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Temporal range: Maastrichtian-Holocene
Azolla caroliniana0.jpg
Azolla caroliniana
Scientific classification OOjs UI icon edit-ltr.svg
Kingdom: Plantae
Clade: Tracheophytes
Division: Polypodiophyta
Class: Polypodiopsida
Order: Salviniales
Family: Salviniaceae
Genus: Azolla
Lam. [1]
Type species
Azolla filiculoides [1]

See text

  • CarpanthusRafinesque
  • RhizospermaMeyen

Azolla (common called mosquito fern, water fern, and fairy moss) is a genus of seven species of aquatic ferns in the family Salviniaceae. They are extremely reduced in form and specialized, looking nothing like other typical ferns but more resembling the form of some mosses or even duckweeds. Azolla filiculoides is one of two fern species for which a reference genome has been published. [2] It is believed that this genus grew so prolifically during the Eocene (and thus absorbed such a large amount of carbon) that it triggered a global cooling event that has lasted to the present. [3]


Azolla may establish as an invasive plant in areas where it is not native [ where? ]. In such a situation it can alter aquatic ecosystems and biodiversity substantially. [4]


Phylogeny of Azolla [5] [6]


A. nilotica Decne. ex Mett. (Nile Azolla)

A. filiculoides Lam. (Large mosquito fern)

A. rubra R.Br.

A. caroliniana Willdenow 1810 (Eastern/Carolinian mosquito fern)

Azolla cristata Kaulf. (Mexican mosquito fern)

A. pinnata R.Br. (Ferny/Pacific Azolla; Feathered mosquitofern)

Other species include: [7] [8] [9] [10]

At least six extinct species are known from the fossil record:


Azolla filiculoides root cross section Azolla-13.3348RGB.tif
Azolla filiculoides root cross section
Azolla covering the Canning River (Western Australia) Canning rv azolla 10 gnangarra.jpg
Azolla covering the Canning River (Western Australia)

Azolla is a highly productive plant that can double its biomass in 1.9 days, [13] depending on growing conditions. The plant can yield can reach 8–10 tonnes fresh matter per hectare in Asian paddy fields. 37.8 tonnes fresh weight/ha (2.78 t/ha dry weight) has been reported for A. pinnata in India. [14]

Azolla floats on the surface of water by means of numerous small, closely overlapping scale-like leaves, with their roots hanging in the water. They form a symbiotic relationship with the cyanobacterium Anabaena azollae , [note 1] which lives outside the cells of its host and which fixes atmospheric nitrogen. [15] The typical limiting factor on its growth is phosphorus; thus, an abundance of phosphorus—due for example to eutrophication or chemical runoff—often leads to Azolla blooms. Unlike all other known plants, its symbiotic microorganism transfers directly from one generation to the next. A. azollae is completely dependent on its host, as several of its genes have either been lost or transferred to the nucleus in Azolla's cells. [16]

The nitrogen-fixing capability of Azolla has led to widespread use as a biofertiliser, especially in parts of southeast Asia. The plant has been used to bolster agricultural productivity in China for over a thousand years. When rice paddies are flooded in the spring, they can be planted with Azolla, which then quickly multiplies to cover the water, suppressing weeds. The rotting plant material resulting from the die-off of this Azolla releases nitrogen into the water for the rice plants, providing up to nine tonnes of protein per hectare per year. [17]

Azolla are weeds in many parts of the world, entirely covering some bodies of water. The myth that no mosquito can penetrate the coating of fern to lay its eggs in the water gives the plant its common name "mosquito fern"; [18] however, Azolla may deter the survival of some of mosquito larvae. [19]

Most species can produce large amounts of deoxyanthocyanins in response to various stresses, [20] including bright sunlight and extreme temperatures, [21] [22] causing the water surface to appear to be covered with an intensely red carpet. Herbivore feeding induces accumulation of deoxyanthocyanins and leads to a reduction in the proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the fronds, thus lowering their palatability and nutritive value. [23]

Azolla cannot survive winters with prolonged freezing, so is often grown as an ornamental plant at high latitudes where it cannot establish itself firmly enough to become a weed. It is also not tolerant of salinity; normal plants cannot survive in greater than 1–1.6‰, and even conditioned organisms die if grown in water with a salinity above 5.5‰. [24] [3]

Azolla filiculoides

Azolla filiculoides (red azolla) is the only member of the family Azollaceae found in Tasmania, where it is a common native aquatic plant. It is often found behind farm dams and other still waterbodies. The plants are small (usually only a few cm across) and float, but they are fast growing, and can be abundant and form large mats. The plants are typically red, and have small, water repellent leaves.


Transmission electron micrograph of a megaspore of the genus Azolla from postglacial sediments of Laguna El Junco, Galapagos Island of San Cristobal Azolla megaspore Postglacial Galapagos Islands TEM longitudinal section 1.jpg
Transmission electron micrograph of a megaspore of the genus Azolla from postglacial sediments of Laguna El Junco, Galápagos Island of San Cristobal

Azolla reproduces sexually, and asexually by splitting.

Like all ferns, sexual reproduction leads to spore formation, but unlike other members of this group, Azolla is heterosporous, producing spores of two kinds. During the summer months, numerous spherical structures called sporocarps form on the undersides of the branches. The male sporocarp is greenish or reddish and looks like the egg mass of an insect or spider. It is two millimeters in diameter, and bears numerous male sporangia. Male spores (microspores) are extremely small and are produced inside each microsporangium. Microspores tend to adhere in clumps called massulae. [11]

Female sporocarps are much smaller, containing one sporangium and one functional spore. Since an individual female spore is considerably larger than a male spore, it is termed a megaspore.

Azolla has microscopic male and female gametophytes that develop inside the male and female spores. The female gametophyte protrudes from the megaspore and bears a small number of archegonia, each containing a single egg. The microspore forms a male gametophyte with a single antheridium which produces eight swimming sperm. [26] The barbed glochidia on the male spore clusters cause them to cling to the female megaspores, thus facilitating fertilization.


Food and animal feed

In addition to its traditional cultivation as a bio-fertilizer for wetland paddies, Azolla is finding increasing use for sustainable production of livestock feed. [27] Azolla is rich in protein, essential amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. Studies describe feeding Azolla to dairy cattle, pigs, ducks, and chickens, with reported increases in milk production, weight of broiler chickens and egg production of layers, as compared to conventional feed. One FAO study describes how Azolla integrates into a tropical biomass agricultural system, reducing the need for food supplements. [28]

Concerns about biomagnification exist because the plant may contain the neurotoxin BMAA that remains present in the bodies of animals consuming it, and BMAA has been documented as passing along the food chain. [29] Azolla may contain this substance that is a possible cause of neurodegenerative diseases, including causing ALS, Alzheimer's, and Parkinson's. [30] [31] [32] Azolla has been suggested as a foodstuff for human consumption; however, no long-term studies of the safety of eating Azolla have been made on humans. [33] Previous studies attributed neurotoxin production to Anabaena flos-aquae species, which is also a type of nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria. [34] Studies published in 2024 have found that “the Azolla–Nostoc azollae superorganism does not contain BMAA or their isomers DAB and AEG and that Azolla and N. azollae do not synthesize other common cyanotoxins.” [35] Further research may be needed to ascertain whether A. azollae is a healthy foodstuff for humans.

Companion plant

Azolla has been used for at least one thousand years in rice paddies as a companion plant, to fix nitrogen and to block out light to prevent competition from other plants. Rice is planted when tall enough to poke through the Azolla layer. Mats of mature Azolla can also be used as a weed-suppressing mulch.

Rice farmers used Azolla as a rice biofertilizer 1500 years ago. The earliest known written record of this practice is in a book written by Jia Ssu Hsieh (Jia Si Xue) in 540 AD on The Art of Feeding the People (Chih Min Tao Shu). By the end of the Ming dynasty in the early 17th century, Azolla's use as a green compost was documented in local records. [36]


The myth that no mosquito can penetrate the coating of fern to lay its eggs in the water gives the plant its common name "mosquito fern". [18] Azolla have been used to control mosquito larvae in rice fields. The plant grows in a thick mat on the surface of the water, making it more difficult for the larvae to reach the surface to breathe, effectively choking the larvae. [19]

Paleoclimatology and climate change

Azolla has been proposed as a carbon sequestration modality. The proposal draws upon the hypothesized Azolla event that asserts that 55 million years ago, Azolla covered the Arctic – at the time a hot, tropical, freshwater environment – and then sank, permanently sequestering teratons of carbon that would otherwise have contributed to the planet's greenhouse effect. This ended a warming event that reached 12–15 °C (22–27 °F) warmer than present-day averages, eventually causing the formation of ice sheets in Antarctica and the current "icehouse period". [37] [38]

They contribute significantly to decreasing the atmospheric CO2 levels. [3]

Invasive species

This fern has been introduced to other parts of the world, including the United Kingdom, where it has become a pest in some areas. A nominally tropical plant, it has adapted to the colder climate. It can form mats up to 30 centimetres (12 in) thick and cover 100% of a water surface, preventing local insects and amphibians from reaching the surface. [39]


Azolla can remove chromium, nickel, copper, zinc, and lead from effluent. It can also remove lead from solutions containing 1–1000 ppm. [40]


  1. Currently Trichormus azollae (Strasburger 1884) Komárek and Anagnostidis 1989. Synonyms: Nostoc azollaeStrasburger 1883, Anabaena azollaeStrasburger 1884, Desikacharya azollae(Strasburger 1884) Saraf et al. 2019.[ citation needed ]

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