List of Greek and Latin roots in English/S

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Lists of Greek and Latin roots in English beginning with other letters:


RootMeaning in EnglishOrigin languageEtymology (root origin)English examples
sacc- [1] bag Greek σάκκος (sákkos)sack
sacchar- [2] sugar Greekσάκχαρ, σάκχαρον (sákkharon) disaccharide, heteropolysaccharide, homopolysaccharide, lipooligosaccharide, lipopolysaccharide, monosaccharide, oligosaccharide, pentasaccharide, polysaccharide, saccharin, trisaccharide
sacr-, -secr-sacredLatin sacrare , from sacer (genitive sacri)consecrate, desecrate, sacrament, sacred, sacrosanct
sagac-wiseLatin sagax , sagacissagacious, sagacity
sagitt-arrowLatin sagitta sagittal plane, Sagittaria
sal-saltLatin sal , salis, salere, salarium salary , salinity
sali-, -sili-, salt-jumpLatin salire , saltus assail, assailable, assailant, assailment, assault, assaultive, consilience, desultory, dissilience, dissilient, exult, exultant, exultation, insult, insultation, irresilient, resile, resilement, resilience, resiliency, resilient, result, resultant, salacious, salacity, salience, salient, sally, saltando, saltant, saltation, saltatorial, saltatory, saltigrade, saltire, salto, saltus, sault, sauté, sauteuse, sautille, sautoir, somersault, soubresaut, subsultory, transilience, transilient
salic-willowLatin salix , salicis salicin
salping- [3] trumpetGreek σάλπιγξ, σάλπιγγος (sálpinx, sálpingos) endosalpingiosis, hysterosalpingography, salpiglossis, salpinx
salu-health, welfareLatin salus salubrious, salubrity, salutary, salute
salv-saveLatin salvus , salvare salvage, salvation, salve
san-healthyLatin sanus insane, insanity, sanatorium, sane, sanitarian, sanitarium, sanitary, sanitation, sanity
sanc-holyLatin sancire (past participle sanctus)sacrosanct, saint, sanctify, sanction, sanctuary
sanguin-bloodLatin sanguis , sanguinis consanguinity, sanguinary, sanguine
sapi-, -sipi-taste, wiseLatin sapere "to have a taste, be wise", related to sapor "taste, flavor"insipid, insipience, sapient
sapon-soapLatin sapo , saponis saponification
sapphir- [4] a precious stoneGreek from Hebrew σάπφειρος (sáppheiros) sapphire, sapphirine
sapr- [5] rottenGreek σήπειν , σαπρός (saprós), σαπρότηςsapraemia, saprogenic, saprophagous, saprophyte, saprotrophic
sarc- [6] fleshGreek σάρξ, σαρκός (sárx, sarkós) perisarc, sarcasm, sarcastic, sarcocele, sarcoid, sarcoidosis, sarcoma, sarcophagus, Sarcopterygii, sarcosine, sarcosinemia, sarcosome
sarc-tailorLatin sartor "tailor", from sarcire "to mend"consarcination, sartor, sartorial, sartorius
sati-enoughLatin satis asset, sate, satiate, satiety, satisfy, saturate
saur- [7] lizard, reptileGreek σαύρα (saúra), σαῦρος (saûros) dinosaur, Saurischia, sauropod
sax-rockLatin saxum saxatile, saxicavous, saxicoline, saxifrage, saxifragous
scab-scratchLatin scabere scabies
scal-ladder, stairsLatin scala scalar, scale
scalen- [8] unevenGreek σκαληνός (skalēnós)scalene, scalene muscles, scalene triangle, scalenohedron
scand-, -scend-, scans-, -scens-climbLatin scandere ascend, ascendency, ascendent, ascension, ascent, condescend, condescendence, condescension, descend, descendent, descension, descent, scansion, transcend, transcendence, transcendent, transcendental
scandal-snareGreek σκάνδαλον (skándalon), σκανδαλίζω (skandalízō)scandal, scandalize
scap- [9] shaftGreek σκᾶπος (skâpos) scape, scapus
scaph-anything hollow, bowl, shipGreekσκάφη, σκάφος Scaphirhynchus, scaphoid bone, scaphopod
scat- [10] dungGreek σκῶρ, σκατός (skôr, skatós)scatemia, scatology, scatoma, scatomancy, scatophagy, scatoscopy
sced- [11] scatterGreek σκεδαννύναι (skedannúnai), σκέδασις (skédasis), (skedastós), (skedastikós) heteroscedastic, homoscedastic
scel- [12] leg, thighGreek σκέλος , σκέλεος (skéleos) isosceles, triskele, triskelion
scen- [13] booth, tentGreek σκηνή (skēnḗ)parascenium, proscenium, scene, scenic, scenography
scept-, scop-look at, examine, view, observeGreek σκέπτεσθαι (sképtesthai), σκέψις (sképsis), σκέμμα, σκεπτικός (skeptikós), σκοπεῖν (skopeîn), σκοπός, σκοποῦ (skopós) Abroscopus, diascopic, diascopy, endoscope, endoscopic, endoscopy, epidiascope, episcope, episcopic, gastroscopy, kaleidoscope, macroscopic, microscope, microscopic, panendoscopy, periscope, periscopic, scope, scopophobia, skeptic, stereoscopic, stereoscopy, stethoscope, telescope, telescopic, Telescopium
schem-planGreek σχῆμα (skhêma)schema, schematic, schematism, schematize, scheme
schid- [14] (ΣΧΙΔ) [15] splitGreek σχίζειν (skhízein), σχιστός (skhistós), σχίσις (skhísis), σχίσμα (skhísma), σχίζα diaschisis, diaschisma, schisis, schism, schisma, schismatic, schizocarp, schizogamy, schizogony, schizoid, schizophrenia, schizotrichia
sci- [16] shade, shadow Greek σκιά (skiá), σκιάςsciamachy, sciaphobia
sci-knowLatin scire conscience, conscious, conscientious, omniscious, omniscient, prescient, science, scienter
scind-, sciss-splitLatin scindere rescind, scissors
scler- [17] hard Greek σκέλλειν (skéllein), σκληρός (sklērós), σκληρότης (sklērótēs) sclera, sclerectomy, scleredema, sclereid, sclerema, sclerenchyma, sclerite, scleritis, scleroderma, sclerophyll, sclerophyllous, sclerosis, sclerotic, sclerotium, sclerotize
scolec- [18] wormGreek σκώληξ, σκώληκος (skṓlēx, skṓlēkos) scolex
scoli- [19] crookedGreek σκολιός (skoliós), σκολιότηςscoliokyphosis, scoliosis
scombr- [20] mackerelGreek σκόμβρος (skómbros)scombrid, scombroid
scop- Greek
scot- [21] darkness Greek σκότος, σκότου , σκοταῖος scotobiology, scotochromogen, scotogenic, scotograph, scotoma, scotoperiod, scotophase, scotophilia, scotophilic, scotophobe, scotophobia, scotophobic, scotophobotaxis, scotopic, scotoscope, scotosis, scototactic, scototaxis, scototherapy
scrib-, script-writeLatin scribere , scriptusdescribe, inscribe, manuscript, prescribe, scribble, scribe, script, scripture, subscribe
scrupl-uneasinessLatin scrupus "sharp stone"scruple, scrupulous, unscrupulous
sculp-carveLatin sculpere , sculptusinsculp, resculpt, sculp, sculpsit, sculpt, sculptile, sculptor, sculptress, sculptural, sculpture
scut-shieldLatin scutum scute
scyph- [22] cupGreek σκύφος (skúphos)scyphoid, Scyphozoa, scyphus
se-, sed-away, apartLatinsesecede, sedition, seditious, seduce
seb-tallowLatin sebum sebaceous, sebum
sec-, sect-, seg-cutLatin secare secant, section, segment
sed-settle, calmLatin sedare , sedatus sedative
sed-, -sid-, sess-sitLatin sedere , sessusassiduous, insidious, obsession, possess, preside, president, reside, resident, sedentary, sediment, sedimentary, sedulity, sedulous, session, subside, supersede
sedec-sixteenLatin sedecim sedecimal
seget-in cornfieldsLatin segetum
sei- [23] shakeGreek σείειν (seíein),
σεισμός (seismós), σεῖστρον (seîstron)
aseismic, microseism, microseismic, paleoseismology, seism, seismic, seismogram, seismograph, seismology, seismometer, seismonasty, sistrum, teleseism, teleseismic
selen-moonGreek σελήνη (selḗnē)paraselene, selaphobia, Selene, selenium, selenocentric, selenography, selenology
sell-saddle, seatLatin sella sella turcica
sema-signGreek σῆμα (sêma)aposematic, asemasia, asemia, asemic, pentaseme, polyseme, polysemic, polysemous, polysemy, semantics, semaphore, semasiology, sematic, seme, sememe, semiotic, tetraseme, triseme
semi- half Latin semis semiannual, semicolon, semiconductor, semiconscious, semifinal, seminatural
semin- seed Latin semen , seminis insemination
sen-old manLatin senex , senissenator, senescent, senile, senility, senior
sen-six eachLatin seni senary
sent-, sens-feelLatin sentire , sensusassent, consensus, consent, dissent, resent, scent, sensation, sense, sensible, sensitive, sensory, sentence, sentient, sentience, sentiment
sep- [24] rotGreekσήψ (sḗps),
σήπειν (sḗpein), σηπτός (sēptós), σηπτικός (sēptikós), σῆψις (sêpsis),
σηπία (sēpía)
antisepsis, antiseptic, asepsis, aseptic, sepia, sepsis, septic
sept-fence, partition, enclosureLatin saeptum transept
sept-sevenLatin septem septennial
septen-seven eachLatin septeni septenary
septim-seventhLatin septimus septimal, septime
septuagen-seventy eachLatinseptuageniseptuagenary
septuagesim-seventiethLatin septuagesimus septuagesima, septuagesimal
septuagint-seventyLatin septuaginta Septuagint
sequ-, secut-followLatin sequere , from sequi , see also secutusconsecutive, consequence, ensue, non sequitur, obsequious, prosecute, pursue, second, sequel, sequence, subsequent
ser- [25] silk Greek σήρ (sḗr), σηρικόςsericin, serigraph
ser-sowLatin serere , satus disseminate, dissemination, insemination, postseason, preseason, sation, sative, season, seasonable, seasonal, semen, semenuria, seminal, seminar, seminarian, seminary, semination, seminiferous
ser-attach, joinLatin serere , sertus assert, assertion, assertive, curviserial, desert, desertion, desertrix, dissert, dissertation, dissertator, exert, exertion, insert, insertion, multiseriate, reassert, reassertion, rectiserial, semidesert, serial, seriate, seriatim, series, sermon, uniseriate
ser-wheyLatin serum serac, serosa, serous, subserous
ser-lateLatin sērus serein, serotine, serotinous, serotiny, soiree
serp-crawl, creepLatin serpere , serptusserpent
serr-saw, saw-toothedLatin serra , serrare biserrate, serrate, serration, serrature, serriform, serrulate, sierra, sierran
serv-save, protect, serveLatin servare conserve, deserve, observe, preserve, reserve, servant, service, servile, servitude, subservient
sesqui-one and a halfLatin sesqui sesquialteral, sesquicentennial, sesquipedal, sesquiplicate, sesquitertian
set-bristle, hairLatin saeta seta, setose
sever-stern, strict, seriousLatin severus asseverate, asseveration, perseverance, perseverant, perseverate, perseveration, perseverative, persevere, severe, severity
sex-sexualLatin sexus sexual, sexuality, sex, Sexual Intercourse (abbr. "sex)
sex-, se- six Latin sex semester, sexangle, sexangular, sexavalent, sexennial, sexennium, sexireme, sexivalent, sexpartite, sexradiate, sextain
sexagen-sixty eachLatinsexagenisexagenarian, sexagenary
sexagesim-sixtiethLatin sexagesimus Sexagesima, sexagesimal
sext-sixthLatin sextus bissextile, bissextus, semisextile, sestet, sestina, Sext, sextain, sextan, sextans, sextant, sextary, sextic, sextile, sextillion, siesta, sixte
sibil-hissLatin sibilus , sibilare sibilance
sicc-dryLatin siccare "to dry", from siccus "dry, thirsty"desiccate, desiccation, sec, siccative
sicy- cucumber Greek σίκυος (síkuos) Sicyos
sider- iron Greek σίδηρος (sídēros), σιδήρεος siderodromophobia, siderophile
sider-starLatin sidus , siderissidereal
sigm- [26] S, s Greekσίγμα, σῖγμα (sîgma)sigma, sigmatism, sigmatropic, sigmoid, sigmoidoscopy
sign-signLatin signum design, designate, insignia, signal, signature, significant
sil-quiet or stillLatin silere silence
silv-, sylv-forestLatin silva , sylva silviculture, sylvan, sylvatic
simi-ape, monkeyLatin simia simian
simil-, simul-likeness, imitatingLatin simulare "to emulate", from similis "alike"assimilate, dissimilate, dissemble, ensemble, resemble, semblance, similar, similarity, simile, similitude, simulacrum, simular, simulate, simulation, simulator, simultaneous, verisimilar, verisimilitude
sinap- [27] mustardGreek σίναπι (sínapi), (sināpízein), (sināpismós)sinapine, sinapism
singul-one eachLatin singulus singular
sinistr-leftLatin sinister , sinistrisinistral
sin-China, ChineseLatin Sina sinology, Sinanthropus
sinu-(to draw) a lineLatin sinuare insinuate
sinus-hollow, bayLatin sinus sinusoidal
siop- [28] silenceGreek σιωπή (siōpḗ), σιωπᾶν (siōpân), σιωπητέος (siōpētéos), σιώπησις (siṓpēsis) aposiopesis, aposiopetic
siph- [29] tubeGreek σίφων (síphōn) siphon, siphonoglyph
sist-cause to standLatin sistere assist, consist, desist, exist, insist, persist, resist, solstice, subsist
sit- [30] food, grain, wheatGreek σῖτος, σίτου (sîtos, sítou) ectoparasite, endoparasite, endoparasitoid, epiparasite, hyperparasitism, kleptoparasitism, mesoparasite, parasite, parasitic, parasitism, parasitoid, sitology, syssitia
siz- [31] hiss Greek σίζω , σίξις (síxis)
smaragd- [32] emeraldGreek σμάραγδος (smáragdos), σμαράγδινος (smarágdinos)smaragdine
smil- [33] carving knifeGreekσμίλη (smílē), σμιλεύω, σμιλευτός, σμίλευμα smilodon
soci-groupLatin socius , sociare associate, association, associative, consociate, consociation, consociational, disassociate, disassociation, dissociable, dissocial, dissociate, dissociation, dissociative, interassociation, nonassociative, sociability, sociable, social, sociality, societal, society
sol-sunLatin sol , soliscircumsolar, extrasolar, insolate, insolation, solar, solarium, soliform, soliscence, solstice, subsolar
sol-comfort, sootheLatin solari consolation, console, solace
sol-alone, onlyLatin solus desolate, desolation, desolatory, saudade, sole, soliloquy, solitaire, solitary, solitude, solitudinarian, solitudinous, solivagous, solo, sullen
sole-accustomedLatin solere "be accustomed"insolence, insolent, obsolescence, obsolescent, obsolete
solen- [34] channel, pipeGreek σωλήν (sōlḗn)solenocyte, solenodon, solenogaster, solenoid, Solenopsis
solv-, solut-loosen, set freeLatin solvere , solutusabsolute, absolve, dissolute, dissolve, resolute, resolve, soluble, solute, solution, solve, solvent
soma- [35] bodyGreek σῶμα, σώματος (sôma, sṓmatos) allosome, asomatous, autosome, centrosome, chromosome, decasomy, disomic, disomy, episome, gonosome, heptasomy, heterochromosome, heterodisomic, heterodisomy, hexasomy, isodisomic, isodisomy, macrosomia, metasomatic, metasomatism, microsome, microsomia, monosome, monosomic, monosomy, pentasomic, pentasomy, plasmosome, polysomic, polysomy, pyrosome, somatic, somatomancy, somatoparaphrenia, somatopleure, somatotype, somite, tetrasomic, tetrasomy, trisomic, trisomy
somn-sleepLatin somnus insomnia, somnambulist, somnifacient, somniferous, somnific, somniloquy, somnolent
somni-dreamLatin somnium somnial
son- sound Latin sonus absonant, ambisonic, assonance, assonant, assonate, consonance, consonant, consonous, dissonance, dissonant, inconsonance, inconsonant, infrasonic, infrasound, magnisonant, resonance, resonant, resonate, resound, sonance, sonant, sonata, sondage, sonnet, sonorant, sonority, sound, subsonic, supersonic, triconsonantal, ultrasonic, ultrasound
soph- [36] wiseGreek σοφός (sophós), σοφία (sophía), σόφισμα (sóphisma), σοφισμός (sophismós)antisophism, pansophism, pansophist, pansophy, philosophize, philosophy, sophism, sophist, sophistry, sophisticate, Sophocles, sophomania, sophomaniac, sophomore, sophomoric
sopor-deep sleepLatin sopor sopor, soporific
sorb-, sorpt-suckLatin sorbere absorb, absorbency, absorbent, absorption, absorptive, absorptivity, adsorb, adsorbent, adsorption, exsorption, insorption, malabsorption, resorb, resorption, resorptive, sorbent, sorbile, sorbition, sorption
sord-dirtLatin sordere , sordes sordes, sordid
soror- sister Latin soror cousin, sororal, sororate, sororicide, sorority
spa- [37] draw, pullGreek σπᾶν (spân), σπάσις (spásis), σπασμός (spasmós), σπάσμα (spásma), σπαστικός (spastikós), σπώμενον (spṓmenon), σπάδιξ (spádix), σπαδίζω antispasmodic, palinspastic, perispomenon, properispomenon, spadix, spasm, spasmatic, spasmodic, spasmogenic, spasmolytic, spastic, spasticity
spad- [38] eunuchGreek σπάδος (spádos), σπάδων (spádōn), σπαδοειδής epispadias, hypospadias
sparg-, -sperg-, spars-, -spers-scatter, sprinkleLatin spargere asperse, aspersion, aspersive, dispersal, disperse, dispersion, dispersive, insperse, inspersion, interspersal, intersperse, interspersion, nonaspersion, nondispersive, nonsparse, sparge, spargefaction, sparse, sparsity
spath-bladeGreek σπάθη (spáthē) spade, spatha, spathe, spay
spati-spaceLatin spatium interspace, interspatial, space, spatial, spatiate, subspace
spec-, -spic-, spect-lookLatin perspicuus , specere , spectare , speculari aspect, aspectual, auspicate, auspice, auspicious, biaspectual, bispecific, bispecificity, circumspect, circumspection, circumspective, conspecific, conspecificity, conspectus, conspicuous, despection, despicable, despiciency, despise, despite, disrespect, disrespectable, especial, expect, expectancy, expectant, expectation, inauspicious, incircumspect, inconspicuous, infraspecific, inspect, inspection, inspector, inspeximus, interspecies, interspecific, intraspecies, intraspecific, introspection, introspective, irrespective, multispecific, multispecificity, multispectral, nonspecific, perspective, perspicacious, perspicuity, perspicuous, prospect, prospective, prospector, prospectus, prospicience, prospicient, reinspect, respect, respectability, respectable, respectant, respective, respite, retrospection, retrospective, special, speciality, speciation, specie, species, specific, specification, specificity, specimen, speciosity, specious, spectacle, spectacular, spectacularity, spectant, spectation, spectator, spectatorial, spectral, spectre, spectrum, specular, speculate, speculation, speculative, speculator, speculatory, speculum, spice, spite, subspeciality, subspecies, suspect, suspicion, suspicious, transpicuous, trispecific, unispecific
speir-, spor- [39] sowGreek σπείρω (speírō), σπαρτός, σπορά, σποράς, σποράδος (sporás, sporádos), σποραδικός (sporadikós), σπόρος (spóros) aplanospore, archesporium, carpospore, chlamydospore, diaspora, diaspore, endospore, esparto, eusporangium, exospore, heterosporous, heterospory, homosporous, isosporous, leptosporangium, megasporangium, megaspore, microsporangium, microspore, mitospore, sporadic, sporangiospore, sporangium, spore, sporocarp, sporophyte, teliospore, tetraspore, tetrasporophytic, zygospore
spele- cavern Greekσπέος (spéos), σπήλαιον (spḗlaion) speleogen, speleogenesis, speleology, Speleomantes, speleomorphology, speleoseismite, speleothem, speleotherapy
spelyng- [40] cave Greek σπῆλυγξ, (spêlynx, spēlyng-)spelunk
spend-, spond- [41] pledge, promiseGreek σπένδειν (spéndein), σπονδή, σπονδάς (spondḗ, spondás), σπονδεῖος, σπονδικόςspondaic, Sponde, spondee
sper-hopeLatin spes , sperare despair, desperado, desperate, desperation, esperance, prosper, prosperity, prosperous
sperm- [42] seed Greek σπέρμα, σπέρματος (spérma, spérmatos) angiosperm, endosperm, gymnosperm, perisperm, sperm, spermatid, spermatocyte, spermatogenesis, spermatogonium, spermatozoon, stenospermocarpy
sphal- [43] (ΣΦΑΛ [44] )cause to fallGreek σφάλλειν (sphállein), σφαλερός (sphalerós), σφαλλόμενον sphalerite, sphaleron
sphen- [45] wedgeGreek σφήν, σφηνός (sphḗn, sphēnós)sphenic, Sphenodon, sphenoid
spher- [46] ball Greek σφαῖρα (sphaîra)aspheric, hemisphere, hypersphere, mesosphere, pseudosphere, sphere, spherics, spheroid, spherometer, spherulite, stratosphere, trimetasphere, troposphere
sphing-, sphinct-strangleGreek σφίγγειν (sphíngein), Σφίγξ sphings, σφιγκτήρsphincter
sphondyl-vertebraGreek σφόνδυλος, σφονδύλου (sphóndulos, sphondúlou) spondylitis, spondylolisthesis, spondylolysis, spondylosis, Temnospondyli
sphrag-sealGreekσφραγίς (sphragís), (sphragistikós), σφραγίζωsphragistic
sphyg-pulseGreek σφύζειν (sphúzein), σφυγμός (sphugmós), (sphugmikós), (sphúxis)asphyxia, sphygmic, sphygmochronograph, sphygmograph, sphygmomanometer, sphygmus
spic-spikeLatin spica spica, spicate, spicose, spicosity, spicular, spiculate, spicule, spiculiform
spin-thornLatin spina infraspinate, infraspinatus, interspinal, spinal, spine, spinel, spinescent, spiniferous, spiniform, spinose, spinous
spir-breatheLatin spirare aspire, conspire, expire, inspire, perspire, respiration, spirit
splen- spleen Greek σπλήν (splḗn), splēnikós asplenia, hypersplenism, hyposplenia, polysplenia, splenectomy, splenic, splenitis, splenoid, splenomegaly
spond- Greek
spond-, spons-a surety, guarantee; give assurance, promise solemnlyLatin spondere , sponsuscorrespond, correspondence, correspondent, corresponsive, cosponsor, despond, despondency, despondent, desponsage, desponsate, desponsation, disespouse, espousage, espousal, espouse, interspousal, irresponsibility, irresponsible, irresponsive, nonresponsive, respond, respondee, respondence, respondent, response, responsibility, responsible, responsion, responsive, responsivity, riposte, sponsal, sponsion, sponsional, sponsor, spousal, spouse
spondyl-vertebraGreek σπόνδυλος (spóndulos)platyspondyly, spondylid, spondylolisthesis, spondylolysis, spondylopyosis, spondyloschisis, spondylosis, spondylosyndesis, Spondylus
spor- Greek
spu-, sput-spew, spitLatin spuere exspuition, sputum
squal-scaly, dirty, filthyLatin squalere squalid, squalidity, squalor
squam-scaleLatin squama squamous
squarros-spreading at tipsLatin squarrosus squarrose
st- (ΣΤΑ)cause to standGreek ἵστημι histēmi, histánai, στατικός, στάσις, στατήρ, στήληacrostatic, actinostele, anastasis, antistatic, apostasy, apostate, astasia, astasis, astatic, astatine, catastasis, chronostasis, diastase, diastasis, diastatic, diasystem, ecstasy, ecstatic, epistasis, episteme, epistemic, epistemology, eustasis, eustatic, eustele, haplostele, homeostasis, homeostatic, hydrostatic, hypostasis, hypostasize, hypostatic, hypostatize, mesostatic, metastasis, metastasize, metastatic, metasystem, orthostates, orthostatic, protostele, stasimon, stasis, stater, static, statoblast, statocyst, statolith, stela, stele, systasis, system, systematic, systematize, systematology, systemic, teleutostatic
st- stand Latin stare "to stand", also causative form statuere "to enact, set", from status "condition, position" antestature, arrest, arrestant, arrestee, bistability, bistable, bistate, circumstance, circumstantial, consist, constable, constabulary, constancy, constant, constitute, consubstantiation, contrast, distance, distant, equidistance, equidistant, establish, estate, extant, inconstancy, inconstant, instability, instance, instant, obstacle, presto, stable, stamen, stamina, stance, stanchion, stanza, state, station, stationary, statistic, statue, status, staunch, stay, substance, substantial, substantiality, substantiate, substantiation, substantive, substate, substation, substitute, superstation, superstition, superstitious, transubstantiate, transubstantiation, tristate
stagn-pool of standing waterLatin stagnare stagnant
stala-dripping, tricklingGreek σταλακτός (stalaktós) and σταλαγμός (stalagmós), both from σταλάζειν (stalázein) "to drip" stalactite, stalagmite
stann-tinLatin stannum stannous
staphyl- [47] bunch of grapesGreek σταφυλή (staphulḗ)staphyledema, staphylion, staphylococcus, staphyloderma, staphyloplasty
statu-, -stitu-standLatin statuere institution, statute
steat- [48] fat, tallowGreek στέαρ, στέατος (stéar, stéatos) stearic acid, steatolysis, steatolytic, steatosis
steg- [49] coverGreekστέγειν, στέγη (stégē), στεγανός (steganós) steganography, steganopod, Stegosaurus
stell-, stol- [50] sendGreek στέλλω (stéllō), στάλσις (stálsis), στολή (stolḗ)apostle, centrostaltic, diastole, epistle, epistolic, epistolize, epistolography, eusystole, hypodiastole, peristalsis, peristaltic, peristole, stole, systaltic, systole
stell-starLatin stella constellate, constellation, stellar
sten-standGreek στεναί (stenaí)apostasy, apostate
sten- [51] narrowGreek στενός (stenós) stenography, stenosis
stere- [52] solidGreek στερεός (stereós)allosteric, stereochemistry, stereochromy, stereographic, stereography, stereoisomer, stereometry, stereophonic, stereopsis, stereoscope, stereoscopy, stereotaxis, stereotomy, stereotype, stereotypic, steric
stern- [53] breastboneGreek στέρνον (stérnon) metasternum, prosternum, sternum
stern-, strat-spread, strewLatin sternere , stratusconsternation, prostrate, stratify, stratum, stratus, street
steth- [54] chestGreek στῆθος (stêthos)stethoscope
sthen- [55] strengthGreek σθένος (sthénos)asthenia, asthenosphere, callisthenics, hyposthenia, sthène, sthenia
stich- [56] line, rowGreek στείχειν (steíkhein), στίχος (stíkhos) acrostic, cadastre, distich, distichous, haplostichous, hemistich, heptastich, monostich, monostichous, orthostichy, pentastich, polystichia, polystichous, stich, stichic, stichomancy, stichometry, stichomythia, telestich
stich- [57] tunicGreek στίχη (stíkhē), στιχάριον (stikhárion) sticharion
stig- [58] mark, punctureGreek στίζειν (stízein), στίξις (stíxis), στίγμα, στίγματος (stígma, stígmatos) anastigmat, anastigmatic, astigmatic, astigmatism, stigma , stigmata , stigmatic
still-dripLatin stilla , stillaredistillation, instill
stimul-goad, rouse, exciteLatin stimulus stimulate
stin-standLatin stinare destination, obstinate
stingu-, stinct-apartLatin stinguere distinction, distinguish
stoch- [59] aimGreek στόχος (stókhos), στοχαστικός (stokhastikós), στόχασμα stochastic
stom-mouthGreek στόμα, στόματος (stóma, stómatos) anastomosis, anastomotic, deuterostome, monostomous, ozostomia, pentastomid, protostome, stoma, stomach, stomatalgia, stomatic, stomatoplasty, -stome
stor- [60] (ΣΤΟΡ) [61] spread, strewGreek στορέννυμι (storénnumi), στόρνυμι , στρῶμα (strôma)biostrome, stroma
strat-armyGreek στρατός (stratós), στρατηγία (stratēgía)stratagem, strategic, strategist, strategus, strategy, stratocracy, stratography, stratonic
streper-noiseLatin strepere obstreperous
streph-, stroph-, strob-, stromb- [62] turnGreek στρέφειν (stréphein), στρεπτός (streptós), στροφή (strophḗ) anastrophe, antistrophe, apostrophe, boustrophedon, catastrophe, catastrophic, catastrophism, epistrophe, monostrophe, monostrophic, strophe, strophic
strept-twistedGreek στρέφειν , στρεπτός (streptós), στρεψίς (strepsís) Strepsiptera, strepsirrhine, streptococcus
strig-compressLatin strix , strigis strigogyps
strigos-having stiff bristlesLatin strigosus from striga strigose
string-, strict-tight, upright, stiffLatin stringere , strictusastringent, constrain, constrict, constringe, restrict, strain, strict, stringent
stroph- turnGreek
stru-, struct-to make up, buildLatin struere , structusconstruct, construction, construe, destroy, destruct, instruct, obstruct, structure
stud-dedicationLatin studere étude, student
stup-wonderLatin stupere stupid, stupor
styg- [63] Styx Greek Στύξ, Στυγός (Stúx, Stugós), ΣτύγιοςStygian, stygiophobia
styl- [64] column, pillarGreek στῦλος (stûlos), στυλόω (stulóō) amphiprostyle, amphistyly, anastylosis, araeostyle, araeosystyle, blastostyle, diastyle, epistyle, eustyle, hexastyle, hyostyly, hypostyle, monostylous, octastyle, orthostyle, peristyle, prostyle, pycnostyle, stylite, Stylites, stylobate, styloid, stylolite, stylus, systyle
su-, sut-sewLatin suere , sutuscouture, suture
suad-, suas-urgeLatin suadere , suasuspersuasion
suav-sweetLatin suavis assuage, suave, suavity
sub-, su-, suf-, sug-, sup-, sus-belowLatin sub submarine, submerge, suffix, suggest, support
subter-underLatin subter subterfuge
sucr-sugarLatin succarum sucrose
sud-sweatLatin sudare exudate, exude, sudarium, sudoriferous, transudate
sui-selfLatin sui sui generis, suicide
sulc-furrowLatin sulcus sulcus
sum-sumLatin summare "to sum up", from summa "sum"consummate, consummation, sum, summa cum laude, summary, summation
sum-, sumpt-takeLatin sumere , sumptusassume, assumption, consume, consumption, presumption, subsume
super-above, overLatin super insuperable, soprano, sovereign, summit, superable, superb, supercilious, supercomputer, superficial, superfluous, superimpose, superior, superlative, supermarket, supernal, supernatural, supernova, superposition, superpower, superscript, supersede, supersonic, superstition, supervene, supervise, supreme, supremum, surname, surplus, surround, survive
supin-lying backLatin supinus supination, supine
supra-above, overLatin supra supranationalism
surd-deafLatin surdus absurdity
surg-riseLatin surgere insurgent, insurrection, resurgent, resurrection
sybar- [65] Sybaris Greek Σύβαρις, συβάρεως , ΣυβαρίτηςSybarī́tēs, ΣυβαριτικόςSybarite, sybaritic, sybaritism
syc-figGreekσυκῆ, σῦκον (sûkon)sycomancy, sycophant
syn-, sy-, syg-, syl-, sym-, sys- [66] withGreek σύν (sún)syllogism, symbol, symmetry, sympathy, synonym, synchronous, system
syring- pipe Greek σύριγξ, σύριγγος (súrinx, súringos) syringe, Syringodea, Syringoderma, Syringogaster, syringoma, syringomyelia, syrinx

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  1. σάκκος  in Liddell and Scott
  2. σάκχαρ  in Liddell and Scott
  3. σάλπιγξ  in Liddell and Scott
  4. σάπφειρος  in Liddell and Scott
  5. σήπω  in Liddell and Scott
  6. σάρξ  in Liddell and Scott
  7. σαύρα  in Liddell and Scott
  8. σκαληνός  in Liddell and Scott
  9. σκᾶπος  in Liddell and Scott
  10. σκῶρ  in Liddell and Scott
  11. σκεδάννυμι  in Liddell and Scott
  12. σκέλος  in Liddell and Scott
  13. σκηνή  in Liddell and Scott
  14. σχίζω  in Liddell and Scott
  15. σχίζω  in Middle Liddell and Scott
  16. σκιά  in Liddell and Scott
  17. σκέλλω  in Liddell and Scott
  18. σκώληξ  in Liddell and Scott
  19. σκολιός  in Liddell and Scott
  20. σκόμβρος  in Liddell and Scott
  21. σκότος  in Liddell and Scott
  22. σκύφος  in Liddell and Scott
  23. σείω  in Liddell and Scott
  24. σήψ  in Liddell and Scott
  25. σήρ  in Liddell and Scott
  26. σίγμα  in Liddell and Scott
  27. σίναπι  in Liddell and Scott
  28. σιωπή  in Liddell and Scott
  29. σίφων  in Liddell and Scott
  30. σῖτος  in Liddell and Scott
  31. σίζω  in Liddell and Scott
  32. σμάραγδος  in Liddell and Scott
  33. σμίλη  in Liddell and Scott
  34. σωλήν  in Liddell and Scott
  35. σῶμα  in Liddell and Scott
  36. σοφός  in Liddell and Scott
  37. σπάω  in Liddell and Scott
  38. σπάδος  in Liddell and Scott
  39. σπείρω  in Liddell and Scott
  40. σπῆλυγξ  in Liddell and Scott
  41. σπένδω  in Liddell and Scott
  42. σπέρμα  in Liddell and Scott
  43. σφάλλω  in Liddell and Scott
  44. σφάλλω  in Middle Liddell and Scott
  45. σφήν  in Liddell and Scott
  46. σφαῖρα  in Liddell and Scott
  47. σταφυλή  in Liddell and Scott
  48. στέαρ  in Liddell and Scott
  49. στέγω  in Liddell and Scott
  50. στέλλω  in Liddell and Scott
  51. στενός  in Liddell and Scott
  52. στερεός  in Liddell and Scott
  53. στέρνον  in Liddell and Scott
  54. στῆθος  in Liddell and Scott
  55. σθένος  in Liddell and Scott
  56. στείχω  in Liddell and Scott
  57. στίχη  in Liddell and Scott
  58. στίζω  in Liddell and Scott
  59. στόχος  in Liddell and Scott
  60. στορέννυμι  in Liddell and Scott
  61. στορέννυμι  in Middle Liddell and Scott
  62. στρέφω  in Liddell and Scott
  63. Στύξ  in Liddell and Scott
  64. στῦλος  in Liddell and Scott
  65. Σύβαρις  in Liddell and Scott
  66. σύν  in Liddell and Scott