Eighth power

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In arithmetic and algebra the eighth power of a number n is the result of multiplying eight instances of n together. So:


n8 = n × n × n × n × n × n × n × n.

Eighth powers are also formed by multiplying a number by its seventh power, or the fourth power of a number by itself.

The sequence of eighth powers of integers is:

0, 1, 256, 6561, 65536, 390625, 1679616, 5764801, 16777216, 43046721, 100000000, 214358881, 429981696, 815730721, 1475789056, 2562890625, 4294967296, 6975757441, 11019960576, 16983563041, 25600000000, 37822859361, 54875873536, 78310985281, 110075314176, 152587890625 ... (sequence A001016 in the OEIS )

In the archaic notation of Robert Recorde, the eighth power of a number was called the "zenzizenzizenzic". [1]

Algebra and number theory

Polynomial equations of degree 8 are octic equations. These have the form

The smallest known eighth power that can be written as a sum of eight eighth powers is [2]

The sum of the reciprocals of the nonzero eighth powers is the Riemann zeta function evaluated at 8, which can be expressed in terms of the eighth power of pi:

( OEIS:  A013666 )

This is an example of a more general expression for evaluating the Riemann zeta function at positive even integers, in terms of the Bernoulli numbers:


In aeroacoustics, Lighthill's eighth power law states that the power of the sound created by a turbulent motion, far from the turbulence, is proportional to the eighth power of the characteristic turbulent velocity. [3] [4]

The ordered phase of the two-dimensional Ising model exhibits an inverse eighth power dependence of the order parameter upon the reduced temperature. [5]

The Casimir–Polder force between two molecules decays as the inverse eighth power of the distance between them. [6] [7]

See also

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  2. Quoted in Meyrignac, Jean-Charles (2001-02-14). "Computing Minimal Equal Sums Of Like Powers: Best Known Solutions" . Retrieved 2019-12-18.
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