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Tertiary structure of human cyclin A (lacking the amino-terminal 170 amino acids), showing the central core of two five-helix bundles, with additional helices at the amino terminus (black) and carboxyl terminus (grey). The yellow region in helix 1 is the MRAIL sequence or hydrophobic patch, which contributes to the recognition of some substrates. (PDB 1fin) Cyclin structure.pdf
Tertiary structure of human cyclin A (lacking the amino-terminal 170 amino acids), showing the central core of two five-helix bundles, with additional helices at the amino terminus (black) and carboxyl terminus (grey). The yellow region in helix 1 is the MRAIL sequence or hydrophobic patch, which contributes to the recognition of some substrates. (PDB 1fin)

Cyclins are proteins that control the progression of a cell through the cell cycle by activating cyclin-dependent kinases (CDK). [1]



Cyclins were originally discovered by R. Timothy Hunt in 1982 while studying the cell cycle of sea urchins. [2] [3]

In an interview for "The Life Scientific" (aired on 13/12/2011) hosted by Jim Al-Khalili, R. Timothy Hunt explained that the name "cyclin" was originally named after his hobby cycling. It was only after the naming did its importance in the cell cycle become apparent. As it was appropriate the name stuck. [4] R. Timothy Hunt: "By the way, the name cyclin, which I coined, was really a joke, it's because I liked cycling so much at the time, but they did come and go in the cell..." [4]


Expression of human cyclins through the cell cycle. Cyclin Expression.svg
Expression of human cyclins through the cell cycle.

Cyclins were originally named because their concentration varies in a cyclical fashion during the cell cycle. (Note that the cyclins are now classified according to their conserved cyclin box structure, and not all these cyclins alter in level through the cell cycle. [5] ) The oscillations of the cyclins, namely fluctuations in cyclin gene expression and destruction by the ubiquitin mediated proteasome pathway, induce oscillations in Cdk activity to drive the cell cycle. A cyclin forms a complex with Cdk, which begins to activate, but the complete activation requires phosphorylation as well. Complex formation results in activation of the Cdk active site. Cyclins themselves have no enzymatic activity but have binding sites for some substrates and target the Cdks to specific subcellular locations. [5]

Cyclins, when bound with the dependent kinases, such as the p34/cdc2/cdk1 protein, form the maturation-promoting factor. MPFs activate other proteins through phosphorylation. These phosphorylated proteins, in turn, are responsible for specific events during cell division such as microtubule formation and chromatin remodeling. Cyclins can be divided into four classes based on their behaviour in the cell cycle of vertebrate somatic cells and yeast cells: G1 cyclins, G1/S cyclins, S cyclins, and M cyclins. This division is useful when talking about most cell cycles, but it is not universal as some cyclins have different functions or timing in different cell types.

G1/S Cyclins rise in late G1 and fall in early S phase. The Cdk- G1/S cyclin complex begins to induce the initial processes of DNA replication, primarily by arresting systems that prevent S phase Cdk activity in G1. The cyclins also promote other activities to progress the cell cycle, such as centrosome duplication in vertebrates or spindle pole body in yeast. The rise in presence of G1/S cyclins is paralleled by a rise in S cyclins.

G1 cyclins do not behave like the other cyclins, in that the concentrations increase gradually (with no oscillation), throughout the cell cycle based on cell growth and the external growth-regulatory signals. The presence of G cyclins coordinate cell growth with the entry to a new cell cycle.

S cyclins bind to Cdk and the complex directly induces DNA replication. The levels of S cyclins remain high, not only throughout S phase, but through G2 and early mitosis as well to promote early events in mitosis.

M cyclin concentrations rise as the cell begins to enter mitosis and the concentrations peak at metaphase. Cell changes in the cell cycle like the assembly of mitotic spindles and alignment of sister-chromatids along the spindles are induced by M cyclin- Cdk complexes. The destruction of M cyclins during metaphase and anaphase, after the Spindle Assembly Checkpoint is satisfied, causes the exit of mitosis and cytokinesis. [6] Expression of cyclins detected immunocytochemically in individual cells in relation to cellular DNA content (cell cycle phase), [7] or in relation to initiation and termination of DNA replication during S-phase, can be measured by flow cytometry. [8]

Kaposi sarcoma herpesvirus (KSHV) encodes a D-type cyclin (ORF72) that binds CDK6 and is likely to contribute to KSHV-related cancers. [9]

Domain structure

Cyclins are generally very different from each other in primary structure, or amino acid sequence. However, all members of the cyclin family are similar in 100 amino acids that make up the cyclin box. Cyclins contain two domains of a similar all-α fold, the first located at the N-terminus and the second at the C-terminus. All cyclins are believed to contain a similar tertiary structure of two compact domains of 5 α helices. The first of which is the conserved cyclin box, outside of which cyclins are divergent. For example, the amino-terminal regions of S and M cyclins contain short destruction-box motifs that target these proteins for proteolysis in mitosis.

Cyclin, N-terminal domain
PDB 1vin EBI.jpg
Structure of bovine cyclin A. [10]
Pfam PF00134
Pfam clan CL0065
InterPro IPR006671
Available protein structures:
Pfam   structures / ECOD  
PDBsum structure summary
PDB 1bu2 , 1e9h , 1f5q , 1fin , 1fvv , 1g3n , 1gy3 , 1h1p , 1h1q , 1h1r , 1h1s , 1h24 , 1h25 , 1h26 , 1h27 , 1h28 , 1jkw , 1jow , 1jst , 1jsu , 1kxu , 1ogu , 1oi9 , 1oiu , 1oiy , 1okv , 1okw , 1ol1 , 1ol2 , 1p5e , 1pkd , 1qmz , 1urc , 1vin , 1vyw , 1w98 , 1xo2 , 2b9r , 2bkz , 2bpm , 2c4g , 2c5n , 2c5o , 2c5v , 2c5x , 2c6t , 2cch , 2cci , 2cjm , 2euf , 2f2c , 2g9x , 2i40 , 2i53 , 2ivx , 2iw6 , 2iw8 , 2iw9 , 2jgz , 2pk2 , 2uue , 2uzb , 2uzd , 2uze , 2uzl , 2v22 , 3bht , 3bhu , 3bhv , 3blh , 3blq , 3blr , 3ddp , 3ddq , 3dog , 3eid , 3ej1 , 3eoc , 3f5x
Cyclin, C-terminal domain
PDB 1e9h EBI.jpg
Structure of CDK2-cyclin A/indirubin-5-sulphonate. [11]
Pfam PF02984
Pfam clan CL0065
InterPro IPR004367
Available protein structures:
Pfam   structures / ECOD  
PDBsum structure summary
PDB 1e9h , 1fin , 1fvv , 1gy3 , 1h1p , 1h1q , 1h1r , 1h1s , 1h24 , 1h25 , 1h26 , 1h27 , 1h28 , 1jst , 1jsu , 1ogu , 1oi9 , 1oiu , 1oiy , 1okv , 1okw , 1ol1 , 1ol2 , 1p5e , 1pkd , 1qmz , 1urc , 1vin , 1vyw , 1w98 , 2bkz , 2bpm , 2c4g , 2c5n , 2c5o , 2c5v , 2c5x , 2c6t , 2cch , 2cci , 2cjm , 2g9x , 2i40 , 2iw6 , 2iw8 , 2iw9 , 2uue , 2uzb , 2uzd , 2uze , 2uzl , 2v22 , 3bht , 3bhu , 3bhv , 3ddp , 3ddq , 3dog , 3eid , 3ej1 , 3eoc , 3f5x
K cyclin, C terminal
PDB 1g3n EBI.jpg
structure of a p18(ink4c)-cdk6-k-cyclin ternary complex
Pfam PF09080
InterPro IPR015164
Available protein structures:
Pfam   structures / ECOD  
PDBsum structure summary


There are several different cyclins that are active in different parts of the cell cycle and that cause the Cdk to phosphorylate different substrates. There are also several "orphan" cyclins for which no Cdk partner has been identified. For example, cyclin F is an orphan cyclin that is essential for G2/M transition. [12] [13] A study in C. elegans revealed the specific roles of mitotic cyclins. [14] [15] Notably, recent studies have shown that cyclin A creates a cellular environment that promotes microtubule detachment from kinetochores in prometaphase to ensure efficient error correction and faithful chromosome segregation. Cells must separate their chromosomes precisely, an event that relies on the bi-oriented attachment of chromosomes to spindle microtubules through specialized structures called kinetochores. In the early phases of division, there are numerous errors in how kinetochores bind to spindle microtubules. The unstable attachments promote the correction of errors by causing a constant detachment, realignment and reattachment of microtubules from kinetochores in the cells as they try to find the correct attachment. Protein cyclin A governs this process by keeping the process going until the errors are eliminated. In normal cells, persistent cyclin A expression prevents the stabilization of microtubules bound to kinetochores even in cells with aligned chromosomes. As levels of cyclin A decline, microtubule attachments become stable, allowing the chromosomes to be divided correctly as cell division proceeds. In contrast, in cyclin A-deficient cells, microtubule attachments are prematurely stabilized. Consequently, these cells may fail to correct errors, leading to higher rates of chromosome mis-segregation. [16]

Main groups

There are two main groups of cyclins:


The specific cyclin subtypes along with their corresponding CDK (in brackets) are:

S. cerevisiae Cln3 (Cdk1)Cln 1,2 (Cdk1)Clb 5,6 (Cdk1)Clb 1,2,3,4 (Cdk 1)
S. pombe Puc1? (Cdc2)Puc1, Cig1? (Cdc2)Cig2, Cig1? (Cdc2)Cdc13 (Cdc2)
D. melanogaster cyclin D (Cdk4)cyclin E (Cdk2)cyclin E, A (Cdk2,1)cyclin A, B, B3 (Cdk1)
X. laevis either not known or not presentcyclin E (Cdk2)cyclin E, A (Cdk2,1)cyclin A, B, B3 (Cdk1)
H. sapiens cyclin D 1,2,3 (Cdk4, Cdk6) cyclin E (Cdk2) cyclin A (Cdk2, Cdk1) cyclin B (Cdk1)

Other proteins containing this domain

In addition, the following human protein contains a cyclin domain:



Leland H. Hartwell, R. Timothy Hunt, and Paul M. Nurse won the 2001 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their discovery of cyclin and cyclin-dependent kinase. [17]

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Cyclin A is a member of the cyclin family, a group of proteins that function in regulating progression through the cell cycle. The stages that a cell passes through that culminate in its division and replication are collectively known as the cell cycle Since the successful division and replication of a cell is essential for its survival, the cell cycle is tightly regulated by several components to ensure the efficient and error-free progression through the cell cycle. One such regulatory component is cyclin A which plays a role in the regulation of two different cell cycle stages.

Cell synchronization is a process by which cells in a culture at different stages of the cell cycle are brought to the same phase. Cell synchrony is a vital process in the study of cells progressing through the cell cycle as it allows population-wide data to be collected rather than relying solely on single-cell experiments. The types of synchronization are broadly categorized into two groups; physical fractionization and chemical blockade.

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The cell division cycle protein 20 homolog is an essential regulator of cell division that is encoded by the CDC20 gene in humans. To the best of current knowledge its most important function is to activate the anaphase promoting complex (APC/C), a large 11-13 subunit complex that initiates chromatid separation and entrance into anaphase. The APC/CCdc20 protein complex has two main downstream targets. Firstly, it targets securin for destruction, enabling the eventual destruction of cohesin and thus sister chromatid separation. It also targets S and M-phase (S/M) cyclins for destruction, which inactivates S/M cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdks) and allows the cell to exit from mitosis. A closely related protein, Cdc20homologue-1 (Cdh1) plays a complementary role in the cell cycle.

A series of biochemical switches control transitions between and within the various phases of the cell cycle. The cell cycle is a series of complex, ordered, sequential events that control how a single cell divides into two cells, and involves several different phases. The phases include the G1 and G2 phases, DNA replication or S phase, and the actual process of cell division, mitosis or M phase. During the M phase, the chromosomes separate and cytokinesis occurs.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Centrosome cycle</span> Centrioles are nine triplets microtubules

Centrosomes are the major microtubule organizing centers (MTOC) in mammalian cells. Failure of centrosome regulation can cause mistakes in chromosome segregation and is associated with aneuploidy. A centrosome is composed of two orthogonal cylindrical protein assemblies, called centrioles, which are surrounded by a protein dense amorphous cloud of pericentriolar material (PCM). The PCM is essential for nucleation and organization of microtubules. The centrosome cycle is important to ensure that daughter cells receive a centrosome after cell division. As the cell cycle progresses, the centrosome undergoes a series of morphological and functional changes. Initiation of the centrosome cycle occurs early in the cell cycle in order to have two centrosomes by the time mitosis occurs.

Mitotic exit is an important transition point that signifies the end of mitosis and the onset of new G1 phase for a cell, and the cell needs to rely on specific control mechanisms to ensure that once it exits mitosis, it never returns to mitosis until it has gone through G1, S, and G2 phases and passed all the necessary checkpoints. Many factors including cyclins, cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs), ubiquitin ligases, inhibitors of cyclin-dependent kinases, and reversible phosphorylations regulate mitotic exit to ensure that cell cycle events occur in correct order with fewest errors. The end of mitosis is characterized by spindle breakdown, shortened kinetochore microtubules, and pronounced outgrowth of astral (non-kinetochore) microtubules. For a normal eukaryotic cell, mitotic exit is irreversible.

Induced cell cycle arrest is the use of a chemical or genetic manipulation to artificially halt progression through the cell cycle. Cellular processes like genome duplication and cell division stop. It can be temporary or permanent. It is an artificial activation of naturally occurring cell cycle checkpoints, induced by exogenous stimuli controlled by an experimenter.


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Further reading

This article incorporates text from the public domain Pfam and InterPro: IPR006671