List of Turkic languages

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The Turkic languages are a group of languages spoken across Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Central Asia, East Asia and Siberia. Turkic languages are spoken as native languages by some 200 million people.


Turkic languages by subfamily

The number of speakers derived from statistics or estimates (2022) and were rounded: [1] [2]

NumberBranchLanguagesStatusNative SpeakersMajorityMain Writing System
1 Oghuz languages 8Normal121,000,000Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey Latin
2 Karluk languages 4Normal43,500,000Flag of Uzbekistan.svg  Uzbekistan Latin
3 Kipchak languages 12Normal27,000,000Flag of Kazakhstan.svg  Kazakhstan Latin
4 Siberian Turkic languages 9Vulnerable800,000Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Cyrillic
5 Argu languages 1Vulnerable50,000Flag of Iran.svg  Iran Persian
6 Oghuric languages 1Vulnerable1,200,000Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Cyrillic
Total Turkic languages 35Normal193,800,000Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey Latin

Turkic languages by the number of speakers

The Turkic languages are a language family of at least 35 [3] documented languages, spoken by the Turkic peoples. The number of speakers derived from statistics or estimates (2019) and were rounded: [1] [2]

   Turkish (38.26%)
   Uzbek (19.13%)
   Azerbaijani (13.04%)
   Uyghur (10.87%)
   Kazakh (3.04%)
   Turkmen (2.26%)
   Tatar (1.96%)
   Kyrgyz (0.6%)
   Bashkir (0.5%)
   Chuvash (0.62%)
  Other (8.68%)
NumberName Branch Status Native SpeakersMain CountryMain Writing System
1 Turkish language Oghuz languages Normal83,000,000Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey Latin
2 Uzbek language Karluk languages Normal32,000,000Flag of Uzbekistan.svg  Uzbekistan Latin
3 Azerbaijani language Oghuz languages Normal30,000,000Flag of Azerbaijan.svg  Azerbaijan Latin
4 Uyghur language Karluk languages Normal13,000,000Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China Perso-Arabic
5 Kazakh language Kipchak languages Normal19,000,000Flag of Kazakhstan.svg  Kazakhstan Cyrillic
6 Turkmen language Oghuz languages Normal7,000,000Flag of Turkmenistan.svg  Turkmenistan Latin
7 Tatar language Kipchak languages Normal5,500,000Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Cyrillic
8 Kyrgyz language Kipchak languages Normal5,000,000Flag of Kyrgyzstan (2023).svg  Kyrgyzstan Cyrillic
9 Bashkir language Kipchak languages Vulnerable1,500,000Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Cyrillic
10 Chuvash language Oghuric languages Vulnerable1,200,000Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Cyrillic
11 Qashqai language Oghuz languages Normal1,000,000Flag of Iran.svg  Iran Perso-Arabic
12 Khorasani Turkic language Oghuz languages Vulnerable1,000,000Flag of Iran.svg  Iran Perso-Arabic
13 Karakalpak language Kipchak languages Normal650,000Flag of Uzbekistan.svg  Uzbekistan Latin
14 Crimean Tatar language Kipchak languages Severely endangered600,000Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine Latin
15 Kumyk language Kipchak languages Vulnerable450,000Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Cyrillic
16 Karachay-Balkar language Kipchak languages Vulnerable400,000Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Cyrillic
17 Yakut language Siberian Turkic languages Vulnerable400,000Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Cyrillic
18 Tuvan language Siberian Turkic languages Vulnerable300,000Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Cyrillic
19 Urum language Kipchak languages Definitely endangered200,000Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine Cyrillic
20 Gagauz language Oghuz languages Critically endangered150,000Flag of Moldova.svg  Moldova Latin
21 Siberian Tatar language Kipchak languages Definitely endangered100,000Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Cyrillic
22 Nogai language Kipchak languages Definitely endangered100,000Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Cyrillic
23 Dobrujan Tatar language Kipchak languages Severely endangered70,000Flag of Romania.svg  Romania Latin
24 Salar language Oghuz languages Vulnerable70,000Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China Latin
25 Altai languages Siberian Turkic languages Severely endangered60,000Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Cyrillic
26 Khakas language Siberian Turkic languages Definitely endangered50,000Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Cyrillic
27 Khalaj language Argu languages Vulnerable20,000Flag of Iran.svg  Iran Perso-Arabic
28 Äynu language Karluk languages Critically endangered6,000Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China Perso-Arabic
29 Western Yugur language Siberian Turkic languages Severely endangered5,000Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China Latin
30 Shor language Siberian Turkic languages Severely endangered3,000Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Cyrillic
31 Dolgan language Siberian Turkic languages Definitely endangered1,000Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Cyrillic
32 Krymchak language Kipchak languages Critically endangered200Flag of Israel.svg  Israel Hebrew
33 Ili Turki language Karluk languages Severely endangered100Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China Cyrillic
34 Tofa language Siberian Turkic languages Critically endangered100Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Cyrillic
35 Karaim language Kipchak languages Critically endangered100Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine Cyrillic
36 Chulym language Siberian Turkic languages Critically endangered50Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Cyrillic
Total Turkic languages Common Turkic languages Normal193,700,000Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey Latin

Endangered Turkic languages

An endangered language, or moribund language, is a language that is at risk of falling out of use as its speakers die out or shift to speaking another language. Language loss occurs when the language has no more native speakers and becomes a "dead language".

26 endangered Turkic languages exist in World. The number of speakers derived from statistics or estimates (2019) and were rounded: [4] [5] [6]

NumberNameStatusSpeakersMain Country
1 Bashkir language Vulnerable1,500,000Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
2 Chuvash language Vulnerable1,200,000Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
3 Khorasani Turkic language Vulnerable1,000,000Flag of Iran.svg  Iran
4 Crimean Tatar language Vulnerable600,000Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
5 Kumyk language Vulnerable450,000Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
6 Yakut language Vulnerable400,000Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
7 Karachay-Balkar language Vulnerable400,000Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
8 Tuvan language Vulnerable300,000Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
9 Urum language Definitely endangered200,000Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
10 Gagauz language Critically endangered150,000Flag of Moldova.svg  Moldova
11 Siberian Tatar language Definitely endangered100,000Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
12 Nogai language Definitely endangered100,000Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
13 Dobrujan Tatar language Severely endangered70,000Flag of Romania.svg  Romania
14 Salar language Vulnerable70,000Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
15 Altai language Severely endangered60,000Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
16 Khakas language Definitely endangered50,000Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
17 Khalaj language Vulnerable20,000Flag of Iran.svg  Iran
18 Äynu language Critically endangered6,000Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
19 Western Yugur language Severely endangered5,000Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
20 Shor language Severely endangered3,000Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
21 Dolgan language Definitely endangered1,000Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
22 Krymchak language Critically endangered200Flag of Israel.svg  Israel
23 Tofa language Critically endangered100Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
24 Karaim language Critically endangered100Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
25 Ili Turki language Severely endangered100Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China
26 Chulym language Critically endangered50Flag of Russia.svg  Russia

Extinct Turkic languages

NumberNameTime of Extinct
- Proto Turkic Reconstructed language
1 Old Turkic 8th century
2 Old Anatolian Turkish 11th century
3 Pecheneg 12th century
4 Orkhon Turkic 13th century
5 Khazar 13th century
6 Old Uyghur 14th century
7 Khorezmian 14th century
8 Bulgar 14th century
9 Saryz 15th century
10 Middle Turkic 15th century
11 Kipchak 17th century
12 Cuman 1770
13 Old Tatar 19th century
14 Fergana Kipchak 1920s
15 Chagatai 1921
16 Ottoman Turkish 1928
17 Fuyu Girgis 20th century
18 Dukhan 21st century

Famous Turkic Dialects

NumberDialectMain Language
1 Rumelian dialect Turkish language
2 Cypriot dialect Turkish language
3 Afshar dialect Azerbaijani language
4 Sonqori dialect Azerbaijani language
5 Lop dialect Uyghur language
6 Baraba dialect Siberian Tatar language

Hypothetical ancestors

Hypothetical relation to other language families and their proto-languages


Geographical distribution of the Turkic languages. Dark Blue: Northeastern Common Turkic (Siberian Turkic languages); Green: Southeastern Common Turkic (Karluk languages); Orange: Northwestern Common Turkic (Kipchak languages); Red: Southwestern Common Turkic (Oghuz languages); Purple: Oghur languages TurkicLanguagemap.png
Geographical distribution of the Turkic languages. Dark Blue: Northeastern Common Turkic (Siberian Turkic languages); Green: Southeastern Common Turkic (Karluk languages); Orange: Northwestern Common Turkic (Kipchak languages); Red: Southwestern Common Turkic (Oghuz languages); Purple: Oghur languages

Common Turkic (Shaz Turkic / Z Turkic)

Siberian Turkic

Siberian Turkic languages Siberian Turkic Languages distribution map.png
Siberian Turkic languages
      • South Siberian
        • Altai Turkic
          • Northern Altai
            • Tuba
            • Kumandy/Qumanda
              • Turachak
              • Solton
              • Starobardinian
            • Chalkan (Kuu/Qu, Lebedin)
        • Chulym Turkic
          • Chulym
            • Lower Chulym (Küerik) (now believed extinct)
            • Middle Chulym
            • Upper Chulym
        • Sayan Turkic (dialect continuum)
          • Tofa
            • Tuha
            • Tsengel Tuvan
          • Tuvan
            • Western/Khemchik River (It is influenced by Altai)
            • Central (the geographical centrality of this dialect meant it was similar to the language spoken by most Tuvans, whether or not exactly the same). Forms the basis of the standard and literary language and includes:
              • Ovyur
              • Bii-Khem
            • Northeastern/Todzhi (it is spoken near the upper course of the Bii-Khem River by the Tozhu Tuvans. The speakers of this dialect utilize nasalization. It contains a large vocabulary related to hunting and reindeer breeding not found in the other dialects).
            • Southeastern (shows the most influence from the Mongolian language).
          • Taiga
        • Orkhon Turkic / Old Turkic / Old Uyghur (extinct) (not a direct ancestor of Uyghur, that descends from Karluk) (not synonymous with Proto-Turkic)
          • Yenisei Turkic
            • Khakas (Xakas tili)
            • Shor
              • Mrassu (basis for literary and standard Shor)
                • Upper Mrassu
              • Kondoma
                • Upper-Kondoma
            • Western Yugur or "Yellow Uighur" (direct descendant of Old Uyghur)
      • North Siberian

Karluk (Southeastern)

Karluk languages. Green: East Karluk; Red: West Karluk Lenguas karluk.png
Karluk languages. Green: East Karluk; Red: West Karluk

Historically in Central Asia there was a distinction between sedentary, called Sart or Taranchi, and nomadic peoples (regardless of the ethnic group and language). Many times it was used confusingly because it was a generic word for several peoples and their languages (mainly Iranians or Turkics) and also because it had different meanings at different historical times (had shifting meanings over the centuries). Strictly it was not an ethnic or linguistic definition but one of a lifestyle. (strong Iranian substrate)

Kipchak (Northwestern)

Orange: South Kipchak (Aralo-Caspian); Red: North Kipchak (Uralo-Caspian); Green: West Kipchak (Ponto-Caspian) Map-Kypchak Language World.png
Orange: South Kipchak (Aralo-Caspian); Red: North Kipchak (Uralo-Caspian); Green: West Kipchak (Ponto-Caspian)

Oghuz (Southwestern Turkic)

Orange: East Oghuz; Green; Azerbaijani; Red: Turkish; Purple: Gagauz; Light Blue: Qashqai; Greenish Blue: Salar Oghuzlanguages6.png
Orange: East Oghuz; Green; Azerbaijani; Red: Turkish; Purple: Gagauz; Light Blue: Qashqai; Greenish Blue: Salar
      • East Oghuz (Eastern)
        • Salar, an Oghuz language outlier strongly influenced by Karluk and Kipchak languages and also by non-Turkic languages like Tibetan and Chinese
          • Qinghai (Amdo) Salar
          • Ili Salar
        • Turkmen
          • Teke (Tekke) (basis of the standard Turkmen)
          • Nohurly
          • Ýomud
          • Änewli
          • Hasarly
          • Nerezim
          • Gökleň
          • Salyr
          • Saryk
          • Ärsary
          • Çowdur
          • Trukhmen
      • Transitional East-West Oghuz
      • West Oghuz (Western)
        • Azerbaijani (Azeri Turkic, has an Iranian substrate from the Old Azeri language, an Indo-European language
          • South Azerbaijani
            • Qarapapaq
            • Shahsavani (Shahseven)
            • Muqaddam
            • Baharlu (Kamesh)
            • Nafar
            • Qaragözlü
            • Pishaqchi
            • Bayatlu
            • Qajar
            • Tabrizi (basis of Standard South Azerbaijani but not identical)
            • Iraqi Turkmen (South Turkmen)
          • North Azerbaijani
            • Salyan
            • Lenkaran
            • Qazakh
            • Airym
            • Borcala
            • Terekeme
            • Qyzylbash
            • Nukha
            • Zaqatala (Mugaly)
            • Qabala
            • Yerevan
            • Ordubad
            • Ganja
            • Shusha (Karabakh)
            • Karapapak
            • Shirvan dialect
              • Baku dialect (basis of Standard North Azerbaijani, but not identical)
            • Shamakhi
            • Quba
            • Derbend
            • Nakhchivan
        • Transitional Turkish Azerbaijani-Turkish
        • Old Anatolian Turkish (extinct)
          • Turkish
            • Anatolian dialects (Anadolu Ağızları)
              • Western Anatolian (Batı Anadolu Ağızları)
                • Central (Orta Anadolu)
                  • East central
                  • West Central
                • Mediterranean (Akdeniz)/South (Güney)
                  • Southwest (Güneybatı)
                  • Southeast (Güneydoğu)
                • Black Sea (Karadeniz)/North (Kuzey)
                  • Çorum, Çankırı
                  • East Black Sea Coast
                  • West Black Sea Coast
                  • Sakarya-Izmit
                • Aegean (Ege)/West (Batı)
                • Yörük (Nomadic Anatolian Turkish)
            • Istanbul dialect (İstanbul Türkçesi) (basis of Modern Standard Turkish but not identical)
            • Syrian Turkmen (Syrian Turkish)
            • Cypriot Turkish
            • Balkanic/Rumelian/Danubian
              • East Balkanic/East Rumelian/East Danubian
                • Edirne
              • West Balkanic/West Rumelian/West Danubian
            • Karamanli Turkish (Turkish of the Karamanlides, Turkish-speaking Greeks, Greek language substrate, not confuse with Cappadocian Greek, a mixed language, or the Cappadocian Greeks, although they are related) (almost extinct)
          • Balkan Gagauz Turkish (Balkan Turkic) (Rumeli Türkçesi)
            • Gajal
            • Gerlovo Turk
            • Karamanli
            • Kyzylbash
            • Surguch
            • Tozluk Turk
            • Yuruk
            • Macedonian Gagauz
            • Gagauz
              • Bulgar Gagauzi
              • Maritime Gagauzi
          • Ottoman Turkish(extinct) (not a direct ancestor of Anatolian Turkish but a heavily Persianized and Arabized Turkic language)
            • Fasih Türkçe (Eloquent Turkish): the language of poetry and administration, Ottoman Turkish in its strict sense
            • Orta Türkçe (Middle Turkish): the language of higher classes and trade
            • Kaba Türkçe (Rough Turkish): the language of lower classes.
      • South Oghuz
    • Pecheneg


Oghur (Lir Turkic / R Turkic)

Possible Turkic languages (all extinct)

Unclassified languages that may have been Turkic or members of other language families

Possible Mixed languages

Constructed languages

See also

Related Research Articles

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Turkic languages</span> Language family of Eurasia

The Turkic languages are a language family of more than 35 documented languages, spoken by the Turkic peoples of Eurasia from Eastern Europe and Southern Europe to Central Asia, East Asia, North Asia (Siberia), and West Asia. The Turkic languages originated in a region of East Asia spanning from Mongolia to Northwest China, where Proto-Turkic is thought to have been spoken, from where they expanded to Central Asia and farther west during the first millennium. They are characterized as a dialect continuum.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Turkic peoples</span> Family of ethnic groups of Eurasia

The Turkic peoples are a collection of diverse ethnic groups of West, Central, East, and North Asia as well as parts of Europe, who speak Turkic languages.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Tatars</span> Umbrella term for different Turkic ethnic groups in Asia and Europe

The Tatars, formerly also spelt Tartars, is an umbrella term for different Turkic ethnic groups bearing the name "Tatar" across Eastern Europe and Asia. Initially, the ethnonym Tatar possibly referred to the Tatar confederation. That confederation was eventually incorporated into the Mongol Empire when Genghis Khan unified the various steppe tribes. Historically, the term Tatars was applied to anyone originating from the vast Northern and Central Asian landmass then known as Tartary, a term which was also conflated with the Mongol Empire itself. More recently, however, the term has come to refer more narrowly to related ethnic groups who refer to themselves as Tatars or who speak languages that are commonly referred to as Tatar.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Kazakh language</span> Turkic language mostly spoken in Kazakhstan

Kazakh or Qazaq is a Turkic language of the Kipchak branch spoken in Central Asia by Kazakhs. It is closely related to Nogai, Kyrgyz and Karakalpak. It is the official language of Kazakhstan and a significant minority language in the Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture in Xinjiang, north-western China, and in the Bayan-Ölgii Province of western Mongolia. The language is also spoken by many ethnic Kazakhs throughout the former Soviet Union, Germany, and Turkey.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Uzbek language</span> Turkic language of the Karluk sub-branch

Uzbek, formerly known as Turki, is a Karluk Turkic language spoken by Uzbeks. It is the official and national language of Uzbekistan and formally succeeded Chagatai, an earlier Karluk language also known as "Turki", as the literary language of Uzbekistan in the 1920s.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Chagatai language</span> Extinct Karluk Turkic language of Central Asia

Chagatai, also known as Turki, Eastern Turkic, or Chagatai Turkic, is an extinct Turkic language that was once widely spoken across Central Asia. It remained the shared literary language in the region until the early 20th century. It was used across a wide geographic area including western or Russian Turkestan, eastern or Chinese Turkestan, the Crimea, the Volga region, etc. Literary Chagatai is the predecessor of the modern Karluk branch of Turkic languages, which includes Uzbek and Uyghur. Turkmen, which is not within the Karluk branch but in the Oghuz branch of Turkic languages, was nonetheless heavily influenced by Chagatai for centuries.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Turkmen language</span> Turkic language of the Oghuz sub-branch

Turkmen, is a Turkic language of the Oghuz branch spoken by the Turkmens of Central Asia. It has an estimated 4.3 million native speakers in Turkmenistan, and a further 719,000 speakers in northeastern Iran and 1.5 million people in northwestern Afghanistan, where it has no official status. Turkmen is also spoken to lesser varying degrees in Turkmen communities of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan and by diaspora communities, primarily in Turkey and Russia.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Crimean Tatar language</span> Turkic language spoken in Crimea

Crimean Tatar, also called Crimean, is a moribund Kipchak Turkic language spoken in Crimea and the Crimean Tatar diasporas of Uzbekistan, Turkey, Romania, and Bulgaria, as well as small communities in the United States and Canada. It should not be confused with Tatar, spoken in Tatarstan and adjacent regions in Russia; the two languages are related, but belong to different subgroups of the Kipchak languages, while maintaining a significant degree of mutual intelligibility. Crimean Tatar has been extensively influenced by nearby Oghuz dialects and is also mutually intelligible with them to varying degrees.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Nogai language</span> Kipchak Turkic language of the North Caucasus

Nogai also known as Noğay, Noghay, Nogay, or Nogai Tatar, is a Turkic language spoken in Southeastern European Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey. It is the ancestral language of the Nogais. As a member of the Kipchak branch, it is closely related to Kazakh, Karakalpak and Crimean Tatar. In 2014 the first Nogai novel was published, written in the Latin alphabet.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Turkmens</span> Oghuz Turkic ethnic group of Central Asia

Turkmens are a Turkic ethnic group native to Central Asia, living mainly in Turkmenistan, northern and northeastern regions of Iran and north-western Afghanistan. Sizeable groups of Turkmens are found also in Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and the North Caucasus. They speak the Turkmen language, which is classified as a part of the Eastern Oghuz branch of the Turkic languages.

Chulym, also known as Chulim, Chulym-Turkic, is a critically endangered language of the Chulyms. The names which the people use to refer to themselves are 1. пистиҥ кишилер, pistɪŋ kiʃɪler and 2. ось кишилер, øs kiʃɪler. The native designation for the language are ось тил(и), øs til(ɪ) ~ ø:s til(ɪ), and less frequently тадар тил(и), tadar til(ɪ).

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Sart</span> Historical term for settled inhabitants of Central Asia

Sart is a name for the settled inhabitants of Central Asia which has had shifting meanings over the centuries.

The Turkic migrations were the spread of Turkic tribes and Turkic languages across Eurasia between the 6th and 11th centuries. In the 6th century, the Göktürks overthrew the Rouran Khaganate in what is now Mongolia and expanded in all directions, spreading Turkic culture throughout the Eurasian steppes. Although Göktürk empires came to an end in the 8th century, they were succeeded by numerous Turkic empires such as the Uyghur Khaganate, Kara-Khanid Khanate, Khazars, and the Cumans. Some Turks eventually settled down into sedentary societies such as the Qocho and Ganzhou Uyghurs. The Seljuq dynasty settled in Anatolia starting in the 11th century, resulting in permanent Turkic settlement and presence there. Modern nations with large Turkic populations include Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, and Turkic populations also exist within other nations, such as Chuvashia, Bashkortostan, Tatarstan and the Sakha Republic of Siberia in Russia, Northern Cyprus, the Crimean Tatars, the Kazakhs in Mongolia, the Uyghurs in China, and the Azeris in Iran.

The Urums are several groups of Turkic-speaking Greek Orthodox people native to Crimea. The emergence and development of the Urum identity took place from 13th to the 17th centuries. Bringing together the Crimean Greeks along with Greek-speaking Crimean Goths, Turkic Khazars Nogais and Crimean Tatars, with other indigenous groups that had long inhabited the region, resulting in a gradual transformation of their collective identity.

Siberian Tatar (Сыбырца) is a Turkic language spoken in Western Siberia, Russia, primarily in the oblasts of Tyumen, Novosibirsk, Omsk but also in Tomsk and Kemerovo. According to Marcel Erdal, due to its particular characteristics, Siberian Tatar can be considered as a bridge to Siberian Turkic languages.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Oghuz languages</span> Sub-branch of the Turkic language family

The Oghuz languages are a sub-branch of the Turkic language family, spoken by approximately 108 million people. The three languages with the largest number of speakers are Turkish, Azerbaijani and Turkmen, which, combined, account for more than 95% of speakers of this sub-branch.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Turkoman (ethnonym)</span> Medieval ethnohistorical term used for the people of Oghuz Turkic origin

Turkoman, also known as Turcoman, was a term for the people of Oghuz Turkic origin, widely used during the Middle Ages. Oghuz Turks were a western Turkic people that, in the 8th century A.D, formed a tribal confederation in an area between the Aral and Caspian seas in Central Asia, and spoke the Oghuz branch of the Turkic language family.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Turkic history</span> History of the Turkic peoples

Turkic history is the systematic documentation and study of events involving the Turkic peoples.

The Crimean Tatar language consists of three dialects. The standard language is written in the middle dialect, which is part of the Kipchak-Cuman branch. There is also the southern dialect, also known as the coastal dialect, which is in the Oghuz branch, and the northern dialect, also known as nogai dialect, which is in the Kipchak-Nogai branch.


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  3. Dybo A.V., Chronology of Türkic languages and linguistic contacts of early Türks, Moscow, 2007, p. 766, "Хронология тюркских языков и лингвистические контакты ранних тюрков (Chronology of Turkic languages and linguistic contacts of the early Turks)" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2005-03-11. Retrieved 2005-03-11. (In Russian)
  4. "UNESCO Atlas of the World's Languages in danger".
  5. "Atlas of languages in danger | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization".
  6. The Sounds of Tatar Spoken in Romania: The Golden Khwarezmian Language of the Nine Noble Nations (
  7. Holcombe, Charles (2001). The Genesis of East Asia: 221 B.C. - A.D. 907. p. 132.