Sign-language media

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Sign-language media are media based on a media system for sign languages. Interfaces in sign-language media are built on the complex grammar structure of sign languages. Generally media are built for oral languages or written languages, and are often not compatible with sign languages.


Sign-language media have specific characteristics:


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The machine translation of sign languages has been possible, albeit in a limited fashion, since 1977. When a research project successfully matched English letters from a keyboard to ASL manual alphabet letters which were simulated on a robotic hand. These technologies translate signed languages into written or spoken language, and written or spoken language to sign language, without the use of a human interpreter. Sign languages possess different phonological features than spoken languages, which has created obstacles for developers. Developers use computer vision and machine learning to recognize specific phonological parameters and epentheses unique to sign languages, and speech recognition and natural language processing allow interactive communication between hearing and deaf people.

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  1. "LibGuides: Deaf Films: Oldest Deaf Films".
  2. Michael Kipp, Alexis Heloir, Quan Nguyen. Sign language avatars: Animation and comprehensibility. Volume 6895 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science pp 113-126. Link to article by Kipp, Heloir, and Nguyen.
  3. Sarah Ebling. 2013. Evaluating a Swiss German Sign Language Avatar among the Deaf Community. Link to access
  4. Link to Spanish Sign Language videos done by software
  5. "Online Video Library | JW.ORG Videos American Sign Language | American Sign Language (ASL)". Retrieved 2024-12-29.
  6. "Deluxe Launches First Brazilian Sign Language (LIBRAS) Localization Service Outside Brazil". Cision PR Newswire. Deluxe Entertainment Services Group Inc. through Cision PR Newswire. 18 Sep 2017. Retrieved 14 Nov 2023.
  7. "Accessibility & The Audio Track File". Cinepedia. September 2017. Retrieved 14 November 2023.