Mobile country code

Last updated

The ITU-T Recommendation E.212 defines mobile country codes (MCC) as well as mobile network codes (MNC).


The mobile country code consists of three decimal digits and the mobile network code consists of two or three decimal digits (for example: MNC of 001 is not the same as MNC of 01). The first digit of the mobile country code identifies the geographic region as follows (the digits 1 and 8 are not used):

An MCC is used in combination with an MNC (a combination known as an "MCC/MNC tuple") to uniquely identify a mobile network operator (carrier) using the GSM (including GSM-R), UMTS, LTE, and 5G public land mobile networks. Some but not all CDMA, iDEN, and satellite mobile networks are identified with an MCC/MNC tuple as well. For WiMAX networks, a globally unique Broadband Operator ID can be derived from the MCC/MNC tuple. [1] TETRA networks use the mobile country code from ITU-T Recommendation E.212 together with a 14-bit binary mobile network code (T-MNC) where only values between 0 and 9999 are used. [2] However, a TETRA network may be assigned an E.212 network code as well. [3] Some network operators do not have their own radio access network at all. These are called mobile virtual network operators (MVNO) and are marked in the tables as such. Note that MVNOs without their own MCC/MNC (that is, they share the MCC/MNC of their host network) are not listed here.

The following tables attempt to provide a complete list of mobile network operators. Country information, including ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes is provided for completeness. Mostly for historical reasons, one E.212 MCC may correspond to multiple ISO country codes (e.g., MCC 362 corresponds to BQ, CW, and SX). Some operators also choose to use an MCC outside the geographic area that it was assigned to (e.g. Digicel uses the Jamaica MCC throughout the Caribbean). ITU-T updates an official list of mobile network codes in its Operational Bulletins which are published twice a month. [4] ITU-T also publishes complete lists: as of January 2024 list issued on 15 November 2023 was current, having all MCC/MNC before 15 November 2023. [5] The official list is often incomplete as national MNC authorities do not forward changes to the ITU in a timely manner. The official list does not provide additional details such as bands and technologies and may not list disputed territories such as Abkhazia or Kosovo.

Test networks

MCCMNCBrandOperatorStatusBands (MHz)References and notes
00101TESTTest networkOperationalany
001001TESTTest networkOperationalany
99999Internal useOperationalanyInternal use in private networks, no roaming [6]
999999Internal useOperationalanyInternal use in private networks, no roaming [6]

National operators

Mobile country codeCountry ISO 3166 Mobile network codesNational MNC authorityRemarks


GE-AB List of mobile network codes in Abkhazia MCC is not listed by ITU
412 Afghanistan AF List of mobile network codes in Afghanistan
276 Albania AL List of mobile network codes in Albania
603 Algeria DZ List of mobile network codes in Algeria
544 American Samoa (United States of America)AS List of mobile network codes in American Samoa
213 Andorra AD List of mobile network codes in Andorra
631 Angola AO List of mobile network codes in Angola
365 Anguilla (United Kingdom)AI List of mobile network codes in Anguilla Public Utilities Commission (PUC) [7]
344 Antigua and Barbuda AG List of mobile network codes in Antigua and Barbuda
722 Argentina AR List of mobile network codes in Argentina
283 Armenia AM List of mobile network codes in Armenia
363 Aruba AW List of mobile network codes in Aruba
505 Australia AU List of mobile network codes in Australia
232 Austria AT List of mobile network codes in Austria Rundfunk- und Telekom Regulierungs-GmbH (RTR-GmbH) [8]
400 Azerbaijan AZ List of mobile network codes in Azerbaijan


BS List of mobile network codes in Bahamas Utilities Regulation & Competition Authority (URCA) [9]
426 Bahrain BH List of mobile network codes in Bahrain
470 Bangladesh BD List of mobile network codes in Bangladesh Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission
342 Barbados BB List of mobile network codes in Barbados
257 Belarus BY List of mobile network codes in Belarus
206 Belgium BE List of mobile network codes in Belgium Belgian Institute for Postal services and Telecommunications (BIPT) [10]
702 Belize BZ List of mobile network codes in Belize
616 Benin BJ List of mobile network codes in Benin
350 Bermuda BM List of mobile network codes in Bermuda
402 Bhutan BT List of mobile network codes in Bhutan
736 Bolivia BO List of mobile network codes in Bolivia
362 Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba BQ List of mobile network codes in the former Netherlands Antilles
218 Bosnia and Herzegovina BA List of mobile network codes in Bosnia and Herzegovina
652 Botswana BW List of mobile network codes in Botswana Botswana Communications Regulatory Authority (BOCRA) [11]
724 Brazil BR List of mobile network codes in Brazil
995 British Indian Ocean Territory (United Kingdom)IO List of mobile networks in the British Indian Ocean Territory MCC is not listed by ITU
348 British Virgin Islands (United Kingdom)VG List of mobile network codes in the British Virgin Islands
528 Brunei BN List of mobile network codes in Brunei
284 Bulgaria BG List of mobile network codes in Bulgaria Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) [12]
613 Burkina Faso BF List of mobile network codes in Burkina Faso Autorité de régulation des communications électroniques et des postes (ARCEP) [13]
642 Burundi BI List of mobile network codes in Burundi Agence de Régulation et de Contrôle des Télécommunications (ARCT) [14]


KH List of mobile network codes in Cambodia
624 Cameroon CM List of mobile network codes in Cameroon
302 Canada CA List of mobile network codes in Canada Canadian Numbering Administrator [15]
625 Cape Verde CV List of mobile network codes in Cape Verde
346 Cayman Islands (United Kingdom)KY List of mobile network codes in the Cayman Islands
623 Central African Republic CF List of mobile network codes in the Central African Republic
622 Chad TD List of mobile network codes in Chad
730 Chile CL List of mobile network codes in Chile
460 China CN List of mobile network codes in China
461no networks yet
732 Colombia CO List of mobile network codes in Colombia Comisión de Regulación de Comunicaciones (CRC) [16]
654 Comoros KM List of mobile network codes in Comoros
629 Congo CG List of mobile network codes in Congo
548 Cook Islands (Pacific Ocean)CK List of mobile network codes in the Cook Islands
712 Costa Rica CR List of mobile network codes in Costa Rica
219 Croatia HR List of mobile network codes in Croatia Hrvatska agencija za poštu i elektroničke komunikacije (HAKOM) [17]
368 Cuba CU List of mobile network codes in Cuba
362 Curaçao CW List of mobile network codes in the former Netherlands Antilles
280 Cyprus CY List of mobile network codes in Cyprus
230 Czech Republic CZ List of mobile network codes in the Czech Republic Czech Telecommunication Office / Český telekomunikační úřad (CTU) [18]


Democratic Republic of the Congo
CD List of mobile network codes in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
238 Denmark (Kingdom of Denmark)DK List of mobile network codes in Denmark Danish Energy Agency / Energistyrelsen [19]
638 Djibouti DJ List of mobile network codes in Djibouti
366 Dominica DM List of mobile network codes in Dominica
370 Dominican Republic DO List of mobile network codes in the Dominican Republic


East Timor
TL List of mobile network codes in East Timor
740 Ecuador EC List of mobile network codes in Ecuador
602 Egypt EG List of mobile network codes in Egypt
706 El Salvador SV List of mobile network codes in El Salvador Superintendencia General de Electricidad y Telecomunicaciones (SIGET) [20]
627 Equatorial Guinea GQ List of mobile network codes in Equatorial Guinea
657 Eritrea ER List of mobile network codes in Eritrea
248 Estonia EE List of mobile network codes in Estonia
636 Ethiopia ET List of mobile network codes in Ethiopia


Falkland Islands ( United Kingdom )
FK List of mobile network codes in the Falkland Islands
288 Faroe Islands (Kingdom of Denmark)FO List of mobile network codes in the Faroe Islands Faroese Telecommunications Authority / Fjarskiftiseftirlitið [21]
542 Fiji FJ List of mobile network codes in Fiji
244 Finland FI List of mobile network codes in Finland Finnish Transport and Communications Agency / Liikenne- ja viestintävirasto (TRAFICOM) [22]
208 France FR List of mobile network codes in France Autorité de Régulation des Communications Électroniques, des Postes et de la Distribution de la Presse (ARCEP) [23]
742 French Guiana (France)GF List of mobile network codes in French Guiana Autorité de Régulation des Communications Électroniques, des Postes et de la Distribution de la Presse (ARCEP) [23] French Guiana shares MCC 340 in addition to using the assigned MCC 742
647 French Indian Ocean Territories (France)RE List of mobile network codes in the French Indian Ocean Territories Autorité de Régulation des Communications Électroniques, des Postes et de la Distribution de la Presse (ARCEP) [23]
547 French Polynesia (France)PF List of mobile network codes in French Polynesia


GA List of mobile network codes in Gabon
607 Gambia GM List of mobile network codes in Gambia
282 Georgia GE List of mobile network codes in Georgia
262 Germany DE List of mobile network codes in Germany Federal Network Agency / Bundesnetzagentur (BNetzA) [24]
620 Ghana GH List of mobile network codes in Ghana National Communications Authority (NCA) [25]
266 Gibraltar (United Kingdom)GI List of mobile network codes in Gibraltar
202 Greece GR List of mobile network codes in Greece
290 Greenland (Kingdom of Denmark)GL List of mobile network codes in Greenland
352 Grenada GD List of mobile network codes in Grenada
340 Guadeloupe (France)GP List of mobile network codes in the French Antilles Autorité de Régulation des Communications Électroniques, des Postes et de la Distribution de la Presse (ARCEP) [23]
310 Guam (United States of America)GU List of mobile network codes in Guam IMSI Administrator [26]
704 Guatemala GT List of mobile network codes in Guatemala
234 Guernsey (United Kingdom)GG List of mobile network codes in Guernsey Office of Communications (Ofcom) [27]
611 Guinea GN List of mobile network codes in Guinea
632 Guinea-Bissau GW List of mobile network codes in Guinea-Bissau
738 Guyana GY List of mobile network codes in Guyana


HT List of mobile network codes in Haiti
708 Honduras HN List of mobile network codes in Honduras
454 Hong Kong HK List of mobile network codes in Hong Kong
216 Hungary HU List of mobile network codes in Hungary National Media and Infocommunications Authority / Nemzeti Média- és Hírközlési Hatóság (NMHH) [28]


IS List of mobile network codes in Iceland Telecom Administration / Fjarskiptastofa [29]
404 India IN List of mobile network codes in India
405 List of mobile network codes in India
406no networks yet
510 Indonesia ID List of mobile network codes in Indonesia
432 Iran IR List of mobile network codes in Iran
418 Iraq IQ List of mobile network codes in Iraq
272 Ireland IE List of mobile network codes in Ireland
234 Isle of Man (United Kingdom)IM List of mobile network codes in the Isle of Man Office of Communications (Ofcom) [27]
425 Israel IL List of mobile network codes in Israel
222 Italy IT List of mobile network codes in Italy
612 Ivory Coast CI List of mobile network codes in Ivory Coast


JM List of mobile network codes in Jamaica
440 Japan JP List of mobile network codes in Japan
441 List of mobile network codes in Japan
234 Jersey (United Kingdom)JE List of mobile network codes in Jersey Office of Communications (Ofcom) [27]
416 Jordan JO List of mobile network codes in Jordan


KZ List of mobile network codes in Kazakhstan
639 Kenya KE List of mobile network codes in Kenya Communications Authority of Kenya (CA) [30]
545 Kiribati KI List of mobile network codes in Kiribati
467 Korea, North KP List of mobile network codes in North Korea
450 Korea, South KR List of mobile network codes in South Korea
221 Kosovo RS-KM List of mobile network codes in Kosovo
419 Kuwait KW List of mobile network codes in Kuwait
437 Kyrgyzstan KG List of mobile network codes in Kyrgyzstan


LA List of mobile network codes in Laos
247 Latvia LV List of mobile network codes in Latvia Public Utilities Commission / Sabiedrisko pakalpojumu regulēšanas komisija (SPRK) [31]
415 Lebanon LB List of mobile network codes in Lebanon
651 Lesotho LS List of mobile network codes in Lesotho
618 Liberia LR List of mobile network codes in Liberia
606 Libya LY List of mobile network codes in Libya
295 Liechtenstein LI List of mobile network codes in Liechtenstein Office for Communications / Amt für Kommunikation (AK) [32]
246 Lithuania LT List of mobile network codes in Lithuania Communications Regulatory Authority / Ryšių Reguliavimo Tarnyba (RRT) [33]
270 Luxembourg LU List of mobile network codes in Luxembourg


MO List of mobile network codes in Macau
294 North Macedonia MK List of mobile network codes in North Macedonia
646 Madagascar MG List of mobile network codes in Madagascar
650 Malawi MW List of mobile network codes in Malawi
502 Malaysia MY List of mobile network codes in Malaysia Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission / Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia (SKMM) [34]
472 Maldives MV List of mobile network codes in the Maldives
610 Mali ML List of mobile network codes in Mali
278 Malta MT List of mobile network codes in Malta
551 Marshall Islands MH List of mobile network codes in the Marshall Islands
340 Martinique (France)MQ List of mobile network codes in the French Antilles Autorité de Régulation des Communications Électroniques, des Postes et de la Distribution de la Presse (ARCEP) [23]
609 Mauritania MR List of mobile network codes in Mauritania
617 Mauritius MU List of mobile network codes in Mauritius
334 Mexico MX List of mobile network codes in Mexico Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones [35]
550 Micronesia, Federated States of FM List of mobile network codes in the Federated States of Micronesia
259 Moldova MD List of mobile network codes in Moldova
212 Monaco MC List of mobile network codes in Monaco
428 Mongolia MN List of mobile network codes in Mongolia
297 Montenegro ME List of mobile network codes in Montenegro
354 Montserrat (United Kingdom)MS List of mobile network codes in Montserrat
604 Morocco MA List of mobile network codes in Morocco
643 Mozambique MZ List of mobile network codes in Mozambique
414 Myanmar MM List of mobile network codes in Myanmar


NA List of mobile network codes in Namibia
536 Nauru NR List of mobile network codes in Nauru
429 Nepal NP List of mobile network codes in Nepal Nepal Telecommunications Authority [36]
204 Netherlands (Kingdom of the Netherlands)NL List of mobile network codes in the Netherlands
546 New Caledonia NC List of mobile network codes in New Caledonia
530 New Zealand NZ List of mobile network codes in New Zealand
710 Nicaragua NI List of mobile network codes in Nicaragua
614 Niger NE List of mobile network codes in Niger
621 Nigeria NG List of mobile network codes in Nigeria
555 Niue NU List of mobile network codes in Niue
505 Norfolk Island NF List of mobile network codes in Norfolk Island
310 Northern Mariana Islands (United States of America)MP List of mobile network codes in the Northern Mariana Islands IMSI Administrator [26]
242 Norway NO List of mobile network codes in Norway Norwegian Communications Authority / Nasjonal kommunikasjonsmyndighet (NKOM) [37]


OM List of mobile network codes in Oman


PK List of mobile network codes in Pakistan
552 Palau PW List of mobile network codes in Palau
425 Palestine PS List of mobile network codes in Palestine Uses the MCC of Israel
714 Panama PA List of mobile network codes in Panama
537 Papua New Guinea PG List of mobile network codes in Papua New Guinea
744 Paraguay PY List of mobile network codes in Paraguay
716 Peru PE List of mobile network codes in Peru
515 Philippines PH List of mobile network codes in the Philippines
260 Poland PL List of mobile network codes in Poland Office of Electronic Communications / Urząd Komunikacji Elektronicznej (UKE) [38]
268 Portugal PT List of mobile network codes in Portugal National Communications Authority / Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações (ANACOM) [39]
330 Puerto Rico (United States of America)PR List of mobile network codes in Puerto Rico


QA List of mobile network codes in Qatar


RO List of mobile network codes in Romania
250 Russian Federation RU List of mobile network codes in the Russian Federation
635 Rwanda RW List of mobile network codes in Rwanda Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Agency (RURA) / Agence Rwandaise de Régulation [40]


Saint Barthélemy ( France )
BL List of mobile network codes in the French Antilles Autorité de Régulation des Communications Électroniques, des Postes et de la Distribution de la Presse (ARCEP) [23]
658 Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha SH List of mobile network codes in Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
356 Saint Kitts and Nevis KN List of mobile network codes in Saint Kitts and Nevis
358 Saint Lucia LC List of mobile network codes in Saint Lucia
340 Saint Martin (France)MF List of mobile network codes in the French Antilles Autorité de Régulation des Communications Électroniques, des Postes et de la Distribution de la Presse (ARCEP) [23]
308 Saint Pierre and Miquelon PM List of mobile network codes in Saint Pierre and Miquelon Autorité de Régulation des Communications Électroniques, des Postes et de la Distribution de la Presse (ARCEP) [23]
360 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines VC List of mobile network codes in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
549 Samoa WS List of mobile network codes in Samoa
292 San Marino SM List of mobile network codes in San Marino
626 São Tomé and Príncipe ST List of mobile network codes in São Tomé and Príncipe
420 Saudi Arabia SA List of mobile network codes in Saudi Arabia
608 Senegal SN List of mobile network codes in Senegal
220 Serbia RS List of mobile network codes in Serbia Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services / Regulatorna agencija za elektronske komunikacije i poštanske usluge (RATEL) [41]
633 Seychelles SC List of mobile network codes in the Seychelles Seychelles Communications Regulatory Authority (SCRA) [42]
619 Sierra Leone SL List of mobile network codes in Sierra Leone
525 Singapore SG List of mobile network codes in Singapore Info-communications Media Development Authority (IMDA) [43]
362 Sint Maarten SX List of mobile network codes in the former Netherlands Antilles
231 Slovakia SK List of mobile network codes in Slovakia Regulatory for Electronic Communications and Postal Services / Úrad pre reguláciu elektronických komunikácií a poštových služieb [44]
293 Slovenia SI List of mobile network codes in Slovenia Agency for communication networks and services / Agencija za komunikacijska omrežja in storitve (AKOS) [45]
540 Solomon Islands SB List of mobile network codes in the Solomon Islands
637 Somalia SO List of mobile network codes in Somalia
655 South Africa ZA List of mobile network codes in South Africa
659 South Sudan SS List of mobile network codes in South Sudan
214 Spain ES List of mobile network codes in Spain
413 Sri Lanka LK List of mobile network codes in Sri Lanka Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka (TRCSL)
634 Sudan SD List of mobile network codes in Sudan
746 Suriname SR List of mobile network codes in Suriname
653 Swaziland SZ List of mobile network codes in Swaziland
240 Sweden SE List of mobile network codes in Sweden Swedish Post and Telecom Authority / Post- och telestyrelsen (PTS) [46]
228 Switzerland CH List of mobile network codes in Switzerland Federal Office of Communications / Office fédéral de la communication (OFCOM) / Bundesamt für Kommunikation (BAKOM) [47]
417 Syria SY List of mobile network codes in Syria


TW List of mobile network codes in Taiwan National Communications Commission (NCC) [48]
436 Tajikistan TJ List of mobile network codes in Tajikistan
640 Tanzania TZ List of mobile network codes in Tanzania Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA) [49]
520 Thailand TH List of mobile network codes in Thailand National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC)
615 Togo TG List of mobile network codes in Togo
554 Tokelau TK List of mobile network codes in Tokelau
539 Tonga TO List of mobile network codes in Tonga
374 Trinidad and Tobago TT List of mobile network codes in Trinidad and Tobago Telecommunications Authority of Trinidad and Tobago (TATT)
605 Tunisia TN List of mobile network codes in Tunisia
286 Turkey TR List of mobile network codes in Turkey
438 Turkmenistan TM List of mobile network codes in Turkmenistan
376 Turks and Caicos Islands TC List of mobile network codes in the Turks and Caicos Islands
553 Tuvalu TV List of mobile network codes in Tuvalu


UG List of mobile network codes in Uganda
255 Ukraine UA List of mobile network codes in Ukraine National Commission for the State Regulation of Communications and Information (NKRZI) [50]
424 United Arab Emirates AE List of mobile network codes in the United Arab Emirates
430 United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi)AEno networks yet
431 United Arab Emirates (Dubai)AEno networks yet
234 United Kingdom GB List of mobile network codes in the United Kingdom Office of Communications (Ofcom) [27]
235 List of mobile network codes in the United Kingdom
310 United States of America US List of mobile network codes in the United States of America IMSI Administrator [26]
311 List of mobile network codes in the United States of America
312 List of mobile network codes in the United States of America
313 List of mobile network codes in the United States of America
314 List of mobile network codes in the United States of America
315 List of mobile network codes in the United States of America
316 List of mobile network codes in the United States of America
332 United States Virgin Islands VI List of mobile network codes in the United States Virgin Islands IMSI Administrator [26] The US Virgin Islands share the US MCCs instead of using the assigned MCC 332
748 Uruguay UY List of mobile network codes in Uruguay
434 Uzbekistan UZ List of mobile network codes in the Uzbekistan


VU List of mobile network codes in Vanuatu
734 Venezuela VE List of mobile network codes in Venezuela
452 Vietnam VN List of mobile network codes in the Vietnam


Wallis and Futuna
WF List of mobile network codes in Wallis and Futuna


YE List of mobile network codes in the Yemen


ZM List of mobile network codes in Zambia
648 Zimbabwe ZW List of mobile network codes in Zimbabwe

International operators

MCCMNCBrandOperatorStatusBands (MHz)References and notes
90101WebbingUnknownMVNOFormer ICO Satellite Management [51] [52]
90102GlobalmatiX AGUnknownUnknownFormer Sense Communications International; vehicle IoT solutions [53]
90103 Iridium OperationalSatellite
90104BBIX Singapore Pte. Ltd.UnknownUnknownFormer Globalstar [54]
90105 Thuraya RMSS NetworkOperationalSatellite
90106 Thuraya Satellite Telecommunications CompanyOperationalSatellite
90107 NTT Ltd. UnknownUnknownFormer Ellipso [55]
90108 SpaceX UnknownUnknownFormerly: GSM, reserved for station identification where the mobile does not have a subscription IMSI [56]
90109 China Telecommunications Corporation UnknownUnknownFormerly: Tele1 Europe [56]
90110Omnispace LLCUnknownSatelliteFormer ACeS [51] [57]
90111 Inmarsat OperationalSatellite
90112 Telenor Telenor Maritime AS OperationalGSM 1800 / LTE 800Maritime; formerly Maritime Communications Partner (MCP)
90113 GSM.AQ BebbiCell AGNot operationalGSM 1800 Antarctica +88234 Network; formerly Global Networks Switzerland Inc.; MNC withdrawn [58]
90114AeroMobile AeroMobile AS OperationalGSM 1800Air [59] [60]
90115 OnAir SITAONAIR Not operationalGSM 1800Air; MNC withdrawn [61]
90116 Cisco Jasper Cisco Systems, Inc.OperationalUnknown [62]
90117Navitas JT Group Limited Not operationalGSM 1800Maritime; shut down in 2009[ citation needed ]
90118 Cellular at Sea AT&T MobilityOperationalGSM 900 / GSM 1900 / CDMA2000 1900 / UMTS 1900 / LTE 700Maritime [63]
90119 Epic Maritime Monaco Telecom OperationalGSM 900 / GSM 1800 / UMTS 2100Maritime [64] [65]
90121Wins LimitedOperationalGSM 1800Maritime; formerly Seanet Maritime Communications [66] [60]
90122MediaLincc LtdUnknownUnknown
90123Bloxtel Inc.Unknown5GFormer Beeline; private networks [61]
90124iNum Voxbone Not operationalUnknown +883 iNum; [67] MNC withdrawn [68]
90125 Datora Mobile Telecomunicações SA UnknownMVNOFormerly: In & phone [69]
90126TIM@sea Telecom Italia Mobile OperationalGSM 1800 / GSM 1900Maritime [70]
90127OnMarine Monaco Telecom OperationalGSM 1800Maritime [71] [60]
90128 Vodafone GDSP (Vodafone's Global Data Service Platform)OperationalRoaming SIM
90129 Telenor Not operationalUnknownMNC withdrawn [72]
90130OQ TechnologyUnknownSatellite 5GFormerly: Terrestar Networks [73]
90131 Orange Orange S.A.OperationalGSM 900
90132Sky High MegaFon Not operationalGSM 900Air (Aeroflot); MNC withdrawn [74]
90133Smart CommunicationsNot operationalUnknownMNC withdrawn [72]
90134 tyntec GmbHUnknownMVNO
90135Globecomm Network ServicesOperationalGSM 850Maritime [60]
90136AzerfonOperationalGSM 1800Air
90137 Transatel OperationalMVNO [75] Global SIM for Data Mobile Broadband and M2M
90138Multiregional TransitTelecom (MTT)OperationalMVNO [66]
90139 MTX Connect Ltd OperationalMVNO [76]
90140 1NCE Deutsche Telekom AGOperationalMVNO [77]
90141One Network B.V.OperationalMVNOFormer BodyTrace Netherlands B.V. [78] [79]
90142IMC Island EhfUnknownUnknownFormer DCN Hub ehf; [80] MNC withdrawn [81]
90143 EMnify GmbH OperationalMVNO [82]
90144AT&T Inc.UnknownUnknown [83]
90145 Advanced Wireless Network Company Limited UnknownUnknownsubsidiary of Advanced Info Service [84]
90146 Telecom26 AG OperationalMVNO [85] [67]
90147 Ooredoo Not operationalUnknown [86] MNC withdrawn [72]
90148Com4Communication for Devices in Sweden ABUnknownUnknown [87] [88]
90149 Zain Mobile Telecommunications Company K.S.C.P.UnknownUnknown [51] [89] [69]
90150 EchoStar Mobile UnknownSatelliteAlso listed as Sawatch Limited [90]
90151 VisionNG Not operationalUnknown [91] MNC withdrawn [92]
90152 Manx Telecom Trading Ltd.UnknownUnknown [93]
90153 European Aviation Network Inmarsat Ltd.OperationalLTE 2100Former Deutsche Telekom; LTE band 65; ground-based network for aircraft [94] [95] [96]
90154Teleena Holding B.V.UnknownUnknown [97]
90155Beezz Communication Solutions Ltd.Not operationalUnknown [62] MNC withdrawn [74]
90156 ETSI European Telecommunications Standards InstituteUnknownUnknown [98]
90157SAPNot operationalUnknown [99] MNC withdrawn [72]
90158BICS Belgacom ICS SAUnknownUnknown [100]
90159Bird B.V.UnknownUnknownFormer MessageBird [101] [61]
90160OneWebUnknownUnknown [101]
90161MTN Management ServicesUnknownUnknown [102]
90162 Twilio Inc.OperationalUnknown [103]
90163GloTel B.V.Not operationalUnknown [103] MNC withdrawn [104]
90164 Syniverse Technologies, LLCUnknownUnknown [103]
90165 Plintron Global Technology Solutions Pty Ltd Not operationalMVNO [105] MNC withdrawn [106]
90166Limitless Mobile LLCOperationalLTE [105]
90167 1NCE GmbH OperationalMVNO IoT solutions [107]
90168 Maersk Line A/SUnknownUnknown [107]
90169LegosUnknownUnknown [108]
90170Clementvale Baltic OÜNot operationalMVNO [79] MNC withdrawn [72]
90171Tampnet ASUnknownUnknown [109]
90172 Tele2 Sverige AktiebolagUnknownUnknownFormer Tele2 IoT [65] [110]
90173Cubic Telecom LimitedUnknownUnknown [65]
90174 Etisalat UnknownUnknown [89]
90175 Giesecke+Devrient OperationalMVNO IoT solutions; former Podsystem Ltd. [111]
90176 A1 Telekom Austria AGUnknownUnknown [111]
90177 Bouygues Telecom UnknownUnknown [112]
90178 Telecom Italia Sparkle S.p.A. UnknownUnknown [113]
90179 Nokia Corporation UnknownUnknown [113]
90180 Flo Live Limited UnknownMVNO IoT solutions [114] [106] [115]
90181 Airnity SAS UnknownMVNO IoT solutions [114]
90182 Eseye Limited UnknownMVNO IoT solutions [116]
90183 iBasis Netherlands BVUnknownUnknown [116]
90184 Telefónica Móviles España, S.A. Unipersonal UnknownUnknown [117]
90185 Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG UnknownUnknown [117]
90186BJT Partners SASUnknownUnknown [72]
90187 Cisco Systems, Inc. UnknownUnknown [72]
90188UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)Not operationalUnknown [118] MNC withdrawn [119]
90189DIDWW Ireland LimitedOperationalMVNO [120]
90190 Truphone LimitedNot operationalMVNO [120] MNC withdrawn [68]
90191World Mobile Group LimitedUnknownUnknown [120]
90192Phonegroup SAUnknownUnknown [92]
90193SkyFive AGUnknownUnknown [92] split off from Nokia; ground-based networks for aircraft
90194 Intelsat US LLCUnknownSatellite [106]
90195 HMD Global OyNot operationalUnknown [106] MNC withdrawn [121]
90196 KORE Wireless UnknownUnknown IoT solutions [81]
90197Satelio IoT Services S.L.UnknownSatellite IoT solutions [122]
90198Skylo Technologies, Inc.OperationalSatellite 5G 1600 [123]
90199Athalos Global Services BVNot operationalMVNO [52] MNC withdrawn [61]
90201 MulteFire AllianceOperationalLTE [6] [124]
99101World's Global TelecomNot operationalUnknowntemporarily assigned until 15 January 2021 [103] [125] [96]
991025G Croco Orange S.A. Not operational5Gtemporarily assigned until 6 August 2022 [126] [116] [127]
99103Halys SASNot operationalUnknowntemporary assignment for trial until 5 April 2022; [113] MNC withdrawn [128]
99104 E-Space Inc.UnknownSatellitetemporary assignment for trial until 17 Oct 2025 [73]

British Indian Ocean Territory (United Kingdom) – IO

MCCMNCBrandOperatorStatusBands (MHz)References and notes
99501 FonePlus Sure (Diego Garcia) Ltd OperationalGSM 900There appears to be no officially assigned MCC [60]

See also


  1. "Use of the IEEE 802.16 Operator ID with IEEE Std 802.16 Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks" (PDF). IEEE. Archived from the original (PDF) on 6 June 2011. Retrieved 14 May 2015.
  2. "ETSI EN 300 392-1 V1.6.1 (2020-04): Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA); Voice plus Data (V+D); Part 1: General network design" (PDF). ETSI. 2020. Retrieved 25 January 2024.
  3. "ETSI TR 102 300-5 V1.4.1 (2015-06): Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA); Voice plus Data (V+D); Designers' guide; Part 5: Guidance on numbering and addressing" (PDF). ETSI. 2015. Retrieved 25 January 2024.
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