The Northern Steam Ship Company Ltd (NSS) served the northern half of the North Island of New Zealand from 1881 to 1974. Its headquarters, the Northern Steam Ship Company Building, remains in use on Quay Street, Auckland as a bar and is listed by Heritage New Zealand as a Category I Historic Place.
Initially there were very few roads and they were muddy and narrow, so a constant theme in early papers was a demand from small coastal settlements for a regular shipping service to link them with the major ports. [2] For example, in 1874 a steamer service from Onehunga to Raglan and Port Waikato was given a subsidy by Auckland Province. [3]
Capt. Alexander McGregor had the steam ship Rowena built in Auckland in 1872. He joined with a syndicate of owners to run the Argyle, Iona, Glenelg, Staffa, Rowena, Fingal and Katikati, as Auckland Steam Packet Co. [4] ASP went into liquidation in 1878 [5] due to losses on a ship for the Fiji trade, the SS Llewellyn. [6] On 10 January 1878 ASP had sold Southern Cross for £7000, Go-Ahead for £2500, Pretty Jane for £2350 and the Cantera hulk and her coal for £384, to what was described as a newly formed Auckland company. [7]
On 11 May 1881 nineteen businessmen, including some of the syndicate, formed NSS, buying the ASP's ships. Thomas Morrin, David Cruickshank, Alexander McGregor, Thomas Ball, James Macfarlane and James McCosh Clark were the first directors. [4]
NSS paid a 10% dividend in its first year [8] and started acquiring extra ships. The 256 ton Macgregor entered service in September 1881. [9] In 1883 Capt. McGregor went to Britain to buy new steamers for the Tauranga and Russell routes. In 1884 Clansman and Gairloch arrived. [4] In 1886 the Waimarie was one of the first to have electric lighting. [10]
NSS was also active in opening up new ports, such as at Te Puke in 1881 [11] and ports north of Whangārei in 1893. [12]
On 6 June 1888 Capt. McGregor was replaced as manager by Charles Ranson. He retired in 1921, after greatly expanding the company. [13]
By 1887 the depression [14] was affecting the company; wages and overtime pay were cut, [9] and seamen who objected were replaced with non-unionists. [15] In response the Federated Seamen's Union formed the co-operative Jubilee Steam Ship Co, competing on the northern and Waitara routes. It wasn't expected to succeed, [16] but, between September 1887 and October 1888, the FSU claimed that Jubilee lost £14,000 and NSS £22,000. [17] It also caused another company to withdraw from the west coast, [18] which in the end was helpful to NSS. When Ranson took over, one of his first acts was to re-engage all the FSU members, though he also cut staff. He remained a lifelong friend of the union boss, John A. Millar, [19] and received an award from staff in 1897 for his considerate attitude to them. [20] However, in the 1913 Great Strike, NSS backed a ‘scab’ union (the Auckland Seamen and Firemen's Union). [21]
Charles Ranson was born, in Ipswich [22] about 1850. He emigrated in 1876, managed an auctioneering and shipping business in Hāwera, then went to Auckland as an accountant in 1881. In 1887, he was about to return to England, when NSS director, James McCosh Clark, mentioned that the board had decided to wind up the company. When Charles took over, NSS had 8 [23] (or 9) [22] vessels, and 100 employees. When he retired, in July 1921, [24] NSS had 40 vessels [23] and 850 employees. Cargo had increased from 51,000 tons a year to 220,000 and passengers from 39,000 to 190,000. [19]
After his appointment, NSS bought some second-hand screw-steamers, the Rotomahana , Waiotahi and Ohinemuri and small paddle steamers, Te Aroha and Enterprise, to work on the Waihou River. [22] This got rid of another competitor, Hauraki Steamship Co, [25] who sold out to NSS. [13] Much of the expansion of the company was by takeovers. [19] Thames River Steam Navigation Co Ltd was bought on 1 August 1890. [26] In July 1906 NSS bought Manukau Steam Shipping Company. [27] On 1 October 1908 Settlers' Steamship Company (SSC) merged with NSS, [28] adding six steamers to the fleet. [29]
The company slowly recovered from its near liquidation. Until 21⁄2% was paid in 1890, no dividends had been paid since 1881, but then 5% was paid in 1891, 6% 1892-6, [30] 7% in 1897 [22] and for many years, [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] and 8% in 1925. [37] 5% was paid in 1944. [38]
By 1895 NSS was asking for urgent extension of its wharf space at Auckland to serve its growth. [39] In the 1890s the fleet grew rapidly, with new iron ships built in Britain and timber ships in Auckland. [40]
In 1909 NSS and Union Steam Ship (Union) aimed to save money on their repairs, when they set up a jointly owned repair company, United Repairing Co Ltd, [41] at Quay Street, Auckland, [42] which was next door to the NSS offices until 1962. [43] Senior Foundry was bought by NSS in 1927 [44] to repair plates and boilers. [45]
Charles was also a steward of the Auckland Racing Club, an enthusiastic bowler, keenly interested in regattas and a church warden. He lived in Bassett Rd, Remuera, where he died on 13 January 1925. [23]
Capt. Hammond took over as manager in 1921, [13] having formerly been manager of Kaipara Steamship Company. [46]
Charles Ranson commissioned Arthur Pollard Wilson (who also designed Strand Arcade, Naval and Family Hotel, A H Nathan Warehouse and Isaacs’ Bonded Stores) [47] to design the £6000 (or £5000) [48] building, with a frontage of 66 ft (20 m) to the street, and a depth of 85 ft (26 m), [49] opposite the wharf used by their steamers, on newly reclaimed land, leased from Auckland Harbour Board (AHB). In 1899 NSS moved from Palmerston Buildings on Queen St to their new 2-storey brick building with dark green joinery, a public office, manager's office, space for other staff, telephone room and a boardroom. It had high ceilings and on each level the floor above was supported by cast iron columns. On Quay St a central door, gave access to the main office and floor above, and an eastern door accessed the wharves (now Marsden Wharf) [50] and warehouse to the rear of the building. A boardwalk allowed passengers to cross to the steamers without walking through mud. A third floor was added in 1921 to provide accommodation and a laundry. In the 1940s many of the original features were lost. Originally the building stood alone. The land on the other side the building was their yard until the 1950s when AHB roofed it over as a garage in an attempt to compete with trucking firms. When NSS ceased trading, the building reverted to AHB. [51] In July 1988 the Historic Places Trust listed it as "Category 1". [52] It is now a bar. [53]
NSS gradually succumbed to rail and road competition.
When the North Island Main Trunk (NIMT) opened in 1908 between Auckland and Wellington, New Plymouth passenger traffic dropped. NSS and Union agreed there wasn't enough traffic for two steamers and formed a joint service. [55] The office at Canaan Landing, served from May 1881 [56] and providing for freight between Te Puke and Maketu, closed on 29 September 1917. [57] By 1922, reductions in traffic resulted in 9 vessels laid up. [58] Pay cuts later in the year resulted in a 12 week strike, with union members replaced by 'free labour'. [59] A pay cut in 1933 again provoked a strike. [60]
In 1925 opening of the railway to Whangārei cut passenger traffic and required reductions of fares and freight rates; [37] the Onerahi passenger service from Whangārei ended on 24 September 1926, [61] due to fewer passengers and charges by the railway for cargo and coal over their wharf. [62] Bus competition [63] saw the Waiuku ferry end on 11 April 1928, [64] [65] with a cargo replacement for a short time. [66] Competition from cars, [67] completion of the railway to Tauranga in 1927, trains not connecting with the steamer [68] and complaints of undercutting, [69] brought an end to the Tauranga passenger service on 2 April 1929. [70] Many ships were laid up in Little Shoal Bay in the late 1920s. [71] The Onehunga-New Plymouth passenger service closed on 3 May 1930, [72] a few years after a bus service had started [73] on the upgraded State Highway 3 (SH 3). Rail competition was also cited as the reason to end the passenger service to Russell in 1931. [74] In 1932 dairy company shareholders at Whakatāne responded to a threat to close the railway by instructing the company to transfer its freight from NSS to the railway. [75] In 1933 'truck rates' were introduced on the North Auckland railway, which undercut NSS's charges. [76] The 70 mi (110 km) [77] Auckland-Paeroa passenger service lasted until 1937, [78] despite the railway opening to Te Aroha in 1885, [79] though, after 1896, the river became too silted [80] and the charges at Paeroa Railway Wharf were at a level to encourage use of the railway, so that Junction Wharf, further downstream, was used. [81] In 1937 passenger services still ran to Algies, Coromandel, Great Barrier, Matakana, Mahurangi, One Tree Point, Waiheke, Warkworth and Whangārei. [82] In 1938 Kawau was advertised as running summer weekend excursions to Waiheke. [83] By 1939 the only remaining passenger steamer was Hauiti. [84]
Auckland registered ships dropped from 226 in 1904 to 55 in 1944 and their tonnage from 20,546 to 5,627. [85] In 1902 NSS had 28 ships totalling 6000 tons and costing an average of £34 per ton. [86]
By 1945 NSS was down to 10 ships, ranging from 56 to 351 tons. [87] NSS had lost most of its trade to road and rail, so switched to inter-island trade, which it gradually lost to Cook Strait ferries from the 1960s, when it increasingly turned to coal and grain, including some trade with Australia, before losing out to natural gas conversions, a shipwreck (Maranui), [88] trade fluctuations and reliance on the grain trade, which faltered due to a poor harvest in 1974. [89]
NSS briefly tried replacing a ship with a partly owned trucking company, when it closed its Paeroa service in 1947. [90]
Captain A. G. Hardy, formerly New Plymouth manager for the Waterfront Industry Commission, became NSS manager from 5 January 1947. [91]
After the war NSS switched from serving the northern ports to linking some of them to South Island. [92] This required increasingly larger ships, so NSS bought Apanui (1948–61), Tainui (1949–63), Hotunui (1950–67), Ratanui (1952-56), and then started building Maranui (1953–68), Maunganui (1955–71), Poranui (1956–69) and Tawanui (1959–73), Moanui (1961–66), Awanui (1962-73). [89] A major contract in this period was shipping materials for the Manapouri Tunnel. [93] A second Moanui (1967–75) [89] and Seaway Princess (1967–69) were added to the fleet, the latter for a weekly Onehunga-Lyttelton ro-ro service. However, as AHB didn't build a ramp at Onehunga, she had to use the only one at Auckland, sharing it with Union, which had priority, hence her short service with NSS. [89] In the 1960s NSS had offices at Onehunga, Tauranga and Whangārei, as well as its head office. [94] It closed Tauranga-Timaru in July 1966 [95] and Whangārei-Lyttelton from 30 January 1967. [96]
By 1970 three of the remaining five ships were carrying bulk grain from South Island to Auckland, Tauranga, and, less often, Wellington, New Plymouth and Whanganui. [89] Dido (1970–75) was added to the fleet and, being largest, [97] was used for 10 grain trips to Australia. At that time Brierley Investments made an unsuccessful bid for the company. [98] NSS made a record profit in 1970. [99] By 1971 Awanui was the only general cargo vessel, running an Onehunga-Bluff-Jackson Bay round trip, but she was also adapted to carry grain in 1972. NSS added the 1562 ton Tainui II (1973–76), but there was a poor grain harvest and, after they were used to import grain from Australia, all three ships were soon idle. NSS blamed the problem on the government's grain price policy. [100] [101] Tainui II's last voyage brought coal to Auckland from Westport on 6 November 1974, Moanui 12 days later [89] (or another account says her last cargo was barley from the South Island to Auckland in September) [102] from Dunedin and Dido, the last NSS ship ever to berth, arrived on Sunday 8 December 1974. [89] When NSS failed to change government policy, it decided in April 1975 to sell the ships [103] and the company was taken over by Brierley. [104] For a few years NSS continued operating forklifts and being an agent for the Japan Line. [102]
Ship | Built | In fleet | Builder | grt | Type |
Albatross | 1874 | 1909 - 1910 | James Barbour, Whangapoua | 61 | Auxiliary schooner launched on 22 April 1874 [105] for Christopher Atwell Harris (1847-1903) [106] at his timber mill. [107] 79.3 ft (24.2 m) long, 20.4 ft (6.2 m) wide, 7.4 ft (2.3 m) deep, her registered weight dropped from 77 [108] to 61 tons between 1902 and 1906. [109] [110] She was sold at Levuka in 1882, [111] in Fiji in 1886, [112] at Sydney in 1892 [113] and was at Botany when damaged by a gale in 1898. [114] In March 1909 she replaced Waitangi , [115] when NSS chartered her to run a cargo only service to Waitara, until the lengthening of Claymore reduced her draught enough to replace her [116] in August 1910. [117] It seems she then traded cement between Whangārei and Auckland until October 1914, [118] when she was at the centre of a drowning mystery. [119] She wasn't registered in 1915. [120] |
Alexander Craig | 1891 | 1908 - 1926 | William Phillip Cameron, South Maitland, Canada | 520 | ![]() |
Apanui | 1905 | 1905 - 1937 | D.J.Dunlop & Co, Port Glasgow | 243 | ![]() |
Apanui | 1938 | 1948 - 1961 | G. Renck, Jnr., Hamburg [141] | 296 | ![]() |
Aranui | 1946 | 1946 - 1947 | United Ship and Boatbuilders Ltd, Auckland [147] | 243 | Motor ship [148] launched on 25 September 1945 as U.S. Navy YF-1046, but was amongst orders cancelled, she was completed in May 1946 and chartered by the government to NSS. September 1947 sold to Winstone Ltd. and employed mainly carrying cement from Portland to Auckland. 1960 sold to Wong Wing of Papeete and subsequently traded in the Tahiti area. [149] On 15 September 1977 she ran aground in a storm on South Marutea Atoll and was abandoned. [150] |
Arapawa | 1908 | 1914 - 1938 | J. Fullerton, Merksworth Works, Paisley | 291 | ![]() |
Argyle | 1876 | 1881 - 1897 | McQuarrie & McCallum, Auckland | 159 | ![]() |
Aupouri | 1905 | 1905 - 1932 | D.J. Dunlop & Co., Port Glasgow | 463 | ![]() |
Awanui | 1962 | 1962 - 1973 | Pacific Island Shipbuilding Company, Hong Kong | 1185 | Motor ship built for NSS for trading on the east coast. [183] An investigation into bulges in her bow plates was begun in February 1963 and she was repaired. [184] In June 1966 she was the last NSS ship when the Mount Maunganui-Lyttelton route was closed. [185] After her steel trade switched to rail, Awanui was laid up in September 1969. [186] She was in use again by May 1970 [187] and shipping matai timber from Okuru by October 1971. [188] In 1973 she was sold to Unique Shipping and Trading (Private) Company, Singapore, renamed Bonawind, to Singapore Straits Pilotage Co. Pte. Ltd in 1978, renamed Wild Rover. 1982 renamed Concord Angel and owned by Concord Marine Ltd. 1986 sold to Mekong Trading S.A., Panama and renamed Mekong Express. [189] She was 72.04 m (236.4 ft) long, 9.9 m (32 ft) wide and reported as still in the Panama area in 2023. [190] |
Bell Bird | 1906 | -1945 | George Fraser, Johnsonville [191] | 88 | ![]() |
Chelmsford | 1886 | 1889 - 1928 | James Halstead, Lavender Bay, Sydney | 122 | ![]() |
Clansman | 1884 | 1884 - 1934 | Blackwood & Gordon, Port Glasgow | 591. 635 from 1904 | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Clansman | 1930 | 1930 - 1957 | George Turnbull Niccol, North Shore | 235 | Motor ship launched as Waka on 25 February 1930 for NSS, [226] of steel, with 2 steel masts, served Tauranga from 7 April 1930 and renamed Clansman, 116 ft (35 m)) long, 28 ft (8.5 m) wide, 6.6 ft (2.0 m) draught, with twin 152 hp (113 kW) Gardner diesels, burning about 13 imp gal (59 L) an hour, from 3,600 imp gal (16,000 L) tanks and driving her at up to 10 kn (19 km/h; 12 mph). [227] In August 1939 she was damaged on a reef at Cape Colville [228] and grounded at Whakatāne in 1940. [229] In May 1956 she was stranded as a constructive total loss [230] on rocks at Whakatāne Bar. [231] 1957 sold to Charles Bailey & Son Limited. 1963 broken up at Auckland after lying derelict in St Mary's Bay for many years. [232] |
Claymore | 1902 | 1908 - 1940 | Murdoch & Murray, Port Glasgow | 210. 258 from 1910 | ![]() |
Coromandel | 1879 | 1895 - 1912 | James Holmes, North Shore | 68 | ![]() |
Daphne | 1907 | 1908 - 1931 | William Hoile Brown, Auckland | 192 | ![]() |
Dido | 1963 | 1970 - 1975 | Charles Hill & Sons, Bristol | 1589 | Motor ship launched on 10 June 1963 and completed in October 1963 for Bristol Steam Navigation Co 261 ft (80 m) long, 39.9 ft (12.2 m) wide x 16.8 ft (5.1 m) deep, with a 2,175 hp (1,622 kW) 9-cyl. 2 S.C.S.A. (340 mm × 570 mm) Polar MN19S engine by British Polar Engines Ltd., Glasgow, [258] driving her at up to 13.5 kn (25.0 km/h; 15.5 mph). [259] In 1970 NSS bought her to carry wheat from South Island to Auckland. [260] On 9 December 1974 she was the last NSS ship to be laid up [261] and was sold to Metcalfe Motor Coasters, London in 1975 and renamed Gorsethorn in 1977. [258] She ended in controversy, after being overhauled by Marine Services Convoyages, La Rochelle in 1990. She was renamed Déesse de la Démocratie and was to be an offshore radio station for Chinese dissidents. On 13 May 1990 she arrived at Keelung to have a transmitter fitted, but 2 days later was placed under armed guard and the transmitter was seized by Customs. In April 1991 a businessman,Wu Meng-wu, bought the ship from the China Shipping Association for $550,000, for a Tianaman Square museum and moved her to Anping. In 2003 Kaohsiung port authority said the ship had paid no fees, was listing, rusty and a safety hazard, [262] so that in September 2003 she went for scrapping in Taipei. [258] |
Douglas | 1882 | 1882 - 1898 | H. McQuarrie & McCallum, Mechanics Bay | 93 | Steamer launched on 28 September 1882 to replace Fingal on the Mercury Bay route, [263] with wooden hull, [264] 83.4 ft (25.4 m) long, 17.8 ft (5.4 m) wide, 7.8 ft (2.4 m) deep, with a 20 hp (15 kW), [166] Fraser & Tinne engine, [263] acquired by NSS while building. 1898 sold to G.H. Stubbs, Waitara. On 7 July 1900 she was washed onto the North Spit of the Mōkau River, [265] because a rope fouled her propeller, her engine was swamped on the bar and she was underpowered. [266] |
Elsie | 1904 | 1906 - 1928 | Bailey & Lowe, Freemans Bay | 21 | ![]() |
Enterprise | 1865 | 1890 - 1898 | Holmes Bros, North Shore | 22, 82 from 1875 | ![]() |
Eure | 1886 | 1913 - 1939 | Ateliers et chantiers du Havre | 1589 | Coal hulk [175] |
Falcon | 1895 | 1897 - post 1909 | D. Greenwood, Onehunga | Steam launch with a 5.5 hp (4.1 kW), non condensing engine, [206] 46 ft (14 m) long, 8 ft (2.4 m) wide, 5.3 ft (1.6 m) deep, [280] launched on 25 July 1895 for T.H. Barwell, Onehunga, as a fishing fleet tender and for cargo, excursions [281] and a weekly ferry. [282] In June 1896 she was moved on trolleys from Onehunga to Auckland, for use in whaling by Cook Brothers, Whangamumu. [283] From September 1896 to 1908 NSS used her to serve Coromandel and Cabbage Bay (Colville) [284] [285] and she was last surveyed in 1909. [286] | |
Fingal | 1879 | 1881 - 1909 | H. Niccol, North Shore | 34 | ![]() |
Gael | 1904 | 1908 - 1931 | Charles Bailey junior, Freemans Bay | 83 | ![]() |
Gairloch | 1884 | 1884 - 1903 | Blackwood & Gordon, Port Glasgow | 373 | ![]() |
Glenelg | 1878 | 1881 - 1904 | Blackwood & Gordon, Port Glasgow | 288 | ![]() 1944 Scuttled 04/12/1944. [318] |
Greyhound | 1899 | 1913 - 1919 | Lane & Brown, Totara North | 103 | ![]() |
Hauiti | 1911 | 1911 - 1941 | George Niccol | 148. 156 from 1947. | ![]() |
Hauturu | 1927 | 1927 - 1952 | George Brown & Co Greenock | 284 | ![]() ![]() |
Hotunui | 1949 | 1950 - 1967 | Kalmar Varv, Kalmar | 594 | Motor ship 52.4 m (172 ft) long, 8.7 m (29 ft) wide, [338] built as Fenja for Rederi A/B Eystresalt, Västervik. 1950 sold to NSS, renamed Hotunui and used between Whangārei, Tauranga, Lyttelton and Dunedin. [339] 1967 sold to Luggate Packers and used as helicopter base-ship for South Island deerstalkers. 1969 chartered by Capricorn Fisheries, Wellington for cray fishing. Named CHM 190. 1972 sold to Alcon Company, New Hebrides and took tuna from fishing boats to Singapore. [340] Inn 1977 she was renamed Alco Trento and then Jado Trader. [341] She was in Guanaja harbour for about 5 years, until 1987, when she was sunk as a dive wreck [342] to the south of the island, east of South West Cay. [343] |
Huia | 1878 | 1924 - 1927 | Richard Henry Yeoman, Auckland | 129 | ![]() |
Iona | 1875 | 1881 - 1899 | H. Niccol, North Shore | 220 | Steamer of 65 hp (48 kW), 140 ft (43 m) long, 19.2 ft (5.9 m) wide, 8.6 ft (2.6 m), [109] launched on 16 January 1875, [357] with a hull of kauri and pohutukawa, 2-cylinder (20", 38"), compound engine driving a single screw, by Fraser & Tinne, for Captain McGregor and his syndicate. She was always based in Auckland and replaced Rowena [358] on the east coast route to Mangōnui. [359] On 22 March 1879 she collided very slowly with the brigantine, Linda Weber, when approaching the Railway Wharf at night, damaging equipment on both ships. [360] In 1881, she was among the first in the NSS fleet and was mentioned as being laid up in 1900. [361] However, her last sailings seem to have been to Kūaotunu, Mercury Bay and Kennedy Bay in 1898, [362] in 1899 she dragged her mooring, whilst laid up, [363] and may have been transferred to G. Fraser in 1900. 1903 dismantled. 1909 broken up. [364] |
Kaituna | 1906 | 1906 - 1927 | Not known | 8 | Motor launch on Kaituna River serving Maketu and Canaan's Landing, near Te Puke. An oil engine, built by Union Gas Engine Co, drove her at 7.5 kn (13.9 km/h; 8.6 mph). About 1913 she moved to a twice weekly Tauranga-Katikati service. From 1917 she was a tender in Auckland, had a new engine in 1922 by J. Adams, sold to Compton & Morrison and renamed Lone Star in 1927 and, on 19 December 1928, caught fire off Narrow Neck and her remains drifted onto the rocks at Maungauika . [365] |
Kanieri | 1886 | 1893 - 1927 | William Denny & Bros. | 203 | ![]() |
Kapanui | 1898 | 1908 - 1909 | Robert Logan Sr., Auckland | 129 | ![]() |
Kapiti | 1902 | 1938 - 1950 | J. Fullerton, Merksworth Works, Paisley | 249 | ![]() |
Kapui | 1902 | 1908 - 1915 | Lane & Sons, Totara North | 59 | ![]() |
Katikati | 1881 - 1911 | T. Niccol, North Shore | 36 | Steamer of 8 hp (6.0 kW), with a compound engine driving a single screw. [406] | |
Kawau | 1908 - 1939 | Robert Logan Sr., Auckland | 99 | Steamer Joined NSS on the merger with SSC on 1 October 1908. [28] Kapanui, Kawau, Kotiti | |
Kia Ora | 1903 - 1907 | R. Duncan | 307 | Steamer | |
Kopu | 1897 | 1897 - c1935/1936 | John Young, Thames. | 18 net | ![]() ![]() |
Kotiti | 1898 | 1908 - 1926 | Robert Logan Sr., Auckland | 58, 62 from 1926. | Steamer [412] of 14 hp (10 kW), with a compound engine, driving a single screw, [413] built for R. Logan Jnr. Designed for the trade to Warkworth up the Mahurangi River. 1898 sold to CSC, which became SSC in 1905 [414] and merged with NSS on 1 October 1908. [28] 1926 sold to C.T.J. Anderson, Lyttelton. 1927 sold to Kotiti Shipping Company, Lyttelton. Oil engine installed. 1929 sold to H. Soares, Karamea. 1929 sold to Oparara Shipping Company, Westport. 10 October 1931 missing with all hands between Westport and Foxton. [414] |
Lion | 1910c [415] - 1919 | Not known | 15 [416] | Steam tug [417] | |
Little George | 1884 - 1912 or later | Not known | 4 [413] | Steam launch with a 4 hp (3.0 kW), non condensing engine, driving a single screw. [413] | |
Macgregor | 1881 | 1881 - 1888 | McQuarrie & McCallum, Auckland | 255 | Steamer built for A. McGregor, Auckland. Named to distinguish her from the 1871 Frisco Mail Steamer McGregor. In 1881, she was among the first in the NSS fleet. 1885 May 4 collided with Wellington in the Hauraki Gulf. 1887 August 11 stranded briefly at Whanganui. 1888 sold to S.A. Joseph, Sydney, 1888 to J. Montefiore of Noumea, 1895 to Burns Philp & Co. Ltd, 1898 to G.H. Gallop & Laurie, Perth, 1900 to Bernard Byrnes, Sydney, 1907 converted to hulk. [418] |
Manaia | 1898 | 1912 - 1926 | William Denny & Bros. | 1159 | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Mangapapa | 1902 | 1903 - 1908 | Wm. Ford Jnr. | 164 | Steamer sold to Karamea Steamship Company in 1908 to replace Ngunguru. [425] NSS replaced her on the Whakatāne route with Tasman. [41] |
Maranui | 1953 - 1968 | J. Bodewes, Hoogezand | 739 | Motor ship | |
Matangi | 1908 | 1923 - 1929 | A. Stephens & Sons, Linthouse | 1365 | Steamer built as Mourilyan for routes from Melbourne. 1923 sold to NSS and renamed Matangi for Whangārei [426] and Tauranga services, after it had been decided a new ship was unaffordable. [427] 1929 sold to Anchor. 1957 broken up. [426] |
Matuku | 1891 - 1916 [428] or later | Not known | 3 [206] | ![]() | |
Maunganui | 1955 - 1971 | J. Bodewes, Hoogezand | 845 | Motor ship | |
Melva | 1946 | United Ship and Boatbuilders Limited and Steel Ships Limited. | 243 | Motor ship | |
Moanui | 1961 | 1961 - 1966 | Pacific Island Shipbuilding Company | 975 | Motor ship built for NSS. 1966 sold to John Burke, Brisbane and renamed Alagna. 1973 sold to Cairns owners and renamed Eurika. 1975 sold to Poly Shipping Co. Ltd. Soc. Anon, Singapore and renamed Aik Lai. 1977 sold to Gill Shipping Co. (Pte) Ltd. (Heng Leong Shipping Co).1985 reported still sailing. [433] She was the first ship in the fleet to have bipod masts. [434] |
Moanui | 1957 | 1967 - 1975 | Ardrossan Dockyard Limited | 1289 | Motor ship launched on 10 December 1957 and delivered in June 1958, as Bay Fisher, to James Fisher & Sons Ltd, Barrow-in-Furness, who chartered her to Atlantic Steam Navigation Co. Ltd, until 1967, when NSS first chartered, then, in March 1970, bought her, renaming her Moanui. She was 220.9 ft (67.3 m) long, 38.1 ft (11.6 m) wide, 16.4 ft (5.0 m) deep, with 6-cylinder (340x570mm) British Polar Engines and a single screw. In 1975 she was sold to Crossworld Navigation Services, Singapore and renamed Chantala Fortune, in 1977 to Pacific International Lines, Singapore as Kota Pahlawan and in 1984 to Maritime Express Inc., Panama as Pahlawan. On 27 October 1984 her classification was suspended for lack of a survey and by 1986 was under arrest near Chennai Port. Feng Nan took her in tow for Singapore, but, on 11 May 1986, the tow rope snapped and she ran aground near Gravet Point, Sri Lanka, becoming a total loss. [435] [436] In Feb 1989 she was broken up. [437] |
Motu | 1920 | 1920 - 1949 | G.T. Niccol | 197 | Schooner 1919 built for NSS. Later became an auxiliary ketch. [438] The 160 hp (120 kW) twin semi diesel engines were replaced in 1938, with twin 240 hp (180 kW) Fairbanks Morse diesels. [439] 1949 sold to Karamea Shipping Company Limited. In February 1962, while berthed at Lyttelton, she was crushed by Union's Maori and damaged beyond repair. Towed to Dunedin and dismantled there. [438] |
Muritai | 1884 | 1897 - 1908 | J. McArthur & Co, Paisley | 225 | ![]() |
Nellie | 1906 - c1921 | Not known | Motor launch [445] | ||
Ngapuhi | 1900 | 1900 - 1941 | Gourlay Brothers, Dundee | 691. 703 from 1922 | ![]() |
Ngatiawa | 1906 | 1906 - 1934 | D.J. Dunlop & Co., Port Glasgow | 451 | ![]() |
Ngunguru | 1893 | 1896 - 1903 | Wm. Holmes, Devonport | 105 | ![]() |
Nikau | 1909 | 1955 - 1956 | Mackie & Thomson, Govan | 248 | Motor ship, built as a steamship for Anchor and converted to a motor ship in 1935. In 1954 she was sold to Kiwi Shipping Co., Auckland and in 1955 to NSS. [470] She was launched on 6 April 1909, had twin-screws and was 120.2 ft (36.6 m) long, 22.1 ft (6.7 m) wide and 7.3 ft (2.2 m) deep. She had several accidents. On 26 November 1917 her propeller was damaged in Blind Bay, as it had been in French Pass on 25 June 1917, where she ran aground on 5 February 1931. On 18 March 1921 she was damaged in Cook Strait, on 16 November 1937 stranded in Queen Charlotte Sound and again at Motueka on 4 May 1938, shortly after her 9 April 1938 collision with Rangitoa at Nelson.: She had a broken shaft off Westport on 6 February 1943. On 21 November 1944 she was aground off Cape Campbell. [471] She was laid up in May 1931, [472] until, in 1935, her passenger accommodation was removed and her steam engine was replaced by two 150 hp (110 kW) British Polar diesels, [473] though an official test report refers to British Auxiliaries Ltd type M35E. [474] Her diesel funnel was much shorter [475] than her original one. [476] In 1954 she was chartered to NSS [477] and bought in July 1955 to work Tauranga and Whakatāne routes, [478] before being sold to Burns Philp (South Sea) Co. Ltd in July 1956. [479] On 5 December 1964 she was wrecked at Loasia Point, on Tanna Island's [480] east coast, [481] when being chartered by Athol Rusden. [482] |
Ohinemuri | 1891 | 1891 - 1904 | Wm. Holmes, North Shore | 114 | Steamer Ohinemuri was built of wood, 89.1 ft (27.2 m) long, 18.4 ft (5.6 m) wide x 6.9 ft (2.1 m) deep, 30 hp (22 kW), [123] built for NSS's Paeroa service to replace Te Aroha. She was launched on 8 September 1891, rigged as a ketch, with 30 berths and a ladies' cabin. G. Fraser and Sons built the compound, surface-condensing engines, with 12" and 24" cylinders of 15" stroke, fed by a tubular boiler at 100 psi (690 kPa) working pressure. [483] In 1904 she was sold to Mitchelson Timber Company, then to John Harrison, Aratapu, in 1908 back to Mitchelson, in 1912 to Whangape Timber Company and in 1928 to W.G. Lovell, Napier, where she was submerged and derelict after 1945. [484] |
Omana | 1913 | 1922 - 1939 | G.T. Niccol | 83 | ![]() |
Onehunga | 1948 | 1962 - 1968 | Uddevallavarvet Aktiebolaget, Uddevalla | 914 | Motor ship built as Dragon for Rederi A/B Drabant (L. Ringborg Mgr) (Swedish). 1960 renamed Tullan. Owned by Partredereit for M.S. Tullan (Lars Johansson Mgrs). 1962 sold to Kaipara S.S. Co. Ltd. (she was their last vessel). Managed by NSS, [489] who crewed her for the delivery voyage from Fowey, via Tasmania. [490] 1965 sold to Fletcher Industries Limited. Managed by NSS. 1968 June sold to Reef Shipping Company Ltd, Fiji. 1968 October renamed Jean Philippe. 1973 sold to Keenan Shipping (Pte) Ltd, Singapore and renamed Tropic Winds. 1974 sold to Southwind Shipping Company (Pte). 1976 sold to Majulah Nav. Snd. Bhd. (Malaysian). Renamed Tat Lee. 16 November 1979 Lloyd's Class withdrawn at owners request.. [489] |
Orewa | 1898 | 1908 - 1925 | Charles & W. Bailey, Auckland | 55 | Steamer built for A. McGregor, Auckland. 1900 sold to W.A. McGregor. [491] 1905 sold to SSC. Joined NSS on the merger with SSC on 1 October 1908. [28] 1925 sold to G.A. Wood, Hokitika. 1939 sold to H.A. Wood, Hokitika. 1941 sold to H.J. and N.H. Roderique, Bluff, mainly for an oyster trawler. 1947 H.J. became sole owner. May have become a storage hulk at Bluff. [491] |
Otimai | 1921 | 1921 - 1952 | G.T. Niccol, Freeman's Bay | 207 | ![]() |
Paeroa | 1891 | 1892 - 1917 | Charles Bailey, Auckland | 91 | From about 1890 H. Adams, of Thames ran a barge and launch between Paeroa and Te Aroha (previously abandoned when the railway opened to Te Aroha), moving cargo brought from Auckland by ss Ruby and NSS's Paeroa-Thames boats. Gold, timber, flour and condensed milk traffics were all increasing. Hauraki Steamship Co., built Paeroa and in opposition to her NSS, which was trading between Auckland and Thames with Rotomahana and Enterprise and between Paeroa and Thames with the Patiki, built Ohinemuri to run direct between Wharf Street, Paeroa and Auckland. The fight continued for about 8 months. [495] Steamer built for Hauraki Steam Ship Company (HSSC) to run between Paeroa and Auckland, from 19 October 1891. On 19 November NSS put the Ohinemuri on, [496] though a report said Ohinemuri was 15 minutes slower to Turua than the Paeroa. [497] Competition reached the stage of an already reduced return fare of 6s. [498] being reduced, firstly to 2s. [499] and later to a shilling, [500] [501] for the trip of almost 70 mi (110 km) each way from Kopu to Auckland. Competition ended in June 1892, when HSSC sold Paeroa to NSS and agreed not to compete on the Waihou River. [502] Paeroa was repainted in NSS colours on 16 June 1892 [503] and began serving Paeroa twice a week for NSS. [504] From April 1896 she, Waimarie and Ohinemuri provided a service most days. By then the return fare had risen to 15s. [505] She was replaced by Taniwha in 1898. [506] ![]() ![]() |
Paroto | 1914 | 1914 - 1948 | G.T. Niccol | 109 | ![]() |
Patiki | 1881 | 1893 - 1901 | A & G Price | 59 | ![]() |
Pioneer | 1896 | 1896 - post 1940 | Logan Brothers | Tender, built for NSS to service hulks on Auckland Harbour. 1940 last reported date. [546] | |
Pono | 1913 | 1913 - 1947 | G.T. Niccol | 56 | Auxiliary ketch built for NSS. On 13 November 1926 she ran aground at Kirita Bay, near Manaia. [547] On 30 March 1947 she was the last ship to serve Thames and Ngatea. She was then laid up for sale. [548] 1948 sold to H.K.H. Anderson, Auckland and dismantled. [547] |
Poranui | 1956 | 1956 - 1969 | J. Bodewes, Hoogezand | 892 | ![]() |
Pukeko | 1890 - 1910 | Not known | Tender | ||
Ranginui | 1937 - 1957 | Scott & Sons, Bowling | 158 | Motor ship | |
Rangitoto | 1913 | 1926 - 1940 | Murdoch & Murray, Port Glasgow | 585 | Steamer launched on 23 July 1913 for the Amazon River, but became HMS Ant, a Naval Auxiliary Tender at Southampton, 164.5 ft (50.1 m) long, 33.1 ft (10.1 m) wide, 8.3 ft (2.5 m) deep, single screw, 100 hp (75 kW), 3 cylinder (15", 25" & 40" - 24") engine by Muir & Houston Ltd, Glasgow, [553] driving her at 12 kn (22 km/h; 14 mph). [554] 1924 brought to Auckland via Suez for excursion work by George T. Niccol and renamed Rangitoto. [555] 1925 sold to NSS. 1937 laid up as the bottom plates had worn thin. 1940 taken over by N.Z.Navy as a Battery Ship. [553] In 1941, [556] or 1942, [553] she was beached at Ngataringa Bay. Engine and boiler removed for use in minesweeper Manuka. [556] In 1965 Rangitoto was used in demolition exercises and in 1968 broken up. [553] |
Rarawa | 1903 | 1903 - 1940 | Gourlay Brothers, Dundee | 1072 | ![]() |
Ratanui | 1946 | 1952 - 1956 | George T. Davie & Sons, Ottawa | 515 | Motor ship built as Ottawa Mayspring for Canadian Government, under control of General Timber Products of Quebec. Completed as Mayspring. 1948 sold to Danish owners Arrenak I/S (S.A. Thomasen managers) and named Arrenak. 1952 sold to NSS and renamed Ratanui. [567] She had 2 masts and her engines were aft. [568] In 1952 Hauturu was too small for the Lyttelton route, so Ratanui replaced her, [336] On 30 November 1956 Ratanui left for Suva after sale to Burns Philp (South Sea) Co. Ltd, who had bought Nikau in July 1956. [479] In she was 1970 sold to Rusden & Sofrana (Fiji) Ltd, Suva. [569] She may have been broken up at Madang in 1971, [570] though in January that year she was advertised for sale at Madang, "as is, where is" [571] and in 1977 an advert invited tenders for removal of the wreck of Ratanui, lying in about 30 ft (9.1 m) of water on the eastern shore of Binnen Harbor at Madang. [572] |
Rimu | 1898 | 1908 - 1932 | Allsup & Co., Preston | 412 | ![]() |
Ronaki | 1922 | 1929 - 1943 | G.T.Niccol | 255 | Auxiliary schooner, built for Wilson Portland Cement Company, 1929 sold to NSS, 1943 sold to government and used as a US Navy storeship. 18 June 1943 wrecked Norfolk Island. [587] |
Rosalie | 1946 | Shipbuilders Limited and Seagar Brothers Limited. | 239 | Motor ship | |
Rose Ann | 1893 | Not known | Cutter bought by NSS in May 1893 as a tender to Glenelg at Raglan, to collect cargo from harbour landings. [588] She made several trips to Waingaro landing for wool. [589] In 1893 she struck a reef at Waingaro [590] and was repaired at Raglan and Onehunga. [591] | ||
Rothesay | 1904 | 1907 - c1925 | Seagar Bros, Auckland | 17 | ![]() |
Rotokohu | 1901 | 1903 - 1939 | Savage, Ōpōtiki | 15 | Waihou River steam launch Rotokohu was built as Clematis, with a hull of kauri and engines by A & G Price. [594] In July 1907, due to increased custom, NSS put her on the Paeroa-Te Aroha route as Rotokohu, a larger, 30 passenger, steamer. The trip up the Waihou River from Paeroa took 61⁄2 hours, rather than 10 hours by Matuku. [595] She was able to tow 80 tons of cargo in a barge. [596] In 1938 it was decided she was a tug, rather than a launch, entitling her crew to an extra 10s a week. [597] In January 1939 she was offered for sale [598] and sold for £80 to Harold Fogden of Auckland. [594] |
Rotomahana | 1876 | 1890 - 1917 | Fraser & Tinne | 183 | Steamer sold to NSS in 1890 for the Thames run. 1896 Transferred to the Coromandel run. 1917 broken up at Auckland and sold to McCallum Bros, who sank her to form a wharf at Pakihi Island. [599] |
Rowena | 1872 | 1881 - 1890 | H. Niccol, Devonport | 108 | Steamer Rowena was launched on 24 August 1872, though she came to a halt about half way down the slip and had to wait for the next tide. [600] She had a 30 hp (22 kW) compound engine, [601] was 101.6 ft (31.0 m) long, 17.1 ft (5.2 m) wide x 6.6 ft (2.0 m) deep and, in 1872, registered in Auckland by D B Cruikshank. [602] She was built for D.A. Cruikshank, J.S. McFarlane, W.A. McGregor and partner of Auckland and, in 1881, she was among the first in the NSS fleet. 1890 sold to J.H. Ross, 1891 to J. McClelland, 1894 to H. Hayes, 1895 to C.T. Roberts, 1895 to J.H. Williams, 1900 to Wellington Steam Ferry Co. Ltd, 1902 to Westport Coal Co. Ltd. 1906 broken up at Timaru. [603] |
Seaway Princess | 1967 | 1967 - 1969 | Hong Kong and Whampoa Dock Company | 1106 | Motor ship for the new NSS ro-ro service (mentioned above), launched on 19 September 1967. She was 81.22 m (266.5 ft) long, 13.1 m (43 ft) wide, 8.38 m (27.5 ft) deep, with 1,680 hp (1,250 kW) British Polar engines, driving a single screw [604] at up to 13.5 kn (25.0 km/h; 15.5 mph). [605] She arrived at Auckland in January 1968 [606] and could carry 68 cargon pallets of 16 to 28 tons. Her first voyage was delayed about a week by a dispute over staffing of the Fergusson Wharf linkspan at Auckland [607] and it wasn't until February 1968 that she had a suitable terminal at Lyttelton. [608] In March she was laid up for 6 weeks for engine repairs. [609] On 22 December 1969 she was sold to Holm & Co and renamed Holmlea on 13 April 1970, but negotiations delayed a Lyttelton-Wellington service on charter to Union [610] until 5 June 1970. [604] In February 1975 she was sold to a shipping company at Messina, renamed Annarita Seconda and left Wellington on 8 March. In 1978 she was renamed Gabbiano [611] and in 1983 sold to a Genoan company. On 2 November 1989 shipbreakers Eurofer SpA started work on her at San Giorgio di Nogaro. [604] |
Senator | 1848 | Not known - 1906 [612] | William Hoile Brown, Auckland | 1012 | Coal hulk |
Staffa | 1881 - 1897 | Thomas Niccol, Devonport | 80 | Steamer | |
Tahawai | 1905 | 1905 - c1924 | Hare Bros, Kaeo | 12 | Motor launch built for NSS, as a feeder to collect kauri gum [613] and take supplies to the Karikari Peninsula, [614] Kaimaumau, Waipapakauri, Waiharara and Awanui. [613] In August 1921 lightning made holes in her and she was beached at the fish factory on the Awanui River. [615] She was still running in 1923. [616] |
Tainui | 1945 | 1949 - 1963 | Kalmar Varv, Kalmar | 539 | Motor ship built as Vestria for O.M. Thore, Jonstorp and sold to NSS in 1949 to service Lyttelton, Picton, New Plymouth and Raglan, she was 175 ft (53 m) long, 23.5 ft (7.2 m) wide, with a speed of 10.5 kn (19.4 km/h; 12.1 mph). [617] She took 4 months to travel from Europe to Whangārei. [618] In 1963 she was sold to Mr Suh Lee Kom of the Mayfair Rubber Co, Singapore, in December 1962 to Moh Yin Quek (Panama), July 1963 to Chagres Co. Panama Soc. Anon, 1965 renamed Dragon Dorado, 1970 to Eastern Shg. and Trading Co. (Pte.) Ltd. and renamed Ares (Singapore) and 1978 to Yodpatankarn Co. Ltd. (Thai). [619] IMO: 5349346 may still be in use. [620] |
Tainui II | 1963 | 1973 - 1976 | Astano SA, | 1.562 | ![]() |
Taniwha | 1898 | 1898 - 1939 | Robert Logan Sr., Auckland | 263 | ![]() |
Tasman | 1903 | 1908 - 1921 | Robert Logan Sr., Auckland | 179 | ![]() |
Tawanui | 1959 | 1959 - 1973 | J. Bodewes, Hoogezand | 891 | ![]() |
Te Aroha | 1876 | 1890 - 1891 | Wm. Holmes, North Shore | 51 | ![]() |
Te Teko | 1914 | 1914 - 1920 | G.T. Niccol | 109 | Auxiliary ketch built for NSS. 6 August 1920 wrecked without loss of life on Slipper Island (Whakahau). [647] |
Terranora | 1878 | 1898 - 1914 | D. & W. Henderson, Meadowside | 350 | ![]() |
Toa | 1928 | 1928 - 1961 | G.T. Niccol, Freemans Bay | 208 | Motor ship launched January 1928 for NSS. She was 106 ft (32 m) x 26 ft (7.9 m) x 8.5 ft (2.6 m), with a twin screw, twin Bolinder engines and built of wood, [654] which was damaged when she ran aground on Whakatāne bar in 1932, [655] 1939 [656] and 1950; [657] she also had to wait 4 days off the bar in 1946. [658] 1961 sold to Kaiapoi Shipping Company Limited [659] to serve Kaiapoi and Wellington until laid up in 1963. She was converted for line fishing off Chatham Islands in 1964. In 1967 she worked with Ranginui in the venison recovery operations in Fiordland. She went fishing at Tonga in the early 1970s , and was laid up at Auckland in 1973. In 1974 she was auctioned by Auckland Harbour Board to recover unpaid charges, sold to Mahmoud Raza, Suva for $6,040 and renamed Paerimu. She sank at her Bay of Islands moorings in 1981. [660] |
Torea | 1912 | 1912 - c1935 | G.T. Niccol | 54 | Auxiliary schooner built for NSS [661] to serve Paeroa and Tauranga. [175] In 1927 she was running alternate weeks from Tauranga to the Rangitaiki and Kaituna rivers. [662] 1930s laid up at Auckland, post 1935 sold to Island buyers. [661] |
Tuhoe | 1919 | 1919 - 1942 1945 - 1961 | G.T. Niccol | 186 | ![]() |
Victory | 1903 | 1907 - 1932 | Bailey & Lowe, Auckland | 22. 32 from 1909 | Ketch built for Thomas & Drusella Wills, Kennedy Bay. 1905 two oil engines fitted. Tonnage changed to 26 gross. 1907 sold to NSS. [152] In August 1928 she was sold to her master, Captain Scopes, to continue trading to Waiuku. [675] In 1932 she was sold to Avoca Coal Company of Dargaville, to A. Curel of Helensville, converted to a cruising vessel and re-engined with twin Kelvin diesels in 1937. In 1946 she was given to Kaipara Cruising Club, Helensville as a clubhouse. In October 1962 she was condemned and burnt. [152] |
Waihou | 1897 - 1935 | Not known | Waihou River barge [676] | ||
Waimana | 1899 | 1899 - 1904 | Lane & Brown, Totara North | 152 | ![]() |
Waimarie | 1896 | 1896 - 1931 | Robert Logan Sr., Auckland | 245 | ![]() |
Waiotahi | 1891 | 1891 - 1934 | Abercorn Shipbuilding Co., Paisley | 278 | ![]() |
Waiotahi | 1932 | 1934 - 1961 | G.T. Niccol | 208 | Motor ship, launched on 12 September 1932, [693] 116 ft (35 m) long, 25 ft (7.6 m) wide, 6 ft (1.8 m) draught, with 2 × 120 hp (89 kW) Fairbanks Morse diesels, built as Atua by G.T. Niccol for his own use and the last ship built at his yard, but only used for a trip to Norfolk Island. [691] In 1934 she was sold to NSS, renamed Waiotahi, [694] and worked to the Bay of Plenty until 1960, and then between Picton and Onehunga, until sold to A G Frankham Ltd in 1961 for an Auckland–Gisborne route, then to Inter Island Shipping Company to link Kaiapoi and Wellington, with occasional trips to Golden Bay / Mohua, until 6 November 1967. [695] In 1966 she grounded near the Waimakariri River entrance, but was refloated. [696] From 1967 F Fawcett-Kay used her around the Solomon Islands, until she was scuttled in Rabaul Harbour in October 1973, due to the hull being eaten away by teredo worms. [695] |
Waipu | 1916 | 1916 - 1935 | John McGregor, Dunedin | 205 | Steamer |
Waitangi | 1889 | 1896 - 1911 | Grangemouth Dockyard Company | 171 | ![]() |
Waiuku | 1913 | 1913 - 1931 | John I. Thornycroft & Company, Hampshire | 76 | ![]() |
Wakatere | 1896 | 1896 - 1929 | Napier, Shanks & Bell, Yoker | 441 | ![]() |
Wanganui | 1923 - 1946 | Duinker & Goedhoop, Martenshoek | 351 | Coal hulk, a former iron sailing ship, used as oil bunker for new motor ships. [59] | |
Wave | 1907 - 1918 | Bailey & Lowe, Freemans Bay | 41. 32 from 1909 | Auxiliary schooner | |
Weka | 1894 | 1907 - 1919 | William Holmes, Auckland | 127 | ![]() |
Wellington | 1863 | 1881 - 1909 | Blackwood & Gordon, Port Glasgow | 429 | Launched 24 October 1863 for New Zealand Steam Navigation Co, Wellington and transferred to Union in 1871. Wellington was a 100-passenger, iron, single screw, steamer, 185.5 ft (56.5 m) x 24.6 ft (7.5 m) x 13.2 ft (4.0 m), with a 2-cylinder, 90 hp (67 kW) engine, which arrived on 3 June 1864. In 1881 she was sold to NSS, initially serving Tauranga-Auckland. [721] She ran daily to Whangārei in 1900, [220] but was laid up about 1905, [722] after being used on the New Plymouth-Onehunga route. [723] In December 1909 she was sold [724] to G. T. Niccol, who converted her to a hulk at Auckland. In 1913 she was scuttled as a breakwater at Moehau, [725] or at Whangārei. [726] |
Viaduct Harbour, formerly known as Viaduct Basin, is a former commercial harbour on the Auckland waterfront that has been turned into a development of mostly upscale apartments, office space and restaurants. It is located on the site of a formerly run-down area of the Freemans Bay / Auckland CBD waterfront in Auckland, New Zealand. As a centre of activity of the 2000 America's Cup hosted by the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron, as well as the 2022 Rally New Zealand, the precinct enjoyed considerable popularity with locals and foreign visitors.
The Opua Branch or Otiria-Opua Industrial Line, partially still operational as the Bay of Islands Vintage Railway, is a former section of the North Auckland Line in the Northland Region of New Zealand, between Otiria and the Bay of Islands township of Opua. The first section was constructed as a bush tramway in 1867 and converted to a railway in the next decade. Today the railway is partially used by the Bay of Islands Vintage Railway, which runs tourist services between Kawakawa and Te Akeake. The line's centrepiece is the section where it runs down along the main street of Kawakawa.
Union Steam Ship Company of New Zealand Limited was once the biggest shipping line in the southern hemisphere and New Zealand's largest private-sector employer. It was incorporated by James Mills in Dunedin in 1875 with the backing of a Scottish shipbuilder, Peter Denny. Bought by shipping giant P&O around the time of World War I it was sold in 1972 to an Australasian consortium and closed at the end of the twentieth century.
The New Zealand Shipping Company (NZSC) was a shipping company whose ships ran passenger and cargo services between Great Britain and New Zealand between 1873 and 1973.
TSS Arahura was a twin screw steam passenger/cargo ship built for the Union Steam Ship Company. It was launched on the Clyde on 25 March 1905 and built by William Denny and Brothers Dumbarton at a cost of £52,000. It had a gross weight of 1,607 tons. The ship had accommodation for 201 passengers.
Henry Niccol was probably the first shipbuilder in Auckland, New Zealand. He was born in 1819 in Greenock. He was the father of George Turnbull Niccol and Malcolm Niccol (1844-1925).
Caesar Roose (1886–1967) was a New Zealand ship owner and operator, flax and timber miller, businessman, entrepreneur, community leader and philanthropist. He was born in Mercer, Waikato, New Zealand in 1886.
HMAS Bingera was an auxiliary anti-submarine vessel of the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) during the Second World War. Bingera was built by William Denny and Brothers, Dumbarton in 1935 for the Australasian United Steam Navigation Company for the Queensland coastal trade, arriving at Brisbane on 18 November 1935.
Kawakawa railway station was a station on the Opua Branch in New Zealand. and is the terminus of the Bay of Islands Vintage Railway (BoIVR) in the small town of Kawakawa. It was also the terminus of the oldest railway on the North Island, opened in 1867, before being joined to the rest of the North Auckland Line in 1912.
Taumarere railway station was a station on the Opua Branch in New Zealand and is a stop on the Bay of Islands Vintage Railway near Taumarere village. It is on the oldest railway built on the North Island, which opened in 1867. Taumarere station has had three locations, east of the village, west of the village and at the rugby ground.
SS Hilonian was a general passenger and cargo steamer, built as the Triumph in 1880 at Middlesbrough for McIntyre & Co, and later fitted with refrigeration equipment and leased to Shaw Savill and the New Zealand Shipping Company. She sank and ran aground many times, the final sinking being by torpedo in 1917.
SS Rotomahana was an 1876 harbour steamer and the first iron vessel to be built in Auckland, though launched only 28 minutes ahead of another, though smaller, iron ship. Rotomahana was a name used by at least two other ships of the era, presumably because Rotomahana and its Pink and White Terraces had become better known after the Duke of Edinburgh visited in 1870.
Phoenix Foundry, often printed as Phœnix, was an engineering company in Auckland from 1861 to 1952. By 1900 it was on the verge of bankruptcy, but also Auckland's largest engineering works, supplying a wide range of goods and often leading in the design of equipment used to exploit the country's resources, such as timber and flax mills, crushers for gold ore and locomotives, pumps, cement and gas works and steamers. The foundry started with engineer, George Fraser, and a handful of employees, but grew to employ hundreds and operated under several names, including Fraser and Tinne and George Fraser & Sons Ltd.
PS Governor Wynyard'', was a small steam ship, the first to be built in New Zealand, and was launched in 1851. She was a paddle steamer schooner, built of pohutukawa, with kauri planks. In 1853, she ended her service on the Tamaki River in Auckland and was sold in Melbourne in 1852 during the gold rush. Soon after, she started functioning as a ferry in Tasmania, where her basic engines were removed in 1858. She sprang a leak and became a beached wreck in 1873.
SS Tauranga was the first coastal trading steam ship to be built in New Zealand, though a harbour steamer, Governor Wynyard, had been built at Auckland in 1851.
SS Go Ahead was a twin screw-steamer, launched on the afternoon of Saturday 20 April 1867 by Seath and Connell, of Rutherglen, for the Clyde Shipping Company, with a plan to use her in New Zealand coastal trading. She had 30, or 35 hp (26 kW), high pressure engines, and tubular boilers from Campbell & Son's foundry.
The Anchor Shipping and Foundry Company linked Nelson with other parts of New Zealand from 1870 to 1974. The company's former office remains on the quay at Nelson, as do steps of their foundry, which built one of their ships, repaired their fleet and made other machinery.
William Hoile Brown was a shipbuilder in Auckland from 1864 to 1918 and a local politician.
Minerva was a 21-ton, kauri-built, steam passenger ferry, launched for Clevedon Steam Navigation Company Limited at the Freemans Bay yard of Charles Bailey on 10 December 1910, to link Auckland with Whitford and Howick. A social for the new ship was held at Whitford on 16 January 1911.
Crusader was 1,058-ton iron clipper ship. She built for John Lidgett & Sons, Indian traders of London, by Charles Connell and Co of Glasgow and launched in March 1865.
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