Filename extension | .stp, .step, .stpnc, .p21, .210 |
Internet media type | model/step, model/step+xml, model/step+zip, model/step-xml+zip |
Magic number | ISO-10303-21 |
Developed by | ISO |
Initial release | 1994 |
Website | Specification |
STEP-file is a widely used [1] data exchange form of STEP. ISO 10303 can represent 3D objects in computer-aided design (CAD) and related information. Due to its ASCII structure, a STEP-file is easy to read, with typically one instance per line. The format of a STEP-file is defined in ISO 10303-21 Clear Text Encoding of the Exchange Structure. [2]
ISO 10303-21 defines the encoding mechanism for representing data conforming to a particular schema in the EXPRESS data modeling language specified in ISO 10303-11. A STEP-File is also called p21-File and STEP Physical File. The file extensions .stp and .step indicate that the file contains data conforming to STEP application protocols while the extension .p21 should be used for all other purposes. [3]
The use of ISO 10303-21 is not limited to STEP. The Industry Foundation Classes and earlier CIMSteel Integration Standard (CIS/2) define an EXPRESS schema for building information modeling data and specify ISO 10303-21 as an exchange encoding.
Some details to take note of:
A typical example looks like this:
ISO-10303-21; HEADER; FILE_DESCRIPTION( /* description */ ('A minimal AP214 example with a single part'), /* implementation_level */ '2;1'); FILE_NAME( /* name */ 'demo', /* time_stamp */ '2003-12-27T11:57:53', /* author */ ('Lothar Klein'), /* organization */ ('LKSoft'), /* preprocessor_version */ ' ', /* originating_system */ 'IDA-STEP', /* authorization */ ' '); FILE_SCHEMA (('AUTOMOTIVE_DESIGN { 1 0 10303 214 2 1 1}')); ENDSEC; DATA; #10=ORGANIZATION('O0001','LKSoft','company'); #11=PRODUCT_DEFINITION_CONTEXT('part definition',#12,'manufacturing'); #12=APPLICATION_CONTEXT('mechanical design'); #13=APPLICATION_PROTOCOL_DEFINITION('','automotive_design',2003,#12); #14=PRODUCT_DEFINITION('0',$,#15,#11); #15=PRODUCT_DEFINITION_FORMATION('1',$,#16); #16=PRODUCT('A0001','Test Part 1','',(#18)); #17=PRODUCT_RELATED_PRODUCT_CATEGORY('part',$,(#16)); #18=PRODUCT_CONTEXT('',#12,''); #19=APPLIED_ORGANIZATION_ASSIGNMENT(#10,#20,(#16)); #20=ORGANIZATION_ROLE('id owner'); ENDSEC; END-ISO-10303-21;
As seen in the above example, the file is split into two sections following the initial keyword ISO-10303-21;:
The HEADER section has a fixed structure consisting of 3 to 6 groups in the given order. Except for the data fields time_stamp and FILE_SCHEMA all fields may contain empty strings.
The last three header groups are only valid in second edition files.
The DATA section contains application data according to one specific express schema. The encoding of this data follows some simple principles.
Possibly the only advantage of STEP files is that they are widely adopted in many CAD software. On the other hand, its format, and specially the EXPRESS data modelling language has a few disadvantages:[ opinion ]
AutoCAD DXF is a CAD data file format developed by Autodesk for enabling data interoperability between AutoCAD on different platforms.
A document type definition (DTD) is a specification file that contains set of markup declarations that define a document type for an SGML-family markup language. The DTD specification file can be used to validate documents.
Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a markup language and file format for storing, transmitting, and reconstructing arbitrary data. It defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable. The World Wide Web Consortium's XML 1.0 Specification of 1998 and several other related specifications—all of them free open standards—define XML.
The Geography Markup Language (GML) is the XML grammar defined by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) to express geographical features. GML serves as a modeling language for geographic systems as well as an open interchange format for geographic transactions on the Internet. Key to GML's utility is its ability to integrate all forms of geographic information, including not only conventional "vector" or discrete objects, but coverages and sensor data.
Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T) is a system for defining and communicating engineering tolerances via a symbolic language on engineering drawings and computer-generated 3D models that describes a physical object's nominal geometry and the permissible variation thereof. GD&T is used to define the nominal geometry of parts and assemblies, the allowable variation in size, form, orientation, and location of individual features, and how features may vary in relation to one another such that a component is considered satisfactory for its intended use. Dimensional specifications define the nominal, as-modeled or as-intended geometry, while tolerance specifications define the allowable physical variation of individual features of a part or assembly.
An XML schema is a description of a type of XML document, typically expressed in terms of constraints on the structure and content of documents of that type, above and beyond the basic syntactical constraints imposed by XML itself. These constraints are generally expressed using some combination of grammatical rules governing the order of elements, Boolean predicates that the content must satisfy, data types governing the content of elements and attributes, and more specialized rules such as uniqueness and referential integrity constraints.
The Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) is a CAD data exchange data schema intended for description of architectural, building and construction industry data.
ISO 10303 is an ISO standard for the computer-interpretable representation and exchange of product manufacturing information. It is an ASCII-based format. Its official title is: Automation systems and integration — Product data representation and exchange. It is known informally as "STEP", which stands for "Standard for the Exchange of Product model data". ISO 10303 can represent 3D objects in Computer-aided design (CAD) and related information.
ISO 10303-22 is a part of the implementation methods of STEP with the official title Standard data access interface or simply SDAI.
For product and manufacturing information, STEP-XML is a short term for ISO 10303-28, Industrial automation systems and integration—Product data representation and exchange—Part 28: Implementation methods: XML representations of EXPRESS schema and data. STEP-XML specifies the use of the Extensible Markup Language (XML) to represent EXPRESS schema and the data that is governed by those EXPRESS schema. It is an alternative method to STEP-File for the exchange of data according to ISO 10303.
An information model in software engineering is a representation of concepts and the relationships, constraints, rules, and operations to specify data semantics for a chosen domain of discourse. Typically it specifies relations between kinds of things, but may also include relations with individual things. It can provide sharable, stable, and organized structure of information requirements or knowledge for the domain context.
NIEMOpen, frequently referred to as NIEM, originated as an XML-based information exchange framework from the United States, but has transitioned to an OASISOpen Project. This initiative formalizes NIEM's designation as an official standard in national and international policy and procurement. NIEMOpen's Project Governing Board recently approved the first standard under this new project; the Conformance Targets Attribute Specification (CTAS) Version 3.0. A full collection of NIEMOpen standards are anticipated by end of year 2024.
Product and manufacturing information, also abbreviated PMI, conveys non-geometric attributes in 3D computer-aided design (CAD) and Collaborative Product Development systems necessary for manufacturing product components and assemblies. PMI may include geometric dimensions and tolerances, 3D annotation (text) and dimensions, surface finish, and material specifications. PMI is used in conjunction with the 3D model within model-based definition to allow for the elimination of 2D drawings for data set utilization.
JT is an openly-published ISO-standardized 3D CAD data exchange format used for product visualization, collaboration, digital mockups, and other purposes. It was developed by Siemens.
CAD data exchange is a method of drawing data exchange used to translate between different computer-aided design (CAD) authoring systems or between CAD and other downstream CAx systems.
Integration DEFinition for information modeling (IDEF1X) is a data modeling language for the development of semantic data models. IDEF1X is used to produce a graphical information model which represents the structure and semantics of information within an environment or system.
The ISO 15926 is a standard for data integration, sharing, exchange, and hand-over between computer systems.
EXPRESS is a standard for generic data modeling language for product data. EXPRESS is formalized in the ISO Standard for the Exchange of Product model STEP, and standardized as ISO 10303-11.
The official title of ISO 13584 is Industrial automation systems and integration - Parts library, with the acronym PLIB. PLIB is developed and maintained by the ISO technical committee TC 184, Technical Industrial automation systems and integration, sub-committee SC4 Industrial data. See also ISO 10303.