Arabic name

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Arabic names have historically been based on a long naming system. Many people from Arabic-speaking and also non-Arab Muslim countries have not had given, middle, and family names but rather a chain of names. This system remains in use throughout the Arab and Muslim worlds.


Name structure


The ism (اسم) is the given name, first name, or personal name; e.g. "Ahmad" or "Fatima". Most Arabic names have meaning as ordinary adjectives and nouns, and are often aspirational of character. For example, Muhammad means 'Praiseworthy' and Ali means 'Exalted' or 'High'.

The syntactic context will generally differentiate the name from the noun or adjective. However Arabic newspapers will occasionally place names in brackets, or quotation marks, to avoid confusion.

In fact, the name Muhammad is so popular throughout parts of Africa, Arabia, the Middle East, South Asia and Southeast Asia, that it is often represented by the abbreviation "Md.", "Mohd.", "Muhd.", or just "M.". In India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines, due to its almost ubiquitous use as a first name, a person will often be referred to by their second name:


The nasab (Arabic : نسب, lit. 'lineage') is a patronymic or matronymic, or a series thereof. It indicates the person's heritage by the word ibn (ابن "son of", colloquially bin) or ibnat ("daughter of", also بنتbint, abbreviated bte.).[ citation needed ] In the 1995 book Name Studies (De Gruyter), Wolfdietrich Fischer  [ de ] wrote that, although the nasab was still common contemporarily, ibn and bint were omitted "in almost all Arab countries". [1]

Ibn Khaldun (ابن خلدون) means "son of Khaldun". Khaldun is the father's personal name or, in this particular case, the name of a remote male ancestor.

ʿAmmār ibn Sumayya means "ʿAmmār son of Sumayya". Sumayya is the personal name of ʿAmmār's mother, the same person can also be identified by his father's personal name "ʿAmmār ibn Yasir". In later Islamic periods the nasab was an important tool in determining a child's father by means of describing paternity in a social (i.e. to whom was the mother legally married during the conception of the child), not a biological sense, because the father's biological identity can be grounds for speculation. In early Islamic contexts this function is not yet well established. This stems from a legal principle introduced by Islam regarding the legal status of children (they can only arise from marriage) and changes to waiting periods relating to divorce to establish an undisputed legal father for any child. This function only developing with Islam means that one can find many Companions of the Prophet bearing a maternal nasab, as the naming conventions reflected in their names still stem from pre-Islamic attitudes and beliefs. [2]

Several nasab names can follow in a chain to trace a person's ancestry backwards in time, as was important in the tribal society of medieval Arabs, both for purposes of identification and for socio-political interactions. Today, however, ibn or bint is no longer used (unless it is the official naming style in a country, region, etc.: Adnen bin Abdallah). The plural is 'Abnā for males and Banāt for females. However, Banu or Bani is tribal and encompasses both sexes.


The laqab (لقب), pl. alqāb (ألقاب), can be translated to English as agnomen; cognomen; nickname; title, honorific; last name, surname, family name. [3] The laqab could be purely descriptive of a person, express admiration or be insulting and derogatory. [4]

An example is the name of the Abbasid caliph Harun al-Rashid, which uses the definite article al- . Harun is the Arabic version of the name Aaron and al-Rasheed means "the Rightly-Guided".

The laqab was used as a regnal title by the caliphs. This was most prominent in Abbasid times, for example al-Manṣūr bi’llāh. [4]

Another common form of laqab is that of compounds ending with al-Dīn (lit.'of the faith' or 'of the religion'), al-Dawla ('of the State'), al-Mulk ('of the Kingdom'), or al-Islām ('of Islam'). [5] Examples include Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn, Shams al-Dīn, Nūr al-Dīn, Izz al-Din, Nāṣir al-Dawla, Niẓām al-Mulk, Sayf al-Islām.

In ancient Arab societies, use of a laqab was common, but today is restricted to the surname, or family name, of birth.


The nisbah (نسبة) surname could be an everyday name, but is mostly the name of the ancestral tribe, clan, family, profession, town, city, country, or any other term used to show relevance. It follows a family through several generations. A demonym example is الحلبيal-Halabi, meaning that the person is originally from Aleppo or a descendant of people from Aleppo. For a profession example, الخياطal-khayyat meaning "the tailor".

The laqab and nisbah are similar in use, but they could be used simultaneously. For example: Sayf Al-Dīn Al-Halabi.


A kunya (Arabic : كنية, kunyah) [6] is a teknonym in Arabic names. It is a component of an Arabic name, a type of epithet, in theory referring to the bearer's first-born son or daughter. By extension, it may also have hypothetical or metaphorical references, e.g. in a nom de guerre or a nickname, without literally referring to a son or a daughter. [7] For example, Sabri Khalil al-Banna was known as Abu Nidal, "father of struggle".

Use of a kunya implies a familiar but respectful setting.

A kunya is expressed by the use of abū (father) or umm (mother) in a genitive construction, i.e. "father of" or "mother of" as an honorific in place of or alongside given names in the Arab world.

A kunya may also be a nickname expressing the attachment of an individual to a certain thing, as in Abu Bakr, "father of the camel foal", given because of this person's kindness towards camels.

Common naming practices

Arab Muslim

A common name-form among Arab Muslims is the prefix ʿAbd ("Worshipper", fem.Amah) combined with the word for God (Allah), Abdullah (عبد الله "Worshipper of God"), or with one of the epithets of God.

As a mark of deference, ʿAbd is usually not conjoined with the prophet's names. [8] Nonetheless, such names are accepted in some areas. Its use is not exclusive to Muslims and throughout all Arab countries, the name Abdel-Massih, "Servant of Christ", is a common Christian last name.

Converts to Islam may often continue using the native non-Arabic non-Islamic names that are without any polytheistic connotation, or association.

Arab Christian

Generally, Arab Christians have names indistinguishable from Muslims, with the exception of some explicitly Islamic names, e.g. Muhammad. Some common Christian names are:

ʿAbd al-Yasuʿ (masc. ) / Amat al-Yasuʿ (fem.) ("Servant of Jesus")
ʿAbd al-Masiḥ (masc.) / Amat al-Masiḥ (fem.) ("Servant of the Messiah")
Derivations of Maseeḥ ("Messiah"): Masūḥun ("Most Anointed"), Amsāḥ ("More Anointed"), Mamsūḥ "Anointed" and Musayḥ "Infant Christ". The root, M-S-Ḥ, means "to anoint" (as in masah ) and is cognate to the Hebrew Mashiah.

Dynastic or family name

Some people, especially in the Arabian Peninsula, when descendant of a famous ancestor, start their last name with Āl "family, clan" (آل), like the House of Saud ﺁل سعودĀl Suʻūd or Al ash-Sheikh ("family of the sheikh"). Āl is distinct from the definite article (ال). If a reliably-sourced version of the Arabic spelling includes آل (as a separate graphic word), then this is not a case of the definite article, so Al (capitalised and followed by a space, not a hyphen) should be used. Ahl, which has a similar meaning, is sometimes used and should be used if the Arabic spelling is أهل.

Dynasty membership alone does not necessarily imply that the dynastic آل is used – e.g. Bashar al-Assad.

ال'the'al- Maytham al-Tammar
آل'family'/'clan of'Al Bandar bin Abdulaziz Al Saud
أهل'tribe'/'people of'Ahl Ahl al-Bayt


محمد بن سلمان بن أمین الفارسي
Muḥammad ibn Salmān ibn Amīn al-Fārisī

Ism – Muḥammad (proper name, lit. "praised")
Nasab – Salmān (father's name, lit. "secure")
Nasab – Amīn (grandfather's name, "trustworthy")
Nisbah – al-Fārisī ("the Persian").

"Muḥammad, son of Salmān, son of Amīn, the Persian"

This person would simply be referred to as "Muḥammad" or by his kunya, which relates him to his first-born son, e.g. Abū Karīm "father of Karīm". To signify respect or to specify which Muḥammad one is speaking about, the name could be lengthened to the extent necessary or desired.

Common mistakes

Non-Arabic speakers often make these mistakes:

Arab family naming convention

Conventionally, in Arab culture, as in many parts of the world, a person's ancestry and family name are very important. An example is explained below.

Assume a man is called Saleh ibn Tariq ibn Khalid al-Fulan.

Hence, Saleh ibn Tariq ibn Khalid al-Fulan translates as "Saleh, son of Tariq, son of Khalid; who is of the family of al-Fulan."

The Arabic for "daughter of" is bint. A woman with the name Fatimah bint Abdullah ibn Omar al-Rashid translates as "Fatimah, daughter of Abdullah, son of Omar; who is of the family al-Rashid."

In this case, ibn and bint are included in the official naming. Most Arab countries today, however, do not use 'ibn' and 'bint' in their naming system. If Saleh were an Egyptian, he would be called Saleh Tariq Khalid al-Fulan and Fatimah would be Fatimah Abdullah Omar al-Rashid.

If Saleh marries a wife (who would keep her own maiden, family, and surnames), their children will take Saleh's family name. Therefore, their son Mohammed would be called Mohammed ibn Saleh ibn Tariq al-Fulan, not Mohammed ibn Saleh ibn Tariq ibn Khalid al-Fulan (too long).

However, not all Arab countries use the name in its full length, but conventionally use two- and three-word names, and sometimes four-word names in official or legal matters. Thus the first name is the personal name, the middle name is the father's name and the last name is the father's family name.

Biblical names and their Arabic equivalent

The Arabic names listed below are used in the Arab world with correspondent Hebrew, English, Syriac and Greek equivalents in many cases. Most are derived from Syriac transliterations of the Hebrew Bible.

Arabic nameHebrew nameEnglish nameSyriac nameGreek name
ʿĀbir /ʾĪbir عابر / إيبرÉver
ʻĒḇer עֵבֶר
Eber ܥܵܒ݂ܵܪ ʿĀḇār
Alyasaʿ اليسع
Elišaʿ אֱלִישָׁע
Elisha ܐܹܠܝܼܫܲܥ ĒlīšaʿἘλισσαῖος
ʿĀmūs عاموسAmos
ʿĀmōs עָמוֹס
Amos ܥܵܡܘܿܣ ʿĀmōsἈμώς
Andrāwus أندراوس Andrew ܐܲܢܕܪܹܐܘܿܣ AndrēōsἈνδρέας
ʾĀsif آصفAsaph
ʾĀsaf אָסָף
Asaph ܐܵܣܵܦ ʾĀsāp
ʾAyyūb أيّوبIyov / Iov
Iyyov / Iyyôḇ איוב
Job ܐܝܼܘܿܒ݂ ĪyōḇἸώβ
Āzar / Taraḥ آزر / تارح
Téraḥ / Tharakh תֶּרַח / תָּרַח Terah ܬܲܪܚ Tar(ə)ḥΘάρα
Azarīyā أزرياAzaryah עֲזַרְיָהוּ Azariah ܥܲܙܲܪܝܵܐ Azar(ə)yā
Barthulmāwus بَرثُولَماوُس
bar-Tôlmay בר-תולמי Bartholomew ܒܲܪ ܬܘܼܠܡܲܝ Bar-TūlmayΒαρθολομαῖος
Bārak بارك
Bārûḵ בָּרוּךְ
Baruch ܒܵܪܘܿܟ݂ BārōḵΒαρούχ
Binyāmīn بنيامينBinyamin
Binyāmîn בִּנְיָמִין
Benjamin ܒܸܢܝܵܡܹܝܢ BenyāmēnΒενιαμίν
Būlus بولس Paul ܦܲܘܠܘܿܣ PawlōsΠαῦλος
Butrus بطرس Peter ܦܸܛܪܘܿܣ PeṭrōsΠέτρος
Dabūrāh دبوراهDvora
Dəḇôrā דְּבוֹרָה
Deborah ܕܒ݂ܘܿܪܵܐ D(ə)ḇōrāΔεββώρα
Dānyāl دانيالDaniel
Dāniyyêl דָּנִיֵּאל
Daniel ܕܵܢܝܼܐܹܝܠ DānīyyēlΔανιήλ
Dāwud / Dāwūd / Dāʾūd داود / داوُود / داؤودDavid
Davīd  דָּוִד
David ܕܵܘܝܼܕ݂ DāwīḏΔαυίδ, Δαβίδ
Fīlīb/Fīlībus فيليب / فيليبوس Philip ܦܝܼܠܝܼܦܘܿܣ PīlīpōsΦίλιππος
Fāris فارصPéreẓ
Pāreẓ פֶּרֶץ / פָּרֶץ
Perez ܦܲܪܨ Parṣ
ʾIfrāym إفرايمEfraim
Efráyim אֶפְרַיִם/אֶפְרָיִם
Ephraim ܐܲܦܪܹܝܡ Ap̄rēmἘφραίμ
Ḥūbāb حُوبَابَChobab
Ḥovav חֹבָב
Ḥabaqūq حبقوقḤavaqquq חֲבַקּוּק Habakkuk Ἀββακούμ
Ḥajjai حجايḤaggay חַגַּי Haggai Ἁγγαῖος
Ānnāh آنّاه
Ḥannāh חַנָּה Anna (Bible) Ἄννα
Hārūn هارونAharon אהרן Aaron Ἀαρών
Ḥawwāʾ حواءChava / Hava
Ḥavvah חַוָּה
Eve ܚܘܐ Hwuh*/Khwuh*Εὔα
Hūshaʾ هوشعHoshea
Hôšēăʻ הושע
Hosea Ὡσηέ
Ḥassan حسنChoshen
ẖošen חֹשֶׁן
Ḥazqiyāl حزقيال
Y'ḥez'qel יְחֶזְקֵאל
Ezekiel Ἰεζεκιήλ
ʾIbrāhīm إبراهيمAvraham אַבְרָהָם Abraham Ἀβραάμ
Idrees / Akhnookh
Idrīs / Akhnūkh أخنوخ / إدريس
H̱anokh חֲנוֹךְ Enoch / Idris Ἑνώχ
ʾIlyās / ʾIlyāsīn / Īliyā إلياس / إل ياسين / إيليا
Eliahu / Eliyahu
Eliyahu אֱלִיָּהוּ
Elijah 'EliyaἨλίας
ʾImrān عمرام / عمرانAmrām עַמְרָם Amram Ἀμράμ
ʾIrmiyā إرمياYirməyāhū יִרְמְיָהוּ Jeremiah Ἱερεμίας

ʿĪsā / Yasūʿ عيسى / يسوع
Yešuaʿ   יֵשׁוּעַ / יֵשׁוּ
Jesus EeshoʿἸησοῦς
Ǧūšiyā جوشيا
Yôšiyyāhû יֹאשִׁיָּהוּ Josiah Ιωσιας
ʾIsḥāq إسحاق
Yitzhak / Yitzchak
Yitsḥaq יִצְחָק
Isaac Ἰσαάκ
ʾIshʻiyāʾ إشعياYeshayahu
Yəšạʻyā́hû יְשַׁעְיָהוּ
Isaiah Ἠσαΐας
ʾIsmāʿīl إسماعيل
Yišmaʿel / Yišmāʿêl יִשְׁמָעֵאל
Ishmael Ἰσμαήλ
ʾIsrāʾīl إِسرائيل
Israel / Yisrael
Yisraʾel / Yiśrāʾēl ישראל
Israel Ἰσραήλ
Ǧibrīl / Gibril / Ǧibra'īl جِبْريل / جَبْرائيلGavriel
Gavriʾel גַבְרִיאֵל
Gabriel Γαβριήλ
Ǧād / Jād جادGad גָּד Gad Γάδ
Ǧālūt / Jālūt / Julyāt جالوت / جلياتGolyāṯ גָּלְיָת Goliath Γολιάθ
Ǧašam / Ǧūšām جشم / جوشام
Geshem גֶשֶׁם Geshem (Bible) Gashmu
Ǧūrğ / Ǧirğis / Ǧurğ / Ǧurayğ جيرجس George (given name) Γεώργιος
Kilāb / Kalb كلاب/ كلبKalev כָּלֵב Caleb
Lāwī لاويLēvî לֵּוִי Levi Λευΐ
Layā'لياLeah לֵאָה Leah Λεία
Madyān مدينMidian מִדְיָן Midian Μαδιάμ
Majdalā مجدليةMigdal Magdalene MagdalaΜαγδαληνή
Māliki-Ṣādiq ملكي صادقmalki-ṣédeq מַלְכִּי־צֶדֶֿק Melchizedek Μελχισεδέκ
Malākhī ملاخيMal'akhi מַלְאָכִי Malachi Μαλαχίας
Maryam  / Miriam مريم Miriam  / Miryam
Miryam מרים
Mary ܡܪܝܡΜαρία
Mattūshalakh مَتُّوشَلَخَMətušélaḥ
Mətušálaḥ מְתֿוּשָלַח
Methuselah Μαθουσάλας
MattāAmittai אֲמִתַּי Amittai
Mattā / Matatiyā متى / متتياMatitiahu / Matityahu
Matityahu מַתִּתְיָהוּ
Matthew MattaiΜατθαῖος
  Mikāʼīl / Mikaal / Mikhāʼīl ميكائيل / ميكال / ميخائيل
Michael / Mikhael
Miḵaʾel מִיכָאֵל
Michael Μιχαήλ
Mūsā موسىMoshe
Mošé מֹשֶׁה
Moses Μωυσῆς
Nahamiyyā نحمياNeḥemyah נְחֶמְיָה Nehemiah Νεεμίας
Nūḥ نُوحNoach / Noah
Nóaḥ נוֹחַ
Noah Νῶε
Qarūn / Qūraḥ قارون / قورحKórakh
Qōraḥ קֹרַח
Rāḥīl راحيلRakhél
Raḥel רָחֵל
Rachel Ραχήλ
Ṣafnīyā صفنياTzfanya  / Ṣəp̄anyā
Tsfanya צְפַנְיָה
Zephaniah Σωφονίας
Ṣaffūrah صفورة
Tzipora  / Tsippora
Ṣippôrā צִפוֹרָה
Zipporah Σεπφώρα
Sām سام
Shem שֵם Shem Σήμ
Sāmirī سامريZimri זִמְרִי Zimri Zamri
Ṣamu’īl / Ṣamawāl صموئيل / صموال
Shmu'el / Šəmûʼēl
Shmu'el שְׁמוּאֶל
Samuel Σαμουήλ
Sārah سارةSara / Sarah
Sarā שָׂרָה
Sarah  / SaraΣάρα
Shamshūn شمشونShimshon / Šimšôn
Shimshon שִׁמְשׁוֹן
Samson Σαμψών
Sulaymān /  سليمان
Šlomo שְׁלֹמֹה
Solomon Σολομών
Ṭālūt / Šāwul طالوت / شاول
Šāʼûl שָׁאוּל
Saul Σαούλ
Ṭūmās/Tūmā طوماس / توما
Thomas (name) Te'omaΘωμᾶς
ʻUbaydallāh / ʻUbaydiyyā عبيد الله / عبيدييا
ʻOvádyah / ʻOvádyah עבדיה
Obadiah Ὁβαδίας, Ἀβδιού
ʻAmri عمريOmri
ʻOmri עמרי
ʻUzāir عُزَيْرٌEzra
Ezrá עזרא
Yaʿqūb يَعْقُوبYaakov
Yaʿaqov יַעֲקֹב
Jacob, (James)Ἰακώβ
Yaḥyā / Yūḥannā** يحيى / يوحناYochanan / Yohanan
Yôḥānnān יוחנן
John Ἰωάννης
Yahwah يهوه
Yahweh יְהֹוָה
Jehovah ܝܗܘܗ, ܝܗ, ܞ YH, YHWH
Yashshā يَسَّى
Yishay יִשַׁי Jesse Ἰεσσαί
Yathrun (?)
Yathrun / Shu'ayb / شعيب
Yiṯrô יִתְרוֹ
Yūʾīl يوئيل
Yoel יואל) Joel Ἰωήλ
Younos / Younes
 / Yūnus/Yūnān يونس
Yona / Yonah
Yônā יוֹנָה
Jonah YunaἸωνάς
Youssof / Youssef
Yūsuf /  يوسف
Yosef יוֹסֵף Joseph ܝܲܘܣܸܦ Yawsep̄Ἰωσήφ
Yūshaʿ / Yashūʿ يُوشَعُ / يَشُوعُ
Yôshúa יְהוֹשֻׁעַ
Joshua Ἰησοῦς
Zakariyyā / Zakarīyā زَكَرِيَّا
Zecharia /Zekharia
Zeḵaryah זְכַרְיָה
Zachary or ZechariahΖαχαρίας

Arabic names in English

Often Arabic names can be spelled multiple ways in English, and sometimes a person's name may be treated inconsistently. [9]


According to the Chicago Manual of Style , Arabic names are indexed by their surnames. Names may be alphabetized under Abu, Abd and ibn, while names are not alphabetized under al- and el- and are instead alphabetized under the following element. [10]

See also


  1. Fischer, Wolfdietrich (15 May 1995). "Arabische Personennamen". In Eichler, Ernst; Hilty, Gerold; Löffler, Heinrich; Steger, Hugo; Zgusta, Ladislav (eds.). Namenforschung[Name Studies]. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 873–875. ISBN   978-3-11-011426-3.
  2. Mohammadi, Adeel (2016). "The Ambiguity of Maternal Filiation (nasab) in Early and Medieval Islam". The Graduate Journal of Harvard Divinity School (11): 52–68.
  3. Wehr, Hans (1976). Cowan, J Milton (ed.). A Dictionary Of Modern Written Arabic Hans (3rd ed.). Spoken Language Services, Inc. p. 873. ISBN   0-87950-001-8.
  4. 1 2 Bosworth, Clifford Edmund (1986). "Laḳab" . In Bosworth, C. E.; van Donzel, E.; Lewis, B. & Pellat, Ch. (eds.). The Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition. Volume V: Khe–Mahi. Leiden: E. J. Brill. doi:10.1163/1573-3912_islam_COM_0563. ISBN   978-90-04-07819-2.
  5. Bearman, P.; Bianquis, Th.; Bosworth, C.E.; van Donzel, E.; Heinrichs, W.P., eds. (1960–2007). "Ism". Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition. doi:10.1163/1573-3912_islam_SIM_3641.
  6. Shahpurshah Hormasji Hodivala, Historical Studies in Mug̲h̲al Numismatics, Numismatic Society of India, 1976 (Reprint of the 1923 ed.)
  7. Pedzisai Mashiri, "Terms of Address in Shona: A Sociolinguistic Approach", Zambezia, XXVI (i), pp. 93–110, 1999
  8. Metcalf, Barbara D. (8 September 2009). Islam in South Asia in Practice. Princeton University Press. p. 344. ISBN   978-1-4008-3138-8. One must avoid names whose ambiguity suggests something unlawful. It is for this reason that the scholars forbid having names like 'Abd al-Nabi (Slave of the Prophet).
  9. Notzon, Beth; Nesom, Gayle (February 2005). "The Arabic Naming System" (PDF). Science Editor. 28 (1): 20–21. ISSN   1535-5365.
  10. "Indexes: A Chapter from The Chicago Manual of Style" (Archive). Chicago Manual of Style. Retrieved on December 23, 2014. p. 25 (PDF document p. 27/56).