European countries by percentage of urban population

Last updated

This is a list of European countries of urban population. The three most urban countries as of 2023 were Monaco (100% urban), Belgium (98%), and San Marino (98%), whereas the three least urban countries as of 2023 were Liechtenstein (15%), Moldova (43%), and Bosnia and Herzegovina (50%).



The map data is for the year 2014 from the World Bank. [1] Numbers are in percentage.


The table uses 2014, 2015 and 2018 data from the World Bank. [1] Numbers are as a percentage.

Flag of Albania.svg Albania5657 Increase2.svg 160 Increase2.svg 365 Increase2.svg 5
Flag of Andorra.svg Andorra8685 Decrease2.svg 188 Increase2.svg 388 Steady2.svg
Flag of Austria.svg Austria6666 Steady2.svg66 Steady2.svg60 Decrease2.svg 6
Flag of Belarus.svg Belarus7577 Increase2.svg 278 Increase2.svg 181 Increase2.svg 3
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Belgium9898 Steady2.svg98 Steady2.svg98 Steady2.svg
Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina.svg Bosnia and Herzegovina4040 Steady2.svg48 Increase2.svg 850 Increase2.svg 2
Flag of Bulgaria.svg Bulgaria7274 Increase2.svg 275 Increase2.svg 177 Increase2.svg 2
Flag of Croatia.svg Croatia5859 Increase2.svg 157 Decrease2.svg 259 Increase2.svg 2
Flag of Cyprus.svg Cyprus6867 Decrease2.svg 167 Steady2.svg67 Steady2.svg
Flag of the Czech Republic.svg Czechia7373 Steady2.svg74 Increase2.svg 175 Increase2.svg 1
Flag of Denmark.svg Denmark8788 Increase2.svg 188 Steady2.svg88 Steady2.svg
Flag of Estonia.svg Estonia6868 Steady2.svg69 Increase2.svg 170 Increase2.svg 1
Flag of Finland.svg Finland8484 Steady2.svg85 Increase2.svg 186 Increase2.svg 1
Flag of France.svg France7880 Increase2.svg 280 Steady2.svg82 Increase2.svg 2
Flag of Georgia.svg Georgia5757 Steady2.svg58 Increase2.svg 161 Increase2.svg 3
Flag of Germany.svg Germany7475 Increase2.svg 177 Increase2.svg 278 Increase2.svg 1
Flag of Greece.svg Greece7678 Increase2.svg 279 Increase2.svg 181 Increase2.svg 2
Flag of Hungary.svg Hungary6971 Increase2.svg 271 Steady2.svg73 Increase2.svg 2
Flag of Iceland.svg Iceland9494 Steady2.svg94 Steady2.svg94 Steady2.svg
Flag of Ireland.svg Ireland6263 Increase2.svg 163 Steady2.svg64 Increase2.svg 1
Flag of Italy.svg Italy6869 Increase2.svg 170 Increase2.svg 172 Increase2.svg 2
Flag of Kazakhstan.svg Kazakhstan5556 Increase2.svg 158 Increase2.svg 258 Steady2.svg
Flag of Latvia.svg Latvia6867 Decrease2.svg 168 Increase2.svg 169 Increase2.svg 1
Flag of Liechtenstein.svg Liechtenstein1414 Steady2.svg14 Steady2.svg15 Increase2.svg 1
Flag of Lithuania.svg Lithuania6767 Steady2.svg68 Increase2.svg 169 Increase2.svg 1
Flag of Luxembourg.svg Luxembourg8990 Increase2.svg 191 Increase2.svg 192 Increase2.svg 1
Flag of Malta.svg Malta9595 Steady2.svg95 Steady2.svg95 Steady2.svg
Flag of Moldova.svg Moldova4545 Steady2.svg43 Decrease2.svg 243 Steady2.svg
Flag of Monaco.svg Monaco100100 Steady2.svg100 Steady2.svg100 Steady2.svg
Flag of Montenegro.svg Montenegro6364 Increase2.svg 167 Increase2.svg 369 Increase2.svg 2
Flag of the Netherlands.svg Netherlands8790 Increase2.svg 391 Increase2.svg 193 Increase2.svg 2
Flag of North Macedonia.svg North Macedonia5757 Steady2.svg58 Increase2.svg 159 Increase2.svg 1
Flag of Norway.svg Norway7980 Increase2.svg 182 Increase2.svg 284 Increase2.svg 2
Flag of Poland.svg Poland6161 Steady2.svg60 Decrease2.svg 160 Steady2.svg
Flag of Portugal.svg Portugal6163 Increase2.svg 265 Increase2.svg 268 Increase2.svg 3
Flag of Romania.svg Romania5455 Increase2.svg 154 Decrease2.svg 155 Increase2.svg 1
Flag of Russia.svg Russia7474 Steady2.svg74 Steady2.svg75 Increase2.svg 1
Flag of San Marino.svg San Marino9494 Steady2.svg97 Increase2.svg 398 Increase2.svg 1
Flag of Serbia.svg Serbia5556 Increase2.svg 156 Steady2.svg57 Increase2.svg 1
Flag of Slovakia.svg Slovakia5454 Steady2.svg54 Steady2.svg54 Steady2.svg
Flag of Slovenia.svg Slovenia5050 Steady2.svg55 Increase2.svg 556 Increase2.svg 1
Flag of Spain.svg Spain7880 Increase2.svg 280 Steady2.svg82 Increase2.svg 2
Flag of Sweden.svg Sweden8686 Steady2.svg87 Increase2.svg 189 Increase2.svg 2
Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg Switzerland7474 Steady2.svg74 Steady2.svg74 Steady2.svg
Flag of Turkey.svg Turkey7173 Increase2.svg 275 Increase2.svg 277 Increase2.svg 2
Flag of Ukraine.svg Ukraine6970 Increase2.svg 169 Decrease2.svg 170 Increase2.svg 1
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom8283 Increase2.svg 183 Steady2.svg85 Increase2.svg 2

See also

Plotted maps

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  1. 1 2 "Urban population (% of total)". The World Bank. Retrieved 11 August 2015.