Appointee | Position | Term ↑ | President |
Name | Party | Name | Party |
Joseph Habersham | Federalist | Postmaster General | 1801‡ | Thomas Jefferson | Democratic-Republican |
Rufus King | Federalist | Minister to Britain | 1801–1803‡ |
James Bayard | Federalist | Treaty of Ghent peace commissioner | 1814 | James Madison | Democratic-Republican |
Richard Rush | Federalist | Comptroller of the Treasury | 1811–1814 |
Attorney General | 1814–1817 |
Lewis Cass | Democratic | Ambassador to France | 1841–1842‡ | William Henry Harrison | Whig |
Joseph Holt | Republican | Commissioner of Patents | 1857–1859 | James Buchanan | Democratic |
Postmaster General | 1859–1860 |
Secretary of War | 1861 |
Andrew Johnson [a] | Democratic | Military Governor of Tennessee | 1862–1865 | Abraham Lincoln | Republican |
George B. McClellan | Democratic | Commanding General of the United States Army | 1861–1862 |
Henry Connelly | Democratic | Governor of the Territory of New Mexico | 1861–1865 |
George Foster Shepley | Democratic | Military Governor of Louisiana | 1862–1864 |
John S. Phelps | Democratic | Military Governor of Arkansas | 1862 |
Edwin M. Stanton | Democratic | Secretary of War | 1862–1865 |
Daniel Sickles | Democratic | Special Minister to the South American Republics | 1865 |
James Harlan | Republican | Secretary of the Interior | 1865–1866 | Andrew Johnson | Democratic/National Unionist |
Henry Stanbery | Republican | Attorney General | 1866–1868 |
Alexander W. Randall | Republican | Postmaster General | 1866–1869 |
Orville H. Browning | Republican | Secretary of the Interior | 1866–1869 |
John M. Schofield | Republican | Secretary of War | 1868–1869 |
William M. Evarts | Republican | Attorney General | 1868–1869 |
Daniel Sickles | Democratic | Minister to Spain | 1869–1873 | Ulysses S. Grant | Republican |
George Bancroft | Democratic | Minister to Germany | 1869–1874‡ |
James Lawrence Orr | Democratic | Minister to Russia | 1872–1873 |
Caleb Cushing | Democratic | Minister to Spain | 1874–1877 |
David M. Key | Democratic | Postmaster General | 1877–1880 | Rutherford B. Hayes | Republican |
Allen G. Thurman | Democratic | Paris international monetary conference | 1881 | James A. Garfield | Republican |
William Rosecrans | Democratic | Register of the Treasury | 1889–1893‡ | Benjamin Harrison | Republican |
Walter Q. Gresham | Republican | Secretary of State [1] | 1893–1895‡ | Grover Cleveland | Democratic |
Theodore Roosevelt | Republican | Civil Service Commissioner | 1893–1895‡ |
Edward S. Bragg | Democratic | Consul General in Havana | 1902 | Theodore Roosevelt | Republican |
Consul General in Hong Kong | 1903–1906 |
Luke E. Wright | Democratic | Secretary of War [1] | 1908–1909 |
Francis Cockrell | Democratic | Interstate Commerce Commissioner | 1905–1910 |
Jacob M. Dickinson | Democratic | Secretary of War [1] | 1909–1911 | William Howard Taft | Republican |
Elihu Root | Republican | Ambassador extraordinary, mission to Russia | 1917 |
Edmund Platt | Republican | Vice Chair of the Federal Reserve | 1920–1921 |
Daniel Richard Crissinger | Democratic | Chairman of the Federal Reserve | 1923 | Warren Harding | Republican |
Theodore Roosevelt Jr. | Republican | Governor-General of the Philippines | 1933‡ | Franklin Roosevelt | Democratic |
Hugh R. Wilson [3] | Republican [4] | Ambassador to Switzerland | 1933–1937‡ |
Assistant Secretary of State | 1937–1938 |
Ambassador to Germany | 1938 |
William M. Jardine | Republican | Ambassador to Egypt | 1933‡ |
William H. Woodin | Republican | Secretary of the Treasury | 1933 |
Marriner S. Eccles | Republican [5] | Chairman of the Federal Reserve | 1933–1948 |
Henry Stimson | Republican | Secretary of War | 1940–1945 |
Robert P. Patterson | Republican | Under Secretary of War | 1940–1945 |
Frank Knox | Republican | Secretary of the Navy | 1940–1944 |
Nelson Rockefeller | Republican | Coordinator of the Office of Inter-American Affairs | 1940–1944 |
Assistant Secretary of State for American Republic Affairs | 1944–1945 |
Fiorello La Guardia | Republican | Office of Civilian Defense | 1941 |
William Donovan | Republican | Head of the Office of the Coordinator of Information | 1941–1942 |
Head of the Office of Strategic Services | 1942–1945 |
Patrick J. Hurley | Republican | Minister to New Zealand | 1942 |
Ambassador to China | 1945 |
John Gilbert Winant | Republican | Ambassador to Britain | 1941–1946 |
U.S. Representative to UNESCO | 1946 | Harry S. Truman | Democratic |
Robert P. Patterson | Republican | Secretary of War | 1945–1947 |
Lewis Strauss | Republican | Member of the Atomic Energy Commission | 1946–1950 |
Herbert Hoover [b] | Republican | Chairman of the Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government (Hoover Commission) | 1947 |
Warren Austin | Republican | Ambassador to the United Nations | 1947–1953 |
Thomas B. McCabe | Republican | Chairman of the Federal Reserve | 1948–1951 |
John Sherman Cooper | Republican | U.S. Delegate to the United Nations General Assembly | 1949–1952 |
Robert A. Lovett | Republican | Secretary of Defense | 1951–1953 |
Martin Patrick Durkin | Democratic | Secretary of Labor | 1953 | Dwight Eisenhower | Republican |
Walter F. George | Democratic | Special Ambassador to NATO | 1957 |
William McChesney Martin | Democratic | Chairman of the Federal Reserve | 1955–1961‡ |
Robert Bernard Anderson | Democratic | Secretary of Navy | 1953–1954 |
Deputy Secretary of Defense | 1954–1957 |
Secretary of the Treasury | 1957–1961 |
Robert McNamara | Republican [6] | Secretary of Defense | 1961–1968 | John F. Kennedy | Democratic |
C. Douglas Dillon | Republican | Secretary of the Treasury | 1961–1965 |
John McCone | Republican | Director of Central Intelligence | 1961–1965 |
McGeorge Bundy | Republican [7] [8] | National Security Advisor | 1961–1966 |
Christian Herter | Republican | U.S. Trade Representative | 1962–1966 |
Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. | Republican | Ambassador to South Vietnam | 1963–1964 |
1965–1967 | Lyndon B. Johnson | Democratic |
Ambassador-at-large | 1967–1968 |
Ambassador to West Germany | 1968–1969 |
John W. Gardner | Republican | Secretary of Health and Human Services | 1965–1968 |
Jack Vaughn | Republican | Director of the Peace Corps | 1966–1969 |
Edward Brooke | Republican | Member of the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders (Kerner Commission) | 1967 |
John Lindsay | Republican | Vice Chairman of the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders (Kerner Commission) | 1967 |
William McCulloch | Republican | Member of the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders (Kerner Commission) | 1967 |
Erwin Griswold | Republican | Solicitor General | 1967–1969 |
William H. Brown III | Republican | Equal Employment Opportunity Commissioner | 1968–1969 |
Sargent Shriver | Democratic | Ambassador to France | 1969–1970‡ | Richard Nixon | Republican |
Elizabeth Hanford | Democratic [c] | Deputy Assistant to president for Consumer Affairs | 1969–1973 |
Federal Trade Commissioner | 1973–1977 |
Paul Volcker | Democratic | Under Secretary of the Treasury for International Monetary Affairs | 1969–1974 |
John Connally | Democratic [c] | Secretary of the Treasury | 1971–1972 |
George W. Mitchell | Democratic | Vice Chair of the Federal Reserve | 1973–1974 |
Armistead I. Selden Jr. | Democratic | Ambassador to Fiji | 1974–1977 |
Daniel Patrick Moynihan | Democratic | Assistant for Urban Affairs | 1969–1970 |
Ambassador to India | 1973–1975 |
Gerald Ford | Republican |
Ambassador to the United Nations | 1975–1976 |
Armistead I. Selden Jr. | Democratic | Ambassador to New Zealand and Samoa | 1974–1977 |
Togo D. West Jr. | Democratic | Associate Deputy Attorney General | 1975–1976 |
Robert Casey | Democratic | Federal Maritime Commissioner | 1976–1977 |
James Schlesinger | Republican | Secretary of Energy | 1977–1979 | Jimmy Carter | Democratic |
Lawrence Eagleburger | Republican | Ambassador to Yugoslavia | 1977–1981 |
Kingman Brewster Jr. | Republican | Ambassador to the United Kingdom | 1977–1981 |
William H. Webster | Republican | Director of the FBI | 1978–1981 |
Frank Carlucci | Republican | Deputy Director of the CIA | 1978–1981 |
Mike Mansfield | Democratic | Ambassador to Japan | 1981–1988‡ | Ronald Reagan | Republican |
Paul Volcker | Democratic | Chairman of the Federal Reserve | 1983–1987‡ |
Jeane Kirkpatrick | Democratic [c] | Ambassador to the United Nations | 1981–1985 |
William Bennett | Democratic [c] | Chair of the National Endowment for the Humanities | 1981–1985 |
Secretary of Education | 1985–1988 |
R. James Woolsey Jr. | Democratic | Delegate at Large to the U.S.-Soviet Strategic Arms Reduction Talks | 1983–1986 |
Delegate to the Nuclear and Space Arms Talks [9] | 1986–1987 |
Paul Nitze | Democratic | Chief Negotiator of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty | 1981–1984 |
Eric J. Fygi | Democratic | Deputy General Counsel of the Department of Energy | 1981–1989‡ |
Max Kampelman | Democratic | Ambassador to the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe | 1981–1983‡ |
Delegation to the Negotiations with the Soviet Union on Nuclear and Space Arms in Geneva | 1985–1989 |
Counselor to the Department of State | 1987–1989 |
Richard Stone | Democratic | Ambassadors-at-large and Special Envoy to Central America | 1983–1984 |
Preston Robert Tisch | Democratic | Postmaster General | 1986–1988 |
John P. LaWare | Democratic | Federal Reserve Board of Governors | 1988–1989 |
Lauro Cavazos | Democratic | Secretary of Education | 1988–1990 |
George H. W. Bush | Republican |
Dennis B. Ross | Democratic | Director of the State Department's Policy Planning Staff | 1989–1992 |
Eric J. Fygi | Democratic | Deputy General Counsel of the Department of Energy | 1989–1993‡ |
Griffin Bell | Democratic | Commission on Federal Ethics Law Reform | 1989 |
William Hathaway | Democratic | Federal Maritime Commissioner | 1990–1993 |
Robert Strauss | Democratic | Ambassador to Soviet Union/Russia | 1991–1992 |
Diane Ravitch | Democratic | Assistant Secretary of Education | 1991–1993 |
Richard Stone | Democratic | Ambassador to Denmark | 1992–1993 |
Michael Chertoff | Republican | Attorney for the District of New Jersey | 1993–1994‡ | Bill Clinton | Democratic |
William S. Sessions | Republican | Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation | 1993‡ |
David Gergen | Republican | Counselor to the President | 1993–1993 |
Sheila Bair | Republican | Chair of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission Acting | 1993 |
Roger W. Johnson | Republican | GSA Administrator | 1993–1996 |
Louis Freeh | Republican | Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation | 1993–2001 |
John Negroponte | Republican | Ambassador to the Philippines | 1993–1996 |
William J. Crowe | Republican | Chair of the President's Intelligence Advisory Board | 1993–1994 |
Ambassador to the United Kingdom | 1994–1997 |
Julie Belaga | Republican | Board of Directors of the Export Import Bank | 1994–1999 |
Marc L. Marks | Republican | Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commissioner | 1994–2000 |
John Hamre | Republican | Comptroller of the Department of Defense | 1994–1997 |
Deputy Secretary of Defense | 1997–2000 |
Alan Greenspan | Republican | Chairman of the Federal Reserve | 1995–2001‡ |
William Cohen | Republican [10] | Secretary of Defense | 1997–2001 |
Robert Mueller | Republican | Attorney for the Northern District of California | 1998–2001 |
David M. Walker | Republican | Comptroller General of the United States | 1998–2001 |
John DiIulio | Democratic [11] | Director of the Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives | 2001 | George W. Bush | Republican |
George McGovern | Democratic | Ambassador to the United Nations Agencies for Food and Agriculture | 2001‡ [12] |
Richard Swett | Democratic | Ambassador to Denmark | 2001‡ |
John Marburger | Democratic | Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy | 2001–2009 |
Tom Schieffer | Democratic | Ambassador to Australia | 2001–2005 |
Ambassador to Japan | 2005–2009 |
Eric J. Fygi | Democratic | Deputy General Counsel of the Department of Energy | 2001–2009‡ |
Norman Mineta | Democratic | Secretary of Transportation | 2001–2006 |
Richard Carmona | Democratic | Surgeon General | 2002–2006 |
Tony P. Hall | Democratic | Ambassador to the United Nations Agencies for Food and Agriculture | 2002–2006 |
Paul McHale | Democratic | Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense | 2003–2009 |
Gracia Hillman | Democratic | Election Assistance Commissioner | 2003–2009 |
Pam Iovino | Democratic | Assistant VA Secretary for Congressional and Legislative Affairs | 2004–2005 |
Joseph E. Brennan | Democratic | Federal Maritime Commissioner | 2004–2009‡ |
Christine Griffin | Democratic | Equal Employment Opportunity Commissioner | 2005–2009 |
R. David Paulison | Democratic | Federal Emergency Management Agency | 2005–2009 |
Pete Geren | Democratic | Acting Secretary of the Air Force | 2005 |
Secretary of the Army | 2006–2009 |
Zell Miller | Democratic | American Battle Monuments Commission member [13] | 2005–2009 [13] |
Lanny Davis | Democratic | Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board | 2006–2007 |
Diane Farrell | Democratic | Board of Directors of the Export Import Bank | 2007–2009 |
Lois Lerner | Democratic | Director Exempt Organizations | 2006–2009 |
Neel Kashkari | Republican | Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Financial Stability | 2009‡ | Barack Obama | Democratic |
Michael B. Donley | Republican | Secretary of the Air Force | 2009–2013‡ |
Robert Mueller | Republican | Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation | 2009–2013‡ |
Ray LaHood | Republican | Secretary of Transportation | 2009–2013 |
Robert Gates | Republican | Secretary of Defense | 2009–2011‡ |
Jon Huntsman Jr. | Republican | Ambassador to China | 2009–2011 |
Dan Rooney | Republican | Ambassador to Ireland | 2009–2012 |
Douglas Kmiec | Republican | Ambassador to Malta | 2009–2011 |
John M. McHugh | Republican | Secretary of the Army | 2009–2015 |
Jim Leach | Republican | Chair of the National Endowment for the Humanities | 2009–2013 |
Chuck Hagel | Republican | Co-chair of President's Intelligence Advisory Board | 2009–2013 |
Secretary of Defense | 2013–2015 |
Larry Pressler | Republican | U.S. Commission for the Preservation of America's Heritage Abroad | 2009–2014 |
Ben Bernanke | Republican | Chairman of the Federal Reserve | 2009–2014‡ |
Connie Morella | Republican | American Battle Monuments Commission member | 2010–2017 |
Jeff Immelt | Republican | Chairperson of the President's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness | 2011–2013 |
Jerome Powell | Republican | Federal Reserve Board of Governors | 2012–2017 |
James Comey | Republican | Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation | 2013–2017 |
Sloan D. Gibson | Republican | United States Deputy Secretary of Veterans Affairs | 2014–2017 |
Robert A. McDonald | Republican | Secretary of Veterans Affairs | 2014–2017 |
Michael Flynn | Democratic [c] [14] | National Security Advisor | 2017 | Donald Trump | Republican |
Gary Cohn | Democratic | Director of the National Economic Council | 2017–2018 |
Ivanka Trump | Democratic [c] [15] | Advisor to the President | 2017–2021 |
Peter Navarro | Democratic [c] | Director of the National Trade Council | 2017 |
Director of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy | 2017–2021 |
Robert O. Work | Democratic | Deputy Secretary of Defense | 2017‡ |
Eric J. Fygi | Democratic | Deputy General Counsel of the Department of Energy | 2017–2021‡ |
Dan Maffei | Democratic | Federal Maritime Commissioner | 2019–2021‡ |
Christopher A. Wray | Republican | Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation | 2021–2025‡ | Joe Biden | Democratic |
Zalmay Khalilzad | Republican | U.S. Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation | 2021‡ |
John J. Sullivan | Republican | Ambassador to Russia | 2021–2022‡ |
Jeff Flake | Republican | Ambassador to Turkey | 2021–2024 |
Cindy McCain | Republican | Ambassador to the United Nations Agencies for Food and Agriculture | 2021–2023 |
Jerome Powell | Republican | Chairman of the Federal Reserve | 2022–present‡ |
Meg Whitman | Republican | Ambassador to Kenya | 2022–2024 |
Michael B. Donley | Republican | Director of Administration and Management | 2021–2023 |
Amer Ghalib | Democratic | Ambassador to Kuwait | 2025–present | Donald Trump | Republican |