School | Location [note 1] | Control [1] | Type [1] | Enrollment [15]
| Founded | Accreditation [15] |
American International College | Springfield | Private not-for-profit | Master's university | 2,010 [16] | 1885 [16] | AOTA, APTA, CCNE, NECHE [16] |
Amherst College | Amherst | Private not-for-profit | Baccalaureate college | 1,898 [17] | 1821 [17] | NECHE [17] |
Anna Maria College | Paxton | Private not-for-profit | Master's university | 1,436 [18] | 1946 [18] | NECHE, NLNAC [18] |
Assumption University | Worcester | Private not-for-profit | Master's university | 2,059 [19] | 1904 [19] | NECHE, CCNE [19] |
Babson College | Wellesley | Private not-for-profit | Special-focus institution | 3,989 [20] | 1919 [20] | NECHE [20] |
Bard College at Simon's Rock | Great Barrington | Private not-for-profit | Baccalaureate/associate's college | 298 [21] | 1964 [21] | NECHE [21] |
Bay Path University | Longmeadow | Private not-for-profit | Master's university | 2,465 [22] | 1897 [22] | AOTA, CCNE, NECHE [22] |
Benjamin Franklin Institute of Technology | Boston | Private not-for-profit | Baccalaureate/associate's college | 513 [23] | 1908 [23] | NECHE [23] |
Bentley University | Waltham | Private not-for-profit | Master's university | 5,165 [24] | 1917 [24] | NECHE [24] |
Berklee College of Music | Boston | Private not-for-profit | Master's university | 8,282 [25] | 1945 [25] | NECHE [25] |
Berkshire Community College | Pittsfield | Public | Associate's college | 1,367 [26] | 1960 [26] | APTA, ACEN, NECHE [26] |
Boston Architectural College | Boston | Private not-for-profit | Special-focus institution | 747 [27] | 1889 [27] | NECHE [27] |
Boston Baptist College | Milton | Private not-for-profit | Special-focus institution | 43 [28] | 1976 [28] | NECHE [28] |
Boston College | Chestnut Hill | Private not-for-profit | Research university | 15,287 [29] | 1863 [29] | AANA, ABA, APA, ATS, CNE, NECHE [29] |
Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis | Brookline | Private not-for-profit | Special-focus institution | 155 [30] | 1973 [30] | NECHE [30] |
Boston University | Boston | Private not-for-profit | Research university | 36,714 [7] | 1839 [7] [31] | ABA, ADA, ACEND, AOTA, APTA, APA, ASHA, ATS, CEA, CEPH, LCME, NASM, NECHE [7] |
Brandeis University | Waltham | Private not-for-profit | Research university | 5,581 [32] | 1948 [32] | NECHE [32] |
Bridgewater State University | Bridgewater | Public | Master's university | 9,604 [33] | 1840 [33] | ASHA, NECHE [33] |
Bristol Community College | Fall River, New Bedford, Taunton, Attleboro | Public | Associate's college | 5,822 [34] | 1965 [34] | ACEN, ADA, AOTA, COMTA, NECHE [34] |
Bunker Hill Community College | Boston | Public | Associate's college | 8,439 [35] | 1973 [35] | ACEN, CEA, JRCERT, NECHE [35] |
Cambridge College | Cambridge | Private not-for-profit | Master's university | 2,135 [36] | 1971 [36] | NECHE [36] |
Cape Cod Community College | West Barnstable | Public | Associate's college | 2,336 [37] | 1961 [37] | ACEN, ADA, NECHE [37] |
Clark University | Worcester | Private not-for-profit | Research university | 3,770 [38] | 1887 [38] | APA, NECHE [38] |
College of the Holy Cross | Worcester | Private not-for-profit | Baccalaureate college | 3,083 [39] | 1843 [39] | NECHE [39] |
Conway School of Landscape Design | Northampton | Private not-for-profit | Special-focus institution | 18 [8] | 1972 [8] | NECHE [8] |
Curry College | Milton | Private not-for-profit | Master's university | 2,052 [40] | 1879 [40] | CCNE, NECHE [40] |
Dean College | Franklin | Private not-for-profit | Baccalaureate college | 1,189 [41] | 1865 [41] | NECHE [41] |
Eastern Nazarene College | Quincy | Private not-for-profit | Master's university | 535 [42] | 1900 [42] | NECHE [42] |
Elms College | Chicopee | Private not-for-profit | Master's university | 1,275 [43] | 1928 [43] | CCNE, NECHE [43] |
Emerson College | Boston | Private not-for-profit | Master's university | 5,891 [44] | 1880 [44] | ASHA, NECHE, [44] |
Emmanuel College | Boston | Private not-for-profit | Baccalaureate college | 2,012 [45] | 1919 [45] | CCNE, NECHE [45] |
Endicott College | Beverly | Private not-for-profit | Master's university | 4,006 [46] | 1939 [46] | ACEN, CCNE, NECHE [46] |
Fisher College | Boston | Private not-for-profit | Baccalaureate college | 1,421 [47] | 1903 [47] | NECHE [47] |
Fitchburg State University | Fitchburg | Public | Master's university | 6,554 [48] | 1894 [48] | CCNE, NECHE [48] |
Framingham State University | Framingham | Public | Master's university | 4,111 [49] | 1839 [49] | ACEN, ACEND, CCNE, NECHE, NLNAC [49] |
Gordon College | Wenham | Private not-for-profit | Baccalaureate college | 1,628 [50] | 1889 [50] | NECHE [50] |
Gordon–Conwell Theological Seminary | South Hamilton | Private not-for-profit | Special-focus institution | 1,334 [51] | 1969 [51] | ATS, NECHE [51] |
Greenfield Community College | Greenfield | Public | Associate's college | 1,419 [52] | 1962 [52] | ACEN, COMTA, NECHE [52] |
Hampshire College | Amherst | Private not-for-profit | Baccalaureate college | 508 [53] | 1970 [53] | NECHE [53] |
Harvard University | Cambridge | Private not-for-profit | Research university | 30,631 [54] | 1636 [54] | ABA, ADA, APA, ATS, CEPH, LCME, NECHE [54] |
Hebrew College | Newton | Private not-for-profit | Special-focus institution | 212 [55] | 1921 [55] | NECHE [55] |
Hellenic College Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology | Brookline | Private not-for-profit | Baccalaureate college | 131 [56] | 1937 [56] | ATS, NECHE [56] |
Holyoke Community College | Holyoke | Public | Associate's college | 3,550 [57] | 1946 [57] | ACEN, JRCERT, NECHE [57] |
Hult International Business School | Cambridge | Private not-for-profit | Special-focus institution | 2,176 [58] | 1964 [58] | NECHE [58] |
Labouré College | Boston | Private not-for-profit | Special-focus institution | 983 [59] | 1892 [59] | ACEND, ACEN, CCNE, JRCERT, NECHE [59] |
Lasell University | Newton | Private not-for-profit | Master's university | 1,591 [60] | 1851 [60] | NECHE [60] |
Lesley University | Cambridge | Private not-for-profit | Doctorate-granting university | 3,406 [61] | 1909 [61] | NECHE [61] |
Longy School of Music of Bard College | Cambridge | Private not-for-profit | Special-focus institution | 315 [62] | 1915 [62] | NASM, NECHE [62] |
Massachusetts Bay Community College | Wellesley | Public | Associate's college | 3,497 [63] | 1961 [63] | NECHE [63] |
Massachusetts College of Art and Design | Boston | Public | Special-focus institution | 1,939 [64] | 1873 [64] | NASAD, NECHE [64] |
Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts | North Adams | Public | Baccalaureate college | 938 [65] | 1894 [65] | JRCERT, NECHE [65] |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Cambridge | Private not-for-profit | Research university | 11,858 [66] | 1861 [66] | NECHE [66] |
Massachusetts Maritime Academy | Bourne | Public | Master's university | 1,425 [67] | 1891 [67] | NECHE [67] |
Massachusetts School of Law | Andover | Private not-for-profit | Special-focus institution | 295 [68] | 1988 [68] | NECHE [68] |
Massasoit Community College | Brockton, Middleboro, Canton | Public | Associate's college | 4,810 [69] | 1966 [69] | ACEN, JRCERT, NECHE [69] |
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences | Boston, Worcester Manchester | Private not-for-profit | Special-focus institution | 6,824 [70] | 1823 [70] | ACAHM, ACPE, ADA, CCNE, CEPH, JRCERT, NECHE [70] |
Merrimack College | North Andover | Private not-for-profit | Master's university | 5,505 [71] | 1947 [71] | ACEND, CCNE, NECHE [71] |
MGH Institute of Health Professions | Boston | Private not-for-profit | Special-focus institution | 1,353 [72] | 1977 [72] | ACEN, AOTA, APTA, ASHA, CCNE, JRCERT, NECHE [72] |
Middlesex Community College | Lowell, Bedford | Public | Associate's college | 7,770 [73] | 1970 [73] | JRCERT, NECHE [73] |
Montserrat College of Art | Beverly | Private not-for-profit | Baccalaureate college | 296 [74] | 1970 [74] | NASAD, NECHE [74] |
Mount Holyoke College | South Hadley | Private not-for-profit | Baccalaureate college | 2,392 [75] | 1837 [75] | NECHE [75] |
Mount Wachusett Community College | Gardner | Public | Associate's college | 2,868 [76] | 1963 [76] | ACEN, ADA, COMTA, NECHE [76] |
New England College of Optometry | Boston | Private not-for-profit | Special-focus institution | 536 [77] | 1894 [77] | AOA, NECHE [77] |
New England Conservatory of Music | Boston | Private not-for-profit | Special-focus institution | 796 [78] | 1867 [78] | NASM, NECHE [77] |
New England Law Boston | Boston | Private not-for-profit | Special-focus institution | 1,060 [79] | 1938 [79] | ABA [79] |
Nichols College | Dudley | Private not-for-profit | Master's university | 1,403 [80] | 1815 [80] | NECHE [80] |
North Shore Community College | Danvers | Public | Associate's college | 4,391 [81] | 1965 [81] | ACEN, AOTA, APTA, JRCERT, NECHE [81] |
Northeastern University | Boston | Private not-for-profit | Research university | 30,013 [82] | 1898 [82] | ABA, ACPE, APTA, APA, ASHA, CCNE, CANAEP, CEPH, NECHE [82] |
Northern Essex Community College | Haverhill | Public | Associate's college | 4,339 [83] | 1972 [83] | NECHE [83] |
Northpoint Bible College | Haverhill | Private not-for-profit | Special-focus institution | 225 [84] | 1924 [84] | ABHE [84] |
Olin College | Needham | Private not-for-profit | Special-focus institution | 386 [85] | 1997 [85] | NECHE [85] |
Pope St. John XXIII National Seminary | Weston | Private not-for-profit | Special-focus institution | 47 [86] | 1964 [86] | ATS [86] |
Quincy College | Quincy | Public | Associate's college | 2,602 [87] | 1958 [87] | ACEN, NECHE [87] |
Quinsigamond Community College | Worcester | Public | Associate's college | 6,481 [88] | 1963 [88] | ACEN, ADA, AOTA, JRCERT, NECHE [88] |
Regis College | Weston | Private not-for-profit | Master's university | 3,230 [89] | 1927 [89] | ACEN, ADA, AOTA, ASHA, NECHE [89] |
Roxbury Community College | Roxbury | Public | Associate's college | 1,214 [90] | 1973 [90] | ACEN, JRCERT, NECHE [90] |
Saint John's Seminary | Brighton | Private not-for-profit | Special-focus institution | 103 [91] | 1884 [91] | ATS, NECHE [91] |
Salem State University | Salem | Public | Master's university | 6,539 [92] | 1854 [92] | ACEN, AOTA, CCNE, NECHE [92] |
Simmons University | Boston | Private not-for-profit | Doctorate-granting university | 5,710 [93] | 1899 [93] | ACEND, APTA, CCNE, CEPH, NECHE [93] |
Smith College | Northampton | Private not-for-profit | Baccalaureate college | 2,873 [94] | 1875 [94] | NECHE [94] |
Springfield College | Springfield | Private not-for-profit | Doctorate-granting university | 3,382 [95] [96] | 1885 [95] | AOTA, APA, APTA, NECHE [95] |
Springfield Technical Community College | Springfield | Public | Associate's college | 3,945 [97] | 1967 [97] | ACEN, ADA, AOTA, APTA, COMTA, JRCERT, NECHE [97] |
Stonehill College | Easton | Private not-for-profit | Baccalaureate college | 2,543 [98] | 1948 [98] | NECHE [98] |
Suffolk University | Boston | Private not-for-profit | Research university | 6,734 [99] | 1906 [99] | ABA, APA, JRCERT, NECHE [99] |
Tufts University | Medford, Somerville | Private not-for-profit | Research university | 13,431 [100] | 1852 [100] | AOTA, AVMA, NECHE [100] |
University of Massachusetts Amherst | Amherst | Public | Research university | 32,229 [101] | 1863 [9] | ACEND, APA, ASHA, CCNE, CEPH, NECHE [9] |
University of Massachusetts Boston | Boston | Public | Research university | 15,586 [102] | 1964 [102] | APA, CCNE, NECHE [102] |
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth | Dartmouth | Public | Research university | 7,457 [103] | 1962 [103] | ACEN, CCNE, NECHE [103] |
University of Massachusetts Lowell | Lowell | Public | Research university | 17,153 [104] | 1894 [105] | ACEND, APTA, CCNE, CEPH, NECHE [105] |
University of Massachusetts Medical School | Worcester | Public | Special-focus institution | 1,352 [106] | 1962 [106] | CCNE, JRCERT, LCME, NECHE [59] [106] |
Urban College of Boston | Boston | Private not-for-profit | Associate's college | 596 [107] | 1993 [107] | NECHE [107] |
Wellesley College | Wellesley | Private not-for-profit | Baccalaureate college | 2,447 [108] | 1875 [108] | NECHE [108] |
Wentworth Institute of Technology | Boston | Private not-for-profit | Master's university | 3,920 [109] | 1904 [109] | NECHE [109] |
Western New England University | Springfield | Private not-for-profit | Doctorate-granting university | 3,430 [110] | 1919 [110] | ABA, ACPE, AOTA, NECHE [110] |
Westfield State University | Westfield | Public | Master's university | 4,702 [111] | 1838 [111] | CCNE, NECHE [111] |
Wheaton College | Norton | Private not-for-profit | Baccalaureate college | 1,667 [112] | 1834 [112] | NECHE [112] |
William James College | Newton | Private not-for-profit | Special-focus institution | 897 [113] | 1974 [113] | APA, NECHE [113] |
Williams College | Williamstown | Private not-for-profit | Baccalaureate college | 2,222 [114] | 1793 [114] | NECHE [114] |
Worcester Polytechnic Institute | Worcester | Private not-for-profit | Research university | 7,308 [115] | 1865 [115] | NECHE [115] |
Worcester State University | Worcester | Public | Master's university | 5,311 [116] | 1874 [116] | ACEN, AOTA, ASHA, CCNE, NECHE [116] |