Polygonal number

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In mathematics, a polygonal number is a number that counts dots arranged in the shape of a regular polygon. These are one type of 2-dimensional figurate numbers.


Definition and examples

The number 10 for example, can be arranged as a triangle (see triangular number):

GrayDotX.svg GrayDotX.svg
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But 10 cannot be arranged as a square. The number 9, on the other hand, can be (see square number):

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Some numbers, like 36, can be arranged both as a square and as a triangle (see square triangular number):

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By convention, 1 is the first polygonal number for any number of sides. The rule for enlarging the polygon to the next size is to extend two adjacent arms by one point and to then add the required extra sides between those points. In the following diagrams, each extra layer is shown as in red.

Triangular numbers

Polygonal Number 3.gif

Square numbers

Polygonal Number 4.gif

Polygons with higher numbers of sides, such as pentagons and hexagons, can also be constructed according to this rule, although the dots will no longer form a perfectly regular lattice like above.

Pentagonal numbers

Polygonal Number 5.gif

Hexagonal numbers

Polygonal Number 6.gif


An s-gonal number can be decomposed into s-2 triangular numbers and a natural number. Pentagonal number visual proof.svg
An s-gonal number can be decomposed into s2 triangular numbers and a natural number.

If s is the number of sides in a polygon, the formula for the nth s-gonal number P(s,n) is


The nth s-gonal number is also related to the triangular numbers Tn as follows: [1]


For a given s-gonal number P(s,n) = x, one can find n by

and one can find s by


Every hexagonal number is also a triangular number

Hexagonal number visual proof.svg
Proof without words that hexagonal numbers are odd-sided triangular numbers

Applying the formula above:

to the case of 6 sides gives:

but since:

it follows that:

This shows that the nth hexagonal number P(6,n) is also the (2n − 1)th triangular number T2n−1. We can find every hexagonal number by simply taking the odd-numbered triangular numbers: [1]

1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45, 55, 66, ...

Table of values

The first 6 values in the column "sum of reciprocals", for triangular to octagonal numbers, come from a published solution to the general problem, which also gives a general formula for any number of sides, in terms of the digamma function. [2]

sNameFormulanSum of reciprocals [2] [3] OEIS number
2 Natural (line segment)1/2(0n2 + 2n) = n12345678910∞ (diverges) A000027
3 Triangular 1/2(n2 + n)136101521283645552 [2] A000217
4 Square 1/2(2n2 − 0n)
= n2
149162536496481100π2/6 [2] A000290
5 Pentagonal 1/2(3n2n)151222355170921171453 ln 3 − π3/3 [2] A000326
6 Hexagonal 1/2(4n2 − 2n)
= 2n2 - n
1615284566911201531902 ln 2 [2] A000384
7 Heptagonal 1/2(5n2 − 3n)1718345581112148189235 [2] A000566
8 Octagonal 1/2(6n2 − 4n)
= 3n2 - 2n
18214065961331762252803/4 ln 3 + π3/12 [2] A000567
9 Nonagonal 1/2(7n2 − 5n)19244675111154204261325 A001106
10 Decagonal 1/2(8n2 − 6n)
= 4n2 - 3n
110275285126175232297370ln 2 + π/6 A001107
11 Hendecagonal1/2(9n2 − 7n)111305895141196260333415 A051682
12 Dodecagonal 1/2(10n2 − 8n)1123364105156217288369460 A051624
13 Tridecagonal1/2(11n2 − 9n)1133670115171238316405505 A051865
14 Tetradecagonal1/2(12n2 − 10n)11439761251862593444415502/5 ln 2 + 3/10 ln 3 + π3/10 A051866
15 Pentadecagonal1/2(13n2 − 11n)1154282135201280372477595 A051867
16 Hexadecagonal1/2(14n2 − 12n)1164588145216301400513640 A051868
17 Heptadecagonal1/2(15n2 − 13n)1174894155231322428549685 A051869
18 Octadecagonal1/2(16n2 − 14n)118511001652463434565857304/7 ln 2 − 2/14 ln (3 − 22)+ π(1 + 2)/14 A051870
19 Enneadecagonal1/2(17n2 − 15n)11954106175261364484621775 A051871
20 Icosagonal1/2(18n2 − 16n)12057112185276385512657820 A051872
21 Icosihenagonal1/2(19n2 − 17n)12160118195291406540693865 A051873
22 Icosidigonal1/2(20n2 − 18n)12263124205306427568729910 A051874
23 Icositrigonal1/2(21n2 − 19n)12366130215321448596765955 A051875
24 Icositetragonal1/2(22n2 − 20n)124691362253364696248011000 A051876
10000 Myriagonal1/2(9998n2 − 9996n)110000299975999299985149976209965279952359937449920 A167149

The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences eschews terms using Greek prefixes (e.g., "octagonal") in favor of terms using numerals (i.e., "8-gonal").

A property of this table can be expressed by the following identity (see A086270):



Some numbers, such as 36 which is both square and triangular, fall into two polygonal sets. The problem of determining, given two such sets, all numbers that belong to both can be solved by reducing the problem to Pell's equation. The simplest example of this is the sequence of square triangular numbers.

The following table summarizes the set of s-gonal t-gonal numbers for small values of s and t.

stSequence OEIS number
431, 36, 1225, 41616, 1413721, 48024900, 1631432881, 55420693056, 1882672131025, 63955431761796, 2172602007770041, 73804512832419600, 2507180834294496361, 85170343853180456676, 2893284510173841030625, 98286503002057414584576, 3338847817559778254844961, ... A001110
531, 210, 40755, 7906276, 1533776805, 297544793910, 57722156241751, 11197800766105800, 2172315626468283465, … A014979
541, 9801, 94109401, 903638458801, 8676736387298001, 83314021887196947001, 799981229484128697805801, ... A036353
63All hexagonal numbers are also triangular. A000384
641, 1225, 1413721, 1631432881, 1882672131025, 2172602007770041, 2507180834294496361, 2893284510173841030625, 3338847817559778254844961, 3853027488179473932250054441, ... A046177
651, 40755, 1533776805, … A046180
731, 55, 121771, 5720653, 12625478965, 593128762435, 1309034909945503, 61496776341083161, 135723357520344181225, 6376108764003055554511, 14072069153115290487843091, … A046194
741, 81, 5929, 2307361, 168662169, 12328771225, 4797839017609, 350709705290025, 25635978392186449, 9976444135331412025, … A036354
751, 4347, 16701685, 64167869935, … A048900
761, 121771, 12625478965, … A048903
831, 21, 11781, 203841, … A046183
841, 225, 43681, 8473921, 1643897025, 318907548961, 61866420601441, 12001766689130625, 2328280871270739841, 451674487259834398561, 87622522247536602581025, 16998317641534841066320321, … A036428
851, 176, 1575425, 234631320, … A046189
861, 11781, 113123361, … A046192
871, 297045, 69010153345, … A048906
931, 325, 82621, 20985481, … A048909
941, 9, 1089, 8281, 978121, 7436529, 878351769, 6677994961, 788758910641, 5996832038649, 708304623404049, 5385148492712041, 636056763057925561, ... A036411
951, 651, 180868051, … A048915
961, 325, 5330229625, … A048918
971, 26884, 542041975, … A048921
981, 631125, 286703855361, … A048924

In some cases, such as s = 10 and t = 4, there are no numbers in both sets other than 1.

The problem of finding numbers that belong to three polygonal sets is more difficult. A computer search for pentagonal square triangular numbers has yielded only the trivial value of 1, though a proof that there are no other such numbers has yet to be found. [4]

The number 1225 is hecatonicositetragonal (s = 124), hexacontagonal (s = 60), icosienneagonal (s = 29), hexagonal, square, and triangular.

See also


  1. 1 2 Conway, John H.; Guy, Richard (2012-12-06). The Book of Numbers. Springer Science & Business Media. pp. 38–41. ISBN   978-1-4612-4072-3.
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 "Sums of Reciprocals of Polygonal Numbers and a Theorem of Gauss" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2011-06-15. Retrieved 2010-06-13.
  3. "Beyond the Basel Problem: Sums of Reciprocals of Figurate Numbers" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2013-05-29. Retrieved 2010-05-13.
  4. Weisstein, Eric W. "Pentagonal Square Triangular Number". MathWorld .

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