List of highways in Western Australia

Last updated

General highways map of Western Australia WAHighways.png
General highways map of Western Australia
South Western Australia roads in detail SWAHighways.png
South Western Australia roads in detail

Highways in Western Australia include both roads that are named as a highway, and roads that have been declared as a highway under the Main Roads Act 1930. The standard of highways range from two-lane roads, common in rural areas, to controlled access, grade separated freeways in Perth.


In legislation, a highway is a type of road controlled and maintained by the state road authority, Main Roads Western Australia. Any road or section of road may be proclaimed a highway by the Governor of Western Australia, on the recommendation of the Commissioner of Main Roads, under Section 13 of the Main Roads Act 1930. [1] Section 14 of the act allows for the creation of new highways. [1] Main Roads assigns each highway a name and number, which may vary from the official road names used on road signs and by the general public. [2] The highway number does not correspond to a road route that may be allocated to the highway, and some highways are not part of a numbered route. [2]

Proclaimed highways

NoHighwayComponent roadsFromToLength
(km) [3]
H1Albany Highway Perth Albany 403.71250.85
H2Melville Mandurah Highway Bicton


Mandurah 56.0434.82Formerly Perth–Bunbury Highway which extended down to Bunbury
H3Eyre Highway Eyre Highway Norseman Ceduna (SA) 720.71447.83
H4Brand Highway Brand Highway Muchea Geraldton 367.62228.43
H5Great Eastern Highway
Burswood Kalgoorlie 592.65368.26
H6Great Northern Highway Great Northern Highway Midland Wyndham 3,193.311,984.23
H7North West Coastal Highway North West Coastal Highway Geraldton Port Hedland 1,294.87804.59
H8South Coast Highway
Albany Esperance 474.38294.77
H9South Western Highway South Western Highway Armadale Walpole 513.57319.12
H10Coolgardie–Esperance Highway Coolgardie Esperance 370.74230.37
H11Victoria Highway Victoria Highway Lake Argyle Katherine (NT) 87.5154.38
H12Leach Highway Leach Highway Palmyra Kewdale 22.3513.89
H13Canning Highway Canning Highway Fremantle Victoria Park 16.069.98
H14Stirling Highway Stirling Highway Crawley Fremantle 15.789.81
H15Kwinana Freeway Kwinana Freeway Perth Lake Clifton 71.5544.46
H16Mitchell Freeway Mitchell Freeway Perth Clarkson 36.0022.37
H17Tonkin Highway Tonkin Highway Muchea Oakford 80.7050.14
H18Roe Highway Roe Highway Middle Swan Bibra Lake 34.8821.67
H19Great Eastern Highway Bypass Great Eastern Highway Bypass South Guildford Hazelmere 5.583.47
H20Graham Farmer Freeway Graham Farmer Freeway West Perth Rivervale 6.844.25
H21Reid Highway Reid Highway North Beach Middle Swan 23.8214.80
H22Wimbledon–Rupert Street Link Kenwick Link Beckenham Kenwick 3.292.04
H23Armadale Road Armadale Road Armadale Cockburn Central 15.969.92
H24Brearley Avenue Brearley Avenue Redcliffe Perth Airport 0.850.53Closed in 2018 to allow construction of the new Airport Line.
H25Cockburn Road Cockburn Road Hamilton Hill Henderson 10.026.23
H26Guildford Road Guildford Road Mount Lawley Guildford 11.016.84
H27Rivervale–Wattle Grove Link Orrong Road, Welshpool Road East Rivervale Wattle Grove 10.166.31
H28Karrinyup–Morley Highway Karrinyup Road, Morley Drive Karrinyup Morley 15.139.40
H29Marmion Avenue Marmion Avenue Karrinyup Mullaloo 12.207.58
H30Port Beach Road
  • Port Beach Road
  • Walter Place
  • Curtin Avenue
North Fremantle 2.641.64
H31Queen Victoria Street Queen Victoria Street North Fremantle Fremantle 0.880.55
H32South Street South Street Canning Vale Fremantle 12.487.75
H33Toodyay Road Toodyay Road Middle Swan Toodyay 22.0713.71
H34Tydeman RoadTydeman Road North Fremantle 1.040.65
H35Wanneroo Road
West Perth Yanchep 46.9629.18
H36West Coast Highway
Cottesloe Trigg 13.478.37
H37Garratt Road BridgeGarratt Road Bayswater Ascot 0.240.15
H38Thomas Road Thomas Road Kwinana Beach Oakford 18.5011.50
H39Stephenson Highway Stephenson Avenue Osborne Park 0.620.39
H40Albany Port Road
  • Hanrahan Road
  • Princess Royal Drive
H41Anzac DriveAnzac Drive West Kalgoorlie South Boulder 7.044.37
H42Broome HighwayBroome Road Roebuck Broome 41.0325.49
H43Bussell Highway Bunbury Augusta 139.7186.81
H44Carnarvon RoadRobinson Street Kingsford Carnarvon 5.093.16
H45Coalfields Highway Coalfields Highway Roelands Arthur River 36.2222.51
H46Dampier Road
Stove Hill Dampier 25.8416.06
H47Derby Highway Derby Highway Willare Derby 42.8626.63
H48Minilya–Exmouth Road Minilya–Exmouth Road Minilya Exmouth 211.75131.58
H49Goldfields Highway Goldfields Highway Meekatharra Kambalda 788.13489.72
H50Geraldton–Mount Magnet Road Geraldton–Mount Magnet Road Geraldton Mount Magnet 335.34208.37
H51Port Hedland RoadWilson Street Port Hedland 10.386.45
H52Brookton Highway Armadale Ravensthorpe 501.07311.35
H53Williams–Narrogin Highway Williams–Kondinin Road Williams Narrogin 31.4519.54
H54Albany Ring RoadMenang Drive Willyung 6.664.14
H55Madigan Road Madigan Road Gap Ridge 5.783.59
H56Beach Street (Victoria Quay Access)Beach Street Fremantle 0.270.17 Queen Victoria Street to Victoria Quay access point
H57Forrest Highway Forrest Highway Ravenswood Bunbury 95.6759.45
H59Willinge Drive
  • Willinge Drive
  • Estuary Drive
Vittoria Picton 4.863.02
H61Australind–Roelands LinkRaymond Road Australind Roelands 6.704.16
H62John Willcock Link John Willcock Link Geraldton 4.202.61
H65Horrie Miller Drive Horrie Miller Drive Kewdale Perth Airport 0.220.14

Main roads with highway names

A "main road" is another type of road controlled by Main Roads Western Australia. [1]

M8 Vasse Highway Busselton Diamond Tree
M10Chidlow–York Road Chidlow York Official road name is Great Southern Highway
M24 Muir Highway Manjimup Mount Barker
M27 Brockman Highway Karridale Bridgetown
M31Northam–Cranbrook Road Northam Cranbrook Official name is Great Southern Highway, from York to Cranbrook
M65 Manuwarra Red Dog Highway Karratha Tom Price

Outback tracks with highway names

As the outback covers most of Western Australia, tracks provide vital links to remote communities and settlements. These tracks are unsealed, remote, and in many cases pass through restricted areas such as Aboriginal lands and Indigenous Protected Areas, which require transit permits. [4] [5] [6] [7]

Road routes with highway names

Highway 1 is a route that circumnavigates Australia, joining all mainland state capitals, via roads numbered 1, M1, A1, or B1, as some states use an alphanumeric route numbering system. In Western Australia, most of the highway is designated as National Route 1. However, the sections in the north-east and south-east of the state that are concurrent with the National Highway routes from Perth to Adelaide and from Perth to Darwin are designated as National Highway 1.

See also


  1. 1 2 3 "MAIN ROADS ACT 1930". Government of Western Australia. Retrieved 26 January 2013.
  2. 1 2 "Metropolitan Road Fact Sheet". Main Roads Western Australia. 1 February 2011. Archived from the original (PDF) on 17 March 2012. Retrieved 25 October 2012.
  3. Main Roads Western Australia. Road Information Mapping System (Map). Government of Western Australia. Retrieved 25 March 2016.
  4. "About entry permits". Department of Aboriginal Affairs. Retrieved 18 December 2013.
  5. "Indigenous Protected Areas - Visiting". Archived from the original on 25 November 2013. Retrieved 17 December 2013.
  6. "Access, Restrictions & Permits".
  7. "Main Roads Western Australia - Touring WA & Maps". Archived from the original on 1 October 2008.
