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A name in Romanian tradition consists of a given name (prenume) and a family name (surname) (nume or nume de familie). In official documents, surnames usually appear before given names.
Romanians have one, two or more given names, e.g. Ana Cristina Maria (three given names), all being chosen by the child's parents. One of them, usually the first, is used in daily life while the others are solely for official documents, such as birth, marriage, or death certificates.
Traditionally, most people were given names from the Romanian Orthodox calendar of saints. Common names of this type are Ion or Andrei for males and Maria or Elena for females. Given names with a Christian lineage have an identifiable English equivalent: Andrei ( Andrew), Constantin ( Constantine), Cristian ( Christian ), Daniel/Dan ( Daniel / Dan ), Gheorghe/George ( George ), Grigore ( Gregory ), Ilie ( Elijah ), Ion/Ioan ( John ), Iacob ( Jacob / James ), Iosif ( Joseph ), Laurențiu ( Lawrence ), Luca ( Luke ), Marcu ( Mark ), Matei ( Matthew ), Mihail/Mihai ( Michael ), Nicolae/Niculaie ( Nicholas ), Pavel/Paul ( Paul ), Petru/Petre ( Peter ), Ștefan ( Stephen ), Vasile ( Basil ).
The most common name, Maria [1] is the equivalent of Mary . Maria has led to many closely related names such as Mariana, Marioara, Maricica, Maricela, Măriuca, Mara, Marina, Marilena, Marieta, Marinela, Marisa, Marița, Marusia, Mia, Mioara. Over 2,6 million Romanians have the name Maria or another name derived from it (1.486.913 women are named Maria, and there are also 316.800 men named Marian , as of 2024). [2] Also, over 2 million Romanians have a name derived from Ioan (John) (eg. Ioan, Ion, Ionuţ, Ionel, Ioana, Ionela). [3]
Roman heritage is reflected in Roman given names such as Traian ( Trajan ), Titus, Marius, Octavian, Ovidiu ( Ovid ), Aurel (Aurelius), Cornel (Cornelius), Liviu (Livius) etc. Such names are common especially in Transylvania. [4] During the Hungarian rule of Transylvania, a policy of Magyarization encouraged the translation of personal names into Hungarian. Adopting Classical Roman names with a difficult equivalence in Hungarian was a method of Romanian nationalist resistance. Dacian heritage is reflected through the name Decebal (from king Decebalus), or Dacian/Daciana.
Some names are inspired from nature, such as Sorin/Sorina (soare, "sun"), Codruț/Codruța or Codrin/Codrina (codru, "woods"), or flowers: Crin/Crina, Narcis/Narcisa, Viorel/Viorica, Anemona, Brândușa, Camelia, Iolanda, Lăcrămioara etc. The word floare ("flower") has led to several names such as Florin/Florina, Florentin/Florentina, Florian/Floriana, Florica, Floarea.
Traditional Romanian names which come from Romanian words include Doina which means "doina", a traditional Romanian musical tune style, or Luminița , meaning "little light", from the word "lumină" (light). The name Lăcrămioara refers to the name of a flower (lily of the valley), but also means "little tear", from the word "lacrimă" (tear). Crenguța means "little branch", from the word "creangă" (branch).
Slavic influence on Romanian is present at all linguistic levels, including names. These include names containing the Slavic root -mir. [5] [5] Examples of Slavic names in Romanian, or names introduced from the surrounding Slavic areas, include [6] [5] Bogdan , Dragoș , Mircea , Radu , Tihomir , Vlad , Vladislav , Vladimir , Miroslav , Casimir , Anastasia , Irina , Milena , Olga , Raisa .
Some common names are the names born by historical rulers (domnitori/voievozi), such Ștefan (Ștefan cel Mare), Mihai (Mihai Viteazu), Mircea (Mircea cel Bătrân), Vlad (Vlad Țepeș), Rareș (Petru Rareș), although not all parents make such associations, especially when the name is that of a Christian saint.
Alexandru/Alexandra are very common names. They also include the variants of Alex, Alexia, Alexandrina, or the 'foreign' variants of Alessia, Alessandra, Alexa (see below).
In the 1990s, as telenovelas started to be broadcast in Romania, Spanish/Latin American names have become popular; and the trend of giving children such names has been reinforced by the migration or travel of parents to Spain or Italy. As such, names like Mario, Antonio, Alberto, Esmeralda, Gianni, Giovanni, Alessia etc. are relatively common. Indeed, Mario, Antonio and Alessia were in the top 50 as baby names in 2009. [7] Carmen may be a Spanish influence but was also popular earlier due to the pseudonym Carmen Sylva.
The prevalence of given names follows trends, with some names being popular in some years, and some considered definitely out-of-fashion. As an example, few children born since 1980 would bear the names of Gheorghe, Vasile, or Ilie, which are generally associated with the idea of an elderly man (while the name of Gheorghe is rare among the younger generation, the variant George is more common). However, such "old-fashioned" names are sometimes used as middle names. By contrast, some names are associated with the younger generations: for example the feminine name Andreea become popular from the 1970s onwards, being one of the most common given names in the younger generations, ranking third in popularity among feminine names given to children born in 1989, [8] second in 2009, [9] and fourth in 2014. [10]
Compound given names are uncommon, with only one notable exception, i.e. Ana-Maria (sometimes spelled Anamaria). In that case this is not considered to be two separate given names. Diminutives are often used as names (e.g. Ionuţ, Ionel, Ionela, Anişoara). Ionuţ, a diminutive from Ion/Ioan, is one of the most common names in Romania. It ranked second in popularity among male names given to children born in 1989, [8] third in 2009, [9] ninth in 2014, [10] and eighth in 2022. [11]
Romanian male given names end in a consonant (Adrian, Ion, Paul, Ștefan, Victor) or in any vowel other than -a (Alexandru, Andrei, Mihai), with some exceptions (Mircea, Mihnea), while almost all female names end in -a (Ana, Elena, Ioana, Maria), with only very few exceptions such as Carmen. This is most easily seen in the male-female name pairs: Gabriel-Gabriela, Ioan-Ioana, George-Georgiana, Mihai-Mihaela, Nicolae-Nicoleta, etc.
The most common Romanian name is Maria, with approximately 1.38 million females having it as one of their given names. [1] Also, almost 1.37 million Romanians have Ion, Ioan and Ioana as one of their given names. [1] The most common names are: [4] [12]
The given name can be changed on request, but it is necessary to prove a legitimate interest for the change (usually that the current name is a cause of mockery etc.).
Like in most of Europe, in Romania it is customary for a child to take the father's surname, and a wife her husband's surname. In cases where paternity is not established, the child takes the mother's surname. The law however is flexible, allowing for the couple to choose their family name, and thus the surname they would use for all their children. Typically it is the father's surname (in keeping with the tradition), but parents may also opt to use the mother's surname; or for both of the spouses to have both surnames; or for one spouse to use a double-barrelled name. Romanian law does not require any of the spouses to change their surname, but in practice in most families both spouses will have the husband's original surname. If parents have different surnames, a child will have either the surname of one of them, or both surnames. Romanian surnames remain the same regardless of the sex of the person. After a divorce, the spouse who changed the surname (usually the wife) will generally revert to the original surname. However, the married surname can be retained, either with the consent of both spouses, or by court order. If the other spouse does not consent to the retaining of the surname, the spouse who wants to retain it can petition the court and ask it for permission. The relevant laws are Art. 282, [16] Art. 383 [17] Art. 449 [18] Art. 450. [19] of the Civil Code of Romania.
Until the 19th century, the names were primarily of the form "[given name] [father's name] [grandfather's name]". The few exceptions are usually famous people or the nobility (boyars). The name reform introduced around 1850 had the names changed to a western style consisting of a given name followed by a family name (surname). As such, the name is called prenume, while the family name is called nume or, when otherwise ambiguous, nume de familie ("family name"). Middle names (second given names) are also fairly common.
Many Romanian names are derivative forms obtained by the addition of some traditional Romanian suffixes, such as -așcu, -escu (Marinescu), -ăscu, -eanu (Largeanu), -anu, -an (Zizian), -aru, -atu, or -oiu. These uniquely Romanian suffixes strongly identify ancestral nationality.
Historically, when the family name reform was introduced in the mid-19th century, the default was to use a patronym, or a matronym when the father was dead or unknown. A typical derivation was to append suffixes like -escu or -așcu to the father's name, e.g. Ionescu ("Ion's child") and Petrescu ("Petre's child") or Pătrașcu ("Petru's child") and Ghițăraşcu ("Ghiță's child"). The suffix -escu is derived from Latin -iscum, and cognate with Italian -esco and French -esque.
Another common derivation was to append the suffix -eanu or the simpler forms -anu and -an to the name of a place, river, village, or region, e.g. Ardeleanu (from Ardeal), Moldoveanu (from Moldova), Mureșanu (from the Mureș River), Sadoveanu (from Sadova) etc. (cognate to Italian -(i)ano). They may indicate a country or ethnic origin (e.g. Grecu - from Greece, Ungureanu - from Hungary, Rusu - from Russia, Sârbu - from Serbia, Turcu - from Turkey).
The suffix -cea (as in Mihalcea, Grigorcea, Neculcea, Oncea, etc.) is Slavic. [5]
Furthermore, the Slavic influence on Romanian has manifested itself by way of the emergence of Romanian surnames of Slavic origin (as in Bucinschi, Chirilov , Covaci , Levandovschi, Marcovici , Novac , Popoviciu, etc.).
There are also descriptive family names derived from occupations or nicknames, e.g. Ciobanu ("shepherd"), Păcuraru ("pitch-maker", "pitch-vendor"), Croitoru ("tailor"), Fieraru ("smith"), Moraru ("miller"), Bălan ("blond"), Țăranu ("peasant") etc. Also some Romanian surnames come from various animals and plants, most probably being former nicknames, with or without the addition of various suffixes, e.g. Bourean(u) ("ox"), Căpreanu ("goat"), Jderoiu ("marten"), Lupu ("wolf"), Ursu ("bear"), Zimbrean ("bison"), Vidraru ("otter"). Some surnames come from colors: e.g. Roșu ("red"), Negru ("black"), Albu ("white").
The most common Romanians surnames in 2007 were Popa (191,938 people), meaning "priest" and Popescu (147,784 people), meaning "priest's son/daughter". [20]
Currently, multiple given names have to be separated by a hyphen symbol ("-") on birth certificates and other civil status documents. For short period of time the law permitted multiple given names being registered without hyphen separation (between Government Ordinance 80/2011 [21] and Law 61/2012 [22] ) but the Law 61/2012 reverted to the original convention where hyphens are used to separate all given names (such as first name and middle name(s)), and separately the same is true for all surnames/last names. This naming convention is used in Romanian official documents to reduce any confusion related to middle names. Without the hyphen convention, a middle name could be interpreted either as a second given name/middle name or a first surname.
Because of this practice, the Romanian ID document ("Carte de Identitate"/"Buletin") and the Romanian passport typically use the same naming convention, although the law covers birth certificates and civil status documents only. However, many other documents (such as the driver license or any legal document) may or may not use hyphens.
Citizens that have been born overseas may be allowed to use their names as recorded in the original foreign document.
Surname conventions and laws vary around the world. This article gives an overview of surnames around the world.
Mihai Eminescu was a Romanian Romantic poet from Moldavia, novelist, and journalist, generally regarded as the most famous and influential Romanian poet. Eminescu was an active member of the Junimea literary society and worked as an editor for the newspaper Timpul, the official newspaper of the Conservative Party (1880–1918). His poetry was first published when he was 16 and he went to Vienna, Austria to study when he was 19. The poet's manuscripts, containing 46 volumes and approximately 14,000 pages, were offered by Titu Maiorescu as a gift to the Romanian Academy during the meeting that was held on 25 January 1902. Notable works include Luceafărul, Odă în metru antic, and the five Letters (Epistles/Satires). In his poems, he frequently used metaphysical, mythological and historical subjects.
Bârlad is a city in Vaslui County, Romania. It lies on the banks of the river Bârlad, which waters the high plains of Western Moldavia.
Barbu Ștefănescu Delavrancea; pen name of Barbu Ștefan; April 11, 1858 – April 29, 1918) was a Romanian writer and poet, considered one of the greatest figures in the National awakening of Romania.
Michael the Brave is a Romanian historic epic film, directed by Sergiu Nicolaescu and starring Amza Pellea in the leading role. The film is a representation of the life of Wallachia's ruler Michael the Brave, and his will to unite the three Romanian principalities into one country. The film was released in 1970 in Romania, and worldwide by Columbia Pictures as The Last Crusade.
The Bulgarian name system has considerable similarities with most other European name systems, and with those of other Slavic peoples such as the Russian name system, although it has certain unique features.
Ion is a masculine given name. The written form corresponds to two names that are different and unrelated in origin.
Ioana or Oana is a female given name of Romanian origin. It is the equivalent of the English name Joan, and the male version John, all of which derive from the Hebrew name Yohanan. A common diminutive is Ionela.
The State Philharmonic Orchestra of Sibiu is an orchestra from Romania.
Ioan is a variation on the name John found in Aromanian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Russian, Welsh, and Sardinian. It is usually masculine. The female equivalent in Romanian and Bulgarian is Ioana. In Russia, the name Ioann is usually reserved for the clergy.
Coman is a surname. As a Romanian surname, it originated from the nickname literally meaning "Cuman. Notable people with the surname include:
Bianca Maria is a feminine given name, a combination of the Italian name Bianca, which means "white" and is a cognate of the medieval name Blanche and of Maria, a Latin form of the Greek name Μαριαμ or Mariam or Maria, found in the New Testament. The combination name Bianca Maria was the name of early queens or noble women such as Bianca Maria Sforza and Bianca Maria Visconti. The name is still well-used in Italy and Romania, among other countries.
Voicu is mostly a Romanian surname derived from Slavic Vojko. Notable people with this surname include:
Andreea is a Romanian feminine given name. It is the feminine of Andrei, the Romanian form of Andrew. The name Andreea become popular from the 1970s onwards, being one of the most common given names in the younger generations, ranking third in popularity among feminine names given to children born in 1989, second in 2009, and fourth in 2014.
This is a list of 1990 events that occurred in Romania.
Sârbu is a Romanian-language ethnonymic surname, used in both Romania and Moldova, as well as throughout the Balkans. Meaning "Serb", it is one of the most common surnames denoting ethnic origin; according to folklorist Pericle Papahagi, it has a very early presence among the Aromanians, evidencing their direct contacts with the White Serbs. "Unusually popular among the Daco-Romanians", it makes its first recorded appearance among the boyardom of 1430s Moldavia, distinguishing "Bodea Sârbul" from another Bodea, nicknamed Rumârul [sic], "the Romanian". Philologist Ioan Bilețchi-Albescu argues that "Sârbu" and other related surnames indicate voluntary Romanianization, or "merging into the Romanian mass", on the part of Romanian Serbs.
KO Masters is a Romanian professional kickboxing, boxing and bare-knuckle promotion company that was founded in 2018.
Events from the year 1964 in Romania. The year saw increasing separation from Soviet influence.