Red lines in the Russo-Ukrainian War

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The term red lines has seen use in the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, and is a veiled threat of engagement that is intended to warn an opponent or observer not to interfere or undertake in an action or behaviour that would "cross the red line."


On 21 April 2021, Russian President Vladimir Putin made a speech in which he repeatedly warned the West of red lines that Russia would not accept. The warnings were repeated on many occasions up to the date of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022. [1]

To some experts, the number of red lines that have been crossed reveal the inability for belligerents involved in the war to project power internationally. [2]

Russia's red lines

The mention of red lines have been in common use since the very start of the renewed conflict in Ukraine to justify the war. In February of 2022, President Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation stated that the United States and its Western partners had crossed a red line with regard to Ukraine, which resulted in the consequence of Russia having to undertake its "Special Military Operation" against Ukraine due to the threat imposed from Ukraine to the very existence of the Russian Federation. [3]

Crossing a red line to the Russian Federation is often identified as being an action that damages Russian national interests. Such actions may include the imposition of sanctions, the freezing of Russian or affiliated nation funds, and the donation of military goods to its perceived adversaries or other.

While commonly used by the Russian Federation in international politics, Russia has simultaneously used the red line phrase in shaping narratives aimed at domestic audiences.

In June 2023 President Putin said that Russia would keep responding to breaches of its red lines. [4] President Putin has been consistent with regard to the threat of nuclear action being used solely in the event of crossing the red line of an existential threat to the state. [5]

In 2023 Russia made 15 official "red line" statements, compared to 24 in 2022. [6]

Usage of red line warnings

Russia has used the phrase "red line" often, and because some of these lines have been crossed without major repercussions, some believe that Russia has devalued the impact of their threats, with the threats appearing more as bluffs. [7]

There may be an actual red line that Russian and the Kremlin really have, but it is largely unclear what exactly it consists of. [7]

Some of the red line threats from Russia may in fact be bluffs solely to slow the supply of resources to Ukraine, making the West consider their options and delaying action. [8]

Others may be used just to show an element of escalation has taken place once a line is crossed. Red lines are nearly always soft, variable and adjustable rather than hard-line positions that are immutable. [9]

In diplomacy, both Russia and Ukraine have mentioned red lines when referring to acceptable peace terms. One such example of a diplomatic Russian red line leaves Russia keeping Crimea, and another Ukrainian red line sees all Russian forces leave territory that belonged to Ukraine on 31 December 1991. [10] [11] These red lines appear incompatible.

Tacit rules

As time has progressed in the war, a set of tacit rules has emerged which fit between current operations and red lines and affect the rule creator. [12] [8]

Examples of such tacit rules include:

Under these stated rules, Russia would cross a red line if they attacked a NATO country, and NATO would cross a self-imposed red line if they sent troops into Ukraine. The above aim to limit an expansion of the war; however, it is not all one-sided, as other tacit rules are:

Identified red lines

Russian red lines

Date notifiedRed lineDate brokenConsequencesRef.
2014Crimea23 Aug 2023 [19] [20]
September 2021Ukraine not joining NATOnot broken [21] [20] [22]
September 2021NATO military infrastructure not to be deployed in Ukrainenot broken [21] [20] [22]
September 2021No deployment of soldiers to Ukraine12 April 2023 [23] [22]

[24] [25]

December 2021No weapons to UkraineFebruary 2022Threats over non disguised intervention by NATO [23] [26] [27]
24 February 2022“Interference” in Ukraine by outside powers24 February 2022Reduction in gas supply to the west [20]
February 2022NATO troops and missiles to be withdrawn from Russia's western borderFebruary 2022 [28]
February 2022NATO to stop eastward expansion and reverses back to position in 1997February 2022 [28]
March 2022No introducing a “no-fly” zonenot broken [29]
March 2022No more western arms to UkraineMarch 2022Convoys will be considered legitimate targets [30] [20]
March 2022No MiG-29 fighter jetsMarch 2023Supplied MiG's will be destroyed [8]
April 2022No foreign intervention in warnot broken [31] [20]
June 2022No long-range missilesJune 2022New targets hit by Russian missiles [32] [20]
June 2022No Western made missiles to be fired into RussiaDec 2023 [33]

[34] [35]

August 2022No supplying old Soviet tanks to UkraineAugust 2022 [36]
September 2022Germany's supply of lethal weapons to Ukraine crosses a red lineSeptember 2022 [37]
September 2022Russian setbacks on battlefield will result in nuclear holocaustSeptember 2022 [38]
September 2022Not to threaten the territorial integrity of Russia
(as its borders were prior to 2014)
22 May 2023 [38]

[39] [40]

September 2022Not to supply longer range battlefield missiles (greater than HIMARS's current 80 kilometres (50 mi))May 2023Red line pulled back [41] [42]
November 2022Not to supply Patriot Missile system April 2023 [43]
January 2023No modern western tanks to be supplied to UkraineJanuary 2023Comments about it being an "extremely dangerous" action [44] [42]
May 2023No F-16 fighter jetspendingComments about it being a "colossal risk" [45]
June 2023No HIMARS or Storm Shadow missiles to attack Russian territory

(as its borders were prior to 2014)

not broken [6]
September 2023No US ATACM longer range missiles to attack Russian territoryOctober 2023Putin said in October, US deliveries of the long-range Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) to Ukraine was "another mistake" [46] [47] [48]

  Current red lines

Western red lines

Date notifiedRed lineDate brokenConsequencesRef.
Through 2021Russia not to invade UkraineFebruary 2022Immediate sanctions [49]
February 2022Threats against a NATO countryseveral times against Poland and Baltic countries [50]
February 2022Not to surrender the independent right of any country to apply to join NATOnot broken [51]
March 2022No chemical weaponsbroken [52] [53]
International lawMurder and abduction of children 2022-2023 International Criminal Court arrest warrants for Vladimir Putin and Maria Lvova-Belova [54]
NATO rulesInterfering with civilian ships belonging to NATO countries in the Black Sea
Russian warships stop and board NATO member civilian ship (Turkish) in international waters
August 2023NATO warships from Romania and Bulgaria patrol and sweep Ukrainian grain corridor for mines [55]

Tactics used to contravene red lines

The handover of the first Leopard 2 tanks provided by Poland to Ukraine in February 2023 Denis Shmigal' ta Mateush Moravets'kii zustrili v Ukrayini pershi tanki Leopard 2, nadani Pol'shcheiu 06.jpg
The handover of the first Leopard 2 tanks provided by Poland to Ukraine in February 2023

Red lines come in differing levels of severity. Some of these are bluffs, with parties to the conflict having given many red lines that were transcended without issue during the last decade. To counter red line policies, a number of tactics have been employed by the belligerents and non-belligerents alike. Such counter-measures aim to allow the crossing of red lines with significantly fewer or no consequences. [8] [56] [57] [ original research? ]

Effect of red lines

Red lines set by Russia have had an effect. The United Kingdom, apart from refusing to have British soldiers participate, have supplied most pieces of equipment and undertaken training missions that they are in a position to do, however many other countries have shown timidity and concern over the red lines, resulting in a lack of, or delay in, providing assistance to Ukraine. [66]

Russia appears to generally abide by the Western red lines, although certain chemical weapons deployed are pushing the boundaries, [67] as is the treatment of civilians, especially Ukrainian children.

Red lines of non-belligerent states

Many countries outside of the direct belligerents active in the Russo-Ukrainian war have interests within it. As a result, this has caused foreign parties such as the United Kingdom, the United States, and the People's Republic of China to establish their own so-called red lines.

When the international community refers to the crossing of "red lines" it tends to be limited to the use of nuclear, chemical or biological weapons and the supply of other lethal weapons. Below, a small list of such red lines has been provided.

See also

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In March and April 2021, prior to the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Russian Armed Forces began massing thousands of personnel and military equipment near Russia's border with Ukraine and in Crimea, representing the largest mobilisation since the illegal annexation of Crimea in 2014. This precipitated an international crisis due to concerns over a potential invasion. Satellite imagery showed movements of armour, missiles, and heavy weaponry towards the border. The troops were partially withdrawn by June 2021, though the infrastructure was left in place. A second build-up began in October 2021, this time with more soldiers and with deployments on new fronts; by December over 100,000 Russian troops were massed around Ukraine on three sides, including Belarus from the north and Crimea from the south. Despite the Russian military build-ups, Russian officials from November 2021 to 20 February 2022 repeatedly denied that Russia had plans to invade Ukraine.

Many states, international organizations, and civil society actors worldwide had expressed their reactions to the then-escalating crisis between Russia and Ukraine that started in March 2021. The crisis eventually culminated in a Russian invasion of Ukraine, beginning on 24 February 2022.

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On 24 February 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine in an escalation of the Russo-Ukrainian War that started in 2014. The invasion became the largest attack on a European country since World War II. It is estimated to have caused tens of thousands of Ukrainian civilian casualties and hundreds of thousands of military casualties. By June 2022, Russian troops occupied about 20% of Ukraine. From a population of 41 million, about 8 million Ukrainians had been internally displaced and more than 8.2 million had fled the country by April 2023, creating Europe's largest refugee crisis since World War II. Extensive environmental damage caused by the war has been widely described as an ecocide, while war-related disruption to Ukrainian agriculture and shipping contributed to a world food crisis. The Russian attacks on civilians have been characterised by scholars as genocide and democide against Ukrainians.

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"On conducting a special military operation" was a televised broadcast by Russian president Vladimir Putin on 24 February 2022, announcing the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

There have been several rounds of peace talks to halt the Russian invasion of Ukraine (2022–present) and end the Russo-Ukrainian War (2014–present) in an armistice. The first meeting was held four days after the start of the invasion, on 28 February 2022, in Belarus. It concluded without result, with delegations from both sides returning to their capitals for consultations. A second and third round of talks took place on 3 and 7 March 2022, on the Belarus–Ukraine border, in an undisclosed location in the Gomel region of Belarus. A fourth and fifth round of talks were respectively held on 10 and 14 March in Antalya, Turkey.

During the Russian invasion of Ukraine, several senior Russian politicians, including president Vladimir Putin, former president and prime minister Dmitry Medvedev, and foreign minister Sergey Lavrov, have made a number of statements widely seen as threatening the use of nuclear weapons. The possibility of Russia using tactical nuclear weapons, and the risk of broader nuclear escalation, has been widely discussed by commentators and in the media. Additionally, the Russian occupation of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant has led to a crisis over the safety of the plant and the risk of a nuclear disaster.

This timeline of the Russian invasion of Ukraine covers the period from 8 April 2022, when the area of heavy fighting shifted to the south and east of Ukraine, to 28 August 2022, the day before Ukraine announced the start of its Kherson counteroffensive.

This timeline of the Russian invasion of Ukraine covers the period from 12 November 2022, following the conclusion of Ukraine's Kherson and Kharkiv counteroffensives, to 7 June 2023, the day before the 2023 Ukrainian counteroffensive began. Russia continued its strikes against Ukrainian infrastructure while the Battle of Bakhmut escalated.


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