List of designated terrorist groups

Last updated

Several national governments and two international organizations have created lists of organizations that they designate as terrorist. [1] The following list of designated terrorist groups lists groups designated as terrorist by current and former national governments, and inter-governmental organizations. Such designations have often had a significant effect on the groups' activities.


Many organizations that have been designated as terrorist have denied using terrorism as a military tactic to achieve their goals, and there is no international consensus on the legal definition of terrorism. [2] [3]

This listing does not include unaffiliated individuals accused of terrorism, which is considered lone wolf terrorism. This list also excludes groups which might be widely considered terrorist, but who are not officially designated according to the criteria specified above.

Organizations designated as terrorist

By the United Nations Security Council Committee

Organizations listed by the United Nations Security Council ISIL (Da'esh) and Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee. [4]

Flag of Jihad.svg Abdullah Azzam Brigades United Nations, [5] Argentina, [6] Bahrain, [7] Canada, [8] Iraq, [9] Japan, [10] New Zealand, [11] United Arab Emirates, [12] [13] [14] United Kingdom, [15] United States [16]
Islamic State flag.svg Abu Sayyaf United Nations, [5] Argentina, [6] Australia, [17] Bahrain, [7] Canada, [8] Japan, [10] [18] Malaysia, [19] New Zealand, [11] Philippines, [20] United Arab Emirates, [12] [13] [14] United Kingdom, [15] United States [16]
AQMI Flag asymmetric.svg Aden-Abyan Islamic Army United Nations, [21] Argentina, [6] Bahrain, [7] Japan, [10] New Zealand, [11] United Kingdom [15]
Al-Akhtar Trust United Nations, [22] European Union, [23] United States, [24] United Kingdom, [25] Isle of Man, [26] Pakistan, [27] Panama, [28] Switzerland, [29] South Africa, [30] Thailand, [31] Latvia, [32] Uzbekistan, [33] Cyprus, [34] Argentina, [6] Australia, [35] South Korea, [36] Nigeria, [37] New Zealand, [38] Luxembourg, [39] Liechtenstein, [40] Trinidad and Tobago, [41] Moldova, [42] Israel, [43] Ukraine, [44] Nauru, [45] Taiwan, [46] Namibia, [47] Azerbaijan, [48] Philippines, [49] France, [50] Indonesia [51]
Flag of Jihad.svg Al-Itihaad al-Islamiya United Nations, [5] Argentina, [6] Japan, [10] New Zealand, [11] United Kingdom [15]
ShababFlag.svg Al-Mourabitoun [A] United Nations, [5] Argentina, [6] Australia, [17] Bahrain, [7] Canada, [8] Iraq, [53] [9] Japan, [10] New Zealand, [11] United Arab Emirates, [12] [13] [14] United Kingdom, [15] United States [52]
Flag of the Al-Nusra Front (Variant).svg Al-Nusra Front [B] United Nations, [56] Argentina, [6] Australia, [17] Bahrain, [7] Canada, [8] Iran, [57] Iraq, [58] [59] Japan, [10] Kazakhstan, [60] Kuwait, [61] Kyrgyzstan [62] Lebanon, [63] Malaysia, [19] New Zealand, [11] Syria, [64] [65] Russia, [66] Saudi Arabia, [67] Tajikistan, [68] Turkey, [69] [70] United Arab Emirates, [12] [13] [14] United Kingdom, [15] United States [71]
Flag of Jihad.svg al-Qaeda United Nations, [72] European Union, [73] Argentina, [6] Australia, [17] Bahrain, [7] Brazil, [74] Canada, [8] China, [75] India, [76] Indonesia, [77] Iran, [78] Israel, [79] [80] Japan, [81] [82] [10] Kazakhstan, [60] Kyrgyzstan, [62] Malaysia, [19] New Zealand, [11] Pakistan, [83] Paraguay, [84] Russia, [66] Saudi Arabia, [85] Tajikistan, [68] Turkey, [86] United Arab Emirates, [12] [13] [14] United Kingdom, [15] United States [16]
ShababFlag.svg al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula United Nations, [5] Argentina, [6] Australia, [17] Bahrain, [7] Canada, [8] Japan, [10] Malaysia, [19] New Zealand, [11] Saudi Arabia, [87] United Arab Emirates, [12] [13] [14] United States [16]
Flag of Jihad.svg al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb United Nations, [5] Argentina, [6] Australia, [17] Bahrain, [7] Canada, [8] Japan, [10] Malaysia, [19] New Zealand, [11] Russia, [66] United Arab Emirates, [12] [13] [14] United States [16]
Flag of Ansar al-Sharia (Libya).svg Ansar al-Sharia (Libya) [C] United Nations, [5] Argentina, [6] Bahrain, [7] Iraq, [9] Japan, [10] New Zealand, [11] Turkey, [89] United Arab Emirates, [12] [13] [14] United Kingdom, [15] United States [16]
Flag placeholder.svg Ansar al-Sharia in Tunisia United Nations, [5] Argentina, [6] Bahrain, [7] Iraq, [9] Japan, [10] New Zealand, [11] Tunisia, [90] United Arab Emirates, [12] [13] [14] United Kingdom, [15] United States [16]
Flag of Ansar al-Islam.svg Ansar al-Islam United Nations, [5] Argentina, [6] Australia, [17] Bahrain, [7] Canada, [8] Japan, [10] New Zealand, [11] United Arab Emirates, [12] [13] [14] United Kingdom, [15] United States [16]
ShababFlag.svg Ansar Dine United Nations, [5] Argentina, [6] Bahrain, [7] Iraq, [91] Japan, [10] New Zealand, [11] United Arab Emirates, [12] [13] [14] United States, [16] Canada [92]
Flag of Ansaru.svg Ansaru United Nations, [5] Bahrain, [7] Iraq, [53] [9] Japan, [10] New Zealand, [11] United Kingdom, [15] United States [16]
Flag placeholder.svg Armed Islamic Group of Algeria United Nations, [5] Argentina, [6] Bahrain, [7] Canada, [8] Japan, [10] New Zealand, [11] United Kingdom [15]
Osbat al-Ansar United Nations, [5] Argentina, [6] Bahrain, [7] Canada, [8] Japan, [10] Kazakhstan, [60] New Zealand, [11] Russia, [66] United Arab Emirates, [12] [13] [14] United Kingdom, [15] United States [16]
Islamic State flag.svg Boko Haram United Nations, [5] Australia, [17] Bahrain, [7] Canada, [8] Iraq, [53] [9] Japan, [10] Malaysia, [19] New Zealand, [11] Turkey, [12] [13] [14] United Arab Emirates, [93] United Kingdom, [15] United States [16]
Flag of Caucasian Emirate.svg Caucasus Emirate United Nations, [94] Argentina, [6] Bahrain, [7] Canada, [8] Japan, [10] New Zealand, [11] Russia, [66] United Arab Emirates, [12] [13] [14] United Kingdom, [15] United States [95]
Flag of Jihad.svg Egyptian Islamic Jihad [D] United Nations, [5] Argentina, [6] Bahrain, [7] Canada, [8] Japan, [10] New Zealand, [11] Russia, [66] United Kingdom [15]
Flag of the Taliban.svg Haqqani network United Nations, [5] Argentina, [6] Canada, [8] Japan, [10] New Zealand, [11] United Arab Emirates, [12] [13] [14] United Kingdom, [15] United States [16]
Flag of Jihad.svg Harkat-ul-Jihad al-Islami United Nations, [5] Argentina, [6] Bahrain, [7] Japan, [10] New Zealand, [11] United Kingdom, [15] United States [16]
Flag of Harkat-ul-Mujahideen.svg Harkat-ul-Mujahideen United Nations, [5] Bahrain, [7] Canada, [8] Japan, [10] New Zealand, [11] India, [76] United Kingdom, [15] United States [16]
Flag of Harakat Sham al-Islam.svg Harakat Sham al-Islam United Nations, [5] Argentina, [6] Bahrain, [7] Japan, [10] New Zealand, [11] United States, [96] [54] Morocco [97]
Jamiat ul-Ansar [E] United Nations, [5] Australia, [17] Canada, [F] New Zealand, [11] India, [76] Pakistan [83]
Hayat Tahrir al-Sham [G] United Nations, [5] European Union, [98] Argentina, [6] Australia, [2] New Zealand, [11] Morocco, [97] Russia, [66] Turkey, [99] United Kingdom, [15] United States, [54]
Flag of Jihad.svg Islamic Jihad Union United Nations, [5] Argentina, [6] China, [100] Kyrgyzstan [62] New Zealand, [11] Pakistan, [101] United Kingdom, [15] United States [16]
Flag of Jihad.svg Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan United Nations, [5] Argentina, [6] Australia, [17] Bahrain, [7] Canada, [8] China, [100] Japan, [10] Kazakhstan, [60] Kyrgyzstan [62] New Zealand, [11] Pakistan, [101] Russia, [66] Tajikistan, [68] United Arab Emirates, [12] [13] [14] United Kingdom, [15] United States [16]
Islamic State - Sahel Province.svg Islamic State in the Greater Sahara United Nations, [5] Argentina, [6] Canada, [92] Iraq, [102] Japan, [10] New Zealand, [11] United States [16]
AQMI Flag asymmetric.svg Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant United Nations, [56] European Union, [103] Argentina, [6] Australia, [17] Bahrain, [7] Canada, [8] China, [104] Egypt, [105] India, [76] Indonesia, [106] Iraq, [107] Iran, [108] Israel, [109] Japan, [10] Jordan, [110] Kazakhstan, [60] Kuwait, [61] Kyrgyzstan [62] Lebanon, [63] [111] Malaysia, [19] New Zealand, [11] Pakistan, [101] Paraguay, [84] Russia, [66] Saudi Arabia, [67] Tajikistan, [68] Turkey, [112] [113] United Arab Emirates, [12] [13] [14] United Kingdom, [15] United States [16]
Islamic State - Khurasan Province.svg Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant – Khorasan Province United Nations, [5] Argentina, [6] Australia, [114] Canada, [8] Iraq, [115] Japan, [10] New Zealand, [11] India, [76] United States [16]
Islamic State - Libya Province.svg Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant – Libya Province United Nations, [5] Australia, [17] Iraq, [116] Japan, [10] United States [16]
Islamic State - Yemen Province.svg Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant – Yemen Province United Nations, [5] Iraq, [116] Japan, [10] United States [117]
Islamic State - West Africa Province.svg Islamic State's West Africa Province United Nations, [5] Japan, [10] United States [16]
Jaishi-e-Mohammed.svg Jaish-e-Mohammed United Nations, [5] Australia, [17] Bahrain, [7] Canada, [8] India, [76] Japan, [10] New Zealand, [11] Pakistan, [83] United Arab Emirates, [12] [13] [14] United Kingdom, [15] United States [16]
Flag of Jaysh al-Muhajireen wal-Ansar.png Jaish al-Muhajireen wal-Ansar United Nations, [5] Bahrain, [7] Canada, [8] Japan, [10] New Zealand, [11] United States [96]
Jamaah Ansharut Daulah United Nations, [5] Indonesia, [106] Japan [10]
Jamaah Ansharut Tauhid United Nations, [5] Bahrain, [7] Indonesia, [118] Japan, [10] Malaysia, [19] New Zealand, [11] United States [16]
Flag of Jihad.svg Jama'at Nasr al-Islam wal Muslimin [H] United Nations, [5] Canada, [8] Iraq, [119] New Zealand, [11] United Kingdom, [15] United States [16]
Flag of Jihad.svg Jamaat-ul-Ahrar United Nations, [5] Argentina, [6] Japan, [10] New Zealand, [11] Pakistan, [101] United Kingdom, [15] United States [120]
Flag of Jihad.svg Jemaah Islamiyah United Nations, [5] Argentina, [6] Australia, [17] Bahrain, [7] Canada, [8] Indonesia, [118] Japan, [121] [10] [18] Malaysia, [19] New Zealand, [11] United Kingdom, [15] United States [16]
Flag of Jund al-Aqsa.svg Jund al-Aqsa United Nations, [5] Argentina, [6] Japan, [10] Malaysia, [19] New Zealand, [11] Saudi Arabia, [122] United Kingdom, [15] United States [123]
AQMI Flag asymmetric.svg Jund al-Khilafah United Nations, [5] Argentina, [6] Bahrain, [7] Japan, [10] Kazakhstan, [60] New Zealand, [11] United Kingdom, [15]
ImamBukhariJamaatflag.png Katibat al-Imam al-Bukhari United Nations, [5] Argentina, [6] Iraq, [124] New Zealand, [11] Japan, [10] Kyrgyzstan [62] United States [125]
Flag of Katibat al-Tawhid wal-Jihad.svg Katibat al-Tawhid wal-Jihad United Nations, [5] United States, [126] Russia, [66] Kyrgyzstan [127] Moldova, [128] Israel [43]
Flag of Lashkar-e-Taiba.svg Lashkar-e-Taiba United Nations, [5] Argentina, [6] Australia, [17] Bahrain, [7] Canada, [8] India, [76] Japan, [81] [10] New Zealand, [11] Pakistan, [83] Tajikistan, [68] Russia, [66] United Arab Emirates, [12] [13] [14] United Kingdom, [15] United States [16]
Flag of Lashkar-e-Jhangvi.svg Lashkar-e-Jhangvi United Nations, [5] Argentina, [6] Australia, [17] Bahrain, [7] Canada, [8] Japan, [10] New Zealand, [11] Pakistan, [83] United Kingdom, [15] United States [16]
Libyan Islamic Fighting Group United Nations, [5] Argentina, [6] Bahrain, [7] Japan, [10] New Zealand [11]
Moroccan Islamic Combatant Group United Nations, [5] Argentina, [6] Bahrain, [7] Japan, [10] New Zealand, [11] United Kingdom, [15] Morocco [129]
Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa United Nations, [5] Argentina, [6] Bahrain, [7] Canada, [8] Japan, [10] New Zealand, [11] United States [16] [ failed verification ]
Flag of Eastern Indonesian Mujahideen (Mujahidin Indonesia Timur).svg Mujahidin Indonesia Timur United Nations, [130] Argentina, [6] Bahrain, [7] Japan, [10] Indonesia, [118] Malaysia, [19] New Zealand, [11] United Kingdom [15]
Flag of Caucasian Emirate.svg Riyad-us Saliheen Brigade of Martyrs United Nations, [131] European Union, [132] United States, [133] United Kingdom, [134] France, [135] Spain, [136] Australia, [137] New Zealand, [138] China, [139] South Korea, [140] Singapore, [141] Pakistan, [142] Cyprus, [143] Hong Kong, [144] Latvia, [145] Isle of Man, [146] South Africa, [147] Malta, [148] East Timor, [149] Trinidad and Tobago [150]
Society of the Revival of Islamic Heritage United Nations, [5] Bahrain, [7] Japan, [10] New Zealand, [11] Russia [66]
Tariq Gidar Group United Nations, [5] United States, [151] United Kingdom, [152] Isle of Man, [153] France, [154] Australia, [155] Spain, [156] Latvia, [157] Israel, [43] Macau, [158] Trinidad and Tobago [159] Japan, [160] Taiwan, [161] Pakistan, [162] Thailand, [163] South Africa, [164] Iraq, [165] Jordan, [166] Moldova, [167] Uzbekistan, [33] Angola, [168] Nicaragua, [169] Panama, [170] Nauru [45]
Flag of Tehrik-i-Taliban.svg Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan United Nations, [5] Argentina, [6] Bahrain, [7] Canada, [8] China, [171] Iran, [172] Japan, [10] New Zealand, [11] Pakistan, [83] Russia, [173] United Arab Emirates, [12] [13] [14] United Kingdom, [15] United States [16]
Flag of Turkistan Islamic Party.svg Turkistan Islamic Party [I] United Nations, [5] European Union, [174] Argentina, [6] Bahrain, [7] Canada, [8] China, [175] Iran, [176] Japan, [10] Kazakhstan, [60] Kyrgyzstan [62] Malaysia, [19] New Zealand, [11] Pakistan [177] Russia, [178] Tajikistan, [68] Turkey, [179] United Arab Emirates, [12] [13] United Kingdom [15]

Other organizations

18th Street gang El Salvador [180]
Abu Nidal Organization European Union, [181] Canada, [8] Japan, [121] [18] United Kingdom [15]
Addameer Israel [182]
Soldiers of Egypt (Ajnad Misr) Egypt, [183] United Arab Emirates, [12] [13] [14] United Kingdom, [15] United States [184]
Akhil Bharat Nepali Ekta Samaj India [76]
al-Aqsa Foundation European Union [181]
al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades European Union, [181] Canada, [8] Japan, [81] [18] New Zealand, [185] United States [16]
Al-Ashtar Brigades Bahrain, [7] Canada, [8] United Kingdom, [15] United States [16]
Al-Badr flag.svg Al-Badr India, [76] United States [186]
Alex Boncayao Brigade United States [187]
al-Haramain [J] Russia [66]
Al-Hayat Media Center United States [16]
al-Jama'a al-Islamiyya European Union, [181] Canada, [8] Israel, [80] Russia, [66] United Arab Emirates, [12] [13] [14] United Kingdom, [15] United States [16]
Al Ghurabaa United Kingdom [15]
Al-Haq Israel [182]
In tpdf.gif All Tripura Tiger Force India [76]
Flag of AQIS.jpg al-Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent Australia, [17] Canada, [8] India, [76] Japan, [18] Pakistan, [101] United States [16]
Islamic State flag.svg Al-Shabaab Australia, [17] Canada, [8] Japan, [18] Malaysia, [19] New Zealand, [185] United Arab Emirates, [12] [13] [14] United Kingdom, [15] United States [16]
Flag of Al-Umar-Mujahideen.svg Al-Umar-Mujahideen India [76]
Amaq News Agency logo.svg Amaq News Agency United States [16]
ShababFlag.svg Ansar Bait al-Maqdis [K] Australia, [17] Canada, [8] Egypt, [188] New Zealand, [185] United Arab Emirates, [12] [14] United Kingdom, [15] United States [16]
AQMI Flag asymmetric.svg Ansar Khalifa Philippines [L] Australia, [189] Malaysia [19]
AQMI Flag.svg Ansar ul Islam United Kingdom, [15] United States [190]
Flag of Arabistan.svg Arab Struggle Movement for the Liberation of Ahvaz Iran [191]
ULA-AA Flag.svg Arakan Army Myanmar [192]
Flag of ARSA.png Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army Malaysia, [19] Myanmar [193]
Army of Islam United Arab Emirates, [12] [13] [14] United States [16]
Flag of Iraq (1991-2004).svg Army of the Men of the Naqshbandi Order United States [16]
Aryan Strikeforce Canada [194]
Asb.png Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq United Arab Emirates, [12] United States [16]
ATK Group Ukraine [195] [196]
Flag of Atomwaffen Division.svg Atomwaffen Division United Kingdom, [197] Canada, [92] Australia [198]
Aum symbol.svg Aum Shinrikyo Canada, [8] Kazakhstan, [60] Russia [66]
Az-Zallaqa.svg Az-Zallaqa Foundation European Union, [199] United States, [200] United Kingdom, [201] Isle of Man [202]
Banner of the Azov Regiment.svg Azov Battalion Russia [203]
Badr Organization United Arab Emirates [12]
Babbar Khalsa International European Union, [181] Canada, [8] India, [76] Japan, [121] [18] Malaysia, [19] United Kingdom [15]
Bahrain Freedom Movement Bahrain [7]
Balochistan flag.svg Balochistan Liberation Army China, [204] European Union, [205] Iran, [206] Pakistan, [207] Russia, [208] United Kingdom, [15] United States [209] [210]
Baloch Students Organization Pakistan [211]
baaNlaadesh chaatrliiger ptaakaa.svg Bangladesh Chhatra League Bangladesh [212] [213]
ShababFlag.svg Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters [M] Australia, [189] Malaysia [19]
Flag of The Base.svg The Base European Union, [214] Canada, [92] United Kingdom, [215] Australia, [17] New Zealand [216]
Bisan Center Israel [182]
Blood & Honour Canada [8]
BYPOL. Ab'iadnanne silavikou Belarusi.png BYPOL Belarus [217]
Centre for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies United Arab Emirates [12] [13] [14]
Redut-Antiterror Ukraine [195] [196]
Emblem of Civilna Zastita.svg Civilna Zastita of Serbia Republic of Kosovo [218] [219]
Coalition of Patriots for Change Central African Republic [220]
SS Totenkopf Fahne.svg Combat 18 Canada [8] [215]
Committee for Charity and Solidarity with Palestine Israel [79]
South Asian Communist Banner.svg Communist Party of India (Maoist) India [76]
Cpm election symbol.svg Communist Party of India (Marxist–Leninist) People's War India [76]
Infoboxnpa.png Communist Party of the Philippines / New People's Army European Union, [181] Japan, [18] New Zealand, [185] Philippines, [221] United States [16]
Flag of Communist Party of Turkey-Marxist-Leninist.svg Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist–Leninist Turkey [112]
Flag of the Majlis of Muslims of Ichkeria and Dagestan.png Congress of the Peoples of Ichkeria and Dagestan Russia [66]
Conspiracy of Fire Nuclei, Logo.jpg Conspiracy of Fire Nuclei United States [222]
Continuity Irish Republican Army New Zealand, [185] United Kingdom, [15] United States [16]
Council on American–Islamic Relations United Arab Emirates [223] [224]
Cumann na mBan.png Cumann na mBan United Kingdom [15]
Flag of Islamic State of Indonesia.svg Darul Islam Indonesia [118]
Deendar Anjuman India [76]
Dci-is.JPG Defence for Children International Palestine branch Israel [182]
Flag of Donetsk People's Republic.svg Donetsk People's Republic Ukraine [225] [226]
Dukhtaran-e-Milllat.png Dukhtaran-e-Millat India [76]
East Turkestan Information Center China [175]
The Flag of East Turkistan Republic.png East Turkestan Liberation Organization China, [175] Kazakhstan, [60] Kyrgyzstan [62] Saudi Arabia [227]
E.N.O.T. Corp. Ukraine [195] [196]
Logo of Euskadi Ta Askatasuna.png Euskadi Ta Askatasuna Canada, [8] New Zealand, [185] United Kingdom, [15] United States [16]
February 14 Youth Coalition Bahrain [7]
Sunburst Flag.svg Fianna Éireann United Kingdom [15]
Force 17 Israel [79]
Freedom of Russia Legion flag (2023, official).svg Freedom of Russia Legion Russia [228]
Logo of the Free Nations of Russia Forum.svg Free Nations of Post-Russia Forum Russia [229]
Morning Star flag.svg Free Papua Movement Indonesia [230]
Garo National Liberation Army India [76]
Georgianlegionpatch.svg Georgian National Legion Russia [21]
IBDA-C.svg Great Eastern Islamic Raiders' Front European Union, [181] Turkey [112]
Grey Wolves Kazakhstan [60]
Gülen movement Gulf Cooperation Council, [231] Pakistan, [232] Turkey [233]
Flag of al-Qassam Brigades.svg Hamas European Union, [181] [234] Argentina, [235] [236] Australia, [17] Canada, [8] Israel, [237] Japan, [81] [18] New Zealand, [185] Paraguay, [84] United Kingdom, [238] United States, [16] Organization of American States [239] Switzerland [240]
Hamas – Al-Qassam Brigades [N] Japan [18]
Harakat al-Sadiq wa al-Ataa United States, [241] Latvia [242]
Harakat Ansar Allah al-Awfiya United States, [243] Latvia [242]
Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba United States [244]
Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami Bangladesh New Zealand, [185] United Kingdom, [15] United States [16]
Flag of Harkat-ul-Mujahideen.svg Harakat-Ul-Mujahideen/Alami Japan, [10] United Kingdom [15]
Hasm Movement Canada, [8] Egypt, [245] United Kingdom, [15] United States [246]
Flag of Hezbi Islami Gulbuddin.svg Hezb-e Islami Gulbuddin Canada [8]
InfoboxHez.PNG Hezbollah Gulf Cooperation Council, [247] Argentina, [6] Australia, [248] Bahrain, [7] Canada, [8] Colombia, [249] Germany, [250] Honduras, [249] Israel, [251] Malaysia, [19] Paraguay, [84] Saudi Arabia, [252] United Arab Emirates, [252] United Kingdom, [15] United States [16] Switzerland [253]
Hezbollah (Military Wing) [O] European Union, [181] Bahrain, [7] Canada, [8] Malaysia, [19] New Zealand, [185] Saudi Arabia, [252] United Arab Emirates, [252] United Kingdom, [15] United States [16]
Hezbollah (External Security Organisation) [O] Argentina, [6] Australia, [17] Bahrain, [7] Canada, [8] Malaysia, [19] Saudi Arabia, [252] United Arab Emirates, [252] United Kingdom, [15] United States [16]
Hezbollah Al-Hejaz Saudi Arabia, [87] United Arab Emirates [12] [13] [14]
Hezbollah in Latin America Argentina, [254] Colombia, [255] Honduras, [256] Paraguay [257]
Flag of Jihad.svg Hizb ut-Tahrir China, [258] Egypt, [259] Indonesia, [260] Iran, [259] Kazakhstan, [60] Pakistan, [83] Russia, [66] Saudi Arabia, [259] Tunisia, [261] Tajikistan, [68] Turkey, [262] [263] United Kingdom [264]
Hizbul Mujahideen European Union, [181] India, [76] United States, [16] Canada [92]
Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development Japan [18] Israel [79]
Houthis emblem.svg Houthis Malaysia, [19] Saudi Arabia, [67] United Arab Emirates, [12] [13] [14] United States, [265] Yemen (Presidential Leadership Council), [266] [267] Canada [268]
Flag of Tanzim Hurras al-Din.svg Hurras al-Din United States, [269] Australia [270]
Indian Mujahideen Canada, [8] India, [76] Japan, [18] New Zealand, [185] United Arab Emirates, [12] [13] [14] United Kingdom, [15] United States [16]
Gay Pride Flag.svg international LGBT movement Russia [271] [272]
International Sikh Youth Federation Canada, [8] India [76] Japan [121] [18]
StarryPlough.svg Irish National Liberation Army United Kingdom [15]
Iplo flag.png Irish People's Liberation Organisation United Kingdom [15]
Islam4UK United Kingdom [273]
Islamic Jihad – Jamaat Mujahideen Japan, [10] Russia [66]
International Relief Fund for the Afflicted and Needy – Canada Canada [8]
International Union of Muslim Scholars Bahrain, [7] Egypt, [274] [275] Saudi Arabia, [275] [274] United Arab Emirates [275] [274]
Iran International.svg Iran International Iran [276] [277]
Flag of the Islamic Renaissance Party of Tajikistan.svg Islamic Renaissance Party of Tajikistan Russia, [66] Tajikistan [68]
Flag of the Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution.svg Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps Bahrain, [7] Canada, [278] Saudi Arabia, [279] Sweden, [280] United States [281]
Flag of Quds Force.svg Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps' Quds Force Bahrain, [7] Canada, [8] Israel, [282] Saudi Arabia, [279] United States [16]
ISIL Caliphate Seal.svg Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant – Sinai Province Australia, [17] Canada, [8] Japan, [18] Malaysia, [19] New Zealand, [185] Qatar, [283] United States [16]
ISIL Caliphate Seal.svg Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant – Central Africa Province [P] United States [284]
Flag of Jihad.svg Jamaat al-Dawah ila al-Quran wal-Sunnah United States [285]
Jamaat-e-Islami Russia [66]
Jamaat Ul-Furquan Japan, [10] United Kingdom [15]
Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh India, [76] Malaysia, [19] United Kingdom, [15] Bangladesh [286]
Flag of Jihad.svg Jamaah Ansharusy Syariah Indonesia [118]
Jamiat al-Islah al-Idzhtimai Russia [66]
Flag of Jamiat-e Islami.svg Jamiat-e Islami Russia [66]
Jund al-Sham Russia [66]
Flag of Kach and Kahane Chai.svg Kach and Kahane Chai Canada, [8] Israel, [79] [287] Japan [121] [18]
Jundallah Iran, [288] New Zealand, [185] United States [16]
Flag of the Kamtapur Liberation Organisation.png Kamtapur Liberation Organisation India [76]
South Asian Communist Banner.svg Kangleipak Communist Party India [76]
Kanglei Yawol Kanna Lup India [76]
Flag of the Kastus Kalinouski Regiment.svg Kastuś Kalinoŭski Regiment Belarus [289]
Kata'ib Hezbollah sans logo.JPG Kata'ib Hezbollah Japan [290] United Arab Emirates, [12] [13] [14] United States [16]
Khalistan Commando Force India [76]
KLF Logo.jpg Khalistan Liberation Force India [76]
Khalistan Zindabad Force European Union, [181] India [76]
Khalistan Tiger Force India [291]
Derafsh Kaviani flag of the late Sassanid Empire.svg Kingdom Assembly of Iran Iran [292] [ better source needed ]
Flag of Komala.svg Komala–PIK Iran [293] [294]
Komala's flag.png Komala–CPI Iran, [295] Japan [296]
Flag of Komala.png Komala–KTP Iran [295]
Komi Daily Russia [297]
Krasnoyarsk Jamaat Russia [66]
Green Shahada.svg Kurdish Hezbollah Turkey [112]
Flag of Koma Civaken Kurdistane.svg Kurdistan Communities Union Turkey [112]
Flag of the Kurdistan Democratic Party North.svg Kurdistan Democratic Party/North Turkey [112]
Flag of Partiya Demokrat a Kurdistana Irane.png Kurdistan Democratic Party–Iran Iran [295]
Flag of Partiya Demokrat a Kurdistana Irane.png Kurdistan Democratic Party
InfoboxTAK.png Kurdistan Freedom Hawks [Q] Australia, [298] United Kingdom, [15] United States [299]
Organization of Iranian Kurdistan Struggle Iran [300]
Flag of the Kurdistan Freedom Party (Iran).svg Kurdistan Freedom Party Iran [295]
Flag of Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK).svg Kurdistan Workers' Party [R] European Union, [181] Australia, [17] Austria, [301] Azerbaijan, [302] Bulgaria, Canada, [8] Czech Republic, [303] Finland, [304] Iran, [305] Japan, [121] Kazakhstan, [60] Kyrgyzstan, [62] Netherlands, [306] New Zealand, [185] Poland, Portugal, Spain, [307] Syria, [308] Sweden, [304] Turkey, [112] United Kingdom, [15] United States [16]
Balochistan flag.svg Lashkar-e-Balochistan Pakistan [309]
Tamil Eelam Flag.svg Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam European Union, [181] Canada, [8] India, [76] Malaysia, [19] Sri Lanka, [310] United Kingdom, [15] United States [16]
Liwa Fatemiyoun Canada [8] United States
Flag red yellow 5x3.svg Lord's Resistance Army African Union, [311] United States [187]
Flag of the LVF.png Loyalist Volunteer Force United Kingdom [15]
Flag of the Luhansk People's Republic.svg Luhansk People's Republic Ukraine [225] [226]
AQMI Flag.svg Macina Liberation Front Canada [92]
Majeed brigade logo.svg Majeed Brigade Pakistan
Majelis Mujahidin Indonesia United States [312]
Manipur People's Liberation Front India [76]
Maoist Communist Centre of India India [76]
MKP-FLAG.svg Maoist Communist Party (Turkey) Turkey [112]
MAP Ukraine [195] [196]
AQMI Flag asymmetric.svg Maute Group Philippines, Malaysia, New Zealand, Japan [18]
Mara Salvatrucha El Salvador [180]
MS Group Ukraine [195] [196]
AQMI Flag asymmetric.svg Mujahideen Shura Council in the Environs of Jerusalem [S] Canada, [8] United Arab Emirates, [12] United States [16]
Flag of the Muslim Brotherhood.png Muslim Brotherhood Collective Security Treaty Organization, [313] Bahrain, [314] Egypt, [315] Libya (House of Representatives), [316] Kazakhstan, [60] Russia, [66] Syria, [317] Saudi Arabia, [67] Tajikistan, [68] United Arab Emirates [12] [13] [14]
Flag of MAK.svg Movement for the self-determination of Kabylie Algeria [318]
Flag of the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army.svg Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army Myanmar [192]
Flag of National Action.svg National Action United Kingdom [15]
Front Nacional Democratic Bodoland.svg National Democratic Front of Bodoland India [76]
NDF Flag.svg National Democratic Front of the Philippines Philippines [319] [320] [321]
Flag of ELN.svg National Liberation Army European Union, [181] Canada, [8] Japan, [18] New Zealand, [185] United States [16]
Flag of the National Liberation Front of Tripura.png National Liberation Front of Tripura India [76]
Flag of Ahwaz.png National Liberation Movement of Ahwaz Iran [191]
NSWPFlag1.png National Socialism / White Power Russia [322]
Unofficial flag of Nagaland.svg National Socialist Council of Nagaland India [76]
Flag of Myanmar.svg National Unity Government of Myanmar Myanmar ( State Administration Council ) [323]
AQMI Flag asymmetric.svg Neo-JMB Japan [18]
Logo of the Nordic Resistance Movement.svg Nordic Resistance Movement United States [324] [325]
Network (Russia) Russia [66]
Nexta logo.png Nexta Belarus [326]
Orange Volunteers United Kingdom [15]
Flag of the Oromo Liberation Front.svg Oromo Liberation Army Ethiopia [327]
Pashtun Tahaffuz Movement Pakistan [328]
Palestine Liberation Front Canada, [8] Israel, [79] Japan, [121] [18] United States [16]
Palestinian Islamic Jihad European Union, [181] Australia, [17] Canada, [8] Israel, [329] Japan, [81] [18] New Zealand, [185] United Kingdom, [15] United States [16]
Palestinian Relief Development Fund – Interpal Israel [79]
Emblema del Ejercito del Pueblo Paraguayo.svg Paraguayan People's Army Paraguay, [330] United States [330]
Drapeau du Parti pour une vie libre au Kurdistan - PJAK.png Party of Free Life of Kurdistan Iran, [295] Turkey, [331] United States [332]
People's Anti-Fascist Front India [76] [333]
Flag of Hezen Parastina Gel.svg People's Defence Forces Australia, [298] United Kingdom [15]
Bandera FPRM Manipur.png People's Liberation Army of Manipur India [76]
THKP-C flag.svg People's Liberation Party-Front of Turkey United Kingdom [15]
People's Militia named after Minin and Pozharsky Russia [66]
Flag of the People's Mujahedin of Iran.svg People's Mujahedin of Iran Iran, [334] Iraq [335]
People's Revolutionary Party of Kangleipak India [76]
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine European Union, [181] Canada, [8] Japan, [121] [18] United States [16]
PFLP-GC Flag.svg Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command European Union, [181] Canada, [8] Japan, [121] [18] United Kingdom, [15] United States [16]
Flag of Promised Day Brigades.svg Promised Day Brigade United Arab Emirates [12]
Proud Boys PB and Wreath Logo.jpg Proud Boys Canada, [92] New Zealand [216]
Provisional Irish Republican Army Badge.svg Provisional Irish Republican Army United Kingdom [15]
Real Irish Republican Army New Zealand, [185] United Kingdom, [15] United States [16]
Red Hand Commando United Kingdom [15]
Red Hand Defenders United Kingdom [15]
Resistência Galega Spain [336]
Flag of the FARC-EP.svg Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia Canada, [8] Japan, [18]
Flag of the FARC-EP.svg Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia Dissidents United States [16]
Frente Revolucionario Antifascista y Patriota (bandera).svg Revolutionary Antifascist Patriotic Front Spain [337]
Revolutionary Nuclei United Kingdom [338]
17-n-flag.svg Revolutionary Organization 17 November United Kingdom [15]
Flag of the Kurdistan Revolutionary Party (Iraq).svg Revolutionary Party of Kurdistan Turkey [112]
Dhkp.svg Revolutionary People's Liberation Party–Front European Union, [181] Japan, [121] [18] New Zealand, [185] Turkey, [112] United Kingdom, [15] United States [16]
Single Color Flag - F6002F.svg Revolutionary Struggle United States [16]
Flag of the Russian Empire (black-yellow-white).svg Russian Imperial Movement Canada, [92] United States [339]
Russian Orthodox Army Ukraine [340]
Flag of the Russian Volunteer Corps.svg Russian Volunteer Corps Russia [66]
Rachad Algeria [318]
Flag of Right Sector.svg Right Sector (Crimean branch) Russia [66]
RSB Group  [ ru ] Ukraine [195] [196]
Lezgin flag sadval.png Sadval movement Azerbaijan [341]
Sabireen Movement Canada, [8] United States [246]
Samidoun Canada, [342] Israel, [343] Netherlands, [344] United States [345]
Saor Eire logo.svg Saor Éire United Kingdom [15]
Saraya al-Mukhtar Bahrain, [7] Egypt, [346] Saudi Arabia, [346] United Arab Emirates [346]
Severna Brigada Kosovo [219] [218]
Flag of the Sindhudesh Liberation Army.svg Sindhudesh Liberation Army Pakistan [347]
Slavonic Corps Ukraine [195] [196]
Flag of Myanmar.svg State Administration Council Myanmar (National Unity Government) [348]
The Saved Sect United Kingdom [15]
Sect of Revolutionaries United States [349]
Flag of Sendero Luminoso.svg Shining Path European Union, [181] Canada, [8] Japan, [81] [18] New Zealand, [185] United States, United Kingdom, Peru
Shura Council of Benghazi Revolutionaries [350] Bahrain, [7] Egypt, [350] Saudi Arabia, [350] United Arab Emirates, [350] United States
Flag of Sipah-e-Sahaba.jpg Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan Pakistan, [83] United Kingdom [15]
Sonnenkrieg Division.png Sonnenkrieg Division Australia, [351] United Kingdom [15]
Students' Islamic Movement of India India [76]
Supreme Military Majlis ul-Shura of the United Mujahideen Forces of Caucasus Russia [66]
Tablighi Jamaat Kazakhstan, [60] Saudi Arabia [352] Tajikistan [68]
Takfir wal-Hijra Kazakhstan, [60] Kyrgyzstan [62]
Flag of Taliban.svg Taliban Canada, [8] Japan, [81] Russia, [66] Tajikistan, [68] United Arab Emirates [12] [13] [14]
Tamil Nadu Liberation Army India [76]
Tamil National Retrieval Troops India [76]
Tamil Youth Organisation Sri Lanka [353] [354]
Flag of the Ta'ang National Liberation Army.svg Ta'ang National Liberation Army Myanmar [192]
Tanzim Israel [79]
Tnsm-flag.svg Tehreek-e-Nafaz-e-Shariat-e-Mohammadi Pakistan, [83] United Kingdom [15]
Teves Group Philippines [355] [356]
Tevhid-Selam (Al-Quds Army) Turkey [112]
Flag of South Vietnam.svg Third Republic of Vietnam Vietnam [357]
Official Three Percent Flag.svg Three Percenters Canada [358] [359]
Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam Sri Lanka [353] [354]
Flag of the Ulster Defence Association.svg Ulster Defence Association United Kingdom [15]
Flag of the Ulster Volunteer Force.svg Ulster Volunteer Force United Kingdom [15]
Union of Agricultural Work Committees Israel [182]
Union of Palestinian Women's Committees Israel [182]
Flag of United Liberation Front of Asom.svg United Liberation Front of Assam India [76]
Bandera UNLF.svg United National Liberation Front India [76]
Flag of AUC.svg United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia Japan [18]
Flag of the United States Army.svg
Flag of the United States Marine Corps.svg
Flag of the United States Navy.svg
Flag of the United States Air Force.svg
Flag of the United States Space Force.svg
Flag of the United States Coast Guard.svg
United States Armed Forces Iran [360]
United States Central Command
United States Department of Defense
Vanguards of Conquest [T] Canada [8]
Viet Tan Logo.png Việt Tân Vietnam [361]
Wagner Group Estonia, [362] [363] France, [364] Lithuania, [365] Ukraine, [195] [196] United Kingdom [366] [367]
Morning Star flag.svg West Papua National Liberation Army Indonesia [368]
World Tamil Movement Canada [8]
Kokbayraq flag.svg World Uygur Youth Congress China [175]
Flag of the Yarmouk Martyrs Brigade.svg Yarmouk Martyrs Brigade United States [369]
People's Protection Units Flag.svg
Flag of Syrian Democratic Forces.svg
YPG / SDF Turkey [370] [371] [372] [373] [374]

Organizations formerly designated as terrorist

Below is the list of organizations that have officially been designated as terrorist in the past, by the respective parties, but have since been delisted.

Abu Nidal Organization United States 8 October 1997 – 1 June 2017 [16]
Flag of the African National Congress.svg African National Congress South Africa 16 December 1961 – 11 February 1990 [375]
Flag placeholder.svg Al-Haramain Foundation United States branch New Zealand ?–2014 [376]
LogoAVC.svg ¡Alfaro Vive, Carajo! Ecuador 1984 [377] –1991 [378]
Flag placeholder.svg Armed Islamic Group of Algeria United States 8 October 1997 – 15 October 2010 [16]
Flag of ASALA.png Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia United States, Azerbaijan 1975–1991 (dissolved)
Aum symbol.svg Aum Shinrikyo European Union ?–18 July 2011 [379] [380]
United States 8 October 1997 – 20 May 2022 [381]
Banner of the Azov Regiment.svg Azov Battalion Japan 2021–2022 [382]
Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine - Flag.svg Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine United States 10 August 1997 – 10 August 1999 [16]
Fatah United States ?–1988
Bandera FLQ.svg Front de libération du Québec Canada 1 April 1963 – 1971
Ginbot 7 Ethiopia ?–2018 [383]
Harakat Ansar Iran Iran [384] [ better source needed ]?–2013 (dissolved)
Houthis emblem.svg Houthis United States 19 January–5 February 2021 [385] (reenlisted on 16 Feb 2024) [386]
Iraqi Islamic Resistance Army.jpg Islamic Army in Iraq United States, Israel, Iraq, Iran from 2003-2013[ citation needed ]
Flag placeholder.svg Hynniewtrep National Liberation Council India 16 November 2000 [387] –2011 [76] [388]
Flag of Jamiat-e Islami.svg Jamiat-e-Islami Democratic Republic of Afghanistan ?–1992
Japanese Red Army United States 8 October 1997 – 8 October 2001 [16]
Flag of Kach and Kahane Chai.svg Kach and Kahane Chai European Union ?–12 July 2010 [389] [390]
United States 8 October 1997 – 20 May 2022 [16]
Flag of Democratic Kampuchea.svg Khmer Rouge United States 8 October 1997 – 8 October 1999 [16]
Logo of the Lehi movement.svg Lehi Israel, [391] United Kingdom [392] August 1940 - 1948
Libyan Islamic Fighting Group United Kingdom ?–November 2019 [393]
United States [16] ?
FPMR Chile.SVG Manuel Rodríguez Patriotic Front United States 8 October 1997 – 8 October 1999 [16]
Moroccan Islamic Combatant Group United States [16] ?
NCRI National Council of Resistance of Iran Lion & Sun Flag.jpg National Council of Resistance of Iran United States 15 August 2003 [394] –28 September 2012
Nuclei di Iniziativa Proletaria European Union ?–2007 [395]
Nuclei di Iniziativa Proletaria Rivoluzionaria  [ it ] European Union ?–2007 [395]
Nuclei Territoriali Antimperialisti European Union ?–2007 [395]
Flag of the Oromo Liberation Front.svg Oromo Liberation Front Ethiopia ?–2018 [383]
Flag of Ogaden National Liberation Front(2).svg Ogaden National Liberation Front Ethiopia ?–2018 [383]
Flag of the People's Mujahedin of Iran.svg People's Mujahedin of Iran European Union May 2002–26 January 2009 [396]
Canada 24 May 2005 [397] –20 December 2012 [398]
United Kingdom 28 March 2001 – 24 June 2008 [396]
United States 8 July 1997 – 28 September 2012 [16]
Palestine Liberation Front United Kingdom ?–12 July 2010 [389] [390]
Flag of Palestine.svg Palestine Liberation Organization United Kingdom, United States 1988 [399] –1991, [400] 1987 – 1988 [401]
Revolutionary Nuclei United States 10 August 1997 – 18 May 2009 [16]
RAF-Logo.svg Red Army Faction West Germany ?
17-n-flag.svg Revolutionary Organization 17 November United States [16] ?
Flag of the FARC-EP.svg Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia European Union 2001–13 November 2017 [402]
United States 8 October 1997 – 30 November 2021 [16]
Shindo Renmei Brazil 1940s (dissolved)
Flag of Taliban.svg Taliban Kazakhstan March 2005 – 2023 [403]
Kyrgyzstan 2006–2024 [404]
United States 2002–2015 [405]
Flag of the MRTA.svg Túpac Amaru Revolutionary Movement United States 10 August 1997 – 8 October 2001 [16]
TLP Flag.png Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan Pakistan 2021 [406]
Infobox TPLF.png Tigray People's Liberation Front Ethiopia [407] [408] 2021–2023
Flag of Turkistan Islamic Party.svg Turkistan Islamic Party [U] United States ?–2020 [409] [410]
Flag placeholder.svg uMkhonto we Sizwe South Africa ?
South Asian Communist Banner.svg Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) United States ?–6 September 2012 [411]
Balochistan flag.svg United Baloch Army Pakistan [412] ?–2022 (dissolved)
Switzerland [413] [414] ?–2022 (dissolved)
Flag of AUC.svg United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia European Union ?–18 July 2011 [379] [380]
United States 2001–2014 [16]

Process of designation

Among the countries that publish a list of designated terrorist organizations, some have a clear established procedure for listing and delisting, and some are opaque. The Berghof Foundation argues that opaque delisting conditions reduce the incentive for the organization to abandon terrorism, while fuelling radicalism. [415]


Since 2002, the Australian Government maintains a list of terrorist organizations under the Security Legislation Amendment (Terrorism) Act 2002. [17] Listing, de-listing and re-listing follows a protocol [17] that mainly involves the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation and the Attorney-General's Department. [416]


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs maintains a public list of designated terrorist individuals and entities. [7]


Since 18 December 2001, section 83.05 of the Canadian Criminal Code allows the Governor in Council to maintain a list of entities that are engaged in terrorism, facilitating it, or acting on behalf of such an entity. [417]

A review is conducted every five years by the Minister of Public Safety to determine whether an entity should remain listed. Entities may apply for a judicial review by the Chief Justice of the Federal Court. Both ministerial and judicial reviews are published in the Canada Gazette . [417] The list is also published on the website of Public Safety Canada. [8]

European Union

The European Union has two lists of designated terrorist organisations that provide for different sanctions for the two groups. [418] The first list is copied from the United Nations, and the second is an autonomous list. [419] As of 13 January 2020, there are 21 organizations in the autonomous list. [181]


Under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, the Ministry of Home Affairs maintains a list of banned organizations. [76]


The state maintains a list of designated terror groups; it includes the US Armed Forces, CENTCOM, Iran International. [420]


The Israeli list of "Terrorists Organizations and Unauthorized Associations" is available at the National Bureau for Counter Terror Financing of Israel. [421]


The Government of Kazakhstan publishes a list of terrorist organizations banned by courts. [60]


Kyrgyzstan maintains a consolidated list of "destructive, extremist and terrorist" organizations officially banned by courts. As of 6 November 2020, the list includes 21 organizations and 12 of them are recognized as terrorist organizations. [62] [422]


The Ministry of Home Affairs of Malaysia maintains a sanction list of individuals and organizations involved in terrorist activity. The list is regulated by the Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorism Financing and Proceeds From Illegal Activities Act 2001 and is complementary to the United Nations Security Council sanction lists. [423] [424] [19]


In Myanmar (formerly Burma), the Anti-Terrorism Central Committee is responsible for designating terrorist organisations in accordance with the country's counter-terrorism law. Designations must be approved by the union government before being official. [425] There are only two groups on Myanmar's terror list: the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army and Arakan Army, declared on 25 August 2017 [193] and January 2019 [426] [427]

New Zealand

The  New Zealand Police  are responsible for coordinating any requests to the Prime Minister for designation as a terrorist entity. The designation of terrorist organizations is also guided by the Terrorism Suppression Act 2002. New Zealand also abides by several United Nations resolutions dealing with counter-terrorism including UN Resolutions 1267, 1989, 2253, 1988, and 1373. [428] [11] [185]


Government of Pakistan under section 11-B of Anti Terrorism Act can declare an organization believed to be concerned with terrorism as a Proscribed Organization or put it under surveillance. Ministry of Interior issues the formal notification of proscription of an organization. National Counter Terrorism Authority is primarily concerned with monitoring for any signs of re-emergence through intelligence coordination, once an organization is proscribed.[ citation needed ]

People's Republic of China

In 2003, the Ministry of Public Security published a list of "East Turkestan" terrorist organizations on its website This list was translated to English by the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the US. [429]


The Department of Foreign Affairs publishes a list of designated terrorist organizations under the Human Security Act or the Terrorism Financing Prevention and Suppression Act of 2012. [221]

The passage of the Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020 automatically recognized all terrorist group designations by the United Nations under Philippine law which includes the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). [430] Under the same law, the Anti-Terrorism Council was formed to designate groups as terrorists. [431]


A single federal list of organizations recognized as terrorist is used by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. The National Anti-Terrorism Committee maintains a list of terrorist organizations, named "Federal United list of Terrorist Organizations". [66]

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka bans using the 'Prevention of Terrorism (Temporary Provisions) Act, No. 48 of 1979 regulations, cited as the Prevention of Terrorism (Proscription of Extremist Organizations).


The National Bank of Tajikistan publishes national lists of individuals and organizations declared terrorist or extremists by the Supreme Court. [68]

In 2015, the Islamic Renaissance Party of Tajikistan was banned in Tajikistan as a terrorist organization. [432]

United Arab Emirates

The Cabinet of the United Arab Emirates periodically issues resolutions to include individuals and organizations on its terrorist list. As of 4 March 2020, issued resolutions are 2014/41, [433] 2017/18, [434] 2017/28, [435] 2017/45, [436] 2018/24 [437] and 2018/50. [438]

United Nations

The United Nations does not have a list of all terrorist organizations. Instead, it has several lists focusing on international sanctions in particular contexts. [439] The United Nations Security Council Resolution 1267 established lists focused Al-Qaeda, the Taliban and their associates. The listing process was later extended to include the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. [4] [5]

United Kingdom

The United Kingdom Home Office maintains a list of proscribed terrorist groups. [15]

United States

The United States Department of State maintains a list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations. [16]

See also


  1. United States designation of Al-Mourabitoun was done as an alias of Al-Mulathameen. [52]
  2. Al-Nusra Front is considered an alias of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham by Canada, [8] New Zealand [11] and the United States. [54] It is considered an alias of Al-Qaeda by the United Kingdom. [15] Australia acknowledges that Al-Nusra Front is part of the umbrella group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, but it does not list Hayat Tahrir al-Sham as a terrorist organization. [55]
  3. Iraq and United States lists Ansar al-Sharia in Libya as two separate organizations: Ansar al-Sharia in Benghazi and Ansar al-Sharia in Darnah. [9] [88]
  4. Egyptian Islamic Jihad is considered an alias of Al-Qaeda by Canada. [8]
  5. Harkat ul-Ansar is considered an alias of Harkat-ul-Mujahideen by the United Nations. [5]
  6. Canada lists Harkat ul-Ansar under the Harkat-ul-Mujahideen entry. [8]
  7. The United Kingdom considers Hayat Tahrir al-Sham as an alias of Al-Qaeda. [15]
  8. Jama'at Nasr al-Islam wal Muslimin is considered an alias of Al-Mourabitoun by Canada. [8]
  9. Turkistan Islamic Party is considered an alias of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan by Canada. [8] Bahrain [7] and Malaysia [19] list it under its former name, East Turkestan Islamic Movement.
  10. The United Nations lists several individual al-Haramain Foundation branches. [5]
  11. Ansar Bait al-Maqdis is considered an alias of Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant – Sinai Province by Australia, [17] Canada, [8] New Zealand [185] and the United States. [16]
  12. Australia lists Ansar Khalifa Philippines under the Islamic State East Asia entry. [189]
  13. Australia lists Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters under the Islamic State East Asia entry. [189]
  14. Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades are subsumed into Hamas by several countries.
  15. 1 2 Canada, [8] Malaysia [19] and the United States [16] list Hezbollah as a whole.
  16. note the US State Department lists the two geographic branches of the group as ISIS-Democratic Republic of the Congo and ISIS-Mozambique. [284]
  17. Kurdistan Freedom Hawks is considered an alias of Kurdistan Workers' Party by Australia. [298]
  18. Kazakhstan [60] and Kyrgyzstan [62] list the Kurdistan Workers' Party as the Kurdistan People's Congress.
  19. Mujahideen Shura Council is considered an alias of Islamic State by Canada. [8]
  20. Vanguards of Conquest is considered an alias of Al-Qaeda by Canada. [8]
  21. Previously as East Turkestan Islamic Movement, now delisted claiming that it does not exist anymore.

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Hezbollah has a Foreign Relations Unit and maintains relations with a number of foreign countries and entities. These are particularly Shia states, but also Sunni groups like those affiliated with the Palestinian cause; and the group is also suggested to have operations outside the Middle East in places such as Latin America and North Korea.

The ISIL (Da'esh) and Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee is a committee of the United Nations Security Council tasked with implementing international sanctions against the Islamic State and al-Qaeda. It was established as the Al-Qaida and Taliban Sanctions Committee on 15 October 1999, pursuant to Security Council Resolution 1267, which designated al-Qaeda and the Taliban as terrorist organizations. Following the creation of a separate Taliban Sanctions Committee on 17 June 2011, it was renamed the Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee. The scope of the sanctions regime was expanded to include the Islamic State on 17 December 2015 pursuant to Resolution 2253.

Since the Iranian Revolution in 1979, the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran has been accused by several countries of training, financing, and providing weapons and safe havens for non-state militant actors, such as Hezbollah in Lebanon, Hamas in Gaza, and other Palestinian groups such as the Islamic Jihad (IJ) and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). These groups are designated terrorist groups by a number of countries and international bodies such as the EU, UN, and NATO, but Iran considers such groups to be "national liberation movements" with a right to self-defense against Israeli military occupation. These proxies are used by Iran across the Middle East and Europe to foment instability, expand the scope of the Islamic Revolution, and carry out terrorist attacks against Western targets in the regions. Its special operations unit, the Quds Force, is known to provide arms, training, and financial support to militias and political movements across the Middle East, including Bahrain, Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, and Yemen.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Abdullah Azzam Brigades</span> Islamist militant group

The Abdullah Azzam Brigades, or al-Qaeda in Lebanon, was a Sunni Islamist militant group, and al-Qaeda's branch in Lebanon. The group, which began operating in 2009, was founded by Saudi Saleh Al-Qaraawi and has networks in various countries, mainly in Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, the Gaza Strip and Lebanon.

A Specially Designated Global Terrorist (SDGT) is a person or entity that has been designated as such by the United States Department of State or the U.S. Department of the Treasury. An SDGT designation is made under authority of U.S. Executive Order 13224 of September 23, 2001, as amended by Executive Order 13268 of July 2, 2002, and Executive Order 13284 of January 23, 2003, and Title 31, Parts 595, 596, and 597 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, among other U.S. laws and regulations. The main regulatory framework underlying the SDGT designation was established two weeks after the September 11 attacks in 2001 by U.S. President George W. Bush.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Ansar al-Sharia (Yemen)</span> Militant Jihadist organization in Yemen

Jama'at Ansar al-Shari'a, also known as Ansar al-Shari'a, is a Yemen-based umbrella organization which includes units from several militant Islamic groups of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP). In 2011, AQAP created Ansar Al-Sharia as a Yemen-based affiliate focused on waging an insurgency rather than international attacks on the West. In the view of the International Crisis Group, AQAP is "an internally diverse organisation with varying layers of support among the local population" and many AAS members and allies are not committed to AQAP's international agenda.

Jamaah Ansharut Tauhid or Jemaah Anshorut Tauhid was a splinter cell of the Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) designated as a terrorist organization by the United Nations and the United States. The latter is most known for perpetrating the 2002 Bali bombings along with Azahari Husin and Noordin Mohammad Top, both Malaysian terrorist kingpin.

Qatar has been accused of allowing terror financiers to operate within its borders, which has been one of the justifications for the Qatar diplomatic crisis that started in 2017 and ended in 2021. In 2014, David S. Cohen, then United States Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, accused Qatari authorities of allowing financiers who were on international blacklists to live freely in the country: "There are U.S.- and UN-designated terrorist financiers in Qatar that have not been acted against under Qatari law." Accusations come from a wide variety of sources including intelligence reports, government officials, and journalists.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Sheikh Eid bin Mohammad Al Thani Charitable Association</span>

Sheikh Eid Bin Mohammad Al Thani Charitable Association is a Qatari charitable organizations established in 1995 in Doha, Qatar. The organization was named after Sheikh Eid Ibn Mohammad ibn Thani ibn Jasim ibn Mohammad Al Thani (1922-1994).

Sa’d bin Sa’d Muhammad Shariyan Al Ka’bi is a known Qatari financier and facilitator of financial services that support the Qatari branch of Al-Qaeda, as well as Al-Nusra Front (ANF) for the People of the Levant (ANF), an al-Qaeda Syria based affiliate, which is listed by the United States as a terrorist group.

The Aid Organization of the Ulema (AOU), formerly known as the Al Rashid Trust is an NGO based in Pakistan. Beginning in 1996, it supported "charity and welfare projects in Afghanistan and Pakistan" while also providing "financial and legal support to Muslim militants around the world." According to the United States Department of the Treasury, it began raising funds for the Taliban in 1999. It was established by Islamic scholar and jurist Rashid Ahmed Ludhianvi.


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