazakh, "son of Abdulla"23,729
18Исаев Isaev Kazakh, "son of Isa"22,910
19Султанов Sultanov Kazakh, "son of Sultan"22,808
22Юсупов Iusupov Uzbek, "son of Yusup"22,763
21Исмаилов Ismailov Kazakh, "son of Ismail"21,392
22Нургалиев Nurgaliev Kazakh, "son of Nurgali"21,133
23Каримов Karimov Kazakh, "son of Karim"20,575
24Серік/Серик Serik Kazakh19 550
25Ли Li Korean17,049
26Цой Tsoi Korean12,088
27Амангельды Amangeldy Kazakh15,125
28Болат Bolat Kazakh11,234
29Бондаренко Bondarenko Ukrainian 10,648
30Марат Marat Kazakh, "Murad"10,417
31Серікбай/Серикбай Serıkbay/Serikbay Kazakh10,193
32Мурат Murat Kazakh, "Murad"10,106
33Кусаинов Kusainov Kazakh, "son of Kusain"10,103


These statistics are based on the Kosovo Agency of Statistics report on names and surnames in Kosovo, which took place in 2017. [42]

RankSurnameNumber of individuals
1 Krasniqi 58,199
2 Gashi 57,396
3 Berisha 43,727
4 Morina 27,222
5 Shala 25,585
6 Bytyqi 18,840
7 Hasani 13,187
8 Kastrati 13,015
9 Kryeziu 12,882
10 Hoti 12,709


Latvian surnames
Rank [43] [44] SurnameMeaning
1 Bērziņš birch (diminutive)
2 Kalniņš hill (diminutive)
3 Ozoliņš oak (diminutive)
4 Jansons son of Jānis (Germanized)
5 Ozols oak
6 Liepiņš linden (diminutive)
7 Krūmiņš bush (diminutive)
8 Balodis pigeon
9 Eglītis fir (diminutive)
10 Zariņš branch (diminutive)
11 Pētersons son of Pēteris (Germanized)
12 Vītols willow
13 Kļaviņš maple (diminutive)
14Kārkliņš willow (diminutive form of Kārkls)
15 Vanags hawk


Lithuania, 2015 [45]
RankMaleFemale [note 1] Meaning
1 Kazlauskas Kazlauskienėequivalent of Polish Kozłowski from kozioł 'billy goat', certainly from before Christianity.
2 Jankauskas Jankauskienėfrom Jankowski from Janek from Jan in Polish, the apostle John.
3 Petrauskas Petrauskienėof Peter or Piotr in Polish
4 Stankevičius Stankevičienėfrom Polish Stanisławski from Stanisław 'state of glory'
5 Vasiliauskas Vasiliauskienėof Vasil from Greek Basileus 'royal, kingly' reference to Christ, the king of heaven.
6 Butkus Butkienėfrom Polish Budzisław 'awakening glory'
7 Žukauskas Žukauskienėfrom Polish Żukowski from żuk 'beetle', also taken from before Christianity.
8 Paulauskas Paulauskienėof the apostle Paul
9 Urbonas Urbonienėfrom Latin urbanus 'from the city' meaning 'connected to Rome and Christianity'.
10 Kavaliauskas Kavaliauskienėfrom Polish Kowalski from Kowal 'blacksmith'


Out of 236,000 entries in the EDITUS phone book:

Rank [46] #SurnameMeaning
11929 Schmit smith
21473 Muller miller
31380 Weber weaver
41335 Hoffmann farmer
51300 Wagner wain maker
61027 Thill
7939 Schmitz smith's
8793 Schroeder
9712 Reuter
10706 Klein little
11674 Becker baker
12660 Kieffer pine wood
13650 Kremer chapman
14610 Faber Latin faber 'smith'
15556 Meyer
16550 Schneider tailor
17543 Weiss white
18538 Schiltz shield's
19537 Simon Simon
20533 Welter Walter
21504 Hansen little John
22496 Majerus
23467 Ries Reeds
24459 Meyers
25451 Kayser emperor
26441 Steffen Steven
27438 Krier
28421 Braun brown
29411 Wagener wain maker
30405 Diederich from first name D.


Rank [47] %#Surname
13.313,610 Borg
23.113,090 Camilleri
32.912,192 Vella
42.911,953 Farrugia
52.39,769 Zammit
62.18,767 Galea
72.18,677 Micallef
82.08,178 Grech
91.87,680 Attard
101.87,316 Spiteri


RankSurnameMeaningTotal number of families [48]
1 Rusu from Rus23,028
2 Ceban shepherd20,929
3 Ciobanu shepherd17,167
4 Țurcan (archaic) farmer16,984
5 Cebotari shoemaker15,464
6 Sîrbu Serb14,171
7 Lungu long, tall14,090
8 Munteanu from the mountain13,904
9 Rotari from roată 'wheel'13,511
10 Popa priest12,923
11 Ursu bear11,456
12 Guțu dove11,433
13 Roșca red-haired, ginger11,194
15 Cojocari coat crafter10,526


RankSurnameMeaning [49]
1 Popović son of a priest
2 Marković son of Marko
3 Vujović son of Vujo
4 Radović son of Rado
5 Ivanović son of Ivan
6 Radulović son of Radul or Radule
7 Jovanović son of Jovan
8 Perović son of Pero
9 Vuković Son of Vuk (Vuk means wolf)
10 Kovačević Son of a blacksmith


The most recent complete count of surnames in the Netherlands is based on the September 2007 county registrations.

RankSurnameNumber in
PercentNumber in
English equivalent (or meaning)
1 De Jong 86,5340.53%55,256the young
2 Jansen 75,6990.46%49,213Johnson
3 De Vries 73,1570.45%49,298the Frisian
4 Van den Berg *60,1300.37%37,678of (from) the mountain
5 Van Dijk, Van Dyk 57,9440.35%36,578of (from) dike
6 Bakker 56,8640.35%37,483Baker
7 Janssen 55,3940.34%32,824Johnson
8 Visser 50,9290.31%34,721Fisher
9 Smit 43,4930.27%29,783Smith
10 Meijer, Meyer 41,4970.25%28,256Mayor (local official such as bailiff or steward)
11 De Boer 39,5760.24%25,662the farmer
12 Mulder 37,2500.23%24,665Miller
13 De Groot 37,2210.23%24,724The Great
14 Bos 36,4780.22%23,790Bush (literally); woods/forest
15 Vos 31,1540.19%19,461Fox
16 Peters 30,8640.19%18,583Peters
17 Hendriks 30,1990.18%18,538Henderson
18 Van Leeuwen 28,7740.18%17,754of (from) Leeuwen; likely also from other places
19 Dekker 28,6820.17%18,782Thatcher
20 Brouwer 26,2240.16%17,468Brewer
21 De Wit 24,9040.15%15,156the white
22 Dijkstra 24,1750.15%15,647a (from the) dike
23 Smits 23,8160.15%15,151Smith
24 De Graaf 21,6990.13%13,718The reeve (local official, e.g. bailiff); literally: the count
25 Van der Meer 21,3540.13%13,011of (from) the lake

When closely related names are combined, the top 15 are:

RankSurnameNumber of
1Jansen, Janssen, Janse135,003
2de Jong, de Jonge, de Jongh, Jong108,240
3Smit, Smits, Smid, de Smit, Smet, Smith76,604
4de Vries, Vries, de Vriese74,058
5vd Berg, vd Bergh, vd Berge, vd Bergen*69,080
6Visser, Visscher, Vissers, de Visser68,952
7van Dijk, van Dyk, Dijk, van Dijck64,070
8Bakker, Bekker, de Bakker, Backer62,183
9de Boer, Boer, den Boer, van de Boer57,072
10Mulder, Muller, Müller, Mulders, de Mulder52,394
11Peters, Peeters, Pieters, Peterse, Peter52,389
12vd Veen, vd Ven, van Veen, van 't Veen *49,935
13Bos, Bosch, de Bos47,995
14Meijer, Meyer, Meijers47,761
15de Groot, Groot, de Groote47,511

* "vd" is an abbreviation which stands for all variants of "van de", "van den", or "van der"

Source: Nederlands Repertorium van Familienamen, Meertens-Instituut, 1963–2009. Data can be viewed in the Corpus of Family Names in the Netherlands See specifically De top 100 van de familienamen in Nederland (Dutch)

Names ending in -stra or -ma are usually of Frisian origin. For example, Terpstra, Bijlsma, Halsema.

Names ending in -ink or -ing are usually of Low Saxon origin. For example, Hiddink, Meyerink, Mentink.

North Macedonia

The most recent complete count of surnames is based on end of year 2022 State Statistical Office. [50]

131,670StojanovskiStojanoski, Stojanov, Stojanovska, Stojanoska, Stojanova, Stojanović patronymic; descendant of Stojan (Stoyan)
227,285JovanovskiJovanoski, Jovanov, Jovanovska, Jovanoska, Jovanova, Jovanovićpatronymic; descendant of Jovan (John in Macedonian)
326,918NikolovskiNikoloski, Nikolov, Nikolovska, Nikoloska, Nikolova, Nikolićpatronymic; descendant of Nikola
425,101RistovskiRistoski, Ristov, Ristevski, Risteski, Ristovska, Ristoska, Ristova, Ristevska, Risteska, Ristićpatronymic; descendant of Risto or Riste (Christ in Macedonian)
518,307PetrovskiPetroski, Petrov, Petrevski, Petreski, Petrovska, Petroska, Petrova, Petrevska, Petrova, Petrovićpatronymic; descendant of Petar or Petre (Peter in Macedonian)
617,476BajramiBajram, Bajramovski, Bajramoski, Bajramov, Bajramovska, Bajramoska, Bajramova, Bajramovićpatronymic; descendant of Bajram
715,640IvanovskiIvanoski, Ivanov, Ivanovska, Ivanoska, Ivanova, Ivanovićpatronymic; descendant of Ivan
813,705OsmaniOsman, Osmanli, Osmanovski, Osmanoski, Osmanov, Osmanovska, Osmanoska, Osmanova, Osmanovićpatronymic; descendant of Osman ("wise", in Ottoman Turkish)
912,578AdemiAdem, Ademovski, Ademoski, Ademov, Ademovska, Ademoska, Ademova, Ademićpatronymic; descendant of Adem (Adam in Ottoman Turkish)
1012,367ShabaniShaban, Shabanovski, Shabanoski, Shabanov, Shabanovska, Shabanoska, Shabanovapatronymic; descendant of Shaban (name of the eight month in the Islamic Calendar)

Macedonian surnames inflect through grammatical cases (in this case, gender). It is common for male surnames to end in -ski and -ov, while female ones end in -ska and -va.


Rank [51] #SurnameMeaning
153,011 Hansen patronymic; son of Hans
250,088 Johansen patronymic; son of Johan or Johannes
349,303 Olsen patronymic; son of Olav, Ole, Olaf or Ola
437,869 Larsen patronymic; son of Lars, Lauritz or Laurits
537,206 Andersen patronymic; son of Anders (or Andres)
635,402 Pedersen patronymic; son of Peder, (Petter, Peter or Per)
734,941 Nilsen patronymic; son of Nils (or Niels)
823,595 Kristiansen patronymic; son of Kristian (or Christian)
923,079 Jensen patronymic; son of Jens
1021,330 Karlsen patronymic; son of Karl (or Carl)
1120,755 Johnsen patronymic; son of John (or Jon)
1220,226 Pettersen patronymic; son of Petter, (Peter, Peder or Per)
1319,241 Eriksen patronymic; son of Erik, (Eirik or Erich)
1418,133 Berg farm name; a mountain
1514,392 Haugen farm name; the Hill
1614,126 Hagen farm name; the garden
1713,387 Johannessen patronymic; son of Johannes (or Johan)
1812,139 Andreassen patronymic; son of Andreas
1911,925 Jacobsen patronymic; son of Jacob (or Jakob)
2011,540 Dahl farm name; a valley
2111,481 Jørgensen patronymic; son of Jørgen
2211,477 Halvorsen patronymic; son of Halvor (or Hallvard)
2311,364 Henriksen patronymic; son of Henrik (or Henrich)
2411,282 Lund farm name; a grove


RankSurnameMeaningNumbers [52]
1 Nowak newman207,348
2 Kowalski from kowal 'smith'140,471
3 Wiśniewski from wiśnia 'cherry'111,174
4 Wójcik from wójt, a noun describing chief officer of a municipality ( gmina ),
or from a popular name Wojciech; from the word wojak' 'warrior'
5 Kowalczyk from kowal 'smith', literally 'smith's son'98,739
6 Kamiński from kamień 'stone'95,816
7 Lewandowski from lawenda 'lavender'93,404
8 Zieliński from zielony 'green'; from zioło, ziele 'herb'91,522
9 Szymański from Szymon, equivalent to Simon or Polish for German Schuhmann 'shoemaker'89,698
10 Woźniak from woźny, 'usher'89,015
11 Dąbrowski from dąbrowa 'oak grove'87,304
12 Kozłowski from kozioł 'goat'76,657
13 Jankowski from Janek, a diminutive of John 69,280
14 Mazur Masurian 68,090
15 Kwiatkowski from kwiatek 'flower (dim.)'66,917
16 Wojciechowski from the name Wojciech; from the word wojak 'warrior'66,879
17 Krawczyk from krawiec 'tailor', 'tailor's son'64,543
18 Kaczmarek from karczmarz 'innkeeper'62,399
19 Piotrowski from Piotr (Peter)61,844
20 Grabowski from grab 'hornbeam' or grabarz 'gravedigger'59,052

Polish names which end with -ski or -cki or -dzki have both male and female forms – Kamiński/Kamińska, Wielicki/Wielicka, Zawadzki/Zawadzka etc. This needs to be considered when taking a count by, for instance, scanning a telephone book. Historically, -ski, -cki and -dzki, cognate with English -ish and French -esque, was a particle of nobility, like German von .


The 50 most frequent surnames in Portugal are listed below. [53] [54] [55] A number of these surnames may be preceded by of/from (de, d') or of the/from the (do, da, dos, das) as in de Sousa, da Costa, d'Oliveira. Those elements are not part of the surname and are not considered in an alphabetical order.

1 Silva toponymic; woodland9.44%Latin silva
2 Santos saints5.96%Latin sanctus
3 Ferreira blacksmith5.25%Latin ferrarius
4 Pereira pear tree4.88%Latin pirus
5 Oliveira olive tree3.71%Latin oliva
6 Costa toponymic; '[from the] coast'3.68%Latin costa
7 Rodrigues patronymic; 'son of Rodrigo'3.57%Germanic Roderich
8 Martins patronymic; 'son of Martim'3.23%Latin Martinus
9 Jesus 'Jesus'2.99%Latin Iesus < Hebrew Yeshua
10 Sousa toponymic; '[from] Sousa'2.95%Latin saxa
11 Fernandes patronymic; 'son of Fernando'2.82%Germanic Ferdinand
12 Gonçalves patronymic; 'son of Gonçalo'2.76%Germanic Gundisalv
13 Gomes patronymic; 'son of Gome', 'Gomo'2.57%Germanic guma
14 Lopes patronymic; 'son of Lopo'2.52%Latin lupus
15 Marques patronymic; 'son of Marco'2.51%Latin Marcus
16 Alves patronymic; 'son of Álvaro'2.37%Germanic alfhari, alfarr
17 Almeida toponymic2.27%Arabic al majid
18 Ribeiro toponymic; 'brook'2.27%Latin riparius
19 Pinto painted or spotted2.09%Latin pictus
20 Carvalho oak1.97%Celtic cassos, cassanos
21 Teixeira toponymic; 'yew'1.69%Latin taxus
22 Moreira toponymic; 'mulberry'1.54%Latin mora
23 Correia belt1.53%Celtic (Latinised) korriį
24 Mendes patronymic; 'son of Mendo'1.39%Germanic Hermengild
25 Nunes patronymic; 'son of Nuno'1.32%Latin nonus, nunnus
26 Soares patronymic; 'son of Soeiro'1.28%Germanic (Latinised) Suarius
27 Vieira scallop1.2%Latin veneria
28 Monteiro toponymic; '[from the] mountain'1.11%Latin mons
29 Cardoso toponymic; 'thistle'1.07%Latin carduus
30 Rocha toponymic; 'rock'1.04%Celtic (Latinised) roc'h
31 Neves snows, devotion to
(Our Lady of the Snows)
0.98%Latin nigvem
32 Coelho rabbit0.97%Celtiberian cunicos
33 Cruz cross (of Jesus)0.94%Latin crux
34 Cunha wedge0.93%Latin cuneus
35 Pires patronymic; son of Pero0.92%Greek Πετρος (Petros)
36 Duarte patronymic; 'keeper of riches'0.86%Germanic Edward
37 Reis devotion to the
Three Kings
0.85%Latin rex
38 Simões patronymic; 'son of Simão'0.85%Greek Σιμων (Simon)
39 Antunes patronymic; 'son of António'0.82%Etruscan Antonius
40 Matos toponymic; 'bush'0.82%Late Latin matta
41 Fonseca toponymic; 'dry fountain'0.81%Latin fons siccus
42 Machado axe 0.76%Latin marculatum
43 Araújo patronymic0.69%Germanic ruderic
44 Barbosa beard0.69%Latin barba
45 Tavares toponymic0.67%Latin Talavaris
46 Lourenço Laurentius, related to laurels0.65%Latin Laurentum
47 Castro toponymic; 'castle, fortress'0.62%Latin castrum
48 Figueiredo toponymic; 'fig'0.62%Latin fīcus
49 Azevedo toponymic; 'holly'0.60%Latin aquifolium
50 Freitas toponymic; 'hillside'0.60%Latin fracta


Rank [56] SurnamePronunciationMeaning
1 Popa [ˈpopa] priest
2 Popescu [poˈpesku] lit. son of a priest
3 Pop [pop] short form of Popa
4 Radu [ˈradu]
5 Dumitru [duˈmitru]
6 Stan [stan] shortened form of Stanislav
7 Stoica [ˈstojka]
8 Gheorghe [ˈɡe̯orɡe] form of George
9 Matei [maˈtej] Romanian form of Matthew
10 Ciobanu [t͡ʃjoˈbanu] shepherd
11 Ionescu [ioˈnesku] lit. Johnson from Ion, Romanian form of John
12 Rusu [rusu] Russian


See also: Список общерусских фамилий (in Russian Wikipedia)

The most common surnames in Russia, as calculated by Yumaguzin and Vinnik (2019): [57]

RankSurnameTransliterationMeaningPercentage [57]
1Ивано́в/Ивано́ва Ivanov/Ivanovadescendant of Ivan (John)0.64275
2Кузнецо́в/Кузнецо́ва Kuznetsov/Kuznetsova smith's0.35634
3Смирно́в/Смирно́ва Smirnov/Smirnovadescendant of Smirnoy (meek one)0.31630
4Попо́в/Попо́ва Popov/Popovapriest's descendant0.31260
5Петро́в/Петро́ва Petrov/Petrovadescendant of Pyotr (Peter)0.30807
6Васи́льев/Васи́льева Vasilyev/Vasilyevadescendant of Vasily (Basil)0.26549
7Магоме́дов/Магоме́дова Magomedov/Magomedovadescendant of Magomed (Muhammad)0.23628
8Али́ев/Али́ева Aliyev/Aliyevadescendant of Ali 0.22763
9Кари́мов/Кари́мова Karimov/Karimovadescendant of Karim 0.19051
10Во́лков/Во́лкова Volkov/Volkova wolf's0.18828
11Семёнов/Семёнова Semyonov/Semyonovadescendant of Semyon (Simon)0.18682
12Миха́йлов/Миха́йлова Mikhaylov/Mikhaylovadescendant of Mikhail (Michael)0.18355
13Па́влов/Па́влова Pavlov/Pavlovadescendant of Pavel (Paul)0.18256
14Козло́в/Козло́ва Kozlov/Kozlova he-goat's; metaphorically: bearded one0.18177
15Фёдоров/Фёдорова Fyodorov/Fyodorovadescendant of Fyodor (Theodore)0.17727
16Но́виков/Но́викова Novikov/Novikovanew man's/woman's; see novik for historical details0.17388
17Ибраги́мов/Ибраги́мова Ibragimov/Ibragimovadescendant of Ibrahim 0.17150
18Соколо́в/Соколо́ва Sokolov/Sokolova falcon's0.17071
19Моро́зов/Моро́зова Morozov/Morozova frost's0.16877
20За́йцев/За́йцева Zaytsev/Zaytseva hare's0.16217

Those Russian surnames that end with -ov/-ev or -in/-yn are originally patronymic or metronymic possessive adjectivals with the meaning 'son of' or 'daughter/wife of' (the feminine is formed with the -a ending – Smirnova, Ivanova, etc.). In older documents such surnames were written with the word syn 'son', for example, Ivánov syn 'John's son' or Il'yín syn 'Elijah's son'; the last word was later dropped. Such names are roughly equivalent to the English or Welsh surnames Richardson or Richards.

The Russian equivalent of 'Smith', 'Jones', and 'Brown' (that is, the generic most often used surnames) are Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov, or 'Johns', 'Peters', and 'Isidores', although Sidorov is now ranked only 66th. [58]


Rank [59] SurnameCyrillic scriptMeaning
1 Jovanović Јовановићson of Jovan (John)
2 Petrović Петровићson of Petar (Peter)
3 Nikolić Николићson of Nikola (Nicholas)
4 Marković Марковићson of Marko (Mark)
5 Đorđević Ђорђевићson of Đorđe (George)
6 Stojanović Стојановићson of Stojan (Stoyan)
7 Ilić Илићson of Ilija (Elijah)
8 Stanković Станковићson of Stanko (Stanislav)
9 Pavlović Павловићson of Pavle (Paul)
10 Milošević Милошевићson of Miloš (Miles)


Rank [60] [61] #SurnameMeaningOrigins
130,813 Horváth Croat Croatian through Hungarian
229,079 Kováč blacksmith Slavic, Indo-European
321,650 Varga leatherworker, cobbler Hungarian [29]
421,604 Tóth Slovak (Slav) Germanic through Hungarian [29] [61]
519,341 Nagy large/tallHungarian [29]
614,114 Baláž blessed Hungarian via Latin Blasius and Old Church Slavonic 'blessed', from Indo-European
713,998 Szabó tailor Hungarian [29]
812,632 Molnár Miller Slavic through Hungarian [29]
910,872 Balog left-handed Hungarian, [29] or from Slavic marsh, or both
109,718 Lukáč Luke Latin Lucas , Greek
119,712 Novák Newman Slavic, Indo-European
129,567 Kovács blacksmith Slavic through Hungarian
139,352 Polák Pole Slavic, Indo-European
148,777 Gajdoš bagpiper Slavic, Indo-European
158,699 Kollár wheeler Slavic, Indo-European
167,895 Hudák musician Slavic, Indo-European
177,491 Neméth German Slavic through Hungarian
187,472 Kováčik blacksmith Slavic, Indo-European
197,240 Oláh Vlach, Romanian Hungarian [29]
207,223 Oravec from the Orava region Slavic, Indo-European

Note: The most common surnames in Slovakia are a mixture of Indo-European and the Ugric roots reflecting the 900-year-long coexistence of the Indo-European Slovaks and speakers of other Indo-European languages with Ugric Hungarians and the Croatians, under Hungarian assimilation pressure throughout the 19th century (see Magyarization, see History of Slovakia). In 1910 Hungarians made up one-third of the population of the present-day territory of Slovakia. [62] Hungarians are currently an 8% minority [61] in Slovakia. [63] (see Demographics of Slovakia). While ethnic Hungarians are relatively few in Slovakia, their large presence on the list of most common names reflects the intra-lingual frequency of the frequent names in Hungary.


Rank [64] #SurnameMeaning
111,196 Novak new man; from a newly established farm
29,762 Horvat Croat
35,640 Kovačič son of a blacksmith
45,585 Krajnc from Carniola
55,019 Zupančič son of a farmer or the village elder
64,729 Potočnik near a stream
74,729 Kovač blacksmith
83,957 Mlakar near a puddle
93,905 Kos blackbird
103,885 Vidmar farmer belonging to the ruler's estate
113,855 Golob pigeon
123,506 Turk Turk
133,421 Božič Christmas
143,418 Kralj King
153,285 Korošec from Carinthia
163,256 Zupan mayor (originally, village elder)
173,209 Bizjak archaic term for refugee; usually applied to Slavic Christian families that had fled from the Ottoman Empire
183,136 Hribar from the hill
193,069 Kotnik from a remote area (literally, from a corner)
203,003 Kavčič weaver
212,992 Rozman
222,873 Kastelic from a castle
232,841 Oblak cloud
242,828 Žagar sawer
252,821 Petek Friday
262,808 Hočevar from Kočevje or from Gottschee County
272,807 Kolar
282,738 Košir
292,598 Koren
302,399 Klemenčič son of Klemen


The top ten surnames cover about 20% of the population, with important geographical differences. The regional distribution of surnames within Spain was homogenized mostly through internal migrations, especially since 1950. Names typical of the old crown of Castile have become the most common all over the country. Most of the common Spanish patronymic surnames were introduced in Spain during the fifth to seventh centuries by the Visigoths.

RankSurname# %Meaning
1 García 1,378,0003.48possibly meaning 'young' from Basque
2 Fernández 851,0002.15patronymic; son of Fernando, Fredenand, or Fridnand
3 González 839,0002.12patronymic; son of Gonzalo, from the Latinised form Gundisalvus
4 Rodríguez 804,0002.03patronymic; son of Rodrigo
5 López 796,0002.01patronymic; son of Lope, Latin Lupus 'wolf'
6 Martínez 788,0001.97patronymic; son of Martín, Latin Martis, genitive form of Mars
7 Sánchez 725,0001.83patronymic; son of Sancho, Latin Sanctius
8 Pérez 709,0001.79patronymic; son of Pedro, Latin Petrus
9 Martín 459,0001.16from Latin name Martinus, a derivation of Mars; [65] alternately, a Hispanicization of the Hebrew name Mordecai [66]
10 Gómez 440,0001.11patronymic; son of Gomes, Gomo, or Gomaro
11 Ruiz 321,0000.81patronymic; son of Rui, variation or short for Rodrigo
12 Hernández 305,0000.77patronymic; son of Hernando, variation of Fernando
13 Jiménez 293,0000.74patronymic; son of Jimeno, Xemeno, or Ximeno
14 Díaz 293,0000.74patronymic; son of Diego
15 Álvarez 273,0000.69patronymic; son of Álvaro, from Alvar
16 Moreno 261,0000.66brown-haired, tanned, brunet
17 Muñoz 241,0000.61patronymic; son of Munio or Muño
18 Alonso 206,0000.52variation of Alfonso
19 Gutiérrez 170,0000.43patronymic; son of Gutier, Gutierre, or Gualtierre
20 Romero 170,0000.43from Latin "romaeus" (lit. "roman") in the sense of 'pilgrim'
21 Navarro 158,4000.40Navarrese, (from Navarre)
22 Torres 134,6000.34toponymic; 'towers'
23 Domínguez 134,6000.34patronymic; 'son of Domingo', from Latin Domenicus, Dominus, 'master'
24 Gil 134,6000.34patronymic; from older form Egidio
25 Vázquez 130,0000.33patronymic; son of Vasco
26 Serrano 122,7000.31'highlander' or 'man from the mountain range'
27 Ramos 118,0000.30'branches'; meaning born during the Christian feast of Palm Sunday
28 Blanco 118,0000.30'white'
29 Sanz 106,9000.27patronymic; son of Sancho, from Latin Sanctius
30 Castro 102,9000.26toponymic; from Latin castrum meaning 'castle, fort, fortress'
31 Suárez 102,9000.26patronymic; son of Suero or Suaro
32 Ortega 99,0000.25from Ortiga, meaning 'nettle plant'
33 Rubio 99,0000.25'blond, fair-haired'; Latin Rubeus, meaning 'ruddy, reddish'
34 Molina 99,0000.25'mill' or 'place with mills'
35 Delgado 95,0000.24'thin, slender, skinny'
36 Ramírez 95,0000.24patronymic; son of Ramiro, Radamir, or Radmir
37 Morales 95,0000.24toponymic; 'blackberry groves' or 'mulberry trees'
38 Ortiz 87,1200.22patronymic; son of Ortún; Latin Fortunius, meaning 'fortunate one'
39 Marín 83,1600.21Latin Marinus, meaning 'sailor'
40 Iglesias 83,1600.21'churches'

Source: [67] – Data from December 1999. (2004 data confirmation of top 25)

Canary Islands

RankSurnameApproximate percentage
1 González 4.79
2 Rodríguez 4.64
3 Hernández 4.01
4 Pérez 3.35
5 García 3.25
6 Martín 2.21
7 Santana 2.18
8 Díaz 1.86
9 Suárez 1.38
10 Sánchez 1.29
11 López 1.21
12 Cabrera 1.18
13 Ramos 0.88
14 Medina 0.87
15 Fernández 0.75
16 Morales 0.73
17 Delgado 0.70
18 Marrero 0.70
19 León 0.69
20 Alonso 0.61
21 Herrera 0.59
22 Cruz 0.58
23 Domínguez 0.55
24 Gutiérrez 0.52
25 Reyes 0.50
26 Torres 0.48
27 Alvarez 0.66
28 Rivero 0.44
29 Armas 0.42
30 Trujillo 0.40


Source: World Family Names

Rank [68] #SurnameMeaning
1251,621 Andersson son of Anders
2251,495 Johansson son of Johan
3223,151 Karlsson son of Karl
4171,360 Nilsson son of Nils
5147,514 Eriksson son of Erik
6124,686 Larsson son of Lars
7114,280 Olsson son of Olof, Olov, Ola, Ole or Olle (usually a nickname)
8107,911 Persson son of Per
9101,834 Svensson son of Sven
1097,536 Gustafsson son of Gustaf
1196,011 Pettersson son of Petter
1273,869 Jonsson son of Jon
1350,170 Jansson son of Jan
1443,926 Hansson son of Hans
1534,302 Bengtsson son of Bengt
1632,249 Jönsson son of Jöns
1727,533 Lindberg compound of lind (the tree tilia cordata ) and berg 'mountain'
1826,793 Jakobsson son of Jakob
1926,562 Magnusson son of Magnus
2026,424 Olofsson son of Olof

List of the 10 most common names among the Sami people (compiled from one third of the Sametinget voting list 2005): [69]

1 Andersson son of Anders
2 Johansson son of Johan
3 Nilsson son of Nils
4 Larsson son of Lars
5 Persson son of Per
6Blind ? of Sami descent
7 Jonsson son of Jon
8 Eriksson son of Erik
9Nutti ? of Sami descent
10Labba ? of Sami descent


German-speaking cantons (1998): Source: [70]

131,000 Müller miller
219,150 Meier tenant of a large farm
316,900 Schmid blacksmith
413,000 Keller winemaker
511,850 Weber weaver
610,550 Huber tenant of a small large farm
710,350 Meyer tenant of a large farm
810,300 Schneider tailor
98,950 Steiner 'stone person'
108,200 Fischer fisherman
118,100 Brunner 'water well person'
128,000 Baumann 'construction man'
137,950 Gerber tanner
147,750 Frei free (in terms of freedom)
157,500 Moser 'bog person'

Surnames of the Italian-speaking canton of Ticino

1 Bianchi white
2 Bernasconi
3 Fontana one who dwells by a fountain
4 Crivelli sieve
5 Galli Gaul; Frenchman
7 Colombo dove (often bestowed upon orphans)
8 Rossi red, redhead
9 Ferrari blacksmith
11 Sante
12 Ravelli
13 Giovanni John


1 Yılmaz indomitable
2 Kaya rock
3 Demir iron
4 Şahin buteo, hawk
5 Çelik steel
6 Yıldız star
7 Yıldırım thunderbolt
8 Öztürk pure Turk
9 Aydın enlightened
10 Özdemir pure iron
11 Arslan lion
12 Doğan born, rising, falcon
13 Kılıç sword
14 Aslan lion
15 Çetin tough
16 Kara black
17 Koç ram
18 Kurt wolf
19 Özkan pure blood
20 Şimşek lightning
21 Polat hardy, steel
22 Özcan pure soul
23 Korkmaz unfearful
24 Çakır grayish-blue
25 Erdoğan brave born, male/private falcon

Source: Turkish General Directorate of Population and Citizenships [71]


Many of the surnames use the same root but different suffixes, or even different roots of the same meaning, depending on the part of Ukraine the person hails from. [72]

1 Melnyk miller
2 Shevchenko shoemaker's
3 Boyko combatant's
4 Kovalenko smith's
5 Bondarenko cooper's
6 Tkachenko weaver's
7 Kovalchuk smith's
8 Kravchenko tailor's
9 Yakovenko Yakov's
10 Shevchuk shoemaker's
11 Koval smith
12 Polishchuk the Polesian, a man from Polesia
13 Bondar cooper
14 Tkachuk weaver's
15 Moroz frost
16 Marchenko Mark's
17 Lysenko fox's (from Lys) or baldhead's (from Lysyi)
18 Rudenko redhead's
19 Savchenko Savka's (Savka is a form of Sava or Savva)
20 Petrenko Petro's

United Kingdom


RankSurnamePercentage [73]
1 Smith 1.26
2 Jones 0.75
3 Taylor 0.59
4 Brown 0.56
5 Williams 0.39
6 Wilson 0.39
7 Johnson 0.37
8 Davies 0.34
9 Robinson 0.32
10 Wright 0.32
11 Thompson 0.31
12 Evans 0.30
13 Walker 0.30
14 White 0.30
15 Roberts 0.28
16 Green 0.28
17 Hall 0.28
18 Wood 0.27
19 Jackson 0.27
20 Clark 0.26

Greater London

The following list is for Greater London. [74] [ better source needed ]

1 Brown England/Scotland
2 Smith England
3 Patel Gujarat (India)
4 Jones Wales
5 Williams Wales/England
6 Johnson Scotland/England
7 Taylor England
8 Thomas Wales/England
9 Roberts Wales
10 Khan Pakistan/India/Bangladesh
11 Lewis England/Ireland/Wales
12 Jackson England/Scotland
13 Clarke England/Scotland
14 James England
15 Phillips England
16 Wilson England
17 Ali Pakistan/Bangladesh/Arabia/Turkey
18 Mason England/Scotland/France
19 Mitchell Scotland/England
20 Rose England/Ireland/Germany/Denmark
21 Davis Wales
22 Davies Wales
23 Cox Wales/Ireland
24 Alexander Scotland/Germany

Northern Ireland

Source: [75]

RankSurnameOrigin %
1 Wilson England0.75
2 Campbell Scotland0.75
3 Kelly Ireland0.74
4 Johnston Scotland0.69
5 Moore Ireland/England0.62
6 Thompson England0.61
7 Smyth England0.60
8 Brown Scotland0.59
9 O’Neill Ireland0.57
10 Doherty Ireland0.54
11 Stewart Scotland0.54
12 Quinn Ireland0.51
13 Robinson England0.50
14 Murphy Ireland0.49
15 Graham England0.48
16 Martin England/France0.45
17 McLaughlin Ireland0.45
18 Hamilton Scotland0.44
19 Murray Scotland/Ireland0.43
20 Hughes Wales0.41


Source: [75]

RankSurname %
1 Smith 1.28
2 Brown 0.94
3 Wilson 0.89
4 Robertson 0.78
5 Thomson 0.78
6 Campbell 0.77
7 Stewart 0.73
8 Anderson 0.70
9 Scott 0.55
10 Murray 0.53
11 MacDonald 0.52
12 Reid 0.52
13 Taylor 0.49
14 Clark 0.47
15 Ross 0.43
16 Young 0.42
17 Mitchell 0.41
18 Watson 0.41
19 Paterson 0.40
20 Morrison 0.40


Source: [75]

RankSurname %
1 Jones 5.75
2 Williams 3.72
3 Davies 3.72
4 Evans 2.47
5 Thomas 2.43
6 Roberts 1.53
7 Lewis 1.53
8 Hughes 1.23
9 Morgan 1.16
10 Griffiths 0.96
11 Edwards 0.93
12 Smith 0.85
13 James 0.82
14 Rees 0.81
15 Jenkins 0.69
16 Owen 0.67
17 Price 0.67
18 Phillips 0.65
19 Moss 0.63
20 Driscoll 0.53 (Ireland)

See also


  1. The Lithuanian language has different endings for surnames for men and women. The ending of a woman's surname indicates whether she is married or not. Last names of married women end in -ienė while those of unmarried girls end in -ytė, -iūtė, -utė, -aitė.[ citation needed ]


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  8. Names 2018
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  13. Bowne, Heather (16 January 2005). "What's in a name?". ABC of Czech. Český rozhlas 7 – Radio Praha. Retrieved 28 January 2008. The most common surname in the Czech Republic is Novák, which is closest to the English "Newman".
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  17. Føroya, Hagstova. "Eftirnøvn (2001–2017)" (in Faroese). Retrieved 14 December 2015.
  18. "Top 500: Eesti kõige levinumad perekonnanimed". Eesti Ekspress (in Estonian). 25 April 2008. Archived from the original on 29 July 2018. Retrieved 29 July 2018.
  19. 1 2 Population Register Centre, 13 July 2015. Percentages are based on the population of Finland on 16 July 2015.
  20. "Les noms de famille les plus portés France" (in French). Retrieved 29 December 2009.
  21. Georgian Civil Registry Agency.
  22. "Most Common Last Names in Germany". Retrieved 12 February 2020.
  23. Rank and percentage of population from: Kunze, Konrad (2004). Namenkunde, Vor- und Familiennamen im deutschen Sprachgebiet, 4th edn (series: dtv-Atlas). München, Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 255 pp.
  24. In northern Germany, the alternative form 'Möller' is more common;
  25. Heterograph: Schmitt. In southernmost Germany, the alternative form 'Schmid' is the most common. All forms taken collectively would be #1 surname. The standard German form for 'blacksmith' is 'Schmied'.
  26. Heterographs: Meier, which is common to the north, like Meyer, and Mayer, which is commoner to the south. All forms taken collectively would be #2 surname
  27. Triandafilidis, Manolis (1995). Τα οικογενειακά μας ονόματα (Our Family Names). Athens: Manolis Triandafilidis Foundation. p. 288. ISBN   9789602310106.
  28. "Családnév statisztika 2011. január 1" (xls) (in Hungarian). Népességnyilvántartó Hivatal (Bureau of Population Registration). Retrieved 9 October 2011.
  29. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Farkas, Tamás. "Régi magyar családnevek névvégmutató szótára (Reverse dictionary of historical Hungarian family names)" (PDF). ELTE Magyar Nyelvtudományi és Finnugor Intézet, Magyar Nyelvtudományi Társaság (Budapest University, Faculty of Hungarian Philology and Finno-Ugric Institute, Hungarian Philology Association), Budapest, 2009.
  30. "Születési családnevek 2019". Közigazgatási és Elektronikus Közszolgáltatások Központi Hivatala. Archived from the original (XLSX) on 17 September 2019. Retrieved 17 September 2019.
  31. Íslands, Hagstofa. "Mannanöfn og nafngiftir á Íslandi" (PDF) (in Icelandic). Retrieved 26 February 2018.
  32. "Mac Murchadha - Irish Names and Surnames".
  33. "Mac Ceallaigh - Irish Names and Surnames".
  34. "Foclóir Gaeilge–Béarla (Ó Dónaill): éadaigh".
  35. "Subscribe to Irish Ancestors".
  36. The Top 500 Irish & British Surnames, The Observer, 15 April 2007.
  37. Retrieved 23 September 2008. Registration required.
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  40. Maxia, Mauro (18 November 2019). "Le origini dei cognomi sardi, il primo Sanna aveva i canini affilati come zanne" [The origins of Sardinian surnames, the first Sanna had fang-like canine teeth]. La Nuova Sardegna (in Italian). Retrieved 22 January 2021.
  41. Стали известны самые распространённые фамилии в Казахстане — Новости Общества — Новости Mail.Ru Archived 2014-08-13 at the Wayback Machine
  42. Agjencia e Statistikave të Kosovës, 2017, p. 12. "Names and Surnames in Kosovo" (PDF). Retrieved 20 October 2017.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link) CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  43. "Latvians". 2006. Retrieved 29 December 2009.
  44. Latvian Surname Project
  45. "Populiariausi gyventojų vardai ir Labiausiai paplitusiosios gyventojų pavardės" (in Lithuanian). 27 February 2015. Retrieved 6 June 2016.
  46. "Fuerschungsportal iwwert d'Lëtzebuergescht | Grundstrukturen der luxemburgischen Familiennamenlandschaft". Infolux. Retrieved 24 August 2022.
  47. Zammit, Silvan (7 January 2013). "Census of Population and Housing 2011: A focus on Surnames" (PDF). National Statistics Office – Malta. Retrieved 28 November 2017.
  49. "OVO SU NAJČEŠĆA PREZIMENA NA BALKANU: Proverite kako se vaše kotira". 18 June 2023.
  50. source
  51. "Surnames used by 200 or more". Statistics Norway . Retrieved 22 November 2016.
  52. Ministry of Interior (Poland). Statystyka najpopularniejszych nazwisk występujących w Polsce in 2009 Archived 28 September 2013 at the Wayback Machine (The most popular surnames in Poland in 2009). Retrieved19 August 2013.
  53. © 2005 SOCIEDADE PORTUGUESA DE INFORMAÇÃO ECONÓMICA S.A. – SPIE Archived 14 October 2013 at the Wayback Machine
  54. Os 100 Apelidos mais frequentes da População Portuguesa Archived 28 February 2013 at the Wayback Machine Perhaps the numbers in this reference are for the population of Portuguese-speaking countries. The total number of people with these common names (10.4 million) already exceeds the population of Portugal in 2014 (10.3 million).
  55. "Portugal Genealogy Resources & Vital Records".
  56. "Cele mai comune nume de familie din Romania, 2013" . Retrieved 5 August 2014.
  57. 1 2 Yumaguzin, Valeriy; Vinnik, Maria (18 August 2019). "Surnames in modern Russia". Annals of Human Biology. 46 (6): 475–490. doi:10.1080/03014460.2019.1685130. ISSN   0301-4460.
  58. Балановская Е. В.; Балановский О. П. (2007). Русский генофонд на Русской равнине (in Russian). Moscow. pp. 165–216. ISBN   978-5-87140-267-2.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link) See also the web version Archived 9 May 2013 at the Wayback Machine of the list.
  59. Попис становништва, домаћинстава и станова 2011. године у Републици Србији; Посебна публикација: Најчешћа имена и презимена (in Serbian). Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia . Retrieved 4 May 2013.
  60. "Najčastejšie priezviská na Slovensku". 10 January 2010. Retrieved 3 June 2023.
  61. 1 2 3 Votruba, Martin. "Most Common Slovak Last Names". Slovak Studies Program. University of Pittsburgh.
  62. Károly Kocsis (DSc, University of Miskolc) – Zsolt Bottlik (PhD, Budapest University) – Patrik Tátrai: Etnikai térfolyamatok a Kárpát-medence határon túli régióiban, Magyar Tudományos Akadémia (Hungarian Academy of Sciences) – Földrajtudományi Kutatóintézet (Academy of Geographical Studies); Budapest; 2006.; ISBN   963-9545-10-4, CD Atlas
  63. Gyurgyík, László. "An analysis – in a complex approach – of assimilation processes among the Hungarians of Slovakia". Nyelvhatárok, etnikai kontaktuszónák a Kárpát-medence három régiójában. MTA Etnikai-nemzeti Kisebbségkutató Intézet (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Ethnic and National Minorities).
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  66. Weiss-Füglister, Nelly (2002). The Origin of Jewish Family Names. Peter Lang. p. 216. ISBN   978-3-906768-19-9.
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