List of countries by average wage

Last updated

The average wage is a measure of total income after taxes divided by total number of employees employed. In this article, the average wage is adjusted for living expenses "purchasing power parity" (PPP). This is not to be confused with the average income which is a measure of total income including wage, investment benefit, and other capital gains divided by total number of people in the population including non-working residents. Average wages can differ from median wages; for example, the Social Security Administration estimated that the 2020 average wage in the United States was $53,383, while the 2020 median wage was $34,612. [1]


OECD statistics

The OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) dataset contains data on average annual wages for full-time and full-year equivalent employees in the total economy. Average annual wages per full-time equivalent dependent employee are obtained by dividing the national-accounts-based total wage bill by the average number of employees in the total economy, which is then multiplied by the ratio of average usual weekly hours per full-time employee to average usually weekly hours for all employees.

*Indicates "Economy of [country or territory]" links.

Development of average annual wages 2000–2023 (USD PPP) [2]
Flag of Luxembourg.svg Luxembourg * 71,30078,84982,89389,767
Flag of Iceland.svg Iceland * 65,60062,44780,59387,421
Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg Switzerland * 69,71377,95480,08583,332
Flag of the United States.svg United States * 63,37569,73280,80480,115
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Belgium * 67,33869,95370,43073,206
Flag of Norway.svg Norway * 49,62164,71671,36171,972
Flag of Austria.svg Austria * 63,86069,73571,91171,167
Flag of the Netherlands.svg Netherlands * 67,86674,87975,53370,185
Flag of Denmark.svg Denmark * 55,94266,18771,15369,525
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Australia * 55,10963,59568,58167,101
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Canada * 52,87859,61766,53966,211
Flag of Germany.svg Germany * 57,26359,01267,20665,719
Flag of France.svg France * 49,75956,85557,56559,087
Flag of New Zealand.svg New Zealand * 39,76448,51656,25158,097
Flag of Sweden.svg Sweden * 43,87152,81859,68657,996
Flag of Finland.svg Finland * 49,03356,81758,46557,860
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom * 48,25556,17557,28357,617
Flag of Ireland.svg Ireland * 42,99560,19161,20256,809
Flag of Slovenia.svg Slovenia * 36,28346,84352,99255,660
Flag of Spain.svg Spain * 48,94152,93350,41151,336
Flag of South Korea.svg South Korea * 34,04941,95650,99949,062
Flag of Italy.svg Italy * 50,54153,14049,35948,874
Flag of Lithuania.svg Lithuania * 18,59930,82548,16348,864
Flag of Japan.svg Japan * 47,68346,98548,25746,792
Flag of Poland.svg Poland * 26,79131,66042,06241,050
Flag of Latvia.svg Latvia * 14,30023,61435,38338,740
Flag of Portugal.svg Portugal * 35,89536,60736,28137,500
Flag of Estonia.svg Estonia * 15,90227,28238,69637,404
Flag of the Czech Republic.svg Czech Republic * 22,46132,05939,78537,366
Flag of Slovakia.svg Slovakia * 19,87227,47132,82231,733
Flag of Hungary.svg Hungary * 19,59426,17630,11031,709
Flag of Greece.svg Greece * 32,92139,17130,59930,238

UNECE statistics

World map of average monthly wage per UNECE statistics
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>= $7,000
< $250
Data unavailable UNECE average monthly wage by country (2022).svg
World map of average monthly wage per UNECE statistics
  •   ≥ $7,000
  •   $6,000–$7,000
  •   $5,000–$6,000
  •   $4,000–$5,000
  •   $3,000–$4,000
  •   $2,000–$3,000
  •   $1,500–$2,000
  •   $1,250–$1,500
  •   $1,000–$1,250
  •   $750–$1,000
  •   $500–$750
  •   $250–$500
  •   < $250
  •   Data unavailable

The gross average monthly wage estimates for 2023 are computed by converting national currency figures from the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Statistical Database, compiled from national and international (the CIS, Eurostat, the OECD) official sources. Wages in U.S. dollars are computed by the UNECE Secretariat using purchasing-power-parity dollars.

Gross average monthly wages cover total wages and salaries in cash and in kind, before any tax deduction and before social security contributions. They include wages and salaries, remuneration for time not worked, bonuses and gratuities paid by the employer to the employee. Wages cover the total economy and are expressed per full-time equivalent employee. [3]

*Indicates "Economy of [country or territory]" links.

CountryGross Average Monthly Wages (USD, at current exchange rates) [4] Year
Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg Switzerland * 8,7652023
Flag of Luxembourg.svg Luxembourg * 7,2922023
Flag of Iceland.svg Iceland * 6,7782023
Flag of the United States.svg United States * 6,6762023
Flag of Denmark.svg Denmark * 6,0232023
Flag of Norway.svg Norway * 5,4372023
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Belgium * 5,1082023
Flag of the Netherlands.svg Netherlands * 5,0052023
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Canada * 5,0042023
Flag of Ireland.svg Ireland * 4,8652023
Flag of Austria.svg Austria * 4,7982023
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom * 4,4622023
Flag of Germany.svg Germany * 4,3532023
Flag of Finland.svg Finland * 4,3502023
Flag of Sweden.svg Sweden * 3,9822023
Flag of France.svg France * 3,9292023
Flag of Israel.svg Israel * 3,5072023
Flag of Slovenia.svg Slovenia * 3,0582023
Flag of Italy.svg Italy * 2,9242023
Flag of Spain.svg Spain * 2,8792023
Flag of Cyprus.svg Cyprus * 2,5552023
Flag of Lithuania.svg Lithuania * 2,1732023
Flag of the Czech Republic.svg Czech Republic * 2,0132023
Flag of Portugal.svg Portugal * 1,9832023
Flag of Estonia.svg Estonia * 1,9812023
Flag of Croatia.svg Croatia * 1,7132023
Flag of Slovakia.svg Slovakia * 1,7062023
Flag of Latvia.svg Latvia * 1,6622023
Flag of Poland.svg Poland * 1,6362023
Flag of Romania.svg Romania * 1,6102023
Flag of Greece.svg Greece * 1,5942023
Flag of Hungary.svg Hungary * 1,4522023
Flag of Bulgaria.svg Bulgaria * 1,1132023
Flag of Serbia.svg Serbia * 1,0942023
Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina.svg Bosnia and Herzegovina * 1,0772023
Flag of Montenegro.svg Montenegro * 1,0672023
Flag of North Macedonia.svg North Macedonia * 9652023
Flag of Russia.svg Russia * 9362013
Flag of Turkey.svg Turkey * 9172022
Flag of Kazakhstan.svg Kazakhstan * 7992023
Flag of Georgia.svg Georgia * 7072023
Flag of Albania.svg Albania * 7012023
Flag of Armenia.svg Armenia * 6882023
Flag of Moldova.svg Moldova * 6722023
Flag of Belarus.svg Belarus * 6372023
Flag of Azerbaijan.svg Azerbaijan * 5492023
Flag of Ukraine.svg Ukraine * 4772023
Flag of Turkmenistan.svg Turkmenistan * 4012017
Flag of Kyrgyzstan.svg Kyrgyzstan * 3602023
Flag of Uzbekistan.svg Uzbekistan * 3242023
Flag of Tajikistan.svg Tajikistan * 1602022

See also


  1. "Average wages, median wages, and wage dispersion".
  2. "OECD.Stat: Average annual wages"
  3. "Gross Average Monthly Wages by Country and Year (2020)". UNECE. Retrieved 24 August 2016.
  4. "Gross Average Monthly Wages by Country and Year",