List of dyes

Last updated

This is a list of dyes with Colour Index International generic names and numbers and CAS Registry numbers.


Common nameSynonymsC.I. generic nameC.I. numberClassCAS number
Acid Black 52Acid Black 5215711azo 5610-64-0
Acid Blue ASWeak Acid Blue Acid Blue 25 62055 anthraquinone 6408-78-2
Acid fuchsin Acid Magenta
Acid Rubin
Acid Violet 1942685 triarylmethane 3244-88-0
Acid orange 3Acid orange 310385nitro 6373-74-6
Acid orange 19 Acid Orange 1914690 azo 3058-98-8
Acid orange 20 Orange IAcid Orange 2014600azo 523-44-4
Acid Red 13 Fast red EAcid red 1316045azo 2302-96-7
Acid red 25Acid red 2516050azo 5858-93-5
Acid red 88 Fast red AAcid red 8815620azo 1658-56-6
Acid Red 95Erythrosine Y
Acid red 9545425xanthene 33239-19-9
Acridine orange EuchrysineBasic Orange 1446005 acridine 494-38-2
Acridine red 3B45000pyronin 2465-29-4
Acriflavine Trypaflavine46000acridine 65589-70-0
10597-46-3 (hydrochloride)
Alcian Blue 8GXAlcian BlueIngrain Blue 174240phthalocyanine 75881-23-1
Alcian yellow GXSSudan orangeIngrain yellow 112840azo 61968-79-1
Alizarin Turkey redMordant red 11
Pigment red 83
58000anthraquinone 72-48-0
Alizarin blue67410anthraquinone 66675-89-6
Alizarin cyanin BBSAnthracene blue SWXMordant blue 2358610anthraquinone 8005-67-2
Alizarin Red S alizarin carmineMordant red 358005anthraquinone 130-22-3
Alizarin VioletGalleinMordant violet 2545445fluorone 2103-64-2
Alizarin yellow GGMordant yellow 114025azo 584-42-9
Alizarin yellow R Mordant orange 114030azo 1718-34-9 (Na salt)
2243-76-7 (acid)
Alkali blueAlkali blue 4B
Alkali blue 5B
Acid blue 11042750triarylmethane 62152-67-4
Alkannin AnchusinNatural red 2075530natural 517-88-4
Allura Red AC Food red 1716035azo 25956-17-6
Amaranth Azorubin SAcid red 2716185azo 915-67-3
Amido black 10B Amidoschwarz
Naphthol blue black
Acid black 120470diazo 1064-48-8
Aniline black Pigment black 1
Oxidation base 1
50440azine 13007-86-8
Aniline Yellow Sudan yellow R
Induline R
Solvent yellow 111000azo 60-09-3
Anthracene blue SWRAlizarin blue 2RCMordant blue 3258605anthraquinone 6372-24-6
Anthrapurpurin 1,2,7-Trihydroxyanthraquinone58255anthraquinone 602-65-3
Apigenin ChamomileNatural yellow 175580natural 520-36-5
Apocarotenal Food orange 640820carotenoid 1107-26-2
Archil redAcid red 7413355azo 6300-18-1
Astaxanthin carotenoid 472-61-7
Astra blue 6GLLAstrablauBasic blue 140743516phthalocyanine 61724-62-7
Auramine O Canary yellowBasic yellow 241000diarylmethane 2465-27-2
Aurin Rosolic acid
43800triarylmethane 603-45-2
Aurintricarboxylic acid ATAtriarylmethane 4431-00-9
Azocarmine BAcid red 10350090quinone-imine 25360-72-9
Azocarmine GAcid red 10150085quinone-imine 25641-18-3
Azo-eosinAzoeosin GAcid red 414710azo 5858-39-9
Azo Fuchsine 6BAcid violet 718055azo 4321-69-1
Azophloxine Red 2G
Azogeranin B
Amidonaphthol red G
Acid red 1
Food red 10
18050azo 3734-67-6
Azorubine Acid red 14
Food red 3
14720azo 3567-69-9
Azo violet Magneson Iazo 74-39-5
Azure A Methylene azure A52005thiazin 531-53-3
Azure B Methylene azure B52010thiazin 531-55-2
Azure C Methylene azure C52002thiazin 531-57-7
Basic Black 2 Basic black 211825azo 4443-99-6
Basic Red 18 Basic red 1811085azo 25198-22-5
Benzanthrone Solvent yellow 182589005benzanthrone 82-05-3
Benzo scarlet 4BNSAmyloid redDirect red 7229200diazo 8005-64-9
Benzyl violetFD&C violet No. 1Acid violet 49
Food violet 2
42640triarylethlamine 1694-09-3
Berberine UmbellatineNatural yellow 1875160natural 2086-83-1
Betanin Beetroot rednatural 7659-95-2
Biebrich scarlet Croceine scarlet
Ponceau B
Acid red 6626905diazo 4196-99-0
Bismarck brown RVesuvine brownBasic brown 421010diazo 8005-78-5
Bismarck brown Y Vesuvine BA
Phenylene brown
Manchester brown
Basic brown 121000diazo 8005-77-4
Black 7984 Food black 227755diazo 2118-39-0
Blue MX-R Reactive blue 461205anthraquinone 13324-20-4
BODIPY Dipyrrometheneboron difluoride 138026-71-8
Brazilin/Brazilein Natural red 2475280natural 474-07-7
Brilliant Black BN Food Black 128440diazo 2519-30-4
Brilliant blue FCF Erioglaucine
FD&C Blue No. 1
Acid blue 9
Food blue 2
42090triarylethlamine 3844-45-9
Brilliant cresyl blue Cresyl blue BBSBasic dye51010oxazin 81029-05-2
Brilliant green Malachite green G
Basic green 142040triarylmethane 633-03-4
Bromsulfthalein BSPtriarylmethane 71-67-0
Bromocresol green BCGtriarylmethane 76-60-8
Bromocresol purple BCPtriarylmethane 115-40-2
Bromodeoxyuridine BDU 59-14-3
Bromophenol blue BPB
triarylmethane 115-39-9
Bromopyrogallol red Dibromopyrogallosulfonphthaleintriarylmethane 16574-43-9
Bromothymol blue BTBtriarylmethane 76-59-5
Brooker's merocyanine MOEDmerocyanine 23302-83-2
Brown FK Kipper brownFood Brown 1azo 8062-14-4
Brown HT Chocolate brown HTFood Brown 320285diazo 4553-89-3
Brown MX-5BR Reactive brown 10179060azo 12225-67-1
Cadmium acetate 77185inorganic 543-90-8
Calcofluor whiteFluorescent brightener 2840622stilbene 4193-55-9
Calconcarboxylic acid Patton and Reeder's indicatorazo 3737-95-9
Canthaxanthin Food orange 840850carotenoid 514-78-3
Capsanthin Paprika Natural red 3475133natural 465-42-9
Capsorubin carotenoid 470-38-2
6-Carboxyfluorescein 6-FAMfluorone 3301-79-9
Carmine Cochineal
Carminic acid
Natural red 475470natural 1260-17-9
Carthamin CarthamineNatural red 2675140natural 36338-96-2
Celestin blueMordant blue 1451050oxazin 1562-90-9
Chrome Azurol S AlberonMordant blue 2943825triarylmethane 1667-99-8
Chrome fast yellow 8GLLuxine pure yellow 6GMordant yellow 3356210aminoketone 6486-77-7
Chrome violet CG Aluminon Mordant violet 3943810triphenylmethane 13186-45-3
Chromium(III) chloride Chromic chloride77295inorganic 10025-73-7
Chromium(III) sulfate 77305inorganic 10101-53-8
Chromotrope 2RCarmoisine 6RAcid red 2916570azo 4197-07-3
Chromoxane Cyanin RSolochrome cyanin R
Alizarol cyanin R
Eriochrome cyanin R
Mordant blue 343820triphenylmethane 3564-18-9
Chrysoidine RBasic orange 111320azo 4438-16-8
Chrysoidine YBasic orange 211270azo 532-82-1
Chrysophanol Turkey rhubarbNatural yellow 2375400anthraquinone 481-74-3
Ciba blue TetrabromoindigoVat blue 573065indigoid 5475-31-2
Cibacron Blue F3GA Procion Blue HBReactive blue 261211anthraquinone 12236-82-7
Citrus Red 2 Citrous red No. 2Solvent red 8012156azo 6358-53-8
Congo corinthErie garnet BDirect red 1022145diazo 2429-70-1
Congo red Cotton redDirect red 2822120diazo 573-58-0
Coomassie brilliant blue Brilliant blue RAcid blue 8342660triarylmethane 6104-59-2
Cotton scarletAcid red 7327290diazo 5413-75-2
Coumarin 7Disperse yellow 82
Solvent yellow 145
Solvent yellow 185
551200coumarin 27425-55-4
Crystal violet Gentian violet
Methyl violet 10B
Basic violet 342555triarylmethane 548-62-9
Cudbear Orcein
Natural red 28758600natural 1400-62-0
Curcumin Natural yellow 375300natural 458-37-7
D&C Red 33 Azo fuchsineAcid red 3317200azo 3567-66-6
o-Dianisidine Disperse black 624110diazo 119-90-4
Dibenzpyrenequinone Vat golden yellow GKVat yellow 459100anthraquinone 128-66-5
Dibromoanthanthrone Vat brilliant orange 3RKVat orange 3
Pigment red 168
59300anthanthrone 4378-61-4
2,5-DichlorobenzenediazoniumFast Scarlet GGAzoic diazo component 337010diazonium salt 15470-55-0
Dichlorophenolindophenol DCPIP 956-48-9
Direct blue 218Direct blue 21824401diazo 28407-37-6
Direct brown 2Direct brown 222311diazo 2429-82-5
Direct sky blue 5BDirect sky blue FB Direct Blue 15 22400diazo 2429-74-5
Direct sky blue 6BDirect sky blue FF Direct Blue 1 24410diazo 2610-05-1
Direct yellow 4Brilliant fast yellowDirect yellow 424890diazo 3051-11-4
Direct yellow 106Brilliant fast yellowDirect yellow 10640300stilbene 12222-60-5
Disperse blue 11,4,5,8-TetraaminoanthraquinoneDisperse blue 1
Solvent blue 18
64500anthraquinone 2475-45-8
Disperse blue 124Disperse blue 124111938azo 61951-51-7
Disperse Orange 1 4-anilino-4'-nitroazobenzeneDisperse orange 111080azo 2581-69-3
Disperse orange 3Disperse orange 3
Solvent orange 9
11005azo 730-40-5
Disperse orange 111-Amino-2-methylanthraquinoneDisperse orange 11
Solvent orange 35
60700anthraquinone 82-28-0
Disperse orange 13Seriplas Orange BLDisperse orange 13
Solvent orange 52
26080diazo 6253-10-7
Disperse red 1Disperse red 1
Solvent red 14
11110azo 2872-52-8
Disperse Red 9 1-(methylamino)anthraquinoneDisperse red 9
Solvent red 111
60505anthraquinone 82-38-2
Disperse Red 11 1,4-diamino-2-methoxyanthraquinoneDisperse red 1162015anthraquinone 2872-48-2
Disperse Red 60 1-amino-4-hydroxy-2-phenoxyanthraquinoneDisperse red 6060756anthraquinone 17418-58-5
Disperse Yellow 3Disperse yellow 3
Solvent yellow 77
Solvent yellow 99
11855azo 2832-40-8
Disperse Yellow 26 Disperse yellow 2610348nitrodiphenylamine 16611-15-7
Disperse Yellow 42 Disperse yellow 4210338nitrodiphenylamine 5124-25-4
Durazol blue 8G Direct blue 86 74180phthalocyanine 1330-38-7
Ellagic acid Alizarine yellow75270natural 476-66-4
Eosin B Eosine bluish
Imperial red
Acid red 9145400fluorone 548-24-3
Eosin Y wsEosine yellowish
Acid red 8745380fluorone 17372-87-1
Eriochrome Black T Chrome blackMordant black 1114645azo 1787-61-7
Erythrosin B Red No. 3
Food red 14
Acid red 5145430fluorone 16423-68-0
Ethyl eosinAlcohol soluble eosinSolvent red 4545386fluorone 6359-05-3
Ethyl β-apo-8′-carotenoateCarophyll yellow Food orange 7 40825carotenoid 1109-11-1
Ethyl Green 42590triarylmethane 14855-76-6
Ethyl violetBasic violet 442600triarylmethane 2390-59-2
Evans blue Azovan blueDirect blue 5323860azo 314-13-6
Fast red BRed B baseAzoic diazo component 537125diazonium salt 27761-26-8
Fast blue BAzoic diazo component 4837235diazonium salt 20282-70-6
Fast Green FCF Food green 342053triarylmethane 2353-45-9
Fast Yellow AB Acetyl yellowAcid yellow 9
Food yellow 2
13015azo 2706-28-7
Flavazine LAcid yellow 1118820azo 6359-82-6
Fluoran triarylmethane 596-24-7
Fluorescein Solvent yellow 9445350fluorone 2321-07-5
Food orange 7 Food orange 740825carotenoid 1109-11-1
Fuchsine Basic fuchsin
Magenta I
Basic violet 1442510triarylmethane 632-99-5
Gallamin blueMordant blue 4551045oxazin 1563-02-6
Gallocyanin Mordant blue 1051030oxazin 1562-85-2
Gossypetin 75750natural 489-35-0
Green S Acid green 50
Food green 4
44090triarylmethane 3087-16-9
Guinea green BGuinea greenAcid green 3
Food green 1
42085triarylmethane 4680-78-8
Hematoxylin/Hematein Natural black 175290natural 517-28-2
Hofmann's VioletDahlia
42530triarylmethane 8004-86-2
Hydroxynaphthol blue azo 63451-35-4
Indigo Indigo blueVat blue 173000indigoid 482-89-3
Indigo carmine (synthetic)IndigoAcid blue 7473015indigoid 860-22-0
Indigo carmine (natural)Natural blue 2
Food blue 1
75781natural 860-22-0
Indocyanine green Cardiogreencyanine 3599-32-4
Induline Solvent blue 750400azine 8004-98-6
Iodine green42556triarylmethane 33231-00-4
Isosulfan blue Patent blue violetAcid blue 1
Food blue 3
42045triarylmethane 129-17-9
Janus Green B Union green BBasic dye11050azo 2869-83-2
Juglone Oil red BS
Black walnut
Natural brown 775500natural 481-39-0
Kaempferol RhamnoluteinNatural yellow 1375640natural 520-18-3
Kermes Kermesic acid Natural red 375460natural 18499-92-8
Lac Shellac
Laccaic acid
Xanthokermesic acid
Natural red 2575450natural 60687-93-6
Lanosol yellow 4GReactive yellow 3918976azo 70247-70-0
Lawsone Hennotannic acid
Natural orange 675480natural 83-72-7
Light green SF yellowish Acid green
Lissamine green SF
Acid green 542095triarylmethane 5141-20-8
Lissamine fast redAcid red 3717045azo 6360-07-2
Lissamine flavine FFBrilliant acid yellow 8G
Fenazo yellow XX
Brilliant sulpho flavine FF
Acid yellow 756205aminoketone 2391-30-2
Lissamine rhodamine BKiton rhodamine B
Sulphorhodamine B
Xylene red B
Acid red 5245100xanthene 3520-42-1
Lithol Rubine BK Pigment red 5715850azo 5858-81-1
Luteolin natural 491-70-3
Luxol fast blue MBS Solvent blue 38
Direct blue 86
74180phthalocyanine 1330-38-7
Malachite green Victoria green B
Diamond green B
Basic green 442000triarylmethane 569-64-2
Martius yellow Naphthol yellowAcid yellow 2410315nitro 605-69-6
Mauveine MauveMauveine basic dye50245safranin 6373-22-4
Meldola blue Phenylene blueBasic blue 651175oxazine 966-62-1
Metacresol purple m-cresolsulfonphthaleintriarylmethane 2303-01-7
Metanil yellow Tropaeolin GAcid yellow 3613065azo 587-98-4
Methyl blue Cotton blue
Helvetia blue
Acid blue 9342780triarylmethane 28983-56-4
Methyl green Light greenBasic blue 2042585triarylmethane 82-94-0
Methyl orange Acid orange 5213025azo 547-58-0
Methyl red Acid red 213020azo 493-52-7
Methyl violet 2B Gentian violet BBasic violet 142535triarylmethane 8004-87-3
Methyl violet 6B 42536triarylmethane 84215-49-6
Methyl yellow Butter yellowSolvent yellow 211020azo 60-11-7
Methylene blue Swiss blueBasic blue 9
Solvent blue 8
52015thiazin 61-73-4
Methylene green Basic green 552020thiazin 2679-01-8
Milling red FR Cloth scarletAcid red 15126900diazo 6406-56-0
Milling yellow 3GAcid yellow 4018950azo 6372-96-9
Mordant brown 33 Acid chrome brown RHMordant brown 3313250azo 3618-62-0
Mordant red 19 Chrome red 5GMordant red 1918735azo 1934-24-3
Mordant yellow 16 Mordant yellow 1625100diazo 8003-87-0
Morelloflavone FukugetinNatural yellow 2475600natural 16851-21-1
Morin Calico yellowNatural yellow 1175660natural 480-16-0
Morindin anthraquinone 60450-21-7
Morindone 75430anthraquinone 478-29-5
Murexide Ammonium purpurate56085aminoketone 3051-09-0
Naphthalene blue black CSBlauschwartz NSFAcid black 4120480diazo 5850-37-3
2-Naphthol β-naphtholAzoic coupling component 137500diazonium salt 135-19-3
Naphthol green B Acid green 110020nitroso 19381-50-1
Naphthol yellow S Sulfur yellow SAcid yellow 1
Food yellow 1
10316nitro 846-70-8
Naphthylamin Brown FAcid brown 614625azo 6419-10-5
Neutral red Toluylene redBasic red 550040eurhodin 553-24-2
New fuchsine Magenta IIIBasic violet 242520triarylmethane 3248-91-7
New methylene blue NMBBasic blue 2452030thiazine 1934-16-3
Night blueBasic blue 1544085triarylmethane 4692-38-0
Nigrosin Solvent black 550415azine 11099-03-9
Nigrosin WSAcid black 250420azine 8005-03-6
Nile blue Nile blue sulphateBasic blue 1251180oxazin 2381-85-3
Nile red Nile blue oxazoneoxazone 7385-67-3
5-Nitro-o-anisidine2-Methoxy-5-nitroanilineAzoic diazo component 1337130diazo 99-59-2
Nuclear fast redKernechtrot
Calcium red
60760anthraquinone 6409-77-4
Oil Blue 35 Transparent blue 2NSolvent blue 3561554anthraquinone 17354-14-2
Oil Blue A Unisol blue ASSolvent blue 3661551anthraquinone 14233-37-5
Oil Orange SSOrange OTSolvent Orange 212100azo 2646-17-5
Oil Red O Sudan red 5BSolvent red 2726125diazo 1320-06-5
Olsalazine (di)sodiumMordant yellow 514130azo 15722-48-2 (acid)
6054-98-4 (Na salt)
Orange B Acid orange 13719235azo 15139-76-1
Orange G Orange gelbAcid orange 1016230azo 1936-15-8
Para red Paranitraniline redPigment red 112070azo 6410-10-2
Pararosanilin Magenta 0
Basic fuchsin
Basic red 942500triarylmethane 569-61-9
Patent Blue V Sulphan blueAcid blue 3
Food blue 5
42051triarylmethane 3536-49-0
Perylenetetracarboxylic dianhydride PTCDAPigment red 22471127perylene 128-69-8
p-Phenylenediamine ParaphenylenediamineDeveloper 1376060oxidation base 106-50-3
Phloxine BAcid red 9245410fluorone 18472-87-2
Picric acid Trinitrophenol10305nitro 88-89-1
Pigment Red 179 Perylene maroonVat red 23
Pigment red 179
71130perylene 5521-31-3
Pigment Red 190 Vat red 29
Pigment red 190
71140perylene 6424-77-7
Pigment Violet 29 Pigment violet 29
Pigment brown 26
71129perylene 81-33-4
Ponceau 2R Xylidine ponceauAcid red 26
Food red 5
16150azo 3761-53-3
Ponceau 3R FD&C Red No. 1Food red 616155azo 3564-09-8
Ponceau 4R Cochineal red A
Brilliant scarlet 3R
Acid red 1816255azo 2611-82-7
Ponceau 6R Crystal scarlet
Crystal ponceau 6R
Brilliant crystal scarlet 6R
Acid red 4416250azo 2766-77-0
Ponceau S Acid red 11227195diazo 6226-79-5
Primuline Carnotine
Chloramine yellow
Direct yellow 5949010thiazole 8064-60-6
Prodan naphthalene 70504-01-7
PurpurinAlizarin purpurin
58205anthraquinone 81-54-9
Purpuroxanthin 1,3-Dihydroxyanthraquinone 75340anthraquinone 518-83-2
Pyranine D&C green 8Solvent green 759040pyrene 6358-69-6
Pyrogallol Pryogallic acidOxidation Base 3276515oxidation base 87-66-1
Pyronin B45010pyronin 2150-48-3
Pyronin YPyronin G45005pyronin 92-32-0
Quercetin XanthaurineNatural yellow 1075670natural 117-39-5
Quercitrin Thujin75720natural 522-12-3
Quinalizarin Alizarin bordeaux BMordant violet 2658500anthraquinone 81-61-8
Quinizarin 1,4-Dihydroxyanthraquinone Solvent orange 8658050anthraquinone 81-64-1
Quinizarine Green SS Solvent green 361565anthraquinone 128-80-3
Quinoline Yellow SS Solvent yellow 3347000quinoline 8003-22-3
Quinoline Yellow WS Japan yellow 203Acid yellow 3
Food yellow 13
47005quinoline 8004-92-0
Red HE-3B Reactive red 120292775diazo 61951-82-4
Remazol Brilliant Blue R Reactive blue 1961200anthraquinone 2580-78-1
Rhodamine 123 rhodamine 62669-70-9
Rhodamine 6G Basic red 145160rhodamine 989-38-8
Rhodamine B Basic violet 1045170rhodamine 81-88-9
Rhamnazin 75700natural 552-54-5
RhamnocitrinKaempferol 7-O-methyl etherNatural green 275650natural 569-92-6
Riboflavin-5-Sodium Phosphate Coflavinase 130-40-5
Rose bengal Acid red 9445440fluorone 632-68-8
Rottlerin KamalaNatural yellow 2575310natural 82-08-6
Ruthenium red Ammoniated ruthenium oxychloride77800inorganic 11103-72-3
Rutin Rutoside
75730natural 153-18-4
Saffron CrocinNatural yellow 6
Natural yellow 19
Natural red 1
75100natural 89382-88-7
Safranin OBasic red 250240safranin 477-73-6
Scarlet GN Ponceau SXFood red 114700azo 4548-53-2
Seminaphtharhodafluor SNARFfluorone 153967-04-5
Sirius red 4BChlorantine fast red 5BDirect red 8128160diazo 2610-11-9
Sirius red F3B Direct red 8035780diazonium salt 2610-10-8
Sirius scarlet GGDurazol scarlet 2G
Solantine scarlet G
Direct red 7640270stilbene 1325-63-9
Smoke royal purple 1,4-Diamino-2,3-dihydroanthraquinone Solvent violet 4761690anthraquinone 81-63-0
Solvent Red 26 Oil red EGNSolvent red 2626120diazo 4477-79-6
Solvent Violet 13 Oil violet 401
D&C Violet No.2
Solvent violet 13
Disperse blue 72
60725anthraquinone 81-48-1
Solvent Yellow 56 Euromarker
Sudan 455
Solvent yellow 5611021azo 2481-94-9
Solvent Yellow 124 Euromarker SY 124Solvent yellow 124111155azo 34432-92-3
Spirit blue Opal blue SSSolvent blue 2342760triarylmethane 2152-64-9
Stains-all DBTCthiazole 7423-31-6
Sudan Black BFat black HB Solvent Black 3 26150azo 4197-25-5
Sudan I Solvent yellow RSolvent yellow 1412055azo 842-07-9
Sudan II Sudan redSolvent orange 712140azo 3118-97-6
Sudan III Sudan red BKSolvent red 2326100diazo 85-86-9
Sudan IV Scarlet R
Scharlach R
Biebrich scarlet R
Solvent red 2426105diazo 85-83-6
Sudan Red 7B Novasol red RNSolvent red 1926050diazo 6368-72-5
Sudan Red G Oil red GSolvent red 112150azo 1229-55-6
Sudan Yellow 3G Solvent yellow 1612700azo 4314-14-1
Sulforhodamine 101 SR101rhodamine 60311-02-6
Sulphur black 1 Sulphur black 153185 sulfur 1326-82-5
Sulphur black 11Sulphur black 1153190sulfur 1327-14-6
Sulphur blue 7Sulphur blue 753440sulfur 1327-57-7
Sun yellowDirect yellow 1140000stilbene 1325-37-7
Sunset yellow FCF Orange yellow SFood yellow 315985azo 2783-9-0
SYBR Green I cyanine 163795-75-3
Tartrazine Acid yellow T
Hydrazine yellow
Acid yellow 2319140azo 1934-21-0
Texas Red Sulforhodamine 101 acid chloriderhodamine 82354-19-6
Thioflavine S Direct yellow 749010thiazole 12262-60-1
Thioflavine T Basic yellow 149005thiazole 2390-54-7
Thioindigo DyStarVat red 4173300thioindigo 522-75-8
Thionin Lauth's violet52000thiazin 581-64-6
Thymolphthalein triarylmethane 125-20-2
Titan yellow Clayton yellowDirect yellow 919540azo 1829-00-1
Toluidine blue Tolonium chlorideBasic blue 1752040thiazin 92-31-9
Tropaeolin O Chrysoine resorcinol
Sulpho orange
Gold yellow
Acid orange 6
Food yellow 8
14270azo 547-57-9
Tropaeolin OOFast yellow Acid orange 5 13080azo 554-73-4
Tropaeolin OOO2Orange II
2-napththol orange
Acid Orange 7 15510azo 633-96-5
Trypan blue Niagara blue 3BDirect blue 1423850diazo 72-57-1
Tyrian purple Phoenician redNatural violet 175800natural 19201-53-7
Uranin Fluoresceine sodiumAcid yellow 7345350fluorone 518-47-8
Vat Blue 6Blue KVat blue 669825anthraquinone 130-20-1
Vat Blue 36 Vat blue 3673675indigoid 6424-69-7
Vat brown 1 Vat brown 170802anthraquinone 2475-33-4
Vat Green 1 Jade green baseVat green 159825anthraquinone 128-58-5
Vat Green 9 Vat black BBVat green 959850anthraquinone 6369-65-9
Vat Orange 1 Vat golden yellow RKVat orange 159105anthraquinone 1324-11-4
Vat Yellow 1 Flavanthrone
Indofast yellow
Vat yellow 170600anthraquinone 475-71-8
Vat yellow 2Vat yellow 267300anthraquinone 129-09-9
Victoria blue 4RBasic blue 842563triarylmethane 2185-87-7
Victoria blue BBasic blue 2644045triarylmethane 2580-56-5
Victoria blue BO Basic blue 742595triarylmethane 2390-60-5
Victoria blue R Basic blue 1144040triarylmethane 2185-86-6
Violanthrone DibenzanthroneVat blue 2059800violanthrone 116-71-2
Water blue Aniline blueAcid blue 2242755triarylmethane 28631-66-5
Woodstain scarletCrocein scarlet 3B
Brilliant crocein MOO
Acid red 7327290diazo 5413-75-2
Wool red BFast milling red BAcid red 11527200diazo 6226-80-8
Xylene cyanol FFAcid blue 14742135triarylmethane 2650-17-1
Yellow 2G Lissamine fast yellowAcid yellow 17
Food yellow 5
18965azo 6359-98-4
Yellow H-A Reactive yellow 313245azo 6539-67-9


See also


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