Romance copula

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In some of the Romance languages the copula, the equivalent of the verb to be in English, is relatively complex compared to its counterparts in other languages. A copula is a word that links the subject of a sentence with a predicate (a subject complement). Whereas English has one main copula verb (and some languages like Russian mostly express the copula implicitly) some Romance languages have more complex forms.


Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, and some other Romance languages have more than one copula verb. Conversely, French and certain others have only one. The development of copula verbs in Romance languages is explained by the fact that these are ultimately derived from three Latin verbs:

As the Romance languages developed over time, the three separate Latin verbs became just one or two verbs in the Romance languages.

The reduction of three separate verbs into just one or two appears to have occurred as follows:

The development of two copular verbs in this manner occurred most completely in Spanish, Portuguese and Catalan. In other languages, most usages of English "to be" are still translated by *essere:


In English, it is possible to say "there stands..." instead of "there is..." in certain contexts. In Latin, too, it became common to eschew svm in favour of sto and say where things "stood" instead of where they "were". With time, it became common to use this verb to express other states.

Today, Spanish, Galician, Portuguese, Catalan, and (to a lesser extent) Italian commonly use two copulas, one from each of the Latin verbs. The others use just one main copula, from svm.

There is also a notable tendency for a derivative of the supine of sto (statvs, stata, statvm) to replace the past participle of verbs deriving from svm (which in Latin had no supine). Examples:



Page of the Cantar de Mio Cid. The third line reads:
Es pagado, e davos su amor. Page of Lay of the Cid.jpg
Page of the Cantar de Mio Cid. The third line reads:
Es pagado, e davos su amor.

Spanish copulas

The Spanish copulas are ser and estar. The latter developed as follows:

stare → *estareestar

The copula ser developed from two Latin verbs. Thus its inflectional paradigm is a combination: most of it derives from svm (to be) but the present subjunctive appears to come from sedeo (to sit) via the Old Spanish verb seer.

E.g. derivation from sedeo:

sedeamsea (1st person singular, present tense, subjunctive mood)

Derivation from svm:

svmvssomos (1st person plural, present tense, indicative mood)

The infinitive (on which the modern future and conditional are based) could have derived from either or both:

esseèssere (as in Italian) → ésser (as in Catalan) → ser
sedere → *sederseerser

In the early part of the second millennium, in texts such as the Cantar de Mio Cid , ser was still used mostly as in Latin, and there was little place for estar; sentences like Es pagado, e davos su amor, "He is satisfied, and he gives you his favour" are found, where modern Spanish might have Queda contento, or Está satisfecho, y le da su favor.

As the centuries went by, estar spread in use. Today, ser is used to express the fundamental nature, identity, essence, or characteristics of something – what it really is, while estar expresses the state or condition something happens to be in. Indeed, ser is etymologically related to the English words "essence" and "is", and estar with "state", "status", "standing", "stance" and "stay". The distinction is parallel with the concept of essence versus accident.

The verb quedar (which also has the specific meanings of "to remain", "to be as a result" and others) is often used in a similar way to estar. It derives from the Latin qvieto (qvietare in the infinitive), "to rest".

Past participlesido
Imperfectfuera / fuesefueras / fuesesfuera / fuesefuéramos / fuésemosfuerais / fueseisfueran / fuesen
Past participleestado
Imperfectestuviera / estuvieseestuvieras / estuviesesestuviera / estuvieseestuviéramos / estuviésemosestuvierais / estuvieseisestuvieran / estuviesen
  está estemosestad 

† Archaic.

†† Estar is usually made reflexive in the imperative.


Él es sucio = "He is dirty" (i.e. "He is a dirty person" – characteristic)
Él está sucio = "He is dirty" (i.e. "He has some dirt on him" – state)
Es abierta = "She is open" (i.e. "She is an open sort of person" – characteristic)
Está abierta = "It is open" (probably referring to a door or window – state)
Es triste = "[It/he/she] is sad" (i.e. gloomy – characteristic)
Está triste = "[It/he/she] is sad" (i.e. feeling down – state)
¿Cómo eres? = "What are you like?" (i.e. "describe yourself" – characteristics)
¿Cómo estás? = "How are you?" (i.e. "how are you doing?" – state)

With adjectives referring to beauty and the like, ser means "to be", and estar means "to look".

¡Qué bonita es! = "Wow, she is so beautiful" (characteristic)
¡Qué bonita está! = "Wow, she is looking so beautiful / she is done up so nicely" (state)

The differentiation between "nature" and "state" makes sense when talking about the states of life and death: Él está vivo (He is alive), Él está muerto (He is dead). Estar is used for both alive and dead, since they are both states, although being dead is considered a permanent state.

Ser is used when stating the stage of life at which a person is. The old, the young, etc. are seen as groups that one can belong to. It is a question of identity:

Él es viejo = "He is old"
Él es un viejo = "He is an old man"
Cuando ella era niñita = "When she was a little girl"

However, age can also be presented not as a matter of identity but a state:

Él está viejo = "He is looking old" / "He got old"

The use of estar gives a certain special nuance to some verbs. For example, estar guapa, though it has the sense of "to be beautiful", also emphasizes the use of make-up and clothes to create a beautiful look. Ser sucio instead of the more usual estar sucio means to be the sort of person who is likely to be dirty.

The adjective loco ("mad", "crazy", "insane") is always used with estar in Spain, as the implication is that the person "has gone mad" (i.e. a change of state). It is possible to give it a permanent nuance, but only by using it as a noun: Él es un loco, "He is a madman". Ser loco is used in certain regions in Latin America, however, meaning a permanent insanity as opposed to estar loco meaning have gone mad or acting crazy.

The expression como una cabra (with the implied loco omitted) is used with estar to mean "mad as a hatter", "crazy as a loon". Ser como una cabra would literally mean, "to be like a goat".

Ser is used with adjectives of fundamental belief, nationality, sex, intelligence, etc. The use of estar with francés ("French") would sound quite odd to native Spanish speakers, as though it meant, "to feel a bit French". Similarly, no estar católico does not mean, "to no longer be Catholic", but is a colloquial expression meaning "to feel under the weather".

It is often stated that the difference between the two verbs corresponds to "permanent" versus "temporary", but it is more accurate to describe the distinction as one of "essential nature" versus "state or condition". The "essential nature" of things does sometimes change, and this is reflected in the language. For example, someone who had been depressed for a prolonged period, and then had a life changing experience like a new career or long-term relationship, might say ahora yo soy feliz, meaning, "now I am happy".

Specific constructions requiring ser

A special use of ser, which expresses neither a nature nor a state but an action, is the formation of the passive voice:

Ellos han sido asesinados = "They have been murdered"
Tú serás juzgada = "You will be judged"

Specific constructions requiring estar

Past participles

Estar is usually used with adjectives that derive from past participles of verbs since the use of ser would sound like a verb in the passive voice. Such adjectives in any case generally refer to states:

La frontera está cerrada = "The border is closed"
Estoy casado = "I am married" (Soy casado is also possible; "I am single", "I am widowed", etc. can use ser or estar as well)

A special example of this tendency is what happens with words indicating prohibition and suchlike. If an adjective not deriving from a verb were used, then the meaning would definitely require ser. To say the same thing with a past participle, estar (or quedar) is required, in order to differentiate it from the use of ser with a past participle implying an action expressed in the passive voice:

Es ilegal fumar en este vuelo = "It is illegal to smoke on this flight" (straightforward case of ser)
Está prohibido fumar en este vuelo = "It is prohibited to smoke on this flight" (estar necessary to distinguish the sentence from the following one)
Ha sido prohibido fumar en este vuelo = "It has been prohibited (i.e. made against the rules) to smoke on this flight" (This is an example of the passive voice. This use of ser in the perfect tense is similar to the use of estar in the present tense; the former expressing an event in the past, the latter expressing its current effect.)

This fine nuance is not encountered in other Romance languages, which do not go to such lengths to distinguish between passives and similar-sounding phrases.


Estar is used to refer to physical location. In Spanish, location is regarded as a state, and therefore is indicated with estar, even in those cases (e.g. Madrid está en España "Madrid is in Spain") when one might think that it is something so permanent and fundamental that it could be logical to use ser. The use of estar for location may be easier for English speakers to grasp if they recall that it is derived from Latin stare, "to stand."

With immobile things, quedar is sometimes used instead of estar, especially when there is a reference to a length of time, or a remaining distance, e.g.:

¿A cuánto queda la playa? / ¿A qué distancia queda la playa? = "How far away is the beach?"
Aún queda lejos = "There is still quite some way" / "It is still far"
El bar queda a cinco minutitos = "The bar is five minutes away"

However, ser can sometimes occur with words such as aquí, which can mislead learners into thinking that physical location can be expressed with ser. In fact, the verb in this case identifies the place rather than expressing where it is. For example, one might say to a taxi driver the following phrases, to indicate that one has arrived:

Está aquí = "It is here"
Es aquí = "It is here"

The difference becomes clear if aquí is changed to esta calle:

Está en esta calle = "It is in this street"
Es esta calle = "It is this street"

Es aquí and es esta calle express the idea that "this is the place", a concept quite different from what is expressed by estar.

The only case in which true location is expressed by ser is when an event rather than a physical thing is referred to:

¿Dónde es la fiesta? = "Where is the party?"
¿Dónde está la discoteca? = "Where is the nightclub?"

Words requiring ser

Ser is always used when the complement is a noun or pronoun, regardless of whether the speaker intended to express a fundamental essence (though in practice speakers do tend to express this):

Él es una persona sucia = "He is a dirty person"
Ella es una persona abierta = "She is an open person"
Yo soy la víctima = "I am the victim"

However, it is not always easy to know what is a noun. For example, pez is a noun meaning "fish", but estar pez is a colloquial expression meaning "not to have a clue" or "to be at sea" at a given activity.

Words requiring estar

Estar must be used when the complement is bien or mal, no matter what meaning is intended.

Este libro está muy bien = Este libro es muy bueno = "This book is very good" (nature)
Estoy muy mal = Estoy muy malo = "I am feeling terrible, ill" (state)

Total change of meaning with specific adjectives

Many adjectives change in meaning entirely depending on the verb used, sometimes meaning almost the opposite. In each case, the meaning which is more of a "nature" goes with ser and the meaning which is more of a "state" goes with estar.

adjectivewith estarwith ser
buenotasty, sexygood
cachondoarousedsexy, funny person
listoreadyclever, smart
ricodeliciousrich, wealthy
vivoalivelively, bright


Although "sadness" is expressed straightforwardly with estar triste, "happiness" is a little trickier. The quality of being joyous, lively and happy is expressed with ser alegre. This can describe people, music, colours, etc. Estar alegre expresses the state of being merry, which in practice may sometimes mean "drunk", "tipsy".

A person who is fundamentally happy in life is said to ser feliz; indeed la felicidad is that "happiness" for which humans strive. This happiness often turns out to be a transitory state, a person may nevertheless declare yo soy feliz as a statement of optimism that goes beyond the description of today's mood that is expressed by any phrase with estar. As for such moods, they can be expressed with estar feliz.

When not a state but a change of state is referred to, the expression is quedar contento or alegrarse: Ella quedó muy contenta cuando yo le dije que ella había ganado = "she was very glad when I told her that she had won"; Yo me alegro de que vosotros hayáis llegado = "I am glad that you (plural) have come".

In the excerpt from the Cantar de Mio Cid above, one can see that "to be happy" a thousand years ago was ser pagado (meaning "to be paid" in current Spanish).


Portuguese copulas

The Portuguese copulas are ser and estar. As in Spanish, estar derived from Latin sto / stare:

stare → *estareestar

The copula ser developed both from svm and sedeo. Thus its inflectional paradigm is a combination of these two Latin verbs: most tenses derive from svm and a few from sedeo. E.g. derivation from sedeo: [1]

sedereseerser (infinitive)
sedeamseja (1st person singular, present tense, subjunctive mood)

E.g. derivation from svm:

svmsomsou (1st pers. sing., present tense, indicative mood)
eramera (1st pers. sing., imperfect past tense, indicative mood)
fvifui (1st pers. sing., preterite tense, indicative mood)
(Impersonal) infinitiveser
Past participlesido
Personal infinitiveserseressersermosserdesserem
Present   sede 
(Impersonal) infinitiveestar
Past participleestado
Personal infinitiveestarestaresestarestarmosestardesestarem
Present está  estai 

† Mostly literary.

†† Some authors regard the conditional as a tense of the indicative mood.


The distinction between the two verbs is very similar to that of Catalan. Compared to Spanish, estar is a little less used. The main difference between Spanish and Portuguese lies in the interpretation of the concept of state versus essence and in the generalisations in some constructions. There is perhaps a little more of a concept of permanent versus temporary, rather than essence versus state. For example, unlike Spanish, Portuguese does not require estar with past participles; in this case, it follows the general rule regarding state/essence.

A cadeira é [feita] de madeira = "The chair is made of wood".

The word feita, "made", is usually omitted.

Eu sou casado = "I am married".

The same applies to sentences expressing interdictions:

É proibido fumar neste voo "Smoking is forbidden on this flight".

However, there are some nuances in these verbs in the passive voice. In this case, the use of ser or estar depends on the tense of the verb. E.g.: to say that somebody is not allowed to smoke, only estar can be used in the present tense:

Está proibido de fumar [pelo pai] = "He has been forbidden from smoking [by his father]"; literally "He is forbidden to smoke [by the father]".

In past tenses, both ser and estar can be used, conveying a different meaning:

Foi proibido de fumar = "He was forbidden from smoking" [action].
Estava proibido de fumar = "He was forbidden from smoking" [result].

Portuguese counts location as permanent and fundamental, and accordingly uses ser, or the more specific secondary copula ficar (to stay), from Latin figo, "to place/set":

Lisboa fica em Portugal "Lisbon is [located] in Portugal".
Onde é/fica o apartamento dela? "Where is her flat/apartment?"


A cidade está (situada) a 10 quilômetros da capital. "The city is (situated) 10 km from the capital."


Como és? = "What are you like?" (i.e. "Describe yourself" – characteristics).
Como estás? = "How are you?" (i.e. "How are you doing?" – state).
Ele é triste = "He is sad" (i.e. gloomy – characteristic).
(Ele) está triste = "He is [feeling] sad" (i.e. feeling down – state).
Ela é aberta = "She is open" (i.e. "She is an open-minded sort of person" – characteristic; this sentence can also have a pejorative meaning).
Ela está aberta = "It is open" (probably referring to a door or window – state).
É sujo = "It is dirty" (i.e. "It is a dirty place/thing" – characteristic).
Está sujo = "It is dirty" (i.e. "The place is/looks dirty [now]" – state).

With adjectives referring to beauty and the like, ser means "to be", and estar means "to look".

Que linda ela é! = "She is so beautiful!" (characteristic).
Que linda ela está! = "She looks so beautiful!" (state).

As in Spanish, the differentiation between "nature" and "state" makes sense when talking about the states of life and death: Está vivo (He is alive); Está morto (He is dead). Notice the important difference between ser morto (to be killed) and estar morto (to be dead):

Ele foi morto [por um ladrão] = "He was killed [by a burglar]".

Louco (mad) can be used with ser or estar, giving different connotations:

És louco! = "You are mad!" (characteristic).
Estás louco! = "You have gone mad!"/ "You are acting crazy" (state).

Ser is used with adjectives expressing:

  • fundamental belief: Não sou católico "I am not a Catholic";
  • nationality: És português "You are Portuguese";
  • gender: É um homem "He is a man";
  • intelligence: Somos espertos "We are clever", etc.

Estar católico is used with the same sense as in Spanish:

Eu não estou muito católico = "I am not feeling very well" (perhaps mean-spirited or ill or drunk).
O tempo hoje não está muito católico = "The weather is not very reliable today".

Apart from this exception, due to its different meanings, estar cannot be used for nationality, gender, or intelligence, but one can say Estou abrasileirado (I have acquired Brazilian ways – state) or Estás americanizado (You have been Americanised – state). The same applies for the difference between É um homem "He is a man" and Está um homem, meaning, "He has grown up to be a man".

Ficar, apart from its use as "to stay", and the use mentioned above as a copula translated as "to be located", is extensively used for a change of state (sometimes quite sudden), being translated as "to get" or "to become":

Fiquei rico = "I got rich."
Ficou triste = "He became sad."


Catalan copulas

The Catalan copulas developed as follows:

stare → *estareestar

The last three forms of the first verb survive in modern Catalan. Ésser is considered the most standard, followed by ser and, distantly, esser. The verb seure remains as a distinct verb and is not considered a copula.

Infinitiveser / ésser
Past participleestat / sigut / sét
Gerundsent / essent
 seria / fóraseries / foresseria / fóraseríem / fóremseríeu / fóreuserien / foren
Presentsigui / sigasiguis / siguessigui / sigasiguemsigueusiguin / siguen
Imperfectfosfossisfosfóssim / fóssemfóssiu / fósseufossin / fossen
  sigues  sigueu / sigau 
Past participleestat
/ estam
/ estau
Presentestigui / estigaestiguis / estiguesestigui / estigaestiguemestigueuestiguin
/ estiguen
Imperfectestiguésestiguessisestiguésestiguéssim / estiguéssemestiguéssiu / estiguésseuestiguessin / estiguessen
  estigues  estigueu
/ estigau


In Catalan, ésser and estar work in a way intermediate between those of Italian and Portuguese. A complete description of its rules of usage is as follows:

This can be summed up in five simple rules:

  1. Ser is always used to apply adjectives to inanimate objects except if there is a cause or a time lapse given for the condition of the adjective.
  2. Estar is always used to apply adjectives to animate objects if it is not a permanent state or characteristic of such animate object. However, there are some things that nowadays can be changed but before could not (or were not expected to), which work like permanent characteristics (for example, nationality, beliefs, sex, looks, being married, degree of intelligence and degree of sanity.) Of course, even those can be expressed with estar if the animate object is acting as if they were his characteristics but they are not, or if the characteristics are more emphasised than usual. For example, és molt socialista, "she/he's a convinced socialist" vs. estàs molt socialista!, "you are being very socialist!"; és molt maca, "she is very beautiful" vs. està molt maca, "she looks very beautiful", as in "better than usual"; és mort, "he is dead" vs. està com mort, "he is acting as if he were dead."
  3. Ser is always used for locations except if there is a time lapse given or if the location actually means that someone works or lives in the indicated place.
  4. Estar is always used with modal adverbs and equivalents like fixed prepositional locutions.
  5. Estar is always used to express a point of an evolution or scale (for example, els termòmetres estan a 20 graus, "thermometers are at 20 degrees.")

"Animate objects" refers mainly to people, animals, and whatever is thought to be sentient (for example, a child playing with a doll will probably treat it as an animate object).


Italian copulas

The Italian copulas did not undergo the same development as in other languages, having preserved the Vulgar Latin forms essere and stare.

Past participleessuto (archaic) / stato (from stare)
Past historicfuifostifufummofostefurono
  sii  siate 
Past participlestato
Past historicstettistestistettestemmostestestettero
  sta  state 


Essere is the main copula. Stare refers to state rather than essence, but more narrowly than in Spanish. Essere is used for almost all cases in which English uses "to be". It therefore makes sense to concentrate on the few uses of stare.

Like the Spanish quedar, Italian uses rimanere, from Latin remaneo (both meaning "to remain"), in the sense of "to be as a result"; e.g. È rimasta incinta = "she became pregnant (as a result)".


Sicilian copulas

The Sicilian copulas developed as follows:

Past participlestatu
Past participlestatu
  stai  stati 
  1. The simple future is no longer in use.
  2. The conditional tense of stari has also fallen into disuse.


In Sicilian, the meanings and usages of these two copulas are not as broad as in the other languages. Siri is the dominant copula, even more so than in the other Romance languages and is used for almost all cases in which English uses “to be”. Stari has been relegated to only a few common uses:

Siri is no longer in use as an auxiliary verb. Aviri has completely replaced it in all verbs.


Occitan has just one copula, estre; which is also written èsser, ester, estar in diverse dialects.[ dubious discuss ]

Estre [2]
Infinitiveestre, èsser
Past participleestat, estada, -s
  siá! siam!siatz! 


Modern French has only one copula. Old French, however, had estre (esseessere → *essreestre) and ester (stare → *estareestarester). The latter meant to ‘stand’, ‘stay’ or ‘stop’, and might have been used as a copula in a similar way to other Romance languages. With phonetic evolution, the forms of each verb tended to be confused with one another, with the result that estre finally absorbed ester; around the same time, most words beginning with est- changed to ét- or êt-. The modern form of the verb is être.

The only clear traces of ester (or éter if we bear in mind the loss of the s) in the modern copula are the past participle and the imperfect. Instead of the *étu one would expect, we find été – just what we would expect from ester/éter. The same tendency to use past participles derived from statvm (the supine of sto) to replace the past participles of the main copula is also seen in Italian and Catalan. The Old French imperfect was iere (from Latin eram); this was replaced in Middle French by the imperfect of ester, which was estois (from Vulgar Latin *estaba, Latin stābam).

The present participle and all imperfect forms of être are regular and correspond to what one would expect for a verb with the stem êt-; however, they could also be considered as deriving from éter since the forms coincide.

All other forms of être are from svm rather than sto.

Ester also survives in the infinitive in the set phrases ester en justice and ester en jugement, which translate the Latin term stare in ivdicio meaning "to appear in court", "to stand before the court". Ester en justice has come to mean, "to act in a lawsuit", i.e. to appear in court as a party. This is a highly defective verb and mostly exists in the infinitive, although present and past participle are infrequently used as well.

Past participleété
Past historicfusfusfutfûmesfûtesfurent
  sois soyonssoyez 



Romansh has just one copula, esser. Star means, "to reside".

Past participlestà
Gerundessend / siond
  saja  sajas 


A fi, fire is the copula in Romanian. These infinitive forms evolved from the passive verb fieri, "to become", "to be made":

fierifierefire → *firfi (fire)

In Latin fieri was used suppletively as the passive voice of facere "to do", "to make". However, in the Vulgar Latin dialects spoken in modern-day Romania, its evolved form fiere replaced essere, maybe due to the similarity between the stems fi- of fieri and fu- of esse (which is not coincidental, as both stems descend from the Proto-Indo-European verb *bʰuH-).

Other forms of the verb a fi are derived from esse: sunt, ești, e(ste), suntem, sunteți, sunt in the present tense and eram, erai, era, eram, erați, erau in the imperfect.

A sta (stare) (staresta) means "to stay" or even "to stand", "to stand still" or "to dwell/reside" e.g. a sta in picioare, as in Italian stare in piedi or unde stai? – "where do you live/reside?"

A fi
Infinitivea fi, fire
Past participlefost
Preteritefusei / fuifuseși / fușifuse / fufuserăm / furămfuserăți / furățifuseră / fură
Presentsă fiusă fiisă fiesă fimsă fițisă fie
  fii  fiți 

Sources of the Romance copula


Present InfinitiveessePerfect Infinitivefvisse
Future participlefvtvrvsFuture Infinitivefore (fvtvrvm esse)
Future Perfectfverofverisfveritfverimvsfveritisfverint
  es  este 


Present InfinitivestarePerfect Infinitivestetisse
Present participlestansFuture participlestatvrvs
Future Perfectsteterosteterissteteritsteterimvssteteritissteterint
  sta  state 

Demonstratives used when necessary.

For information on the morphological evolution of the Romance copula, see Romance verbs.

See also

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Spanish verbs</span> Verbs in the Spanish language

Spanish verbs form one of the more complex areas of Spanish grammar. Spanish is a relatively synthetic language with a moderate to high degree of inflection, which shows up mostly in Spanish conjugation.

The perfect tense or aspect is a verb form that indicates that an action or circumstance occurred earlier than the time under consideration, often focusing attention on the resulting state rather than on the occurrence itself. An example of a perfect construction is I have made dinner. Although this gives information about a prior action, the focus is likely to be on the present consequences of that action. The word perfect in this sense means "completed".

The continuous and progressive aspects are grammatical aspects that express incomplete action or state in progress at a specific time: they are non-habitual, imperfective aspects.

In Portuguese grammar, nouns, adjectives, pronouns, and articles are moderately inflected: there are two genders and two numbers. The case system of the ancestor language, Latin, has been lost, but personal pronouns are still declined with three main types of forms: subject, object of verb, and object of preposition. Most nouns and many adjectives can take diminutive or augmentative derivational suffixes, and most adjectives can take a so-called "superlative" derivational suffix. Adjectives usually follow their respective nouns.

The imperfect is a verb form that combines past tense and imperfective aspect. It can have meanings similar to the English "was walking" or "used to walk". It contrasts with preterite forms, which refer to a single completed event in the past.

Italian grammar is the body of rules describing the properties of the Italian language. Italian words can be divided into the following lexical categories: articles, nouns, adjectives, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Spanish conjugation</span> Conjugation of verbs in the Spanish language

This article presents a set of paradigms—that is, conjugation tables—of Spanish verbs, including examples of regular verbs and some of the most common irregular verbs. For other irregular verbs and their common patterns, see the article on Spanish irregular verbs.

In Latin grammar, a gerundive is a verb form that functions as a verbal adjective.

A feature common to all Indo-European languages is the presence of a verb corresponding to the English verb to be.

This article is an informal outline of the grammar of Interlingua, an international auxiliary language first publicized by IALA. It follows the usage of the original grammar text, which is accepted today but regarded as conservative.

Romance verbs are the most inflected part of speech in the language family. In the transition from Latin to the Romance languages, verbs went through many phonological, syntactic, and semantic changes. Most of the distinctions present in classical Latin continued to be made, but synthetic forms were often replaced with more analytic ones. Other verb forms changed meaning, and new forms also appeared.

This article deals with the grammar of the Udmurt language.

This article discusses the conjugation of verbs in a number of varieties of Catalan, including Old Catalan. Each verbal form is accompanied by its phonetic transcription. Widely used dialectal forms are included, even if they are not considered standard in either of the written norms: those of the Institut d'Estudis Catalans and the Acadèmia Valenciana de la Llengua. Other dialectal forms exist, including those characteristic of minor dialects such as Ribagorçan and Algherese and transitional forms of major dialects.

The conjugation of Sardinian verbs are mainly divided according to infinitives into -are, -ere, and -ire verbs in north-central dialects for regular verbs, similar to the tripartite systems of Portuguese, Spanish, and Italian. In southern dialects, these infinitives above change to -ai, -i, and -iri, respectively. Irregular verbs also exist as well. Many Sardinian conjugated forms were similar and conservative phonologically to Classical Latin, although the number of tenses were greatly reduced and the remaining tenses rely on periphrasis.



  1. E.B. Williams (From Latin to Portuguese); J.P. Machado (Dicionário Etimológico da Língua Portuguesa).
  2. Sinòpsis de les conjugacions occitanes


Further reading

PDF documents, mainly on the Spanish copula