International Linguistics Olympiad

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The logo of the International Linguistics Olympiad IOL Logo.png
The logo of the International Linguistics Olympiad

The International Linguistics Olympiad (IOL) is one of the International Science Olympiads for secondary school students. Its abbreviation IOL is deliberately chosen not to correspond to the name of the organization in any particular language, and member organizations are free to choose for themselves how to designate the competition in their own language. [1] This olympiad furthers the fields of mathematical, theoretical, and descriptive linguistics.



The setup differs from most of the other Science Olympiads, in that the olympiad contains both individual and team contests. The individual contest consists of 5 problems, covering the main fields of theoretical, mathematical and applied linguistics – phonetics, morphology, semantics, syntax, sociolinguistics, etc. – which must be solved in six hours.

The team contest has consisted of one extremely difficult and time-consuming problem since the 2nd IOL. Teams, which generally consist of four students, are given three to four hours to solve this problem.

Like nearly all International Science Olympiads, its problems are translated and completed in several languages and as such must be written free of any native language constraints. However, unlike other olympiads, the translations are provided by the multilingual Problem Committee, a body of experts independent of the delegates' team leaders. Because competitors could gain some advantage if they are familiar with one or more of the language groups which are the subject of some of the assignments, problems are increasingly based on some of the world's lesser known languages. Fortunately, with more than 6,000 languages spoken world-wide (not including so-called dead languages) there are plenty to choose from. The committee has a policy of not using artificial [ contradictory ] or fictional languages for its problems. The presence of an independent Problem Committee and Jury means that team leaders do not have to be experts in the field (though most are): they can (and often do) work closely with their teams, providing last-minute coaching throughout the week of the competition.

In any case, the most helpful ability is analytic and deductive thinking, as all solutions must include clear reasoning and justification.


The concept of self-sufficient linguistics problems was formulated in the 1960s, in the intellectual environment of the recently-founded Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics (OTiPL) of the Moscow State University. [2] Moscow linguists in this environment were specially interested in understanding and modelling the formal and mathematical aspects of the natural languages; they were hatching things like the meaning-text theory, the Moscow School of Comparative Linguistics and the beginnings of what later became computational linguistics. [3]

In 1963, Andrey Zaliznyak published a book called Linguistics problems (Лингвистические задачи), explaining in the introduction:

Specially crafted problems can serve as an important tool for teaching the fundamental principles and methods of linguistics. In existing collections, the material used for problems is often drawn from the facts of students' native language or the most well-known European languages. While such tasks are undoubtedly beneficial, they often suffer from the disadvantage that it is challenging to separate the linguistic task itself (which requires nothing but understanding the basic linguistic principles) from testing specific knowledge of the language under consideration. The best (though not the only) way to get rid of that second element, which doesn't directly relate to general linguistics, is to create tasks based on material from languages unfamiliar to the students. Of course, it is more challenging to craft such problems, since all the essential specific facts necessary for solving the task must somehow be presented in the problem data. However, in this case, students only need an understanding of the properties of language in general. [4]

Following the publication, the then student Alfred Zhurinsky  [ ru ] proposed to the mathematics professor Vladimir Uspensky the creation of a high-school olympiad using such problems.

Poster of the First Traditional Olympiad on Linguistics, Moscow 1965 First-Linguistics-Olympiad-poster.jpg
Poster of the First Traditional Olympiad on Linguistics, Moscow 1965

Thus, in 1965, the first edition of the Moscow's Traditional Olympiad on Linguistics and Mathematics was held, with an Organizing Committee composed by Uspensky (president), Igor Miloslavsky, [5] Alexander Kibrik and Anna Polivanova  [ ru ]. The Problem Committee consisted of Zhurinsky (the author of most of the problems) and Zaliznyak, plus Boris Gorodetsky [6] (president), Alexandra Raskina [7] and Victor Raskin. [8] [9] The Moscow Olympiad was held regularly until 1982 and resumed again in 1988, being still held nowadays. [10]

In the next decades, olympiads using the format of self-sufficient linguistics problems started to appear in different regions:

After the foundation of the Bulgarian olympiad, teams of winners of the Moscow Linguistic Olympiad successfully competed in Bulgaria and vice versa, demonstrating good potential for international cooperation in the field. With the multiplication of initiatives, the organizers of the different olympiads decided to organize, in 2003, the First International Olympiad in Theoretical, Mathematical, and Applied Linguistics, with six participating countries:

Contests, year by year

IOL 2003

The first edition of IOL then was realized from September 6 to 12, 2003, in the mountain resort Borovetz, Bulgaria, chaired by Alexander Kibrik from Moscow State University (MSU) and with the participation of six countries: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Netherlands, and Russia. [12] The first International Jury was composed of four people: Ivan Derzhanski (president) (Institute for Mathematics and Informatics of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences), Alexander Berdichevsky (MSU), Boris Iomdin (Russian Language Institute) and Elena Muravenko (Department for Russian Language, Russian State University for the Humanities). [10] The five problems at the individual contest concerned Jacob Linzbach's "Transcendental algebra" writing system, Egyptian Arabic (Afroasiatic), Basque (Isolate), Adyghe (Northwest Caucasian), and French (Indo-European). The team contest consisted of three problems, on Tocharian (Indo-European), the use of subscripts as indices, and on performative verbs.

Logo of the Second International Linguistics Olympiad (2004), depicting a map of Moscow where each neighborhood (rayon) is marked with a letter in some writing system and the acronym MOL-2 (the Cyrillic acronym for 2nd IOL) follows the moskva river. IOL 2004 logo.png
Logo of the Second International Linguistics Olympiad (2004), depicting a map of Moscow where each neighborhood (rayon) is marked with a letter in some writing system and the acronym МОЛ-2 (the Cyrillic acronym for 2nd IOL) follows the moskva river.

IOL 2004

The 2nd IOL was held from August 2 to 6, 2004, in the Russian State University for the Humanities (RSUH), in Moscow, Russia. [13] [14] Chaired by Vladimir Alpatov, it gathered seven countries, with the first participation of Poland and Serbia and Montenegro. The Problem Committee was chaired by Elena Muravenko; in addition to Berdichevsky, Derzhanski, and Iomdin, it also included Ksenia Gilyarova and Maria Rubinstein. The five problems at the individual contest were in Kayapo, Latin, English, Lakhota and Chuvash. The team problem was in Armenian.

IOL 2005

The 3rd IOL was held from August 8 to 12, 2005, in Leiden, Netherlands. [15] Organized by a Local Committee composed by Alexander Lubotsky, Michiel de Vaan, Alwin Kloekhorst, Jesca Zweijtzer and Saskia Tiethoff, it had the participation of 13 teams from 9 countries, Finland and Romania for their first time. The Problem Committee was chaired by Ksenia Gilyarova. The five problems at the individual contest were in Tzotzil, Lango, Mansi, Yoruba and Lithuanian. The team problem was in Figuig.

IOL 2006

The 4th IOL was held from August 1 to 6, 2006, at the University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia. [16] Chaired by Renate Pajusalu, it received also 13 teams from 9 countries, with Lithuania sending a team for the first time. The Problem Committee was chaired by Alexander Berdichevsky. The five problems at the individual contest were in Lakhota (Siouan) syntax, Catalan (Romanic) plural forms, Khmer (Austroasiatic) script, Udihe (Tungusic) possessives and Ngoni (Bantu) syntax. The team problem was in American Sign Language.

IOL 2007

The 5th IOL was held from July 31 to August 4, 2007, at the Hotel Gelios, Saint Petersburg, Russia. [17] Chaired by Stanislav Gurevich, it received 15 teams from 9 countries; Spain, Sweden and USA came for the first time. In that year, it was decided that each country can send one or two teams, consisting of four students each, with the first team's costs fully covered by the host country. Also, the host country could send a third team. [17] The Problem Committee was chaired by Dmitry Gerasimov. The five problems at the individual contest were in Braille, Movima (Isolate), Georgian (Kartvelian), Ndom (Trans-New Guinea), and correspondences between Turkish and Tatar (Turkic). The team problem was in Hawaiian (Polynesian) and focused on genealogical terms.

IOL 2008

The 6th IOL was held from August 4 to 9, 2008, at the Sunny Beach Resort, Sunny Beach, Bulgaria. [18] Chaired by Iliana Raeva, it gathered 16 teams from 11 countries, including the first time for Germany, Slovenia and South Korea. The Problem Committee was chaired by Ivan Derzhanski. The five individual problems were in Micmac (Algonquian), Old Norse (North Germanic) poetry (specifically, drottkvætt), Drehu and Cemuhî correspondences (Oceanic), Copainalá Zoque (Mixe-Zoquean), and Inuktitut (Eskimo-Aleut). The team problem was about correspondences between Mandarin and Cantonese (Sinitic) using the fanqie system.

IOL 2009

The 7th IOL was held from July 26 to 31, 2009, at the University of Wrocław, Wrocław, Poland. [19] Chaired by Michał Śliwiński, it received 23 teams from 17 countries, with Australia, United Kingdom, India and Ireland sending teams for the first time. The Problem Committee was chaired by Todor Tchervenkov (University of Lyon, France). The subject matter of the five individual problems covered: numerals in the Sulka language (Isolate), Maninka and Bamana (Mande) languages in the N'Ko and Latin scripts, traditional Burmese (Sino-Tibetan) names and their relation with dates of birth, stress position in Old Indic (Indo-Aryan) and the relation between grammar and morphology in classical Nahuatl (Uto-Aztecan). The team problem was in Vietnamese (Austroasiatic).

IOL 2010

The 8th IOL was held from July 19 to 24, 2010, at Östra Real Hostel, Stockholm, Sweden. [20] Chaired by Hedvig Skigård, it received 26 teams from 18 countries, including first time for Norway and Singapore. The Problem Committee was chaired by Alexander Piperski. The individual contest consisted of five problems covering: relations between various verb forms in Budukh (Northeast Caucasian), the Drehu (Oceanic) counting system, Blissymbolics, mRNA coding, and the connection between Sursilvan and Engadine dialects in Romansh (Western Romance). The team problem involved translating extracts from a monolingual Mongolian (Mongolic) dictionary.

IOL 2011

The 9th IOL was held from July 25 to 30, 2011, at the Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA [21] - the first time outside of Europe. Chaired by Lori Levin, it received 27 teams from 19 countries, including Brazil, Canada, United Arab Emirates and Vietnam for the first time. The Problem Committee was chaired by Adam Hesterberg. The problems of the individual contest required reasoning about Faroese (Germanic) orthography, Menominee (Algic) morphology, Vai (Mande) syntax, Nahuatl (Uto-Aztecan) semantics and the structure of the barcode language EAN-13. The team contest involved the rules and structure of Sanskrit (Indo-Aryan) poetry.

IOL 2012

The 10th IOL was held from July 29 to August 4, 2012, at the University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia. [22] Chaired by Mirko Vaupotic, it received 34 teams from 26 countries, first time for China, Greece, Hungary, Israel and Japan. The Problem Committee was chaired by Ivan Derzhanski. The five problems at the individual contest were in Dyirbal (Pama-Nyungan) syntax, Umbu-Ungu (Trans-New Guinea) numbers, Basque (Isolate) pronouns, Teop (Austronesian) syntax, and Rotuman (Austronesian) semantics. The team problem involved recognizing country names in Lao language (Tai-Kadai).

IOL 2013

The 11th IOL was held from July 22 to 26, 2013, at the Manchester Grammar School, Manchester, UK. [23] Chaired by Neil Sheldon, it received 35 teams from 26 countries, including first time teams from Isle of Man, Taiwan and Turkey. The Problem Committee was chaired by Stanislav Gurevich. The five problems at the individual contest were about Yidiny (Pama-Nyungan) morphology, Tundra Yukaghir (Yukhagir) semantics, Pirahã (Mura) phonology, Muna (Austronesian) syntax, and telepathy based on English. The team problem involved translating Martin Seymour-Smith's list of the 100 most influential books from Georgian (Kartvelian) written in the 9th century Nuskhuri script.

IOL 2014

The 12th IOL was held from July 21 to 25, 2014, at the Beijing Language and Culture University, Beijing, China – for the first time on the Asian continent. [24] Chaired by Jiang Yuqin, it received 39 teams from 28 countries, with Pakistan and Ukraine sending teams for the first time. The Problem Committee was chaired by Tae Hun Lee. The five problems at the individual contest were about Benabena (Trans-New Guinea) morphology, Kiowa (Tanoan) morphophonology, Tangut (Tibeto-Burman) kinship, Engenni (Niger-Congo) syntax, and Gbaya (Niger-Congo). The team problem involved matching the articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to their translations in Armenian (Indo-European).

IOL 2015

The 13th IOL was held from July 20 to 24, 2015, at the American University in Bulgaria, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria. [25] Chaired by Aleksandar Velinov, it received 43 teams from 29 countries, with Bangladesh, France and Kazakhstan sending teams for the first time. The Problem Committee was chaired by Bozhidar Bozhanov. The five problems at the individual contest were about Nahuatl (Uto-Aztecan) and Arammba (South-Central Papuan) numbers, morphology in the Besleney dialect of Kabardian (Abkhaz-Adyghe), Soundex, Wambaya (West Barkly) syntax and the rules of Somali (Afroasiatic) poetry. The team problem involved using extracts from a monolingual Northern Sotho (Bantu) dictionary to build a grammar and lexicon of the language.

IOL 2016

The 14th IOL was held from July 25 to 29, 2016, at the Infosys Development Center in Mysore, India. [26] Chaired by Dr. Monojit Choudhury and Dr. Girish Nath Jha, it received 44 teams from 31 countries, with Nepal and Sri Lanka sending teams for the first time. The Problem Committee was chaired by Boris Iomdin. The five problems at the individual contest were about spatial deictics in Aralle-Tabulahan (Austronesian), Luwian hieroglyphic script (Indo-European), Kunuz Nubian (Eastern Sudanic) morphosyntax, Iatmül (Sepik) semantics and Jaqaru (Aymaran) morphology. The team problem involved matching over 100 utterances in Taa (Tuu) to their IPA transcriptions.

IOL 2017

The 15th IOL was held from July 31 to August 4, 2017, at Dublin City University in Dublin, Ireland. [1] Chaired by Dr. Cara Greene, it received 43 teams from 27 countries, with Canada sending a Francophone team for the first time. The Problem Committee was chaired by Hugh Dobbs. The five problems at the individual content were about Berom (Plateau) numbers, Abui (Timor-Alor-Pantar) possessives and semantics, Kimbundu (Bantu) morphosyntax, Jru' (Austroasiatic) written in the Khom script and Madak (Meso-Melanesian) morphophonology. The team problem involved establishing correspondences between 87 emojis and their descriptions in Indonesian (Austronesian).

IOL 2018

The 16th IOL was held from July 26 to 30, 2018, at the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague, Czech Republic. [27] Chaired by Vojtěch Diatka, it received 49 teams from 29 countries, with Malaysia and Denmark competing for the first time. [28] The Problem Committee was chaired by Maria Rubinstein. The five problems at the individual contest concerned Creek (Muskogean) stress, Hakhun (Sal) morphosyntax, Terêna (Arawakan) phonology, counting in Mountain Arapesh (Torricelli) and kinship in Akan (Atlantic-Congo). The team problem examined phonological correspondences among the three languages Mẽbêngôkre, Xavante and Krĩkatí.

IOL 2019

The 17th IOL was held from July 29 to August 2, 2019 at the Hankuk University of Foreign Studies in Yongin, South Korea. [29] Chaired by Minkyu Kim and Yoojung Chae, it received 53 teams from 35 countries, with Hong Kong, Uzbekistan and Colombia competing for the first time. [30] This year was also the first edition of the Asia Pacific Linguistics Olympiad (APLO). [31] The Problem Committee was chaired by Tae Hun Lee. The five problems at the individual contest concerned Yonggom (Ok) morphosyntax, Yurok (Algic) colours, Middle Persian (Iranian) written in Book Pahlavi script, West Tarangan (Aru) reduplication and Nooni (Beboid) morphosyntax and day names. The team problem involved the symbol notation used by judges in rhythmic gymnastics.

IOL 2021

The 18th IOL was scheduled to take place from July 20 to 24, 2020, in Ventspils, Latvia. Due to the widespread COVID-19 pandemic, the International Board of the IOL decided to postpone the event to July 19 to 23, 2021, on which it was successfully held. The competition was held remotely in the respective countries of each team, the first and so far only time that this mode of competition was adopted at the IOL. [32] Chaired by Vladimir Litvinsky, it received 54 teams from 34 countries, with Azerbaijan competing for the first time. The Problem Committee was chaired by Aleksejs Peguševs  [ et ]. The five problems at the individual contest concerned Ekari (Paniai Lakes) numerals, Zuni (Isolate) semantics with special focus on food, Kilivila (Oceanic) morphosyntax, Agbirigba (a cant language) and its derivation from the Ogbakiri dialect of Ikwerre (Atlantic-Congo), and Rikbaktsa (Macro-Jê) morphology. The team problem involved matching sentences in passages written in Garifuna (Arawakan) with its translations, as well as acknowledging the difference between the language's male and female registers and establishing their relationships with Kari'ña (Cariban) and Lokono (Arawakan), respectively.

IOL 2022

The 19th IOL was held from July 25 to 29, 2022 at King William's College in Castletown, Isle of Man. [33] Chaired by Rob Teare, it received 46 teams from 32 countries, with Moldova, Switzerland and Thailand competing for the first time. The Problem Committee was chaired by Samuel Ahmed. The five problems at the individual contest concerned Ubykh (Abkhaz-Adyghe) morphophonology, the semantics and morphophonology of Alabama (Muskogean) verbs, Nǀuuki (Tuu) syntax, Arabana (Pama-Nyungan) kinship, and phonological changes and tonogenesis in two daughter languages of Proto-Chamic, Phan Rang Cham and Tsat. The team problem presented extracts in 17th and 18th century Manchu (Tungusic) from Cheong-eo Nogeoldae and the Kangxi Emperor's Imperially Commissioned Mirror of the Manchu Language for analysis, with tasks involving matching sentences in Old and Modern Manchu to their respective translations as well as writing in the Manchu script.

IOL 2023

The 20th IOL was held from July 24 to July 28, 2023 in Bansko, Bulgaria, [34] for the fourth time in this country. Chaired by Aleks Velinov, it received 51 teams from 37 countries, with Philippines competing for the first time. The Problem Committee was chaired by Milena Veneva. The five problems at the individual contest concerned Guazacapán Xinka (a language of Guatemala with now no living native speakers), Apurinã (Arawak) morphosyntax, Coastal Marind (Papuan) morphosyntax, Plains Cree (Algonquian) verb morphology and the numbering system of Supyire spoken in Mali. The team problem presented extracts from Chester S. Street's dictionary of Murrin-patha, an Australian Aboriginal language spoken by over 2,000 people in the Northern Territory.

IOL 2024

The 21st IOL was held from July 23 to July 31, 2024 at the Universidade de Brasília, Brasília, Brazil, which was the first time the contest was held in the southern hemisphere. Chaired by Bruno L'Astorina, it received 206 contestants in 52 teams from 38 countries, with Iran and Malta competing for the first time. The Problem Committee was chaired by Andrey Nikulin. The five problems at the individual contest concerned Koryak morphology, Hadza syntax and morphology, kinship terms in Kómnzo, semantics in Dâw, and male-female diglossia in Yanyuwa. The team problem involved lexicostatistics, Dolgopolsky's consonant classes, and the "StarlingNJ" algorithm to compute language family trees and stability indices based on lexicostatistical distance. [35]

IOL 2025

The 22nd IOL is expected to be held in Taipei, Taiwan, from 21 to 26 of July 2025. [36]


The different editions of IOL can be summarized on the following table:

12003 Borovets Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria September 6September 12633 Link Link
22004 Moscow Flag of Russia.svg  Russia July 31August 2743 Link Link
32005 Leiden Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands August 8August 12950 Link Link
42006 Tartu Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia August 1August 6951 Link Link
52007 Saint Petersburg Flag of Russia.svg  Russia July 31August 4961 Link Link
62008 Slantchev Bryag Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria August 4August 91163 Link Archived March 25, 2012, at the Wayback Machine Link
72009 Wrocław Flag of Poland.svg  Poland July 26July 311786 Link Link
82010 Stockholm Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden July 19July 241899 Link Link
92011 Pittsburgh Flag of the United States (23px).png  United States July 24July 3019102 Link Archived June 30, 2013, at the Wayback Machine Link
102012 Ljubljana Flag of Slovenia.svg  Slovenia July 29August 426131 Link Archived June 30, 2013, at the Wayback Machine Link
112013 Manchester Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom July 22July 2626138 Link Archived August 29, 2017, at the Wayback Machine Link
122014 Beijing Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China July 21July 2528152 Link Link
132015 Blagoevgrad Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria July 20July 2429166 Link Archived May 19, 2017, at the Wayback Machine Link
142016 Mysore Flag of India.svg  India July 25July 2931 [37] 167 Link Link
152017 Dublin Flag of Ireland.svg  Ireland July 31August 429180 Link Link
162018 Prague Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic July 25July 3129192 Link Link
172019 Yongin Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea July 29August 235209 Link Link
2020 Ventspils Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia Cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic [32]
182021 Ventspils Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia 1 July 19July 2334216 Link Link
192022 Castletown Flag of the Isle of Man.svg  Isle of Man July 25July 2932185 Link Archived October 6, 2022, at the Wayback Machine Link
202023 Bansko Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria July 24July 2837204 Link Link
212024 Brasília Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil July 23July 3138206 Link Archived 4 August 2024 at the Wayback Machine Link
222025 Taipei Flag of the Republic of China.svg  Taiwan July 21July 26 Link
232026Flag of Romania.svg  Romania Link
  1. a The competition was held remotely.

Participant countries

Countries ever participating in the IOL
.mw-parser-output .legend{page-break-inside:avoid;break-inside:avoid-column}.mw-parser-output .legend-color{display:inline-block;min-width:1.25em;height:1.25em;line-height:1.25;margin:1px 0;text-align:center;border:1px solid black;background-color:transparent;color:black}.mw-parser-output .legend-text{}
Hosts (minimum once)
Participants Participants-ever-IOL.svg
Countries ever participating in the IOL
  Hosts (minimum once)

Individual medalists

2003 Borovets, Bulgaria Flag of Bulgaria.svg Alexandra Petrova Flag of Russia.svg

Boris Turovsky Flag of Russia.svg
Eddin Najetović Flag of the Netherlands.svg

Mirjam Plooij Flag of the Netherlands.svg

Maria Skhapa Flag of Russia.svg

Polina Oskolskaya Flag of Russia.svg

Ivan Dobrev Flag of Bulgaria.svg

2004Moscow, Russia Flag of Russia.svg Ivan Dobrev Flag of Bulgaria.svg

Alexander Piperski Flag of Russia.svg
Ralitsa Markova Flag of Bulgaria.svg

Maria Mamykina Flag of Russia.svg

Todor Chervenkov Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Tsvetomila Mihaylova Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Tymon Słoczyński Flag of Poland.svg

Alexandra Zabelina Flag of Russia.svg

Xenia Kuzmina Flag of Russia.svg
Alexei Nazarov Flag of the Netherlands.svg
Margus Niitsoo Flag of Estonia.svg
Natalja Hartsenko Flag of Estonia.svg
Nikita Medyankin Flag of Russia.svg
Sophia Oskolskaya Flag of Russia.svg

2005 Leiden, Netherlands Flag of the Netherlands.svg Ivan Dobrev Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Eleonora Glazova Flag of Russia.svg
Nikita Medyankin Flag of Russia.svg

Tsvetomila Mihaylova Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Alexander Piperski Flag of Russia.svg
Ivaylo Grozdev Flag of Bulgaria.svg

2006 Tartu, Estonia Flag of Estonia.svg Maria Kholodilova Flag of Russia.svg

Ivaylo Dimitrov Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Pavel Sofroniev Flag of Bulgaria.svg

Yordan Mehandzhiyski Flag of Bulgaria.svg

Eleonora Glazova Flag of Russia.svg
Mihail Minkov Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Daniil Zorin Flag of Russia.svg
Sergey Malyshev Flag of Russia.svg
Alexander Daskalov Flag of Bulgaria.svg

Yuliya Taran Flag of Russia.svg

Nikita Medyankin Flag of Russia.svg
Diana Aitai Flag of Estonia.svg
Paweł Świątkowski Flag of Poland.svg

2007 Saint Petersburg, Russia Flag of Russia.svg Adam Hesterberg Flag of the United States.svg

Łukasz Cegieła Flag of Poland.svg

Kira Kiranova Flag of Russia.svg

Mihail Minkov Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Arseniy Vetushko-Kalevich Flag of Russia.svg
Sander Pajusalu Flag of Estonia.svg
Teele Vaalma Flag of Estonia.svg
Angel Naydenov Flag of Bulgaria.svg

Anna Shlomina Flag of Russia.svg

Yordan Mehandzhiyski Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Elizaveta Rebrova Flag of Russia.svg
Maria Kholodilova Flag of Russia.svg

2008 Slanchev Bryag, Bulgaria Flag of Bulgaria.svg Alexander Daskalov Flag of Bulgaria.svg

Hanzhi Zhu Flag of the United States.svg
Milan Abel Lopuhaa Flag of the Netherlands.svg

Anand Natarajan Flag of the United States.svg

Maciej Janicki Flag of Poland.svg
Morris Alper Flag of the United States.svg
Dmitry Perevozchikov Flag of Russia.svg
Łukasz Cegieła Flag of Poland.svg
Andrey Nikulin Flag of Russia.svg
Marcin Filar Flag of Poland.svg

Guy Tabachnick Flag of the United States.svg

Joon Kyu Kang Flag of South Korea.svg
Radosław Burny Flag of Poland.svg
Diana Sofronieva Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Jeffrey Lim Flag of the United States.svg
Karol Konaszyński Flag of Poland.svg
Yordan Mehandzhiyski Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Rebecca Jacobs Flag of the United States.svg
Tatyana Polevaya Flag of Russia.svg
Georgi Rangelov Flag of Bulgaria.svg

2009 Wrocław, Poland Flag of Poland.svg Diana Sofronieva Flag of Bulgaria.svg

Łukasz Cegieła Flag of Poland.svg

Vitaly Pavlenko Flag of Russia.svg

Andrey Nikulin Flag of Russia.svg
Yordan Mehandzhiyski Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Arturs Semenyuks Flag of Latvia.svg
Irene Tamm Flag of Estonia.svg
Łukasz Kalinowski Flag of Poland.svg
Witold Małecki Flag of Poland.svg
Aakanksha Sarda Flag of India.svg
Rebecca Jacobs Flag of the United States.svg

Deyana Kamburova Flag of Bulgaria.svg

Szymon Musioł Flag of Poland.svg
Elena Volkova Flag of Russia.svg
Laura Adamson Flag of Estonia.svg
Alan Huang Flag of the United States.svg
Ben Caller Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
Tomasz Dobrzycki Flag of Poland.svg
John Berman Flag of the United States.svg
Jun Yeop Lee Flag of South Korea.svg
Sergei Bernstein Flag of the United States.svg
Hye Jin Ryu Flag of South Korea.svg

2010 Stockholm, Sweden Flag of Sweden.svg
Vadim Tukh Flag of Russia.svg

Andrey Nikulin Flag of Russia.svg
Ben Sklaroff Flag of the United States.svg

Martin Camacho Flag of the United States.svg

Tian-Yi Damien Jiang Flag of the United States.svg
Daria Vasilyeva Flag of Russia.svg
Allen Yuan Flag of the United States.svg
Aleksejs Peguševs Flag of Latvia.svg
Łukasz Kalinowski Flag of Poland.svg
Krzysztof Pawlak Flag of Poland.svg
Daniel Rucki Flag of Poland.svg
Maciej Dulęba Flag of Poland.svg

Mirjam Parve Flag of Estonia.svg

Miroslav Manolov Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Alexander Iriza Flag of the United States.svg
Alan Chang Flag of the United States.svg
Vitaly Pavlenko Flag of Russia.svg
Artūrs Semeņuks Flag of Latvia.svg
Mona Teppor Flag of Estonia.svg
Jakob Park Flag of Germany.svg
Diana Glazova Flag of Russia.svg
Szymon Kanonowicz Flag of Poland.svg
Roman Stasiński Flag of Poland.svg
Ellen Sinot Flag of the Netherlands.svg
Younus Porteous Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
Ana Pavlović Flag of Serbia.svg
Song Jeeun Flag of South Korea.svg

2011 Pittsburgh, USA Flag of the United States.svg
Morris Alper Flag of the United States.svg

Eva-Lotta Käsper Flag of Estonia.svg
Daria Vasilyeva Flag of Russia.svg
Aleksey Kozlov Flag of Russia.svg

Wesley Jones Flag of the United States.svg

Allen Yuan Flag of the United States.svg
Jekaterina Malina Flag of Latvia.svg
Anton Sokolov Flag of Russia.svg
Alexander Wade Flag of the United States.svg
Victor Valov Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Duligur Ibeling Flag of the United States.svg
Paul Lau Flag of Australia (converted).svg

Min Kyu Kim Flag of South Korea.svg

Elena Rykunova Flag of Russia.svg
Artūrs Semeņuks Flag of Latvia.svg
Hyun Park Flag of South Korea.svg
Rok Kaufman Flag of Slovenia.svg
Vadim Tukh Flag of Russia.svg
Daniel Mitropolsky Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg
Nik Moore Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
Daniel Rucki Flag of Poland.svg
Aaron Klein Flag of the United States.svg
Dimitar Hristov Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Mihhail Afanasjev Flag of Estonia.svg
Ralf Ahi Flag of Estonia.svg

2012 Ljubljana, Slovenia Flag of Slovenia.svg
Anton Sokolov Flag of Russia.svg

Alexander Wade Flag of the United States.svg
Vadim Tukh Flag of Russia.svg
Anderson Wang Flag of the United States.svg
Konrad Myszkowski Flag of Poland.svg
Jonathan Hongsoon Kim Flag of South Korea.svg
Marin Ivanov Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Kristian Kostadinov Flag of Bulgaria.svg

Darryl Wu Flag of the United States.svg

Allan Sadun Flag of the United States.svg
Eva-Lotta Käsper Flag of Estonia.svg
Tom White Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
Daniel Rucki Flag of Poland.svg
Aaron Klein Flag of the United States.svg
Max Allmendinger Flag of Germany.svg
Ilya Pogodaev Flag of Russia.svg
Ivan Tadeu Ferreira Antunes Filho Flag of Brazil.svg
Rok Kaufman Flag of Slovenia.svg
Hong Bum Choi Flag of South Korea.svg
Ji Wook Kim Flag of South Korea.svg
Sagar Sarda Flag of India.svg

Pedro Neves Lopes Flag of Brazil.svg

Erik Andersen Flag of the United States.svg
Magdalena Dakeva Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Ants-Oskar Mäesalu Flag of Estonia.svg
Omri Faraggi Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
Anna Sarukhanova Flag of Russia.svg
Melanie Duncan Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
Baichuan Li Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
Anita Mudzhumdar Flag of Russia.svg
Estere Šeinkmane Flag of Latvia.svg
Yash Sinha Flag of India.svg
Amelia Shaye Lim Jin Flag of Singapore.svg
Edyta Gajdzik Flag of Poland.svg
Mette-Triin Purde Flag of Estonia.svg
Erik Tamre Flag of Estonia.svg
Anne Ng Yin-Yi Flag of Singapore.svg

2013 Manchester, UK Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
Alexander Wade Flag of the United States.svg

Anton Sokolov Flag of Russia.svg
Matyas Medek Flag of the Czech Republic.svg
Gabriel Alves da Silva Diniz Flag of Brazil.svg
Michał Hadryś Flag of Poland.svg
Iva Gumnishka Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Estere Šeinkmane Flag of Latvia.svg

Omri Faraggi Flag of the United Kingdom.svg

Yash Sinha Flag of India.svg
Polina Pleshak Flag of Russia.svg
Kuzma Smirnov Flag of Russia.svg
Martyna Siejba Flag of Poland.svg
Aaron Klein Flag of the United States.svg
Airika Arrik Flag of Estonia.svg
Boryana Hadzhiyska Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Ivan Zverev Flag of Russia.svg
Huisu Yun Flag of South Korea.svg
Jeffrey Ling Flag of the United States.svg
Yulia Markova Flag of Bulgaria.svg

Nilai Sarda Flag of India.svg

Vesko Milev Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Marin Ivanov Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Ivan Lyutskanov Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Jacob Karlsson Lagerros Flag of Sweden.svg
Tom McCoy Flag of the United States.svg
Martyna Judd Flag of Australia (converted).svg
Ants-Oskar Mäesalu Flag of Estonia.svg
Milena Velikova Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Jeong Yeon Choi Flag of South Korea.svg
Ekaterina Novikova Flag of Russia.svg
Maciej Kucharski Flag of Poland.svg
Daniel Lovsted Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg
Maximilian Schindler Flag of the United States.svg
Jiyun Sung Flag of South Korea.svg
Sarah Tham Flag of Singapore.svg
Jan Bajer Flag of Poland.svg

2014 Beijing, China Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg
Milo Andrea Mazurkiewicz Flag of Poland.svg

Darryl Wu Flag of the United States.svg
Daniel Lovsted Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg
Elysia Warner Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
Anastasiia Dmitrieva Flag of Russia.svg
Danila Shumskiy Flag of Russia.svg
Dan Mirea Flag of Romania.svg

Ada Melentieva Flag of Ukraine.svg

Catherine Wu Flag of the United States.svg
Chen Tianlu Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg
Yan Huang Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg
Alexander Babiak Flag of the United States.svg
Zhang Ming Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg
Lara Jerman Flag of Slovenia.svg
Chen Run Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg
Keisuke Yamada Flag of Japan.svg
Stanisław Wilczyński Flag of Poland.svg
Felicia Lane Flag of Sweden.svg
Deven Lahoti Flag of the United States.svg
Xue Dailin Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg

Anindya Sharma Flag of India.svg

Elena Chaparova Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Maciej Kocot Flag of Poland.svg
Matyáš Medek Flag of the Czech Republic.svg
Rajan Dalal Flag of India.svg
Yoojin Jang Flag of South Korea.svg
Dmitrii Zelenskii Flag of Russia.svg
Annika Kluge Flag of Estonia.svg
Jonathan Johansen Flag of Sweden.svg
Kevin Li Flag of the United States.svg
Gleb Nikolaev Flag of Russia.svg
James Bloxham Flag of the United States.svg
James Abel Flag of Australia (converted).svg
Yulia Markova Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Šonita Koroļova Flag of Latvia.svg
Eliška Freibergerová Flag of the Czech Republic.svg
Yang Heran Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg
Vitālijs Gusevs Flag of Latvia.svg
Glenn Ee Je Hong Flag of Singapore.svg
Simon Huang Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg
Maria Aristova Flag of Russia.svg

2015 Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria Flag of Bulgaria.svg
James Wedgwood Flag of the United States.svg

Samuel Ahmed Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
James Bloxham Flag of the United States.svg
Danail Penev Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Kevin Yang Flag of the United States.svg
Eimear McKnight Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
Ada Melentyeva Flag of Ukraine.svg

Kevin M Li Flag of the United States.svg

Ying Ming Poh Flag of Singapore.svg
Conor Stuart-Roe Flag of the United States.svg
Valentin Dimov Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Daniil Vedeneev Flag of Russia.svg
Stanisław Frejlak Flag of Poland.svg
Jin Xu Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg
Julian Gau Flag of the United States.svg
Dan Mircea Mirea Flag of Romania.svg
Katarzyna Kowalska Flag of Poland.svg
Ralitza Dardjonova Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Anthony Bracey Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
Ivan Oleksiyuk Flag of Ukraine.svg
Teodora-Elena Solovan Flag of Romania.svg
Jan Petr Flag of the Czech Republic.svg
Ruowang Zhang Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg
Tina Vladimirova Flag of Bulgaria.svg

Bálint Ugrin Flag of Hungary.svg

Nilai Sarda Flag of the United States.svg
Piotr Gajdzica Flag of Poland.svg
Zdravko Ivanov Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Anastasiia Alokhina Flag of Ukraine.svg
Pim Spelier Flag of the Netherlands.svg
Naomi Solomons Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
Anna Tatarenko Flag of Russia.svg
Jaeyeong Yang Flag of South Korea.svg
Aalok Sathe Flag of India.svg
Anthony Bruce Ma Flag of Australia (converted).svg
Diana Murzagaliyeva Flag of Kazakhstan.svg
Luke Gardiner Flag of Ireland.svg
Nadezhda Dimitrova Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Radina Dobreva Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Emma McLean Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg
Irina Česnokova Flag of Latvia.svg
Isabelle Yen Flag of the Republic of China.svg
Matija Lovšin Flag of Slovenia.svg
Naoki Nishiyama Flag of Japan.svg
Samvida Sudheesh Venkatesh Flag of India.svg
Timurs Davilovs Flag of Latvia.svg

2016 Mysore, India Flag of India.svg
Jaeyeong Yang Flag of South Korea.svg

James Wedgwood Flag of the United States.svg
Eimear McKnight Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
Max Zhang Flag of Australia (converted).svg
Jan Petr Flag of the Czech Republic.svg
Katya Voloshinova Flag of Russia.svg
Ivan Samodelkin Flag of Russia.svg
Kristian Georgiev Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Samuel Ahmed Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
Polina Nasledskova Flag of Russia.svg

Margarita Misirpashayeva Flag of the United States.svg

Ioana Bouroș Flag of Romania.svg
Shuheng Nelson Niu Flag of the United States.svg
Joonas Jürgen Kisel Flag of Estonia.svg
Zofia Kaczmarek Flag of Poland.svg
Tina Vladimirova Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Matija Lovšin Flag of Slovenia.svg
Luo Yiming Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg
Krzysztof Choszczyk Flag of Poland.svg
Erik Metz Flag of the United States.svg
Anna Tatarenko Flag of Russia.svg
Mihail Paskov Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Julia Panchenko Flag of Russia.svg
Shen-Chang Huang Flag of the Republic of China.svg
Henry Wu Flag of Australia (converted).svg
Maria Aristova Flag of Russia.svg
Maciej Paliga Flag of Poland.svg

Tsuyoshi Kobayashi Flag of Japan.svg

Elena Shukshina Flag of Russia.svg
Daniel Vedeneev Flag of Russia.svg
Aalok Sathe Flag of India.svg
Wyatt Reeves Flag of the United States.svg
Wang Runze Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg
David Avellan-Hultman Flag of Sweden.svg
Bruno Ozaki Flag of Brazil.svg
Amanda Kann Flag of Sweden.svg
Agnieszka Dudek Flag of Poland.svg
Emil Ingelsten Flag of Sweden.svg
Bai Ruiheng Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg
Zuzana Gruberová Flag of the Czech Republic.svg
Yu Shuyue Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg
Claire O'Connor Flag of Ireland.svg
Tsvetelina Stefanova Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Theodor Cucu Flag of Romania.svg
Li Huihan Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg
Nadezhda Dimitrova Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Mazzag Bálint Flag of Hungary.svg
Wojciech Piątek Flag of Poland.svg
Siye Annie Zhu Flag of the United States.svg
Mariia Stepaniuk Flag of Ukraine.svg
Roman Skurikhin Flag of Ukraine.svg
Isobel Voysey Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
Yejoo Han Flag of South Korea.svg

2017 Dublin, Ireland Flag of Ireland.svg
Samuel Ahmed Flag of the United Kingdom.svg

Przemysław Podleśny Flag of Poland.svg
Eimear McKnight Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
Ruei Hung Alex Lee Flag of the Republic of China.svg
Zdravko Ivanov Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Simeon Hellsten Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
Brian Xiao Flag of the United States.svg
Valentin Dimov Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Elena Keskinova Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Theodor Cucu Flag of Romania.svg

Andrew Tockman Flag of the United States.svg

Takumi Yoshino Flag of Japan.svg
Joonas Jürgen Kisel Flag of Estonia.svg
Jan Petr Flag of the Czech Republic.svg
Harry Taylor Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
Anja Zdovc Flag of Slovenia.svg
Eliška Freibergerová Flag of the Czech Republic.svg
Paweł Piekarz Flag of Poland.svg
Tereza Maláčová Flag of the Czech Republic.svg
Ben Morris Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
Joseph Feffer Flag of the United States.svg
Ziyan Heidi Lei Flag of the United States.svg
Chih-Lun Julian Liu Flag of the Republic of China.svg
Assel Ismoldayeva Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Chinmaya Kausik Flag of India.svg
Daniel Vedeneev Flag of Russia.svg
Szymon Stolarczyk Flag of Poland.svg
Yao Yung-Jui Flag of the Republic of China.svg

Ekaterina Voloshinova Flag of Russia.svg

Emil Indzhev Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Chirag C.D. Flag of India.svg
Iga Jaworska Flag of Poland.svg
Chen Ziche Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg
Aleksei Starchenko Flag of Russia.svg
Ana Meta Dolinar Flag of Slovenia.svg
Siye Annie Zhu Flag of the United States.svg
Emilian Toma Flag of Romania.svg
Can Yeşildere Flag of Turkey.svg
Sonia Reilly Flag of the United States.svg
Alicja Maksymiuk Flag of Poland.svg
Emil Ingelsten Flag of Sweden.svg
Tanya Romanova Flag of Russia.svg
Ștefan Răzvan Bălăucă Flag of Romania.svg
Tina Vladimirova Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Matei Costin Banu Flag of Romania.svg
Yuito Yoneyama Flag of Japan.svg
Liu Yuyang Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg
Nazar Semkiv Flag of Ukraine.svg
Aleksej Jurca Flag of Slovenia.svg
Martin Nikolov Flag of Bulgaria.svg

2018 Prague, Czech Republic Flag of the Czech Republic.svg
Przemysław Podleśny Flag of Poland.svg

Eimear McKnight Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
Swapnil Garg Flag of the United States.svg
Viktor Baltin Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Zdravko Ivanov Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Benjamin LaFond Flag of the United States.svg
Diego Król Flag of Poland.svg
Rujul Gandhi Flag of India.svg
Pranav Krishna Flag of the United States.svg
Alicja Maksymiuk Flag of Poland.svg
Benedict Randall Shaw Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
Angikar Ghosal Flag of India.svg
Andrew Tockman Flag of the United States.svg

Jakub Petr Flag of the Czech Republic.svg

Chih-Chun Wang Flag of the Republic of China.svg
Tanya Romanova Flag of Russia.svg
Mihir Singhal Flag of the United States.svg
Yeoh Zi Song Flag of Malaysia.svg
Simeon Hellsten Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
Ugrin Bálint József Flag of Hungary.svg
Emil Ingelsten Flag of Sweden.svg
Klara Sapała-Niedzin Flag of Poland.svg
Tung-Le Pan Flag of the Republic of China.svg
Elena Keskinova Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Ethan A. Chi Flag of the United States.svg
Aparna Ajit Gupte Flag of India.svg
João Henrique Oliveira Fontes Flag of Brazil.svg
Russell Emerine Flag of the United States.svg
You-Kuan Lin Flag of the Republic of China.svg
Illya Koval Flag of Ukraine.svg

David Avellan-Hultman Flag of Sweden.svg

Vlada Petrusenko Flag of Ukraine.svg
Tsvetelina Stefanova Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Brian Xiao Flag of the United States.svg
Ken Jiang Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg
Ye Liu Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg
Edmund Lea Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
Hari Raghava Prasad Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
James Phillips Flag of Australia (converted).svg
Yana Shishkina Flag of Russia.svg
Gustavo Palote da Silva Martins Flag of Brazil.svg
Ekaterina Voloshinova Flag of Russia.svg
Eliška Freibergerová Flag of the Czech Republic.svg
Sean White Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
Vári-Kakas Andor Flag of Hungary.svg
Árvay-Vass Iván Flag of Hungary.svg
Takumi Nishino Flag of Japan.svg
Angellika Vojevodina Flag of Latvia.svg
Arkādijs Šaldovs Flag of Latvia.svg
Kevin Liang Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg
Shinjini Ghosh Flag of India.svg
Bianca-Mihaela Gănescu Flag of Romania.svg
Pranava Dhar Flag of India.svg
Martin Puškin Flag of Estonia.svg
Hansol Pi Flag of South Korea.svg
Georgi Yotov Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Ziche Chen Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg
Tiago Scholten Flag of the Netherlands.svg
Kristina Vashpanova Flag of Russia.svg
Danyar Kasenov Flag of Russia.svg

2019 Yongin, Republic of Korea Flag of South Korea.svg
Ken Jiang Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg

Wesley Zhang Flag of the United States.svg
Takumi Yoshino Flag of Japan.svg
Zdravko Ivanov Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Matey Petkov Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Haokun Wu Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg
Sam Corner Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
Simeon Hellsten Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
Benedict Randall Shaw Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
Andrew Tockman Flag of the United States.svg

Diego Król Flag of Poland.svg

João Henrique Fontes Flag of Brazil.svg
Ziyan Heidi Lei Flag of the United States.svg
Tianqi Jiang Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg
Elena Keskinova Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Jakub Petr Flag of the Czech Republic.svg
Nathan Kim Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg
Denis Korotchenko Flag of Russia.svg
Skyelar Raiti Flag of the United States.svg
Russell Emerine Flag of the United States.svg
Gustavo Palote Flag of Brazil.svg
Ishan Ganguly Flag of India.svg
Harrison Moore Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
Tsvetelina Stefanova Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Maxim Barganov Flag of Russia.svg
Zi Song Yeoh Flag of Malaysia.svg
Jeremy Zhou Flag of the United States.svg
Pranav Krishna Flag of the United States.svg
Jinru Bai Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg
Kristian Terlien Flag of the Netherlands.svg
Daniel Turaev Flag of the United Kingdom.svg

Tatiana Romanova Flag of Russia.svg

Kövér Blanka Flag of Hungary.svg
Ekaterina Kozlova Flag of Russia.svg
Stanislava Khizhniakova Flag of Russia.svg
Wang, Chih-Chun Flag of the Republic of China.svg
Vlada Petrusenko Flag of Ukraine.svg
Viktor Baltin Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Matei-Costin Banu Flag of Romania.svg
Ekaterina Kropanina Flag of Russia.svg
Angikar Ghosal Flag of India.svg
Aparna Ajit Gupte Flag of India.svg
Haenaem Oh Flag of South Korea.svg
Hant Mikit Kolk Flag of Estonia.svg
Takumi Ose Flag of Japan.svg
Tsubasa Takahashi Flag of Japan.svg
Dana Ospanova Flag of Kazakhstan.svg
Nestors Starostins Flag of Latvia.svg
Daria Kryvosheieva Flag of Ukraine.svg
Marko Ivanov Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Kilian Meissner Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
Blaskovics Ákos Flag of Hungary.svg
Rok Tadej Brunšek Flag of Slovenia.svg
Zhe Ren Ooi Flag of Malaysia.svg
Alex Walker Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
Kristina Vashpanova Flag of Russia.svg
Lanruo Xie Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg
Antara Raaghavi Bhattacharya Flag of India.svg
Seonoo Kim Flag of South Korea.svg
Lee, Yu-Hsuan Flag of the Republic of China.svg

2021 Ventspils, Latvia Flag of Latvia.svg
Roman Shabanov Flag of the Netherlands.svg

Daria Kryvosheieva Flag of Ukraine.svg
Jonathan Huang Flag of the United States.svg
Ritam Nag Flag of India.svg
Hibiki Sugawara Flag of Japan.svg
Jan Tryka Flag of Poland.svg
Takamichi Hoshii Flag of Japan.svg
Chun-Chi Lin Flag of the Republic of China.svg
Antara Raaghavi Bhattacharya Flag of India.svg
Xie Lingrui Flag of Hong Kong.svg
Mihai-Alexandru Bratu Flag of Romania.svg
Elvira Ageeva Flag of Russia.svg

Aleksandra Limonova Flag of Russia.svg

Tam Lok Hang Flag of Hong Kong.svg
Alexander Dimitrov Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Bartosz Chomiński Flag of Poland.svg
Aleksandra Naydenova Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Ip Tsz Oi Flag of Hong Kong.svg
Leonid Zaitsev Flag of Russia.svg
Toh Jing En Daniel Flag of Singapore.svg
Grigorii Solnyshkin Flag of Russia.svg
Artem Borisov Flag of Russia.svg
Nigel Yong Flag of Singapore.svg
Dylan Lim Chun Kiat Flag of Singapore.svg
Samantha Kao Flag of the Republic of China.svg
Ema Grofová Flag of the Czech Republic.svg
Miklós Gyetvai Flag of Hungary.svg
Zijing Wei Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg
Olga Zinovyeva Flag of Russia.svg
Rio Ogawa Flag of Japan.svg
Walt Kraeger Flag of the Netherlands.svg

Lili Probojcsevity Flag of Hungary.svg

Shao-Chi Ou Flag of the Republic of China.svg
Deyana Shevchenko Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Kunaal Chandrashekar Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg
Olivia Tennisberg Flag of Estonia.svg
Jeremy Zhou Flag of the United States.svg
Vedant Singh Flag of India.svg
Miłosz Muszyński Flag of Poland.svg
Riley Kong Flag of the United States.svg
Ng Truman Toby Flag of Hong Kong.svg
Vasilena Lazarova Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Matic Petek Flag of Slovenia.svg
Mihaela Koleva Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Ilya Tarasov Flag of Russia.svg
Ivaylo Dimitrov Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Nicoleta Dobrică Flag of Romania.svg
Toby Collins Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
Kyuhan Kyung Flag of South Korea.svg
Yi-Ning Chang Flag of the Republic of China.svg
Louis Cho Flag of Germany.svg
Jonathan Song Flag of the United States.svg
Bianca-Maria Crișan Flag of Romania.svg
Shashwat Mundra Flag of India.svg
Zekai Wu Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg
Vishruth Ram Konakanchi Flag of India.svg
Daina Myer Neithardt Flag of the United States.svg
Kent Do Flag of Sweden.svg
Oscar Despard Flag of Ireland.svg
Nestors Starostins Flag of Latvia.svg
Noah Gorrell Flag of Australia (converted).svg
Yen-Hsi Huang Flag of the Republic of China.svg
Darya Peressypkina Flag of Kazakhstan.svg
Yage Grace Xin Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg

2022 Castletown, Isle of Man Flag of the Isle of Man.svg
Artem Borisov

Jun Hyeong Yook Flag of South Korea.svg
Alison Craig-Greene Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
Luke Robitaille Flag of the United States.svg
Aleksandar Dimitrov Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Konstantin Georgiev Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Mihai-Alexandru Bratu Flag of Romania.svg
Takamichi Hoshii Flag of Japan.svg
Seiko Ishii Flag of Japan.svg

Tam Lok Hang Flag of Hong Kong.svg

Kunaal Chandrashekar Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg
Vlad-Ștefan Oros Flag of Romania.svg
Riley Kong Flag of the United States.svg
William Thomson Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
Rishab Parthasarathy Flag of the United States.svg
Benjamin McAvoy-Bickford Flag of the United States.svg
Wojciech Szot Flag of Poland.svg
Gergana Petrova Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Daria Kryvosheieva Flag of Ukraine.svg
Bartłomiej Rozenberg Flag of Poland.svg
Long Yo Lee Flag of the Republic of China.svg
George Zhou Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
Yi Ning Chang Flag of the Republic of China.svg
Yelyzaveta Sherepenko Flag of Ukraine.svg
Merlin Fischer Flag of Germany.svg
Fernando César Gonçalves Filho Flag of Brazil.svg
Toby Collins Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
Siddhant Attavar Flag of India.svg
Artem Boyko
Matouš Šafránek Flag of the Czech Republic.svg
Stratos Voudouris Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
Lorenss Martinsons Flag of Latvia.svg

Anita Dalma Páhán Flag of Hungary.svg

Hyunsoo Park Flag of South Korea.svg
Henry Wong Tok Shing Flag of Hong Kong.svg
Olivia Tennisberg Flag of Estonia.svg
Viktoriia Zubkova
Aida Davletova Flag of Kazakhstan.svg
Ikoma Kudo Flag of Japan.svg
Réka Wagener Flag of Germany.svg
Egyházi Hanna Flag of Hungary.svg
Benjamin Móricz Flag of Hungary.svg
Teodor Malchev Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Vita Korošin Flag of Slovenia.svg
Tanupat Trakulthongchai Flag of Thailand.svg
Max Naigeborin Flag of Brazil.svg
Elvira Ageeva
Aleksandra Naydenova Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Katja Andolšek Flag of Slovenia.svg
Aidan Wang Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg
Nestors Starostins Flag of Latvia.svg
Jan Karpiński Flag of Poland.svg
Nicoleta Dobrică Flag of Romania.svg
Darya Peressypkina Flag of Kazakhstan.svg
Kevin Yan Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg
Inka Pekkola Flag of Finland.svg
Junhyuk Kwon Flag of South Korea.svg
Rok Tadej Brunšek Flag of Slovenia.svg
Józef Szymański Flag of Poland.svg

2023 Bansko, Bulgaria Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Tam Lok Hang Flag of Hong Kong.svg

Ryusei Omiya Flag of Japan.svg
Wonhyun Soh Flag of South Korea.svg
Vlad-Ștefan Oros Flag of Romania.svg
Daria Kryvosheieva Flag of Ukraine.svg
William Keith Thomson Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
Artem Boyko
Kunaal Chandrashekar Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg
Konstantin Georgiev Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Leonardo Torres Flag of Brazil.svg
Leonardo Paillo Flag of Brazil.svg
Eleonora Stepanova

Elena Păvăloaia Flag of Romania.svg

Panawat Tiacharoen Flag of Thailand.svg
Mihai-Alexandru Bratu Flag of Romania.svg
Viktoriia Zubkova
Jordan Chi Flag of Australia (converted).svg
Samantha Kao Flag of the Republic of China.svg
Zhang Yixuan Flag of Hong Kong.svg
He Jianxing Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg
Rei Kano Flag of Japan.svg
Wong Tok Shing Henry Flag of Hong Kong.svg
Wojciech Szot Flag of Poland.svg
Daniel Titmas Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
Alison Craig-Greene Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
Matei Chirila Flag of Romania.svg
Nestors Starostins Flag of Latvia.svg
Sukrith Velmineti Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg
Teodor Malchev Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Deeraj Pothapragada Flag of the United States.svg
Eric Wu Flag of the Republic of China.svg
Bartłomiej Rozenberg Flag of Poland.svg
Gyuhwa Lee Flag of South Korea.svg
Faraz Ahmed Siddiqui Flag of India.svg
Benjamin Móricz Flag of Hungary.svg
Rami Hennawi Flag of Bulgaria.svg

Eleanor Borrel Flag of the United Kingdom.svg

Chung Chi-En Flag of the Republic of China.svg
Teresa Lage Flag of Brazil.svg
Arul Kolla Flag of the United States.svg
Jonasz Kościkiewicz Flag of Poland.svg
Zori Schmidt Flag of the United States.svg
Merlin Jonathan Fischer Flag of Germany.svg
Everton Albuquerque De Oliveira Flag of Brazil.svg
Alexander Shlykov
Jiang Yiling Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg
Perry Dai Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg
Benjamin Yang Flag of the United States.svg
Luiz Satoshi Yunomae Oikawa Flag of Brazil.svg
Darren Su Flag of the United States.svg
Chen Nuo Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg
Brest Lenarčič Flag of Slovenia.svg
Mihaela Anghel Flag of Romania.svg
Hiroto Yasui Flag of Japan.svg
Gangrae Kim Flag of South Korea.svg
Li Jiying Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg
Wang Po-Hsiang Flag of the Republic of China.svg
Valeriia Pischchymukha Flag of Romania.svg
Rando Lukk Flag of Estonia.svg
João Pedro Alves Ferreira Flag of Brazil.svg
Mikhail Iomdin Flag of Israel.svg
Nikolay Georgiev Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Carl Fredrik Constantin Lidberg Dimos Flag of Sweden.svg
Satoshi Tsukada Flag of Japan.svg
Hwang Yen-Hsi Flag of the Republic of China.svg
Matěj Čapka Flag of the Czech Republic.svg
Manoela Ferraz Flag of Brazil.svg
Bognár András Károly Flag of Hungary.svg

2024 Brasília, Brazil Flag of Brazil.svg
Deeraj Pothapragada Flag of the United States.svg

Devin Joe Flag of the United States.svg
Alison Craig-Greene Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
Yipeng Xu Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
Tyson Lieu Flag of Australia (converted).svg
Urszula Wąsiewicz Flag of Poland.svg
Ryusei Omiya Flag of Japan.svg
Luiza-Teodora Mihai Flag of Romania.svg
Narongrith Artnarongrith Flag of Thailand.svg
Brest Lenarčič Flag of Slovenia.svg
Leonard Kottisch Flag of Germany.svg
Varin Sikka Flag of the United States.svg
Anna Bryłowska Flag of Poland.svg

Eric Wu Flag of the Republic of China.svg

Wong Tok Shing Henry Flag of Hong Kong.svg
Marvin Mao Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg
Mikhail Iomdin Flag of Germany.svg
Matei Chirilă Flag of Romania.svg
Nadežda Efremova
Matěj Čapka Flag of the Czech Republic.svg
Karina-Adriana Stăncescu Flag of Romania.svg
Samantha Kao Flag of the Republic of China.svg
Gyuhwa Lee Flag of South Korea.svg
Máté Gergely Virág Flag of Hungary.svg
He Jianxing Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg
Jiang Yiling Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg
Nia Dimitrova Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Li-Bang Chen Flag of the Republic of China.svg
Ekaterina Churkina
Mihaela Anghel Flag of Romania.svg
Animikha Dutta Dhar Flag of India.svg
Keisuke Taeda Flag of Japan.svg
Patricia Király Flag of Slovenia.svg
Gangrae Kim Flag of South Korea.svg
Zhu Yucheng Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg
Felipe Moraes Barros Flag of Brazil.svg
Rudolf András Virág Flag of Hungary.svg

Tanupat Trakulthongchai Flag of Thailand.svg

Satoshi Tsukada Flag of Japan.svg
Denys Tereshchenko Flag of Ukraine.svg
Po-Hsiang Wang Flag of the Republic of China.svg
Kantetsu Oh Flag of Japan.svg
Mixail Nikitin
Ji Shu Ching Flag of Hong Kong.svg
Yuji Hokugo Flag of Japan.svg
Richard Dobíšek Flag of the Czech Republic.svg
Eleonora Stepanova
Ani Katelieva Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Shrilakshmi Venkatraman Flag of India.svg
Choi John Nathaniel Flag of Hong Kong.svg
Magdalena Vigenina Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Elena Păvăloaia Flag of Romania.svg
Nikolay Georgiev Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Faraz Ahmed Siddiqui Flag of India.svg
Natalia Rewaj Flag of Poland.svg
Rory Ambrosius Flag of Australia (converted).svg
Sirma Karadjova Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Ostap Drushchak Flag of Ukraine.svg
Ivanimira Nedelcheva Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Zachary Yen Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
Nayoon Goo Flag of South Korea.svg
Miroslav Havel Flag of the Czech Republic.svg
Adam Ahlberg Flag of Sweden.svg
Olya Besova Flag of Israel.svg
Ignacy Jackl Flag of Poland.svg

Team medals

NbrYearLocationTeam GoldTeam SilverTeam BronzeWinning team in individual competition
12003 Borovets, BulgariaNetherlands Flag of the Netherlands.svg Russia-StPetersburg Flag of Russia.svg Russia-Moscow Flag of Russia.svg Netherlands Flag of the Netherlands.svg
22004 Moskva, RussiaRussia-StPetersburg Flag of Russia.svg Latvia Flag of Latvia.svg Bulgaria-1 Flag of Bulgaria.svg Bulgaria-1 Flag of Bulgaria.svg
32005 Leiden, The NetherlandsNetherlands Flag of the Netherlands.svg Russia-Moscow Flag of Russia.svg Russia-StPetersburg Flag of Russia.svg Bulgaria-1 Flag of Bulgaria.svg
42006 Tartu, EstoniaBulgaria-2 Flag of Bulgaria.svg Netherlands Flag of the Netherlands.svg Poland-1 Flag of Poland.svg Bulgaria-1 Flag of Bulgaria.svg
52007 Sankt-Peterburg, RussiaUSA-2 Flag of the United States.svg
Moscow Flag of Russia.svg
Bulgaria-1 Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Bulgaria-2 Flag of Bulgaria.svg
None awardedEstonia Flag of Estonia.svg
62008 Slantchev Bryag, BulgariaUSA-2 Flag of the United States.svg
Bulgaria-East Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Netherlands Flag of the Netherlands.svg
USA-1 Flag of the United States.svg
None awardedUSA Flag of the United States.svg
72009 Wrocław, PolandUSA-Red Flag of the United States.svg Korea-1 Flag of South Korea.svg Russia-Moscow Flag of Russia.svg Russia-Moscow Flag of Russia.svg
82010 Stockholm, SwedenLatvia Flag of Latvia.svg Russia-Moscow Flag of Russia.svg Poland-2 Flag of Poland.svg USA-Blue Flag of the United States.svg
92011 Pittsburgh, USAUSA-Red Flag of the United States.svg Russia-StPetersburg Flag of Russia.svg Russia-Moscow Flag of Russia.svg USA-Red Flag of the United States.svg
102012 Ljubljana, SloveniaUSA-Blue Flag of the United States.svg Netherlands Flag of the Netherlands.svg Poland-2 Flag of Poland.svg Russia-StPetersburg Flag of Russia.svg
112013 Manchester, UKUSA-Red Flag of the United States.svg Russia-StPetersburg Flag of Russia.svg Bulgaria-1 Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Romania Flag of Romania.svg
USA-Red Flag of the United States.svg
122014 Beijing, ChinaUSA-Red Flag of the United States.svg Russia-StPetersburg Flag of Russia.svg Russia-Moscow Flag of Russia.svg USA-Red Flag of the United States.svg
132015 Blagoevgrad, BulgariaUK-West Flag of the United Kingdom.svg USA-Red Flag of the United States.svg Poland-White Flag of Poland.svg
Netherlands Flag of the Netherlands.svg
USA-Red Flag of the United States.svg
142016 Mysore, IndiaSweden Flag of Sweden.svg Australia-1 Flag of Australia (converted).svg UK Flag of the United Kingdom.svg USA-Red Flag of the United States.svg
152017 Dublin, IrelandTaiwan-TaiTWO Flag of the Republic of China.svg Poland-Ą Flag of Poland.svg Slovenia Flag of Slovenia.svg UK-K Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
162018 Prague, Czech RepublicUSA-Blue Flag of the United States.svg USA-Red Flag of the United States.svg
Bulgaria 1 Flag of Bulgaria.svg
Brazil Pões Flag of Brazil.svg
UK-U Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
Czechia Tým křivopřísežníků Flag of the Czech Republic.svg
USA-Blue Flag of the United States.svg
172019 Yongin, Republic of KoreaSlovenia Flag of Slovenia.svg China KUN Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg
Russia Strelka Flag of Russia.svg
Poland Bóbr Flag of Poland.svg
Russia Belka Flag of Russia.svg
Malaysia A Flag of Malaysia.svg
USA Red Flag of the United States.svg
182021 Ventspils, LatviaUkraine і Flag of Ukraine.svg USA Red Flag of the United States.svg India Saffron Flag of India.svg
Canada Moose Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg
Hong Kong EAT Flag of Hong Kong.svg
192022 Castletown, Isle of ManKorea Mal Flag of South Korea.svg Taiwan Blue Magpie Flag of the Republic of China.svg
Japan Samurai Flag of Japan.svg
Japan Ninja Flag of Japan.svg
USA Red Flag of the United States.svg
UK K Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
USA Red Flag of the United States.svg
202023 Bansko, BulgariaUnited Kingdom Flag of the United Kingdom.svg USA Red Flag of the United States.svg
Canada Anglophone Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg
Finland Flag of Finland.svg
Hungary Uborka Flag of Hungary.svg
Poland Ę Flag of Poland.svg
Not awarded
212024 Brasília, BrazilCzechia Flag of the Czech Republic.svg Poland Świerszcze Flag of Poland.svg Taiwan Black Bear Flag of the Republic of China.svg
Japan Samurai Flag of Japan.svg
Slovenia Flag of Slovenia.svg
United Kingdom Flag of the United Kingdom.svg

All-time medal table

Only countries with at least 1 gold medal are listed. The list is accurate up to 2024. [38] The rank is based on the number of gold medals.

RankCountryAppearancesParticipantsGoldSilverBronzeTotalHonorable Mentions
1Flag of the United States.svg  United States 171402439289125
2Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria 211702226418924
3Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 181561731408821
4Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 15921714164718
5Flag of Poland.svg  Poland 201531227236238
6Flag of Japan.svg  Japan 128475122419
7Flag of Romania.svg  Romania 135961012288
8Flag of India.svg  India 159249183116
9 Flag of South Korea.svg Republic of Korea 1612846192925
10Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil 11673691812
11Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine 10523591712
12Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands 21913341020
13no country2832380
14Flag of the Republic of China.svg  Taiwan 1167214102616
15Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czechia 14572971811
16 Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Canada (Anglophone)728256135
17Flag of Hong Kong.svg  Hong Kong 524264121
18Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia 15932361110
19Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China 1184113152923
20Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia 219517182616
21Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia 219215121813
22Flag of Slovenia.svg  Slovenia 167815101612
23Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 1052134814
24Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada(before 2017) [39] 62411469
25Flag of Thailand.svg  Thailand 31211242

Media coverage

See also


  1. 1 2 "International Linguistics Olympiad FAQ". Retrieved November 10, 2019.
  2. "Из истории кафедры и отделения структурной/теоретической и прикладной лингвистики (ОСиПЛ/ОТиПЛ): 1960-2000" . Retrieved March 29, 2024.
  3. Martins, Eduardo C. (June 22, 2022). Olimpíadas de linguística: mosaico de uma prática social baseada em problemas (PhD Thesis thesis) (in Portuguese). Universidade de Brasília.
  4. Original quote: Важным средством обучения основным положениям и методам языкознания могут служить специально составленные задачи. В существующих сборниках в качестве материала для задач в большинстве случаев используются факты родного языка учащихся или наиболее известных европейских языков. Такие задачи, безусловно, полезны, но, к сожалению, они часто страдают тем недостатком, что в них трудно отделить собственно лингвистическое задание (не требующее ничего, кроме понимания основных лингвистических положений) от проверки знания конкретных фактов рассматриваемого языка. Наилучший (хотя отнюдь не единственный) способ избавиться от этого второго элемента задания, не имеющего прямого отношения к общему языкознанию, состоит в том, чтобы составлять задачи на материале языков, незнакомых учащемуся. Разумеется, составлять такие задачи труднее, поскольку все существенные для решения конкретные факты должны быть так или иначе представлены в исходных данных задачи, зато от учащегося в этом случае требуется только представление о свойствах языка вообще. (p. 8) Зализняк, Андрей Анатольевич (2013) [1963]. Лингвистические задачи. Москва: МЦНМО. p. 40. ISBN   978-5-4439-0094-0.
  5. "Милославский, Игорь Григорьевич". Летопись Московского университета.
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  9. "International history". United Kingdom Linguistics Olympiad. June 3, 2011. Archived from the original on January 2, 2014. Retrieved August 9, 2013.
  10. 1 2 3 4 "First International Olympiad in Linguistics (2003)". Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, Moscow State University. Retrieved September 8, 2012.
  11. "History of Linguistic Challenges". NACLO. Retrieved September 8, 2012.
  12. "IOL 2003". International Linguistics Olympiad official website. Archived from the original on June 30, 2013. Retrieved September 8, 2012.
  13. "Second International Linguistic Olympiad (2004)". Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, Moscow State University. Retrieved September 8, 2012.
  14. "Second International Linguistic Olympiad (2004)". Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, Moscow State University. Archived from the original on October 16, 2005. Retrieved August 14, 2023.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link)
  15. "Internet Archive: Third International Linguistics Olympiad". Archived from the original on February 8, 2006. Retrieved August 14, 2023.
  16. "Fourth International Linguistics Olympiad for Secondary School Students". Archived from the original on July 20, 2011. Retrieved September 8, 2012.
  17. 1 2 "The Fifth International Linguistics Olympiad". Archived from the original on October 5, 2011. Retrieved September 8, 2012.
  18. "6th International Linguistics Olympiad". Archived from the original on March 25, 2012. Retrieved September 8, 2012.
  19. "7th International Olympiad in Linguistics" . Retrieved September 8, 2012.
  20. "IOL10" . Retrieved September 8, 2012.
  21. "IOL 2011: Venue". Archived from the original on August 25, 2018. Retrieved September 8, 2012.
  22. "The 10th International Linguistics Olympiad". Archived from the original on June 30, 2013. Retrieved August 7, 2013.
  23. "The International Linguistics Olympiad 2013". July 29, 2012. Archived from the original on August 29, 2017. Retrieved August 7, 2013.
  24. "The International Linguistics Olympiad 2014". Archived from the original on July 31, 2014. Retrieved July 27, 2014.
  25. "The International Linguistics Olympiad 2015" . Retrieved August 17, 2015.
  26. "International Olympiad for Linguists 2016". Archived from the original on January 12, 2016. Retrieved January 6, 2016.
  27. "International Linguistics Olympiad 2018". Retrieved August 5, 2018.
  28. "IOL 2018 Participants". IOL. Retrieved August 8, 2018.
  29. "IOL Yongin 2019". IOL 2019. Retrieved August 8, 2018.
  30. "IOL 2019 Participants". IOL. Retrieved August 6, 2019.
  31. "The Asia Pacific Linguistics Olympiad" . Retrieved August 14, 2023.
  32. 1 2 "Ventspils 2021" . Retrieved April 7, 2020.
  33. "IOL Castletown 2022". IOL 2022. Archived from the original on October 6, 2022. Retrieved August 1, 2022.
  34. "IOL Bansko 2023". IOL 2023. Retrieved August 3, 2023.[ permanent dead link ]
  35. "Brasília 2024". International Linguistics Olympiad. Archived from the original on August 5, 2024. Retrieved August 10, 2024.
  36. "Taipei 2025". International Linguistics Olympiad. Retrieved August 10, 2024.
  37. "Participants". IOL 2016. Archived from the original on July 9, 2016. Retrieved July 9, 2016.
  38. "Results". International Linguistics Olympiad. Retrieved October 7, 2024.
  39. From 2017, Canada sent separate teams based on language: Canada Anglophone and Canada Francophone
  40. "It may be semantics, but linguistics can be a team event". The Age. Australia. July 26, 2012. Retrieved August 7, 2012.