List of tallest buildings in Michigan

Last updated

The Renaissance Center, Detroit. GM HQ.jpg
The Renaissance Center, Detroit.

The following is a list comprising the seventy-eight tallest skyscrapers in the U.S. state of Michigan. Skyscrapers are listed in descending order, from first to seventy-first. This tallest seventy-one includes completed, existing, free-standing skyscrapers. Height does not take into account subterranean floors, antennas, or other non-structural additions. There is also a timeline of the tallest buildings in Michigan and a timeline of the tallest skyscrapers. The Renaissance Center in Detroit, Michigan is the second tallest all-hotel skyscraper in the Western Hemisphere. [1]


Tallest skyscrapers

feet / m
1Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance CenterDetroit197773727 / 222
Renaissance Center, Detroit, Michigan from S 2014-12-07.jpg
[2] Tallest building in Michigan
2Hudson’s Detroit Detroit 202449685 / 208 Hudson Site Tower.jpg
3 One Detroit Center Detroit199343619 / 189 ComericaTowerand1stnationaldetroit.jpg [3]
4 Penobscot Building Detroit192847565 / 172 PenobscotBldgDetroitsunsetting.jpg [4]
5-TRenaissance Center 100Detroit197739522 / 159 [5] [6]
5-TRenaissance Center 200Detroit197739522 / 159 [7] [8]
5-TRenaissance Center 300Detroit197739522 / 159 [9] [10]
5-TRenaissance Center 400Detroit197739522 / 159 [11] [12]
9 Guardian Building Detroit192940496 / 151 Guardianbuilding.jpg [13] [14]
10 Book Tower Detroit192638475 / 145 Booktower.JPG [15] [16]
11 150 West Jefferson Detroit198926455 / 139 150wjeff.jpg [17] [18]
12 Fisher Building Detroit192830444 / 135 Fisher Building Detroit crop.jpg
13-T Cadillac Tower Detroit192740437 / 133 BarlumTowerDetroit.jpg
13-T David Stott Building Detroit192932437 / 133 DavidStottBuilding.jpg
15 One Woodward Avenue Detroit196328430 / 131 OneWoodwardAvenue.JPG
16 River House Condominiums Grand Rapids 200834406 / 124 River House Condominiums.jpg [19]

Tallest building in Michigan outside of Detroit

17 3000 Town Center Southfield 197532402 / 122 Southfield Town Center 3000.jpg [20] Tallest building in Michigan outside of Detroit and Grand Rapids
18 1000 Town Center Southfield198928395 / 120 Southfield Town Center 1000.jpg [20]
19 Patrick V. McNamara Federal Building Detroit197627393 / 120 Patrick V McNamara from People Mover.jpg
20 Detroit Edison Plaza Detroit197125374 / 114 EdisonPlazaJK.jpg
21 2000 Town Center Southfield198628370 / 113 Southfield Town Center 2000.jpg [20]
22 David Broderick Tower Detroit192835369 / 113 BroderickTower15.jpg
23 211 West Fort Street Detroit196327368 / 112 211 Fort Street, detroit.jpg
24 Buhl Building Detroit192529366 / 112 BuhlBuildingDetroitfromWoodward.jpg [21] [22]
25 Westin Book-Cadillac Hotel Detroit192429349 / 106 WestinBookCadillac.jpg [23] [24]
26 Hollywood Casino at Greektown Detroit200930348 / 106 Greektownnew2.jpg [25]
27 Top of Troy Building Troy 197525346 / 106 Topoftroy2007.JPG [26] Tallest building in Troy
28 Plaza Towers Grand Rapids199134345 / 105 Plaza Towers - Grand Rapids.jpg
29 First National Building Detroit193026341 / 104 1stNationalBldgingdetroit.jpg [27] [28]
30-TRenaissance Center 500Detroit197721339 / 103 [29] [30]
30-TRenaissance Center 600Detroit197721339 / 103 [31] [32]
32 1001 Woodward Detroit196523338 / 103 1001Woodward.jpg
33 American Center Southfield197525331 / 101 AmericanCenter2.jpg [20]
34 Renaissance City Apartments Detroit198533331 / 101 Courtyard by Marriott - Downtown Detroit.jpg [ citation needed ]
35 5000 Town Center Southfield198333328 / 100 Southfield Town Center 5000.jpg [20]
36 AT&T Building Addition Detroit197417327 / 100 AT&TbuildingDetroit.jpg
37 Chrysler House Detroit191323324 / 99 DimeBuildingDetroit.jpg [33] [34]
38 Jeffersonian Apartments Detroit196530322 / 99 DetroitJeffersonianapts.jpg
39 AT&T Building Detroit191719319 / 97
40-T Amway Grand Tower Grand Rapids198329318 / 97 Amway Grand Tower 2022.jpg
40-T Blue Cross/Blue Shield Service Center Detroit197122318 / 97 BlueCrossBlueShieldDetroitside.jpg
40-T Coleman A. Young Municipal Center Detroit195420318 / 97 Detroit December 2015 41 (Coleman A. Young Municipal Center).jpg
43 Huntington Bank Tower Detroit 202220311 / 95
New Huntington Tower image.jpg
44 Penobscot Building Annex Detroit191323310 / 94 PenobscotAnnex2010.jpg [35] [36]
45-T 1300 Lafayette East Cooperative Detroit196130305 / 93 1300coopDetroit.jpg [37] [38]
45-T Riverfront Tower 300 Detroit198321305 / 93 RiverfrontTowers123fromwindsor.jpg
45-T Riverfront Tower 200 Detroit198321305 / 93
48 Boji Tower Lansing 193123297 / 90.5 Michigan National Tower Profile.JPG Tallest building in Lansing
49-T Executive Plaza Detroit196722290 / 88 Executive Plaza.jpg
Residence at Water SquareDetroit202425290 / 88
The Residence at the Water Square formerly known as Joe Louis Arena Site.webp
51 Ford Building Detroit190919275 / 84 New Penobscot Building Detroit MI.jpg
52 MotorCity Casino Hotel Detroit200712273 / 83 Motorcitycasinodetroit.jpg [39]
53 David Whitney Building Detroit191619272 / 83 DavidWhitney2015.jpg
54 Bridgewater Place Grand Rapids199318271 / 83 Bridgewater Place, Grand Rapids.jpg
55 4000 Town Center Southfield197920270 / 82 Southfield Town Center 4000.jpg [40]
56-T Tower Plaza Ann Arbor196926267 / 81 Tower plaza close.jpg Tallest building in Ann Arbor
56-TMichigan State CapitolLansing18794267 / 81 Michigan-Capitol-2005.jpg [41]
58-T Fort Street Presbyterian Church Detroit18551265 / 81 FortStreetPresbyterianChurch.jpg [42] Tallest church in Michigan
58-T Detroit City Club Apartments Detroit198128265 / 81 Trolley Plaza apts Detroit.jpg [43]
60 Shore Club Skytower Saint Clair Shores196526260 / 79 Shore Club Apartment Tower Saint Clair Shores Michigan.jpeg [44] Tallest building in Saint Clair Shores
61-T McKay Tower Grand Rapids192716259 / 79 McKay Tower 2019.jpg [45]
61-T Water Board Building Detroit192824259 / 79 Water Board Building, Detroit.jpg [46]
63 Riverfront Tower 100 Detroit199126257 / 78 Riverfront Towers, Detroit, Michigan from Windsor, Ontario (21760914722).jpg [47]
64-T JW Marriott Grand Rapids Grand Rapids200723256 / 78 JW Marriott Grand Rapids.jpg
64-T Travelers Tower I Southfield197118256 / 78 Travelers Tower 1 (Southfield).jpg [48]
66 Washington Boulevard Apartments Detroit192321255 / 78 Can I just say stunning office blocks here. (8602993273).jpg [49]
67 One Towne Square Southfield199221253 / 77 One Towne Square Southfield.jpg [50]
68 Charles Stewart Mott Foundation Building Flint192916250/76 Flint July 2018 23 (Charles Stewart Mott Foundation Building - Union Industrial Bank Building).jpg
69 Henry Ford Hospital Apartments Detroit197621250 / 76 [51]
70 Grand Park Centre Detroit192219250 / 76 GrandparkCentreDetroit.jpg [52]
71 Chrysler Headquarters Auburn Hills199615249 / 76 Chrysler Headquarters Auburn Hills 20060624.jpg [53] Tallest building in Auburn Hills
72-T St. Florian Catholic Church Hamtramck19281247 / 75 St Florian Catholic Church - Hamtramck Michigan.jpg [54] Tallest church in Michigan outside Detroit
72-T Wayne County Building Detroit190213247 / 75 Detroit December 2019 02 (Wayne County Building).jpg [55]
74 Fort Ponchartrain - A Wyndham Hotel Detroit196525245 / 75 RiversideHotel.JPG [56]
75-T DoubleTree Suites - Fort Shelby Detroit191722242 / 74 FortShelbyDoubletreeDetroitCondotower.jpg [57]
75-T Henry Ford Hospital Detroit196517242 / 74 HenryFordHospitaldetroit.jpg [58]
77 Louis Kamper Building Detroit192622240 / 73 IndustrialStevenapartmentDetroit.jpg [59]
78 The Milton Battle Creek19311972.5 / 238 Old Merchants Bank And Trust Battle Creek.jpg [60] Tallest building in Battle Creek
79- T Hudson Site Podium Detroit202314232 / 71
Hudson Site Podium.webp
79-T One Campus Martius Detroit20031671 / 232 Compuware HQ on Cadillac square.jpg [61]
79-T Michigan Central Station Detroit19131871 / 232 A445, Michigan Central Station, Detroit, Michigan, United States, 2016.jpg [62]
79-T Battle Creek Tower Battle Creek19312171 / 232 Battle Creek Tower, 2021.jpg [63]

Timeline of tallest buildings

Fountain Street Baptist Church, Grand Rapids, MI 1908 Fountain Street Baptist Church.jpg
Fountain Street Baptist Church, Grand Rapids, MI 1908
Fort Street Presbyterian Church. FortStreetPresbyterianChurch.jpg
Fort Street Presbyterian Church.

The following is a list of the tallest buildings in the U.S. state of Michigan on a year-to-year basis. The chart below shows the building, years as tallest, and its height.

NameAddressYears as tallestHeight
feet / m
First Michigan State Capitol Capitol Park, Detroit, MI 18281866140 / 432 [64]
Most Holy Trinity Church 1050 Porter Street, Detroit, MI18661871170 / 521 [65]
Former Detroit City Hall Campus Martius Park, Detroit, MI18711877200 / 614 [66]
Fountain Street Baptist Church 24 Fountain St NE, Grand Rapids, MI 1877217 / 661 [67] [68]
Fort Street Presbyterian Church 631 West Fort Street, Detroit, MI18771909265 / 811 [69] [70]
Ford Building 615 Griswold Street, Detroit, MI19091913275 / 8419 [71]
Penobscot Building Annex 144 West Congress Street, Detroit, MI1913310 / 9523 [36]
Chrysler House 719 Griswold Street, Detroit, MI19131924324 / 9923 [34]
Book-Cadillac Hotel 220 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, MI19241925349 / 10629 [24]
Buhl Building 535 Griswold Street, Detroit, MI19251926366 / 11229 [22]
Book Tower 1265 Washington Boulevard, Detroit, MI19261928475 / 14538 [16]
Penobscot Building 633 Griswold Street, Detroit, MI19281977565 / 17247 [4]
Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center 1 Renaissance Center Drive, Detroit, MI1977present727 / 22273 [a] [2]

Timeline of tallest skyscrapers

The Chrysler House in the Detroit Financial District. DimeBuildingDetroit.jpg
The Chrysler House in the Detroit Financial District.

The following is a list of the tallest skyscrapers in the U.S. state of Michigan on a year-to-year basis. The chart below shows the skyscraper, its height, when it was completed, how long it was the tallest, and what skyscraper surpassed it. The Frank & Seder (1881) is considered Detroit's oldest existing iron-framed tall building. The Hammond Building (1889) is considered Detroit's first steel-framed skyscraper, though it is now demolished. Detroit's oldest existing steel-framed skyscraper is the 12-story United Way Community Services Building (1895) at 1212 Griswold, originally known as the Chamber of Commerce Building.

feet / m
YearPeriodSurpassed by
Frank & Seder Building Detroit 135 / 4118818 yearsHammond Building [72]
Hammond Building Detroit150 / 4618896 yearsUnited Way Community Services Building
United Way Community Services Building Detroit160 / 4918951 yearMajestic Building
Majestic Building Detroit223 / 68189613 yearsFord Building
Ford Building Detroit275 / 8419094 yearsPenobscot Annex
Penobscot Annex Detroit310 / 941913<1 yearChrysler House
Chrysler House Detroit324 / 99191312 yearsBook-Cadillac Hotel [24]
Book-Cadillac Hotel Detroit349 / 1061925<1 yearBuhl Building
Buhl Building Detroit366 / 11219251 yearBook Tower
Book Tower Detroit475 / 14519262 yearsPenobscot Building
Penobscot Building Detroit565 / 172192849 yearsRenaissance Center
Renaissance Center Detroit727 / 2221977currentlyincumbent

See also


  1. General Motors, the owner of the Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center, maintains that the building has 73 floors.'"`UNIQ--ref-00000091-QINU`"' Hines Interests, the property management firm for the building, gives a floor count of 74,'"`UNIQ--ref-00000092-QINU`"' while architect Skidmore, Owings and Merrill gives a floor count of 75.'"`UNIQ--ref-00000093-QINU`"' Emporis and other building database sites usually give the floor count as 70,'"`UNIQ--ref-00000094-QINU`"' while other sources state 73 stories.'"`UNIQ--ref-00000095-QINU`"' This table uses the floor count of 73 as stated officially by the building's owner.


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  68. Baxter, Albert (1891). History of the City of Grand Rapids, Michigan. Munsell. p.  282. It was consequently, not until April 1877, that they could assemble for worship in the magnificent audience room.
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