New Zealand political leader Jenny Shipley assembled a "shadow cabinet" within the National Party caucus after her election to the position of Leader of the Opposition in 1999. She composed this of individuals who acted for the party as spokespeople in assigned roles while she was Leader of the Opposition (1999–2001).
As the National Party formed the largest party not in government at the time, the shadow cabinet was as a result the Official Opposition within the New Zealand House of Representatives.
The list below contains a list of Shipley's spokespeople and their respective roles after an early 2001 portfolio reshuffle. The portfolio allocations were announced on 31 January 2001 and the rankings were announced on 12 February, after Bill English was elected the party's deputy leader. [1] [2]
Rank | Shadow Minister | Portfolio | |
1 | Rt Hon Jenny Shipley | Leader of the Opposition | |
2 | Hon Bill English | Deputy Leader of the Opposition Spokesperson for Finance Spokesperson for Audit Spokesperson for Superannuation for Future Retirees | |
3 | Hon Roger Sowry | Shadow Leader of the House Spokesperson for Health Spokesperson for State Services | |
4 | Hon Max Bradford | Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs Spokesperson for Defence Spokesperson for Disarmament and Arms Control Associate Spokesperson for Finance | |
5 | Hon Tony Ryall | Spokesperson for Police Spokesperson for Commerce | |
6 | Hon Dr Lockwood Smith | Spokesperson for Labour and Industrial Relations Spokesperson for State Owned Enterprises Associate Spokesperson for Finance | |
7 | Gerry Brownlee | Spokesperson for Education | |
8 | Bob Simcock | Spokesperson for Social Services Spokesperson for Employment Spokesperson for Work and Income | |
9 | Hon Dr Nick Smith | Spokesperson for Sustainable Development Spokesperson for Conservation Spokesperson for the Environment Spokesperson responsible for Provinces | |
10 | Hon Murray McCully | Spokesperson for Local Government Spokesperson for Accident Insurance Spokesperson responsible for Auckland | |
11 | Hon John Luxton | Spokesperson for International Trade Negotiations and Inward Investment Spokesperson for Economic and Regional Development | |
12 | Rt Hon Wyatt Creech | Shadow Minister of State Associate Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs Associate Spokesperson for Revenue Associate Spokesperson for Disarmament and Arms Control | |
13 | Hon Maurice Williamson | Spokesperson for Tertiary Education Spokesperson for Information Technology Spokesperson for Research, Science and Technology | |
14 | Hon David Carter | Spokesperson for Tourism Spokesperson for Housing | |
15 | John Carter | Senior Whip Shadow Deputy Leader of the House Spokesperson for Civil Defence and Emergency Services | |
16 | Alec Neill | Junior Whip Spokesperson for Communications Associate Spokesperson for Commerce Associate Spokesperson for Justice | |
17 | Belinda Vernon | Spokesperson for Transport Spokesperson for Arts, Culture and Heritage | |
18 | Hon Georgina te Heuheu | Spokesperson for Maori Affairs Spokesperson for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations | |
19 | Dr Wayne Mapp | Spokesperson for Justice Associate Spokesperson for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations | |
20 | Gavan Herlihy | Spokesperson for Agriculture Associate Spokesperson for International Trade and Inward Investment | |
21 | Annabel Young | Spokesperson for Revenue Spokesperson for the Education Review Office Associate Spokesperson for Education | |
22 | Brian Neeson | Spokesperson for Corrections Associate Spokesperson for Economic and Regional Development | |
23 | Eric Roy | Spokesperson for Biosecurity and Border Control Associate Spokesperson for Agriculture Associate Spokesperson for Fisheries | |
24 | Hon Doug Kidd | Spokesperson for Fisheries (incl Fisheries Commission) | |
25 | Hon Marie Hasler | Spokesperson for Immigration Spokesperson for Consumer Affairs Spokesperson for Wholesale & Retail Services | |
26 | Hon Clem Simich | Shadow Attorney-General Spokesperson for Racing Political Advisor on Electoral Boundary Changes | |
27 | Warren Kyd | Spokesperson for Small Business & Manufacturing Spokesperson for Statistics Spokesperson for Compliance Costs | |
28 | Tony Steel | Spokesperson for Sport, Fitness and Leisure Associate Spokesperson for Tertiary Education (ETSA and Industry Training) | |
29 | Pansy Wong | Spokesperson for Energy Spokesperson for Ethnic Affairs Associate Spokesperson for Commerce | |
30 | Arthur Anae | Spokesperson for Pacific Island Affairs Associate Spokesperson for Housing | |
31 | Shane Ardern | Spokesperson for Rural Affairs Spokesperson for Rural New Zealand Associate Spokesperson for Agriculture | |
32 | Phil Heatley | Spokesperson for Forestry | |
33 | Dr Paul Hutchison | Spokesperson for Crown Research Institutes Associate Spokesperson for Research, Science and Technology Associate Spokesperson for Health | |
34 | Simon Power | Spokesperson for Youth Affairs Associate Spokesperson for Labour Associate Spokesperson for Sustainable Development Associate Spokesperson for Conservation Associate Spokesperson for the Environment | |
35 | Katherine Rich | Spokesperson for Broadcasting Spokesperson for National Library and Archives | |
36 | Dr Lynda Scott | Spokesperson for Senior Citizens Spokesperson for Superannuation for Current Retirees Associate Spokesperson for Health | |
37 | Lindsay Tisch | Spokesperson for Internal Affairs | |
38 | Anne Tolley | Spokesperson for Early Childhood Education Spokesperson for Women's Affairs | |
39 | Dr Richard Worth | Spokesperson for Veterans' Affairs Associate Spokesperson for Justice Associate Shadow Attorney-General |
The first Shipley shadow cabinet was announced after National lost the 1999 election. The list below contains a list of Shipley's spokespeople and their respective roles as announced in December 1999. [3]
Rank | Shadow Minister | Portfolio | |
1 | Rt Hon Jenny Shipley | Leader of the Opposition | |
2 | Rt Hon Wyatt Creech | Deputy Leader of the Opposition Spokesperson for Health | |
3 | Hon Bill English | Spokesperson for Finance | |
4 | Hon Roger Sowry | Shadow Leader of the House Spokesperson for State Services Spokesperson for Transport Spokesperson for Civil Aviation | |
5 | Hon Max Bradford | Spokesperson for Economic Development Spokesperson for Labor Spokesperson for Industrial Relations | |
6 | Hon John Luxton | Spokesperson for International Trade Negotiations Spokesperson for Industry & Regional Development Associate Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs | |
7 | Hon Dr Nick Smith | Spokesperson for Education Spokesperson for ERO Associate Spokesperson for the Environment/RMA | |
8 | Hon Dr Lockwood Smith | Spokesperson for Commerce Spokesperson for Communications Spokesperson for Statistics Associate Spokesperson for Finance | |
9 | Hon Tony Ryall | Spokesperson for Justice Spokesperson for Housing Spokesperson for Timberlands & SILNA | |
10 | Rt Hon Simon Upton | Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs Spokesperson for Culture and Heritage Spokesperson for Superannuation | |
11 | Hon Murray McCully | Spokesperson for Local Government Spokesperson for Infrastructure (including Auckland) Spokesperson for Sport, Fitness and Leisure | |
12 | Hon Maurice Williamson | Spokesperson for Tertiary Education Spokesperson for Information Technology Spokesperson for Research, Science and Technology | |
13 | Bob Simcock | Spokesperson for Social Services Spokesperson for Employment Spokesperson for Community & Voluntary Sector | |
14 | Hon David Carter | Spokesperson for Tourism Spokesperson for Biosecurity & Border Security | |
15 | John Carter | Senior Whip Shadow Deputy Leader of the House Spokesperson for Civil Defence and Emergency Services | |
16 | Gerry Brownlee | Junior Whip Spokesperson for ACC Associate Spokesperson for Labour | |
17 | Belinda Vernon | Spokesperson for Work & Income (excl Employment) Associate Spokesperson for Revenue | |
18 | Hon Georgina te Heuheu | Spokesperson for Maori Affairs Spokesperson for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations | |
19 | Dr Wayne Mapp | Spokesperson for Defense Associate Spokesperson for Justice Associate Spokesperson for Maori Affairs | |
20 | Gavan Herlihy | Spokesperson for Agriculture | |
21 | Annabel Young | Spokesperson for Revenue | |
22 | Brian Neeson | Spokesperson for Police | |
23 | Eric Roy | Spokesperson for Conservation | |
24 | Hon Doug Kidd | Spokesperson for Fisheries (incl Fisheries Commission) | |
25 | Hon Marie Hasler | Spokesperson for Immigration Spokesperson for Consumer Affairs Spokesperson for Wholesale & Retail Services | |
26 | Hon Clem Simich | Shadow Attorney-General Spokesperson for State Owned Enterprises Spokesperson for Racing | |
27 | Warren Kyd | Spokesperson for Small Business & Manufacturing Spokesperson for Compliance Costs Spokesperson for Foreign Investment | |
28 | Rt Hon Don McKinnon | Spokesperson for Pacific Island Affairs | |
29 | Tony Steel | Spokesperson for Corrections Associate Spokesperson for Tertiary Education (ETSA and Industry Training) Associate Spokesperson for Sport, Fitness and Leisure | |
30 | Pansy Wong | Spokesperson for Energy Spokesperson for Ethnic Affairs Associate Spokesperson for Commerce | |
31 | Phil Heatley | Spokesperson for Forestry (excluding SILNA & Timberlands) | |
32 | Shane Ardern | Spokesperson for Rural Affairs Associate Spokesperson for Agriculture | |
33 | Dr Paul Hutchison | Spokesperson for CRIs Associate Spokesperson for Health | |
34 | Simon Power | Spokesperson for Courts Spokesperson for Youth Affairs | |
35 | Katherine Rich | Spokesperson for Broadcasting Spokesperson for National Library and Archives | |
36 | Lynda Scott | Spokesperson for Senior Citizens Associate Spokesperson for Health (Disability Services) | |
37 | Lindsay Tisch | Spokesperson for Internal Affairs | |
38 | Anne Tolley | Spokesperson for Early Childhood Education Spokesperson for Women's Affairs | |
39 | Dr Richard Worth | Spokesperson for the Environment |